Surperiority Of Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

02 Nov 2017

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Prepared for ECE 5462 Team Paper Yuan Chi Automotive System Engineering Program University of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, USA [email protected] Feng Dang Automotive System Engineering Program University of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, USA [email protected] Zhi Li Automotive System Engineering Program University of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, USA [email protected] Jianan Ma Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, USA [email protected] Keyi Xing Automotive ...

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Analysis Of Beams Frames And Trusses

02 Nov 2017

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Structural elements are used to split a complex structure into simple elements in structural analysis. An structure element cannot be broken decomposed into parts of different kinds . A structure is something that will. A structure supports an object or a load and must be strong enough to support its own weight and applied load. 2.1 Beams ...

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Cfd Analysis Of A Wind Turbine

02 Nov 2017

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Wind mills were used for grinding grains and pumping water about three thousand years ago, today wind energy is one of the main sources of getting renewable energy. Wind turbine is a very important mechanical engineers discovery. Converting wind energy in to electrical energy includes several stages of engineering work and problem solving techniques. In order ...

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An Introduction To Aviation

02 Nov 2017

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Aviation is indispensable since its birth, it has provided rapid worldwide transportation network for tourism sectors as well as facilitating world trade and improves quality of life in innumerable ways. As air transport moves over 2.4 billion passengers yearly, we see an ever-increasing demand of flights and the output of carbon emission is growing which ...

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Dielectric Is An Insulator

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Dielectric is a material that has a high resistant in current flow and the other terms for dielectric is an insulator. Dielectrics have no loosely bound electrons in the valence shell but for electric conduction have a high energy gap to keep valence band electron to move out of the conduction band. The flow ...

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Improved Power Quality Of A Stand

02 Nov 2017

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M. Shanmugapriya*1, K.Priyadharsini#2 *P.G(PE&D) student, Department of EEE, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College,Perambalur-12 #Asst.Professor, Department of EEE, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College,Perambalur-12 [email protected] [email protected] Abstract- This paper deals with the control of terminal voltage and frequency of a stand-alone wind-driven self-excited induction generator with variable loads such as linear R-L Load, non-linear Load. In order to ...

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Review Of Application Areas Of Nanotechnology

02 Nov 2017

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Copyright by Ugolo Efetobore Ebibode HIDDEN TEXT: Optional—If you do not include a copyright page, delete entire page and the following page break. The Thesis Committee for University of Aberdeen Certifies that this is the approved version of the following thesis: Resonance damping of a nanopositioner via closed-loop control APPROVED BY SUPERVISING COMMITTEE: Sumeet S. ...

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The Princples Of Light Emitting Diode

02 Nov 2017

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When a light-emitting diode is forward biased (switched on), electrons are able to recombine with holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence and the color of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photon) is determined by the energy gap of the semiconductor. An LED is often small in area (less than 1 mm2), and integrated optical components may be used to ...

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Plc Based Electro Pneumatic

02 Nov 2017

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A pneumatic system is a system that uses pressurised gas to operate mechanical devices. It is powered by a compressor which then powers the mechanical devices through solenoid valve. Advantages of pneumatics: Simplicity of design and control Reliability Cheaper More flexible Safety Air compressor This is a device that converts power into kinetic energy usually ...

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Highly Moist Soil And Stationery Water

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 4 Type of anode available : Table 3.18 Dimension of Hi-Potential Mg Anodes Conditions Taken into consideration ( 30" dia) Length of the pipeline = 1km = 1000m = 3280.83ft. Dia of the pipeline = 30" = 2.50ft. Soil Type : Highly Moist Soil and Stationery Water Current Density : 6mA/ft2. Soil Resistivity: 1000 ...

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The Effects Of Tool Workpiece Relative Position

02 Nov 2017

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aYildiz Technical University, Marine Engineering Department, Besiktas, Istanbul, TURKEY bBitlis Eren University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bitlis, TURKEY Abstract High speed milling(HSM) is known as an advanced machining process increasingly used for modern materials such as nickel or cobalt based superalloys. In this paper, the effect of machining parameters including cutting velocity, feed rate and ...

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The Impact Of Icts On Spatial Structures

02 Nov 2017

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National Technical University of Athens, School of Civil Engineering, Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, 5 Iroon Polytechniou Street, Zografou Campus, 15773 Athens, Greece. *Corresponding author: Tel.: +30 2107721204; E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Psaraki) Special Issue: "The impact of ICTs on Spatial Structures" Abstract In this paper Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) with high potential for ...

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Man Has Always Been Fascinated

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Background Man has always been fascinated by the sky and always wanted to fly like a free bird. This desire to explore the unexplored is the cause for genesis of the aviation industry. From the beaches of Kitty Hawk to the stealth fighter of the day, the industry has grown by leaps and bounds. ...

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Active And Reactive Power Control For Renewable Energy Generation

02 Nov 2017

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by SAHARUDDIN BIN OTHMAN A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy September 2011 DECLARATION I declare that this thesis entitled "Active and reactive power control for renewable energy generation’’ is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis ...

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The Performance Of The Output Of Combined Cycle

02 Nov 2017

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J N Rai1, Naimul Hasan2, B B Arora3, Rajesh Garai4, Rishabh K Gupta5, Rahul Kapoor6 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, India [email protected] 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, India 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India Abstract— A combined cycle plant generates power by combining both gas turbine and ...

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Oxidation Of Chemical Reagents

02 Nov 2017

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FUEL CELL INTRODUCTION The fuel cell is the cell which converts the chemical energy of the fuel into electricity the process takes place with the help of oxidation of chemical reagents. In fuel cell mostly hydrogen is used as Fuel in some cases hydrocarbons is also used. The fuel cells are capable of supplying energy ...

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Lan And Premises Networks Data

02 Nov 2017

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Submitted to Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology EN12406104 D. M. I. A. B. Dassanayake In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Special Honors Degree in Information Technology February 2013 Declaration I certify that this report does not incorporate without acknowledgement, any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in ...

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Maximum Camber Maximum Thickness

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction 1 Research The first chapter will tell about the basic knowledge that’s needed to start with a recommendation. First the theory of flight (1.1) will be addressed to get a basic understanding for how airplanes fly and after comes the primary (1.2) and secondary (1.3) flight controls. Next will be the laws and demands ...

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Galvanic Cell Typed Oxygen Sensor

02 Nov 2017

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A sensor is a device that converts a physical phenomenon into an electrical signal. As such, sensors represent part of the interface between the physical world and the world of electrical devices, such as computers. In short, a sensor is a device that receives a stimulus and responds with an electrical signal. [14] In this ...

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Carbon Emissions Trading On Airline Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Novel business strategy and the gigantic growth in the market makes the air industry into extraordinary boom in the world’s economy, which clearly shows us that today airline industry is one of the fastest growing industrial sector in the world. This is all because of the increased numbers of passengers and aircraft and the growth in ...

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Introduction To Computer Networks

02 Nov 2017

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INWK6111 by Tariq Ayub B00603054 Group 4 Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING Major Subject: Internetworking at DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY Halifax, Nova Scotia February, 2013 � Copyright by Tariq Ayub, 2013 this page is left blank intentionally i Dalhousie University Faculty of Engineering Internetworking The undersigned hereby ...

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Analysis Of Development Of A Solar Tracker

02 Nov 2017

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There is a range of attractive solar tracking systems of moderate size. In this project is needed to survey this field and to develop a two degrees-of-freedom solar tracker. New construction and testing phases can then proceed. The present project deals with the electric power that is produced using solar panel. More precisely, it is ...

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Frontiers Of Chemical Engineering

02 Nov 2017

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Hydrogen Generation Using Rust Chris Mullins, Kevin Keirnan, Robbie Cairns, Andrew Tait Group 10 Abstract This report investigates the potential for using Iron Oxide (α-Fe2O3) in the process of photo-catalysis to generate Hydrogen. The progression of this technology, originating in the 1970’s, has been dormant until recent advances by Dr. Sivula and Dr. Rothschild have ...

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The Appendage Of The Human Body

02 Nov 2017

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The limb can be described as the appendage of the human body used in grasping and locomotion. It consists of the upper and lower limbs which are usually called the arms and the legs respectively. The limb comprises of several bones and joints which are covered by the skin, subcutaneous tissue containing vessels and nerves, ...

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Current Book Value Of Old Machine

02 Nov 2017

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The Nobel Dynamite Company is considering a new packing machine. The existing packing machine cost $500,000 five years ago and is being depreciated @ 20% using WDV over a 10-year life. Nobel’s management estimates that the old machine can be sold for $100,000. The new machine costs $600,000 and would be depreciated @ 40% over ...

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Characterisation Of Light Sources And Rechargeable Batteries

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 2.1 Introduction Initially, the solar cell are analysed in indoor light condition at the lab with help of fig 1.5 from the chapter 1 and the output power of the cell can be varied based on the properties of cell, light condition and temperature. Generally the electrical energy is generated from the solar ...

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The Technology Advances Modern Civil Engineering

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction As the technology advances modern civil engineering tend to construct relatively light, flexible and tall structures. The typical examples are the Taipei 101 Building(508m) in Taipei, Taiwan and the super-high building—Burj Dubai(828m)in Dubai. These structures are more sensitive to dynamic loading such as wind and earthquake because they are built from light, flexible ...

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Master Of Engineering In Internetworking

02 Nov 2017

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Lab Assignment #3 IPv4 Addressing INWK 6111 SECTION – 1 Submitted By: Saair Ali Qureshi B00618386 Question No.1 Binary Decimal MSC 128 +64 +32 +16 +8 +4 +2 LSB +1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 152 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 ...

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Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Powers Supply

02 Nov 2017

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The IC LTC3588-1 articulates a highly efficient buck converter with a low loss full-wave bridge rectifier modified for high output impedance energy source. The piezoelectric transducer is one such high output impedance energy source. Until the buck converter can transfer a portion of the stored charge efficaciously, a wide hysteresis window ultralow quiescent current under ...

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Major Improvements In Modern Industrial Processes

02 Nov 2017

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1.0 Introduction Major improvements in modern industrial processes over the past 50 years can be largely attributed to advances in variable speed motor drives. Prior to the 1950’s most factories used DC motors because three phase induction motors could only be operated at one frequency [1]. Now thanks to advances in power electronic devices and ...

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Pro Je Ct Go A L A Nd Sco Pe

02 Nov 2017

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E​xpe​rime​nta​l De​sign & E​rro​r A​na​lysis Pro​je​ct Go​a​l a​nd Sco​pe​ Su​bmitte​d By: A​li Ka​ra​mi 10054352 Ma​rch 2013 O​il sa​nds a​re​ a​ co​mbina​tio​n o​f sa​nd, wa​te​r, cla​y, a​nd bitu​me​n, a​ he​a​vy bla​ck visco​u​s o​il. The​y ca​n be​ mine​d a​nd proce​sse​d to​ e​xtra​ct the​ o​il-rich bitu​me​n, which is the​n re​fine​d into​ o​il. This bitu​me​n ca​nno​t be​ pu​mpe​d fro​m ...

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Fundamental Approaches Of Modern Nanotechnology

02 Nov 2017

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There are basically two approaches taken into account when producing nanostructures. The "bottom-up" and "top-down" approaches. As the name says, in top-down approach a bulk material is brought down to the nanoscale though lithography and etching techniques. In the bottom-up approach these organic and inorganic Nano-structures are built molecule by molecule or atom by atom. ...

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Motorering Phoenix Team Design Report

02 Nov 2017

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Table of Content Acknowledgements: The 2012-2013 POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest DBF Team would like to thank our coordinating professor, Prof. Petrisor Valentin Parvu who advised us and supported our team. This year’s team would like to acknowledge our sponsors that had an important role in the performance of this competition. Special thanks to TEAMNET, INCAS, ...

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Study On Waste Heat Recovery

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT The world is facing energy crisis and with our fuel resources coming to end, the rate of depletion of non-renewable energy sources must be reduced while developing alternative renewable sources. This research focuses on waste heat recovery of internal combustion engine exhaust. The percentage of energy rejected to the environment through exhaust gas which ...

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Office Building Energy Saving

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1 Office building energy saving is one of the ways to reduce loss of energy in building in Malaysia. To improve the energy efficiency of buildings needs to rational use of energy and improves energy efficiency in ensuring the conditions of building comfort. Building energy-saving specifically refers to that In the building planning, design ...

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Effect Of Chirality And Applications Of Liquid Crystals

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract: To those who know that substances can exist in three states, solid, liquid, and gas, the term "liquid crystal" may be puzzling. How can a liquid be crystalline? However, "liquid crystal" is an accurate description of both the observed state transitions of many substances and the arrangement of molecules in some states of these substances. ...

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The Directionof Incoming Wind

02 Nov 2017

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Pawan Bansodea, Sneha Mulyeb, Vipin Nairc a,b,cUNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI, AC PATIL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NAVI MUMBAI-410210 INDIA. Abstract: Our planet has renewable source of energy in abundance and utilizing it properly and efficiently will satiate human needs beyond its imagination. The radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient ...

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Minimizing Energy Usage In Office

02 Nov 2017

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Muhammad Nazree Bin Amir Faculty of Electrical Engineering UniversitiTeknologi MARA Malaysia 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract— This project presents a simulation of minimizing energy usage in the office by using a better device and equipment such as daylight detector, electronic ballast, low-emission glass, time switch and other device that can minimize the ...

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Clay Rigid Pipes And Abs Pipes

02 Nov 2017

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a)Briefly explain with aid of diagramme ,the construction methodology of laying a sewerage pipes and describe the reasons of different bedding type for vitrified clay ( rigid ) pipes and ABS ( flexible)pipes. A sewerage pipes can be defined as an underground pipe lines or channel owned and maintained by a statutory body.It is also known ...

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An Ethical Case Study

02 Nov 2017

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Part 1: Ethical Case Study Section 1: Introductory Background 24 April 2010, United State Gulf of Mexico case of oil spill leads to the world's attention. According to the report, The U.S. premature opening of deep-sea oil exploration as well as the British Petroleum busy to catch up period is the main cause of the ...

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Invoke Child And Parent Process

02 Nov 2017

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Student’s Name Reg. No. Date of submission : C. W. S. Goonetilleke : 409064899 : 04/03/2013 AIM: Write a C program using the fork () system call that generates the Fibonacci sequence in the child process in Linux. OBJECTIVES: - Familiar with process. - Invoke child and parent process. - Familiar with Linux and windows ...

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Over Current Grading For Different Relays

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT: In this assignment, it is required to perform an over-current grading for different relays with different characteristics according to the given schematic respectively. When a system has two or more relays, it is necessary to grade them with co-ordination of the relays with each other otherwise the relays might be working on a ...

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Rapid Prototyping And Toolings

02 Nov 2017

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Name of faculty Name of student VINDHYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, INDORE vits_trans.png Jan.-June-2012 Recommendation We are pleased to recommend that the thesis work of Mr. name of student entitled " title of thesis" to be accepted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Prof. A. J. ...

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Departments In Selected Company

02 Nov 2017

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1. Forms of Business (Sole proprietorship, partnership Etc.): Forms of Business Sri Lankan Oil Industry Sole Proprietorship Partner ship HUF Co-operative In Sri Lankan oil industry two forms of business can be seen. I.e. sole proprietorship and partnership. For example Ceylon plc is the sole proprietor and cairn ltd. Is having partnership with Lanka IOC ...

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How Cristal Oscillator Works

02 Nov 2017

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D.D.C. Wickramarathna S10646 2010/s/12296 Report on last week's work (12.02.2013) Exercises How Cristal Oscillator works A crystal oscillator is an electronic component, which uses to the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency. This frequency is commonly used to keep track of time, ...

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Project Minimizing Energy Usages

02 Nov 2017

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Submitted to Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology EN12511594 L.S.S.L.Premathilaka In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Special Honors Degree in Information Technology February 2013 Declaration I certify that this report does not incorporate without acknowledgement, any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university, and to the ...

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Reduction Of Harmonics Constant Dc

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER -1 INTRODUCTION [Reduction of harmonics constant DC link load voltages and sinusoidal supply voltage and regeneration of power is difficult in power electronic converter system. Three- phase PWM power converters with DC-link are used in the DC drive system to alleviate harmonics, improve input sinusoidal voltage, power factor and regenerative capability. The model consists ...

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Corrugated Packaging Fea Compression Test

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Corrugated packages are used extensively for transporting and storing fresh produce in the horticultural industry. These packages are expected to protect products from various static and dynamic mechanical hazards such as drops, impacts, vibration and compression loads. The analysis and prediction of the stacking compression load capacity of corrugated packages is important to study ...

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Constant Volume Centralized All Air System

02 Nov 2017

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Name Professor Institution Course Date Constant volume centralized all-air system The constant volume centralized all-air system is unique and different from the fan-coil unit system. The two are different in a number of ways but they also have some similarities. The constant volume centralized system uses air as the medium of transporting energy to the ...

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The Cumulative Probabilities Of Collision

02 Nov 2017

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Falcon-9[26,27] a carrier space craft’s will be attached at the lower plane of Neel Kanth. Two such recoverable and reusable space transportation ships will transport the processed materials towards Earth. Every ship departing from Neel Kanth will get payload of around 1200kg. Loading process in the storage zone will check and record the size ...

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The Energy Crisis Has Emerged In The World

02 Nov 2017

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Nuclear energy or atomic energy is the energy that is liberated when chemical element atoms turn to another element’s atoms, and it’s produced by nuclear reactor specifically by two ways: fission or fusion. The process is called "Nuclear Fission" When heavy elements atoms divided to atoms of lighter elements, and when combine parts ...

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Lighting And Visual Environment

02 Nov 2017

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NT1030 Building Services Engineering Science Research the properties of light. Within your work you should discuss how light is produced, how different colours are produced and how light travels. Light is a form of radiant energy or electromagnetic energy that travels in waves made up of vibrating electric and magnetic fields. These waves of energy ...

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Airtricity Entered The Republic Of Ireland

02 Nov 2017

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Airtricity Transmission & Distribution of Electricity Paul Keely B00038004 Submitted to the Department of Engineering, School of Informatics and Engineering, Blanchardstown Institute of Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of BSc (Hons) Energy Systems & Industrial Automation March 2013 I hereby certify that the material, which is submitted in this assignment/project, ...

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Reducing Oxides Of Nitrogen

02 Nov 2017

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SR.Premkartikkumar*, K.Annamalai, A.R.Pradeepkumar Department of Automobile Engineering, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India *Corresponding author. Tel: +91-44-22234809 Fax: +91-44-22475070 Email address: [email protected] Reducing oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and improving thermal efficiency of a DI diesel engine using oxygen enriched hydrogen gas Abstract Automotives give out more pollutants. These pollutants become a big ...

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Experimental Investigations On A Diesel Engine

02 Nov 2017

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MULTIWALLED CARBON NANOTUBES BLENDED BIODIESEL FUELS Prajwal Tewari , Eshank Doijode , N.R. Banapurmath 2 , V.S. Yaliwal 3 1Students, 2 Professor, B.V.B. College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli 580031, India 3 Assistant Professor, S.D.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad 580 002, Karnataka, India Corresponding author: [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT Experimental investigations were carried out ...

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The Concept Of Power Control

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 2 Power Electronics has modernized the concept of power control for power conversion and for control of electrical motor drives. It upholds an intelligent and corporeal solution to achieve the objectives of flexible and efficient control of various electrical machinery and systems. With the development of power semiconductor technology, the power handling capabilities and ...

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International Conference On Electrical Engineering

02 Nov 2017

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Performance Analysis of a New Structure Hybrid Excitation Flux Switching Motor for High-Speed Hybrid Electric Vehicles E. Sulaiman1, N. S. M. Amin1, and T. Kosaka2 1Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Locked Bag 101, Batu Pahat, Johor, 86400 Malaysia 2Nagoya Institute of Technology, 466-8555, Nagoya, Japan Abstract Hybrid excitation machines (HEMs) that consist of permanent magnet ...

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Air Conditioning System Using Evaporative Cooling

02 Nov 2017

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This paper is s study on an innovative approach for efficient air conditioning system using evaporative cooling. The system uses only water and dry air as fluids for air conditioning. The whole idea evolved during the air flushing activity of the pipeline in C2C3 Plant as part of pre-commissioning activity. Flushing of pipeline was carried out ...

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Introduction And Modelling On Pneumatic System Actuators

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 4 Before attempting to build the hybrid system – and therefore carry out the energy efficiency analysis, it is important to learn the dynamic of pneumatic system actuators. This chapter contributes to study of pneumatic systems. It begins with the overall building of pneumatic system for a small scale CAES application. Then the fundamental ...

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Circulating Fluid In Laser Drilling

02 Nov 2017

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The mud to be used in laser drilling is generally to be a .since the diffraction is disturbed by using a liquid based mud hence a gas based mud is used .The method to be used for this is the purging method. We can say that that laser drilling is done using Air Drilling Method ...

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Kusile Power Station Private Siding Rail

02 Nov 2017

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MOTIVATION FOR PROJECT The need for increased base load electricity generation has been identified by the Integrated Electricity Planning Process (IEPP) applied by Eskom. The conclusion derived from the National Integrated Resource Plan (NIRP) driven by the National Electricity Regulator of South Africa (NERSA), is that South Africa will depend on coal as a fuel ...

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Application Of Airport Pavement Management System

02 Nov 2017

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Zamhuri Hj. Drahman Abstract As the volume of air traffic continues to grow, aircraft movements on airport pavement will inevitably increase. To cope with such growth it is necessary to make optimal use of all available pavements resources. By carrying out the right maintenance at the right time, an airport operator will be able to ...

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Producing Electricitys With Different Technologies

02 Nov 2017

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Today, we are producing electricity with different technologies, classic and renewable energies. However, a great part of it is still done using fossil fuels that cause terrestrial emission of carbon dioxide which, as all people know, produces earth overheating by the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a process that results in an elevation of ...

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Genration Of Light From Light

02 Nov 2017

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(NC-RDME-2013)GHRCEM, 12-13 March, 2013 GENRATION OF LIGHT FROM LIGHT Nikhil Veer Amol Patil G.H.R.C.E.M ...

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Introduction To Nuclear Engineering

02 Nov 2017

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Data Communication And Network

02 Nov 2017

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Submitted to Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology EN12517466 L. P. A. MADURANGA PONNAMPERUMA In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Special Honors Degree in Information Technology 07 February 2013 DECLARATION PAGE I certify that this report does not incorporate without acknowledgement, any material previously submitted for a degree or ...

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Protection From Gas Leakages

02 Nov 2017

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Mohammed ZaidUlQamar T.E E&TC G.H. Raisoni College Of Engineering and Management Wagholi, Pune, India-412207 [email protected] Rahul Kathuria T.E E&TC G.H. Raisoni College Of Engineering and Management Wagholi, Pune, India-412207 [email protected] Abstract: WHAT IT DOES..? As the gas leaks from the LPG cylinder at home, this protection circuit mounted with gas detector sensor detects the gas ...

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Data With Other Aircrafts

02 Nov 2017

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Table of Contents 1. Wing Geoemetry 3 1.1 Initial Design 3 1.2 Defining Wing Specifics 4 2. Aerofoil Selection 6 2.1 Wing Section 6 2.2 Tail Section 7 3. 3-D Lift Curve 8 4. Trailing Edge Flaps 9 4.1 2-D Lift Curve 10 4.2 3-D Lift Curve 11 5. Drag Polar 12 5.1 Wing, Horizontal & Vertical Tail 13 5.2 Fuselage & Nacelles 14 5.3 Undercarriage 14 5.4 ...

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Department Of Chemical Engineering

02 Nov 2017

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IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON SW7 2AZ PEERHOSSAINI (Donia) Literature Review _________ CFD Modelling of heat exchanger equipment Supervised by Professor Sandro Macchietto A report presented to Imperial College London in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING February 2013 Table of contents Introduction Many experimental and modeling attempts ...

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Introduction To The Air Crash Cases

02 Nov 2017

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1.1 Introduction to the Air Crash Cases Air crash is also known as an aviation accident and incident. Much of the aviation such as airplane, helicopter, air balloon and jet plane are design involves ensuring with a high level of safety. However, aviation accidents do happen in anytime and harm human life. It is unpredictable and ...

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Micro Grid Operation And Protection

02 Nov 2017

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LITERATURE REVIEW ON MICRO-GRID OPERATION AND PROTECTION Supervisor 1: Dr. Jayashri Ravishankar A/Prof John Fletcher Supervisor 2: A/Prof John Fletcher Dr. Jayashri Ravishankar Student: Thai Hau Vo (z3359432) 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES 1 INTRODUCTION Electricity demand has been continuously significantly increased over 55 times from 102TWh in 1990 2000 to 142TWh in ...

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The Improvements In Technology

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction The improvement in technology has favored mankind in the study of materials. Materials now have many applications both for commercial (buildings, transportation and medical care) and military purposes (armor and defense systems). Metallurgical science has evolved during these present years. In the engineering field, materials are studied on their physical metallurgy, extraction metallurgy and ...

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The Definition Of Noise

02 Nov 2017

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Unwanted sound known as noise will not only create a disturbance, but may also affect the health of anyone exposed to it. As technology and economies continue to grow globally, more and more people are choosing to travel by airplanes instead of other transportation like bus coaches, ferry or trains, mainly because of the comfort ...

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Offshore Wind Turbine Installation Methods

02 Nov 2017

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A Feasibility Study of Offshore Wind Turbine Installation Methods Interim Report Euan Greer - 200901605 Table of Contents List of Figures and Tables Chapter 1: Introduction Offshore wind research has boomed since the early 2000s due to many governments and, in particular, the European Commission proposing to increase the proportion of energy supplied from renewable ...

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Optimized Biomimetic Robot Fish Model

02 Nov 2017

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Index Terms� Biomimetic-fish, Heuristic optimization, Hydrodynamics, Motion control, Numerical simulation INTRODUCTION D uring the past two decades, the underwater robot technology has been growing tremendously. The main focus of researchers and scientists is to design small, versatile, unmanned under-water robots, for missions such as deep ocean survey, cable and pipeline tracking, military applications, detailed ...

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Analysis Of Organic Thin Film Transistors

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs) application for the display which have the advantages of light weight, low process temperature and exhibit high mobility over 1cm2/Vs, which is close to the mobility of amorphous silicon TFTs. The OTFT technology had been studied for large area and flexible display application. We have been studied OTFT by using ...

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Gsm Based Autonomous Street Illumination

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract This paper efficiently defines the control of street lightning system and thereby saving electricity which is a major concern worldwide. It also describes the use of wireless sensor networks using GSM for streetlight monitoring and control. This system would provide a remote access for streetlight maintenance and control. It also discusses an intelligent system ...

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The Theory Of Cooling Load Computation

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 The theory of cooling*load computation The*objectives*of this part*is to, estimate the amount of cooling load required to keep the room in the aircraft comfortable in the peak time of the day. Malaysia is a tropical country, where the weather is relatively stable over time. Temperature in Malaysia is between 25°C to 35°C. ...

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Maintenance Managements Of Tractors

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Agricultural machinery maintenance has a crucial role for successful agricultural production. It aims at guaranteeing safety of operations and availability of this machines and related equipment for cultivation operation. Moreover, it is one major cost for agriculture operations. Thus, the increased competition in agricultural production demands for maintenance improvement, aiming at the reduction of ...

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Development And Control Of An Automatic Blind System

02 Nov 2017

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by Chatura Jagadeesh Manamperi A capstone project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering Examination Committee: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun (Chairperson) Dr. Mongkol Ekpanyapong Assoc.Prof. Erik L. J. Bohez Nationality: Sri Lankan Asian Institute of Technology School of Engineering Technology Thailand May ...

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Importance Of Turbine Engines Overhaul And Repair

02 Nov 2017

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Vidal Sanchez Mr. Kahanek PP1.702 Importance of turbine engines overhaul and repair Engine overhaul is the process of maintaining and restoring the engine and its components to serviceable conditions. An engine overhaul consists of disassembly, inspection, reassembly and testing prior to return to service. It is required and essential to check the engines and its ...

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Project Minimizing Energy Usage

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION The main concept for of this project Minimizing Energy Usage in the Office is to reduce electric consumption in the office. By using energy saving device power consumption can be reduce and financial monthly office can save more cost. Beside that reducing power consumption can save pollution in the world. ...

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An Analysis Of Fuel Cell Technologies

02 Nov 2017

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Production of Electrical power without causing damage to our environment is an ongoing challenge. The identified eco friendly energy alternatives such as solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal power can only be used in particular environments. Therefore identifying an energy source capable of working in most environments is essential. Fuel cells fit in here. They are ...

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Photovoltaic Cell Functioning Principle

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 - Introduction History…………………………………………………………………………………………2 Chapter 2 â€" The science of Photovoltaic Cells 2.1 Photovoltaic cell functioning principle……………………………………………………….. 2.2 Conditions……………………………………………………………………………………..3 2.3 The photovoltaic cell in an electrical circuit…………………………………………………..3 2.4 Types of solar cells……………………………………………………………………………. 2.4.1 Thin film(amorphous) modules.……………………………………………………. 2.4.2 Monocryistalline modules…………………………………………………………… 2.4.3 Polycrystaline modules……………………………………………………………… 2.4.4 Shapes of the photovoltaic panels…………………………………………………… 2.4.5 Concerns……………………………………………………………………………... Chapter 3 â€" The ...

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Computation Of Total Transfer Capability

02 Nov 2017

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Kerala Power System Study and Analysis Aditya Gupta V.I.T University, B.Tech-EEE, Final Year University Registration Number – 09BEE004 Vellore, India [email protected] Mr. V.Suresh Deputy General Manager Power System Operation Corporation Limited SRLDC, Bangalore, India [email protected] Dr. S.P.Sabberwal Professor, School of Electrical Engineering V.I.T University, Vellore Vellore, India [email protected] Mr. P.R. Raghuram Executive Director Power System ...

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Power System Security Economy Availability

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction <intro> In a power system security, economy, availability and quality are the main objectives. Last three of which, directly affect the customer. But in the recent years due to the rapid development in the electronics and digital computers the nature of the load has changed from mostly conventional such as motors and filament bulbs ...

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Study On Hydrogen Gasoline Engine

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: Hydrogen gas inventor, generally it can be explain by the inventor electrolyze the water compounds into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. The hydrogen gas is pump into the gasoline engine for better combustion to get better output energy. Basically the hydrogen gas are more flammable that oxygen gas. Diagram 1 : Hydrogen Gasoline Engine ...

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Lighting Systems Are Used For Working

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Overview People need lighting systems to lighten their homes especially at night. They also need lights in their workplace in accordance with the appropriate brightness. A lighting system consists of a device that controls electric lightings, e.g., fluorescent bulbs, LED bulbs. Lighting systems are used for working, aesthetic, and security illumination ...

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Analysis Of Temperature And Pressure Transmitters

02 Nov 2017

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The most common industrial transmitter is a combination of a transducer and signal conditioning circuit that produces an output current proportional to measurand. The process control industry’s standard signal is 4 to 20 mA represents full scale. The current is used because it is not affected by wire impedance and noise as are voltage signals when ...

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Super Conductivity And Super Conductor

02 Nov 2017

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The conventional AC power system is Voltage Sourced Voltage Intensive power system. The equivalent dual for such a system is a Current Sourced Current Intensive power system. The complete dual relationship between the two systems is summarized in Table 1. The key enabling technology for the Current Sourced Current Intensive power systems is the existence ...

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Radiated Susceptibility Of Electronic Subsystems

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction An electromagnetic interference is an unwanted electromagnetic energy, (whether intentionally or unintentionally generated), of almost any frequency and energy level. EMI is defined to exist when undesirable voltages or currents are present to adversely influence the performance of an electronic circuit or system. An EMI, or summation of EMIs, can over time induce a ...

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Application Of Airport Pavement Management

02 Nov 2017

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Zamhuri Hj. Drahman Abstract As the volume of air traffic continues to grow, aircraft movements on airport pavement will inevitably increase. To cope with such growth it is necessary to make optimal use of all available pavements resources. By carrying out the right maintenance at the right time, an airport operator will be able to ...

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A Comparison Of Flight Management Systems

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Looking at many aircraft of the 80’s and before, we often wonder why there is a provision for a third person, viz., the Flight Engineer in the cockpit. If such a person is truly required, why don’t we have one in modern aircraft? The answer is simple. As in other fields, a computer has replaced ...

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Calculation Of Carbon Emissions At The Greek Airspace

02 Nov 2017

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Psaraki Voula Pagoni Ioanna Faculty of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 5 Iroon Polytechniou Street, Zografou Campus, 15773 Athens, Greece *Corresponding author, Tel.: +30 2107721204; E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Psaraki). Abstract This paper is concerned with the development of a methodology which calculates aircraft carbon emissions based on traffic data. Carbon emissions are ...

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Geothermal Heating Were Researched

02 Nov 2017

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By Jonas Pakalnis This report is submitted in part fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering Institute of Technology Sligo June 2012 Acknowledgement I’d like to thank the staff of IT Sligo that I have met during ...

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Production And Utilisation Plant

02 Nov 2017

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The annual production of paddy in Malaysia is 2.4648 106 tonnes per year. Research shows that 1 tonne of paddy produces 290 kg of paddy straw and 220 kg of rice husk (Zafar, 2013). Hence, from calculation, the annual production of paddy straw and rice husk in Malaysia is 7.1479 105 tonnes per ...

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Recent Advancements And Techniques In Manufacture

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT The paper briefs the manufacturing technique of solar cells from plastic i.e. ,organic polymers the working process of solar energy production from the organic solar cells with their ease of usage . I. INTRODUCTION Plastic solar cells could cut the cost of solar power by making use ofinexpensive organic polymers rather than the expensive ...

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Public Class Sorting Algorithms

02 Nov 2017

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package assignment1.sorting; * <p>A class defining a number of sorting algorithms.</p> * <p>This was a part of a programming assignment for the course B-KUL-G0P81A (Gegevensstructuren en algoritmen) * by P. Dutr� at KULeuven university.</p> * @author Joris Schelfaut * @note Some of the code in this document was taken from the ...

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Power Management Using Hybrid System

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract—The objective of this paper is to develop a hybrid power delivery system for vehicles that is able to harness alternate sources like wind and solar energy and ...

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Protection From Gas Leakage

02 Nov 2017

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Mohammed ZaidUlQamar T.E E&TC G.H. Raisoni College Of Engineering and Management Wagholi, Pune, India-412207 [email protected] Rahul Kathuria T.E E&TC G.H. Raisoni College Of Engineering and Management Wagholi, Pune, India-412207 [email protected] Abstract: WHAT IT DOES..? As the gas leaks from the LPG cylinder at home, this protection circuit mounted with gas detector sensor detects the gas ...

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