Chicago Referencing Guide

The Chicago Manual of Style presents two different referencing systems:

Chicago A (notes and a bibliography) presents bibliographic information in consecutively numbered notes, which are placed at either the foot of the page (footnotes) or at the end of an essay (endnotes). Superscript numbers in the text of the paper refer readers to the corresponding note.  A Bibliography is usually required as well, which appears at the end of the paper and gives publication information for all of the works cited in the notes.          


This version of the style is used in the following subjects at Otago:


 Art History, History, Visual Culture, and some Politics papers.


 Chicago B (in-text Author-Date citation and a reference list) presents brief citations in the text (usually in parentheses) of the author’s last name and date of publication.  These brief citations correspond to more complete entries in a Reference List at the end of the paper.                


 This version of the style is used in the following subjects at Otago:


 English (not Linguistics), Clothing & Textile Sciences.


 This page provides links to style examples, manuals, etc. for the Chicago A (Notes and Bibliography) version of the style.  


 Please see the Chicago B tab if you are using the Chicago B (in-text citation and a reference list) version of the style.


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