Public Class Sorting Algorithms


02 Nov 2017

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package assignment1.sorting;

* <p>A class defining a number of sorting algorithms.</p>

* <p>This was a part of a programming assignment for the course B-KUL-G0P81A (Gegevensstructuren en algoritmen)

* by P. Dutr� at KULeuven university.</p>

* @author Joris Schelfaut

* @note Some of the code in this document was taken from the textbook

* "Algorithms Fourth Edition" by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.

* These code fragments were then adapted to fit the assignment.


public class SortingAlgorithms {

private <T extends Comparable<T>> boolean less(Comparable<T> v, Comparable<T> w) {

return ((T) v).compareTo(((T) w)) < 0;


private <T extends Comparable<T>> void exch(Comparable<T>[] a, int i, int j) {

Comparable<T> t = a[i];

a[i] = a[j];

a[j] = t;


private <T extends Comparable<T>> void insert(T[] a, int i, int j) {

assert i > j;

T temp = a[i];

for (int k = i; k > j; k--) {

a[k] = a[k - 1];


a[j] = temp;



* Sorts the given array using selection sort.


* @return The number of comparisons (i.e. calls to compareTo) performed by the algorithm.


public <T extends Comparable<T>> int selectionSort(T[] array) {

int c = 0;

int n = array.length;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

int min = i;

for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {

if (less(array[j], array[min])) {

min = j;


c++; // count the number of times "less" is performed (regardless of the result of less)


exch(array, i, min);


return c;



* Sorts the given array using insertion sort.


* @return The number of comparisons (i.e. calls to compareTo) performed by the algorithm.

* @note It took some time before we (Prince and I) managed to rewrite

* Sledgewick method so it would count the number of

* comparisons.


public <T extends Comparable<T>> int insertionSort(T[] array) {

int c = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

int j = i;

while (j > 0) {


if (array[j - 1].compareTo(array[i]) <= 0) {





insert(array, i, j);


return c;



* Sorts the given array using (2-way) merge sort.


* HINT: Java does not supporting creating generic arrays (because the

* compiler uses type erasure for generic types). For example, the statement

* "T[] aux = new T[100];" is rejected by the compiler. Use the statement

* "T[] aux = (T[]) new Comparable[100];" instead. Add an

* "@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")" annotation to prevent the compiler from

* reporting a warning. Consult the following url for more information on

* generics in Java:



* @return The number of comparisons (i.e. calls to compareTo) performed by

* the algorithm.


public <T extends Comparable<T>> int mergeSort(T[] array) {

int c = 0;

c = mergeSortRecursiveStep(array, 0, array.length - 1);

return c;


private <T extends Comparable<T>> int mergeSortRecursiveStep(Comparable<T>[] array, int low, int high) {

int c = 0;

if (high <= low) {

return 0;


int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;

c += mergeSortRecursiveStep(array, low, mid);

c += mergeSortRecursiveStep(array, mid + 1, high);

c += merge(array, low, mid, high);

return c;


private <T extends Comparable<T>> int merge(Comparable<T>[] array, int low, int mid, int high) {

T[] aux = (T[]) new Comparable[array.length];

int counter = 0;

int i = low, j = mid + 1;

// AUX vullen.

for (int k = low; k <= high; k++) {

aux[k] = (T) array[k];


for (int k = low; k <= high; k++) {

if (i > mid) {

array[k] = aux[j++];

} else if (j > high) {

array[k] = aux[i++];

} else {

if (less(aux[j], aux[i])) {

array[k] = aux[j++];

} else {

array[k] = aux[i++];





return counter;



* Sorts the given array using quick sort. Do NOT perform a random shuffle.


* @return The number of comparisons (i.e. calls to compareTo) performed by

* the algorithm.


public <T extends Comparable<T>> int quickSort(T[] array) {

int c = 0;

// StdRandom.shuffle(array);

c = quickSortRecursiveStep(array, 0, array.length - 1);

return c;


private <T extends Comparable<T>> int quickSortRecursiveStep(T[] array, int low, int high) {

int c = 0;

int[] temp = new int[2];

if (high <= low) {

return 0;


temp = partition(array, low, high);

int j = temp[1];

c += temp[0];

c += quickSortRecursiveStep(array, low, j - 1);

c += quickSortRecursiveStep(array, j + 1, high);

return c;


private <T extends Comparable<T>> int[] partition(T[] array, int low, int high) {

int c[] = new int[2];

int i = low, j = high + 1;

Comparable<T> v = array[low];

while (true) {

while (less(array[++i], v)) {


if (i == high) {





while (less(v, array[--j])) {


if (j == low) {





if (i >= j) {



exch(array, i, j);


exch(array, low, j);

c[1] = j;

return c;



* Sorts the given array using k-way merge sort. The implementation can

* assume that k is at least 2. k is the number of the number of subarrays

* (at each level) that must be separately sorted via a recursive call and

* merged via a k-way merge. For example, if k equals 3, then the array must

* be subdivided into three subarrays that are each sorted by 3-way merge

* sort. After the 3 sub- arrays, these sub-arrays are combined via a 3-way

* merge.


* Note that if k is larger than the length of the array (or larger than the

* length of a sub-array in a recursive call), then the implementation is

* allowed sort that sub-array using quick sort.


* @return An non-null array of length 2. The first element of this array is

* the number of comparisons (i.e. calls to compareTo) performed by

* the algorithm, while the second element is the number of data

* moves.

* @note After solving a lot of problems with indexes I finally managed to

* get it right! Hurray!


public <T extends Comparable<T>> int[] kWayMergeSort(T[] array, int K) {

assert K > 1;

int[] count = new int[2];

T[] aux = (T[]) new Comparable[array.length];

// If K > array.length, it would do exactly the same as when

// array.length == K, but that isn't what was asked, I guess.

// Note that the return value isn't exactly what it says, though.

if(K <= array.length) {

count = kWayMergeSortRecursiveStep(array, 0, array.length, aux, K);

} else {

count[0] = quickSort(array);

count[1] = 0; // our implementation of quick sort does not consider data moves


// return the result.

return count;



* This method divides an array into K compartiments (subarrays) and sorts

* these seperately.

* In the next step these compartiments are "merged" by sorting them within the supercompartiment.

* At the end of the recursion, the array from index "low" to index high should be sorted.


* @return An non-null array of length 2. The first element of this array is

* the number of comparisons (i.e. calls to compareTo) performed by

* the algorithm, while the second element is the number of data

* moves.


private <T extends Comparable<T>> int[] kWayMergeSortRecursiveStep

(Comparable<T>[] array, int low, int high, Comparable<T>[] aux, int K) {

// Local variables

int[] count = new int[2];

count[0] = 0;

count[1] = 0;

// Determine how many subarrays we can make at this level

int difference = high - low;

int interval = difference / K;

int[] indices;

// Decide when to return

if (high - 1 <= low) {

return count;


// Determine the boundaries of the subarrays.

if(difference >= K) {

// We get nice equal subarrays.

// determine "K + 1" indices to create K subarrays (includes lower and upper boundaries)

indices = new int[K + 1];

// boundaries :

indices[0] = low;

indices[K] = high;

// initialize the rest of the array of indices.

// The last subarray will have a different number of elements.

// if difference % K != 0

for (int k = 1; k < K; k++) {

indices[k] = indices[k - 1] + interval;


} else {

// if (difference % K > 0)

// -----------------------

// we can't further divide into K even subarrays.

// we divide into K - 1 equal parts and a last part.

// There will be less than K subarrays

indices = new int[difference + 1];

indices[0] = low;

indices[difference] = high;

// All arrays of size 1.

for (int k = 1; k < indices.length - 1; k++) {

indices[k] = indices[k - 1] + 1;



// call the recursive methods K - 1 times.

for (int k = 0; k < indices.length - 1; k++) {

// sort from array[indices[k]] to array[indices[k + 1] - 1]

int[] temp = kWayMergeSortRecursiveStep(array, indices[k], indices[k + 1], aux, K);

count[0] += temp[0];

count[1] += temp[1];


// Merge all subarrays of the array.

int temp[] = kWayMerge(array, indices, aux);

count[0] += temp[0];

count[1] += temp[1];

// Return the result.

return count;



* Merge subarrays with indices for array_1 "indices[0] to indices[1] - 1" and

* array_2 "indices[1] to indices[2] - 1", giving array_1_2.

* Then merge array_1_2 with indices "indices[0] to indices[2] - 1" with

* array_3 "indices[2] to indices[3] - 1".

* Do this for all K subarrays.


* @return An non-null array of length 2. The first element of this array is

* the number of comparisons (i.e. calls to compareTo) performed by

* the algorithm, while the second element is the number of data

* moves.


private <T extends Comparable<T>> int[] kWayMerge(Comparable<T>[] array, int[] indices,

Comparable<T>[] aux) {

int[] count = new int[2];

// to merge K subarrays, we need K - 1 merges.

// or : the number of indices - the index for the high and low index

for (int k = 0; k < indices.length - 2; k++) {

int temp[] = iterativeMergeStep(array, indices[0], indices[k + 1] - 1, indices[k + 2] - 1, aux);

count[0] += temp[0];

count[1] += temp[1];


return count;



* @return An non-null array of length 2. The first element of this array is

* the number of comparisons (i.e. calls to compareTo) performed by

* the algorithm, while the second element is the number of data

* moves.


private <T extends Comparable<T>> int[] iterativeMergeStep(Comparable<T>[] array,

int low, int mid, int high, Comparable<T>[] aux)


int[] count = new int[2];

int i = low, j = mid + 1;

for (int k = low; k <= high; k++) {

aux[k] = array[k];


for (int k = low; k <= high; k++) {

if (i > mid) {

// everything is sorted from "low" to "mid"

// add everything after mid.

array[k] = aux[j++];

// Moving data from subarray (auxilary array)

// to the resulting (sorted) array

count[1] ++;

} else if (j > high) {

// everything is sorted from "mid" to "high"

// add all elements before mid.

array[k] = aux[i++];

// Moving data from subarray (auxilary array)

// to the resulting (sorted) array

count[1] ++;

} else {

if (less(aux[j], aux[i])) {

// "aux[j]" is less than "aux[i]", so position

// "aux[j]" in the array.

array[k] = aux[j++];

} else {

array[k] = aux[i++];


// Comparing data.

count[0] ++;

// Moving data from subarray (auxilary array)

// to the resulting (sorted) array

count[1] ++;



return count;



* Sorts the given array of strings using LSD sort. Each string in the input

* array has length W.


* @return the number of arrays accesses performed by the algorithm


public int lsdSort(String[] array, int W) {

int arrayAccesses = 0;

int N = array.length;

int R = 256;

String[] aux = new String[N];

for (int d = W - 1; d >= 0; d--) {

int[] count = new int[R + 1];

for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

count[array[i].charAt(d) + 1]++;

// we access "array" on position "i"


// we access "count" on position "array[i].charAt(d) + 1"



for (int r = 0; r < R; r++) {

count[r + 1] += count[r];

// we access "count" two times




for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

aux[count[array[i].charAt(d)]++] = array[i];

// we access "array" on position "i"



// we access "count"


// we access "aux"



for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

array[i] = aux[i];

// we access "array"


// we access "aux"




return arrayAccesses;



* Sorts the given array of strings using MSD sort. Do NOT use a cutoff for

* small subarrays.


* @return the number of characters examined by the algorithm


public int msdSort(String[] array) {

int stringsExamined = 0;

int R = 256;

int N = array.length;

int M = 0; // NO CUTOFF ! :O

String[] aux = new String[N];

stringsExamined += msdSortRecursiveStep(array, 0, N - 1, 0, aux, R, N, M);

return stringsExamined;


private int msdSortRecursiveStep(String[] array, int low, int high,

int d, String[] aux, int R, int N, int M)


int stringsExamined = 0;

if (high <= low + M) {

// While sorting with selection sort, we also compare strings...

// stringsExamined += stringInsertionSort(array, low, high, d);

//return stringsExamined;

return 0;


int[] count = new int[R + 2];

for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {

count[charAt(array[i], d) + 2]++;

// the string on position i in the "array"

// is examined with charAt()



for (int r = 0; r < R + 1; r++) {

count[r + 1] += count[r];


for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {

aux[count[charAt(array[i], d) + 1]++] = array[i];

// the string on position i in the "array"

// is examined with charAt()



for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {

array[i] = aux[i - low];



for (int r = 0; r < R; r++) {

stringsExamined += msdSortRecursiveStep(array, low + count[r],

low + count[r + 1] - 1, d + 1, aux, R, N, M);


return stringsExamined;


private int charAt(String s, int d) {

if (d < s.length()) {

return s.charAt(d);

} else {

return -1;



public int stringInsertionSort(String[] array, int low, int high, int d) {

int stringsExamined = 0;

// Sorting

for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {

int j = i;

while (j > 0) {


if (array[j - 1].substring(d).compareTo(array[i].substring(d)) <= 0) {





insert(array, i, j);


return stringsExamined;




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