Study On Waste Heat Recovery


02 Nov 2017

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The world is facing energy crisis and with our fuel resources coming to end, the rate of depletion of non-renewable energy sources must be reduced while developing alternative renewable sources. This research focuses on waste heat recovery of internal combustion engine exhaust. The percentage of energy rejected to the environment through exhaust gas which can be potentially recovered is approximately 30-40% of the energy supplied by the fuel depending on engine load. The major technical constraint that prevents successful implementation of waste heat recovery is due to intermittent and time mismatched demand for and availability of energy. The many number of methods to improve the performance of the internal combustion engines have been established. Thermoelectric modules which are used as thermoelectric generators are solid state devices that are used to convert thermal energy from a temperature gradient to electrical energy and it works on basic principle of Seebeck effect. Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) can directly convert exhaust heat to electricity (DC volts).The heat transfer modeling was used to locate the optimum mounting position of the waste heat recovery system on the exhaust pipe. A compact device was then designed incorporating several modules with the exhaust pipe acting as the heat source. The required minimum temperature on the cold side of the modules was provided by using water-cooled heat sinks. The study also revealed that energy can be tapped efficiently from the engine exhaust and in near future thermoelectric generators can improve fuel economy automobiles.

Keywords: thermoelectric generator, waste heat recovery, sparks ignition, internal combustion engine, engine exhaust


The decrease of fossil fuel resources has motivated many research groups to seek technologies for the utilization of alternative energy sources [1, 2].

In order to meet the increasing electrical demands of modern automobiles about 30%, with most of the wasted energy lost as heat. There is an increased need to identify alternative energy sources and enhance the efficiency of engines in order to reduce the consumption of fuel. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether lost energy can be recovered in the form of electricity to power the electrical components of a vehicle

Heat is rejected through exhaust gases at high temperature when compared to heat rejected through coolant and lubricating oil. This shows the possibility of energy conversion using a thermoelectric generator (TEG) to tap the exhaust heat energy. TEG is like a heat engine which converts the heat energy into electric energy and it works on the principle of Seebeck effect. Moreover TEG is highly reliable, operates quietly and is usually environmentally friendly [4].

Thermoelectric module (TEM) has a cold side and a hot side. At the hot side, heat is absorbed by electrons as they pass from a high energy level in the n-type semiconductor element, to a lower energy level in the p-type semiconductor element. The power supply provides the energy to move the electrons through the system. At the cold side, energy is expelled to a heat sink as electrons move from a high energy level element (n-type) to a lower energy level element (p-type) [6]. Bismuth telluride-based TEM are designed primarily for cooling or combined cooling and heating applications where electrical power creates a temperature difference across the TEM. By using the modules in reverse, where a temperature differential is applied across the faces of the module, it is possible to generate electrical power [7]. Commercial thermoelectric devices are based on Bi2Te3 because this material exhibits a relatively high Merit [8,9].

It is hoped that exhaust heat recovery to increase the efficiency of ICEs, world energy demand on the depleting fossil fuel reserves would be reduced and hence the impact of global warming due to the GHG emissions would fade away.


Thermoelectric (TE) energy conversion for power generation is based on the "Seebeck effect", where a temperature difference, Tsh–Tsc, across two dissimilar legs of semiconductor material produces a voltage, ΔVoc, (Figure 1). This voltage is equal to the Seebeck coefficient of the material, α, times the temperature difference across the device. The dissimilar legs of semiconductor material, one p-type and one n-type, are called a thermoelectric couple. The p- and n- legs are joined by an electrically conducting material at the p-n junction. A thermoelectric module consists of a series of p-n couples, which are connected electrically in series and thermally in parallel. Electrically insulating material separates the electrical connectors from the heat source and sink.

Figure 1. Thermoelectric Module

When a temperature gradient is applied across the couple, the negatively charged electrons, e-, in the n-leg and the positively charged holes, h+, in the p-leg move from the heat source to the heat sink, conducting heat to the cold base. This flow of electrons and holes causes separation in an initially uniform charge carrier distribution, which results in a current flow, I, in the couple [10].with a considerable efficiency makes the use of bismuth telluride as an effective module. The dimensions of the module are given in fig.2.

Figure 2. Dimensions of the TEM

The no load condition (RL load not connected), the open circuit voltage as measured between points is:

V = αΔT (1)

Where V is the output voltage from the couple in volts [V], α [V°C–1] – the average Seebeck coefficient, and ∆T [°C] – the temperature difference across the couple

ΔT = Th – Tc (2)

Where Th [°C] is the hot side of the couple and Tc [°C] – the cold side of the couple.

When a load is connected to the thermoelectric couple the output voltage (V) drops as a result of internal generator resistance. The current through the load is:

Iload =  T

Rc  RL


Where Iload[A] is the generator output current, Rc [W] – the average internal resistance of the thermoelectric couple, and RL [W] – the load resistance.

The total heat input to the couple (Qh) is:

Qh  Th I – 0.5I 2 Rc  Kc T

Where Qh [W] is the heat input and Kc [W°C–1] – the thermal conductance of the couple. (4)

The TEG module contain a number of individual TEG which may be electrically connected in either series, parallel, or series/parallel arrangement. A typical generator configuration is shows in fig. 3. This generator has a total number of modules NT with a number of modules connected in parallel NP and a number of modules connected in series NS. The total number of modules in the system is written as:


Figure 3. Connection of TEM


The Primary Heat Exchanger (PHX) is the component used to extract thermal energy from the exhaust gas stream. It was planned to implement TEG in single cylinder internal combustion engine, where the major factors for implementation of TEM is weight and space. The rectangular model occupied less space compare to hexagonal model. The rectangular model heat exchanger required two cooling chamber and amount of coolant to be pumped to chamber will be low. In triangular shaped TEG the number of modules will be less as compared to rectangular shaped model, Moreover, researchers [11] have used hexagonal shaped model TEG but only few worked on rectangular model TEG [12]. In this study computer aided design package is used to model rectangular, hexagonal and triangular shaped heat exchanger. Weights of these models were predicted utilizing properties of the materials used for construction of TEG by CAD software. The predicted weights are , , and kg for triangle, rectangle, and hexagonal designs.

The rectangular model heat exchanger is analysis by using CFD and the results attained the surface temperature is less compared to hexagonal model and triangular models, which is suitable to the thermoelectric generator. From the velocity contour it is very clear that in rectangular shaped TEG the exhaust is distributed uniformly over the profile [ ]. Therefore, the rectangular shaped TEG was better for our study and it was fabricated.


Thermo electric generator consist of 20 TEM arranged in series manner in rectangular heat exchanger and the coolant in counter flow direction therefore the heat transfer process take very effective one. In this heat transfer between heat exchanger and TEM heat flux is one of the critical parameter to design TEG. In order to achieve this to reduce the thermal resistance on inside wall of heat exchanger from exhausts gases. The thermal resistance was reduced by make smooth surface between the heat exchanger which is used to place TEM.[ ]

The exhaust gas heat is transfer from inside of the heat exchanger to TEM surface. This basically relate with heat conduction problem. The heat exchanger and support structure of the system constructed by using most common materials which is steel, copper and aluminum [3]. The thermal properties of these alloys shows table 1.the best material is to be selected for the exhaust pipe, heat exchanger and contact surface of the TEG by the properties of materials.

Table 1. Properties of different materials






AISI 1010

99.9 Cu + Ag


Melt point [K]




Density [kgm–3]




k [Wm–1K–1]

T = 294 K




T = 300 K




T = 473 K




T = 500 K




kp [Jkg–1K–1)

T = 294 K




T = 300 K




The approximate melting point of duraluminum is 500 ºC it has very good heat conduction property and it is 3.5 times light weight compare to copper. Therefore Aluminum was best material to use hot plate cold plate for design and fabricate the TEG for single cylinder engine

The heat exchanger made up of mild steel plate of 2mm thickness as shown in fig (4). The aluminum plate of 12 mm thick used for top and bottom side of the heat exchanger it act as hot plate. The thermo electric module place over the hot plate Therefore exhaust gas heat is quickly absorbed by TEM because it direct contact with hot plate. The cold plate of 20 mm thick with cooling chamber and placed over thermo electric module therefore heat deception takes place in very efficient manner. To improve the thermal conductivity between modules and hot plate by using thermal grease. Figure 5 shows that arrangement of TEM in hot plate.

Figure 4. heat exchanger frame Figure Figure 5. Aluminum plate with modules

The entire assembly of TEG shown in figure 6. The separate cooling system is used to circulate the coolant in to TEG due to this to obtain greater flow rate. The required power to operate the pump is generated by TEG. The coolant will flow throw maximum area of cooling chamber therefore the heat rejected on cold side of TEM easily and continuously. The remaining electric power is used to drive DC electric motor. It coupled with engine shaft by belt drive and to assist the engine to run medium load condition.

Figure 6. TEG set up

The heat transfer rate for hear absorption and rejection measured by following equation

Qlost = Qgained (6)

Qlost  mex cpg (Tg1  Tg2 ) (7)

Qgained  mwcpw (Two  Twi ) (8)

mex = mf + ma (9)

The total heat flow from the exhaust gas side to the coolant side [10]:

Q = 1 .

(Th2  Tc1 )  (Th1  Tc2 )


1  L1  L2

 L3 

1 ln Th2  Tc1

h1 A1

k1 A1

8k2 A2

k3 A3

h2 A4

Th1  Tc2

Mass flow rate of water is calculated by

Q = mwcpw(Tc2 – Tc1) (11)


The test rig specification as shown in table 2. In this set up the heat exchanger mounted to engine exhaust pipe and DC Motor is connected to engine output shaft, there is no design modification done on the engine. The exhaust gas temperature was measured by using thermocouple on both hot plate and cold plat of the heat exchanger. And the inlet and outlet exhaust gas temperature of heat exchanger also measured. In cooling chamber the coolant flow take place with maximum flow rate it was measured by using rotameter. The volt meter and ammeter was connected with TEG to measure the voltage and current generated from TEG. The engine runs at various load condition to measure the TEG output by voltmeter and ammeter by changing speed. The schematic diagram as sown in figure 7

Table 2. Specification of engine setup



Single cylinder, 2-stroke SI



69.9 cm3

Maximum power

3.5Bhp at 5000rpm

Maximum torque

5.0 Nm at 3750rpm

Dynamometer make

Maximum torque

Maximum power


PC/manual based

Result and discussion

Variation of power with temperature difference

Variation of temperature difference with break power

Variation of hydrocarbon emission with break power

Variation of carbon monoxide emission with break power

Variation of coolant flow rate with break power



A1 – surface area of aluminum plate, [m2]

A2 – surface area of TEG, [m2]

A3 – surface area of copper plate in contact with TEG, [m2]

A4 – surface area of copper plate in contact with coolant, [m2]

cp – specific heat, [Jkg–1K–1]

cpg – specific heat of exhaust gas, [Jkg–1K–1]

cpw – specific heat of water, [Jkg–1K–1]

h1 – convective heat transfer coefficient of exhaust gas, [Wm–2K–1]

h2 – convective heat transfer coefficient of coolant, [Wm–2K–1]

k1 – thermal conductivity of aluminum plate, [Wm–1K–1]

k2 – thermal conductivity of TEG, [Wm–1K–1]

k3 – thermal conductivity of copper plate, [Wm–1K–1]

L1, L2, L3 – thickness of aluminum, TEG, and copper plate, respectively, [m]

m – mass flow rate of water through calorimeter, [kgs–1]

ma – mass flow rate of air, [kgs–1]

mex – mass flow rate of exhaust gas, [kgs–1]

mf – mass flow rate of fuel, [kgs–1]

mw – mass flow rate of water, [kgs–1]

Qgained – heat gained by the water, [W]

Qlost – heat lost by exhaust gas, [W]

Tc1 – coolant water inlet temperature, [K]

Tc2 – coolant water outlet temperature, [K]

Tg1 – exhaust gas temperature at the inlet of calorimeter, [K]

Tg2 – exhaust gas temperature at the outlet of calorimeter, [K]

Th1 – exhaust gas inlet temperature, [K]

Th2 – exhaust gas outlet temperature, [K]

Twi – water temperature at the inlet of calorimeter, [K]

Two – water temperature at the outlet of calorimeter, [K]


TEG – thermoelectric generator

TEM – thermoelectric module


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