Revolvers Are Repeating Firearm

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Revolvers are repeating firearms that consist of a cylinder containing multiple chambers, with at least one barrel for firing. The name "revolver" comes from the short-form of its original name, "revolving gun". As its name suggests, the revolver is uniquely designed such that the chambers of a revolver "revolve" around an axis. As one ...

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Gun Control Unnecessary Unsuccessful And Unneeded

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

Lindsay Thompson Mrs. Etheridge AP Government and Politics Gun Control: Unnecessary, Unsuccessful, and Unneeded The issue of gun control is extremely important and relevant in today’s world, especially in the United States of America. Many Americans have different opinions and ideas about what the exact meaning of gun control is, and many question rather or ...

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The History And Controversy Of Gun Control Legislation

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Darlynn Bumgardner Etheridge, L AP Government and Politics The History and Controversy of Gun Control Legislation According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), death by firearms ranks as the second highest cause of death for American youth today (Cefrey, Gun Violence). Even with this alarming statistic, the people of the ...

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The Rodney King Example

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Name: Professor: Course Code: Date of Submission: Outline of the Paper: Introduction: Police officers and Ethics. Law and Police Ethics. The Rodney King Example. II. Issues that arise. Trust. Perceptions civilians have towards the police force. Indicators that civilians use to measure the level of trust they should have towards the police force. Legitimacy of ...

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How High Can America Get

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Wilson 1 Hunter Wilson Mrs. Etheridge AP 11 Government 3-1 1 March 2013 How high can America get? America has been in countless wars since our nation’s birth, and for over a century now American citizens have been fighting on war on our own soil. No, this war does not involve nuclear warheads or guerilla ...

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The Concept Of Crime

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

The widespread use of the term ‘Crime’ makes it important to define the boundaries which construct it; however, doing so is not simply a matter of common sense. There are a number of complex political and economic forces which help to define crime in practice within a specific society. The most commonly accepted definition ...

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The Principal Function And Goals Of Imprisonment

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Throughout the biggest part of history, imprisonment was just a form of incarceration and segregation from society until capital punishment was ordered on the criminal for various deviant activities. Only in the 19th Century was the modern prison system founded, this was aided and guided by from Jeremy Bentham. Jeremy Bentham was respected philosopher ...

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Evaluation Of Substance Abuse Among The Youth

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Background information Psychoactive substances are chemicals that affect the central nervous system, altering the user’s thoughts, moods and behaviors. The revised third edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-III-R); American psychiatric association (APA), 1987 categorizes psychoactive substances into ten classes; alcohol; amphetamines or simply acting symphathomimetics; ...

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Study On Economics And Crime

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Many researchers have linked crime and poverty together as one goes along with the other. It is widely believed that the poor commit more of the crime, at least street crime. However, it is more linked to property crime, not violent crime (Chester, 1976). Even in rural areas where crime is less frequent, acts ...

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The Victims Of Racial Disparities

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

It seems that in many states African American males are being targeted at an earlier age than 18. In rare cases, judges decide which youth were "not amenable to treatment" in the juvenile court. In these cases, the jurisdiction of the juvenile court is "waived" and the youth are sent or "transferred" to the adult ...

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The History Of The Street Gang Activities

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Canada is filled with many street gangs and high-level mafias. Canada has 434 youth gangs with roughly 7,000 members nationally. Out of 300 gangs in Canada, Crips, Mad Cowz, Bloods, Latin Kings, Gangster Disciples, and Vice Lords are names of street gangs which are active. These gangs are made up with their own categories (eg. ...

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The Effectiveness Of Two Types Of Sanctions

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

Community-sentence appeared like other sanction in the United States in 1960, to prison or fines for less serious types of offenses (DUI, petty theft, nonviolent offenses). In the United States, it is also used in additional to other sanctions such as much known probation or mandatory fines. Longan & Farrington (1998), Lynch (2002), Tonry (1998) ...

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The Concepts Of Nature And Nurture

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

The battle between nature and nurture has been going on for many years and still remains to be debated about today. As more information is gained on the subject of genetics and how and if criminal traits can be passed on compared to the environment in which the person is brought up and the ways ...

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The History And Background Of Crime

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

Immigration and crime are two very controversial and politically charged topics. Both of these issues are seen as threats to the United States and the illegal aliens are the easy targets to blame. The effort to pass stricter laws regarding immigration is supported yet opposed by many. The fear of illegal immigrants entering the United ...

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Human Trafficking Popular Models

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

CHAPTER 3 Abstract Human trafficking is the transnational organized crime prevalent across the world. Every country in the world is affected by trafficking whether as a country of origin, transit or destination of victims. Year after year, thousands of men, women, and children are invariably victimized, falling into the trap of human trafficking. Trafficking has ...

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Internet Addiction Being The Most Important One

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Cyber-bullies often succeed in bullying others by Creating phony social networking accounts on MySpace or Facebook, sending out unwanted and insulting e-mails or instant messages, creating hurtful internet polling (Who is hot and who is ugly), stealing people’s social networking passwords, Uploading embarrassing or harmful images online for the public to see, revealing personal information ...

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Violence Against Women As War Tactics

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Committee Topic: Violence against Women as War Tactics Country Name: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Violence against Women as War Tactics Background Information Over the past decades, violence against women in conflict areas has increased tremendously. Since the Bosnia War in the early 1990s, about 20,000 to 50,000 women and children faced sexual violence against them ...

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African American Woman In Law Enforcement

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation African American Woman in Law Enforcement Today, women are highly being involved in the workforce with their percentage in the workforce rising up to more than 45 percent (Keverline, 2003). They however make a slightly higher percentage than 10 percent in the law enforcement workforce an implication that they are not ...

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The Principal Function And Goals

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Before the 18th Century individuals who were criminals were treated with severe and barbaric torture and majority of them were brutally executed in the public arena, this was called ‘bloody code’. Near the end of the 1700’s, individuals who committed criminal activities were dealt with very differently from the bloody code era. Foucault developed ...

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Perceptions Of And Responses To Female Child Sexual Offending

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

ACS311 Dissertation Submitted by Candidate No 633141 Declaration The following dissertation submitted in candidature for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in the Swansea University is the result of my own work. All sources used in the preparation of this dissertation have been properly acknowledged in the body of the work. No part of this ...

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The Case For Narcotics Legalization

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

The 'War on Drugs' nominally began with Richard Nixon declaring "drug abuse public enemy number one" (Palm Beach Post, A1). Legislation governing drugs in the United States has a long and checkered history. Opium was the first drug legally prohibited in 1909 by the Smoking Opium Exclusion Act. Full prohibition of Marijuana was achieved in ...

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Threats And Challenges Of Organised Crime

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

ABSTRACT Organized crime and among other crimes is a major threat to democracy, human rights, the rule of law and stability in Kenya. This dissertation addresses organized crime in Kenya by exploring the nexus between Politics, society and economy and its residual effects. Based on extensive field research in several informal settlements within Nairobi County ...

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The Contribution Of The Chicago School

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Critically assess the contribution of the Chicago School In this essay I will critically assess the contribution of the Chicago school. I will open this essay by briefly describing the Chicago school and the conditions in which it arose. I will then look at the context within criminology in witch the Chicago School emerged; I ...

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Three Types Of Sex Offenders

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Different Types of Sexual Offenders Of the three groups, incest child molesters were the least likely to sexually recidivate, at a rate of 8.4% (Hanson, 2001). This finding carries with it many important implications for treatment. Since the rate is relatively low, it has traditionally been believed that the best form of treatment for incest ...

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History Of Domestic Terrorism

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

U.S. History of Domestic Terrorism Joseph Hooper Course number and title Instructor’s name University Date In recent years, terrorism gained a global character, which not only threats the interest of American citizens, but also greatly influences on public security, the stability of many states, regardless of their political system and international relations. So, U.S. domestic ...

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The Law And Criminality

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

"While the term criminality is used often in criminology to refer to actual criminal characteristics of a person (i.e., propensity evidence such as past criminal record, etc.), we use the term criminality to refer to the extent to which a person’s appearance triggers stereotypes about criminals.  Research on facial stereotypes and their effects on social ...

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The Police Perception And Use Of Force

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Jonathan Walker CRJ 130-W02 Police Administration Abstract Reports of police brutality and excessive force by police officers have been steadily declining over the last several years. This has resulted from a number of different factors including leadership within the police department, new technology, and better training for officers. The Police Perception and Use of Force ...

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Control In The United States

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Griffin Stocks Mrs. Etheridge AP US Government March 1st, 2013 Gun Control in the United States One of the most controversial issues in America is gun control. Gun control has been a major problem in our country for decades. The issue of gun control began in 1791, with the passing of the Bill of Rights. ...

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The Criminal Justice Systems

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

that lead to criminal behaviour. Discuss. Introduction Answering the question raised, in my opinion, one has to deal with three adjoining aspects of the problem. The first one is the roots of crime, i.e. what are the causes of this social issue (such as economic incl.poverty and unemployment, gender-specific or sectarian violence, white-collar crime etc); ...

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Trafficking Of Women And Children

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Human Trafficking is a grave violation of Human Rights, rampant in Pakistan and India, and is in today's day and age often referred to as modern day slavery. The most vulnerable victims of trafficking are women and children [1] ; who are exploited for forced labour and sexual purposes, each year. It is a crime second only ...

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The Reliability Of Eye Witness Testimonies

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Course : Learning Studies The Reliability of Eye-witness Testimony Eye-witness testimony plays a key role in courtroom trial. When there is no evidence to apprehend the accused, eye-witness testimony becomes an effective tool in apprehending the culprit. Although the use of eyewitness testimony by juries is considered as most valuable tool but the eye-witness testimony is questionable ...

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Contrasting Important Features Of Ucrs

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Name (ABC) Institution (XYZ University) Instructor (Professor XYZ) Course Code (XYZ) Comparison of the Two Primary Crime Data Sources Used In the United States, the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) The two primary sources of crime data employed in the United States of America to routinely monitor the nature ...

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Ethnic Profiling Is Defined As The Use By Police

02 Nov 2017

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Ethnic Profiling can be defined as the practice of exposing citizens to improved surveillance or inspection founded on racial or ethnic features rather than rational suspicion. Over the years, police and other law enforcement officials have come under scrutiny for using this practice. The concern with racial profiling is defining whether it aids with crime ...

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The History Of Eyewitness Testimony

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT The potential unreliability of eyewitness testimony poses one of the most serious problems in the administration of criminal justice. Eyewitness testimony is a legal term and it refers to an account given by a bystander in the courtroom, who describes what happened during a specific incident under investigation. This ...

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The Reliability Of Eye Witness Testimony

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Course : Learning Studies The Reliability of Eye-witness Testimony Eye-witness testimony plays a key role in courtroom trial. When there is no evidence to apprehend the accused, eye-witness testimony becomes an effective tool in apprehending the culprit. Although the use of eyewitness testimony by juries is considered as most valuable tool but the eye-witness testimony is questionable ...

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The Concept Of Crime Prevention

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

1.1 INTRODUCTION Safety and security are the fundamental rights of a citizen of a country .It is the state's responsibility to provide safety & security to its citizens. This is because crime has many ill consequences like it creates a feeling of conviction; it hinders economic activities from going to its fullest capacity, etc. Today ...

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Economics And Crime Social Disorganization Theory

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Many researchers have linked crime and poverty together as one goes along with the other. It is believed that the poor commit more of the crime, at least street crime. However, it is more linked to property crime, and not so much violent crime (Chester, 1976). Even in rural areas where crime is less frequent, ...

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The History Of Crime News

02 Nov 2017

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Crime narratives and representations are, and have always been, a prominent part of the content of all mass media. The proportion of media content that is constituted by crime items clearly will depend on the definitions of crime used (Sacco, 1995). Most analyses of the content of media representations of crime have focused more narrowly ...

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Issues Of Female Sexual Offending

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse how female sexual offenders are perceived and treated in society. This was achieved through secondary data analysis. The study starts by examining the background issues of female sexual offending, and presenting the potential typologies in order to understand the different kinds of female offenders.  It then ...

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The Necessary Control Of Guns

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Jeremiah Sellers Mrs. Etheridge AP Government The Necessary Control of Guns People have the right to keep and bear arms. It was written in the constitution that made up this country, and it gives people the ability to defend themselves. Self defense is a basic right, and without bearing arms people may not be able ...

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Changes In The Intelligence Community

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Key Words: intelligence community, national security, intelligence collection, intelligence function, capability, risk, threat, response Introduction Robert McNamara (1995) wrote about 11 lessons learned from the Cold War and from the war in Vietnam. One of the biggest mistakes, he said, was failing to empathise with the enemy. The Intelligence Community (IC) which emerged in ...

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The History Of The United States

02 Nov 2017

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Osama Bin Laden’s bitterness towards the United States presence in the Persian Gulf led to the first failed terrorist attack by Al Qaeda. After their failed attack in Yemen, Al Qaeda continued their terrorist attacks which consisted of periodic embassy bombings, an attack on the USS Cole, and bombings of airplanes and movie theaters in ...

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What Is The Purpose Of Sentencing

02 Nov 2017

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Firstly we need to define what sentencing and punishment are. A sentence can only be given once the facts of a case has been heard by the judge in a court and the defendant has been found guilty of the crime that they were accused of doing, therefore meaning that the judge can then decide ...

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The Social Learning Theory

02 Nov 2017

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According to Cox, 2011 examines the myths and realities around youth gangs in the UK. However, this research on the youth problem in the UK is led to the vast amount of research on the USA mean applied in the UK situation. The aimed of the research to discover the problem was related with the ...

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The History Of Police Misconduct

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING Police civil liability cases have forced police executives that failure to properly screen applicants could result in monetary damages towards the department responsible (Lee, 2006, p. 1). Lee (1995) study revealed the importance of pre –employment screening, "an employer will not hire an individual who possesses some attribute of character or prior ...

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Community Policing Treatment Of Drug Users

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report aims to produce a reasoned crime strategy, consisting of measures to address crime as a social problem, within the allocated 100 million budget by the Ministry of Justice. It will address three main issues, namely, Community Policing, Treatment of Drug Users, Restorative Justice. These items have been studied and analysed for ...

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The Work Of Emile Durkheim

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

Robert Merton utilize the works of Durkheim using his idea of the theory of anomie. While Durkheim focus on the strain that resulted at the individual levels and the decrease of societal restraint. Merton focused on the norms of the individuals of society along with the cultural imbalance that exists between the goal and ...

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Why Do Men Rape

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Name Course Why do men rape Rape is one of the oldest and commonest crimes in history. In the United States, approximately 188,000 rape cases were reported in 2010 in victims aged over 12 years.Consequently, eradicating sexual violence has become an agenda in the United States and most nations across the globe. Rape is defined ...

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Relationship Between Gender And Crime

23 Mar 2015 11 Oct 2017

4 (1,580 )

It's often thought that when females commit a crime they are often given a lesser sentence than if they were a male and that more males commit crimes than compared to females. It is also often thought by females that feminists if tried by a male may get longer than they should because of what they stand for. This can also apply when the situation is turned ...

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Essay on Cyber Crime Strategies and Types

09 Oct 2017

11 (4,349 )

Cyber Crime: Identity Theft A. Introduction In this era of globalization, one of many things that can distinguish a developed country to a developing country is its progress of science and technology. This is because along with the development of a country's science and technology, will also developed the country's ability to enrich their own potential. Great advances in science and technology in developed country are due ...

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Issues in Youth Offending Sentencing

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,025 )

Part B Fundamental principles/ important sentencing Instructions We are uncertain whether to treat young offenders as children requiring help and guidance or as morally responsible agents who deserve to be punished (Smith, 2005). Finding the balance between the two may be the answer. Many different jurisdictions have different procedure for dealing with juveniles then adults. These typically include diverting some young offenders from criminal justice process, ...

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Challenges to Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

9 (3,269 )

What are some of the key challenges to understanding the nature and extent of domestic violence? This paper will explore the nature and the extent of domestic violence, In order to understand domestic violence and how still today this type of abuse is still perpetrated against women we need to look at the history of how women was treated before and what has changed now. Then ...

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Sexual Offences Act 2003 Analysis

23 Mar 2015 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,203 )

The questions as posed raises a number of issues concerning the interplay between child and youth sexuality and the criminal law that is not readily resolved. The question shall be addressed using the following analytical approach that is intended to be considered progressively, commencing with the identification of the specific provisions of the Sexual Offences Act that demand the greatest scrutiny in when considering the interests of ...

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Role of the Police in Community Policing

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,301 )

Abstract Traditionally, law enforcement is called after a crime has already occurred. Law enforcement is designed to respond to emergency calls requiring a quick response, place criminals under arrest, conduct and follow-up on investigations, as well as routine neighborhood checks. When discussing community-oriented policing (COP), there is a broader police focus which is the prevention of crime and disorder. COP requires a more strategic approach to ...

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Role of Politics in Police Decision Making

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,263 )

Should politics play a role in police administration decision making? This question has evolved over the years. Both concepts are interrelated but separate entities and yet they overlap in purpose. The term politics can mean a range of things depending on perspective and the situation. In terms of police politics the meaning of politics depends on the particular law enforcement organization or the size of the ...

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Theories of Crime Causation

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,227 )

Theories of Crime Causation Crime is inevitable and will never be eradicated. Sociologist such as Travis Hirschi and Michael Gottfredson claim that theories such as social bond theory and self-control theory can help society understand the causation of crimes. In this paper, I will examine the self-control theory and the social bond theory and how these two theories explain crime causation. I will also describe the ...

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The Kansas City Gun Experiment

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,711 )

INTRODUCTION This paper provides a critical assessment of a level 3 impact evaluation that was assigned in 2012. The study chosen was the “Kansas City Gun Experiment” which was undertaken by Sherman and Rogan (1995). This paper analyses how well the selected study addressed the issues of reliability of measurement, internal validity of causal inferences, external validity of conclusions to the full population the study sampled ...

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Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,311 )

CHAPTER 5: REVIEW OF FINDINGS Parental Incarceration and Children’s Educational Performance Murray et al. (2012b) reviewed samples of the Pittsburgh Youth Study; a longitudinal survey of 1009 inner city boys up to 18 years, to investigate any links between parental incarceration and children’s poor academic performance. They also accounted for type of parental incarceration, the age of the child and the parent’s level of antisocial behaviour. ...

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Impact of Cultural Background on Domestic Violence

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,338 )

Chapter 1: Introduction Domestic violence is an issue which occurs across all cultures, religions, ages, genders and in all countries. It affects many individuals and occurs in many various forms including physical, verbal, emotional and psychological abuse. Domestic violence has a range of definitions and there is no official globally agreed upon official definition to explain it, however in terms of the UK a commonly accepted ...

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Social Construction of Victims

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

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“Some victims are more deserving of the label ‘victim’ than others. Critically analyse this statement in light of your knowledge of theories in this area.” The word ‘victim’ can be associated with a person who has experienced some form of misfortune or suffering, however, when the word ‘victim’ is thought of in a policing perspective it is typically “used to refer to the complainant of a ...

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Social Bonds in Modern Criminology

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (3,070 )

Travis Hirschi had an enormous effect on the field of criminology. His influence was most certainly felt the most in the subject of control theory. Hirschi’s theories were always plainly stated in layman’s terms so everybody could clearly understand them. Hirschi’s first theory: Social Bonds and Delinquency, states that delinquency arises when social bonds are weak or absent. This theory challenged Merton’s strain theory and Sutherland’s ...

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Social Bond Theory and Deviant Behaviour

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,570 )

Social Bonds and Deviance Deviance is a term used to describe behavior that goes against the established social and cultural norms. The concept of deviance is complex because norms vary considerably across groups, times, and places. Essentially, individuals commit deviant behavior when society defines it as such. Within the field of criminology, a number of theories exist that attempt to explain why some people engage in ...

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Should Police Officers Wear Cameras?

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,375 )

Abstract In recent years the amount of cases of police brutality has increased significantly. These officers have shown the public that those who are meant to protect us can also hurt us. Those who are supposed to uphold the law can also abuse it. In light of the recent Michael Brown incident the people have finally decided to make a stand against the police officers who ...

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Sexual Assault against Women in the Army

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,288 )

“The Invisible War” Sexual Assault against Women in the Army In 2012 a documentary entitled “The Invisible War” dealing with sexual assault against women raised attention to an issue that has been rarely spoken about. As an issue, it has been gaining attention in recent years however, and even President Obama (Office of the Press Secretary, 2014) describes it as a “profound injustice” in a speech he ...

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Self-Control Theory Analysis of Drug Use and Distribution

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,632 )

Self-Control Theory Analysis of Prohibited Drug Use and Distribution Introduction In my local area of Brookton, Western Australia, which forms part of the Great Southern Police district I have chosen the usage and distribution of prohibited drugs as the theme for my essay. I will apply the criminological theory of Self-Control from Gottfredson and Hirschi’s, a general theory ...

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Securitisation Of Transnational Crime

23 Mar 2015 27 Sep 2017

2 (461 )

The securitisation of transnational crime refers to contemporary efforts to curtail crime flows that take place across international borders via dissolution of the existing distinctions between external and internal security systems, placing a greater emphasis in the process upon international cooperation with regards to global policing, border controls, travel and financial flows. In this way the economic, political and strategic obstacles standing in the way of a ...

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Is Community Policing Effective?

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (3,143 )

AN ANALYSIS OF COMMUNITY POLICING: IS COMMUNITY POLICING AN EFFECTIVE PRACTICE? ABSTRACT Community Policing is a relatively new policing practice that focuses on reducing the crime rate in an area by creating cooperation and trust between citizens and police. The question that comes into play regarding this is whether or not community policing is an effective practice. To answer this question, a study will be conducted ...

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Reflection on Group Presentation

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,513 )

I found that making this academic presentation to be a very challenging experience. This was mainly down to working with a group of people that I don't know, another factor that may have contributed is that I had to study an area of London that I'm not familiar with. Despite how challenging I thought the experience was I also found that working on, and presenting the ...

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Racial Inequality in the Criminal Justice System

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,592 )

There is a recurrent pattern that involves law enforcement agencies and the African American communities that is questioning the police conduct, especially because of the recent shootings in Ferguson and New York City. One can't rationally discuss the issues of race within the criminal justice system without looking back at history and why the issue of race is not diminishing. The United States has an infamous ...

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Psychological Profile of Albert Fish

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,667 )

Criminal profiling has always been a crucial way of solving crime in law enforcement. This type of mechanism narrows the field of investigation by indicating what kind of person is most likely to have committed a crime by focusing on certain behavioral and personality traits. It is a collection of leads, and has been described as a skilled attempt to provide specific information about a ...

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Criminology Case Study: James Holmes

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,437 )

Positivist Theory and its Implications on the James Holmes Case Over the years, various theoretical frameworks have been proposed to explain the nature and causation of crimes. This includes the collective positivist theory, particularly the biological and psychological trait theories as explanations on why individuals commit certain crimes. The positivist tradition in criminology suggests that psychological, biological, and even social forces determine a person’s criminal behavior, ...

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Benefits of Police Body Cameras

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,600 )

Police Worn Body Cameras: Perceived Benefits As with any new technology, police body-worn cameras are becoming the new trend in the law enforcement community. While camera and surveillance systems have been around for a quite a while, body-worn cameras have seen increase popularity as several high profile cases have brought this technology to the forefront. As agencies proceed forward with pilot programs to evaluate its usefulness, ...

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Should US Citizens Be Allowed Assault Weapons?

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,201 )

The federal government of the United States of America should prohibit citizens from owning assault weapons. Discuss Assault Weapons Do you think weapons pose a threat to the individual and social level? But before this let us know what counts as an assault weapons. There is no technical definition of assault weapons, but it includes the fully automatic weapons, which fire continuously when the trigger is ...

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Issues Caused by Prison Overcrowding

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (2,991 )

Overcrowding: One of the important goals in prison system is that it should guarantee the public safety, prison inmates and staff. (Criminal justice and behavior) holding more prisoners than it is intended to accommodate, then the level of overcrowding in different continents andregions can be shown in terms of the occupancy rate*/the number of prisoners as apercentage of the official capacity of the system (prison health ...

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Marxist Theories of Punishment

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,428 )

The application of punishment is determined by the class system. Critically discuss this with reference to Marxist theories of Punishment. This essay is going to critically discuss with reference to Marxists theories of punishment whether the application of punishment is determined by the class system. In order to do this we first need an understanding of what Marxist theory is based on, how Marx differentiates the ...

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Lombroso and Beccaria on Crime

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,283 )

Criminology is the study of crime, from what causes crime to what could or does prevent it. The ideas which form the topic of criminology come from key thinkers in the area who come up with theories and carry out research to try to find evidence to support their claims. These thinkers can be influential in bringing about changes in areas such as the legal or ...

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Literature Review on Domestic Violence

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

9 (3,315 )

Literature Review Definition of domestic violence Domestic Violence is a phenomenon affecting many societies directly and indirectly around the world; and somehow, after many years of research not a single definition describes this phenomenon adequately yet. Defining domestic violence can be very difficult, as it is a broad term used to describe a range of behaviours and has a multiplicity of meanings to different people in ...

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Literature review: Burglary and Crime Prevention

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (2,812 )

LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION The literature study in this study revolved around a document analysis on the Constitution, (SA 1996: Constitution), Crime Prevention Strategies, previous studies in the field by discussing the following concepts: environmental criminology, the burglary/robbery process, motivation, target selection, residents’ activities and lifestyle, accessibility of neighbourhood, perspective on environmental crime prevention, crime prevention through environmental design, situational crime prevention. ENVIROMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY A range of ...

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Rates of Incarceration for Minorities in the US

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,992 )

With law enforcement poised to eliminate crime and the people who commit it, the building of new jails and prison seem to be the likeliest answer to the problem. Throughout American history, minorities have always been portrayed as dark and evil to name a couple of stereotypes. With the help of television and other means of media the focus has been set to create a mental ...

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How Does Poverty Affect Crime?

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,441 )

LITERATURE REVIEW There is no question about it; poverty is a problem across the globe. Furthermore, in most parts of the world crime is also a concern. However the interpretation that poverty causes crime has been researched for centuries and yet no definitive answer has been discovered. Is there a relationship between these variables? Can your social class influence the crime you commit? Within this topic, ...

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Herbert Packer Crime Control Model

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,833 )

Herbert Packer's Crime - Control Model and Due Process Model Herbert Packer's Crime - Control Model of Criminal Justice is More Needed Today Than the Due Process Model of Deterring Crime. In contemporary society, criminal justice is defined as government's policy and legal obligations to ensure the accused and the victim are treated justly by the law enforcement agencies. Criminal justice system, however, varies from government ...

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Theories of Cybercrime

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,629 )

Cybercrime The internet is perhaps today’s most influential technological invention and continues to change daily life for virtually everyone on Earth. Millions of people are plugged into cyberspace, and thousands more enter the online world every day. Not only has the Internet revolutionized the way we interact with others and learn, it has forever changed the way we live. As internet and computer technologies continue to ...

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Impact of Offender Stigmatisation

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,310 )

Does stigmatising offenders cause more harm than good? Discuss In the study of deviant behaviour, sociologists have explored the effects of society’s perceptions on deviants in a school of thought popularly known as ‘Interactionism’. Deviant behaviour, explained from this perspective, is more a result of how society deals with the deviant individual, rather than a result of the individual’s unique characteristics or background. The labelling theory ...

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Shawshank Redemption Critical Analysis

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (3,185 )

Critical Analysis of The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 movie written and directed by Frank Darabont, featuring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. The movie is a classic and is considered as one of the all-time best. The principal theme of the movie remains around the life of a prisoner, Andy, and tells us about the various circumstances and adversities faced by him and ...

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Issues in Crime Prevention

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,799 )

1. Describe the various types of murder. Discuss the issues involved in trying to solve each type of murder. Which are most likely and least likely to be resolved? First Degree/Capital Murder – One of the serious charges it is often the one that requires premeditation, planning, and deliberate action to commit murder. Some states add additional attributes to first degree murder charge such as motive, ...

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Gender Based Theories of Crime

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,136 )

Criminological Theory: Gender-Based Theories Abstract The swift change in power is constant in today’s society. While some researchers do claim that men have a tight grip over the standards of living, women are making a drastic upturn in control and dominance. Since societies have been changing with the understandings of rights and privileges, the conflict of authority arises between genders where one will feed off of ...

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Contemporary Theories of Crime

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (3,182 )

Contemporary theories in crime According to the history and development of the criminological theory, the knowledge of crime theory has a tendency to include the past criminological theory that has been developed before. For example the labeling theory has a great influence from Chicago school, Durkheim theory and concepts, and symbolic interactionism (Plummer) Theory has the particularity of being the subject of constant renewal, like most ...

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Biological Positivism Theory of Crime

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,378 )

Chapter One: Introduction “Our society has decided that man is a creature born of free will. At the same time, our system recognises that attitudes may be influenced by environmental factors.” (Taylor, 1984: 9) Adults who engage in criminal conduct are seen as having values which are distorted by adverse environmental conditions. “Guilt then is premised upon the concept that everyone who commits an act does ...

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Types of Evidence in Crime Scenes

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,439 )

Collecting the Evidence Collecting evidence from a crime scene is a crucial aspect of solving crimes. Before evidence can be seized, there must first be a court order approving the search of the crime scene and the seizure of the evidence found at the scene. Standard protocol for officers is for them to always use latex gloves, avoid plastic bags, double wrap small objects, package each ...

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Challenges of Policing Sex Trafficking

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

9 (3,406 )

Written for the Home Office Challenges of policing sex trafficking Sex Trafficking is a hidden and very complex crime. On this account, the lack of awareness, knowledge and a legal definition about this crime makes, policing sex trafficking, a challenge. This briefing paper will approach the issues encountered when policing sex trafficking in the United Kingdom. Special points of interest Effectiveness of the National Referral ...

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Theories of Motivation for Terrorism

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,782 )

Introduction Terrorism has been depicted contrastingly as both a methodology and procedure; a wrongdoing and a favored responsibility; a pushed response to misuse and an indefensible an utter loathing. Evidently, a ton relies on upon whose perspective is being tended to. Terrorism has reliably been a convincing technique for the weaker side in a clash. As a topsy-turvy appearance of clash, it directs coercive vitality with ...

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Impact of Law on Crime Reduction

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,400 )

Can laws help to stop crimes? Introduction Crime is when an individual violates the law of a country he/she is living in. However, this does not necessarily mean that crime is always wrong. The law also prevents people from doing things that harm other people, such as murdering, and stealing, and smuggling, and raping, and the list goes on and on. Police in many countries ...

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Effect of Bullying on Crime

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,688 )

Bullying What does bullying exactly mean? A bully is characterized as an individual who utilizes physical or mental power to impact or scare someone else or to constrain him or her to do what they need. Zimmerman’s article on” Homophobia hurts straight men, too," it discusses a student who commits suicide after his flat mate recorded him and alternate kid having sex. Bullying might be discovered ...

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Alternatives to Prison in Dealing with Offenders

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,656 )

Assess the alternatives to prison in dealing with offenders We live in a society that is screaming for help. When it comes to a medical illness that a doctor can cure, he is allowed to go through great lengths to provide the best care possible. The same applies to the government who relies on the prison system to maintain law and order in dealing with offenders ...

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Reducing and Preventing Youth Violence

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,281 )

The assay aggregation accepted assorted approaches to adolescence violence. We tend to accepted assorted theories in sociology, psychology, human development, and accessible health, and frameworks for the way professionals and agents in those fields access adolescence abandon as a drag. These frameworks advise the goals and methods in every field's programming and acknowledgment to adolescence violence (Dahlberg, 1998). As an example, if the basis relies during ...

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Impact of Enlightenment on Punishment

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (2,892 )

Punishment is a concept which is open to many definitions in a sense that, when looking at crime and punishment, the definition depends purely on the place, culture and beliefs that an individual associates themselves with. When we look at crime and punishment in particular, the meaning behind punishment differs due to it being a concept that can be defined in many different ways, for instance, ...

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Criminal Justice Issues in Democratic Society

18 Sep 2017

7 (2,550 )

What are the major crime control or major criminal justice issues that face advanced democracies? Advanced democracies are mainly based around the liberal social democratic model which places a high value on the idea of human rights and freedom of choice across a wide spectrum of human activities (Bevir, M. (2005) 1-10) (Choongh, S. (1997) Ch. 1) (Fennell, P., Harding, C., Jörg, N. and Swart, B. ...

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Moral Frameworks of Terrorists

18 Sep 2017

9 (3,291 )

This paper discusses, with reference to two examples, whether terrorists can appeal to a consistent moral framework. Terrorism can be, and indeed, most usually is defined in the literature, as a strategy of violence that is designed to promote a desired outcome through instilling fear in the public at large. There are, however, disagreements amongst many academics, from political science, law and human rights analysts, as ...

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Evaluation of Restorative Justice

18 Sep 2017

6 (2,251 )

It is simple to suppose that prisoners are not human beings. In some way once an individual is found guilty of a crime and incarcerated, they become, in the sense of the law, almost more like an object than a person. Many prisoners suffer the loss of not only their independence, but their right to vote, their ability to settle with victims of their crimes, their ...

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Changing the CJS for Victim and Community Justice

18 Sep 2017

10 (3,688 )

“We need to re balance the system so that it delivers real justice for victims and the wider community” (David Blunkett, 2002). Critically assess the current debate regarding victims' rights. INTRODUCTION CMS Funding was announced in June 1999 to “streamline the criminal justice system”(Chief Secretary, Alan Milburn,, 1999), with a Ministerial Priority on Policing established (Rt Hon. Jack Straw,, 1999, March, 25). Following ...

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