Human Beings And Material Assets

02 Nov 2017

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15.1 INTRODUCTION Human beings and their associated material assets (physical resources in the environment, which may be either of human or natural origin) are an important element of the environment. Any potential impact on the status of human beings by the proposed Greenway Project must therefore be comprehensively assessed. The principal concern is that human ...

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The Feasibility Of Commercial Production

02 Nov 2017

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The conventional energy industry is being threatened by increasing production costs, diminishing marginal returns and a clamour for a shift to cleaner less carbon intensive energy sources. A significant decline in the amount of recoverable oil and conventional natural gas resources is predicted within the next few decades, sometimes referred to as a period of ...

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The Types Of Energy Resources

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Energy has played a key role in the development of human society in a way by adapting to the environment which makes its use inevitable. Development of energy resources therefore becomes essential for agriculture, transportation, communication and other related industries in order to achieve the benchmarks of a developed society. Energy is often related ...

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Preserving Of The Embodied Energy

02 Nov 2017

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Conservation of heritage buildings generates very important benefits to the environment. A number of studies around the world have addressed this subject. Review of the literature revealed three main environmental benefits gained by conservation including: Reduction of hazardous materials; Preserving of the embodied energy; and Preserving of the Energy. Reduction of Hazardous Materials Heritage ...

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The Liquefied Natural Gas

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION: Energy is the lifeline of modern world. The consumption of all forms of energy is increasing with a very high pace globally, hence resulting into growing concern about the energy. Population growth, development of energy dependent technologies, rising living standards are some of the factors responsible for growth in energy consumption. With decline in ...

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Birds First Aplomado Preserve Management Plan

02 Nov 2017

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Prepared by Cheryl McIntyre University of Arizona Rangeland Planning RAM 587 Introduction This management plan provides guidance for the next 10 years for the Birds First Aplomado Preserve. The plan describes the management philosophy and suggests a decision-making framework. This plan explains and analyzes three alternatives for management of the Aplomado Preserve and suggests a ...

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The Meaning Of Nanotechnology

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION 1. The nanotechnology & nano science deals with the study, assembling, characterising & manipulating matter on the scale of 100-0.1 nanometres. The field entails working at molecular level as 1 nanometre (nm) i.e. one millionth of 1 millimetre and this corresponds to about 10 times the size of a hydrogen atom. 2. Quantum physics, ...

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Alternative Energy Sources Should Develop

02 Nov 2017

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Phaneendra.Madala Fairleigh Dickinson University Abstract The electricity sector in British Columbia has played a significant role in the economic life of the country. BC has several resources to produce energy mainly the energy is produced from Hydro, Biomass, Natural gas and Diesel. BC Hydro is the main electric distributor, serving 1.8 million customersin most areas. ...

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Meaning Of Hotel Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction : Hotel means friendly and generous reception and service to the guest. Hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging, food, drink, facilities for a short term period. Few years ago a most widely accepted where catering industry are all operations which were involved in tourist leisure. Some hotels are built up with trees ...

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He Us Clean Air Act

02 Nov 2017

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Generally air pollution occurs in two forms known as outdoors or indoors air pollution and this is usually caused naturally or by human activities. Outdoor air pollution is of major concern in both urban and rural areas of developed countries and developing countries. However, it should be noted that a different mix or air pollution ...

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Sustainability In The Hospitality Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Topic: Making ‘Green’ Aviation A Reality Instructor: A Prof. Dr. Madeleine Cheah Hevera Prepared by: Cheong Chee Hao, Kenneth 20037768 (NSHE ID) [email protected], +65 9231 4748 Rebel 14 25 April 2013 Executive Summary Saint Augustine of Hippo once said that "The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page". ...

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A Novel Technique For X Ray Spectroscopy

02 Nov 2017

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By utilising different Ross filter pairs, each with a different discrete pass band, the low energy X-ray spectrum becomes observable. This is the aim of the chapter; to determine a set of Ross filter pairs that provide high spectral resolution and a high transmittance to observe the X-ray energy range of 10 KeV - 100 ...

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Renewable Energy Strategy

02 Nov 2017

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UK government’s considerable support in renewable energy technologies starts back in 1970. Since then, UK’s energy policies have undergone many changes and improvements. Back in 1970s,wave energy cameto be mistakenly, as proved later in 1994, the most favoured technology. A relatively well funded policy to increase UK’s renewable energy capacity was made throughout the 1990s. ...

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Storage And Self Purification

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Water Treatment has become of increasing importance in a world of limited resources (1). The quality standards required for health in the case of drinking water, or for reliability in the case of industrial process water, necessitate improved technologies for the treatment of the water before use, as well as before discharge (1). Introduction ...

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The Wind Power Will Represent An Enormous Role

02 Nov 2017

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It is essential for installation that three key components are taken into consideration. Firstly, there needs to be enough wind to keep the turbines turning to generate the electricity. Secondly, wind farms need advanced and specific technology. Moreover, the government should "create the environment that encourages growth". [2]  October 2008 is very foremost in the calendar ...

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History Of Physical Effects Of Climate Change

02 Nov 2017

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On January 19, 2005, in Kobe, Japan, global scientists agreed that climate change is "the single most important threat to the planet's survival." (Crichton 2005) An increasing group of experts concurs that the climate is changing and a main influence is being provided by human activity. Apart from this fact, another worrying hypothesis is that ...

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Communitys Source Of Energy

02 Nov 2017

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Student’s Name: Institutional affiliation: Community’s Source of Energy Societies should embark in using renewable source of energy because non renewable sources affect the eco-system and the environment. Most sources of energy that are used are non renewable. Transitioning of energy sources of power from non renewable sources to renewable sources is highly expensive especially ...

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Protecting Physical And Biological Resources

02 Nov 2017

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In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of marine spatial planning (henceforth MSPs) as a tool to protect the world’s marine and coastal environment. However there has been little research done to look into any conflicts which maybe caused through implementing these strategies, this assignment examines how these procedures may ...

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Reduce Socio Economic Effect Of Soil

02 Nov 2017

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Soil erosion as the name implies is a systematic removal of soil, including plant nutrients from the land surface by various agents of denudation that occurs in several parts of Nigeria under different geological, climatic and soil conditions. Yusuf and Ray (2011) described soil erosion as the process by which rock fragments and soil are ...

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Current And Future Prospects Of Biomass Energy

02 Nov 2017

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This report includes, the detail analysis of biomass energy. The advancement made in this sector and the challenges faced by all the stake holders have been thoroughly studied . In the start the basics of biomass and bio fuel is mentioned with its benefits. The process of photosynthesis for the generation and its ...

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Characteristics And Effects On The Environment

02 Nov 2017

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Textile processing sector is one of the most important and largest industrial sectors of Pakistan with regard to production .it alone accounts for 65% of the country’s export. There are approximately 670 mills in Pakistan of which 300 are in Karachi and rest in Punjab. Textile industry is characterized as large quantity of water consumption ...

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Wind Turbines And Wind Energy

02 Nov 2017

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Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 A Brief History of Wind Energy Technology 4 Current Wind Turbine Technology 6 Wind Power Utilization in the United States 6 Description of Wind Turbine Technology 7 Factors to Consider When Putting Up a Turbine 7 How Residential Wind Turbines Work 9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Turbine Technology 13 Impact on the Economy 14 Impact on Society 15 ...

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The Origins Of Sustainability

02 Nov 2017

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Sustainability or Sustainable development has been commonly defined as "Economic and social development that meets the needs of the current generation without undermining the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (WCED, 1987). This definition brought together what is now known as the three pillars of sustainable development; economic development, social development ...

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Solid Waste Pollution And Hotels

02 Nov 2017

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Solid Waste Pollution and Hotels & Large Scale Resorts Final Research Paper Prepared for: A. Prof. Dr. Madeleine Cheah Hevera Prepared by: Chung Ze Xiang Rebel 14 Executive Summary This final research paper will examines and provides the knowledge of solid waste pollution and how it is contributed by the hotel industry in Singapore through ...

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Analysis On Development Plans Prepared Colombo City

02 Nov 2017

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Anyone who tries to analyzed and compare the plans prepared for the development of Colombo city will soon figure out that there were two kinds of development plans prepared for Colombo; the one is the issue based development planning and the other was the conceived or designed structure plans. In the first case the Colombo ...

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Assessment On Air Quality

02 Nov 2017

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Keka Sinha, Papita Das (Saha) Biotechnology Department, National Institute of Technology - Durgapur Abstract Air quality index (AQI) is a single value numerical expression to evaluate the quality of a given air at a particular location. The present study based on classifies the locations with different air pollution characteristics in Kolkata and further to evaluate ...

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History Of Waste Management In The Uk

02 Nov 2017

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History of waste management in the UK There is no definite definition for waste as this varies from one person to another, what one person is discarding or about to discard could be a valuable resource to another. Any object or substance an individual discards or intend to discard is referred to waste (Osmani, 2012), ...

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Present Scenario In The World

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction to e-waste: "E-waste" refers to any discarded or undesirable electronic device or Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) is categorized as universal e-waste. E-waste generally comprehends hazardous materials, predominantly lead and mercury, and is produced by households, businesses, governments, and industries. Enduring revolution in technology and upgradation, changes in media trailed by humans, falling prices of ...

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The Biotic Natural Resources

02 Nov 2017

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2.1 INTRODUCTION Materials that occur in the nature under different environmental conditions are termed as Natural Resources. They are valuable in their natural (unmodified) form and their value is determined by the amount of material that can be extracted from them and the demand for the same. Natural Resources are extracted and purified as opposed ...

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Cost And Environmental Impact

02 Nov 2017

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Module Title: Skill for Study 2 Tutor Name: Nikolay Gochev Name of Group: Group 2 Assessment Title: Final Report Assignment Title: Write a recommendation report in which you compare two water provision methods for an arid region of your choice. Consider these two methods in two requirements which is Cost and Environmental impact. Student ID ...

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The Role Of Cattle Manure

02 Nov 2017

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By Leonard Rusinamhodzi a, b,*, Marc Corbeelsc, Shamie Zingored, Justice Nyamangarae, Ken E. Gillerb aCIAT-TSBF Harare, Box MP228 Mt Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe bPlant Production Systems Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 430, 6700 AK, Wageningen, The Netherlands cCIRAD-Annual Cropping Systems C/O Embrapa-Cerrados Km 18, BR 020 - Rodovia Brasília/Fortaleza,Planaltina, DF Brasil dInternational Plant Nutrition Institute – ...

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The Elements Of Concern In Wastewater

02 Nov 2017

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1School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia 2Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Salahaddin–Erbil, Iraq Corresponding Author: [email protected] ABSTRACT The nitrogen removal from wastewater and landfill leachate has become a vital part of the overall treatment process because nitrogen compounds have the significant impact on ...

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The History Of The Radioactive Pollution

02 Nov 2017

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The radioactive pollution is defined as the physical pollution of atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere byemissions from radioactive materials. Certain materials possess the ability to emit the alpha, beta and gamma rays. Those materials are called radioactive elements. The sources of radiations can be natural or manmade.Radioactive wastes arethose wastes containing radioactive material, usually by-products of ...

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The Crude Oil Pretreatment

02 Nov 2017

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A. CRUDE OIL PRETREATMENT (DESALTING) Crude oil often contains water, inorganic salts, suspended solids, and water-soluble trace metals. As a first step in the refining process, to reduce corrosion, plugging, and fouling of equipment and to prevent poisoning the catalysts in processing units, these contaminants must be removed by ...

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Biofuels For Sustainable Development

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION Background Natural resources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas take thousands of years to form naturally and cannot be replaced as fast as they are consumed. Eventually, fossil-based resources will become too costly to harvest and humanity will need to shift its reliance to other sources of energy. At present, the main energy ...

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Terrorist Attacks Region Wise

02 Nov 2017

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"The establishment of NCTC is not a State versus Centre issue but will work as a vehicle of country's combined efforts to curb terrorism". -Prime Minister Manmohan Singh [1]  1. The data for the study was collected through various sources to analyse the efficacy of NCTC. Quantitative analysis of data was carried out for generation of results. ...

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Waste Generation In India

02 Nov 2017

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"There was no ways of dealing with it that haven’t been known for thousands of years. These ways are essentially four: dumping it, burning it, converting it into something that can be used again, and minimizing the volume of material goods – future garbage – that is produced in the first place," wrote William Rathje, ...

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The History Of Natural Ventilation

02 Nov 2017

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‘’ we need a system that allows the traditional way of cooperation to work in our society. We must subject technology and science to the economy of the poor and penniless. We must add the aesthetic factor because the cheaper we build the more beauty we should add to respect man’’ Hassan Fathy One ...

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The Kobuk Selawik Estuarine System

02 Nov 2017

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A Management Plan for Sheefish in the Kobuk-Selawik Estuarine System Abstract Sheefish, a large gray fish from the whitefish family, are crucial to the lives of Alaskan Native peoples. These fish are common in northwest Alaska in the Kobuk-Selawik Estuary (KSE) and spend the majority of their lives within this estuary. With upcoming development ...

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The Regional Pollution Control

02 Nov 2017

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Pako Manufacturing Company manufactures building materials ranging from cement, iron rods, roofing sheets and blocks. The company was registered in 1943 with on one manufacturing unit. Currently, the company has nine (9) manufacturing units in fifteen (15) countries and an annual income of 15 billion dollars. PMC is committed to creating a healthy and safe ...

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Massive Burden Cost Of Waste Disposal

02 Nov 2017

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In fact, nuclear energy is constituted as an unacceptable hazard. The consequences are extremely serious even though the opportunities of a nuclear accident happening are very small especially building the nuclear power plant in this small-sized island ─ Hong Kong. Furthermore, a serious nuclear accident occurred on 26th April, 1986 ─ Chernobyl disaster. After the ...

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Early Traditional Town In Malaysia

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1 The development of Kuala Lumpur starting from squatters and continued to develop into urban development. Job opportunities in Kuala Lumpur increasing cause more people moved into the city. It is because this place in urban set up so it became a people choice to live in Kuala Lumpur. In line with a rapid ...

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Soil Physical Degradation Due To Drip Irrigation

02 Nov 2017

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UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULURE,FAISALABAD DEPARTMENT OF:STRUCTURES & ENVIROMENTAL ENGINEERING. Synopsis For M.Sc (Hons.) Nameof Student: Uzair Shaqat. Registration Number: 2011-ag-535. ABSTRACT Pakistan is a country in which these ...

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The Ecosystem Of Berners Bay

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract The ecosystem of the Berners Bay estuary is closely tied to the health of four species of forage fish: Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus), capelin (Mallotus villosus), and sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus). We introduce the Berners Bay ecosystem and establish the crucial roles of these species in maintaining its extraordinary diversity and ...

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The Uk Contributed To Increased Waste Production

02 Nov 2017

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It’s fair to say that in 2013 the UK as a whole takes a lot for granted, compared to other countries, it is only in recent years that we have really started to see the impact that our habits are having on the planet. Over the years we have abused the resources that are on ...

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The Energy White Paper Of 2003

02 Nov 2017

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The Energy White Paper of 2003 presented the UK government's new energy policy which would consolidate that ''energy, the environment and economic growth are properly and sustainably integrated''. To begin with, taking into account the fact that Energy is a very long term investment, the achievement of any goals was set to the checkpoint of ...

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Climate Change Situation In Thailand

02 Nov 2017

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Meteorological forecasts on the future air temperature in Thailand show that the maximum temperature will increase in many parts across the country. The Southeast Asia START Regional Center investigated the future climate in Thailand using the PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies) model and the global dataset of ECHAM4, the model simulation of ...

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Waste Disposal Methods And Its Impacts

02 Nov 2017

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1 Introduction Tourism industry can have both positive and negative impacts on tourist destinations. Benefits include economic activity and employment opportunities. Negative impacts include deterioration of finite natural resources, and contribution to existing problems, such as increasing quantities of solid waste. Since tourism activities are linked to the characteristics of the setting, businesses in the tourism ...

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The Vernacular System And Scientific System

02 Nov 2017

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There are many soil classification systems. There are two major systems are the vernacular system and scientific system. Vernacular system is developed by land users. For example, in vernacular system soil can be categorized as red soil, black soil, yellow soil, hot soil, etc. In scientific system the soil can be categorized according to the ...

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Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches In Malaysia

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT Generally, biogas can be produced by using different types of raw material such as palm oil mill effluent, empty fruit bunches, paddy straw, cow manure and etc. In this project, empty fruit bunches are selected as the raw material for the production of biogas. As the empty fruit bunches from a mill is incinerated ...

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The Winter Use In Yellowstone National Park

02 Nov 2017

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Cheryl McIntyre GEOG 596m – Making the Connection between Science and Decision Making Case Study: Winter Use in Yellowstone National Park The National Park Service (NPS) faces many challenges in trying to meet its mission to "conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the ...

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A Hybrid Solar Biomass Power Plant

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Purpose Energy security is a major concern for India and many rural areas remain un-electrified. Thus, innovations in sustainable technologies to provide energy services are required. Biomass and solar energy in particular are resources that are widely available and underutilised in India. This paper provides an overview of a methodology that was adopted for ...

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The Concept Of Solar Power

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Solar Power is bequest for contemporary natural environment and preferred by global populace as escalating carbon emission problems come up with burning fossil fuels. This energy form is broadly used in developing countries because it is profuse and it can improve the situation in countryside.(Gustavsson, 2007) Solar Power provides security to future energy conservation ...

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Solar Energy Is The Way To The Future

02 Nov 2017

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The dilemma we are currently encountering in the 21st century is the depletion of natural resources such as fossil fuels. This issue warrants the subsequent need to find alternative energy sources to replace them. Over the past few years we have seen a great deal of investment in companies dealing with the development of ...

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Green Versus Industry Lobby

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Although the proponents of GM crops promote the beautiful advantages of these crops to poor undeveloped/ developing regions; the undesirable effects are often left spoken. Many factors combine to …ethical issues, health implication on consumers, the role of capitalism and if GM crops can be pro-poor, and finally the effects on farmers who are ...

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Carbon Tax In Australia

02 Nov 2017

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NAME: SANDEEP SINGH SIDHU STUDENT ID: 12769674 SUBJECT: CURRENT BUSINESS ISSUES Contents:- INTRODUCTION........................................................................2 2. ECONOMIC THEORY.......................................................2-3 3. IMPACTS OF CARBON TAX............................................................3-5 4. IMPLEMENTATIONS............................................................. 5 5. OTHER TYPES OF TAXES ........................................................5-6 6. CONCLUSION……………………..............…………………..6 7. REFERNCES…………………………………………….7 INTRODUCTION Carbon tax is an environmental taxon emissions of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxideis considered to be a heat-trapping"greenhouse" gas,and the purpose of ...

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Lack Of Information Related To Energy

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 6 This chapters highlights some of the common obstacles facing by the urban poor in achieving to different energy services. Besides, barrier specific good practices i.e. successful policies/initiatives that have supported energy access for the urban poor has also been collected and complied. In order to understand the barriers faced by suppliers for promoting ...

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Defination Of Urban Agriculture

02 Nov 2017

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Urban agriculture has been described as an edible landscape of green in a concrete-dominated urban world (Lawson, 2005). It has existed since the dawn of the city itself, and continues to serve many functions in today‘s metropolises. There are several ways to produce food in an urban setting—some private, some public, some institutional—and innovative technological ...

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Sustainable Development By The Brundtland Commission

02 Nov 2017

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With reference to the definition of sustainable development by the Brundtland Commission (1987), analyse the important concepts/issues raised during the lectures and classify them into economic, environmental and social. A table is sufficient for this task. Alternatively, you may prefer to go through the synoptic exercise conducted after each lecture and highlight points according to ...

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Effects Of Global Warming

02 Nov 2017

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There have been many effects of global warming. As we know, global warming is caused by human activities such as open burning, deforestation and developing of industrial area. Global warming will directly and indirectly influence human health. Directly affect human health includes asthma, cardiovascular diseases and heat stress. However, indirectly affect human health includes some ...

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What Is The Meaning Of Rare Earth

02 Nov 2017

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Table of Contents What is the meaning of rare earth? Rare earth metals or rare earth elements (REE) are as a cluster of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides and more yttrium and scandium. Yttrium and scandium are considered rare earth elements since they incline to occur in the identical ...

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Expected Energy Savings By Current Policies

02 Nov 2017

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Table 1: Policy Measures in the Residential Sector and their Impacts [6]. 9 Table 2: Expected energy savings by current policies [5] 9 Abstract Energy consumption in the domestic sector will play a key role to the future economic development in both developed and developing countries. A determining factor for reduced energy consumption in households will be ...

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The Capacity Of Households And Communities

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Improved water and sanitation environment in terms of availability of hygienic sanitation facilities and provision of quality and affordable water is essential and also a basic necessity of every human society. Improved water and sanitation environment is therefore a prerequisite for improved health and nutrition, since both are linked directly and indirectly. Various studies ...

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Before Union Energy Resources

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION United Arab Emirates sometimes simply called Emirates or UAE, an Arab country located in southeast of Persian Gulf and sharing its border with other countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Oman and Qatar. Its federation of seven Emirates each of which is ruled by its hereditary Emir and select one person as member of federation.The ...

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The Fossil Fuel Dilemma

02 Nov 2017

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Our lives are connected to the climate. Human societies have adapted to the relatively stable climate we have enjoyed since the last ice age which ended several thousand years ago. A warming climate will bring changes that can affect our water supplies, agriculture, power and transportation systems, the natural environment, and even our own health and ...

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The Largest Portion Of Construction Waste

02 Nov 2017

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The site where the Severn River encounters the Bristol Channel is known as the Severn Estuary; situated on the west coast of the United Kingdom. It is the biggest UK tidal range and third largest in the world It is categorised as a hyper-tidal range with an average 8.2m mean tide and at peak spring ...

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What Is A Fuel Cell

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract In present literature review presented the technology of fuel cells. The types of fuel cells, their main components, their advantages and applications are discussed. Moreover, the necessity of modeling fuel cells, their advantages and their approaches are explained followed by some examples of modeling. In the last part of the literature review presented ...

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A Diaspore Tubular Digestion Process

02 Nov 2017

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A simulation model is developed to predict the performance of a tubular digestion process of a very low A/C ratio diaspore bauxite type. The Elec- NRTL property method is used to calculate the equilibrium and thermodynamic properties of the slurry. The Aspen Plus simulator is employed as a platform to solve the reaction and ...

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Unconventional Shale Gas Resources In Asia

02 Nov 2017

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1. INTRODUCTION Shale gas has a greater capacity to turn around the world’s energy sector due to some of its great unique properties like abundant in reserve, easily found everywhere, being cheap, cleaner than other form of fossil fuels. In the past, Oil and gas companies have always believed that shale gas will not ...

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The History Of The Abiotic Natural Resources

02 Nov 2017

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2.1 INTRODUCTION Materials that occur in the nature under different environmental conditions are termed as Natural Resources. They are valuable in their natural (unmodified) form and their value is determined by the amount of material that can be extracted from them and the demand for the same. Natural Resources are extracted and purified as opposed ...

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Low Cost Low Pressure Drip Irrigation

02 Nov 2017

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A. INTRODUCTION 1. IPTRID is an independent multi-donor trust-fund programme hosted by FAO in its headquarters in Rome. It provides assistance to developing countries and development agencies for the formulation and implementation of sustainable agricultural water management strategies and Programmes. 2. Agricultural water management can help to reducing hunger and poverty in the developing world. ...

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Overall Agri Environmental Performance

02 Nov 2017

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Agricultural land use and management practices are adversely impacting natural and semi-natural habitats, and as a consequence damaging wild flora and fauna species [3]. The 1% increase in the area under agriculture between 1990-92 to 2002-04 (Figures 3.28.2 and 3.28.3), has led to land clearing for farming, mainly involving the ploughing of steppe land and ...

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Policy Analysis And Evaluation Report

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction The problems facing developing countries in the handling of municipal solid and liquid wastes are not impossible to solve but they need concerted effort from all sectors of society. Municipal solid waste management is the responsibility of every resident. An all inclusive approach should be adopted in order to achieve any meaningful and lasting ...

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The History Of Human Impact

02 Nov 2017

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Team: Anne Bourke, Laura O’Reilly, & Aoife Joyce (NHS4) Contents Page 3. Introduction & Cause of incident 7. The environmental impact 11. The human impact 16. The active ...

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The Impact Of Air Quality Regulations

02 Nov 2017

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The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of air quality regulations on the frequency of childhood respiratory illnesses in countries around the world. Exposure to air with high particulate counts has been strongly linked to several negative health consequences, including the aggravation of asthma and other lung conditions as well as ...

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The Impact Of Global Climate Change

02 Nov 2017

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This paper provides an overview of global warming that affects the politics, economy and society. There are also the positive and negative impacts that causes directly or indirectly by the global warming. This title is chosen for my report is because currently global warming is the issue that facing by everyone. The world is getting ...

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The Industrial Growth Urban Agriculture

02 Nov 2017

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Lake Victoria covers a surface area of 68,800 km2 and is the world’s second largest freshwater lake in the developing world (Ntiba et al., 2001). According to Ntiba et al., (2001), the three East African countries of Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya share Lake Victoria and its resources controlling 49%, 45% and 6% of the lake ...

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Nature And Evolution Of Environmental Law

02 Nov 2017

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Our first Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru had once said that the country which kept pace with the growing technological advancement would only be truly able to keep pace with the world. It was in his tenure that the Electronics Industry in India was initiated and controlled by the government around 1965. Later during the ...

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Talk About Types Of Rts

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT The aim of this dissertation is to review renewable energy generation methods and the impact its on lowering carbon emissions of railway stations and the difficulties related between railway stations and the use of renewable technology within them. Currently, rail is considered to be an energy efficient mode of transport and with UK seeking ...

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English Planning System Manage The Negotiation

02 Nov 2017

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The Safeguarding Environmental Health

02 Nov 2017

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M2. The national environment policy gives the public and the private sector directions on the environment. This policy helps to ensure that the national environment objectives are achieved. The aim of this policy is to address the problems faced in the environment sector. The national environment talks about the objectives and commitment. Moreover the policy’s ...

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An Introduction To Carbon Credits

02 Nov 2017

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Executive summary 2 Introduction 2 1. An introduction to carbon credits 2 2. Why should carbon emissions be reduced in agricultural sector? 3 3. How to mitigate greenhouse gases in agricultural sector that benefit rural farmers? 6 3.1. Low carbon farming practices 6 3.1.1. What does low carbon farming involve? 6 3.1.2. What are the benefits of low carbon farming ...

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Algae As A Source Of Biofuel

02 Nov 2017

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As the price of crude oil skyrockets and the world's reserves are steadily depleted, biofuels are on the horizon as a possible solution to a looming energy crisis. Currently research into biofuel technology is spread across a broad spectrum of possible sources and refinement methods. One of the most promising biofuel sources currently being explored ...

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The Lack Of Conventional Pesticides

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Connor Strzelewicz Mr. Kulangara Environmental Issues 1016 Organic Farming There are a variety of ways in which farmers choose to grow their crops. Some give higher financial benefits, while others give higher health benefits. A few methods are even environmentally friendly. Most farmers choose to farm in such a way that they get the highest ...

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Case Study In China

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Tidal energy is the potential energy of water caused by flood and ebb tide. Its principle of operation is similar to hydroelectronic generation. Tidal energy can be extracted by building a dam (barrage) across an estuary or coastal inlet. The dam containing turbines to generate electricity. The energy produce is approximately proportional to the square ...

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An Effective Solution To Mitigate Greenhouse Gases

02 Nov 2017

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Although Vietnam's greenhouse-gas emissions are relatively low, emissions would triple by 2030 without significant emissions-mitigation solutions being taken. In addition, if the country did not adapt to climate change, farmers' living conditions would be negatively impacted (Vietnamnet, 2012). In this context, Vietnam plans to decrease greenhouse gas emissions 20% by 2020 (from 2005 levels). However, ...

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Default Energy Crisis In Pakistan

02 Nov 2017

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Default  Energy Crisis In Pakistan "The shortfall in the ...

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Introduction Generating Power From The Tides

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 With growing concerns about the impact of carbon emissions on the global climate and reliance on finite energy resources, there has been a great deal of work towards developing technologies to extract energy from the tides over the last two decades. The tides, cyclical in nature, are governed by the gravitational pull of ...

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Sustainability Initiative Of Local Governments In Usa

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

[Student Name] [Professor Name] [Course Name] Introductions Local governments play a basic role in promoting sustainable development. Several municipalities in the USA launched sustainability initiatives in recent years, abacus to the common movement to make the future more sustainable. The abstraction of sustainable development has emerged as an important archetype in recent years. Sustainability programs ...

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Effect Of Climate Change To Wetland

02 Nov 2017

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Nowadays, global climate change became a hot issue was discuss not only in Malaysia, but all over the world. There are so many impacts towards environment such as increasing temperature, accelerated sea-level rise, changes in rainfall and freshwater discharge and in the intensity of tropical storms (Day et al 2011). Several study were use multiple ...

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The Fossil Fuel Heating System

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Solar Power is bequest for contemporary natural environment and preferred by global populace as escalating carbon emission problems come up with burning fossil fuels. This energy form is broadly used in developing countries because it is profuse and it can improve the situation in countryside.(Gustavsson, 2007) Solar Power provides security to future energy conservation ...

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Understanding Energy Sector In India

02 Nov 2017

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An Abstract submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for Doctor of Philosophy Guide: Dr Anirban Sengupta Director Co-guide: Dr. Prasoon Dwivedi Associate Professor University Of Petroleum and Energy Studies Submitted by Sushanta K Chatterjee Doctor Research Fellow University Of Petroleum and Energy Studies Table of Contents hapter 1: Introduction Energy security is an area of prime ...

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Waste Generation Rate And Quantity

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION "There was no ways of dealing with it that haven’t been known for thousands of years. These ways are essentially four: dumping it, burning it, converting it into something that can be used again, and minimizing the volume of material goods – future garbage – that is produced in the first place," ...

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The Top Polluter Of The Chesapeake Bay

02 Nov 2017

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The Chesapeake Bay is one of our nation’s largest and most important bays providing us with food, water and an area for recreational sports. Agricultural runoff from farming is the greatest pollutant harming the Chesapeake Bay, destroying the ecosystem and devastating our recreational fishing. The primary causes for this runoff are irrigation, fertilizer and poor ...

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Sustainable Energy And Its Advantages

02 Nov 2017

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EAP-1851.002S13 Saturday U-92703497 Sustainable Energy and its Advantages Sustainable energy is the tenable provision of energy that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to provide their needs. Sustainable energy is the energy which uses natural sources to produce power so that it is called as also limitless ...

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The Biggest Global Environmental Threats

02 Nov 2017

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Climate change and variability has been affecting smallholder farmers in various ways. As such, without meaningful adaptation, many households dependant on agriculture will be more food insecure and become more vulnerable than ever to various occurrences such as droughts, poverty, and illnesses. The lack of meaningful adaptation will thus exacerbate the prevalence of poverty thereby ...

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Marketing Of Green Energy In Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

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In this paper I am explaining the scope, the demand and the use of green energy in Mauritius, its marketing and how it affects the global market. Now a day not only in Mauritius all the countries biggest problem is the energy and its consumption; mostly the electricity, the basic needed form of all the ...

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Sustainability In Hospitality Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Impacts of Ski Tourism Loh Li Fang Purdey (2000336078) Rebel 17 ...

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The Importance Of Freshwater Resources

02 Nov 2017

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Fresh water has been considered one of the most important natural resources over the years. To know why it is important we first we need to know what is freshwater. Freshwater is naturally occurring water found on the earth’s surface. It is a body of water that has a low concentration of salt which is ...

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The Transboundary Ecocompensation In Eastern China

02 Nov 2017

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Zeli Li1, Maohui Liu1, Yue Zhao2, Jian Sha1, Yuqiu Wang [1]  1 College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China 2 Water Environment Institute, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Beijing, 100012, China Abstract The first transprovincial watershed ecocompensation pilot project has been implemented in Xin’anjiang River Watershed between Anhui and Zhejiang Province, China, ...

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