Prevention Of Biopiracy And Misappropriation

02 Nov 2017

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C:\Users\ABHISHEK\Pictures\NLUO logo.JPG Submitted To: Asst. Prof. Amrendra Kumar Ajit Submitted By: Tulika Pandey (2009/B.B.A.LL.B/058) Table of Contents Introduction Earth is many million years old and the only planet with life that we know of. As Earth grew older, it changed and so did the life forms on it. What we have today with us ...

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The History Of Co Ordinate System

02 Nov 2017

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UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering and Computing Department of Aerospace, Electronic and Electrical Engineering Aerospace Systems Engineering 303CDE - Individual Project - 1213AAA "Turbulent Jets: Mesh influence on the accuracy of simulations" Author: Chris van Schalkwyk SID: 2010382 Supervisor: Dr Humberto Medina Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering ...

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The Solid And Hazardous Waste

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Some of the major environmental problems in Malaysia are solid and hazardous waste. It has been studied that over 23 000 tonnes of waste are produced per day in Malaysia. However, it is expected to increase over 30 000 tonnes by the year 2020. The amount of waste generated in Malaysia has been ...

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The Golden Book Of Aquaponics

02 Nov 2017

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Part 1: Introduction Many years ago, a friend of mine introduced to me the concept of aquaponics. At first, the idea seemed a bit crazy – take care of fish, and let vegetables/fresh produce grow with the help of the nutrients present in the fish tank. Let me be honest with you: I have no ...

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Importance And Requirements Of Water

02 Nov 2017

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Cloud Seeding Introduction Nowadays, 40% of the world population is suffering from a shortage of water for drinking and irrigation. In addition, each Water Conference is warning that most of the countries all around the world are going to face water shortages within 25 years. They suggest rainmaking (cloud seeding) as a countermeasure for this ...

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Developing A Low Carbon Mobility Plan

02 Nov 2017

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The term "low carbon" refers to a zero industrial carbon emission and reduction in the green house gas emissions. Low carbon makes some sense only if there is a 90% reduction in the emissions. Otherwise, low carbon cannot prevent devastation as there still is the accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere. DEFINING CITY AND LOW ...

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The Turkish State Greens

02 Nov 2017

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Mass reaction against nuclear plants in above all interesting in the context, and may have far-reaching implications. One stirring event may have been the Chernobyl catastrophe on the date of 26 April 1986 in Ukraine. As a former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized it has painfully exaggerated the Soviet people, and shocked the global community. ...

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Environmental Threats Of Cruise Liners

02 Nov 2017

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HMD 376D Sustainability in Hospitality Industry Water Pollution – Sewage, waste, toxics, run- off Cruise lines Individual Project Report For: Dr Madeleine Hevera By: Steven Lu Jun Guang (Rebel 14) April 16, 2013 Executive Summary For a long time coming, the oceans and its inhabitants have been aiding us in ...

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How Does Phytoremediation Work

02 Nov 2017

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Phytoremediation is the use of living green plants for in situ risk reduction and/or removal of contaminants from contaminated soil, water, sediments, and air. Specially selected or engineered plants are used in the process. Risk reduction can be through a process of removal, degradation of, or containment of a contaminant or a combination of any ...

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The Role Of Lcc And Lca

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 Introduction Nowadays, the worldwide economic downturn force the manufacturer and they suppliers to cut cost and enhance the performances of their process in order to survive in the market. Furthermore, environmental protection is becoming more and more important and green manufacturing has become an expected practice that should be integrated in the development ...

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The Usage Of Wind Energy

02 Nov 2017

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Despite increasing dependency on commercial fuels, a sizable quantum of energy requirements, especially in the rural household sector, is met by non commercial energy sources, which include fuel-wood, crop residue, and animal waste, including human and draught animal power. However, other forms of commercial energy resources being consumed in the rural sector. Resource augmentation and ...

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Unfunded Mandates And Economic Impacts

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Many people in the United States have demonstrated a concern about environmental problems. In both local and national elections in the United States, candidates often talk about environmental issues in their campaigns. Each year, millions of dollars are donated to environmental causes by U.S. citizens and businesses, and billions of federal tax ...

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The Major Challenge For Power System Engineers

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The major challenge for power system engineers is to meet the ever increasing load demand with available generating capacities. Creating additional generation capacity involves huge capital investments and hence it is imperative to operate the existing power system network with optimal utilization. This requires systematic methods of planning and should employ suitable ...

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Wetlands Restoration Economic Solutions

02 Nov 2017

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by Ronald D. McKinney American Public University EVSP 502 Environmental Economics March 3, 2013 Introduction Wetlands are valuable on many fronts, to many entities and life forms: food source, biotic filter, biodiversity, and carbon storage, at a minimum. Our society has understood and appreciated the value of wetlands for conservation for many generations, and has ...

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Lignocellulosic Feedstocks For Biofuels

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Biomass is considered as one of the most suitable resource available to address some of the current issues including environmental degradation, carbon management, energy security, rural development, and unemployment [Demirbas et al. 2007]. Biomass has been using from the pre-historic periods for energy and materials [Agbor et al. 2011]. During the course of time ...

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Approach Of Architectural Conservation

02 Nov 2017

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2.1 Introduction This chapter provides some definitions and concepts concerning the heritage building conservation. It outlines previous researches related to objectives of this research. In addition, the chapter summarises past researches conducted on the heritage buildings in the old city of Ghadames, world heritage site, Libya. Theory of conservation, laws and international legislations, and international ...

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Environmental Sustainability Of Housing In Uk

02 Nov 2017

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2.1 Environmental sustainability of housing 2.1.1 environmental justice and sustainability: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2002) defines the Environmental Justice in its Environmental Justice Policy: "Environmental justice is based on the principle that all people have a right to be protected from environmental pollution and to live in and enjoy a clean and healthful environment. Environmental ...

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A Burning Challenge To The Environment

02 Nov 2017

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Instructor: A. Prof. Dr Madeleine Cheah Hevera Individual Assignment Solid Waste Management In Maldives: A Burning Challenge To The Environment Name: Li Meixian Class: Rebel 14 Contact Number: 9729-3391 Email: [email protected] This form is to be submitted together with your assignment/written report HMD 376D: Sustainability in Hospitality Industry SIGNED DECLARATION I hereby declare that this ...

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Pastoralists Adaptation To Water Scarcity

02 Nov 2017

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* Sociology of Natural Resources and Pastoral Societies, Dep. of Rural Economics & Sociology, Faculty of Agronomy /University of Parakou, Correspondence Author: 03BP 303 Parakou, Benin, Phone: +229 95521977, [email protected] , [email protected] ** Soil-Water-Environment Physics & Modeling, Dept. of Natural Resources Management, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou, 01 BP 123 Parakou, Benin, Phone: +229 ...

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The Fires And Explosions On Offshore Platforms

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction On 20th April 2010, an explosion that was followed with a large fire occurred on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. This fire emitted flames and smoke high into the sky about 40 miles off the coast of Louisiana. This incident has formed the major offshore accident in the recent past. Fire ...

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The Wind Power Off Shore For Scotland

02 Nov 2017

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STUDENT NAME: NATASHA ZAINAB USMAN STUDENT ID: S0920849 FOR: SHEENA WURTHMAN INTRODUCTION In the United Kingdom (UK), SEA is required in planning system and law for Government Plans and Programmes (Smith & Sheate 2001). For most Development Plan Documents and Supplementary Planning Documents, SEA process must be carried out and must be included in the ...

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The Physical Effects Of Climate Change

02 Nov 2017

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If greenhouse gas emissions were to be stopped instantly, rise in temperatures and sea temperatures will still be experienced for various decades due to inertia in the climate system. Thus Climate Change is inevitable. Climate is changing as a result of human activity. This is suggested by scientific evidence. 'Warming of the climate system ...

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Classification Of Natural Resources

02 Nov 2017

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2.1 INTRODUCTION Materials that occur in the nature under different environmental conditions are termed as Natural Resources. They are valuable in their natural (unmodified) form and their value is determined by the amount of material that can be extracted from them and the demand for the same. Natural Resources are extracted and purified as opposed ...

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The History Of Environmental Impact

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Skiing is a popular winter recreation in many countries with estimated 400 million skier visits annually. In 2012, commercial ski market is offering 6 million commercial beds by 2,000 ski resorts in 80 countries (Laurent V., 2012). Alps being the most popular ski destinations capture 45 percent of the market with more than 75 ...

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The Minimum Power Requirement

02 Nov 2017

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Using coal to produce energy has many advantages, but burning coal comes at a price. Faced with greenhouse gas problems, the world needs a solution better than coal. Nuclear energy, when compared with current coal power plants, is the solution to the world’s energy problems and needs. At the present, renewable energies, such as wind ...

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Land Use Growth And Development

02 Nov 2017

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The climate of Hillsborough River watershed can be classified as humid subtropical. Annual precipitation is about 50 inches and 60 percent of this total occurs during June through September and regularly there are convective afternoon and evening thunderstorms.  These storm events in summer can cause flooding problems in areas where there are deficiencies in existing ...

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Climate Change And Carbon Reduction

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter gives an introduction and the over-arching context of carbon reduction, ranging from global, national and higher education sector for the research and then sets out the key research aim and objectives. 1.1. Climate change and carbon reduction: Global context Climate change is arguably one of the greatest environmental challenges facing the world today. ...

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Social And Environmental Effects Of The Nanotechnology

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION 1. The nanotechnology & nano science deals with the study, assembling, characterising & manipulating matter on the scale of 100-0.1 nanometres. The field entails working at molecular level as 1 nanometre (nm) i.e. one millionth of 1 millimetre and this corresponds to about 10 times the size of a hydrogen atom.   2. Quantum ...

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Demand For Natural Gas In Ghana

02 Nov 2017

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The Black Locust Biorefinery

02 Nov 2017

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Esquivel Diego a, Parra Roberto b a Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology, ITESM-Campus Monterrey, E. Garza Sada 2501 Sur, C.P. 64849, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico, and b Water Center for Latin America and Caribbean, ITESM-Campus Monterrey, E. Garza Sada 2501 Sur, C.P. 64849, Monterrey, N.L., México E-mail of corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Black locust (Robinia ...

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The Enactment Of The Contaminated Land

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT Land contamination is an important environmental problem which has gained considerable recognition around the world. The fact that activities of the past (e.g old minning sites,) could have effect on present generation through land contamination also makes it a concern to appropriates sectors. Because of this policy were made to either prevent or clean ...

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Role of Botanical Garden in Conservation of Environment

23 Mar 2015 09 Oct 2017

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Keywords: importance of plant conservation With the destruction and over-exploitation of forests, many plants diversity and species have been affected and forced to face the extinction. As we know, plants are the crucial part of biodiversity in our planet as they can provide the aesthetic values, cultural and economic benefits to us. For example, plants can provide the sources of food, medicine, shelter and clothing to most ...

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Botanical Garden Importance Essay

23 Mar 2015 09 Oct 2017

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Keywords: essay on botanical garden The topic for this essay is the role of botanical gardens in plant conservation. The essay will be divided into four main parts. The first part discuss about the botanical garden. This part will include the introduction, history and development, network and function of botanical garden. Second part will explain the importance of plant conservation and the global strategy for plant conservation. ...

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Ilisu Dam Project Development

18 Sep 2017

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The proposed Ilisu Dam is a single project under the umbrella of the massive Southeastern Anatolian Project (Guneydogu Anadolu Proje) or GAP. The GAP was a major development endeavour for Turkey and aimed to develop projects using the power of the two largest rivers in Asia, the Tigris and Euphrates, that run begin in Turkey and run through to the Arabic Gulf. GAP was conceived to ...

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Safety Report on Pipelines

14 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

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This report is intended [NH3]to let readers know that pipelines are not [NH4]simply put into the ground and ignored. It will briefly describe some of the procedures and practices that are in place today to ensure that pipelines are operating safely. The media's influence often drives a negative perception about pipelines and this report will provide a more facts-based approach to educate the reader as ...

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Causes of CO2 Emissions

25 Jul 2017

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Introduction: Since the beginning of human civilization in the Early Stone Age or Paleolithic Era, humans started transforming inputs collected from the nature into economic outputs, i.e. goods and services using their primitive technology. Once economic outputs being realized the important thing to satisfy human needs, they emphasized the transformation process, and later accelerated it adopting modern technology. The continuous effort towards achieving enormous volume ...

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Afforestation and Deforestation

23 Mar 2015 24 Jul 2017

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Keywords: aforestation, afforestation benefits Forests are threatened by both biotic and a-biotic factors such as climatic hazards, diseases prompted by insects or pathogens, threats of a purely anthropogenic nature, fires, atmospheric pollution, deforastation, and the increase in social pressures.  But this classic division is a bit artificial, since man is partly responsible for all these threats. Indeed the mark of human actions is always present : it is ...

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Disadvantages of Unclean Environment

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

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Keywords: effects of unclean environment, unhygienic environment Air polluted by many ways such that chemical gases, traffic, factories and global warming etc. Mostly air is polluted by chemicals uses. Usage of poison sprays on crops makes the air polluted. Such gases cause the pollution of air. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are nontoxic gasses, nonflammable chemicals containing atoms of carbon, chlorine and fluorine. They are use manufactured of aerosol sprays, ...

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Pollution in India

23 Mar 2015 13 Jul 2017

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Keywords: pollution in india causes, pollution in india effects Most Indian cities are experiencing rapid urbanization and a majority of the India's population is expected to live in cities within a span of next two decades. The rapid development in urban India has also resulted in a tremendous increase in the number of motor vehicles and in some cities this has doubled in the last decade. Which ...

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Compare Nuclear and Wind Energy

23 Mar 2015 13 Jul 2017

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Keywords: wind vs nuclear energy At present, society is developing rapidly so mankind needs more electricity. Most countries are using the method of burning fossil fuels to make power to produce the materials which effects the environment because carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide are emitted. These gases can help to build the greenhouse effect and acid rain pollution, which will make the earth's temperature warmer ...

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Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels

23 Mar 2015 12 Jul 2017

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Keywords: environmental impacts of fossil fuels, fossil fuel impact The pollution of large combustion plants comes from fossil fuel such as: coal, oil (petroleum) and natural gas Fossil fuel: have been formed from the remains of organisms which lived hundred of millions of years a go. There are three main types of fossil fuel: Coil, oil (petroleum) and natural gas. Coil - was formed from the remains ...

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ISO 14001 Advantages and Disadvantages

23 Mar 2015 10 Jul 2017

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Over time, the need for the protection of the environment has increased as different industries, companies and institutions have contributed to environmental degradation in different degrees depending on the activities carried out by these organisations. Therefore, as the concept of sustainable development emerged in the late 1980's, environmental management tools such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Management Systems (EMS) have been ...

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Factors Influencing Availability of Water in South Africa

23 Mar 2015 07 Jul 2017

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Keywords: factors influencing the availability of water in sa There are many factors influencing the sustainability of water supply in South Africa. One of the reasons is that "According to the global water balance (figure below), South Africa is situated in a negative runoff zone, which means that annual evaporation always exceeds rainfall" and "South Africa is further situated in a semidesert / desert latitude zone, which ...

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Impacts of Green Revolution on Environment

23 Mar 2015 06 Jul 2017

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Keywords: green revolution essay, green revolution effects Effects of green revolution on environment Green revolution refers mainly to dramatic increases in cereal grain yields in most of the developing countries. It can also be defined as the renovation of agricultural practices which began in Mexico in the 1940's. it started spreading to other parts of the globe in the 1950's and 1960's as a result of the ...

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Factors Affecting Population Growth

23 Mar 2015 28 Jun 2017

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Keywords: population growth problems, population growth changes Population growth can be defined as an increase or decrease in the population size of living species including human beings. Human populations are also subject to natural process of birth and death. There has been a rapid increase in the world s human population over the last few decades (UNFPA, 2011). Unless urgent steps are taken to control population, serious ...

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Eutrophication Process Steps

23 Mar 2015 27 Jun 2017

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Keywords: eutrophication steps, steps of eutrophication Eutrophication is world-wide environmental issue environmental problems that are related to high concentration nutrients. It is the process due to increment of algae productivity which affects adversely aquatic life and also human and animal health. It is mainly influenced by humankind activities that include agriculture and sewage effluent due to creating high amount of nutrients. The mechanism of eutrophication is briefly ...

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Green Technology: Impact and Uses

23 Mar 2015 27 Jun 2017

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Keywords: green technology essay, green technology benefits As human lives are advancing constantly, the basic needs of human being are increasing tremendously as well. The human intrusion needs have altered the natural environment and arouses problems such as pollution, climate change and global warming. In order to get rid of these problems, Green Technology is introduces to recover the Earth back to a healthy state. Green Technology ...

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How the Environment Effects Food and Supply

23 Mar 2015 13 Jun 2017

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Keywords: environmental changes food, environmental effect food, environmental impact pollution Introduction The purpose of this report is to discuss the current state of food and environment in the field of natural resources like soil, ocean, climate and melting glaciers and their affects. By examining a range of academic articles in summary books, newspaper articles and internet sites on the topic of food and environment, this report states ...

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Renewable Energy in India

23 Mar 2015 12 Jun 2017

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Keywords: renewable energy essay, green energy, india renewable energy As a developing country with the world's second highest population, India is facing nationwide shortage in power supply. It is very essential to make optimum use of all available resources of power inside the nation and thus found that the New and Renewable Sources of Energy (NRSE) can contribute significantly towards power generation in forthcoming years. Development of ...

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Relationship between Transport and Environment

23 Mar 2015 12 Jun 2017

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The relationship between transport and environment is paradox in nature. From one perspective transportation is categorised in two areas, passenger transportation which consists of all transport of individual, refers to all forms of public and private transport of commuters, passenger baggage transport whether scheduled or unscheduled. The second category of transportation is freight movements meaning the movement of raw materials, of work in progress, finished goods from ...

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Baku In Azerbaijan: Pollution Levels

23 Mar 2015 08 Jun 2017

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Keywords: baku pollution, air pollution azerbaijan, pollution southwest asia Imagine that you are walking down the street and see nothing but stones, ruins, fissures on the land; it's dark and you even do not see what is happening near you because of fog and soot, you try to get something attractive, you want to see blue sea and white seagulls over it, but again, you see nothing ...

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Love Food, Hate Waste Campaign

23 Mar 2015 08 Jun 2017

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Keywords: love food hate waste wrap, food waste uk, food waste campaign Food waste is a serious environmental, social and economic concern not only to United Kingdom but also to the whole world. Even though Food waste was recognized as a considerable problem, it was not identified as a serious concern to the environment till recently. Among environmentally significant activities, the production, trade, and consumption of food ...

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Causes and Effects of Nuclear Energy

23 Mar 2015 08 Jun 2017

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Keywords: causes of nuclear energy, nuclear energy effects Energy is life, as life on this planet depends upon a fixed amount of energy (citation) . Modern industrialized energy sources, such as coal and petroleum, were originally utilized for their seeming promise of high energies yielded per unit volume. Now, there is a much cleaner source of energy, it is called Nuclear power. It originates from the splitting ...

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Main Causes of Water Pollution

23 Mar 2015 07 Jun 2017

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Keywords: water pollution effects, causes water pollution, water pollution malaysia The water pollution in Malaysia is originated from point sources and non-point sources. Point sources that have been identified include sewage treatment plants, manufacturing and agro-based industries and animal farms. Non-point sources are mainly diffused ones such as agricultural activities and surface runoffs. According to Malaysia Environment Quality Report 2004, the Department of Environment has recorded 17,991 ...

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Alternate Energy Sources: An Analysis

23 Mar 2015 06 Jun 2017

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Keywords: solar power essay, solar energy essay Due to the predicted shortage of fossil fuels and other non-renewable energy sources, research is now looking at alternatives. These alternatives are known as renewable energy. Renewable energy effectively uses natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat, which can be naturally replenished. If the use of renewable energy isn't explored for future use, we may be ...

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Nuclear Power- Should it be Banned?

23 Mar 2015 06 Jun 2017

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The title question of my case study is: 'Should Nuclear Power be Banned?'. I have chosen this question as I believe it is a key topic at this present moment in life, with a lot of information about it in the media, such as on the news and in the papers each day. Also it is something that will affect the life in which we live in ...

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Climate Change Effects on Agriculture

23 Mar 2015 06 Jun 2017

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Climate change is a change in average weather over certain periods of time. Issues about the climate change have been going on for quite some time now. The main issue is of course whether the Earth is experiencing climate change or not. The respond to this issue is surely positive although countless number of arguments is being highlighted regarding this issue. People usually confuse the climate change ...

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Do Different Detergents Effect Plant Growth?

23 Mar 2015 05 Jun 2017

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Keywords: detergents affect plant growth, effect detergents plants, water pollution effect Somehow, though all life on earth has been created to be equally beautiful and unique in its own way, the plant kingdom is something that always has the most astounding of wonders, flowers that are synonymous with beauty, fields that personify heavenly scenery and gigantic trees that are only a minute reminder of nature's infinite power, ...

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Environment Management Strategies

23 Mar 2015 05 Jun 2017

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Human existence is indispensably related closely with the nature. Because, there are direct or indirect interactions between human and its environment. Human activities are mainly about concerning their common needs and any further specific life requirement. Fortunes are on their hands, because majority of the materials they need can be discovered in many ways on earth, and that is why interaction of both parties is inevitable. It ...

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Causes of Air Pollution | The Impact of Air Pollution

23 Mar 2015 02 Jun 2017

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Keywords: air pollution causes, air pollution impact, air pollution uae Air pollution is the chemical, particulate, and biological matter that can harm or distress human, living organism, or the natural environment into the atmosphere. In this project, the researcher team studied the causes and effects of the air pollution in the United Arab Emirates and discovered and will discuss the main causes of the pollution and their ...

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The Importance Of Water Treatment

23 Mar 2015 02 Jun 2017

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Water is very important for human being and other living things. In human body, more than 70% are fluid such as blood and all these fluid are basically formed by water. Bone marrow needs water to generate blood then blood carries the oxygen from lung to whole body. Besides that, water can maintain human's body temperature and provide natural material with mineral. Water is not only essential ...

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Renewable Energy Sources In Malaysia

23 Mar 2015 02 Jun 2017

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Today, energy challenge turned out to be a grave threat to sustainable development in developing countries since their energy needs is increasing more quickly than advanced countries. On the other side, fossil fuel combustion cannot maintain longer in the foreseeable future because of the environmental impact and the reduction of resources. Malaysia is experiencing dramatic growth of population and the economy and need to search for options ...

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Literature Review On Soil Erosion

23 Mar 2015 01 Jun 2017

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The Latin word erodere, (meaning "to gnaw away") is the origin of the word erosion (Roose, 1996). Soil Erosion is the physical removal of topsoil by various agents, including falling raindrops, water flowing over the soil profile and gravitational pull (Lal 1990). The Soil Science Society of America defines erosion as " the wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice or other geological ...

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Non-Conventional Energy Resources

23 Mar 2015 01 Jun 2017

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India is a country rich in natural resources as well as in population. In order to cater to the needs of ever increasing population, we have to conserve our natural resources by utilizing them carefully. Energy resources are considered to be the most needed resources for the existence of mankind. The conventional energy resources like gas, oil and coal are used everywhere starting from the household chores ...

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Traditional Agricultural Technology in Sri Lanka

23 Mar 2015 31 May 2017

12 (4,530 )

Keywords: sri lanka rice agriculture, traditional and modern agriculture 1. Modern Agricultural sector plays a very important role in contributing to the economy of the country. Agriculture represents 13% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Rice is the main staple food in Sri Lanka. Paddy sector contributes 16.5 % of the GDP of the agriculture sector. Paddy farmers represent considerable percentage of the labor force of the ...

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Over Population's Effects On Nature

23 Mar 2015 31 May 2017

5 (1,904 )

Keywords: effects of overpopulation essay, overpopulation effects essay Population is one of the key issues in the present era which drag everyone's attention towards it. Over population is defined as the condition in which the population density increases to a limit that hassle the environment impairment, diminution of natural resources, deterioration in quality of life, and population crash. The problem of unrestrained population growth found to be ...

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Polyisobutylene Applications

23 Mar 2015 30 May 2017

21 (8,103 )

Fuel and lubricant additive. Polyisobutylene (in the form of polyisobutylene succinimide) has interesting properties when used as an additive in lubricating oils and motor fuels. Polyisobutylene added in small amounts to the lubricating oils used in machining results in a significant reduction in the generation of oil mist and thus reduces the operator's inhalation of oil mist.[2] It is also used to clean up waterborne oil spills ...

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Deforestation Essay - Effects of De-forestation

24 May 2017

6 (2,200 )

Keywords: effects of deforestation, causes of deforestation, solution to deforestation The word deforestation is used to describe the process of cutting down and burning the trees in forest and woodland and converting the land to other use. It also means that the nature of trees have changed, such as replacing slow growing native trees with fast growing woods which means that the precious eco-system of the forest ...

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Importance Of Environmental Protection Essay

23 May 2017

3 (1,180 )

Keywords: environmental protection, importance of protecting the environment, types of pollution In recent decades, many environmental problems have increased as the result of human activities and unplanned management of the technological development those interference ecosystems. Therefore, a dispute between the importance of conservation and preservation of ecosystems to protect environment and the necessity to satisfy human desire by sacrifice the environment has been arise across the world. ...

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Improper Waste Disposal - Effects of

23 Mar 2015 23 May 2017

6 (2,385 )

Keywords: effects of improper waste disposal, effects of improper waste disposal to the environment This research paper explores about waste management and effects of improper waste disposal. This paper defines and elaborates the importance of having waste hierarchy or the 3R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) as the concept of waste management. In the resource article, they define waste management as recycling and monitoring of waste products. In other ...

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The Environmental Effect of the Meat Industry

23 Mar 2015 22 May 2017

10 (3,622 )

Keywords: meat consumption effects, exploitation of animals, environmentalism meat industry One of the fastest growing industries in the world today is the meat/livestock industry. Meat is considered a normal good, which means that demand for meat increases as consumer income increases. Traditionally, meat has been regarded as an expensive food item in Western countries. As world population is increasing and as economies of the developing countries are ...

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Benefits Of Urban Regeneration

23 Mar 2015 22 May 2017

13 (5,039 )

Keywords: urban regeneration effects, urban redevelopment. urban environmental changes Urban decay, usually associated with deprived areas, tends tend to be a characteristic of poorer communes, reflecting their low earning power and susceptibility to the higher unemployment rates associated with changes in the structure of the national economy (Skifter Andersen, 2003). The a feeling that buildings are physically falling into a state of decay particularly in some areas ...

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Igniting Flammable Liquids with Cigarettes

23 Mar 2015 22 May 2017

8 (2,932 )

Cigarettes seem like a probable ignition source for flammable liquids. Cigarettes have been blamed for the cause of many fires, far more than they should. But Cigarettes are more than tobacco wrapped in paper. They are in fact carefully engineered to burn in a certain way Cigarettes vary considerably from brand to brand in their burning characteristics. Modern cigarettes contain an engineered chemistry of additives to control ...

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Alternative Sources Of Energy

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

8 (2,963 )

Bio-fuels are formed from biomass, normally plants seeds, and liquid bio fuels can be use for transportation. We are one of the world's leading distributors of bio fuels and we are developing enhanced bio fuels that could see CO2 reductions and a sustainable alternative fuel source. The two main forms of bio fuel today are ethanol and FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters), which have largely relied on ...

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The Importance of Heritage Conservation

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

9 (3,595 )

Heritage conservation is important for identifying, recording, analysing and protecting heritage and cultural resources. Conservation of heritage buildings is an important tool in city development which can be seen in some cities in the world. It plays an important role to define the landmark within the heritage area as well as to generate economic return and to support the tourism industry. Conservation of heritage buildings is very ...

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Effect On Air Pollution Of Kathmandu Valley

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

14 (5,574 )

Clean air is necessary for human health. Human body needs approximately 25 kg of air per day to keep up its requirement of oxygen (CEN, 2002). It replicates signifies the importance of air to human beings and any contamination in the air will have a direct impact on our health. Pure air consists 21% of oxygen 78% of nitrogen and 1% other gases. If the air composition ...

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Partial Molar Properties And Their Application

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

8 (3,030 )

Thermodynamics deals with energy changes and its relationship with work. It is based on three laws of thermodynamics which are used as axioms just as Newton's laws motion from the basis of classical mechanics. The first two laws are based on facts observed in every day life. The predictions based on these laws have been verified in most cases and so far no case has been reported ...

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Electric Vehicles And Their Effect On Society

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

5 (1,638 )

With the depletion of the earth's ozone layer and the shortage of our oil supply becoming an issue, we have had to look at alternative fueled vehicles that will not harm the environment, but will still provide us with a reliable source of transportation. Compared to gasoline powered vehicles, electric vehicles are considered to be 97 percent cleaner, producing absolutely no tailpipe emissions that can place particulate ...

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Environmental Issues Of Ganga River

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

15 (5,690 )

Rapidly increasing population, rising standards of living and exponential growth of industrialization and urbanization have exposed the water resources, in general, and rivers, in particular, to various forms of degradation. Many Indian rivers, including the Ganga in several stretches, particularly during lean flows, have become unfit even for bathing. Realizing that the rivers of the country were in a serious state of degradation, a beginning towards their ...

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The Importance Of Sustainability In Hotels

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

12 (4,673 )

Human activities over the past centuries have affected the earths ecosystem. Today, the negative consequences of human actions can be noticed everywhere. Being one of the larger industries in the world, the hospitality industry is an important contributor to these problems. In this report, I'll be focusing on what impacts humans have on the eco-system. Defining what sustainability truly is. How hotels can benefit from practising sustainability ...

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Bottom Up Approach Of Urban Planning

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

5 (1,612 )

Some developing countries like India and China have adopted the 'bottom-up approach' in urban planning, solving the urban problems faced by their cities. The reason of the emergence of this phenomenon was obvious that the central governments of the developing states need to pay more attention to boost the nation's economy while cities of the states are still facing a lot of urban problems like poor living ...

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The Water Crisis In South Africa

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

4 (1,204 )

South Africa is currently facing a water crisis. Our sources are scarce and they are constantly being polluted and exploited by unsustainable practices in areas such as agriculture and industry. Unless realistic goals and solutions are used to manage the water supply, we will become increasingly reliant on obtaining water from external sources. Sources of Water South Africa's water resources have always been very limited, and with ...

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The Impact Of Climate Change On Cambodia

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

6 (2,143 )

Cambodia is one of the countries on the mainland of Southeast Asia. Cambodia is 181,035 square kilometer in total area, and the total number of population is nearly 14 million in 2008. Cambodia shares the border with the three countries in Asia such as Thailand, Lao People's Democratic Republic, and Socialist of Vietnam and about 6400 kilometer in total border. Actually, 80 percent of the total populations ...

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Coal Industry: Ethical Analysis

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

9 (3,209 )

The energy industry is more relevant today than ever before. As modern technology thrives, so does energy. It has become a necessity used in many areas of life such as agriculture, transportation, waste collection, information technology and communications. All of which are critical components for most functional societies. The industry is made up of many different entities, which include the petroleum industry, gas industry, electrical power industry, ...

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Causes, Effects And Solutions to Global Warming Essay

17 May 2017

4 (1,335 )

Keywords: global warming essay, causes of global warming, global warming solution Introduction What is global warming? Global warming is the average temperature of Earth has increases since 1950 until now the temperature continuing increasing. Global warming can also refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average of temperature. However global warming are causes by natural events and human that are believed to be contribute ...

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The Environmental Protection Agency

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

9 (3,218 )

The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, was founded on the premise to "protect human health and the environment" in 1970 under the Nixon administration (U.S Environmental Protection Agency). Since then, the federal government agency has put legislation and programs into action concerning our environment and our nations' health. With the constant change in climate, population, and issues, the EPA has had to adapt to a growing concern ...

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Threats To Darkroom Workers

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

14 (5,213 )

In terms of exposure to harmful chemicals, darkroom workers and hobbyists are often in a worse position than chemical workers. Darkroom workers, especially hobbyists, normally receive no training in the proper use of chemicals. Perhaps the main reason for this laxity is that photo chemicals are generally regarded as safe by the photographic community. Many photographers think that since most photo chemicals are diluted before use that ...

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Solid Waste Management For Hotels In Mauritius

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

19 (7,253 )

The main objectives of this mini project were: to provide a review of key concepts and issues relevant to solid waste management for Small ,Medium ,and Large Hotel in Mauritius ; to analyse and evaluate the hotel solid waste management (HSWM) program in Mauritius and to suggest recommendations and areas for further research. The following data collection methods were used in this study: deep review of documents ...

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Solid Waste Management Problems In Cameroon

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

11 (4,268 )

Solid waste management which can be seen as the systematic control of generation, collection, storage, transport, source of separation processing, treatment ,recovery, and disposal of solid waste Globalization has raised some troubling concerns for the developing world, including Cameroon. One of such concern is its impact on urbanization and the ramification that goes with it. Cities are traditionally engines of social of social modernization and economic growth ...

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Can We Control Global Warming?

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

7 (2,453 )

"Earth has a natural system of balancing the absorption and release the heat, which it absorbs from the sunlight, but for the last few years, the balance seems to be under severe threat. There has been enormous increase in gases like Carbon -dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide etc." As the temperature rises, there is rise in sea level, due to melting of glaciers and the ice sheets of ...

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Nanotechnology In Architecture

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

16 (6,350 )

Historically and geographically human have lived in extremely varied technology or environment and have had to adapt to comfort habitats and thus the architects have had to manage the ideal of design as well as incorporate the evolutionary technology. A technology has evolved to a level where it is just too complex. Sometimes satisfying the need of the user and sometimes becoming too dangerous when the negative ...

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Cause And Effects Of Soil Erosion

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

18 (7,153 )

The Latin word erodere,meaning "to gnaw away" is the origin of the word erosion (Roose, 1996). Soil Erosion is the physical removal of topsoil by various agents, including falling raindrops, water flowing over the soil profile and gravitational pull (Lal 1990). The Soil Science Society of America defines erosion as " the wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice or other geological agents, ...

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History Of Green Technology

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

7 (2,623 )

In this new era, technology is improving fast and economic is growing rapidly due to the luxurious lifestyle of human nowadays. We can have as much energy as we want by producing efficiently and continuously. But the negative impact that these energy produce is more than positive impact because of resources that we need to use and waste product that were produce from the process of producing ...

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Environmental Degradation In Mauritius

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

6 (2,197 )

Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. The main environmental problems facing Mauritius are water pollution, soil erosion, and preservation of its wildlife. The sources of water pollution are sewage ...

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How Is Power Generated With Hydroelectricity?

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

18 (7,097 )

Hydroelectric power energy from falling water. Hydro electric power means getting energy from flowing water. This method of energy generation is viewed as very environmentally friendly by many people, since no waste happens during energy generation. However, hydroelectric power can have a deep impact on the surrounding environment, leading some people to question the help of hydroelectric power as a method of clean energy generation. Hydroelectric power ...

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The Human Impact Of Climate Change

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

5 (1,637 )

Climate change concerns to a statistically momentous deviation in either the mean state of the climate or in its variability, remaining for an extensive period (normally decades or longer) (What is climate change, 2001). Climate change is term that adverts to any major and long-term change in average weather in a specified region or whole Earth. Fundamentally important variability of average weather over longer time period can ...

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The Human Effect On The Ecosystem

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

3 (1,010 )

Biodiversity has always been in a flux with species adapting to new environments or extinction but these circumstances are all through natural occurrences and through a period of thousands of years and so allowing the dependant consumers and trophic levels to adapt. However, since the Human population began to expand hugely since the industrial revolution we have been directly responsible for the extinction of dozens of species ...

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Environmental Pollution In Malaysia

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

5 (1,845 )

Malaysia is rapidly developing towards being an industrial country. Many industries such as heavy and light industries, small and medium industries and backyard industries have been growing in the last ten years. The increase in industrial and agricultural activities has created a new demand in housing, urbanization, transportation and medication as the population increase. All these will contribute to environmental problems especially pollution due to the accumulation ...

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Human Comfort Approach In Green Building Design

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

9 (3,324 )

Recently, there has been an increasing emphasis on a green building design approach, which is aimed at ameliorating the overall impact of the built environment on human comfort and the natural environment. In this selective review, external , building envelope and internal factors will be examined in relation to human comfort. In particular, this project will focus on human comfort in regard to the importance and impact ...

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The Aspects Of Deep Sea Life

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

6 (2,346 )

The discoverer of the titanic, Dr Robert Ballard famously referred to the deep sea as 'far more alien than going to mars or the moon.' The deep sea is one of the largest virtually unexplored ecosystems on the planet; it is found at a depth of 1000 fathoms [1] and is subject to adverse changes in temperature, pressure and light penetration amongst other factors. Therefore as expected ...

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