Design And Fabrication Of Cruise Control System

02 Nov 2017

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Rex. A#1, Murugarajan. A #2 #Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Coimbatore-641022, India [email protected] [email protected] Abstract— A modern automotive cruise control is a control loop that takes over control of the throttle, which is normally controlled by the driver with the handle lever, and holds the vehicle speed at a set value. In ...

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Minimization Of Makespan In Three Stage Flowshop

02 Nov 2017

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Deepak Gupta Prof. & Head, Dept. of Mathematics, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, India [email protected] Harminder Singh1, Hardeep Singh2, Pooja Sharma3 Research Scholar, Dept. of Mathematics Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, India [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract: This paper is an attempt to study n-job,3-machine flow shop scheduling problem in which processing times are associated with ...

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Producing Electricity From Light Is Photovoltaic

02 Nov 2017

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Producing electricity from light is Photovoltaic. This phenomenon is deployed in converting abundantly available solar light energy to direct current (DC) electricity. The basic device acting as a transducer for the light energy into electrical energy is the solar cell which primarily is a semiconductor that exhibits photovoltaic property. When these semiconductors, which basically are ...

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Realization Of And Logic Gate

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Photonic Integrated Circuits will be pushed to Electronic Integrated Circuits in the forthcoming decade because of its package density, interconnections, improved functionality and cost effectiveness. In this paper, we propose a design of photonic crystal integrated circuits to realize all-optical logic AND gate operates at a speed of hundreds of gigabits per second. ...

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Levels And Corresponding Switch States

02 Nov 2017

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Table 2 switching pattern of diode clamped inverter 29 Table 3 voltage at different frequencies for three level inverter 40 Table 4 voltage at different frequencies for three level inverter 42 Table 5 proposed 5 level inverter harmonics percentages 44 Table 6 voltage at different frequencies for five level inverter 46 Table 7 Percentage reduction in the switching devices for ...

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Cusum Methodology For Dealing Censored Data

02 Nov 2017

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Syed Muhammad Muslim Raza1, Javed Iqbal1 and Muhammad Riaz2 1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan 2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia *Corresponding Author: [email protected] This article explains the CUSUM (cumulative sum) methodology with attuned control limits for censored data. We ...

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Salvage Value For The Machine

02 Nov 2017

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SET A Gaurav Prabhakar, Roll no 171 Solution 1: Machine cost = 700,000+ 80,000+20,000 = 800,000 Calculations for depreciation both Machines:   Items Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Old Machine Book Value ( beginning of Yr) 80000 60000 40000 20000 Depreciation 20000 20000 20000 20000 Book Value ( end of Yr) 60000 ...

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India By Using Homer

02 Nov 2017

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Sonali Goel1and Sayed Majid Ali2 1Research Scholar, School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. PIN- 751024(Corresponding Author) email: [email protected] 2Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. PIN- 751024, email: [email protected] Abstract Hybrid energy systems are successfully applied in areas where grid extension ...

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Optimal Capacitor Placement Using Fuzzy Logic

02 Nov 2017

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5.1 INTRODUCTION The power supplied from electrical distribution system is composed of both active and reactive components. Overhead lines, transformers and loads consume the reactive power. So voltage/VAr control is an essential measure to reduce the power losses through the switching operations of capacitors and load tap changing transformers. Reactive power compensation plays an important ...

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Fundamental Basis Of Planned Maintenance System

02 Nov 2017

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1.0 Introduction Planned Maintenance is comprised of analytical and troubleshooting techniques, which are designed to alert the mechanic of the presence of factors that could cause future problems. It’s a fact that bad maintenance can have a serious effect on the health of a company and its employees. Not only will poor maintenance habits put ...

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Low Temperature Hot Water

02 Nov 2017

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The Hot Water Supply is served from a primary hot water circuit heated by waste heat from the CCHP engine. This will be backed up by energy efficient condensing boilers for time when the CCHP is down for maintainance. The primary circuit then feeds a calorifier where a heat exchange process begins with mains cold ...

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Introduction To Fiber Optic Connectors

02 Nov 2017

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Submitted to Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology EN12517466 L. P. A. MADURANGA PONNAMPERUMA In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Special Honors Degree in Information Technology 07 February 2013 DECLARATION PAGE I certify that this report does not incorporate without acknowledgement, any material previously submitted for a degree or ...

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Dependence On Conventional Energy

02 Nov 2017

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Energy Crisis is a condition of bottlenecking in the supply of energy in an economy followed by a drastic price rise owing to the large scale industrial energy demand [1]. This generally refers to a particular type of energy resource used at a certain time and place, specifically the electricity in the national grid or ...

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Glbp Or Gateway Load Balancing Protocol

02 Nov 2017

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Active Virtual Gateway Active Virtual Forwarder Active virtual gateway takes care of all virtual MAC assignments in the network. In case of its failure, active virtual forwarder with second highest priority takes its place. Quick Facts: GLBP uses UDP/3222 GLBP default Hello interval is 3 seconds GLBP has virtual MAC 0007.b4xx.xxyy with xx being ...

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Reducing Emissions Diesel Engine Oeh Hho Gas

02 Nov 2017

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SR. Premkartikkumar1,c), K. Annamalai1, A.R. Pradeepkumar1 1Department of Automobile Engineering, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India c) Corresponding author. Email address: [email protected] Tel: +91-44-22234809 Fax: +91-44-22475070 Running head Reducing Emissions Diesel Engine OEH-HHO gas Reducing Exhaust Emissions of DI Diesel Engine using Oxygen Enriched Hydrogen-HHO gas Abstract Currently, more ...

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Polymer Shunt Battery Charger System

02 Nov 2017

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The LTC4071 allows simple charging of Li-Ion/Polymer batteries from very low current, intermittent or continuous charging sources. A near-zero current low battery latching disconnect function protects even the lowest capacity batteries from deep discharge and potentially irreparable damage. The 550nA to 50mA operating current makes charging possible from previously unusable sources. With its low operating ...

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Production Of Aluminium And Copper In Queensland

02 Nov 2017

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[Type the document subtitle] [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] Mitchell Kellett Mr Drillis 1/1/2013 Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Production of ...

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Optimal Power Sharing Of Multiple Distributed Generators

02 Nov 2017

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Chitra.N1 Logeshwari.V2 Senthil kumar.A3 Prof. Josiah Munda4 1,2 Assistant Professors, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, 3 Postdoctoral researcher,4Associate Dean, 1,2S.K.P Engineering College, 3,4Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, Tshwane University of Technology, 1,2Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India, 3,4Pretoria, South Africa, [email protected] Abstract. This paper describes the optimal power sharing in multiple distributed generators (DGs) ...

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Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Power Supply

02 Nov 2017

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The LTCR3588-1 integrates a low-loss full-wave bridge rectifier with a high efficiency buck converter to form a complete energy harvesting solution optimized for high output impedance energy sources such as piezoelectric transducers. An ultralow quiescent current under voltage lockout (UVLO) mode with a wide hysteresis window allows charge to accumulate on an input capacitor until ...

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Piezoelectric Stack Actuateds Nanopositioners

02 Nov 2017

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Copyright by Ugolo Efetobore Ebibode HIDDEN TEXT: Optional—If you do not include a copyright page, delete entire page and the following page break. The Thesis Committee for University of Aberdeen Certifies that this is the approved version of the following thesis: Resonance damping of a nanopositioner via closed-loop control APPROVED BY SUPERVISING COMMITTEE: Sumeet S. ...

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Performance Analysis And Mathematical Modelling

02 Nov 2017

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Mrs. Shubham Vyas ...

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A Bio Inspired Compliant Robotic Fish

02 Nov 2017

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Hadi El Daou, Taavi Salum�ae, Gert Toming and Maarja Kruusmaa Abstract�This paper studies the modelling, design and fabrication of a bio-inspired fish-like robot propelled by a compliant body. The key to the design is the use of a single motor to actuate the compliant body and to generate thrust. The robot has the same geometrical ...

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Evolution Of The Term Polymer

02 Nov 2017

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Metals as we know have various applications in our daily life but has some disadvantages in it the main problem with the metals is it problem of rusting. Crores of rupees are lost due to rusting of the metals every year .Another problem which is frequently encountered in the automobile industry is the high weight ...

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The Basic Design Philosophies

02 Nov 2017

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The aim of design is the achievement of an acceptable probability that structures being designed will perform satisfactorily during their intended life. With an appropriate degree of safety, they should sustainall the loads and deformations of normal construction and use and have adequate durability and resistance to the effects of misuse and fire. Design method ...

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Automatic Water Tank Level Controller

02 Nov 2017

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Rojy mathew, Dinesh.M, Sathiyaraj.N Guide: P. Venugopal, SENSE School of Advanced Science, VIT University, Vellore- 632 014,Tamilnadu, India. Abstract: For the supply of water it is very common method to use an overhead tank. Generally, a person has to manually switch ON the water pump when the overhead tank is running low of ...

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Comparison Of Wet And Dry Oxidation

02 Nov 2017

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A Anusha, Chithra Parameswaran ,Revathi P and *V.Velmurugan School of Electronics Engineering, V.I.T University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. [email protected] Abstract Silicon dioxide plays a major role in the present technology. The basic idea is to grow SiO2 layer on Silicon. The oxide is grown on intrinsic silicon substrate by thermal oxidation i.e., wet oxidation and ...

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The Growing Competition And Innovation

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract This paper addresses the suitability of composite leaf springs on vehicles and their advantages. In early years, efforts have been made to reduce the cost of composite leaf spring to that of steel leaf spring. From the research, it has shown that the composite can be a very replacement material for conventional steel due ...

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Introduction Power Quality Temporary Phenomena

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1 Transients: Transients are short-duration, high-amplitude pulses superimposed on a normal voltage waveform. They can vary widely from twice the normal voltage to several thousand volts and last for less than a microsecond up to a few hundredths of a second. Transients can be classified as impulsive transients and oscillatory transients. Impulse transients are ...

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Power Quality Enhancement In Microgrid

02 Nov 2017

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Microgrid – A Survey K.Prabaakaran N.Chitra Dr.A.Senthil Kumar PG - Student Assistance Professor Postdoctoral Research Dept.of. Electrical & Electronics Dept.of. Electrical & Electronics Faculty of Engineering and the Built Engineering, Engineering, Environment, SKP Engineering College SKP Engineering College Tshwane University of Technology Tiruvannamalai, India. Tiruvannamalai, India. Pretoria, South Africa. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract – Microgrid ...

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Optical Fibre Communication Systems

02 Nov 2017

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RESEARCH METHODS AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT LITERATURE SURVEY ON OPTICAL FIBRE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS SUBMITTED TO: DR. IAN TAYLOR SUBMITTED BY: SIRISHA DASARI STUDENT NUMBER: 11026642 AWARD: MSc TELECOMMUNICATIONS Email:[email protected] ABSTRACT This paper mainly concentrates and explains about the basics of "Fibre Optic Communications System". This report states clearly about different types of defects that can ...

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The Principle Of Drying

02 Nov 2017

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Drying is a complex operation involving transient of heat and mass along with several rate processes, such as physical or chemical transformations, which, in turn may cause changes in product quality (colour, texture, odour, etc.) as well as the mechanisms of heat and mass transfer. Perhaps, it is the oldest, most common and most ...

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The Mfmea Results Of Tbm Hydraulic System

02 Nov 2017

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PROBLEM Low output voltage from transformers CAUSES This low output voltage has a Risk Priority Number of greater than acceptable level which needed to be modified. Power generator, short circuit in secondary windings of the transformer, high voltage drop along the power distribution line or getting high current from the system may lead to a ...

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The First Internal Combustion Engine Car

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: Hydrogen gas inventor, generally it can be explain by the inventor electrolyze the water compounds into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. The hydrogen gas is pump into the gasoline engine for better combustion to get better output energy. Basically the hydrogen gas are more flammable that oxygen gas. Diagram 1 : Hydrogen Gasoline Engine ...

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Exxon Mobil Corporation Aims And Objective

02 Nov 2017

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March 23, 1989 Exxon Valdez the an oil supertanker owned by Exxon corporation and operate by Captain Joseph Jeffrey Hazelwood was carried 53 million gallons crude oil on board, left from oil terminal Valdez, Alaska heading to Los Angeles, California. Exxon Valdez was run aground on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska. The vessel was ...

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Different Categories Of Vehicle Energy Source

02 Nov 2017

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A portable source of electrical energy is required for electric vehicle which is then converted into mechanical energy in the motor for propulsion. Electrical energy is generally obtained by conversion of chemical energy which is stored in the energy storage devices (iqbal). ‘Energy storage’ means the devices that are used for storing the energy, delivering the ...

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New High Head Leaf Gate

02 Nov 2017

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New High Head Leaf Gate Form with Smooth Upstream Face Jelena Markovic – Brankovic1, Helmut Drobier2 1Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, Nis, Serbia 2Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 4/222, Vienna, Austria Abstract – This paper presents new smooth upstream face high head gate form that heavily reduces hydrodynamic forces in conjunction ...

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To Run An Auto Rickshaw

02 Nov 2017

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Solar Rickshaw Initial Report C:\Users\rehan\Desktop\555126_10151468250723930_495639556_n.jpg Rizwan Tariq BEE-10101 Umer Asif BEE-10103 M.Waqas Ali BEE-10114 M.Fahad Malik BEE-10147 M.Adeel Javaid BEE-10148 This report is presented as part of Degree of Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering Superior University OCT 2012-TO-OCT2013 Superior University Campus, Lahore Department of Electrical Engineering Supervisor: ...

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Hybrid Energy Systems For Off Grid Remote

02 Nov 2017

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Sonali Goel1and Sayed Majid Ali2 1Research Scholar, School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. PIN- 751024(Corresponding Author), email: [email protected] 2Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. PIN- 751024, email: [email protected] Abstract- Hybrid energy systems are increasingly being applied in areas where grid extension is considered uneconomical. Their costs can be minimised through ...

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Delivery Powertrain Using Series Hydraulic Hybrid Technology

02 Nov 2017

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With the increase of gasoline cost, due to decrease of natural resources, and the necessity of environmental friendly solutions we have assisted in the last decades, to the raise of new technologies that use another kind of source to make cars move. In this way, it is natural that investigators development investigations for the alternative systems ...

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Materials Used In Tps

02 Nov 2017

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The TPS covers essentially the entire aircraft surface, and typically consists of seven different materials in varying locations based on amount of required heat protection.In general, only oxide materials are more suitable for TPS because of their high degree of chemical stability in the maximum operating temperatures, 2400 to 3050°F [82].These materials are as follows ...

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A Case Study Scottish And Southern Energy Plc

02 Nov 2017

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In this report we are providing a succinct and detailed business report on the competitive environment in which the company(SSE) operates , in which the internal ,external and legal environment is analysed. This report evaluates the corporate strategy being pursued by the company. Followed by the financial performance of the company using ratio analysis. Financial ...

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Policies On Airport And Air Navigation Charges

02 Nov 2017

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There are different regulations in the world of aviation first of all there is the international civil aviation organization ICAO what the foundation is for the regulation of aviation where policies of airport and air navigation charges in is described. In order to describe the incentive of an airport an airport can be sorted in ...

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Abrasive Wear Performance Of Epoxy

02 Nov 2017

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Sudheer M#1, Sandesh Kubanooraya#2, Raju K#3, Thirumaleshwara Bhat#4 #Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore Karnataka-575028, India 1Research Scholar: [email protected][corresponding author] 2PG Student: [email protected] 3Professor: [email protected] 4Professor and Head: [email protected] Abstract— This paper discusses two-body abrasive wear behaviour of Potassium Titanate Whisker (PTW) reinforced vacuum moulded epoxy/glass composites. The effects of whisker content, ...

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Composite Material In The Aviation Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Trevor Frounfelter Professor Canipe English Comp. II 4 February 2014 Composite Material in the Aviation Industry Composite have been used in airplanes since the Wright Brother’s started their quest for flight back in 1903. We use composites every day; however, we probably do not think about it or do not know exactly what they ...

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Galvanic Cells Typed Oxygen Sensor

02 Nov 2017

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(Jon S. Wilson, 2005) Sensors convert physical world into electrical signals. Due to this, sensors are part of the interface between the world of electrical devices and physical world, such as computers. In short, a sensor receives a stimulus and responds with an electrical signal. In this section, we will talk about the theory behind ...

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Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Optical Network

02 Nov 2017

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In a practical point to pint optical network (DWDM) Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing is used to combine multiples of signals having different wavelengths to transmit them through common medium. Years ago the Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) is used as multiplexing technique instead of using DWDM. In order to transmit optical signal for a long haul communication, ...

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Photon Propagation Pair Production Or Photon Splitting

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 4 Cascade simulation The cascade simulation can be divided into three parts: • propagation and photon emission of the primary particle (positron or electron), • photon propagation, pair production or photon splitting, • propagation and photon emission of the secondary1 electrons and positrons. Both ...

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Household Based On The Location

02 Nov 2017

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Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Background The majority energy in the world is traditional energy such as coal, natural gases and oil. Nowadays micro generation is more and more popular in UK, since renewable energy is environmental friendly. Among all the different kinds of renewable technologies used for micro generation, PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) generation, which ...

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The Latest Technology Of Twisted Pair Cables

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract In this paper, a study of twisted pair cables been developed to describe the introduction of twisted pair cables, the principle of operation, chaactertistic and the latest technology of twisted pair cables 1. Introduction There are 2 basic transmitting media. They are bounded (guided) and unbounded (unguided) transmitting media. The bounded transmitting media ...

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The Operational Military Requirements

02 Nov 2017

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*"Henri Coandă" Air Force Academy, Brasov, Romania, **freelancer Abstract: Why would be interesting to use this type of vehicle (light off-road articulated) in the military field? In order to answer this question we have to analyze the capacity of the light articulated off-road vehicle to fulfill the general operational military requirements. A light off-road articulated ...

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Report On Nuclear Energy

02 Nov 2017

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1.1. Nuclear history The atom was originally defined by the Greek philosopher Democritus as the smallest indivisible unit of matter, i.e. the smallest part into which an element can be divided without changing its nature. The atom itself is depicted as a number of shells of negatively charged electrons orbiting a nucleus – a cluster ...

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Determination Of The Uniaxial Design Limits

02 Nov 2017

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Assumptions: -All tubing pressure tests are done without a plug -The Packer and the bottom of the Tubing are almost at the same depth. i.e difference in depths is insignificant. -Surface of Completions is taken to be at the Tubing Hanger (Seabed) -Bottom of Completions is taken to be at the packer 1.Determination of the Uniaxial ...

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Comparison Of Wet And Dry Oxidations

02 Nov 2017

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A Anusha, Chithra Parameswaran ,Revathi P and *V.Velmurugan School of Electronics Engineering, V.I.T University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. [email protected] Abstract Silicon dioxide plays a major role in the present technology. The basic idea is to grow SiO2 layer on Silicon. The oxide is grown on intrinsic silicon substrate by thermal oxidation i.e., wet oxidation and ...

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Optimal Conductor Selection Using Fuzzy Logic

02 Nov 2017

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4.1 INTRODUCTION Distribution system is that part of the electric power system which connects the high voltage transmission network to the low voltage consumer service point. In any distribution system the power is distributed to various users through feeders, distributors and service mains. Feeders are conductors of large current carrying capacity, which carry the current ...

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Enhancement Of Voltage Stability

02 Nov 2017

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Sreekanth Nethagani*, S. Lopamudra**, T. Deva Raju* *Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati, A.P, India **PG Scholar, Electrical Power Systems, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati, A.P, India [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract— Wind Power is one of the Renewable Energies with a greater future projection. This is due to the existence of non-exploited ...

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Optimization Of Automatic Steering Control

02 Nov 2017

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1 Electrical Engineering Dept., Widyagama University. Malang, Indonesia, [email protected] 2 Electrical Engineering Dept., ITS Surabaya, Indonesia, [email protected] 3 Mechanical Engineering Dept., ITS Surabaya, Indonesia, [email protected] Abstract— This paper presents the simulation of the automatic steering control system on a vehicle model using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to optimize the parameters of the control system, ...

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What Is Nuclear Power

02 Nov 2017

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Issues Investigation SACE STAGE 2 PHYSICS Brian Le 2013 Brian Le BPS 1/1/2013 Introduction: Living in the year 2013, the developing world and its advancing technologies are reaching further beyond the dreams of what the people of the past generations could have hoped for. The past century has seen achievements and discoveries that will ...

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Materials Used In The Tps

02 Nov 2017

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The TPS covers essentially the entire aircraft surface, and based on the amount of required heat protection, seven different materials are used in different locations in typically system. In general, only oxide materials are more suitable for TPS because of their high degree of chemical stability in the maximum operating temperatures, 2400 to 3050°F [82].These ...

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Velocity Profile For Turbulent Air Jet

02 Nov 2017

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Pramod K.1, Jayaram Thumbe2, Gangadharan K. V.3, Ravikiran Kadoli3 1Postgraduate student, 2Research scholar, 3Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal, Mangalore, India [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract—Entrainment of secondary fluid in a turbulent jet flow is very significant for many applications. Theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out in ...

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Knowledge Gained In Pre Project Preparation Stage

02 Nov 2017

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Bio/chemical Sensing Platform Using fiber gratings FBG`s & LPG`s Muhammad Arif Iftikhar BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering School of Engineering and Applied Science Aston University Supervisor: Professor Lin Zhang April 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SYNOPSIS The aim of the project was to research and investigate a bio/chemical optical sensing platform using Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs) and Long Period ...

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Brushless Dc Motors Inverters Sensorless Commutation

02 Nov 2017

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Laboratory of Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Patras, Rio – Patras 26504, Greece A Novel Method for Zero Crossing Detection of Back Electromagnetic Force for Position Sensorless Commutation in a Brushless DC Motor Drive SystemAbstract -- In this paper a novel method for position sensorless commutation of a ...

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Importance And Characteristics Of A Transistor

02 Nov 2017

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Elet 2420 | University of the West Indies mona Semiconductor Devices Evolution of transistors Introduction – What is a Transistor? "The Transistor was probably the most important invention of the 20th Century, and the story behind the invention is one of clashing egos and top secret research." This is a quote made famous by journalist ...

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Introduction To Power Inverter

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 A power inverter is a device that converts DC (Direct Current) power into AC (Alternating Current) power. The converted AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropriate transformers, switching, and control circuits. An inverter converts the DC electricity from sources such as batteries, solar panels, or fuel ...

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A Study On Electric Cars

02 Nov 2017

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Name Tutor Course Electric Cars Introduction An electric car can be defined as an automobile that uses one electric motor or more for propulsion, utilising electrical energy stored in batteries or any another energy storage device (Anderson 2). The use of these electric motors enables electric cars to have instant torque, which in turn creates ...

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Cfd Modelling Of Heat Exchanger Equipment

02 Nov 2017

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IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON SW7 2AZ PEERHOSSAINI (Donia) Literature Review _________ CFD Modelling of heat exchanger equipment Supervised by Professor Sandro Macchietto A report presented to Imperial College London in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING February 2013 Table of contents Introduction Many experimental and modeling attempts ...

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Indian Satellites Indian Communication Satellites

02 Nov 2017

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7-Dec-95 4-Jun-97 3-Apr-99 Jan 2002 Operational Status Operational Inactive since Oct 97 Operational Operational Alt 36000 km 36000 km 36000 km 36000 km Orbit Geo synchronous Geo synchronous Geo synchronous Geo synchronous On Board Sensors 10 C Band Transponders, 5 C – Band Transponders 12 C Band Telecomm Transponders, S-Band TV ...

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Conventional Mpf Metering Using Separators

02 Nov 2017

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Figure 2.1(a) Conventional MPF metering using separators.......................................................................6 Figure 2.1(b) On-line Multi phase flow metering..........................................................................................6 Figure 2.2; Principle of thermal flow meter..................................................................................................7 Figure 2.3; Illustration of steady-state flow regime map for a vertical pipe..................................................9 Figure 2.4; Illustration of steady-state flow regime map for a horizontal pipe.............................................10 Figure 3.1; Typical Industrial control valve..................................................................................................14 Figure 3.2; typical control ...

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The Effects Of Surface Finish Upon The Draw Load

02 Nov 2017

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This documents reports an investigation into the effects of surface finish upon the draw load draw ratio and draws profile during the die drawing of cast nylon 6. The research by Ward focused on the development of oriented polymers. The research involved a discussion about the hydrostatic also the rams extrusion. Two major problems were ...

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Optimal Voltage Regulator Placement

02 Nov 2017

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6.1 INTRODUCTION The power distribution network is constantly being faced with an ever growing load demand; this increasing load has resulted in increased burden on the system and reduction in voltages. The radial distribution network also has a typical feature that the voltages at buses reduce from substation to tail end. This decrease in voltage ...

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Challenges For The Aviation Industry In India

02 Nov 2017

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However, the current global economic slowdown and dramatic rise in aviation fuel prices continues to negatively impact the Aviation Industry across the world. However, airways still forms only a small part of the overall transportation services in India, with annual passenger traffic of around 96 million in 2007, compared to 6 billion passengers carried by railways ...

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Surperiority Of Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

02 Nov 2017

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Prepared for ECE 5462 Team Paper Yuan Chi Automotive System Engineering Program University of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, USA [email protected] Feng Dang Automotive System Engineering Program University of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, USA [email protected] Zhi Li Automotive System Engineering Program University of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, USA [email protected] Jianan Ma Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, USA [email protected] Keyi Xing Automotive ...

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Analysis Of Beams Frames And Trusses

02 Nov 2017

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Structural elements are used to split a complex structure into simple elements in structural analysis. An structure element cannot be broken decomposed into parts of different kinds . A structure is something that will. A structure supports an object or a load and must be strong enough to support its own weight and applied load. 2.1 Beams ...

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Cfd Analysis Of A Wind Turbine

02 Nov 2017

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Wind mills were used for grinding grains and pumping water about three thousand years ago, today wind energy is one of the main sources of getting renewable energy. Wind turbine is a very important mechanical engineers discovery. Converting wind energy in to electrical energy includes several stages of engineering work and problem solving techniques. In order ...

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An Introduction To Aviation

02 Nov 2017

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Aviation is indispensable since its birth, it has provided rapid worldwide transportation network for tourism sectors as well as facilitating world trade and improves quality of life in innumerable ways. As air transport moves over 2.4 billion passengers yearly, we see an ever-increasing demand of flights and the output of carbon emission is growing which ...

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Dielectric Is An Insulator

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Dielectric is a material that has a high resistant in current flow and the other terms for dielectric is an insulator. Dielectrics have no loosely bound electrons in the valence shell but for electric conduction have a high energy gap to keep valence band electron to move out of the conduction band. The flow ...

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Improved Power Quality Of A Stand

02 Nov 2017

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M. Shanmugapriya*1, K.Priyadharsini#2 *P.G(PE&D) student, Department of EEE, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College,Perambalur-12 #Asst.Professor, Department of EEE, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College,Perambalur-12 [email protected] [email protected] Abstract- This paper deals with the control of terminal voltage and frequency of a stand-alone wind-driven self-excited induction generator with variable loads such as linear R-L Load, non-linear Load. In order to ...

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Review Of Application Areas Of Nanotechnology

02 Nov 2017

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Copyright by Ugolo Efetobore Ebibode HIDDEN TEXT: Optional—If you do not include a copyright page, delete entire page and the following page break. The Thesis Committee for University of Aberdeen Certifies that this is the approved version of the following thesis: Resonance damping of a nanopositioner via closed-loop control APPROVED BY SUPERVISING COMMITTEE: Sumeet S. ...

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The Princples Of Light Emitting Diode

02 Nov 2017

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When a light-emitting diode is forward biased (switched on), electrons are able to recombine with holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence and the color of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photon) is determined by the energy gap of the semiconductor. An LED is often small in area (less than 1 mm2), and integrated optical components may be used to ...

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Plc Based Electro Pneumatic

02 Nov 2017

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A pneumatic system is a system that uses pressurised gas to operate mechanical devices. It is powered by a compressor which then powers the mechanical devices through solenoid valve. Advantages of pneumatics: Simplicity of design and control Reliability Cheaper More flexible Safety Air compressor This is a device that converts power into kinetic energy usually ...

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Highly Moist Soil And Stationery Water

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 4 Type of anode available : Table 3.18 Dimension of Hi-Potential Mg Anodes Conditions Taken into consideration ( 30" dia) Length of the pipeline = 1km = 1000m = 3280.83ft. Dia of the pipeline = 30" = 2.50ft. Soil Type : Highly Moist Soil and Stationery Water Current Density : 6mA/ft2. Soil Resistivity: 1000 ...

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The Effects Of Tool Workpiece Relative Position

02 Nov 2017

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aYildiz Technical University, Marine Engineering Department, Besiktas, Istanbul, TURKEY bBitlis Eren University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bitlis, TURKEY Abstract High speed milling(HSM) is known as an advanced machining process increasingly used for modern materials such as nickel or cobalt based superalloys. In this paper, the effect of machining parameters including cutting velocity, feed rate and ...

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The Impact Of Icts On Spatial Structures

02 Nov 2017

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National Technical University of Athens, School of Civil Engineering, Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, 5 Iroon Polytechniou Street, Zografou Campus, 15773 Athens, Greece. *Corresponding author: Tel.: +30 2107721204; E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Psaraki) Special Issue: "The impact of ICTs on Spatial Structures" Abstract In this paper Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) with high potential for ...

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Man Has Always Been Fascinated

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Background Man has always been fascinated by the sky and always wanted to fly like a free bird. This desire to explore the unexplored is the cause for genesis of the aviation industry. From the beaches of Kitty Hawk to the stealth fighter of the day, the industry has grown by leaps and bounds. ...

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Active And Reactive Power Control For Renewable Energy Generation

02 Nov 2017

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by SAHARUDDIN BIN OTHMAN A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy September 2011 DECLARATION I declare that this thesis entitled "Active and reactive power control for renewable energy generation’’ is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis ...

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The Performance Of The Output Of Combined Cycle

02 Nov 2017

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J N Rai1, Naimul Hasan2, B B Arora3, Rajesh Garai4, Rishabh K Gupta5, Rahul Kapoor6 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, India [email protected] 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, India 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India Abstract— A combined cycle plant generates power by combining both gas turbine and ...

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Oxidation Of Chemical Reagents

02 Nov 2017

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FUEL CELL INTRODUCTION The fuel cell is the cell which converts the chemical energy of the fuel into electricity the process takes place with the help of oxidation of chemical reagents. In fuel cell mostly hydrogen is used as Fuel in some cases hydrocarbons is also used. The fuel cells are capable of supplying energy ...

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Lan And Premises Networks Data

02 Nov 2017

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Submitted to Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology EN12406104 D. M. I. A. B. Dassanayake In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Special Honors Degree in Information Technology February 2013 Declaration I certify that this report does not incorporate without acknowledgement, any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in ...

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Maximum Camber Maximum Thickness

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction 1 Research The first chapter will tell about the basic knowledge that’s needed to start with a recommendation. First the theory of flight (1.1) will be addressed to get a basic understanding for how airplanes fly and after comes the primary (1.2) and secondary (1.3) flight controls. Next will be the laws and demands ...

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Galvanic Cell Typed Oxygen Sensor

02 Nov 2017

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A sensor is a device that converts a physical phenomenon into an electrical signal. As such, sensors represent part of the interface between the physical world and the world of electrical devices, such as computers. In short, a sensor is a device that receives a stimulus and responds with an electrical signal. [14] In this ...

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Carbon Emissions Trading On Airline Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Novel business strategy and the gigantic growth in the market makes the air industry into extraordinary boom in the world’s economy, which clearly shows us that today airline industry is one of the fastest growing industrial sector in the world. This is all because of the increased numbers of passengers and aircraft and the growth in ...

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Introduction To Computer Networks

02 Nov 2017

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INWK6111 by Tariq Ayub B00603054 Group 4 Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING Major Subject: Internetworking at DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY Halifax, Nova Scotia February, 2013 � Copyright by Tariq Ayub, 2013 this page is left blank intentionally i Dalhousie University Faculty of Engineering Internetworking The undersigned hereby ...

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Analysis Of Development Of A Solar Tracker

02 Nov 2017

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There is a range of attractive solar tracking systems of moderate size. In this project is needed to survey this field and to develop a two degrees-of-freedom solar tracker. New construction and testing phases can then proceed. The present project deals with the electric power that is produced using solar panel. More precisely, it is ...

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Frontiers Of Chemical Engineering

02 Nov 2017

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Hydrogen Generation Using Rust Chris Mullins, Kevin Keirnan, Robbie Cairns, Andrew Tait Group 10 Abstract This report investigates the potential for using Iron Oxide (α-Fe2O3) in the process of photo-catalysis to generate Hydrogen. The progression of this technology, originating in the 1970’s, has been dormant until recent advances by Dr. Sivula and Dr. Rothschild have ...

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The Appendage Of The Human Body

02 Nov 2017

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The limb can be described as the appendage of the human body used in grasping and locomotion. It consists of the upper and lower limbs which are usually called the arms and the legs respectively. The limb comprises of several bones and joints which are covered by the skin, subcutaneous tissue containing vessels and nerves, ...

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Current Book Value Of Old Machine

02 Nov 2017

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The Nobel Dynamite Company is considering a new packing machine. The existing packing machine cost $500,000 five years ago and is being depreciated @ 20% using WDV over a 10-year life. Nobel’s management estimates that the old machine can be sold for $100,000. The new machine costs $600,000 and would be depreciated @ 40% over ...

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Characterisation Of Light Sources And Rechargeable Batteries

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 2.1 Introduction Initially, the solar cell are analysed in indoor light condition at the lab with help of fig 1.5 from the chapter 1 and the output power of the cell can be varied based on the properties of cell, light condition and temperature. Generally the electrical energy is generated from the solar ...

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The Technology Advances Modern Civil Engineering

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction As the technology advances modern civil engineering tend to construct relatively light, flexible and tall structures. The typical examples are the Taipei 101 Building(508m) in Taipei, Taiwan and the super-high building—Burj Dubai(828m)in Dubai. These structures are more sensitive to dynamic loading such as wind and earthquake because they are built from light, flexible ...

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Master Of Engineering In Internetworking

02 Nov 2017

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Lab Assignment #3 IPv4 Addressing INWK 6111 SECTION – 1 Submitted By: Saair Ali Qureshi B00618386 Question No.1 Binary Decimal MSC 128 +64 +32 +16 +8 +4 +2 LSB +1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 152 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 ...

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Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Powers Supply

02 Nov 2017

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The IC LTC3588-1 articulates a highly efficient buck converter with a low loss full-wave bridge rectifier modified for high output impedance energy source. The piezoelectric transducer is one such high output impedance energy source. Until the buck converter can transfer a portion of the stored charge efficaciously, a wide hysteresis window ultralow quiescent current under ...

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Major Improvements In Modern Industrial Processes

02 Nov 2017

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1.0 Introduction Major improvements in modern industrial processes over the past 50 years can be largely attributed to advances in variable speed motor drives. Prior to the 1950’s most factories used DC motors because three phase induction motors could only be operated at one frequency [1]. Now thanks to advances in power electronic devices and ...

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