Three Forms Of Business And Their Financing

02 Nov 2017

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Sole Proprietorship:- Form of business which is established, financed, managed and controlled by an individual entrepreneur who has complete freedom of operation, who bears all the task and entitled to all the profits. This is the most common form of business. One person provides the permanent finance and in return has full control of the business ...

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International Financial Management Of A American Exporting Company

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: this is a Report to the CEO of a U.S. exporting company. The report evaluates all the options which were considered by the CEO of the firm and suggestions regarding the best one have been made. The purpose of hedging has also been explained and a brief evaluation of all the hedging techniques has ...

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Impact Of Macroeconomic Variables

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract This study investigates the impact of macroeconomic variables on stock returns of KSE 100 index to see what sort of relation exists between them. The macroeconomic variables used in this research are interest rate, Exchange rate and Inflation rate. In order to find out, 6 years data from July 2005 to Dec 2012 on ...

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Danones Risk Management Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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The Danone Company is a global player of the food industry. It is present in several countries around the world. All those factors add new risks threatening the Company. The nature of its products, the regulations in the different countries, the production of the trademarks, different other activities that are generated y Danone are more ...

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Summary And Research Inspirations

02 Nov 2017

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In this chapter, we thoroughly review the literature on in Chinese capital market, equity financing capacity and market performance, actual equity financing and stock-price performance of equity issuing and competitor (non-issuing) firms and theories on equity financing and stock-price performance in this chapter, respectively. In the last two decades, these research strands have made great ...

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Effect Before And After Announcement Of Ceo

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Introduction This study is designed to observe the effect before and after announcement of CEO turnover event happened in the Malaysia listed companies. This chapter is to present the introduction of this study. It consists of background of the study, motivation for the study, research objective, problem statement, scope of study and contribution to the ...

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Hedging Techniques Of Bilateral Exchange Rate

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT This paper presents the analysis of hedging techniques of Bilateral Exchange Rate between India and Saudi Arabia. The analysis has been done for the oil and petroleum product trade flow between India and Saudi Arabia. India imports crude oil from Saudi Arabia and exports petroleum products to it. The payment between both the countries ...

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The History About The Regression Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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The main aim of the final paper is to find the main characteristics that make a business successful during the recession. It mainly focuses on the top firms which are profitable based on balance sheet during recession. In order to achieve that goal it is necessary to use previous literature from surveys. Many researches ...

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Regulation Changes In The United Kingdom

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 5: This chapter is designed to explain the role of the United Kingdom national regulator the Financial Service Authority has played in the development of the Islamic banking sector. Every bank in the UK is required to meet a minimum requirements set by the Bank of England and the Financial Service Authority (FSA). ...

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Jet Airways Pvt Ltd

02 Nov 2017

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RB12120 Tanushree Gupta RB12082 Mithun Das Executive Summary & Introduction Jet Airways Pvt. Ltd. was founded in 1992 as an airline company. At the time of incorporation, there were two shareholders of the company, P.V.V Chalam and Anita Goyal. In 1992, these shares were transferred to Naresh Goyal as he is the owner of ...

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Efficiency Theories Differential Efficiency Operating Synergy

02 Nov 2017

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Merger is corporate combination of two or more independent business corporations into a single enterprise, usually the absorption of one or more firms by a dominant one. A merger may be accomplished by one firm purchasing the other’s assets with cash or its securities or by purchasing the other’s shares or stock or by issuing ...

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The Role Of Accounting Ratio In Companies

02 Nov 2017

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First, before I begin in this I take this prospect to thank Almighty Allah, for providing me the strength and health to do this project work until it is completed. At this point, I would like to express my sincere thanks to those who have contributed help to me while collecting of necessary information to ...

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Creating Value From Mergers And Acquisitions

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Sudi Sadarsanam (2003) wrote in his book Creating Value from Mergers and Acquisitions, that « Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), by witch two companies are combined to achieve certain strategic and business objective, are transactions of great significance, not only to the companies themselves but also to many other constituencies, such as workers, managers, competitors, ...

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Worrying Features Of The Profit And Loss Statement

02 Nov 2017

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Done by: Section: Index: S. No Contents Page No 1 Meaning of terms in profit and loss account 3 2 Review of Alaradi horse shop from profit and loss statement 3 3 Worrying features of profit and loss account 4 4 Meaning of terms in balance sheet 4 5 Review of Alaradi horse shop from ...

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Product And Services For The New Venture

02 Nov 2017

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School Affiliate Course Title Name Professor Date Executive Summary Financial Forecast The anticipated annual sales for year one, two and three are $608,000, $628,064, and $643,766 respectively based on evaluations from operation of an existing restaurant. The net income for year one, two and three is projected to be $18,622, $20,173, and $21,367 respectively. Capital ...

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A Permanent Life Insurance

02 Nov 2017

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"In a Permanent Life Insurance contract, a segment of the money paid as premiums is invested in that type of fund which earns interest on a tax-deferred basis. Thus, over a period of time, these investments are supposed to accumulate increased cash values which the policyholder will be able to get back either during the ...

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Banking Industry Of Pakistan

02 Nov 2017

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"Bank is a financial institution or organization registered by the state government whose main function is to receive deposits (time or demand deposits) and pay interest on them or makes loans or invests the money in market. There are mainly two types of banks: investment banks and commercial/retail banks". (Source: Dictionary, Oxford. "Bank.") The ...

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The Concept Of Market Efficiency

02 Nov 2017

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DEM Development and Enterprise Market EMH Efficient Market Hypothesis FHM First Half of the Month GARCH Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity IOSCO International Organisation of Securities Commissions OLS Ordinary Least Squares ROM Rest-of the-Month SEM Stock Exchange of Mauritius SHM Second Half of the Month SLR Simple Linear Regression TOM Turn-of the-Month Chapter 1: Introduction The concept of market efficiency is of paramount importance in finance. ...

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Overview On The Stock Exchange Of Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

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There have been widespread and extensive studies on the profitability of momentum strategies on the stock market. Many of these studies had documented that future stock returns can be predicted based on past price returns information and various research on momentum profitability had been made in its various form. The momentum strategy is believed to ...

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The Relevance Of Corporate Government Systems

02 Nov 2017

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Individual assignment Corporate Governance Systems N.D. Krijnse Locker 2142333 Tutorial group 13 Table of Contents Introduction When analyzing or comparing countries for foreign direct investment (FDI) consideration, corporate governance is an important area to consider. Countries differ greatly in the corporate governance area, this is due to a lot of different variables and forces. However, ...

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Impact Of The Financial Choice

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 ) Abstract This paper examines the relation between firm’s investment activity and it’s financing (by means of bank lending and operating liquidity). Specifically, this study seeks to understand investment activity under the constructs of external (by means of bank lending) and internal finance (by means of cash flow from operations). This is done by operationalizing ...

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Venture Capital And Private Equity

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter deals with the decision regarding the capital structure, that is, the mix of debt, equity, and hybrids. The main objective is to determine the optimal capital structure such that the firm value is maximized. The starting point of this study is a frictionless financial environment, in which there are no taxes and transaction ...

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The Rules For Savings And Loans

02 Nov 2017

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‘The collapse of Lincoln Savings and Loan was the largest contributor to the Savings Industry Crisis in the USA’. (Berg, E.N, 1989) American Continental Corporation, parent company of Lincoln Savings and Loan, went bankrupt in 1989. Federal regulators seized Lincoln Savings and Loan Association after American Continental bankrupt. From the collapse it has been found ...

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Non Debt Tax Shields

02 Nov 2017

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Capital structure: This paper surveys capital structure theories based on agency costs, asymmetric information, product/input market interactions, and corporate control considerations (but excluding tax-based theories). For each type of model, a brief overview of the papers surveyed and their relation to each other is provided. The central papers are described in some detail, ...

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The Use Of Capital Budgeting Methods

02 Nov 2017

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IBS_logo_pozitiv Capital Budgeting techniques Introduction Capital budgeting is playing a key role in financial management strategy of all organizations. Gitman (2007) determines the capital budgeting as the "process of evaluating and selecting long term investments that are consistent with the business’s goal of maximizing owner wealth". Usually every organization which decides to start this process ...

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The Studies Conducted Abroad

02 Nov 2017

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2.1. INTRODUCTION Review of related literature is very important for undergoing a dissertation as it gives valuable and in depth detailed inputs on the problem issues relative to the project. It basically refers to the research conducted by the scholars and industry experts in which their opinions and suggestions are highlighted in particular. These outputs ...

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Liquidity Has So Many Facets

02 Nov 2017

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CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project titled "Illiquidity and Stock Return: Evidence from Indian Stock Market" submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration is a record of original research work carried out by myself. Any material borrowed or referred to is duly acknowledged. Chandan Kumar ...

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Height Of Ceo Remuneration

02 Nov 2017

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Tom Stofmeel Schoolstraat 31C 9712 JR Groningen [email protected] Student number: s1859099 Phone number: 06-12133917 Supervisor: dr. E.P. Jansen March 2013 University of Groningen Faculty of Economics and Business MSc Accountancy Content: Introduction: The remuneration of CEO’s has been a topic of concern for many over the last few years, the society views CEO remuneration often ...

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The Federal Reserve System

02 Nov 2017

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[Author] [Institution] The U.S financial system includes the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) which is an International organization responsible for fund regulation in the global economy and holds a major role in the economic activity regulation.. This research paper aims to discuss the complex behavior of U.S finance regulation bodies, its effects on domestic and global ...

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Islamic Sukuk Bonds Vs Conventional Bonds

02 Nov 2017

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By [Author’s Name] [Faculty Name] [Department or School Name] [Month Year] CHAPTER 02: LITERATURE REVIEW The Arabic term sukuk is the plural of sakk, meaning 'legal instrument', 'deed' or 'cheque'. It is the Arabic name for what is known in conventional banking as 'financial certificates', but more commonly refers to the Islamiccounterpart of 'bonds'. In ...

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Financing Policy Is Unsustainable And Ineffective

02 Nov 2017

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The findings of the study also clearly established that the current policy of financing public universities has not made the public universities effective and sustainable. The current policy does not provide a comprehensive approach that combines different tools that can provide immediate as well as mid- and long-term solutions to ensure financial vibrancy, sound infrastructure, ...

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Study On The Concept Of Financial Repression

02 Nov 2017

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Financial repression refers to the notion that a set of government regulations, laws, and other non-market restrictions prevent the financial intermediaries of an economy from functioning at their full capacity (Mckinnon&Shaw,1973). Financial repression consists of three elements. First, is that the banking system is compelled to hold government bonds and money by imposing high reserve and ...

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Research Methodology Is Systematic Way

02 Nov 2017

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3.1 Introduction Research methodology is systematic way to solve the research problem. Research methodology describes the methods and process applied in the entire aspect of the study. It includes all the procedures from theoretical foundation to the collection and analysis of data. "Research Methodology refers to the various sequential steps (along with a rational of ...

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Determine The Coefficient Of Correlation

02 Nov 2017

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Course project: Part C A scatter plot is a table of prearranged pair off (x, y) of facts containing the independent variable x along with the dependent variable, y. As for the scatter plot it is apparent that the slope of the ‘best fit’ line is optimistic/positive, which specify that Credit Balance varies straightforwardly ...

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Ethical Finance And Sustainability

02 Nov 2017

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Module Title: Ethical Finance and Sustainability Banner Code: 07 25263 Lecturer: Dr Paul Fox Assignment Title: Essay 1- Market Abuse Word Account: 3242 ID number: 1272701 A Report Submitted to MBA 2012/2013 Birmingham, United Kingdom Table of Contents Executive summary The purpose of this essay is to study the current market abuse regime in ...

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History Of Honda Atlas Cars Ltd

02 Nov 2017

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Formulate an understanding of the automobile industry in Pakistan. Understand the role sources of information play in formulating credible research. Address the ethical problems faced. Use analysis to compare and analyze the results of HAC. Understand the importance and conduct a business analysis of HAC. Reasons for choosing this topic: After much thought I have ...

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Effectiveness Of The Current Hub And Spoke Model

02 Nov 2017

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Historically major international banks operating in the APAC region have evolved their business model in the form of a Hub and Spoke. Hong Kong and Singapore, being the major financial centres of the region, are the Hubs with the spokes spread out in other cities in the region. This model is evident in a number of ...

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The Essence Of Inventory Management In Healthcare

02 Nov 2017

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Inventory management encompasses all the activities that ensure that appropriate levels of inventory are held by an organisation at any point in time to satisfy specific customer demands. Rishi Gokarn (2010) posited that the management of inventory and how it can provide insight into firm performance is a topic of interest to shareholders, investors, business ...

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The Determinants Of Interest Spread In Pakistan

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Overview Interest rate plays a very vital role in our everyday live, which can have a great impact on our buying power but we may not recognize it. Thus, the overall pattern in interest rate might have a great impact on our investments; therefore, it is very important to review patterns in ...

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The Lesson From Investment Management

02 Nov 2017

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Portfolio Construction and Performance By Nguyen Duc Tung CMU Student ID: 20036306 Institution: EAST ASIA Institute of Management, Singapore EASB Student ID: 0907005419 Lecturer: Mr. Terence Liew Submission date: 16th April, 2013 Table of content Page I. Introduction.................................................................................................. 3 II. My portfolio of ten stocks............................................................................ 3 III. The lesson from Investment Management................................................... 4 IV. Compare ...

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The Us Housing Bubble

02 Nov 2017

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The crisis quickly Transformed into a global financial crisis and many financial institutions all over the world were pushed into the edge of bankruptcy. In the U.S., banks and other financial institutions become victims of the bursting of the housing bubble and would lose hundreds of billions of dollars since they were heavily invested ...

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Risk Is An Uncertainty About Loss

02 Nov 2017

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Risks may relate to financial or non-financial objectives, entity specific, intra-agency and can also relate to an entity’s assets, resources or probable exposures to liability claims. Risks can be written off as operational, financial, compliance or strategic. Out of these four categories, individual risks could also relate to reputation, information technology, people, knowledge, contractual, regulatory, ...

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The Bank Of New York Mellon

02 Nov 2017

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Malaysia Mumbai Everest Bank Ltd. Nepal New Delhi 24.03.2004 24 DNB Bank ASA Norway Mumbai 27.8.2008 25 Caixa Geral de Depositos Portugal Mumbai Goa (EC) 8.11.1999 26 Vnesheconombank (Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs) Russia New Delhi 1.3.1983 27 Promsvyazbank Russia New Delhi 25.04.2006 28 Gazprombank Russia New Delhi 12.7.2010 29 Hana Bank South Korea New ...

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Evidence From Chinese Firms Conducting Mandas

02 Nov 2017

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By Arun Paragh Student number: 321388 Master Thesis Proposal Supervisor: Dr. Hao Jiang Co-reader: Abstract CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Finance literature is abundant with research on mergers and acquisitions (M&A), more so in western developed economies than in emerging markets. This is due to having a more mature stock market supported by a strong legal environment. Although ...

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Risk Management Practices Of Rural Banks

02 Nov 2017

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Long Term Winning Strategy For The Stock Market

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction If there is a long-term winning strategy for investing/ trading in the stock market, it means the market is efficient. Research on the stock price trend and its main influencing factors such as investor psychological behavior cannot only help the investors to understand the running mechanism of the stock market but also provide supervision institutions ...

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Fdi Accounting In India

02 Nov 2017

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There is no specific definition of FDI owing to the presence of many authorities like the OECD, IMF, IBRD, and UNCTAD. All these bodies attempt to illustrate the nature of FDI with certain measuring methodologies. Generally speaking FDI refers to capital flows from abroad that invest in the production capacity of the economy and are ...

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Analysis Of Indicators And Parameters

02 Nov 2017

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An analysis of indicators and parameters of ratings and downgrading’s of countries vis-à-vis corporate firm Under the guidance of: Faculty Guide Prof. Meena Barot Submitted By Anil Kumar Soni For Completion of PGDM (International Business) – 2011-13 Institute for Technology and Management Khargar, Navi Mumbai March 2013 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the study ...

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An Analysis Of Conventional Insurance And Takaful Insurance

02 Nov 2017

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BY NAME: EFFI SAIFULLAH BIN YAHYA STUDENT NUMBER: SCM 016539 LECTURER: MS. UNG SZE NIE DATE OF SUBMISSION: 14TH DECEMBER 2012 Signed Declaration I declared that the thesis for the BA (Hons) degree in accounting and finance at the SEGi University and Teesside University, hereby submitted by me, is my original work and has not previously been submitted ...

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Background On The Stock Exchange Of Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

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Since the eighteenth century, Mauritius was well-known for the brokerage activities even though the island was still a French colony. The economic take-off in the early 1980’s has created a favorable environment for the development of a well-built financial sector. In this perspective, the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd (SEM), a private limited company ...

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The Market Structure And Financial Development

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: Banking industry comprises an important part of financial system. Its market structure has an impact on its performances as well as the whole system. To analyse the relationship between banking market structure and financial development/financial stability, we use information of finance of different countries from 2003 to 2009 in the financial database (world bank). ...

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Performance Of Recent Ipos Against Credit Ratings

02 Nov 2017

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I, Bhavarth Sheth student of Masters of Business Administration from Amity Business School, Amity University Uttar Pradesh hereby declare that I have completed Dissertation on "MANDATORY IPO GRADING: REFLECTIONS FROM THE INDIAN CAPITAL MARKET" as part of the course requirement. I further declare that the information presented in this project is true and original to ...

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How Was Payment Protection Insurance Mis Sold

02 Nov 2017

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By Nick Sadler Contents Introduction What do we define as malpractice? PPI How was Payment Protection Insurance Mis-sold? What was the extent of PPI mis-selling? What was the effect of the PPI mis-selling? The mis-selling of complex insurance products How were these complex insurance products mis-sold? What was the extent of the complex insurance products ...

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The History Of Impulse Response Function

02 Nov 2017

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Descriptive Statistics KSE KLSE Mean 1.000086 1.000059 Median 1.000136 1.000084 Maximum 1.008857 1.028462 Minimum 0.993389 0.973159 Std. Dev. 0.00159 0.001606 Skewness -0.3513 0.146881 Kurtosis 5.524881 119.7834 Jarque-Bera 706.0418 1401919 Probability 0 0 Sum 2467.211 2467.146 Sum Sq. Dev. 0.006237 0.006362 Observations 2467 2467 For the analysis of the behavior of the stock returns descriptive statistic ...

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Risk Analysis In Selected Mutual Fund

02 Nov 2017

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Sachin Yadav PRN 11020441117 Fin-Mark (D-11) 2011-13 Under the Guidance of Project Guide Prof.Deshpande Dept. Director SIMS SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES (SIMS) (CONSTIUENT OF SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY) February 2013 Key Words: sharpe ratio, beta, NAV,index DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project entitled “Risk analysis in selected mutual fund companies” submitted for the MBA ...

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Analysis Of Oil Exchange Traded Funds

02 Nov 2017

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1. Introduction Motivation Crude oil is one of the most important physical commodities in economy. The demands for oil are closely accompanied by the global economic growth. Crude oil also can be an important investment instrument for institutional and retail investors to diversify their portfolios or hedge against the economics. However, direct investment in physical ...

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Need For Manpower Forecasts

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION CONCEPT OF MANPOWER FORECASTS Need for Manpower Forecasts Types of Manpower Forecasts MICRO LEVEL MANPOWER DEMAND FORECASTING METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF MANPOWER DEMAND FORECASTING Forecasting Using Quantitative Tools Work Study Technique Work-Load Analysis Work-Force Analysis Ratio-Trend Analysis Econometrics Models Time Series Method of Forecasting Issues in Manpower Demand Forecasting Using Quantitative Tools Forecasting Using ...

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Development And Nature Of Knowledge

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 3 Research Philosophy 3.0 Introduction The term research philosophy relates to the development and nature of knowledge. Although this sounds rather ground, it is exactly what you are doing when you are engaged in research Collins( 2010) 3.1 Types of research philosophy There are three types of research philosophy. They are positivism, realism and interpretivsm. Positivism ...

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Pricing Model For Call Options

02 Nov 2017

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1.COVERING LETTER FOR SUBMISSION: DATED: 15.02.2013 The Editor IJRCM Subject: SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPT IN THE AREA OF FINANCE Finance/Marketing/HRM/General Management/Economics/Psychology/Law/Computer/IT/Engineering/Mathematics/other,please specify) DEAR SIR/MADAM Please find my submission of manuscript entitled ‘A SIMPLE PRICING MODEL FOR CALL OPTIONS TRADED IN NSE NIFTY OPTION MARKET: THEORY, MODEL & EMPIRICAL TEST’ ' for possible publication in ...

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Foreign Direct Investment In India

02 Nov 2017

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In this project I have analyzed the situation of Indian market as a target market for international companies as hub for refinery business. Developing economy of India, as it is very unstable and involves lot of risk. Various government policies that affect international business, since economy is in growing stage. NEED FOR THE RESEARCH To ...

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The Cost Of Life Insurance

02 Nov 2017

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No one is aware what the future is holding. But, when the loved ones pass and things get tougher, the right kind of life insurance policy helps as the source for those who are left behind and have to start their life afresh. Therefore, it is always better to understand the details of calculations of ...

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Capital Structure Effect Islamic Banking Performance

02 Nov 2017

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Islamic banking can be defined as a system of banking that complies with Islamic law also known as Shariah law. Islamic banking contracts are the back bone to the Islamic banks’ products and services. Mutual risk and profit sharing between parties are the fundamental principles that govern Islamic banking, while the assurance ...

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Basic Valuation Methods

02 Nov 2017

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Executive Summary The key objective of this report is to evaluate and determine whether the market has valued TATA STEEL Limited correctly or not. This report demonstrates the application of three basic valuation methods namely the Net Asset Value, Price Earnings Multiples and Discounted Cash Flow to determine ...

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Overview Of Economy And Banking Sector Of Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

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Mauritius being independent since 1968 had initially a monocrop economy. Years after, the economy diversified into several sectors namely textile, tourism and financial sector. Recently it has developed into information and communication technology, fishing process and property development. Having not only good infrastructures but also highly skilled labour, it is easy to attract Foreign Direct ...

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Cost Is So Important And Engrossed

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION Cost is so important and engrossed in daily life and not knowing your costs can cost you. Eventually, cost is a fundamental concept such that investment decisions are influenced by it. If the costs are not calculated accurately for a business entity, this can result to good investment opportunities being considered as non-viable. For ...

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Why The Organizations Should Hedge

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION: Financial risk management means that as a practice of creating economic value in the firm by using financial tools which controlling risk exposure, especially market risk and credit risk. Financial risk management targets at which time and in what way hedging uses financial tools to control cost exposures to risk. Hedging is a financial ...

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Introduction To Management Statistics

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Statistics "is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. It deals with all aspects of this, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments" (Dodge, 2006) This research introduces various statistical terms in the form of problems, which are further calculated to show sequentially how an answer ...

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Perception Of Islamic Banks Versus Conventional Banks

02 Nov 2017

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Name: College: Instructor: Chapter 1: Introduction Background of the Study Islamic banking industry has gained wide popularity in the recent days among Muslims and non-Muslims as well. This has pronounced heightened competition for the conventional banking industry as more customers shift their attention to Islamic banking services. In some countries such as Pakistan, a number ...

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Look At Bank Regulatory And Supervisory Practices

02 Nov 2017

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ASB-4811 International Banking Submitted by Nilesh Shinde - 500316762 Suhel Singh - 500313391 Qi Shao - 500325220 Jie Shen - 500325824 Yana Song - 500323310 Jinnan Su - 500325730 Bangor Business School, London Centre 15th March, 2013 Sr. no Table of contents 1 Executive summary 2 2 Economic profile 3 3 Banking sector structure ...

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The Cash Holding Of Banks In Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

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C:\Users\test\Desktop\images.jpg Dissertation submitted towards the MBA in Finance The relationship between Working capital Management and the cash holding of Banks in Mauritius Sumit Kumar Ojha ID- 4613178 I hereby declare that this work has not been previously accepted in substance for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted by another candidate for any degree. ...

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The Nature Of The Housing Price Bubble

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction In this chapter, the paper examines the housing price bubble, assessing its cause in the build-up of the recession and looking at the lesson that can be learnt from it. Using these lessons, the paper will to look into the policies that should be implemented to protect the economy from a repeat recession. The ...

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Standardization Of Islamic Banking Practices

02 Nov 2017

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Islamic Development Bank ** Corresponding author: Economic Research and Policy Dept., Islamic Development Bank. Mailing address: Economic Research and Policy Dept., Islamic Development Bank, P.O Box 5925, Jeddah, 21432, Saudi Arabia; [email protected]: +966-2-646-6533; Fax:+966-2-506047132. *Economic Research and Policy Dept., Islamic Development Bank. Mailing address: Economic Research and Policy Dept., Islamic Development Bank, P.O Box 5925, ...

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Evidence From Indian Stock Market

02 Nov 2017

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A project submitted in the partial fulfillment of Requirement for award of the degree in Master of Business Administration Under the Guidance of: Dr. Pankaj Sinha Submitted By: Chandan Kumar Mandal F-093, MBA (FT) Area Code: FIN Faculty of Management Studies University of Delhi March-2013 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project titled "Illiquidity ...

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Study On The Time Value Of Money

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

The most important concept in finance is that of the time value of money. As we will see in the next section on valuation, the value of a project, a bond, a company, or anything in a financial sense is a function of the future cash flows that will be realized and the time value ...

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The Increasing Of The Subprime Mortgage Market

02 Nov 2017

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U.S. house price increase substantially since 1990. The Standard Poor’s Case-Shiller Home Price Indices shows a significantly larger increase in house price that starting in 1988 and it peaked in 2006. Between 1997 and 2006, U.S. house price increased by 124% ("Economist") Lots of things help to bring up the house price. Under the ...

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Key To A Secure Retirement

02 Nov 2017

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Saving for retirement is crucial and making sure those resources last, throughout your lifetime, is just as important. These are long-term savings plans which help you save and then provide a variety of options for payout, offering you a steady stream of income you cannot outlive. To improve financial security in retirement, more and more ...

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Long Term Loans To Employees

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Maple Leaf cements is the subsidiary of Kohinoor maple leaf Group of companies. Maple leaf is one of the pioneer of cement industry in Pakistan Maple leaf has mainly two products which is cement and clinker Company is having capacity of producing 3360000 tons of cement. The company supplies it products locally and also export ...

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Individual Price Momentum

02 Nov 2017

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Momentum is most commonly defined by the process of buying stocks with high returns in the recent past as it is believed that it will have higher future returns and selling stocks with low returns in the past. This particular process is believed to generate excess abnormal profits and is a true challenge to the ...

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Why Organizations Should Hedge

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

INTRODUCTION: Financial risk management means that as a practice of creating economic value in the firm by using financial tools which controlling risk exposure, especially market risk and credit risk. Financial risk management targets at which time and in what way hedging uses financial tools to control cost exposures to risk. Hedging is a financial ...

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Qualified By Multimedia University

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

The copyright of this thesis belongs to the authors under the terms of the Copyright Act 1987 as qualified by Multimedia University 4.1. Due acknowledgment shall always be made of the use of any material contained in, or derived from this research project DECLARATION I hereby declare that this BFN3024 Research Project is my original ...

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The Geneses Of The Offshore Banking Industry

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

The offshore banking is the deposit of funds by either a company or an individual in a bank which is situated outside their national residence. The geneses of the offshore banking industry are found in a group of island off the northwest coast of France, the Channel Island. Many years back, a group ...

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Analyzing And Mixing Both Quantitative

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

In quantitative research, an investigator relies on numerical data (Charles & Mertler, 2002). This research analyzes trends, compares groups, and relates variables using statistical analysis and compares the prior predictions and past research (Creswell, 2012). The researcher uses post positivist claims for developing knowledge, such as cause and effect thinking, reduction to specific variables, hypotheses ...

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Order To Deal With Money Volatility

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

In order to deal with money, volatility is the prior concern for the investors. Investors who invest their funds in stock or any other assets want to know how they are exposed to how much volatility or risk. Due to this reason the study is involved in finding out the impact of price volatility on ...

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The Main Reasons For The Creation Of Basel

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Hu Yu Contents Executive summary This report is suitable to RBS for investor consultancy of UK market. This report is based on Basel III. This report is about the Basel III. The references are from: website. The main issues are: time limited, Basel III is new and just started hard to find relevant data. The ...

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A Role Of Accounting Ratio In Companies

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

First, before I begin in this I take this prospect to thank Almighty Allah, for providing me the strength and health to make this project work until it is completed. At this point, I would like to express my sincere thanks to those who have contributed to help me while collecting of necessary information to ...

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Concept Of Corporate Governance

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

2.1 Introduction This chapter discusses information from similar studies which have carried out in the area of corporate governance. The specific areas covered include: the concept of corporate governance, theoretical review, empirical review, link between corporate governance and organization performance, indicators of effective corporate governance mechanisms and the conceptual framework 2.2 Concept of Corporate Governance ...

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Burst Assembly Technique For Obs Networks

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

In this chapter, we have investigated the second research objective i.e. to investigate various burst assembly schemes for efficient network utilization and bandwidth in OBS networks. The chapter is divided into two sections. In the first section, a congestion based hybrid variable time burst assembly technique (VT-BA) which varies itself according to the traffic conditions ...

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Impact Of Recession On Banking Sector

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Banks act as vital players in the financial marketplaces. They show a vibrant role in the economy of a country. The Recession that instigated in December 2007 obstructed the revenues and productivity of businesses worldwide. The Indian banking system is comparatively protected from the factors leading to the havoc in the global banking industry. Going ...

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Estimation Of Beta And The Testing

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

The Estimation of Beta and the Testing of Non-linearity in Returns: The case of Mauritius BSC (Hons) Economics and Finance 3 Mungroo Deevya Contents Abstract The study analyses the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) on the Mauritian Stock market. Monthly stock returns from 34 listed companies were taken into consideration in the timeframe of January ...

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The Impact Of Financial Crisis On Bank In Bahrain

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Introduction The main purpose of the study is to understand the problems faced by bank inBahrain as a result of the financial crisis. After a lasting time of instability, the global economy finally started to stabilize in 2009 with the assistance of a considerable amount of intervention from the public which resulted in a mount ...

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Chinese State Owned Enterprise Firms Boards

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Abstract Using 3,019 listed firms in China divided into two subsamples, we compare the characteristics of corporate governance between private firms and State Owned Enterprise (SOE) firms after they have gone public on the Chinese stock markets. We examine the differences in board structure between these two types of firms. Results show that private firms ...

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Tightening The Grip On Insurance Frauds

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

On Tightening the grip on insurance frauds Submitted to Amity University for the registration of the topic for MBA (Insurance & Banking) in ASIBAS Session 2011-2013 Submitted by:- Name:-Ashima Saxena ...

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The Relationship Between Inventory Management And Profitability

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

A significant number of academic and industrial researches have been carried out in relation to the presence of an existing link or otherwise between inventory management and profitability as assessed from different views. According to Coyle et al (2003), changes in inventory levels have an impact on return on assets (ROA); thus, reduction in inventory ...

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Effect Of Securitisation On The Operations And Profitability

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Securitisation is believed to offer extreme benefits to investors, issuers, businesses and the economy. And despite this growth it still remains the mainstream of financial mechanism. Securitisation started in the 70s, through the mortgage industry and has since transformed debt instrument and credit market. Banks and financial institutions have been given the mandate by Securitisation and ...

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Analysis Of Business And Financial

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

An Analysis of Business and Financial Performance of Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited Over a Period of Three Years RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS REPORT Prepared by: Ibrahim Ahmad Khan Registration number: 1715981 Word Count: 6,498 Table of Contents PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND OVERALL RESEARCH APPROACH REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE TOPIC AND THE ORGANISATION 3. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF ...

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How Can A Person Become Rich

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

A Guide to an Investor Better??? The reason being I cant change the title now, a subtitle can be added. [Pick the date] [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a ...

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Harmonisation Of Accounting Standards

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

Issues and Controversies in Accounting Project Module leader Student ID number Student name I understand that the School does not tolerate plagiarism.  Plagiarism is the knowing or reckless presentation of another person’s thoughts, writings, and inventions, as one’s own. It includes the incorporation of another person’s work from published or unpublished sources, without indicating that ...

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Dividend Discount Model And Economic Value Added Approach

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Introduction:- There are several methods to value the shares of the company using the dividend valuation. Dividend discount model helps in valuing the fairness of the company. The value of the shares is the current value of the expected dividend. If the value obtained using DDM is higher than the price at which the current shares ...

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How Concepts Of Behavioral Finance

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Introduction The purpose of this dissertation is to explore how concepts of Behavioral Finance could be applied to institutional investors in the stock exchange represented by mutual funds. As a major player in any capital market, mutual funds and other institutional investors act as guarantors for maintaining the market efficiency since they represent the body ...

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The Share Of Currency Invoicing In Japanese Exports

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

In the following sub-chapter the author will refer to the research paper of Ito et al. (2010) who examined the exchange rate risk management of Japanese companies based on a questionnaire survey. The questionnaires needed for the survey were created and collected in cooperation with the Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry (RIETI). The ...

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