Burst Assembly Technique For Obs Networks


02 Nov 2017

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In this chapter, we have investigated the second research objective i.e. to investigate various burst assembly schemes for efficient network utilization and bandwidth in OBS networks. The chapter is divided into two sections. In the first section, a congestion based hybrid variable time burst assembly technique (VT-BA) which varies itself according to the traffic conditions in the network has been proposed. The proposed burst assembly technique varies the time within fixed size threshold limits of the virtual queues at optical nodes considering the link congestion levels. The proposed technique significantly improves the overall byte loss rate and marginally better end-to-end delay. In order to find the optimal combination of burst assembly and burst scheduling techniques for superior performance of the OBS networks, the performance of the proposed Optical Burst Assembly Technique is experimentally investigated under self-similar traffic and traditional scheduling techniques in the second section. Simulation results reveal that the proposed burst assembly algorithm performs well amid various scheduling techniques and gives better compatibility with VT-BA as compared to their other counterparts for most of the parameters under consideration.


A major concern in OBS networks is contention, which occurs when multiple bursts contend for the same link. Contention in an OBS network is particularly aggravated by the highly variable and optical wavelength conversion. Though optical wavelength conversion has been verified through investigations, the technology is not yet mature, and the range of possible conversions is somewhat limited. Packet losses due to contentions can also be reduced through burst segmentation.

Various burst assembly algorithms have been proposed to aggregate a number of packets into data bursts [30,32,33,36]. Four classes of burst assembly algorithms are available in the literature, namely timer-based, size-based, hybrid and dynamic threshold-based algorithms. Thus, assembling the packets into bursts of optimal length can improve the performance of an OBS network. Most of burst assembly and scheduling techniques, however, are rather complex and have difficulty in implementation. Thus creating a need to find a burst assembly technique which is simpler, easy to implement and adaptable to traffic conditions in the network.

In this section an optical burst assembly technique is proposed to be used in OBS networks. The proposed burst assembly technique varies the time within fixed size threshold limits of the virtual queues at optical nodes considering the link congestion levels. Byte loss rates on the optical links are used to represent congestion levels and to arrange the time threshold values on the nodes which are incident with them. Three alternative time threshold values are employed based on the congestion level. Under heavy traffic, smaller value threshold of time is used. As the traffic becomes lighter, the threshold values are increased to allow longer burst generation and better channel utilization. Moreover, in order to make the implementation of optical nodes simpler, only three sizes of bursts are generated.


The VT-BA algorithm varies itself according to the traffic conditions in the network. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated for its compatibility with conventional scheduling techniques in OBS networks.

The parameters employed are arranged based on the byte loss rates on the links incident with the corresponding nodes. The loss threshold has two levels as high and low. Congestion level is taken as the byte loss rate on the corresponding link. Based on the congestion level of the corresponding link, a burst generator for a virtual queue can be in one of three states that are long, medium, and short. The state of the burst generator defines the time threshold of the bursts that are to be formed by the corresponding generator. In order to form long bursts, the generator requires greater LT and LS values. Similarly, to create short and medium bursts, the values of these parameters have to be set to a short and medium value respectively. The values of the time threshold and also the state of the burst generator are decided based on the current byte loss level on the incident link. The VT-BA algorithm is described below.

Assumptions in VT-BA

LT denotes Limit of time threshold

LTshort (Class1) = Time limit(5units)

LTmedium (Class2) = Time limit(500units)

LTlong (Class3) = Time limit(5000units )

LS = Limit of size threshold

LSlimit = Max limit of size threshold

VT-BA is based on the assumption that, byte losses in the OBS domain are caused by congestion. Therefore, whenever the loss rate on a link increases, the generator can generate shorter bursts that are less likely to contend. Similarly, as the measured loss rate on the corresponding link tends to decrease, the burst generator can form longer bursts taking longer duration of time threshold.

VT-BA assures to generate the bursts of three sizes long, medium and short. Generators at virtual queues run the following algorithm:

Algorithm: VT-BA

If ( byte loss level >= high)

LT := LTshort

If (byte loss level <= low)

LT := LTlong


LT := LTmedium


LT := LTlimit , LS=LSlimit

Step 0: Timer := 0

Step 1: Wait for the incoming packets

if (packet arrival)

Enqueue packet, update burst generator state

Update LT and LS

if (Timer <= LT)

if (QueueSize <= LSlimit)

pad and generate a burst of size LSlimit

Generate a burst of size of the LS


if (QueueSize >= LSlimit)

Generate a burst of size LS

QueueSize := (QueueSize - LSlimit)

Goto Step 0



else //Timer < LT

Goto Step 1



In the algorithm defined above, if the size of the virtual queue is between two LS values, the size of the burst is forced to be of the smaller one in order to generate a burst that is less likely to contend.


The simulation is performed using NS2. Two fibers, one for each direction, are used to form an optical connection. Line rate of 10 Gbps is taken per wavelength. A 10 μs of average processing time and a 1 μs of average switching time are assumed. Erlang and self-similar with H = 0.9 traffic flows are generated as explained in [30]. In order to schedule bursts, the horizon scheduling algorithm is employed in the OBS network. The congestion threshold values for low and high are taken. The three time threshold values short, medium and long are assumed to be 5 μs , 500 μs and 5000 μs respectively. The parameters used in the Hybrid burst assembly are static LS of 60 μs (75 KB on 10Gbps) and a LT of 500μs since these values produced the best performance in [31].


The results obtained using the variable time based burst assembly is compared with those using the hybrid burst assembly.




Figure 5.1 Comparison of Byte Loss Rates for (a) Class 1 traffic (b) Class 2 traffic (c) Class 3 traffic

As shown in Figure 5.1, the proposed algorithm outperforms the hybrid burst assembly in terms of byte loss rate as the offered load gets higher. At low loads, since the network is lightly loaded the loss rate is bit low. As the offered load gets higher, the Queuing and end-to-end delays under Erlang traffic number of contending bursts increases, decreasing the byte loss rate. This information is obtained by the burst generator and the burst generator is forced to form shorter bursts.




Figure 5.2 Comparison of Queuing Delay (a) Class 1 traffic (b) Class 2 traffic (c) Class 3 traffic

In Figure 5.2 average queuing delay per burst for proposed technique is compared with existing Hybrid burst assembly technique for different classes of traffic. The queuing delay of the proposed scheme seems to coincide at the burstification phase.




Figure 5.3 Comparison of Delay for (a) Class 1 traffic (b) Class 2 traffic (c) Class 3 traffic

Since VT-BA increases the average burst time by allowing long bursts at some points, longer bursts cause longer transmission time through the fiber resulting in comparable end-to-end delay.

As seen in Figure 5.3, there is a slight decrease in end-to-end delay when VT-BA is employed. The proposed algorithm re-queue the packets that cause the burst to exceed any size threshold level in order to generate bursts of predetermined sizes. However, the proposed scheme significantly outperforms the hybrid burst assembly as expected.


In this section, the main focus is on finding the optimal scheduling technique which is most compatible with the proposed burst assembly technique and maximize throughput of the OBS network. The performance of the above introduced VT-BA technique is evaluated in terms of packet loss rate, traffic sent, end to end delay and burst loss rate. Simulation results reveal that the proposed burst assembly algorithm performs well amid various scheduling techniques but few schedulers give better compatibility with VT-BA as compared to their other counterparts for most of the parameters under consideration. It is observed that the above combination dramatically decreases the overall burst loss rate while keeping the end-to-end delay in a feasible range.


The performance of recently introduced Optical Burst Assembly Technique, VT-BA, is experimentally investigated under self-similar traffic and traditional scheduling techniques.


The simulation is performed using NS2. Two fibers, one for each direction, are used to form an optical connection. Line rate of 10 Gbps is taken per wavelength. A 10 μs of average processing time and a 1 μs of average switching time are assumed. Erlang and self-similar with H = 0.9 traffic flows are generated. The congestion threshold values for low and high are taken. The three time threshold values short, medium and long are assumed to be 5 μs, 500 μs and 5000 μs respectively. In order to schedule bursts, various scheduling techniques are employed in the OBS network.


The results obtained are compared, for parameters under consideration, to find the best attuned scheduling technique for optimum performance of the OBS network.

Figure 5.4 Variation in Packet Loss Rate with respect to offset for various scheduling techniques

As it can be observed in Figure 5.4, the Min-SV algorithm outperforms other scheduling algorithms in terms of packet loss rate as the offset time increases. At lesser values of offset times, since the network is frivolously loaded the loss rate is also low. As the offset time gets higher, the number of contending bursts increases, causing the rise in packet loss rate.

Figure 5.5 Variation in Traffic Sent with respect to time for various scheduling techniques

Figure 5.5 illustrates the traffic sent parameter for viability of scheduling algorithms to be employed with newly introduced burst assembly scheme. Results reveal that the Min-SV scheduling algorithm performs better as compared to other conventional algorithms.

Figure 5.6 Variation in End to End delay with respect to time for various scheduling techniques

In Figure 5.6, average end-to-end delay per burst is given under the various well known scheduling techniques. The end-to-end delay of the schemes under consideration varies consistently with time. Since VT-BA increases the average burst size by allowing long bursts at some points, longer bursts cause longer transmission time through the fiber so end-to-end delay increases. As expected, the proposed approach incurs acceptable delay as a response to the increase of burst losses when traffic load increases.

Figure5.7 Variation in Traffic Lost with respect to time for various scheduling techniques

Figure 5.7 shows the traffic lost with the change in offset time. For lower values of offset time i.e. less than 350 secs, the CTBR, Horizon and LAUC-VF schedulers coincide with each other. But for higher values of offset CTBR seems to give the best performance. Thus combining the VT-BA with CTBR will give the optimum solution for next generation OBS networks.

Figure 5.8 Variation in Burst Loss Rate with respect to offset for various scheduling techniques

The next fraction of our simulation results are taken under long range dependent traffic with offset time in the range of 0 to 50 secs. In Figure 5.8, the burst loss rate comparison is shown. Since the traffic is bursty here, the burst loss rates increases linearly with increase in offset time. However, the CTBR scheduler significantly outperforms its other counterparts for its employment in conjunction with VT-BA for producing optimal OBS networks.


In this chapter, we propose a novel Variable Time-Burst Assembly (VT-BA) algorithm in order to improve the OBS network performance. We use the byte loss rates on the outgoing links of the optical nodes to decide on the threshold values (LT and LS) of related virtual queues. These parameters are varied with the burst loss rates on the corresponding links. Bursts are forced to have one of the following burst time threshold values in order to make implementation practical: LTlong, LTmedium, LTshort. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of byte loss rate, average end-to-end delay and average burstification delay under various traffic classes. The results obtained are compared with those of the existing hybrid burst assembly algorithm. It is observed that the proposed scheme outperforms the hybrid burst assembly with respect to byte loss rate and delays.

Further to maximize throughput, we considered four different burst scheduling approaches and evaluated their performance for their compatibility with newly introduced Burst Assembly technique VT-BA, to attain more efficient OBS network. We observe that CTBR and Min-SV scheduling techniques performs substantially better in terms of Traffic sent, Burst loss rate and Packet loss rate. It is observed that the burst loss rates obtained are different than the corresponding packet loss rate. Such a result is caused by variable burst sizes. It is observed that the self-similarity of the incoming traffic is mainly affected by the burst scheduling techniques. Moreover, the algorithm is simple to implement making them viable alternative for the design and implementation of burst assembly units in next-generation OBS systems.


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