Disadvantages Such As Co2 Emission

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

INTRODUCTION: Energy Bricks are a revolutionary product that progress beyond the energy saving performance of any other standard brick or brick masonry in the market available today. Energy Bricks have been planned with a massive insulation rating. This in turn reduces the construction time, also reduces the cost of construction. They are light in ...

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Off Site And On Site Production

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

There are many different types of offsite production in this section we will look at four different types: - Volumetric - Panelised - Hybrid - Sub-assemblies There is then on site modern methods of construction, all the different types of modern methods of construction both offsite and on site are often used in conjunction with ...

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Public Sector Borrowing Requirements

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Abstract This study has been carried with the objectives of assessing and evaluating the general perception of the concept of PPP among top administrators in the public service in Mauritius, by identifying the perceived risks of embarking on such type of projects and identifying the perceived benefits ...

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The Road Construction History In Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

CHAPTER 1 Since, 1860s there has been evolution of road construction by first introduction of railway system as a means of goods transport in Mauritius. However, in 1964s railway system was stopped due to persistent unprofitability and there was the introduction of motorized transport. There has been construction of road networks to cope with the ...

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Lightweight Structure Could Become Advancement

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

City UNIVERSITY ULTRA LIGHT-WEIGHT BUILDING How lightweight structure could become advancement in material science or through using changes in design Mehran Vafaei Shalmani 1/1/2013 Introduction This report will illustrate some methods of constructing an ultra-lightweight building. Then by describing each type of the methods which have been discovered by my research from reliable sources such ...

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Roads Parking And Pedestrianisation

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Communication among inhabitants of the Staiths South Bank housing development has increased as a result of Creative landscaping and social spaces. Ian Darby Partnership, Hemingway design and Glen Kemp were behind its planning. The scheme is the largest new-build Home Zone which offers real choice at low cost and includes a ground-breaking shared-surface design. It ...

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He Planned Approaches To Safety Management System

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

Abstract In the environment created by events leading up to the federal governments summits, it has been notice that there is a need to study the economic impact of the management in the industrial field. And what the questions could be answered by the implementation of the management as a principle matter in the environment ...

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Obervation About The Client Firm

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Contents INTRODUCTION OBERVATION ABOUT THE CLIENT FIRM The client company; Taipan eagle Sdn Bhd is a well-known and respected company. The company has Experience over four decades in various fields of real estate infrastructure, services, and department stores throughout Asia. The group is also popular in investment and other companies. A Client firm is ...

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Proposal To Investigate Factors

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Department of Engineering, Mangosuthu University of Technology, Durban, South Africa [email protected] Abstract: The main objective of this report is to track "Where Quantity Surveying as a profession is heading." Quantity implies amount, number, measure, extent, size, magnitude and mass. Surveyor denotes inspector, assessor, examiner, reviewer and evaluator. The name Quantity Surveyor was originally derived from ...

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Organisations Engaged In The Construction

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Discuss the reasons why modern organisations engaged in the construction and property industries should use ‘work study’ in their business. ‘Work Study’ measures work and defines performance standards. It is the systematic evaluation of the methods of carrying out a number of activities in order to improve the effective use of resources and to come ...

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Necessity For Minimize Variations

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

ABSTRACT This research presents results of a study on "Necessity for minimize variations to avoid project delay in construction industry". In a Construction industry, Construction project is a temporary endeavour to create a unique product or service. Every project have a clear, definitive objective and activity tasks, generally the construction project manager is a responsible ...

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Office Building Energy Saving

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

CHAPTER 1 Office building energy saving is one of the ways to reduce loss of energy in building in Malaysia. To improve the energy efficiency of buildings needs to rational use of energy and improves energy efficiency in ensuring the conditions of building comfort. Building energy-saving specifically refers to that In the building planning, design ...

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Ethical Case Study Bhopal Disaster

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

Part 1 Section 1: Introductory Background Bhopal, the state of Madya Pradesh is the central city of India populated by around 1 million people. Approximately, one third of its one million inhabitants live in closely compact housing in its northern and central districts. It was blessed with various natural and artificial lakes. It was called ...

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Construction A New Student Amenity Building

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Executive Summary Introduction Assumption Background Procurement Approaches Recommended Procurement Method Risk Management Management and Recommendations Conclusion Reference . 1. Executive Summary This report was requested by University of Worthington due to a construction a new student amenity building. The purpose of this report was to advice on the selection of procurement method and suitable form ...

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Waste In Construction And Demolition

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

PROJECT REPORT MODULE CODE: F317PRO BY SIU SIONG LEE 0803580/1 23/04/2013 Richard Skyes CEM, Reading University CONTENTS PAGE Task 1 Executive summary Introduction Methodology Literature review Pilot questionnaire study Questionnaire Interview Project plan Preliminary headings and sub-headings Possible project constraints Time Data Quality Lack of participants Conclusion Task 2 Preliminary literature review Waste in construction ...

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The Measure Of Attributes

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Building Economic Analysis is a vital step in the process of constructing a building. Economic analysis in construction ensures that man’s needs are met while providing the suitable, appropriate and efficient living conditions. Building owners use the economic analysis to determine the most economically efficient or cost effective choice among building alternatives. Rather than having ...

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Preliminary Headings And Sub Headings

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

PROJECT REPORT MODULE CODE: F317PRO BY SIU SIONG LEE 0803580/1 23/04/2013 Richard Skyes CEM, Reading University CONTENTS PAGE Task 1 Executive summary Introduction Methodology Literature review Pilot questionnaire study Questionnaire Interview Project plan Preliminary headings and sub-headings Possible project constraints Time Data Quality Lack of participants Conclusion Task 2 Preliminary literature review Waste in construction ...

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Quantities For The Two Manholes Shown

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Take off quantities for the two manholes shown and specified on the drawing. Notes Provide a taking-off list and attach a query sheet to the front of your measurements showing details of any assumptions you have made. You are not required to square the dimensions. MANHOLES 1 MANHOLES 2 MANHOLES 3 MANHOLES 4 MANHOLES 5 ...

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Minimize Energy Usage In Two Story

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION GENERAL For recent years, the increase in world oil prices has risen dramatically and rising oil prices also have an impact on our country. Therefore, coal price in the world also increase. Gas and coal is one of the main fuel to generate electricity, if increase fuel price it also will affect ...

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The Adoption And Future Of Bim

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Acknowledgements I would like to take this opportunity in expressing my gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. T.S.T. Ng, for his guidance and comments during the study. I also want to express thanks to the assistance from the Department of Civil Engineering in conducting this research. Moreover, I want to express thanks to all the interviewees ...

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Nottingham Express Transit Phase Two

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Abstract: I have chosen Nottingham Express Transit Phase Two (NETP2) as my case study NEPT2 is the extension tram system which aims to connect Chilwell & Clifton to the existing network. The project was announced in October 2006, with construction works scheduled to commence within 2012, amid a predicted completion date within 2014. Tram link ...

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Electricity And Water Authority Set Objectives

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

CHAPTER 1: 1.1 INTRODUCTION: This chapter will provide the reader with an insight into the research area. The main focus of this study is the use of the difference between three types of leadership in the ministry of electricity and water of Bahrain, framework to measures the business prospection of department activity and performance. The ...

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Effectiveness Of Public Private Partnership

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

Case Study: Brampton Civic Hospital Presented by: Presented to: Table of Contents Abstract Public Private Partnership is a growing trend that’s adopted these days primarily in the infrastructure development. Such agreements are practiced largely in the project development of non-sensitive nature like building roads, rail tracks, sewerage and other public utility properties. The case of ...

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Proposing A Suitable Type Of Tendering Method

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Contents Introduction Tender can be defined as an offer to carry out work, supply goods, and buy land shares and other assets at a stated fixed price. Tendering is the process of making an offer, a bid or proposal, or expressing interest in response to an invitation or request for tender. The tendering process is ...

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New Build The Code

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

A report was carried out in 2007 by Element Energy and Davis Langdon into the cost of building a variety of new homes assessed against the Code for Sustainable Homes. The Code measures the sustainability of homes against the nine design categories and provides a rating on a six star system. The report ‘Cost ...

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Types Of Tendering Methods

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

INTRODUCTION Taipan Eagle Sdn Bhd is a leading new world development company limited based in Hong Kong. The company was founded in 1970. The group has business experience of more than 4 decades (40 year) in different fields such as property, infrastructure, services and departmental stores. The company recently decides to build a housing estate ...

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Communication Problem Among Foreign Workers In Construction Industry

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Faculty of Architecture Planning and Surveying,Universiti Teknologi MARA (Perak) [email protected] Abstract Construction industry is small sector in Malaysia when compared with other sectors but it attracted a large number of foreign workers working at construction sites. However, the problems related to the employment of foreign workers are numerous. One of the problems is communication problem. ...

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Focused On Waste Minimization

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION General This research is focused on waste minimization in construction building sites that influences the economic. Besides that this study is also intended to identify the methods to reduce the waste in the construction site. In this chapter the basic elements of study are presented. Basically this chapter covers the problem statement, ...

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The Most Common Form Of Procurement

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

1.0 Introduction For a project. Client(PETROXIMAX OIL COMPANY)always searching a reputable contractor that completes the building within agreed cost, time and quality. To start a project Client(PETROXIMAX OIL COMPANY) will choose the most suitable procurement method. There are three choices of procurement method. These divide to traditional and non-traditional method, non-traditional include two methods. ...

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Electricity And Water Authority

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

CHAPTER 1: 1.1 INTRODUCTION: This chapter will provide the reader with an insight into the research area. The main focus of this study is the use of the difference between three types of leadership in the ministry of electricity and water of Bahrain, framework to measures the business prospection of department activity and performance. The ...

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Safety Standards And Procedures

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Introduction Health and safety at workplace is very important to considerate as it involved the right for all workers on their rights and responsibilities that affect health and safety at work mostly in construction field. This is because the accident occurred at construction site has high risk due to workers exposure to many hazardous situations. ...

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Can Displaying Energy Usage In Real Time Reduce

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Introduction This section of the paper focuses on the findings and discussions of the data obtained, the findings for this study were obtained before, during and after as the research was conducted at the building. This section focuses on the quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data identifies and discusses the amount of energy consumed ...

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Futuristic Touch To The Development

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

INTRODUCTION Taipan Eagle Sdn.Bhd. is a very big company. It is a subsidiary of New World Development Company Limited and Luen Yum Development (M) Sdn.Bhd. For more than 4 decades, the Group has expanded its business from a single focus on property business to four main areas including big properties, services, infrastructure, and department stores ...

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Vm Was Originated In The General Electric

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

The VM was originated in the General electric Company in USA during the Second World War, when scarcities forced industry to consider ways of economizing resources or using substitutes. This process was called Value Engineering or Value Analysis, and was mainly concerned with the functional analysis of manufactured products (Barton et al. 1999). VE first ...

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Construction That Influences To The Economic

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION General Overall, this is focused on waste minimization in construction that influences to the economic. Besides that this study is also intended to identify methods to reduce the waste in the construction site. In this chapter the basic elements of study are presented. Basically this chapter covers the problem statement, aims and ...

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Moreland Property Group Leading Property

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Introduction -Thirupan The Moreland property group is the leading property developers in Sri Lanka since 1990. The company plans to develop a property on the site which is located No 2, Galle Road, Colombo 3. This report written by the consultants of the company to the chairperson of the Moreland property group Mr. Neil ...

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Construction Industry Is A Vehicle

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

I hereby declare that this project report is based on my original work except for citations and quotations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously and concurrently submitted for any other degree or award at UTAR or other institutions. Signature : Name : ID No. : Date ...

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Ask Someone To Assist With Cap

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Introduction - Ask someone to assist with CAP – South Africa is the only country on the African continent that uses nuclear energy to generate electricity. The Koeberg Nuclear Power Station (Koeberg) that ensures a reliable supply of electricity to the Western Cape has operated safely for more than 25 years having a further active ...

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The History About Green Technology

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

INTRODUCTION: Green technology has several technological subjects such as Renewable Energy, Green Building, Environmentally preferred purchasing, Green chemistry, Green Nanotechnology. Green building is a technological subject area under ‘Green Technology’. It starts from where the building should be located and what sort of materials are to be used. Usually a lot of materials and ...

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Public Private Partnership Would Be Used

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

1.1 Introduction In the 2002/2003 budget, it was announced that Public Private Partnership would be used as a new form of procuring and financing infrastructure projects and services in the Mauritian public sector. At Paragraph 100 of the Budget Speech (2002/2003), it was mentioned that: "Government will establish a frame work for a PPP Scheme. PPP ...

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The Energy Network Upgrade

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

Name Instructor Course Energy Integration Project This is a project plan of an integrated energy plan to be implemented in the Latin American region, Brazil area to be precise. This project will entail the integration of hydro-electric energy, which is already predominantly there, with other nonrenewable ...

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Use Of Bim Affect The Future Role

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Name: Patrick O’Neill Award: Bsc (Hons) Quantity Surveying Module code: 6CN010 Department: School of technology Student no: 1023268 Supervisor: John Reynolds Date: 20th April 2013 "Presented in partial fulfilment of the assessment requirements for the above award". Declaration "This work or any part thereof has not previously been presented in any form to the University, ...

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Measurement Take Off Works Techniques

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

9 (3,216 )

1. A new trainee Quantity Surveyor has been provided for you by your Senior Quantity Surveyor and asks you to train him and get his assistant for your work. Now you are planning to give him measurement take off works. Before giving, instruct him by demonstrating the different ways of using measurement in your day to day work and explain how the technique differs according to ...

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High Level Design HLD

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

16 (6,013 )

High level design High level design (HLD) gives the complete system design of functional architecture and database design. For the developers it is very much important to understand how the flow of the system is. In this phase the system design team testers team and the customers plays an important role. For this entry criteria are required the document that is SRS and the ...

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Foundations and Earthworks Problems

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,687 )

a) There are four types of foundation loads as follow: Firstly, live loads. Live loads is produced by the users of a home. Example, people, furniture, storage items. The affects of the load is exert force on almost all of a house’s. To design floor systems that limit deflection & vibration. Secondly, dead load. That means, forces incurred due to the weight of all the materials ...

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Effect of Weather on Construction Labour Productivity

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (2,917 )

Effect of Hot and Cold Weather on Construction Labour Productivity EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The research deals with the variation of labour productivity in extreme weather conditions in India. As we head more and more into the rural areas for construction the labourers are faced with unprecedented weather conditions as extreme cold and heat stress combined with other geographical factors. We compare the difference in productivity achieved in ...

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Safe System of Work for Equipment at Height

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (2,927 )

Introduction Construction industry’s industrial accidents is more than other industries. The accident rate per 1000 workers was 35.9. Among which the highest number of deaths involved in working at height. Which were related to “fall of person from height”. Working at height in the construction work involving of temporary or transient working environment condition means a lot of inherent hazards and potential hazards. Construction ...

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Terms of a Construction Contract

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,747 )

Construction Contract What component parts are required for the formation of a contract? There are four components which are essential for the formation of a contract. They are: Offer, Acceptance, Consideration and Intention to create legal relationship What do we mean by terms of a contract? The terms of a contract are the statements that describe the rights and obligations of each ...

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Bascule Bridge Design

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,894 )

“DOUBLE LEAF BASCULE BRIDGE” 1. OBJECTIVES: Become familiar with the wood work. Become familiar with lathe machine and drilling machine. Build a simple pulley. 2. INTRODUCTION: A bascule bridge (commonly referred to as a drawbridge) is a moveable bridge with a counterweight that continuously balances a span, or "leaf," throughout its upward swing to provide clearance for boat traffic. It may be single ...

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Industrial Training Report

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

10 (3,789 )

Department Of Civil Engineering Industrial Training Report REINFORCEMENT Reinforcement is used to take tensile force and as well as compressive force. Only reinforcement bars carry tensile stress where compressive stress is carried by both reinforcement bars and concrete depending on the situation carry load. Normally steel bar is used as reinforcement because it has enough strength and steel bars are available at required strength with fair ...

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Master Bill Software: Definition, Advantage and Disadvantage

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,957 )

Define what Master Bill software is? Introduction The surrounding environment construction industry has changed a lot in the past ten years. They are looking for new ways to compete effectively. Enterprise one of the key factors in success is the ability to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions, continuous innovation, achieves the goal. Organizational knowledge provides this functionality. More specifically, the knowledge of the organization to ...

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WSH Management System with Legal Compliance

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,683 )

Coordinate WSH Management System with Legal Compliance Background of My organization GREATLAND(S)ENGINEERING PTE,LTD. COMPANY PROFILE GREATLAND(S)ENGINEERING PTE,LTD work with main-con SK Engineering & construction In the Company was prequalified by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore to undertake all major mass transit rail (MRT) system developments with undisclosed contract value. Within half a year, the Company has been awarded MRT contracts with total value exceeding ...

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Strategies for Construction Waste Management

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,629 )

Introduction The construction sector is an important solid waste generator. In Brazil, the recent economic and politics growth has rapidly encouraged further development and investment in the construction sector. Nevertheless, such speedy growth of the Brazilian’s construction has brought an elevated concern and attention to the waste problem and its management for a developing country growth like Brazil. Nagalli, 2012 Like in Europe, Brazil ...

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Construction Reflective Assignment

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,516 )

Introduction This report evaluates and analyses 4 issues which arose from a construction project and solutions have been recommended. A reflective essay is included to provide an amicable solution to the issue. Background Information Smart Developments are a commercial development company based in Leeds with goals to provide new sustainable buildings in Leeds. The first development is a £10,000,000.00 project to build ...

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Challenges in Highway Road Construction in Nigeria

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

8 (2,935 )

Dissertation Proposal Challenges in Highway Road Construction in Nigeria. Research Questions: Why is there a high number of highway roads in poor conditions especially in the eastern part of the country? Why is there abandoned highway roads across Nigeria despite huge investments in highway construction? Why this there a poor maintenance culture of roads across the country? Hence, this proposed dissertation would aim to ...

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Competitive Advantage of a Construction Company

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

4 (1,375 )

Part B Assume that you manage a company – ABC Construction, which your company has the scale similar to YTL. By using 5 forces model (and any other analysis tools), access your competitive advantage in the property development industry. For this question, assumptions are made to ABC Construction which has similar scale to YTL. However, to increase the competitiveness advantage of the company, I would also like to ...

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Use of Green Energy Bricks in Construction

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,575 )

NON – STRUCTURAL MATERIAL (BRICKS) The General Concept of Green Material The concept of sustainable building incorporates and integrates a variety of strategies during the design, construction and operation of building projects. The use of green building materials and products represents one important strategy in the design of a building. There are many benefits of using green material to the building owner and building ...

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Types of Foundations, Building Frames and Partitions

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,788 )

TASK 1.1 Alternative sub-structure solutions: In any building the superstructure, substructure (foundations) and the supporting soil acts in a coordinated way to give structural stability. Therefore the foundations act as connection between superstructure and the ground. Successful foundations should be: Foundations must be at minimum depth and size without exceeding the allowable bearing capacity of the soil. They must be strong enough to provide stability ...

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Importance of Project Management in Construction Industry

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,612 )

Task 1 Advantages of the client using project management approaches to secure their aims and objectives for the project; Creating the concise and method for the entire task, including where subsidizing may be gotten. Formulating a general advancement program for the task. Selecting and delegating the specialists. Prompting on task dangers. Prompting on acquisition choices. Dealing with the improvement of financing applications. Task 2 ...

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The Construction and Building Materials Industry in Vietnam

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

13 (4,802 )

This part of the research provides a deeper view on Vietnam building materials industry with concentration on the recent business situation of construction and building materials market. Information about building materials firms is also provided. 1.1 Construction and real estate Vietnam’s economy has gone through a struggling period of insubstantial credit expansion, because of the decelerated development in the banking system characterized by non-performing loans (NPLs) ...

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Sustainability Indicators in a Project Life Cycle

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,677 )

INTRODUCTION A typical meaning of sustainability is hard to build, which represents a test when endeavouring to achieve agreement on the most ideal route in which it might be accomplished, (Mog, 2004). Various stakeholders have begun to adopt the technique of sustainable building, (Zhang, 2014). Developing consideration and interest over the social and environmental impact of business and how the social and environmental (surroundings, habitat, climate) ...

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Structural Strengthening Methods

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,047 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL Strengthening or upgrading of a structure may be required quite often due to several reasons. Many a times, loads due to seismic forces or wind forces are not taken into account while designing the structure or sometimes a higher load carrying capacity is required in case the use of the structure changes. In such cases, strengthening of a structure may be ...

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Sectors Involved in the Construction Industry

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

9 (3,397 )

Task 1 Identify and explain two types of sectors involved in our construction industry. Describe the relationship of size organization and production of work carried out. Give an example for the relevant situation in construction industry. - Private sector The private sector is usually privately owned and not part of the government organizations. These often include companies (including profit and non-profit), partnerships and charities. A simple ...

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Roles and Responsibilities in Construction Project

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,438 )

Task 1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the planning and design phases. Owner An owner is the person who owns the project and has full authority to control the whole project. He is mainly involved in the process for supporting the financial matter for the construction project to go through easily. He has to pay for fees and charges associated with the ...

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Review of a Construction Company

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,548 )

Introduction Construction industry has developed rapidly in last few dictates. Today it becomes very essential for a country for its development. It spreads from the small to the large scale construction. The most obvious thing about the construction Industry is that its products are exceedingly expensive and have a long run tendency to increase in price faster than most other goods and services. This report is ...

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Properties of Materials used in Construction

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,886 )

Timber: Cut it from the trees, very strong, cut it with long pieces and can reduce the length easily We can use for all building no specific place, we use timber because it is strength enough Clay: One of oldest building s materials, among other ancient, naturally occurring geologic material such as stone Almost clay is used as a roof. We use it because it ...

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Project Performance Evaluation by Earned Value Analysis

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

7 (2,564 )

Project Performance Evaluation by Earned Value Analysis – A Case Study Abstract- Earned Value management (EVM) is a well-known project management tool that uses information on cost, schedule and work performance to track the current status of the project. It uses information on cost, schedule and work performance to establish the current status of the project. The calculation of earned value is a very effective tool ...

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Project Management: Defining Success

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

9 (3,559 )

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The report focuses upon the constituents of project success and provides key recommendations to enhance the company’s policy manual and understanding. The constituents are: Timescale Cost Quality Health and Safety Legacy Case studies examining projects which are established as being excessively flawed in one or more area feature: The Boston ‘big dig’, USA (timescale, cost, quality, safety) Qatar 2022 ...

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Problems Related to Building Services

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

5 (1,833 )

TASK 1 Define the term “Building Services” A building which makes it safe and comfortable to be in under the title ‘Building Services’. The building also must do what it was designed to dony not just provide shelter but also be an enviroment for living, work and achieve. According to Roger Greeno (2000), services are the nerve system of a building. Discuss the ...

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Principles of Construction Management

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

9 (3,344 )

Generic Learning Outcomes: Level 5 - Intermediate Criteria for Assessment Level 5 (Level 4 plus the following) Distinction Merit Good Pass Pass Detailed and thorough knowledge and understanding of the main issues and theories within the subject matter. Demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the ...

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Methods of Acoustics and Sound Insulation

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,273 )

Acoustics and Sound Insulation ABSTRACT Acoustics is the study of sound. The knowledge of this field is necessary as it helps in creating peaceful surroundings. The technical knowhow of sound insulation has been helpful in constructing functional theatres, hospitals, Auditoriums, jam pads, etc. Sound is created when a surface vibrates. When this vibration is periodic or rhythmic then the sound produced is pleasing to the ears ...

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Construction Incident Report of Hospital

16 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,674 )

Introduction This report looks at incidents that have occurred on a project to extend and refurbish a cancer centre at a North-West Hospital. Assumptions With sectional completion dates, it is taken section cannot commence until the previous section has been completed (Chappell, 2011), with all the incidents relating to section 1. The contractor has issued their master programme as clause of the contract, this ...

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Construction of Buildings in Low Temperatures

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,325 )

Introduction Due to the freezing temperature in winter seasons, some people would prefer to take shelter inside houses where fireplace can warm the body. These houses are commonly built made of either wood or concrete. But not for the Inuit people. The Inuit people constructed homes and villages using snow. Yes, that's right, snow. Why would anyone create a shelter in the tundra region using ...

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Project Construction Management

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

12 (4,689 )

Date: 22nd March 2017 Dear VU Pty. Ltd., RE: Construction Management Services I refer to your advertisement regarding the delivery of construction management services, as tendered online on 8th March 2017 and thus desire to express our interest in executing the expected objectives of the project. Best builders and management services had been established in the year 2005 and for the ...

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NMA BCAR & Site Stage Procedures

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (989 )

Stage Pre Start /Site clearance Applicable B.Regs Preparation of site. C1 The ground to be covered by a building shall be reasonably free from vegetable matter. Dangerous substances. C3 Reasonable precautions shall be taken to avoid danger to health and safety caused by substances (including contaminants) found on or in the ground to be covered by a building. "Contaminant" includes any substance which is ...

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Flexural Response of Concrete Structures

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

13 (5,024 )

Chapter 2: Literature Review Introduction This chapter provides a literature review on the previous studies that have been conducted on the flexural response of FRP/FRC structures. Previous studies related to the effect of using discrete fibers on the concrete properties are first presented with a focus on the use of non-metallic fibers. Later in the chapter, previous studies conducted on continuous FRP-reinforced structures ...

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Project Management Specification of Services

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

7 (2,770 )

Establishment Establish a Project Control Group (PCG) comprising of: A representative of the Principal (BOT Representative); A representative of the Project Manager; The design team leader (to be appointed), by invitation of the BOT Representative or Project Manager; and The Quantity Surveyor (to be appointed), by invitation of the BOT Representative or Project Manager. Assist the BOT Representative with procuring ...

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Comparison of Building Contracts

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

9 (3,438 )

Module: 6CN011 Contract Administration and Dispute Resolution Module Leader: Issaka Ndekugri Assessment: Terms of Contract; Critical Evaluation; Question standard practise Student:Samuel Perkins - 0922366 Word Count: 3442/ 3500 Introduction This Assignment aims to compare and contrast the various aspects of both the SBC/Q 2011 Standard Building Contract against the NEC 3 Engineering and Construction Contract: priced with Bill of Quantities 2013. Throughout the assignment ...

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Challenges to the UK Building Industry Regulations

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

16 (6,249 )

Literature Review The Building (construction) industry is complex in nature. It involves several stakeholders with different procedure, process and perception; therefore, there are bound to be conflicts and disputes amongst them. Jaffar et al. [Jaffar, Abdul Tharim, et al. 2011] noted that a study undertaken by Kumaraswamy and Yogeswaran [Kumaraswamy and Yogeswaran 1998] provided a good reference of the common sources of construction disputes that ...

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Specification for a Concrete Footpath

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,119 )

PUBLIC SAFETY The area was taped and coned of so no traffic could intrude. The excavation was fenced off with orange fencing so no pedestrians could have access. EXCAVATION: Excavate total area to required depth 150mm and remove all waste from site,Excavations are generally undertaken using the correct machines (8 tone digger)was used for this job. And the work undertaken is to ...

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Impact of Introducing Performance Management Initiative

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

8 (3,178 )

Significance of Performance Management Initiatives It is known that the performance management is having importance for the both, the employers and the employees. In relevance, employers having the implementation of the performance management system results in having the adequate understanding regarding the effectiveness of the employees' contribution to the achievement of the organizational objectives. Kuvaas, Dysvik, & Buch (2014), stated that the presence of the ...

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Risk Assessment Strategy of Eco Town

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

9 (3,265 )

  Contents Introduction Stakeholders Objectives and Concerns Primary Stakeholders Secondary Stakeholders Critical Success Factors Risk Assessment Strategy Defining the Boundary for Assessment Assessment Approach Stakeholders Involved Risk Identification and Classification Rules Classification of Risks Rating of Risk Events Risk Mitigation Plans Conclusion References Appendices 1. Introduction This report aims at developing a risk assessment strategy for NW ...

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UK Construction Industry Health and Safety Analysis

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

6 (2,393 )

To formulate a Comparative Analysis of the Health and Safety Practices and Procedures to the UK Construction Industry and their application to a Large Commercial Construction Organisation Rebecca Barraclough Table of Contents Rationale Introduction Aims, Objectives & Hypothesis Aims Objectives Hypothesis Null Hypothesis Initial Literature Review Methodology 1. Rationale The increased emphasis on health and safety in the construction ...

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Project Needs in Construction

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,845 )

Construction Methodology Construction Method Statement The Work comprises of construction of New Media Center at Tauranga. Construction work includes site setting up, foundation, piles, concrete work, furniture work, roofing system, brickwork, internal and external wall, doors and windows and ceiling. Delivering new facilities include: - Excavation for sub-structure Use machinery for super structure Plumbing and electric fitting The building will have ...

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Development of the Quantity Surveying Role

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

12 (4,496 )

The report within analyses and documents the historical development of the Quantity Surveying role from inception to modern day practice, the roles and responsibilities of the Professional Quantity Surveyor and Contractor's Quantity Surveyor, along with the importance and relevance of key skills to the role of the QS. The Quantity Surveyor role was born in the United Kingdom, shortly after the birth of the Royal ...

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Bidding for Event Management

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

8 (3,104 )

Background/Context Western Australian Football League (WAFL) was first established in 1885 and is based in Perth, Western Australia. WAFL is partnered with the seven network and sponsored by McDonalds. WAFL currently has nine teams competing in a 24 rounds season which commences in March and concludes in September each year. The 2017 grand final will be played on the 23rd September at the Domain in ...

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Effects of Late Procurement for Specialist Subcontractors

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

24 (9,555 )

  1.1. Overview This dissertation sets out to explore the various reasons why there are delays in the subcontractor procurement process in UK Construction Industry. The dissertation will be focusing on purely the private sector of the industry and determining what effects the late procurement can have on the project, both in terms of the commercial and programme implications. The procurement process in construction ...

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Construction Analysis of The Opera House

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,576 )

The Opera House was built and is in Sydney, Australia and boasts to be one of the new seven wonders of the world. The Opera House is a world class performing arts center and has become the symbol of Sydney and Australia. A man by the name of Jon Utzon is the man who is responsible for the design of the facility. The facility was ...

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Project Management of School Building Construction

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

14 (5,421 )

Beck Catholic Sports College is a blended Roman Catholic optional school and 6th form situated in the Walton zone of Liverpool, England. The school is named after George Beck who was Archbishop of Liverpool from 1964 to 1976. It is a deliberate supported school directed by Liverpool City Council and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Diocese supervisor Beck Catholic High School picked up pro ...

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Making the City of Melbourne Sustainable

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,272 )

Introduction The planet's environment is warming up and our seas are acidifying at disturbing rates since we consume excessively fossil fuel. Essentially, in the event that we need to illuminate environmental change we should go 'net zero' - basically eliminating all greenhouse gas emissions by middle of the century The good news is that there are myriad solutions and innovations to help us tackle climate ...

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BIM Fine Management Perspective

27 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

6 (2,256 )

Under the current development trend of BIM fine management Perspective Keywords: Fine perspective, trends, BIM, model building and analysis. Abstract.Corporate Training is well planned and organized and implemented a systems engineering needs. The application of the refinement of management thinking to corporate training work, training can effectively improve the quality and reduce the cost of training. This article is the idea of fine management application ...

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Preparation for Bricklaying Training

09 Aug 2017

3 (828 )

Introduction The purpose of this document is to identify and confirm the general methodology by which W.A.T.A will carry out bricklaying training at WATA, Old Hartford Road, Houghton WATA recognise the importance of carrying out the work in a safe and controlled manner and ensuring that strict supervision and control measures are maintained throughout the work. WATA will therefore provide the necessary project ...

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Modern Methods of Construction

09 Aug 2017

6 (2,192 )

DEFINITION: It can be defined as the "the process to produce or construct good quality buildings rapidly with less consumption of resources " Explanation: 3D PRINTING INTRODUCTION 3D printing (sometimes referred to as Additive Manufacturing (AM)) is the computer-controlled layering of materials to form 3 dimensional shapes. It is particularly useful for prototyping and for the manufacturing of geometrically complex components. Depending on the technique ...

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Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings

09 Aug 2017

9 (3,520 )

Introduction Climate change is a major world issue, average temperatures have risen across the globe by 1oC between 1906 and 2005 with a more rapid increase over the last 50 years (Conserve Energy Future, 2017], this rise has been attributed to global warming (McGrath, 2017). Emissions of gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) contribute to this global warming and are known ...

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Precast Concrete Advantages and Disadvantages

23 Mar 2015 21 Jul 2017

9 (3,366 )

Keywords: disadvantages of precast concrete wall panels 1.1 Introduction Precast concreteis a form of construction, where concrete is cast in a reusable mould or “form” which is then cured in a controlled environment, transported to the construction site and lifted into place. By producing precast concrete in a controlled environment (precast plant), the precast concrete is provides the opportunity to properly cure and be closely monitored by ...

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Factors Affecting Buildability of Building Designs

23 Mar 2015 21 Jul 2017

16 (6,282 )

Keywords: what is buildability, principle of buildability construction Buildability is increasingly become a major requirement in building construction practice. The aim of buildability is use to improve the efficiency of overall building process by developing construction sensitive designs. Nowadays, in Malaysia construction industry, there have facing a lot of problem that will impede the project to process smoothly. In this research, it will highlight what buildability is. ...

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Causes of Deterioration in Buildings

23 Mar 2015 21 Jul 2017

9 (3,336 )

Keywords: building deterioration causes In this report I'm mainly focusing on deterioration in buildings, needs of planned, cyclical and reactive maintenance, relationship between design, construction, maintenance and cause of dilapidation. Hopefully it is very important report to improve your knowledge. 2.0 Causes of deterioration in building When we talking about this question there are many reasons for deterioration in buildings, many of them having to do simple ...

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Design and Build Procurement Method

23 Mar 2015 20 Jul 2017

19 (7,274 )

Keywords: design and build procurement If the potential readers of this dissertation within the Middle East region are going to get a better appreciation of the Design and Build procurement method, initially they must understand the advantages and/or disadvantages of this type of procurement method from both the Client's and Contractor's perspective. 4.2 Arguments for Design & Build Both Ndekugri and Turner (1994) argue that the Design ...

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Impact of BIM on Construction

23 Mar 2015 20 Jul 2017

10 (3,704 )

Keywords: the future of quantity surveying, bim quantity surveying Building Information Modelling is certainly beginning to change the way the building looks and the way they function. This implementation of BIM has taken the construction industry into a new-era where all processes has fasten up, the benefits are not just time and cost savings but also reduction of risks and uncertain in construction process. From the ...

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Occupational Health and Safety Essay

23 Mar 2015 18 Jul 2017

12 (4,688 )

Keywords: construction health and safety Health and safety is mainly about providing a safe and healthy workplace to the employees. The International Labour Organisation stated a definition of Health and Safety in 1950 "Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by ...

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