Building Economics And Life Cycle Costs Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,621 )

Economic understanding regarding building designs usually aim for steering building decisions to achieve for two situations: economic efficiency and/or cost effectiveness. For instance, a building design that, besides assuring to be profitable is promising to be more profitable than other available solutions, can be considered to be the economically efficient choice for an investor. Yet, a building decision that is considered cost-effective, guarantees, for instance, that a ...

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Purchasing And Procurement In The Construction Industry Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,876 )

In this ever changing world that has become so competitive that the expectations in the construction industry regarding deliverables, cost, time and quality have made companies shift to more robust and competitive operational strategies. Other industries have successfully implemented new and improved strategy but the construction industry still has to follow suit. One of the major factors that are identified in the construction industry is the rather ...

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Accident prevention

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,490 )

As described in the previous paragraph, the British law through its rules and regulations on health and safety in the construction industry sets up a framework organised to limit accident occurrences on worksite and more generally during all the phases of the construction process. However, the prevention of accident is not only based on the application of the law. It is necessary to develop systems of health ...

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Most Beautiful And Interesting Buildings In History Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,941 )

During modern era nowadays, exciting new innovations in the world of building construction has brought soaring skyscrapers and fresh new approaches to building design. Actually since many years ago building construction was a significant part of our industrial field. If somebody asks what is the most significant, most beautiful and most interesting of the past 1000 years, there will be no single correct answer for this question. ...

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Safety Management Plan For Night Time Work Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,716 )

In the previous in Chapter 1, the overview of this study was explained about and the problem was identified. Then from the overview, the aims of the study are to explore the challenges faced in construction site during night time, to identify the different factors associated with safety during night-time construction. Through the chapter, the elaborations of the topic are clearly described. The clarification of the sub-topic ...

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Examining Life Cycle Costing Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,951 )

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is a technique to establish the total cost of ownership. The total costs of ownership are machinery and equipment, including its cost of acquisition, operation, maintenance, conversion, and/or decommission (SAE 1999). Besides, it is a structured approach that addresses all the elements of this cost and can be used to produce a spend profile of the product or services over its anticipated life-span. ...

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Waste Management In The Construction Industry Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,396 )

Management for the solid waste is one of the important parts of "Environmental Engineering or Management" in Construction Industry. As the construction industry worldwide is a conspicuous consumer of raw materials of many types and it does not have an enviable record in its attitude to managing the waste, it produced both during construction and as a result of the demolition of buildings. Although there are some ...

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The Natural Insulation Materials Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

20 (7,878 )

This is usually the type of building that are considered alternative today, have their heredity in structures that humans have been constructing for centuries. The reason why these building techniques are gaining popularity in modern times is twofold. First, the old building techniques are far more eco-friendly than the majority structures we used to seeing; second, these structures are simple enough in nature that they can built ...

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Estimating And Pre Contracts Quantity Surveying Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,645 )

The most important stage of any project is Estimating and Pre-Contracts Quantity Surveying. Care has to be taken at this stage, to produce a more accurate and realistic cost of the project so that the client is in knowledge of the financial requirement with no major surprises, for successful completion of project within the budget. Construction projects are always out of budget and delayed completion date. The ...

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Fire Safety Management Procedures Of Storage Warehouse Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,603 )

The individual report is a team member's study into one specialist area of the project which is assigned by the team. It should be essential materials to support the final conclusions and recommendation for this project in the team report. The client's requirements details as follows. Building size: 250 sq meters (office) Building size: 3,500 sq meters (warehouse) Building height: 14 meters Twenty glass windows for the ...

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The Strategies To Maintain Building Efficiently Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,619 )

Introduction Building maintenance management has always been seen as the 'Cinderella' activity in the construction industry where we shall be continuously done the maintenance work. The maintenance work has always been seen and carried out by the architects, surveyors, engineers or facilities managers in term of function or discipline (Allen, 1993). The maintenance has been required starting from the construction work at the first stage, where the ...

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Occupational Health And Safety Management Systems Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,909 )

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) have been defined by Gallagher as "…a combination of the planning and review, the management organisational arrangements, the consultative arrangements, and the specific program elements that work together in an integrated way to improve health and safety performance" A management system is a set of interrelated elements used to establish the policy and objectives, and to reach these objectives, it ...

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Effects Of Work Place Ionising Radiation Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,134 )

There have been increased concerns about the effects of work place ionising radiation on the health and safety of workers over the years. As we go along, this paper will show and compare legislation pertaining to work place exposure to ionising radiation in Trinidad and Tobago and the European Union. 1.1 What is Radiation? Radiation is energy that is transmitted, absorbed or emitted in the form of ...

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Energy Efficiency And Household Appliances Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,480 )

A district energy system produces steam, hot water, or chilled water in a central plant. The steam or water is then piped directly to individual buildings for heating, air conditioning or water. Under this system, individual homes do not need their own boilers or furnaces, chillers or air conditioning units. It has several advantages: District energy is energy efficient, reliable, and convenient for consumers, decreases building capital ...

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Assignment Title Basics Of Project Management Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,125 )

Real estate can be subdivided into two distinct sub-classes: commercial real estate and residential real estate. Investment in real estate is subdivided into two major classes; i.e., direct real estate investment is achieved through purchase of property while indirect investment is normally achieved through acquisition of shares or units in listed or unlisted entities that hold property. Shares and bonds are considered as the other assets in ...

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Lime Mortar Repair Of Historical Buildings Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,724 )

Purpose of this paper - This study was performed in order to understand what work has been completed regarding how lime mortar repair is carried out on historic buildings and why lime is used. Methodology/scope - Journal articles and books were studied in order to understand the level of work that has so far been completed. Findings - It was found that Research limitations - There is ...

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Examining The Various Procurement Methods Available Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,993 )

A review is being formed to clearly state and show the trends of construction procurement in the period 2008-2010. The review will mainly be based on industrial journals and other resources such as books, magazines and internet websites. Procurement describes the mixture of actions undertaken by clients to obtain a building. There are many types of methods in construction procurement however the common types of methods are ...

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Project Planning And Challenges Facing Planners Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,346 )

This chapter will review the literature which has been used for this dissertation. A number of important aspects will be covered, including an overview of Construction Planning as well as determining what challenges are faced on a daily basis by construction planners. This chapter will also review research relating to Planning techniques used and software packages available within the Construction industry. 2.2 Construction Project Planning Project Management ...

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Overview Of Industrialised Building System Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,833 )

Industrialised Building System (IBS) began in early 1960s when Ministry of Housing and Local Government of Malaysia visited several European countries, at the same time evaluates their housing development program. (Thanoon et al, 2003). After their successful visit in the year 1964, the Government had launched pilot project on IBS to speed up the delivery time and built affordable and quality houses. The first pilot project was ...

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Construction Essays - Road Works Equipment

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,110 )

Road Works Equipment Road Works Equipment/Compaction/Asphalting Executive Summary Roads are the lifeline of any economically vibrant nation. In this perspective, the road works equipment assumes a special significance as it not only impacts the overall quality of roads in a country, but also influences the economies associated with the construction and maintenance of roads. Road works equipment is a billion dollar industry that is growing and expanding ...

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The Construction Quality Assessment System Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

20 (7,989 )

CONQUAS stands for Construction Quality Assessment System. Construction Industry Development Board Singapore now known as the Building and Construction Authority have developed it for the major public sector agencies and the various leading industry professional bodies to measure the quality level of completed project (The National House Buyers Association (HBA), 2009). The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) is an agency under the Singapore's Ministry of National Development. ...

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Looking At The Future Of Civil Engineering Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,102 )

It is very important for civil engineers of this generation to understand the responsibility of their profession in the perspective of the environment and society, and in the understanding this responsibility they must try to generate changes in their action and thinking. This can be successful but everyone has to be involved needs to support and encourage the sustainable thinking, this change can come through design and ...

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The Fresh Properties Of Concrete Workability Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,552 )

In construction projects, concrete, along with steel, wood, glass, etc, is one of the most essential materials that are needed for a successful manufacture of a structure. It one of the most common materials on a construction site and accounts for billions of pounds everywhere across the world. Due to ever-increasing machinery and technological advancements concrete can now be made of a mixture of compound materials, nevertheless ...

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The Biggest Cause Of Waste On Building Sites Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,173 )

One of the major problems in the construction industry is the wastage of materials. The construction industry generates more waste than the household sector and can account for more than 50% of the deposited material in a typical landfill. Construction waste can be separated into three major categories: material, labour and machinery waste (Ekanayake and Ofori 2000). Material waste however is a greater concern as it is ...

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Appraisal Of Procurement Routes Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,856 )

There are several procurement methods available to meet the Clients need. In order to select the appropriate route, Clients objectives and priorities must be considered. An understanding of the characteristics of the different routes is required before a recommendation is made to the Client and these characteristics are described in this report. Introduction Not all types of procurement route are suitable for particular project as Client objectives ...

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Design Principles And Application For The Built Environment Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,652 )

Differentiate between the planning and design phase of the construction process and describe the coordination and management of each phase: Construction planning is an important and challenging activity in the management and performance of construction projects. It involves the choice of technology, the definition of work tasks, the estimation of the required resources and times for individual tasks. A worthy construction plan is the basis for developing ...

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The Function Analysis System Technique Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,630 )

I have been employed by the University of Salford as a project management consultant. The University is considering constructing a new building call Clifford Whitworth library building 2(CWLB2) This new building will be identical to the existing Clifford Whitworth Library Building (CWLB1) and will be attached to the north end of the conference centre building next to CWLB1 on an existing grassed area. The new Clifford withworth ...

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The Disadvantages Of Top Down Technique Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,111 )

The purpose of this report is to investigate the methods and requirements of cut and cover tunnelling and to determine its best use in the field of engineering. In this report the methodology, resources/equipment used, advantages, disadvantages of cut and cover tunnelling will be researched and discussed, this information will then be used to analyse the construction of the Auckland Victoria park motorway tunnel, determining the reason ...

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Safety Of Road Workers On Maintenance Of Highways Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,797 )

Highways maintenance and road workers ensure that roads and pavements are safe and well maintained in towns, cities and rural areas throughout the country of operation. They might also build new roads and look after the repair, building and resurfacing of the country's motorway networks. Highway maintenance safety involves safety of workers working on highway or road network services including road markings, pothole patching, road signs, road ...

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Symptoms Of Sick Building Syndrome Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,713 )

SBS stands for Sick Building Syndrome. It covers a mixture of symptoms thought to be generated when a student at school spends time in a particular building. The symptoms range from itchy eyes, skin rashes, and nasal allergy symptoms, to more complicated symptoms such as fatigue, pains, and sensitivity to odours. On the other hand, it may be lead to more serious diseases like cancer and pneumonia. ...

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Its Improving Home Energy Efficiency Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,554 )

Introduction The typical home today has an unquenchable thirst for energy and there are many steps homeowners can take to help lower their demand for energy. The main source for today's energy is fossil fuels. The burning of these fossil fuels releases CO2 and CO2 is a major contributor to global warming. It is important that we take a more sustainable approach towards our energy usage. Sustainable ...

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The Quality Issue In Construction Project Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,440 )

Quality assurance of construction project is important and essential for the various parties involve in the construction field. The quality of a project directly affect the life span and life cycle of the construction product, furthermore and more important, the quality of the construction project directly affect the safety, services, cost of maintenance, and also functional requirement of the construction product. The basic of the construction project ...

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The Advanced Construction And Building Technology Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,238 )

In decades, the conventional construction industry has been considered as a labour-intensive, low-tech industry with low productivity. It seems construction sector has been left behind by technologies innovations and sciences developments that have already reshaped many other industrial sectors. Construction industry facing challenges to responds to change technical, economic and social conditions, there is an increasing need of changing construction technique, communication and management strategy within the ...

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Use Of Steel In Building Design Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,010 )

Steel is a mixer from alloy which consists a lot of iron and around 0.2 % of carbon. Grade will affect the weight of it but normally it is 2.1% by weight. For iron, carbon is the most common alloying material, but it also uses other elements such as manganese, chromium, vanadium, and tungsten. Carbon and other alloying elements likes what I mentioned just now are acting ...

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Roles And Responsibilities Of The Project Manager Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,455 )

As defined by Field and Keller (2007) Project management is the discipline of planning, organising, securing, managing, leading and controlling resources to achieve a specific outcome or outcomes during a defined time period and given resource constraints. It is a temporary endeavour which has a defined beginning and end which is aimed at achieving a set of specific goals and objectives. Elenbass (2000) has showed that achieving ...

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The World Channel Tunnel Engineering Projects Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,608 )

The Channel Tunnel (French: le tunnel sous la Manche), widely recognized as one of the world's greatest civil engineering projects, is a 50.5km underwater rail tunnel connecting Folkestone, Kent in the UK with Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais in France under the English Channel. Even though it began construction in 1988 and was opened in 1994, the idea to have a cross-channel tunnel was first mooted more than 200 years ...

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A literature review

23 Mar 2015

23 (9,174 )

Abstract At the beginning, a literature review was conducted to identify the different between implementation of Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) and Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO). The certification process and conditions for the issuance of both certificate is studied. Besides, the forms used in both systems are studied. The problem of the implementation of CFO is clearly identified in the literature review. The comparison ...

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The Kindergarten Idea In Architecture Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,375 )

The kindergarten idea is considered to have initiated as early as the 17th century. The origins of the kindergarten idea define certain attitudes to pre-school education that are still widespread to this day. The early kindergarten idea, which related environmental needs to pedagogical needs, brought about a number of important architectural impulses, both in modernistic and organic forms. John Heinrick Pestalozzi founded the first child-centred institution at ...

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The Procurement Of Construction Project Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,620 )

The procurement of construction project is vast in scope because it involves the gathering and organizing of myriads of separate individuals, firms and companies to design manage and build construction products such as houses, office buildings, hotels, shopping complex, roads, bridges etc. for specific clients or customers. Procurement comes the word procure which literally means to obtain by care or effort, to bring about and to acquire. ...

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The Sewerage System In Malaysia Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,792 )

Sewerage systems are one of the most important infrastructures in construction of residential, industrial or commercial project as it determines the quality of life enjoyed by a community. It consists of a network of underground sewer pipes, pump stations, sewage treatment plants and sludge treatment facilities. This system usually operates based on by gravity due to the slope of the pipe which reduces the high cost required ...

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Project Complete Duration By Using Network Diagram Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,939 )

Time of activity is calculated in forward pass and backward pass to determine float. Forward pass (earliest start + duration = earliest finish) to calculates earliest event time of activity which estimates project complete time for example; activity F earliest finish days are 18 (14 + 4). Latest event time of activity is calculated in backward pass (latest finish - duration = latest start) to determine activity ...

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The Advancement Of Technology And Construction Industry Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,927 )

2.1 Introduction The construction industry recently dominated many changes due to the advancement of technology, the industry needs to work collaboratively and pool knowledge in order to capture innovation. It's a common dilemma in the construction industry: how to 'capture' knowledge and transfer it from one job to another, where there will be innovation among the talented personnel. Constructing Excellence, though, has come up with an innovative 'ground-up' ...

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The Role Of The Modern Constrction Project Manager Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,116 )

Construction project manager is the responsible person to handle overall construction of projects from start to end, successfully complete the project within on Time, Cost, and Quality. As the educational Qualifications, They are degree holders or having relevant equivalent qualifications in the field of civil engineering, construction management or construction sciences. There are critical responsibilities relevant to the construction project manager roles; hence he should mange the ...

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Issues Of Concreting In Hot Weather Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,631 )

It is important to take hot weather into consideration while building concrete projects because of its effects on the fresh and recently placed concrete. As of hot weather, the demand for water alone rises. This leads to rises water-cement ratio, and hence further leading to low potential strength. Also to be noted that higher temperatures gives rise to higher slump loss. Concrete cured at higher temperatures when ...

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Reinforced Concrete Fibers Vs Continuous Steel Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,411 )

Abstract In today's economic climate nothing is as important as saving money. With respect to the construction industry, it is vital that actions taken to save money will not hinder the structural and design integrity. Typically, the greatest savings are achieved through the development of new materials and processes. One development expected to save money in the future is fiber reinforced concrete (FRC). Although, the concept itself ...

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Legislation Of Health And Safety Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,752 )

This report provides a brief overview of the legislation, which sets out the duties imposed on everyone at workplaces.This outlines the responsibilities of every person at the workplace, the consultative framework, the requirements for reporting injuries and dangerous occurrences, the use of codes of practice, how the legislation is administered. One important principle underlying the legislation is that by bringing all parties in the workplace into consultative ...

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Quantity Surveying And Construction Management Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

24 (9,331 )

The Qatar Construction Industry aims to form a complete waste management plan make honest with the state master plan and with a strong stress on recycling. The targets are to recycle 38 % of solid waste, up from the current 8 %, and cover domestic waste group at 1.6 kg/day, the Qatar National Development Strategy (NDS) 2011-2016 has exposed. Qatar produces more than seven hundred thousand tonnes ...

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The Steel Reinforced Concrete Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,972 )

Reinforced concrete is being increasingly used in the construction of important and high cost marine structures in aggressive environments such as found in the Arabian Gulf states. In such highly aggressive and corrosive environments, it is essential to select the corect concrete materials to match the exposure severity and to adopt proper construction practices to obtain a high quality dense and impermeable concrete. The paper outlines the ...

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Constructing A Multi Storey Commercial Building Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,199 )

Involved clearing, grubbing (removal and disposal of surface vegetation, roots, stumps and underground part of structures to a depth of at least 0.50m below ground level) and stripping (removal of topsoil to an average depth of at least 100mm below ground level), JKR 1988-1. All the combustible material removed from the designated area is being disposed by burning however if burning is not permitted, it must be ...

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Recycling And Reuse Of Construction And Demolition Wastes Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,364 )

What is waste? In fact, we do not have a definitive list of what is and is not waste. In construction field, the waste can be generated from building a structure (under construction) and those created during the wrecking of a building (demolition debris). There are many buildings built in whole of the world. At the same time, there are also many building going to be demolished. ...

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What Is A Main Contract Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

2 (796 )

In the initial stage of the project, the client awards an architect with a consultant contract, where the architect is responsible for preparing drawings, specifications, and contract documents for general contractors to bid on. The winning general contractor is awarded the main contract for the project. The main contract is a business agreement between the general contractor and the client, where the general contractor agrees to carry ...

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Study On Industrial General Safety Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,903 )

Industrial safety refers to the condition of being protected from physical, chemical and biological hazards that are likely to occur in any industry. Safety could be achieved by controlling the hazards or harm up to the tolerance level that are recognised. These preventive measures minimises the economical losses as well as health losses to a maximum extend. TERMS RELATED TO SAFETY Security:  state of being free from ...

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Schedule Repair And Maintenance Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,604 )

Recently there was a lot of building have build around us, it growth fastly like a mushroom after rain. The owner of the building must take care of their building carefully; lack of maintenance by the owner of building will cause the building to lose their main function. The building is very importance for the body or company, this is because the building can be a symbol ...

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Energy Consumption In The Industry Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,790 )

This part of the report, is addressing to the energy use in construction and the actions that government and construction industry done so far in order to reduce carbon emissions and achieve sustainability. The major energy used in construction is by the machineries' and also on the transportation of the materials to the site. Transportation accounts for 40% of all energy use in construction. The major energy ...

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The Importance Of Work Environment Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,417 )

3.1 Introduction This chapter reveals the importance of work environment and gives an over view on different types of office designs and its applications. Unit also provides an insight in to the evolution of the modern offices. Workplace and Its Importance A workplace is the physical work environment and it is very important to a person. The physical work environment is ranked one of the top three factors ...

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A Value And Risk Management Report Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,298 )

Several limitations contribute in hindering the success of a construction project, including completion time, budget and technical requirement. Due to the existence of these barriers, value and risk management helps in tackling unforeseen problems in the future. This report focuses on the value and risk management activities involved at the stages of OGC3 project procurement plan. The objectives of this report are to explain how the value ...

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Components Of Material Management Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,541 )

The decision to purchase starts with the decision to build or to produce depending on the type of product an organization produces. The construction industry's product is a tangible structure that can either be residential house, school, hospital, office building, recreation center, sport complex, or roads, bridges, dams, sewers, railways, airport runways, pipe lines, etc. To produce the end result of the effort to construct, different resources ...

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The Cinderella Of The Building Industry Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,744 )

Building maintenance normally regarded as the Cinderella of the building industry. The maintenance of the built environment affects everyone continually, for it is on the state of our homes, offices and factories that we depend not only for our comfort but also for our economic survival. Maintenance of the building will start from the day the builders and contractors leaves the site of the construction or after ...

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Environmental Impact Assessment Report For New Airport Project Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,671 )

This Airport link project between The Government of Perak and the Sungai Siput City council is identified as one of the number of strategic major transport elements of the motorway-standard road network of Sungai Siput and is part of the strategy to improve the efficiency of Sungai Siput road network. The purpose of this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report is to investigate, assess the principal environmental concern ...

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Construction Procurement In Sweden Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,592 )

Sweden is one of Scandinavian countries located between Norway and Finland in North part of Europe. It has a population of 9.2 million people. Swedish climate in summer but winters bring some heavy snow and low temperatures especially in north regions. It is known as one of the best democratic government examples but even more as a successful and modern economic benchmark. Construction sector plays a very ...

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Strengthening Rcc Structure Using Composite Fibre Wraps Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,199 )

Although reinforced concrete and masonry buildings are successfully constructed worldwide every year, there are large numbers of concrete and masonry structures that deteriorate and become unsafe due to changes in loading, changes in use, or changes in configuration. Old structures designed for gravity loads are not able to withstand seismic forces and caused wide spread damages. Repair of these structures is often difficult, expensive, hazardous and disruptive ...

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Overview Of The Singapore Public Transportation System Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,086 )

The 1996 White Paper on A World Class Land Transport System has been a guideline for the development of Singapore public transportation over the past decade .It has delivered a land transport system that has served Singaporeans well. In order for Singapore to be a thriving nation its public transportation infrastructure must be stable. Over the next 10 to15years, the transport system must sustain economic growth, population ...

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The Scope Of Materials Management Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,230 )

Site material management is a scientific technique. Materials Management is the process of planning, implementation and control of field and office activities in construction. The materials management goal is to ensure that building materials in their perspective when you need to.Materials management system attempts to ensure that the correct quality and quantity of material is appropriate, purchase, delivery and on-site processing in a timely manner and at ...

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Role Of Bureau Of Energy Efficiency Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,868 )

The Government of India set up Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on 1st March 2002 under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of ...

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Design and cost analysis to build a 3 storey new offices with construction

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,474 )

1.0 INTRODUCTION This report is presenting two vacant sites which are located at Aberdeen City, Grampian (the edge of the city) and the other one at Edinburgh City, Scotland (city centre). This report content is the design and cost analysis to build a 3 storey new offices with construction to start as soon as possible. This new office will be approximately 1,500m² which included offices, reception area, ...

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Residential And Commercial Design Analysis Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,965 )

Commercial design refers to the process by which the renovation or construction of a commercial space is created and supervised. Commercial design addresses the issues concerning the choices of building materials, plumbing and power systems, the layout and placement of interior walls, and the coordination of communications with the owners, construction professionals and the service providers. Residential design refers to the designing of people's homes. The residential ...

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Project Management Of A Power Generation Plant Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,490 )

The key objective of this report is to explain how the real world projects are handled and what kind of various difficulties arises and what measures are been taken to overcome this kind of problem. This report also explains the ways a real world project should be analysed and evaluated. The project which I am going to explain in this report is a part of an existing ...

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Financial analysis of a contractor

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,729 )

1. Literature Review The increase in PFI/PPP projects has been due to the governments need for additional services without the use of public sector finances. The main areas that have seen investment includes hospitals, schools, prisons, defence and roads. These are hugely important projects which typically last for twenty five years. Due to the projects importance it is imperative that the most suitable contractor is selected. ...

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Fundamental Strategies Towards Sustainable Construction Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,613 )

Abstract- Since the construction industry has great impact on the environment, the consideration of sustainable development through sustainable construction is needed. Sustainable construction is a way for the building industry to move towards achieving sustainable development, taking into account the environmental, socio-economic and cultural issues. Specifically, it involves issues such as design and management of buildings, materials and building performance, energy and resource consumption. Therefore, sustainable construction ...

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a suitable function of construction industry

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,957 )

Introduction Until 1958 when the construction industry began to be formulated following rules, construction businesses had suffered a poor reputation due to wrong practices of the past. The construction industry was known as an area of illegality and corruption. Accordingly, it is no exaggeration to say that for Korea’s construction industry, the past six decades were characterized by a war against illegality and corruption. Ironically, ...

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Examining The Importance Of Effective Communication In Construction Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

2 (788 )

Civil engineering works are not just the building of structures, but they provide a livable and safe environment for society. To make it all work, the disciplines involved must be in constant communication. They cannot work in isolation and must communicate with other civil engineers and professions and also be able to communicate with society. When communication fails it will have a negative effect on the works. ...

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Flyover Project In Colombo City Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,534 )

A efficient transport network is the backbone of a healthy economy. As SriLankans most of our productivity is lost due to the inefficient and congested road network. One of the recent additions for traffic management and to alleviate congestion in colombo city and its suburbs has been the introduction of flyovers at important intersections of the main road corridors. The main function of a flyover is ...

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Certificate of making good defects,c.d.m, latent defects

23 Mar 2015

2 (723 )

* Under 2005 The Certificate Of Practical J.C.T. Completion has far reaching effects upon the rights and obligations of all concerned within the contract these include the commencement of the defects liability period which usually lasts for 6 months. Possession of the site returns to the employer. The risk and damage to works, and third party liability transfers back to the employer. Retention is payable in part ...

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Objectives And The Functional Requirements Of Cladding System Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,365 )

There are some elementary objectives of the cladding system. These objectives are the reasons for the invention and adoption of cladding system due to our increasing construction technology and demands of clients. There are many types of clients, some are emphasize more on aesthetic value, some are emphasize more on functional value, some are emphasize on time of erection and even some are emphasize on construction cost. ...

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The Materials Management In Malaysia Construction Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,624 )

In construction, materials and equipment account for 50-60 of the project cost, and the most common cause of delays in construction is lack of materials (Amir Tavakoli & Adil Kakalia, 1993). Studies conducted by the Construction Industry Institute, American Association of Cost Engineers, and others have emphasized the importance of construction materials management (Amir Tavakoli & Adil Kakalia, 1993). These studies have concluded that effective materials management system will result in ...

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Leed Versus Breeam Analysis Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,751 )

Displaying a green certificate is becoming more and more important for organisations as the communities they operate in are becoming more and more sustainably aware. Environmental assessment of buildings is nothing new, BREEAM was the first national scheme introduced in 1990 but has since expanded, going from a "small 19-page BRE report with 27 credits available, to a substantial 350-page technical guide with 105 credits" BREEAM has ...

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The Indian Construction Industry Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,247 )

Abstract The project mainly depends on the health and safety issues in India and UK construction industry. The Construction industry contributes most of the country's economy for both UK and India. At the same time the issues related to health and safety is increasing in both the countries. The measures taken on workers safety are insufficient even though workers play a major role in all construction projects. ...

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Wall Construction Of Single Storey Residential Buildings Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,469 )

This finding is to determined the different types of wall having its own uses for certain factors. Wall construction contains of various types of method used , it maybe not straightforward as one using one of the more common construction methods. Walls is constructed in many different form and of various materials to achieve several functions. There are many different types of wall with its own functions ...

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Safety And Health Requirements In Malaysian Construction Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,099 )

Malaysia construction industry is the higher fatalities compared with among all the industry in Malaysia table 1 Occupational accident by sector for the category of death from 2009 April to 2011 April shown at below. (Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), 2009-2011). Implementing safety and health requirement should be part of Contractors responsible. (Dongping.F, et al., 2006, p: 434) Contractors comply with Occupational Safety and Health ...

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New British Library And Bps Andrew Field Development Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,592 )

The construction industry is one of the best industry in the world for delivering excellence in result. In United Kingdom we have a fantastic heritage of excellence in construction going back to Victorian times with the remarkable achievements of great engineers. But there has long been a recognition that there is considerable scope for improvement in the way construction projects are delivered. Back in the 1980's clients ...

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Methods Of Minimizing Delays Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,564 )

A successful construction project is accomplished when the project is completed and hand over to the owner within time, costs, specifications and quality required and to the satisfaction of stakeholders. Thus, completing a construction project on time is vital as it secure the rights of the participating parties on the project. When a project is delayed, it will cause the resources employed to be exceeded as what ...

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The Varying Roles Of General Contractors Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,611 )

Many changes happen to a project during its life-cycle, the most significant of which is a change in the contractual relationship between the parties involved which is the objective of this dissertation to identify a feasible contractual solution to how a general contractor is able to act as both a main contractor and turnkey contractor within a single project. Keywords: collaboration, contract, general contractor, novation, private consortium, ...

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Existing Safety Measures At Construction Sites Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,686 )

In simple terms, health and safety is about identifying risks and eliminating or controlling them to stop accidents and occupational ill-health. Today there is a high focus on safety in the industry. Many companies have documented that the safety and well being of their workers and fellow human beings deserve the highest priority. In history, this is a major leap. If one looks at the approach and ...

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The Risks In The Construction Industries Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,892 )

Risk management is the beginning of processing planning in the construction companies. Anytime risk issue rises during project execution, the actions normally is taken by project managers or any other worker using their own experience. Although, risk can befall anybody in life, risk has become one of the biggest problems in the construction industries which are mostly, because of a lack of adequate environmental information and construction ...

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The Safety Measure In Malaysia Construction Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,705 )

In order to reduce the accident rate in construction industry, many government statutory bodies and local authorities play their role on enforce the legislation on the issue of safety and health in construction industry. But the result show that the accident rates in construction industry involve death and injury is still high. On the other word mean, the rate still in anxiety level. So research on safety ...

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History Of The Industrialised Building System Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,095 )

Steel framing construction is classified as one of the Industrialised Building System. However, Industrialised Building System (IBS) is common in construction industry in Malaysia. Steel framing is becoming more common in residential construction. The use of steel for framing residential construction has both advantages and disadvantages. Steel frame elements are manufactured in the factory and then will be transported to a job site for installation once it ...

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Transit Oriented Development Tod Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,929 )

Transit-oriented development refers to a design of the area to maximize the access to so as the use of public transport to achieve sustainable transportation, and the sustainable transportation can help achieve sustainable society as a whole. Sustainable transportation is encouraged by promoting compact development around the major public facilities, improving the pedestrian walking experience, and increasing the accessibility to the public transit. It often incorporates the ...

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The Viewpoint Of Developers Background Of Study Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

37 (14,413 )

Nowadays, building quality has been one of the important factors to satisfy customers. The priority of the customer is mainly based on quality rather than cost. In today's economy competition, it is getting more fierce and cruel than before. Products with good quality can attact buyers to purchase, therefore the pressure has been formed from customers leads the developers to provide the building product with excellence quality ...

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Building Information Modeling In Site Management Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,392 )

The construction industry is ever evolving with increasing performance demand. Project handover deadlines are shorter, costs are tighter, regulation more stringent, project briefs are more complex, construction procurement methods more varied, Technology forever developing, parallel to technology quality more difficult to achieve and maintain. How do we, as construction professionals, respond to these increasing demands and retain implementing quality in an environment of such increasing complexity and ...

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The Construction Industry Development Board Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,638 )

In Malaysia Construction affects a lot of consequence such as noise pollution, dangerous and sometime there is unhygienic to the human being and the environment. From the statistic show, construction is a one of the five most dangerous of work in Malaysia. Construction workers are two to three times more likely to die on the job than workers in other industries while the risk of serious injury ...

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Rate In Malaysia From Construction Industry Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,322 )

In 2009, fatality rate in Malaysia from construction industry is the highest compared to the other industries. Although it decreases in 2010, it still remains as the top industry that contributes the most in terms of fatality. Social Security Organization (SOCSO) has reported that the number of victims in construction industry until September 2012 is the upmost among the others with 48 victims followed by manufacturing with ...

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Definition Of The Life Cycle Costing Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,245 )

This report emphasizes for identifying critical phases of pre contract cost planning and controlling process in the life cycle of project with respect to the RIBA plan of work & how to manage them and how to obtain a maximum turnover of the project within the quantity surveyor's role as a cost manager. Hence, this study will discuss significant project pre contract cost planning and controlling process, ...

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Caused Of Employer Related Cost Overrun Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,629 )

Project Management Institute, project management is defined as application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. Project management is needed to control on cost performance of project to avoid cost overrun. A construction project is hard to achieve their target within the budget and time. Most of the construction projects were delay and over budget because of such factors as project ...

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Investigating Corruption In The Construction Industry Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,018 )

"Corruption is a longstanding issue within the Construction Industry worldwide. What Effects have the Recent Bidding Scandals had on the UK Construction Industry and what are their Implications for the Future" Worldwide, the construction sector is regularly rated as one of the most corrupt industries and the UK has not escaped these unlawful practices. In fact, in 2006 the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) published a survey ...

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Different Types Of Portable Buildings Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,253 )

Portable steel buildings are made from different components and are prefabricated at a different location. Portable steel buildings are used in an industrial environment, for various purposes, like storing equipment, shelter for workers, temporary offices and security check posts. These buildings are made from lightweight and high strength steel that ensures portability and long life. The base of these buildings has two tubular openings, which are used ...

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Concept Of Lean Construction Projects Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,724 )

Lean construction project is very different compared to traditional construction project management where Lean approach aims to maximize performance for the customer at the project level, set well-defined objective clearly for delivery process, design concurrent product and process and applies production control throughout the life of project (Howell, 1999). Construction is a key sector of the national economy for countries all around the world, as traditionally it ...

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Great Northern Hotel Refurbishment Project Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,575 )

A risk management report was undertaken to determine potential risks that may occur alongside the refurbishment of Great Northern Hotel. The chief executive of RAM-led consortium, which has been selected by King's Cross Central to refurbish the Great Northern Hotel, appointed our team to identify, analyze and develop proper recommendations for managing potential risks. Our team used a cause-effect analysis based on a set of conclusions identified ...

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Environmental Problems In The Superstructure Construction Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,615 )

To identify the environmental problems in the superstructure construction, we need to recognize the environmental aspect of this site. So that identifies the environmental impact or problems. According to the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management system, it lists out several environmental aspects a) emissions to air, b) releases to water, c) releases to land, d) use of raw materials and natural resources, e) use of energy, f) energy ...

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Examining The Importanceof Key Performance Indicators Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,334 )

The Latham Report, also known as 'Constructing the Team' was published by Sir Michael Latham in 1994 to highlight the inefficiencies of UK construction industry at that time. The industry was underperforming as a whole, generating low profitability and unable to meet clients' satisfaction. Latham Report served as a wake-up call for the nation and underlined the immediate need to reform. Sir John Egan picked up from ...

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Project Plan To British Airport Authority Construction Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,339 )

This report is aimed at producing an effective project plan to British Airport Authority (BAA) using Heathrow terminal 5 as a case study. The methodology used in this project is the problem solving approach where a major problem is identified, the possible solution to the problem is analysed and the best solution for the implementation of the project is recommended. In producing this plan, a major problem ...

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