Stock Market Volatility Around Market Shock 2005-09

01 Mar 2018

44 (17,363 )

"Stock Market Volatility around market shocks & event analysis during 2005-2009" ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Project titled Stock Market volatility around market shock & event analysis during 2005-09 is an effort to throw light on Performance Analysis. I have completed this project based on research, under the guidance of name of faculty, my faculty guide. I owe enormous intellectual debt to her as she augmented my knowledge in ...

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Stock Market and Macroeconomic Variables in India

01 Mar 2018

31 (12,196 )

Chapter I: INTRODUCTION Overview Investment is dependent on human behavior. Keynes (1936) elaborates which sort of behavior humans adopt while investing particularly in capital market. Usually people get in use with their “animal feelings” and “flock mentality”. Economic and social and political environment also affects the opinion of people and they force them to think several times before investing. This is the reason one cannot forget ...

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Stock Market Performance and the Real Economic Activity

01 Mar 2018

23 (8,899 )

Whether national economy is affecting the stock market or other way round? A lot of studies have done on the past what are relationship of these variables. In my work I have used cointegration and Granger Causality method to find out the relationship between the stock index price and Economic growth indicator GDP. Introduction The debate of whether stock market is associated with economic growth or ...

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State of Banking Before and After Financial Crisis

01 Mar 2018

5 (1,866 )

Introduction: Banks play a very important role in financial system. Most businesses have a need for a line of credit or other financing with a bank (Editorials, Street directory). A stable financial system can help a nation's economy grow steadily than it would in an unstable financial system. From loans to investments, financial institutions are exposed to all kinds of risks in the market. Risk is universal ...

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Standard Chartered Bank in India Analysis

01 Mar 2018

51 (20,153 )

Executive Summary The competition in the banking sector is increasing at a tremendous rate. MNC banks in India are doing well in India and Standard Chartered Bank being one of them wants to increase the consumer base. Therefore, it is trying to do this through retail banking. At this point of time the bank is expanding and is coming up with new branches all over India. ...

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Share Repurchase and Taxation among UK Companies

01 Mar 2018

8 (3,016 )

The aim of the research project is to examine the relationship between share repurchase and taxation in the UK companies. Project Objectives To examine the motivations of share repurchase in the United Kingdom. To analyze the recent trend in share repurchases over last 20 decades among UK companies. To explore the relationship between shares repurchase with taxation in the UK companies. To explore the impacts ...

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Role of Monetary Policy in Financial Crisis

01 Mar 2018

17 (6,660 )

1. Introduction To begin with, it is noted that over the last year or so, financial institutions in the major economies have reported losses on a large scale. Some of these have become insolvent, or have had to be taken over or rescued by their governments. The 2008 Global Financial Crisis "Credit Crisis" has affected millions of Americans specifically and others around the World in general ...

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Fair Value Accounting (FVA) in Barclays Bank Plc

01 Mar 2018

13 (5,146 )

Before starting Research Methods, it is vitally important to understand the real meaning of Research in general. 'Research is a planned and methodical approach of finding answers to the questions'(R Cottrell & J F McKenzie; 2010) It is an organized set of actions and steps which we will follow to achieve our objectives. There are many factors in Research Method which are always done to get ...

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Role of Debt in Capital Structure of Firms

01 Mar 2018

14 (5,225 )

Capital structure has got importance in the literature of corporate finance. It provides insight about the role of debt in the capital structure of a firm. It is believed that firm endeavors to uphold optimal capital structure. In existing literature, however, there is no consensus among researcher's about the level of optimal capital structure because of variation in proxies used to measure the same attribute, variation ...

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Impact of Agriculture Credit on Agriculture Productivity

01 Mar 2018

29 (11,347 )

ABSTRACT Impact of agriculture credit on agriculture productivity. Agriculture plays vital role in Pakistan's economy. It is the single largest sector and it is principal driving force for growth and development of the national economy of Pakistan. Agriculture credit plays vital role for increasing the efficiency of this sector. Timely and adequate availability of credit enables the farmers to purchase the required inputs and machinery for ...

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Pakistan Commercial Banks Risk Management

01 Mar 2018

12 (4,547 )

ABSTRACT The agreement on international banking regulations dealing with how the banks handle the risk, the Basel Accord mainly focuses on the credit risk; according the Basel accord the bank assets divided into five main categories according to how they are risky. The five main categories are as (1) is assets without risk means 0% risk weighted, second one is 10% risk weighted, 3rd is ...

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Risk Management in Investment Banking and Software

01 Mar 2018

7 (2,777 )

Introduction With the current scene in the business world it is very challenging to explore the risks involved in the business economy. The topic of Risk Management interests with the varied challenges as it has become the foundation for many organisations to effectively manage their investments or projects. The risks involved in any type of organisations are constantly increasing with the rise in competition across the ...

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Islamic Equity Investment Risk and Return Behaviour

01 Mar 2018

16 (6,370 )

Islamic equity investments deal with the application of Shariah in stock selection in fund management. Islamic equity investment is a new and emerging concept in fund management and posed a slow growth compared with a fast paced growth in Islamic fixed income 'Sukuk' markets and Islamic banking in the current decade. However Islamic equity investments contain a significant potential to generate above average risk adjusted ...

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HSBC Bank Mortgage Policies Analysis

01 Mar 2018

10 (3,716 )

INTRODUCTION: Home is the need of every human being and having their own home is dream of every human being. In the United Kingdom price of the houses are very high and it is not possible for every citizen to buy their own home without taking financial help from financial organization like banks or building societies. When bank or a building society helps someone financially ...

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Effects of Foreign Direct Investment

01 Mar 2018

18 (7,192 )

The removal of cross-border restrictions on international capital flows and the trend toward an integrated world economy has been a substantial progress over recent two decades. Hence, it has increased the growth of foreign direct investment(FDI) activity. Madura and Fox (2007) define foreign direct investment (FDI) as the investment in real assets (such as land, buildings, or even existing plants) in foreign countries. They also find ...

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Economic Effects of Terrorism in the UK

01 Mar 2018

10 (3,851 )

Terrorism has deep history science the cold war but this issue become most salient after terrorist attacks in September 11 2001. This incident affected the UK and international business community in various ways. On one hand the world business community was affected financially, the other hand it suffers due to legal and security issues. The international business between countries was most seriously affected due to security ...

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Effects of Bank Mergers in the UK: Analysis

01 Mar 2018

5 (1,883 )

Introduction This paper takes a look at effects of Bank Mergers in the UK. It also shows how banks are affected by mergers and their effects on retail interest rates and customers. It also takes a look at how bank mergers help bring about improvement which is passed on to the customers. The main aim of the paper is to analyze the effects of Bank Mergers. ...

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Analysis of Board of Directors and Risk Propensity

01 Mar 2018

17 (6,708 )

Banks are all similarly confronted with particular regulations and inspections of banking supervisions. Within this topic, the board of directors plays an important role. There are different factors considering how the composition of a board might influence its performance and the decision-making process. Therefore, factors like independence, age structure, percentage of minorities and women and the size of the board will be analyzed. After determining the ...

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Impact of IMF Policies on China Financial Security

01 Mar 2018

7 (2,552 )

Financial crisis swept over the world rapidly last three years. The globalisation and the developed of the derivatives have dramatically changed the whole financial market. The rate of global economic growth was continuing decrease. The economy, particularly financial services sectors suffered a critical strike, which a few investment bank, such as Lehman Brothers Holdings went bankrupt. As one of the largest financial institutions, International Monetary Fund ...

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Analysis of Islamic Banking in the UK

01 Mar 2018

5 (1,985 )

This research plan will be a hub of attention to inspect the opportunities of progress and growth as well as the major challenges to Islamic banking in the UK. The UK is the hub of Islamic banking and contains importance in Islamic financial sector due to its fast growing Muslim population. Islamic banking is facing some great challenges in the UK because the financial system is ...

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Analysis of the Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange

01 Mar 2018

35 (13,996 )

3.0 Chapter Three 3.1 Research Methodology This chapter aims at explaining the methodology which has been adopted in this study. Research approaches or style have been categorized into mainly two groups, the phenomenological approach and positivist approach. The phenomenological approach studies the phenomenon through observation, no theory at outset while the positivist approach use an existing theory or develop a new theory and test its validity. ...

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KLSE Relationship with Inflation and Exchange Rates

01 Mar 2018

22 (8,435 )

Capital market is a financial market which is for long term investment funds with the maturities greater than one year. In USA, capital market was controlled by security exchange and it was established in 1934. While in Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) capital market has been developed since 1980s. It is a market where securities such as common stock, preferred stock and bonds are issued ...

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Corporate Governance Score and Firm Performance

01 Mar 2018

17 (6,498 )

Limited liability company structure is the most preferred structure for a large business. In this structure, a large number of investors provide the risk capital. They are called shareholders, the deemed owners of the company. They delegate the power to manage the company to board of directors. The board delegates the same to managers while retaining its role to monitor and control the executive management. Shareholders ...

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Relationship Between Asset Price and Monetary Policy

01 Mar 2018

20 (7,885 )

With the development of capital market and the innovation of finance, asset prices have taken a more prominent role in financial economy. Meanwhile, financial crisis and economy turbulences arouse by abnormal assets price fluctuation appear in many countries. Currently, China is confronted with the reality of asset prices inflation. Asset prices rapidly fluctuation bought gigantic impact to monetary policy, therefore, study the relationship between asset price ...

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Dubai Property Market Economic Theory

01 Mar 2018

14 (5,303 )

With this dissertation what I would like to achieve is the following: I will carry out extensive research on the economic theory behind booms and bursts. I will look at some of the booms and bursts throughout history. I will attempt to make my own economic model behind what caused a boom and its subsequent burst and see if this model can be applied to the ...

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Profitability and Corporate Leverage Policy of Firms

01 Mar 2018

18 (6,911 )

Abstract This study attempts to determine the relationship between the profitability and leverage policy of firms of Fuel and Energy sector of Pakistan. The analysis was implemented on 27 firms in the Fuel and energy sector listed at the Karachi Stock Exchange for the period 2003-2008. Regression was used to find out the relationship between the independent variable (Profitability) and dependent variable (Leverage). We expect the ...

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Pricing Options using Binomial and Trinomial Methods

01 Mar 2018

9 (3,423 )

Published in the 1970s, the Black-Scholes-Merton model provided an entirely new definition for the financial option market, half a century later the Binomial tree option pricing model was published, and that is the true key that allows the option market to be generalized to the world. Based upon the Binomial model, the Trinomial option pricing model was built to reduce possible errors and persons thus expected ...

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Microfinance Institutions in Mediterranean Countries

01 Mar 2018

19 (7,377 )

This paper examines empirically the relation between governance mechanisms and the performance of Euro-Mediterranean microfinance institutions (MFIs) in terms of outreach and sustainability. Specifically, we found that performance-based compensation of managers is not associated with better performance of MFIs. The results identify tradeoffs between MFIs outreach and sustainability depending on larger boards size, and on higher proportion of unaffiliated directors. Moreover, the study shows that the ...

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Mauritius National Pension Fund Financial Analysis

01 Mar 2018

37 (14,731 )

The National Pension Fund and its financial implications on the economy of Mauritius Chapter 1: Introduction The philosophy of the National Pension Fund (NPF) includes the idea that one ought to earn a reasonable proportion after pension age of what one earned during one's working life. If you have contributed to the NPF and built up your pension points, you will get a pension which, when ...

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Concepts of Project Finance

01 Mar 2018

50 (19,661 )

Introduction Project Finance. Origins of project finance Project financing is generally sought for infrastructure related projects. Its linkages to the economy are mutiple and complex, because it affects production and consumption directly, creates negative and positive externalities, and involves large flow of expenditure. Prior to World War I, private entrepreneurs built major infrastructure projects all over the world. During the 19th century ambitious projects such as ...

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Market Trends Analysis of Indian Oil and Gas Industry

01 Mar 2018

40 (15,807 )

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY This study provides an insight into the oil and gas industry. Analyze market trends for oil and gas industry in the global arena. To understand financial performance and financial position of oil and natural gas companies like ONGC, Petro china, Chevron and Exxon Mobil. To analyse the financial statements of 2009-2010, so as to understand about the key factors like Profitability ...

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SREI India Financial and SWOT Analysis

01 Mar 2018

23 (8,836 )

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: To develop and understanding of the Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) and their business operations in India. To do a detailed research on SREI Equipment Finance Private Limited, its market share and the SWOT analysis. To thoroughly review SREI's credit appraisal and credit management process. To understand the risk management process of the company. To gain a detailed knowledge of the ...

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Analysis of India's Mutual Fund Industry

01 Mar 2018

48 (18,986 )

Executive Summary The report titled “Mutual Fund” has been prepared to give an in-depth analysis of mutual fund industry in India and also a brief study of Mutual fund structure outside India. The report starts with the introduction of Mutual Fund, giving details about what Mutual Fund is all about. This has been done so to make even a layman understand what a mutual fund ...

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Analysis of the Money Market in India

01 Mar 2018

13 (4,957 )

Money market is an important segment of the financial market (system) as it provides avenue for equilibrating the short term (ranging from overnight upto an year) demand for and supply of funds. It also plays an important role in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, as it acts as a medium through which the central bank can influence the short term liquidity and interest rates in ...

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Money Laundering Control in Nigeria

01 Mar 2018

29 (11,417 )

Money laundering INTRODUCTION This dissertation makes a contribution to the worrying issues of money laundering in Nigeria and the control mechanism within the economy. Money laundering is a global problem which warranted a declaration by the United Nations. The declaration strongly condemns money laundering because it aids the use of financial systems for illicit drug trafficking and other serious crimes such as terrorism. For example ...

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