Strategies to Avoid Car Congestion

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,536 )

BUSINESS CASE: AVOIDING CRIPPLING CAR COGESTION 1 Case 2, Business Case: Avoiding a Future of Crippling Car Congestion Page 109 Explain the concept of connected cars. Why does Bill Ford see a need for connected cars? What does Ford mean by “global gridlock”? Brainstorm a few other ways in which an IT network could help to reduce global gridlock. Do not limit yourself to current ...

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Transportation of Hazardous Material Strategies

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

4 (1,514 )

When it comes to the transportation of hazardous material by plane normal procedures of safety do not apply. There are very specific sets of rules and regulations that must be adhered to in order to be licensed to transport by an airliner any material that is classified as hazardous. Why do we need regulations? After all, aren't regulations always a source of headache for most ethically ran ...

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Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL)

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

9 (3,553 )

ORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE (OOCL) 01.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF OOCL. Container shipping is most popular types of merchant shipping over the world. Due to size, use, and accessibility, it is famous and convenient for transporting from one place to another place to all customers from small trader to big trader. OOCL is the leading container main line operator in shipping industry having own information technology facilities. OOCL is ...

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Good Driving Habits

03 Oct 2016 15 Sep 2017

5 (1,938 )

Introduction: The paper is aimed at forming a backing about the good habits of a driver. It explains the combination of driving practices and actions of which a driver is conscious of, for forming good driving habits. People have always a difference of opinion on what is good or bad. This applies at the driving habits too, perception about good and bad of a driver and ...

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History of Transportation

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

26 (10,052 )

History of Transportation Transportation was, is and will be one of the most important issues of peoples life. It accounts centuries. Definition of transportation can be different, as the reason, it can mean the trip between two places, two villages, for trade, war or maybe just for journey. It can be done using air, water or land. Transports transformed during centuries and today look much different than ...

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Ship Planning and Hazardous Cargo

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

7 (2,628 )

ABSTRACT This project aims to provide an insight of the container shipping industry, in particular the “mega-vessel”. “Mega-vessel” here is referred to as large carrying container vessel which is commonly referred also to as a VLCC (Very Large Container Carrier) or ULCC (Ultra Large Container Carrier). By doing research on the factors or/and constraints that limit the size of container vessels will give a better understanding of ...

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Issues at AirAsia

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

3 (895 )

Simultaneity Once the plane of AirAsia takes off, the transportation service provided to the customers is consumed simultaneously. Since there is no food provided during the service, AirAsia has made use of this opportunity to sell food and beverages. Through the selling process, it creates interaction with customers and it allows them to percept the quality of the service. No free baggage allowance There is no free ...

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Environmental Impact of Ship Breaking Industry

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

6 (2,165 )

Introduction: We are going to look into Ship breaking industry around the world and its impact on the environment, health and safety, social values and human rights issues. Ship breaking is the course of dismantling an archaic vessel's structure for scrapping or recycle, mean to be conducted at a pier or dry dock to dismantling ship, it includes various activities, from removing all gears, parts and equipment ...

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Traffic Congestion

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

3 (1,080 )

Introduction: Traffic congestion is a critical problem which happens on roads which make traffic busy because roads full of cars and buses. Traffic congestion challenges traffic flow in urban area and is prevented smooth traffic. A growing urban area creates complex problems in daily life with traffic. Congestion phenomenon's can not be terminated only by applying physical constructing such as: build bridge, motorways and increasing road capacity. ...

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Significant Changes of Toyota

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

5 (1,925 )

Our choice to pick Toyota was due to the significant changes it has gone through over the years. When Toyota first came into the market; nobody was willing to buy this Japanese car that they knew nothing about. But as time has gone by they have proved themselves to be one of the most reliable cars that can be found in today's market. A radio producer in ...

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Toyota Motor Vehicles: SWOT Analysis

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

8 (2,831 )

Toyota Motor Vehicles Background Toyota Motor Corporation is a famous Japanese multinational corporation, and is considered the world's second largest automaker of automobiles. The founder of Toyota is Kiichiro Toyoda, who born in 1894, and the son of Sakichi Toyoda, who was popular in the invention of the automatic loom. Toyota motors became a mainstay of Japan economy 1n 1960. And it get great growth in this ...

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Financing Shipping companies

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

5 (1,660 )

There are several advantages for a shipping company to outsource a particular service or department. The main advantages with outsourcing are better cost control, lower risk and the outside supplier's expertise. Better cost control is achieved because outsourcing leads to less fixed costs and more variable costs. This means that the company in the short term is more flexible, and able to adjust costs faster and in ...

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