Effects of the Gardasil Vaccination

20 Apr 2018

6 (2,180 )

Obispo, Stacey L.   Vaccinations Despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledging vaccinations as one of top 10 impressive public health accomplishments of the twentieth century (Malone & Hinman), vaccines have still been cause for debate over the years. Fears over the years have resonated over vaccination risks and side effects. Sadly, parental unacceptance of general childhood vaccinations may have been ...

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Crohn's Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

19 Apr 2018

8 (3,086 )

INTRODUCTION TO NUTRITION CROHN DISEASE   Introduction to Nutrition Crohn Disease Introduction Sustenance is characterized as the methods by which a creature or plant takes in and uses nourishment substances. Vital supplements incorporate protein, carb, fat, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. Regularly, 85% of day by day vitality use is from fat and starches and 15% from protein. In people, nourishment is primarily attained through the procedure ...

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Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS) Case Study

19 Apr 2018

6 (2,237 )

ABSTRACT Consanguinity in marriages can lead to many genetic abnormalities in the offsprings. The children are affected in varying degrees of severity. Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome is an example of a genetic abnormality wherein there is an absence of apoptosis of lymphoproliferative cells, hence leading to enlargement of lymph nodes and spleen and associated autoimmune abnormalities. Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome arises early in childhood in people who inherit ...

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Detection and Classification of Leukaemia Cells

18 Apr 2018

7 (2,517 )

Leukemia is one of the many types of cancers. Leukemia is caused in the white blood cells near the bone marrow region of our body. In this the WBCs which get infected turns blue. Like any other cancer in this also the cell divides itself at the faster pace. Most human cancers are characterized by the aberrant expression of normal and/or mutated genes, and natural selection ...

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Radiographic Modalities in Detecting Suspected Child Abuse

18 Apr 2018

9 (3,216 )

The actions individuals take against a child in order to inflict emotional or physical harm are, unfortunately, limited only by the imagination. Child abuse has been formally defined as the shaking, punching, battering, hitting, poisoning, scalding or burning, suffocating or drowning a child and/or otherwise participating in actions that lead to the child’s physical harm (Safeguarding Children 2006). As of the last several years, the definition ...

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Sickle Cell Disease: Causes, Effects and Treatment

16 Apr 2018

7 (2,435 )

Abstract Sickle cell disease is a genetically inherited hematological (blood) disorder that results from a mutation in the beta globin gene that is responsible for the development of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein that delivers oxygen to the red blood cells throughout the body. In the disease, a mutated variant of normal hemoglobin generates an abnormal structure of the cells, leading to the development of symptoms. ...

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Ultrasound-guided Interscalene Block for Dislocated Shoulder

11 Apr 2018

5 (1,742 )

Preliminary results of ultrasound-guided interscalene block for dislocated shoulder: Abstract Background Traditionally, patients with a dislocated shoulder joint will be subjected to general anesthesia for closed reduction, if this procedure cannot be managed with light intravenous sedation and opioid analgesia. Successful interscalene blockade of the brachial plexus allows painfree reduction of the dislocated shoulder. However, the interscalene blockade for a dislocated shoulder is usually performed in ...

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COPD with Cognitive Status in an Elderly Sample

10 Apr 2018

10 (3,809 )

COPD with Cognitive Status in an Elderly Sample using the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Dean Sherzai, MD MAS PhD(c), Rachel Schade, Sonia Vega, Ayesha Z. Sherzai, MD Author’s Affiliations: 1Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Cedar Sinai Health System, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2Keck Science Department, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA, USA; 3Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Loma Linda School of Public Health, Loma ...

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Complications of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

10 Apr 2018

7 (2,640 )

INTRODUCTION: Endoscopic sinus surgery, a widely used method in the treatment of chronic sinus disease can lead to major (0-1,5 %) and minor (1,1-20,8% ) complications. These complications are still important nowadays. Central nervous system (CNS) fistula, hemorrhage, meningitis, orbital injury and even death are major pathologies. These are usually the result of injury of fovea ethmoidalis or orbital structures [1-4]. If the skull base anatomy ...

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XY Chromosome in a Female With Secondary Amenorrhea

10 Apr 2018

3 (1,139 )

Dania Al-Jaroudi, M.D   Capsule A 17-year-old girl presented to our gynecology clinic with secondary amenorrhea. She had been diagnosed with ALL at the age of 5 years, she received chemotherapy and radiotherapy over the following years. Her chromosomal analysis showed a karyotype of 46, XY. Introduction Primary ovarian insufficiency is a disorder that is emotionally traumatic and bears lifelong consequences on fertility, bone ...

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Left-side Ureteric Colic Case Study

10 Apr 2018

5 (1,706 )

Case Study – Group B Introduction A 46 year old secretary was admitted to emergency with left-side ureteric colic. She had a similar case 3 years ago and she passed a small calculus spontaneously. She has been taking cimetidine (for the last 6 months), for dyspepsia treatment. Physical examination revealed a tenderness in the left loin. Symptoms Left-side ureteric colic. Small calculus passed spontaneously (3 years ...

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Case of Cladophialophora caroinii Chromoblastomycosis

10 Apr 2018

4 (1,525 )

A Rare Case of Cladophialophora caroinii Chromoblastomycosis in a Skin Graft Recipient Roy PK, Dudhat VL, Prasanna S Introduction: Chromoblastomycosis, also called chromomycosis is a subcutaneous chronic mycosis caused by dematiaceous (black) fungi.1 The most frequently isolated organisms are Fonsecaea pedrosoi, Phialophora. verrucosa, Cladosporium carrioni, and less frequently, Rhinocladiella aquaspersa.2 It Progresses slowly and involves exposed body parts. It is characterised by crusted and ...

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Autonomy, Capacity and Dignified Death

10 Apr 2018

6 (2,024 )

Summary: The Council of Europe protects the right of people in terminal phase or dying, to self-determination. But only if the patient is competent, you can make independent decisions about their health. The capacity will be assessed by doctors to consider as valid informed consent. Keywords: Personal Autonomy; Mental Competency; Right to Die; Decision making; Bioethics; Informed consent; Validation Studies. Manuscript The doctor-patient relationship, nowadays, follows ...

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Effects of Cocaine and Crack Cocaine

09 Apr 2018

5 (1,900 )

Cocaine versus Crack Cocaine Lindsay Janzen Introduction Drugs play a major role on the streets and in the medical field. Some drugs are seen as less serious as others. Stimulants are a wide category of drugs that is an upper. Stimulants generally make you feel happy and energetic. Cocaine and crack cocaine do exactly that. These are two drugs that are very similar, yet ...

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Causes of Dyslexia

09 Apr 2018

6 (2,127 )

Possible Causes of Dyslexia Dyslexia is a learning disability that causes reading and language difficulties, in terms of spoken or written. Today, there are many researches actively taking place regarding the fundamental causes of dyslexia (Temple, 2002; Ramus 2001; 2003) and a number of possibilities are beginning to emerge but the specific cause is yet to be discovered. However, there are several theories proposed by specialist ...

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Pica Disorder: Causes, Effects and Treatment

09 Apr 2018

8 (3,171 )

Introduction This essay will discuss one of the feeding and eating disorder called the Pica Disorder. Specific reference will be made to a clear explanation of the disorder, epidemiology, etiology and clinical features. The essay will also look at the DSM-IV-TR, summarise the key problem areas in Pica DSM-IV-TR classification, pathology and laboratory examination. It will further discuss the differential diagnosis, the prognosis and the treatment. ...

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Changes in the Seasonal Influenza a (H3N2) Viruses NS Gene

04 Apr 2018

16 (6,259 )

Analysis of Amino Acid Sequence and Identifying of Changes in the Influenza A/(H3N2) virus NS Gene in Isolates from Iran Lawal D. Rogo, Farhad Rezaei, Nazanin Z. Shafiei Jandaghi, Nastaran Ghavami, Ghazal-Sadat Fateminasab, Talat Mokhtari-Azad   Subject: Medical Sciences Keywords: Influenza A (H3N2) virus, Iran, Mutation, NS1 gene.   Abstract The main functions of NS protein of influenza A virus is suppressing of type I IFN production by the host. ...

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Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression

04 Apr 2018

5 (1,935 )

Alzheimer’s disease is slowly progressive and irreversible brain disease which is one of the most common cause of dementia [1]. In AD patients not only suffer from cognitive but also motor and sensory loss [2]. Although the mechanism of AD is not well understood still AD pathology is characterized by extra cellular amyloid-β deposits and interacellular neurfibril tangles formation of hyperphosphorylation of tau protein. Being irreversible ...

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Causal Explanations of Dyslexia

04 Apr 2018

4 (1,529 )

Introduction Poor decoding and spelling abilities along with difficulties in precise and fluent recognition of words characterise the learning disability of dyslexia (International Dyslexia Association, 2001). Despite the extensive scientific attention that dyslexia has received there is still much debate about its causal explanation. Recently, Stoodly and Stein (2012) have pointed out that reading is only incidentally affected by this highly heritable neurobiological syndrome with multi-factorial ...

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Medical Heroin Use in Cancer Treatment: Ethical Appraisal

04 Apr 2018

7 (2,429 )

HEROIN USED IN CANCER TREATMENT- ETHICAL OR NOT Name: Engin LAP   INTRODUCTION Our research in cancer treatment used heroin, morphine ethical assessment of the use of such agents will be carried on. The method used will be used as a qualitative method. Research investigating various literature, obtained via literature will be discussed. Cancer is one of today's most important health problems. Frequent and due to ...

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Study into Mapping Blind Spots

03 Apr 2018

6 (2,020 )

Though the blind spot is a part of the retina that is devoid of photoreceptors, therefore relaying no visual information, it does not lead to the experience of a dark hole in our visual field (Sakaguchi, 2001). This is due to the perceptual phenomenon of filling-in, whereby a visual attribute such as colour and brightness is perceived in the blind-spot, even though it only exists in ...

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Factors to Develop a Doctor-Patient Relationship

03 Apr 2018

7 (2,589 )

Patients and Health care Professionals need to communicate about many different aspects of health and illness. With reference to a specific example, outline the factors that the health professionals would need to consider when preparing to discuss this issue with a patient. The medical consultation is considered to be one of the most important phases in the care of a patient (Bennet, 1979; Beck et al., ...

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Zinc Deficiency in Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression

03 Apr 2018

5 (1,920 )

Study of the relation between zinc deficiency in pregnancy and postpartum depressin Maryam Asltoghiri, Zahra Ghodsi   Abstract Maternal zinc deficiency during pregnancy has been related to adverse pregnancy outcome. Recently, zinc deficiency has been on the focus as causing depression. The study was conducted to the determine the relation between zinc deficiency in pregnancy and postpartum depression. This prospective describe-analytical study was conducted on the ...

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Unilateral Peters Anomaly in a Nigerian Child

02 Apr 2018

4 (1,272 )

Case report Abstract 10-week-old female infant presented in our clinic in March, 2013 with history of small right globe since birth. There is associated history of whitish speck in the affected eye. The child is a product of term pregnancy which was uneventful. Mother denied any history of febrile illness during pregnancy. Nil history of maternal rashes, nil hearing or visual challenges, nil use of any ...

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Bronchial Colonization in Pulmonary Resection Patients

02 Apr 2018

7 (2,555 )

Bronchial colonization profile of patients undergoing lung resection and its impact on infectious complications in the postoperative period. Is it necessary to evaluate the collection method and risk of contamination? Abstract: Introduction: The pattern of bronchial colonization in patients requiring pulmonary resections is little described in the literature. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the profile of bronchial colonization in patients undergoing lung ...

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Breast Tumor Classification Using FFT based Fractal Analysis

29 Mar 2018

8 (3,143 )

B.MONICA JENEFER V.CYRILRAJ   Abstract Breast cancer is formed by abnormal cells, it causes fast death among human and it is shapeless. The growth of the cancer is also fast and it should be removed from the earlier stage itself. In this study, we have introduced and implemented an FFT based fractal model to analyze the breast tumor and classify it as benign or ...

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Evaluation of Hemodialysis Patients’ Tumor Marker

29 Mar 2018

7 (2,531 )

CEA tumor marker level associates comorbidity of hemodialysis patients Purposes: Hemodialysis (HD) affects serum concentration of biomarkers. However, it remains unclear about the effect of HD on the levels of biomarkers, and efficacy of biomarkers in HD. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of HD on commonly used tumor markers. Methods: A total of 28 unselected patients (22 men, 6 women) with ...

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Osteoprotegerin as Biomarker for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

29 Mar 2018

5 (1,830 )

Osteoprotegerin: a novel faecal biomarker in paediatric inflammatory bowel diseases Abstract Background: Recently, Osteoprotegerin (OPG) has been identified as a faecal biological marker reflecting intestinal inflammation in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). To maintain remission, it is important to prevent relapses, especially in paediatric IBD where failure to thrive is frequently seen. This study aims to identify the diagnostic and predictive value of faecal OPG in paediatric ...

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Pulmonary Embolism as Manifestation of Right Atrial Myxoma

29 Mar 2018

5 (1,845 )

A case report and review of literature Abstract We present a case of a 55-year-old man who suffered from shortness of breath and syncope; he was sent to our department for suspecting pulmonary embolism. We proceeded Computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) and Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) , confirmed the diagnosis which was caused by right atrial mass. After the surgery the patient was diagnosed as right atrial myoma ...

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Donor-transmitted Melanoma Case Study

29 Mar 2018

4 (1,286 )

Lakshmi Rangaswamy, D.O., Kim Jordan, MD., FACP, Ronald deAndrade, MD Introduction Organ transplant recipients are at an increased risk of developing malignancy, estimated to occur in 15-20% of graft recipients after 10 years. Most malignancies occur de novo or as recurrence of previously treated disease, related to immunosuppression and oncogenic viruses. Donor-transmitted tumors are rare. From 1994 – 2001, the US Transplant tumor registry reported 18 ...

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Types, Causes and Effects

28 Mar 2018

9 (3,365 )

Chapter 1: THE INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE WHAT IS INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) means chronic inflammation of all or part of your digestive tract. IBD can be classified into two, which is, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. IBD is very painful and debilitating, and can sometimes lead to life-threatening complications. The IBD is called an autoimmune disease because the body’s immune system attacks the ...

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Risk Factors of Sleep Disorder After Stroke:

27 Mar 2018

10 (3,930 )

Risk factors of sleep disorder after stroke: A Meta analysis Running title: Risk factors of sleep disorder after stroke Highlights: Diabetes mellitus has a 41% increased risk of sleep disorder in stroke patients Alcohol use has a 59% increased risk of sleep disorder in stroke patients Habitual snoring has a 1377% increased risk of sleep disorder in stroke patients Body-mass index has a 17% decreased ...

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Huge Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor in Teenager

27 Mar 2018

6 (2,326 )

Abstract Background: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is a rare benign neoplasm. The huge IMT of chest is even rarely observed and there is few literatures described the disease. Case presentation: A 17-year-old girl who suffered from a dry cough with right chest pain. Contrast-enhanced CT showed a huge heterogeneous mass with calcified plaques. A surgical management strategy was successfully undertaken. Increasing physician awareness of this entity ...

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Malaria: Causes, Prevention and Treatments

27 Mar 2018

6 (2,153 )

Introduction There are over 100 species of malaria parasites the most known to cause death is in Africa called plasmodium falciparum (Malaria No More 2014). Only female anopheles mosquitos can transmit malaria (Malaria No More 2014). The malaria parasite is a member of the apicomplexa they are characterized by a set of organelles (Greenwood et al., 2008). These organelles are known as apical organelles because are ...

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Obesity: Causes, Effects and Treatments

27 Mar 2018

6 (2,235 )

Obesity , is one of the common and serious disease over the world. There must be cases of obesity no matter in urban or rural area, as it is a widespread and escalating concern. It does not just happen in adults as children also may have the possibility because they are less concern about their health nowadays. Obesity is actually a condition whereby abnormal or excessive ...

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Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

27 Mar 2018

5 (1,868 )

Multiple sclerosis 1. Introduction: Neurology deals with complex and rare disorders. One of the most common neurodegenerative disorders is multiple sclerosis.[1] Multiple sclerosis is a disorder of central nervous system. It is characterized by demyelination, mononuclear cell inflammation and axonal injury. Axonal injury is rarely observed.[2] MS sclerosis is generally categorized under autoimmune disorders. Its causes are unknown.[3] Genetic as well as environmental factors play an ...

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Chronic Expanding Hematoma in the Chest

27 Mar 2018

4 (1,430 )

A case of chronic expanding hematoma presenting as a huge mass in the chest Abstract: A 42-year-old man presented with a huge mass in the chest. The disease was recognized as a complain of chest pain and was successfully resected by surgery. He had a history of blunt chest injury 25 years ago. Magnetic resonance T2-weighted imaging demonstrated a mosaic pattern of various signal intensities. In ...

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Priority Pollutants and Their Health Effects

27 Mar 2018

5 (1,783 )

INTRODUCTION The Priority Pollutants are a set of chemical pollutants EPA regulates, and for which EPA has published analytical test methods. the Priority Pollutant list published at 40 CFR 423, Appendix A,An estimated 25% of death and disease globally, is linked to environmental hazards. The WHO, EPA have listed the persistent pollutants, which are included in this article along with the major and few minor health ...

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Intrapartum Ultrasonography: Prediction of Vaginal Delivery

27 Mar 2018

7 (2,777 )

Summary Intrapartum ultrasound imaging is gaining popularity with increased application due to the relative ease of utilization and direct on-site accessibility. Though initially its use was restricted to esoteric indications and routinely applied antepartum, sonography is now increasingly being used for more mundane intrapartum indications. These may include an illustration of the precise fetal head position, assessment of fetal head engagement and estimation of the fetal ...

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Impact of Teratogens Affecting the Prenatal Child

27 Mar 2018

5 (1,890 )

Tracy Morrissey The aim of this discussion is to explore the impact of teratogens affecting the prenatal child and the interventions available to assist in preventing teratogens. For the purpose of this discussion three particular and prominent teratogens are highlighted including malnutrition, drugs which include alcohol/cigarettes and lastly exploring sexually transmitted diseases. These teratogens are highlighted because of the effects of the recession on ...

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IOP Spike Control after Intravitreal Anti-VEGF

27 Mar 2018

6 (2,066 )

In ophthalmology many ophthalmic procedures are there in which there is a spike of intraocular pressure after the procedures. Cataract surgery, argon laser trabulectomy (ALT), yag laser capsulotomy, yag laser iridotomy, trabulectomy, pars plana vitrectomy are few to be named. The new anti VEGF therapy is an addition to the prior list. Many IOP lowering drugs have been used in different procedures to stop these spikes. ...

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Effect of RAS Polymorphism on Essential Blood Pressure

27 Mar 2018

9 (3,307 )

Pharmacogenetic Association of RAS Polymorphism on Essential Blood Pressure in Relation to Enalapril/Lisinopril among Malay male newly diagnosed hypertensives Abstract Objective: It has been suggested that genetic backgrounds, which have an association with essential hypertension, may also determine the responsiveness to ACE inhibitor. We determined the association of angiotensin-converting enzyme (I/D, G2350A), angiotensinogen (M235T, T174M and A-6G) and renin (Bg/I and Mbo/I) gene polymorphisms with essential ...

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Effectiveness & Impact of Journal Clubs in Medicine

27 Mar 2018

9 (3,271 )

Abstract Background: Journal clubs` emerging goals are now considered to be teaching critical appraisal skills and learning how to use evidence based medicine in practice. Although journal clubs are well accredited, designing the right format to keep members stimulated and educated remains a great challenge. Methods: We conducted journal club structure modifications in internal medicine residency program of a university affiliated hospital. Initially group-based sessions identified ...

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Correlation Between Gene Mutations and Phenylketonuria

27 Mar 2018

18 (7,098 )

Mutations of the Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Gene in Iranian Patients with Phenylketonuria Correlation between gene mutations and Phenylketonuria Alireza Biglari1, Fatemeh Saffari 2, Safarali Alizadeh3, Zahra Rashvand 3 , Reza Najafipour4, Mehdi Sahmani4 ABSTRACT Background: Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an autosomal recessive disease results from point mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene. Objectives: The aim of this study was the identification of sixteen different mutations ...

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Trichomonas Vaginalis and HIV in Asymptomatic Pregnant Women

27 Mar 2018

7 (2,506 )

PREVALENCE OF TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS AND HIV CO-INFECTION AMONG ASYMPTOMATIC PREGNANT WOMEN IN ZARIA, NORTHERN NIGERIA ABSTRACT Background: Trichomonas vaginalis is the most common curable sexually transmitted infection worldwide. Serious adverse reproductive health outcomes including pregnancy complications, pelvic inflammatory disease, and an increased risk of HIV acquisition have been linked to Trichomonas vaginalis infection. Objective: To determine the prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis in asymptomatic pregnant women and ...

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Stem Cells for Cell Replacement Therapy in Parkinson's

27 Mar 2018

9 (3,421 )

Stem Cells for Cell Replacement Therapy Said AL Hakmani Introduction Parkinson’s disease is a movement disorder that results from damage to the neurons in the brain that produce the chemical named dopamine. The dopamine sends signals to parts of the brain that controls movement, allowing movement of smooth muscles. In Parkinson’s disease there is loss of the dopamine neurons. Symptoms of the disease include abnormal movement ...

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Overview of Tourette Syndrome

27 Mar 2018

4 (1,387 )

Nikki Allen Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary motor tics and, sometimes, vocal tics (Walkup, 2013). The syndrome is named after the French medical scholar, Gilles de la Tourette. In 1885, Gilles de la Tourette published an article in the medical journal, Archives de Neurologie, which described “a bizarre neurological condition that he referred to as ‘maladie des tics’ (Kevin ...

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Case Report: Topiramate Induced Myopia

27 Mar 2018

4 (1,278 )

G.Srinivasagopalan Gopalsamy, Murali Mohan Mohan, Sudhakar Sankar Tamilnadu, India Abstract Topiramate (sulfamate-substituted monosaccharide) is a broad spectrum newer anti-convulsant. It is also used in prophylaxis of migraine, cluster headache, bipolar affective disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, post herpetic neuralgia , relapse prevention in alcohol dependence syndrome, add on treatment for antipsychotic induced weight gain. Acute Myopia and angle closure glaucoma are some of the rare side ...

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Biceps Tendon Rupture With Post-operative Complications

27 Mar 2018

8 (3,157 )

Locomotor PBL Experiment Writeup Introduction In this PBL, we observe a case of biceps tendon rupture with post-operative complication of heterotopic ossification. We will first go through the anatomy of the upper limb followed by a discussion of the ruptured biceps tendon, heterotopic ossification and finally mode of action of indomethacin. Learning Objectives 1. Osteology of the upper limb with emphasis on the elbow and wrist ...

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Profile of Inflammatory and Infective Skin Diseases

27 Mar 2018

6 (2,177 )

Contributors with their highest academic degree: GIRI VISHAL P*. , MD (PHARMACOLOGY) GIRI OM P. , MD (MEDICINE), PhD (MEDICINE) GUPTA SUDHIR K. , MD ( SKIN & VD) SHUBHRA KANODIA , MDS (Std), (ORAL MEDICINE AND RADIOLOGY) Department(s) and institution(s) : “Clinico-Epidemiological Profile of Inflammatory and Infective Skin Diseases in a Tertiary Care Centre of South India” ABSTRACT The present medical audit-study was undertaken ...

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Spasticity Following Stroke: a Literature Review

26 Mar 2018

8 (3,075 )

ABBREVIATIONS UMN: UPPER MOTOR NEURON SPASM: SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR ASSEMBLY OF DATABASE FOR SPASTICITY MEASUREMENT CNS: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM PMS: PASSIVE MUSCLE STRETCHING TS: TRICEPS SURAE TA: TIBIALIS ANTERIOR ROM: RANGE OF MOTION INTRODUCTION: Spasticity is a major disabling symptom that most commonly arises after stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, some traumatic brain injuries and other central nervous system (CNS) lesion (Dietz and Sinkjaer 2007). ...

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Comparison of Techniques in Acne Scar Treatment

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,679 )

Punch excision techniques are utilized for depressed scars such as ice pick and boxcar scars. According to the diameter of the scar, a biopsy punch of appropriate size is used to excise the scar. If the scar is > 3.5 mm in size, it is excised and sutured after undermining, in a direction parallel to the relaxed skin tension lines. Procedure: Surgical preparation is done. Local ...

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Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (CNCD)

26 Mar 2018

3 (1,044 )

Chronic Non-communicable Diseases(CNCD) Non-communicable diseases are chronic conditions that do not result from an acute infectious process, which known to be an instant progress, however, they lead to death, physical dysfunction, or impairment in the quality of life. In addition to that, chronic condition develop over relatively long period at first without causing sign and symptoms, but after while the diseases manifestations develop over time, there ...

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Effect of Artesunate on HT-29-AK Cancer Cells

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,990 )

Effect of Artesunate on HT-29-AK Cancer Cells, and its Therapeutic Implications Cancer Biology Coursework II The possible cytotoxic effect of Artesunate on the survival factors and the concentration of HT-29-AK cells over different incubation periods and its therapeutic implications. The possible cytotoxic effect of Artesunate on the survival factors and the concentration of HT-29-AK cells over different incubation periods and its ...

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Effect of Glucosamine on Knee Osteoarthritis

26 Mar 2018

8 (2,826 )

REVIEW OF LITERATURE A prototypical 12-week, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial of glucosamine among subjects with knee osteoarthritis was conducted to present the safety and effectiveness over the Internet. The study comprised 205 subjects aged 45 years or older with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis and their eligibility was authenticated through medical record review. Participants were administered randomly to 1.5 g/d of glucosamine (n101) or placebo (n104), of whom ...

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Case Report: Use of Valproate in Kleine Levin Syndrome

26 Mar 2018

6 (2,323 )

Successful use of Valproate in Kleine Levin Syndrome: a case report and review of cases reported from India Abstract Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) is characterized by recurrent episodes of hypersomnia and other symptoms and it is a really challenging for the physician, since its causes are not yet clear, and available treatment options are not having adequate support. Here we are reporting a case with successful use ...

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Relationship of Digit Ratio With Cardiovascular Endurance

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,719 )

This first chapter represents a review of the conducted study. In this chapter, there are several subtopics that have been reviewed. The following topics provide the descriptions regarding to background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, hypotheses involved, conceptual framework, significance of the study, and definition of terms that been used in this study. Lastly, the structure of this study is outlined in ...

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Treatment and Outcomes of Paediatric Asthma in New Zealand

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,681 )

Inequities are present in the prevalence, treatment and outcomes of paediatric asthma in New Zealand (NZ). A sound body of literature and research confirms these inequities, and associates them with various axes, including socioeconomic status (SES) and ethnicity. A conceptual framework, Williams' model, is proposed to explain how basic and surface causal factors have resulted in such inequities in paediatric asthma in NZ. Finally, this essay ...

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Erythropoietin: Advantages and Disadvantages for Athletes

26 Mar 2018

4 (1,306 )

EPO (Erythropoietin), its advantages and disadvantages for endurance athletes. For the purposes of this essay an understanding of what EPO (Erythropoietin) is will be established. An understanding of how EPO works in the body will also be established. EPO’s use in medicinal practice is wide and varied and will be referred to also. Given an understanding of its mechanism and its effect on the body, its ...

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Reactive Arthritis: Causes, Features and Treatments

26 Mar 2018

6 (2,333 )

Reactive arthritis Minor changes. References reduced. 64.58 Reactive Arthritis Ramesh M Bhat M and Rochelle C Monteiro Introduction Reactive arthritis (ReA) is defined as an episode of peripheral arthritis of more than one 1-month duration occurring in association with conjunctivitis and urethritis and/or cervicitis. It is triggered by an infection, most often in the gastrointestinal or urogenital tract. It is also known as Reiter’s syndrome, ...

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OSHA Considerations for Reducing PELs for Crystalline Silica

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,424 )

OSHA considerations for reducing PELs for crystalline silica Presented by: Sepideh Sadeghi   Introduction Crystalline silica is known as an important constituent in some construction materials like stone, sand, concrete, and granite (1, 2). It comes from different industrial activities such as agriculture, sandblasting, mining, foundry, construction, oil and gas extraction, and hydraulic fracturing (3). Crystalline silica is present in the form of Quartz, ...

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MRI for Diagnosis of Mycetoma or Madura Foot

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,628 )

“Dot in Circle” sign — a unique attribute of mycetoma foot on MRI: a report of two cases Aggarwal A, Gupta M, Patel B N, Patel S B   Abstract Mycetoma or Madura Foot is a chronic localized granulomatous disease characterized by exuberant granulomatous tissue formation involving the subcutaneous plane. It is most common in tropical countries. Diagnosis has been traditionally done by microbiological culture and ...

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Effect of Solanezumab on Alzheimer’s Disease

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,963 )

Solanezumab Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is chronic neurodegenerative disease which has a slow development which worsens over a period of time ('Alzheimer's Disease' 2009). This disease is commonly linked with the overabundance of aggregated amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptide within the cerebral cortex and hippocampus (Doody et al. 2014). Solanezumab an Alzheimer’s drug is a monoclonal IgG1 antibody which is used against the mid-domain of the Aβ peptide (Alzforum.org ...

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Axenfeld Reigers Syndrome Case Study

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,911 )

  Axenfeld Reigers Syndrome - Implications from Dentist point of view SUMMARY Up to 150 words summarising the case presentation and outcome (this will be freely available online) A 4 year old male patient reported with the complaint of multiple decayed teeth. On oral examination, ankyloglossia and hypodontia affecting deciduous as well as permanent ...

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Monoamine Oxidase (Warrior Gene) and Maori Behaviour

26 Mar 2018

8 (3,182 )

Monoamine Oxidase (Warrior Gene) and Its Relation to Maori Behaviour Roberto S. Recto Jr.   Abstract This essay tackled primarily on the significant link between Monoamine Oxidase (Warrior Gene) and Maori behaviour. Specifically, this may determine the possible causes of the aggressiveness of the Maori population group as observed by other researchers and scientists as explained on their arguments. The study discussed the census of ...

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Patients With and Without Varicocele: Biochemical Markers

26 Mar 2018

10 (3,836 )

Differences in Biochemical Markers and Body Mass Index Between Patients With and Without Varicocele Background: Varicocele is characterized by abnormal tortuosity and dilatation of the veins of the pampiniform plexus within the spermatic cord and is one of the causes of male infertility. This study aimed to evaluate the differences in bio- chemical markers and body mass index (BMI) between patients with and without varicocele. Methods: ...

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Effect of Various Factors on DNA of Human Sperms

26 Mar 2018

10 (3,995 )

In vitro study of the effect of various factors on DNA of Human sperms Dave Avani1, Jain NK1, Patel Himanshu 2, Patel Madhuri 2, Bhatt Vidisha 2, Patel Komal2, Mallick Sarada3, *Srivastava Pradeep 3   Abstract Aim: Effect of various clinical compound and environmental conditions were studied for the in vitro fragmentation of the human sperm DNA, as well on the quality of semen samples. Method: ...

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Comparison of Available Psoriasis Treatments

23 Mar 2018

4 (1,425 )

Although there is no available cure for psoriasis at present, there are different approaches to treat psoriasis and all you need to do is choose the best method.What works for your friend might not work for you.The severity of the condition, health and fitness of the sufferer, age, and other factors affect the extent of the needed treatment. Doctors often try several methods with utmost care ...

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Critical Review of Post-Mortem Sperm Retrieval (PMSR)

23 Mar 2018

6 (2,118 )

Introduction Post-mortem sperm retrieval (PMSR) is a procedure that has given rise numerous legal and ethical concerns, including: consent for procedure, ownership and assignment of sperm as a possession, divergence on the inheritance of the offspring and conflict over the introduction of sperm retrieval in organ donation (Pastuzak, et al., 2013). There is no agreement on the use of PMSR at different levels from institutional to ...

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Reducing Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections

23 Mar 2018

11 (4,218 )

Literature Review: Reducing Incidences of Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections A bundle is a group of interventions related to a disease process, that when executed together, produce better outcomes than when implemented individually. Numerous studies done in the developed countries have shown that proper implementation of evidence based practices grouped together as central venous catheter bundle had brought a dramatic reduction in the incidence of CLABSI. ...

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Assessing Pain in in Post Operative Breast Cancer Patients

23 Mar 2018

7 (2,763 )

Comparison between Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) and Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) for post-operative pain assessment in Saudi Arabian breast cancer patients. Questions Does BPI assess post-operative breast cancer pain more accurately than NRS? Summary: Effective pain assessment is one of the fundamental criteria of the management of pain. It involves the evaluation of pain intensity, location of the pain and response to treatment. There are a number of multi and one-dimensional assessment tools that have already been established to assess cancer pain. Among these are the Brief ...

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Preparations Prior to Surgery

23 Mar 2018

7 (2,425 )

Table 6. Common adverse reactions during administration of local anaesthetics and their management 34 Signs and symptoms Cause Corrective measures CNS excitation: headache, anxiety, tingling of lips and tongue, twitching,,slurred speech, metallic taste in mouth,light headedness, tinnitus, seizures Cardiac depression: hypotension Respiratory depression Lignocaine toxicity Stop further administration of local ...

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Technique to Facilitate Treatment of Urethral Strictures

23 Mar 2018

4 (1,453 )

Title: A simple technique to facilitate treatment of urethral strictures with optical internal urethrotomy Konstantinos Stamatiou MD,PhD,Consultant Urologist, Urology Dpt, General Hospital "Tzanio", Piraeus, Greece Aggeliki Papadatou MD, Radiology Resident, Radiology & Interventional Radiology Dpt, General Hospital "Tzanio", Piraeus, Greece Hippocrates Moschouris MD, Consultant Radiologist, Radiology & Interventional Radiology Dpt, General Hospital "Tzanio", Piraeus, Greece Corresponding author: Aggeliki Papadatou, General Hospital "Tzanio", Zanni & Afentouli 1 str, ...

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Symptomatic Intratendinous Ganglion Cyst of Peroneus Tertius

23 Mar 2018

4 (1,457 )

Symptomatic intratendinous ganglion cyst of the peroneus tertius in an Irish dancer ABSTRACT The case of an 18-year-old female high level Irish dancer who presented with a painful mass at dorsum of the foot is reported. A database search of Medline and PubMed only revealed one such case and it did not result from sport injury. This is the first case of intratendinous ganglion cyst of ...

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Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

23 Mar 2018

5 (1,794 )

CHAPTER 5 – TREATMENT As we have read previously, clinically isolated syndrome may develop to multiple sclerosis and because there is no way of determining whether an individual will undergo to develop MS after having an episode of demyelination, making the decision to treat and monitor the ongoing changes very difficult. Evidence have suggested that the earlier the start of disease modifying agents in the early ...

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Safety Assessment: Benzalkonium Chloride as Sanitising Agent

23 Mar 2018

7 (2,654 )

Benzalkonium Chloride Benzalkonium chloride or BAC is an antibacterial agent belonging to the quaternary ammonium compound group. It is widely used in the health care industry and cosmetic industry as an antimicrobial and cleansing agent. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 0.1-0.13% w/w BAC is considered safe and effective as an “antiseptic drug product”.55 BAC has also been recognized as safe and effective when ...

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Dental Prosthetic for a 5 Year Old Child

23 Mar 2018

2 (548 )

FIXED FUNCTIONAL AESTHETIC APPLIANCE: A GOOD SAMARITAN FOR 5 YEAR OLD CHILD DESCRIPTION Up to 250 words summarising the importance of the image(s) Deciduous maxillary incisor’s early loss leads to linguo distal inclination, space loss, collapse of anterior incisor segment and midline shift.[1] Missing upper front teeth causes para functional habits, depression leading to ...

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Therapeutic Hypothermia for Postnatal Refractory Hypoxemia

23 Mar 2018

4 (1,531 )

THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA FOR POSTNATAL REFRACTORY HYPOXEMIA« A CASE REPORT IN A TERM NEONATE K. Sarafidis1, E. Diamanti1, V. Soubasi1, K. Mitsakis2, V. Orossou-Agakidou1, Bianca Popovici3, M. Moga3     Summary We describe a term neonate treated with whole-body hypothermia several days after birth to counteract refractory hypoxemia due to persistent pulmonary hypertension unresponsive to optimal treatment. This approach was selected to improve oxygenation and protect the ...

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Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting: a Novel Approach

23 Mar 2018

12 (4,445 )

ADVERSE DRUG REACTION REPORTING, A NOVEL APPROACH Author: Abdul Latif Sheikh*, Ale Zehra*, Salwa Zubair*, Muhammad Zeeshan Khan*   ABSTRACT: Globally adverse drug reactions (ADRs) has major contribution in public health cost & mortality ratio. Therefore it’s a crucial time for an ongoing ADR-monitoring and new easy advance reporting program which provides benefits to the health care professionals & patients. The aim of hosting a ADRs ...

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Quality of Life in Cervical Cancer Patients in India

23 Mar 2018

8 (2,882 )

Abstract Introduction: Cervical cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women in India. Understanding quality of life (QOL) in women undergoing chemo-radiotherapy for cervical cancer. It will help in introducing interventions for better care and outcomes in these women. This study assessed the QOL before and after chemo-radiotherapy in cervical cancer patients. Methods: This follow up study was undertaken at Dr. B.R.A Institute Rotary Cancer ...

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Overview of Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome (OHS)

23 Mar 2018

7 (2,642 )

Dr Pradeep Venkatesh Histoplasmosis Amol D Kulkarni and Suresh R Chandra Introduction Histoplasmosis is a systemic disease caused by Histoplasma capsulatum.1 Introduction Histoplasmosis is a systemic disease caused by Histoplasma capsulatum.1 It produces intracellular granulomatous inflammation of many organs including eyes, lungs, liver, spleen, etc. Ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (OHS) is characterized by a triad of signs –of punched-out atrophic choroidal scars in the macula or ...

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Development of Rat Cranial Blood Vessels: Ethanol

23 Mar 2018

7 (2,754 )

Gadgieva Aminat Usmanovna   Morphological changes of cranial venae cavae of rats in the early postnatal ontogenesis under the influence of ethanol Abstract Background: Morphology of major arterial and venous lines at different ages, and especially their changes under the experimental exposure gives a deeper understanding of problems in the structure of blood vessels in normal and pathological conditions. Aim: To study the changes ...

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Mechanisms of Musculoskeletal Pain

23 Mar 2018

3 (1,082 )

Musculo-skeletal pain is a complex sensation where sensory, affective and cognitive dimensions of pain alongwith parallel neural networks in brain are associated with constellation of factors. Though pain occurs to show protective gesture, but when it surpasses threshold, exerts debilitating effect upon health and triggers concomitant physiological and psychological concerns of perilous ramifications. Right from the activation of primary afferent nociceptors upto the cortical processing of ...

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APC Hypermethylation as a Prostate Cancer Indicator

23 Mar 2018

7 (2,501 )

Evaluation of APC Hypermethylation From Serum Samples as an Indicator for Presence of Prostate Cancer and Higher Gleason Score Abstract Purpose In this prospective study it is aimed to identify role of hypermethlation analysis of APC gene from serum samples on detection of prostate cancer in patients with PSA level 2,5-10 ng/ml and its correlation with GS of the patients Materials and Methods Data from 142 ...

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Medico-Legal Examination of a Radiography Incident

21 Mar 2018

4 (1,362 )

Patients’ safety is of huge paramount when undergoing diagnostic treatment. It is the participating staff’s fiduciary duty to ensure patients do not sustain any injury during this process. But however, sometimes mistakes happen and when injuries occur, there could be repercussions. These mistakes could be as a result of negligence, no up to date training and incompetence. According to the Management of Health and Safety at ...

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Comparison of Drug Delivery Systems

21 Mar 2018

5 (1,786 )

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Current Status of Drug Delivery Systems During the past two decades, Drug development technology in Pharmaceutical Industry with innovations in formulation development have received a lot of attention. Drug delivery as an opportunity to extend product life cycles has indeed proved its place in the market with significant advantages of therapeutic gains as well as commercial success. In India drug development technology is ...

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Effect of Overdenture on Teeth Stability

21 Mar 2018

6 (2,149 )

Effect of overdenture with vital and non-vital abutment teeth on the teeth stability Abstract Objective: This study aimed to examine the effect of overdenture over vital and non-vital abutment teeth on the teeth stability. Methods: An experimental study was conducted as non-randomized controlled trial at Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Albaha University, Saudi Arabia during 12 months (December 2013 to November 2014). Thirty patients were voluntary ...

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Emerging Threat of Invasive Fungal Infections

21 Mar 2018

8 (3,013 )

Introduction Emerging threat of Invasive Fungal Infections Invasive fungal infection continues to be a major problem associated with high morbidity and mortality mainly to immunocompromised patients as well as to immunocomptent patients but to a much lower extent. (1) Invasive fungal infection and fungemia are caused by a variety of fungal pathogens. The most commonly isolated yeasts are Candida species (spp.) and Cryptococcus spp. Aspergillus species ...

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Case Study: Urachal Carcinoma in a Young Man

21 Mar 2018

6 (2,134 )

A rare case of urachal carcinoma in a young man Young Kwon Hong, Haeyoun Kang1, Moon Hyung Kang, Dong Soo Park   INTRODUCTION Urachal carcinoma accounts for less than 1% of bladder cancers and approximately 40% of vesical adenocarcinomas. Historically, patients tend to have a poor prognosis, with 5-year survival rates of 6.5–61.0%. Therefore it is important to detect the disease as early as ...

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Response of Blood Urea using RF Scalar Network Analyzer

21 Mar 2018

6 (2,300 )

“2015 International Conference on Technologies for Sustainable Development (ICTSD-2015), Feb. 04 – 06, 2015, Mumbai, India” Ingrid Anne P. Nazareth, Rajendra S. Gad, Sulaxana R. Vernekar, Gourish M. Naik   Abstract—Urea content in the human blood is an important parameter to monitor the healthy state of a human being. Normally a patient is sent to pathological laboratories for blood extraction to quantify the actual urea percentage. Although this method ...

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Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Specimen Removal

21 Mar 2018

6 (2,166 )

Removing the specimen with traction during robotic radical prostatectomy Serkan Altinova, Abidin Egemen Isgoren, Ziya Akbulut, Muhammed Fuat Ozcan, Abdullah Erdem Canda, Ali Fuat Atmaca, Mevalana Derya Balbay Key words: Prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy, specimen, traction Abstract Purpose: Our aim was to show if removing the specimen with traction during robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy cause positive surgical margin or not. Materials and Methods: 169 patients ...

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Clinical and Mycological Profile of Dermatophytosis

21 Mar 2018

4 (1,531 )

A CLINICAL AND MYCOLOGICAL PROFILE OF DERMATOPHYTOSIS IN KLES DR PRABHAKAR KORE HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE, BELGAUM” Dolly M.B.B.S. Department of Dermatology, J.N. Medical College, Belgaum, India B. S. Manjunathswamy M.D .Department of Dermatology, J.N. Medical College, Belgaum, India S.G.Karadesai M.D. Department of Microbiology, J.N. Medical College, Belgaum, India   ABSTRACT Aim: To study the clinical and mycological profile of dermatophytosis in tertiary care ...

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Process of Appendix Removal

21 Mar 2018

4 (1,367 )

Natalija Miller   Process Description of Appendix Removal Appendectomy: The appendix itself is a small, finger-like projection off the large intestine. Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix due to a block in the opening to the colon, or by an infection (US National Library of Medicine, 2014). An appendectomy then, is the surgical procedure done to remove the appendix, usually in cases where ...

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Upper Respiratory Infections: Causes and Properties

30 Jan 2018

2 (461 )

Robert Middleton Case Study: Upper Respiratory Infections Nature of Upper Respiratory Infections The upper respiratory tract includes the mouth, nose, throat, larynx, and trachea and diseases are named for the anatomical sites that are involved with the infection. Sinusitis is named for the inflammation and infection of the sinus cavity; pharyngitis, the inflammation and infection of the throat; laryngitis, the inflammation of the larynx; and tonsillitis, the ...

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Multilevel Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Treatment

29 Jan 2018

8 (2,911 )

Comparison between anterior approaches and posterior approaches for the treatment of multilevel cervical spondylotic myelopathy: a meta analysis Abstract Objective: Both anterior and posterior approaches are used in the treatment of multilevel cervical spondylotic myelopathy (MCSM) due to spinal stenosis or ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL). However, the optimal strategy remains controversial. To compare the clinical results between the two approaches, a meta-analysis was conducted. ...

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Strategies for Cancer Treatment

29 Jan 2018

4 (1,316 )

Cancer is one of the most severe health problems in the world. So the development of new anticancer drugs and new effective strategies to treat cancer is on the rise in drug discovery and clinical therapy. One of the major causes for morbidity and mortality is cancer, alone in 2008 there are approximately 12.7 million cases and 7.6 million deaths worldwide. A diagnosis of cancer goes ...

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Injury Underlying Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP)

25 Jan 2018

8 (2,962 )

Mechanism of Injury Underlying Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy Introduction Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP) is defined as a flaccid paresis of an upper extremity due to traumatic stretching of the brachial plexus occurring at birth, where the passive range of motion is greater than the active (Evans-Jones et al. 2003: F185–F189). Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy results from injury to the cervical roots C5-C8 and thoracic root ...

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Treatment for Patients with Trauma After Head-on Collisions

25 Jan 2018

7 (2,614 )

The Optimal Treatment for Patients with Trauma Following Head-on Collisions Trauma patients always call for specialized treatment and also care in a bid to save their lives. The existing literature always underpins the conviction that trauma-related mortality could be worked down through promptly absolute consideration conveyed by means of a multidisciplinary approach. Each health care institution with an enthusiasm for looking after the injured ought to ...

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Health Risks of Coronary Heart Disease: Literature Review

25 Jan 2018

9 (3,320 )

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the main cause of death and disability in the United Kingdom (UK) and the sole most frequent cause of early death. In spite of a drop in CHD mortality in recent years, there are approximately 120,000 deaths per year in the UK making the quotient amongst the uppermost compared to the rest of the world (British Heart Foundation (BHF), 2003). Additionally, ...

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Health Effects of Hazardous Chemicals from Old Electronics

25 Jan 2018

3 (1,178 )

What are the effects on human health of hazardous chemicals from obsolete electronic products? With the rapid advancements in technology and engineering of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the ‘waste mountain’ of obsolete electrical products appears to be growing at an alarming rate. This essay evaluates five Internet-available resources which directly address the title in an attempt to assess the level of evidence available ...

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