Strategies for Forecasting Emergency Department Demand

31 Jan 2018

9 (3,570 )

A Multivariate Time Series Approach to Modeling and Forecasting Demand in the Emergency Department Introduction: Reports by the General Accounting Office, American College of Emergency Physicians, and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) depict an overburdened United States' crisis care framework described by congestion and patient consideration delays. From 1993 to 2003 crisis division (ED) visits expanded by 26% while the quantity of EDs diminished by 9%. ...

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Strategies to Develop Employee Satisfaction in Healthcare

29 Jan 2018

5 (1,751 )

Motivation and Discipline That Brings Employee Satisfaction in Healthcare Crystal Mullen   ASSIGNMENT: Read the following scenarios and answer the questions in paragraph format. The answer for each scenario should be 2 pages in length. Your final submission should be 4-5 pages in length. Scenario 1: With the continued focus on managed care, your employees are worried that focusing on cost cutting will reduce ...

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Health Care Management and Information System in NHS London

16 Jan 2018

5 (1,639 )

Analysis of the Health Care Management and Information System in NHS London. Virender Singh Research Proposal MBA Table of Contents Rational of Research.................................................................................................................3 Specific Aim..............................................................................................................................3 General Objectives....................................................................................................................3 Literature Review .....................................................................................................................4 Statement of the Problem .........................................................................................................5 Scope of the research.................................................................................................................6 Research Methodology...............................................................................................................6 Significance of research ............................................................................................................6 References..................................................................................................................................7 Rational of Research A Management Information System (MIS) gives data that is required to oversee associations effectively and successfully. MISs ...

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Comparison of Stroke Rehabilitation Guidelines

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

11 (4,319 )

Stroke is considered to be the third cause of death and disability for millions of people in developed countries (1). Stroke is the clinical manifestation of a wide range of pathologies, with different etiologies and prognoses, and many risk factors. Stroke is defined as a syndrome characterized by rapidly developing clinical symptoms and/or signs of focal loss of cerebral function, in which symptoms last more than 24 ...

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Analysis of the Healthcare Reform Act

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

6 (2,329 )

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services the Health policy broadly describes actions taken by governments national, state, and local to advance the public's health. It is not a single action but requires a range of legislative and regulatory efforts ranging from ensuring air and water quality to supporting cancer research. Health care policy deals with the organization, financing and delivery of health care ...

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Inappropriate Use of Social Media in Healthcare

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

5 (1,819 )

The rapid growth and widespread use of social media has changed the way many people communicate and share information. Social media include various websites such as Facebook and Twitter which are the two most popular social networking providers, video sharing websites like YouTube, a variety of blogs which enable users to post their own articles and allow visitors to leave feedback, discussion forums and other social networking ...

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A Health Promotion Initiative for Smoking Cessation

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

9 (3,339 )

Many health promotion initiatives had been undertaken everywhere. However, the most important is that such initiatives should establish certain aspects of characteristics based on best practice in order to be described as successful. This means that the initiative must be consistent with health promotion values, theories, evidence and understating of the environment (Kahan & Goodstadt 2005). Although the definition of health promotion practice is broadly accepted, it ...

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Advances in Composite Laminate Theories

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

9 (3,467 )

This paper reviews the Composite Laminate Theories that have already been proposed and developed in the recent years. These theories mainly focus on the macro mechanical analysis of the composite laminates which provides the elastic relations of the lamina. Stress-induced failure can occur in multiple ways in composite materials. Hence to understand and predict transverse shear and normal stress accurately, various composite laminate theories have been developed. ...

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Review of Maintaining Reproductive Health

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

7 (2,565 )

Researchers almost nerve conduct a study in an intellectual vaccum. Literature reviews can serve a number of important functions in the research process. Researchers undertake a literature review to familiarize themselves with the knowledge base. A thorough literature review helps to lay the foundation for a study, and can inspires new research ideas. Review of literature is defined as a broad, comprehensive in depth, systemic and crucial ...

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Health Benefits of Alternative Therapies

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

14 (5,322 )

The popularity of alternative therapies in the past two decades has been accompanied by a proliferation of sociological works in investigation different aspects of this phenomenon. A major strand of the literature in 'the sociology of alternative medicine', which concerns three social actors: users of alternative therapies, practitioners of alternative therapies; and physicians (the orthodoxy). Research on users of alternative medicine has mainly investigated the causes of ...

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Challenges of Health Promotion

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

3 (1,011 )

There is a very diverse range of the meaning of health between different groups of people. How a person will define what health means to them will depend on a number of factors. Arguably the most influential of these factors are; age, sex, socio-economic status, social class, location and culture. It is now recognised that there are 5 distinct dimensions of health; physical, emotional, spiritual, social and ...

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Hypokalemia After Acute Acetaminophen Overdose

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

7 (2,454 )

Objectives: This study intended to determine the prevalence of hypokalemia and its clinical correlates in acute psychiatric illness among hypokalemic and normokalemic patients after acetaminophen overdose. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of hospital admissions for acute acetaminophen overdose conducted over a period of 5 years from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2008. Demographic data and different types of psychiatric illness were compared between hypokalemic ...

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Public Health Issue: Smoking

30 Nov 2017

8 (3,118 )

ENHANCING HEALTH AND WELLBEING ACROSS POPULATIONS: INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this essay is to identify a public health issue related in my field. To facilitate the discussion smoking as a public health issue has been chosen. The holistic impact smoking have on the wellbeing of an individual will be explored. The stage of change model and the Healthy Lives (2010) policy will be explored in relation ...

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Measurement of Lying and Standing Blood Pressure

29 Nov 2017

8 (3,196 )

Jayne Flood     Introduction This report aims to discuss the best practice on the measurement of a lying and standing blood pressure. In addition to this; formulate a search strategy to provide the best evidence based practice. Doctor David Sackett defines evidence based practice as; “The conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual ...

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Healthy Settlement of Migratory Workers

29 Nov 2017

4 (1,369 )

Project on healthy settlement of migratory workers in a town of Gujarat   Background: Migration is the inevitable process of any country. People are migrating for the better opportunities and socioeconomic condition. Particularly the workforce migration is more common in last decade due to boom in construction industry in India. This inevitable process should be made safe and healthy by the local and national government. But ...

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Enabling the Visually Impaired Individual

29 Nov 2017

7 (2,521 )

3.2 Independence in Movement: The most important thing considered as a sense of independence is being able to move freely. When we loss the power to move freely and safely, this is arguable and it is more inflicted by blindness. The training programs like O&M training is a necessary condition for blind and impaired persons to bring them in society and make them interactive with the ...

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Understanding Needs in Health and Social Care

29 Nov 2017

9 (3,263 )

Introduction: There are many ways to understand the specific needs in health and social care. That’s depends on how health is impact on our life. However health is important for every man’s life. Typically, students of social and health Care for academic studies will have a work there as a discipline. Social and health care practice can provide lot of knowledge to change our outlook and ...

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Impacts of Adderall Abuse

29 Nov 2017

6 (2,008 )

The Abuse of Adderall (Blog Project) By Monisha, Kyle, and Sashwat Ethics of Adderall With the recent surge in illegal Adderall use by students, there has been many concerns with the ethics of illicit use. There is three ways you could look at it. One way is the way that is currently being used now, in which we say this is an illegal aid to memory, ...

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Impact of Colonization on Aboriginals | Alcoholism

27 Nov 2017

8 (3,113 )

Introduction The native tribes of Canada include the Inuit, The Metis and the First Nations. The term ‘First Nations' is widely used to describe Canadian Aborigines who fall in neither of the above two groups. The Inuit comprises of indigenous people leaving in the colder regions of Canada, the Arctic, Russia, and Alaska in United States. The Metis people are the direct descendants of the mixed ...

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Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care

23 Nov 2017

4 (1,512 )

Introduction: The term “Health and Social Care” is related to those integrated services, which are provided from health and social care. That means they should provide people all of the services that are related with health and society. This term can also mean that, it should be taken as a vocational and academic course from various kind of academic and vocational level such as A-Level. Biology, ...

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Analysis of the Strength Based Model of Healthcare

23 Nov 2017

8 (3,074 )

People with Diagnosis of Mental Health and Disability Strength based model Strength based practice is a way to deal with bolster that has an in number concentrate on the recognizable proof of individuals' capacities, hobbies and abilities and on their qualities and potential. Qualities construct practice is to a great extent established with respect to the work of Charles Rapp from the United States who established ...

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Measurements of Universal Health in Ethiopia

23 Nov 2017

9 (3,252 )

TASK The UK Department for International Development (UK-DFID) has recently decided to allocate funds for establishing universal health coverage in low income countries. The Director of the Global Health Division of the UK-DFID invites you to submit a scoping report with a critical assessment of the type of indicators needed to evaluate and monitor universal health coverage in a low income country of your choice. Your ...

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Amendment to Controlled Substances Act: Hydrocodone

23 Nov 2017

7 (2,752 )

H.R. 1285: To Amend the Controlled Substances Act to Make Any Substance Containing Hydrocodone a Schedule II Drug Jill Garreth   Abstract This paper describes H.R. 1285, a bill proposed to amend the Controlled Substances Act to make any substance containing hydrocodone a Schedule II drug. It explores the historical, sociocultural, ethical, economic and the political/legislative environment in which the bill was introduced. Some ...

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Education and Fertility | Literature Review

22 Nov 2017

5 (1,969 )

The relation between the education and fertility of women is a topic that has received much attention in the last decades. Some scholars have found that there is an inverse relation between the education and fertility, however, it is still unknown if this relation is causal or not. But in general, across countries, when women acquire more education, this decreases the number of children. The spread ...

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International Obesity Health Risks and Policies

19 Oct 2017

8 (3,038 )

  Anja Bialas Jörn Janssen Alice Temitope Olude   Table of content 1 Obesity as the major health risk for the population of the Republic of Nauru –Causes and Impact ………………………………………………………………. 3 2 Possibilities and constraints of health protection policies in Nauru …………….. 4 2.1 Assessment of the requirements of adequate health policies in Nauru ……... 4 2.2 Discussion of Financing Options of Social ...

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Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Case Study

03 Oct 2016 11 Oct 2017

8 (2,989 )

Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Work place Acknowledgements In to the part of acknowledgement section of this assignment author can say that this paper is a compact study about the activities of health and social care center as well as their operations. In this paper author gave a brief discussion about the matters which are directly engaged to the health and social care ...

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The Dutch Disease: Lessons from Norway

04 Oct 2017

6 (2,248 )

Methodology This research has exploratory and its empirical object is the Dutch Disease healing process by other countries and through this information offer solutions for Nigeria. The methodology used is the case study and development analysis of the strategies used by other countries for the neutralization of the Dutch Disease. The study consists in a research approach method which is characterized by describing the case of ...

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Principles of Health Social Care Practice

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

8 (3,117 )

Keywords: principles of support in health and social care Introduction: People who enjoy social care and service make enlarged risk of poormental health andbenefit. Around 4–500,000 social workers are regularly contacting with mentally ill people. To support and promote good mental health for the consumer of those services, all the staff of care services are working relentlessly. The common core principles to support better mental health ...

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Preventative Measures for Teenage Pregnancy

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

6 (2,222 )

What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. The narrowed topic of my research paper is preventative measures for teenage pregnancy. The two preventative measures for teenage pregnancy that I have an argument for are an increase in good parenting practices and expansion of sex education in public schools. Who is your ...

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Policy in Residential Care Homes

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

4 (1,513 )

Literature Review Introduction Care homes, also known as adult family homes, residential care or personal care homes offer personalized service to small groups of adults. These residential care homes provide food, meal service and assistant with personal care activities such as bathing, feeding and cleaning.   St Anne’s lodge is the one of residential care home, located in Surrey. This care home offer supervised care, meals, activities ...

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Benefits of Personalised Geriatric Care

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

7 (2,664 )

INTRODUCTION It is always best to provide an intervention to every issue that is seen. In relation to the common Geriatric problems, there are different approaches in the planning of care depending on the needs of every individual. Personalized care is being promoted and executed to further and better assist every individual who goes through such kinds of condition. In the planning of care for the ...

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Incorporating Maori Values into Health and Social Care

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

6 (2,353 )

Assessment Task 1 The Treaty of Waitangi or Tiriti o Waitangi is a written agreement signed on 6th of February 1840 between the British Crown and more than 500 Maori chiefs in Waitangi, New Zealand to negotiate sovereignty of New Zealand and to establish a British colony. The Treaty of Waitangi was intended to be a partnership between Maori and the British Crown. Even though it ...

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Implications of a Disability

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

8 (3,136 )

The differing consequences of an impairment or type of disability in relation to: Individual – At the point when a single person with dementia experiences that their balanced abilities are disintegrating, they as often as possible sense vulnerable and in essential of solace and consideration. The individuals abutting them - including their gatekeeper, health awareness collaborator loved ones - must to do whatever ...

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Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Workplace

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

8 (3,005 )

Keywords: health and safety policies in health and social care setting Table of Contents (jump to) Introduction Task 1 Policies and procedures for communicating information on health and safety in the health and social care workplace Responsibilities for management of health and safety in relation to organisational structures Analyse health and safety priorities that are appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace setting ...

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Dementia Symptoms, Causes and Strategies

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

9 (3,246 )

Symptoms of Dementia Repetitive behavior- people with dementia may say or ask anything same over and over again. Repetitive behavior also occurs when they are unsettled and unsettled. Here are some of the examples of repetetive behavior it includes tapping, rubbing hands asking questions, making same noise, it can be very irritating for some carers and family with people living with dementia. It is usually caused ...

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Theory and Practice in Maori Social Work

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

8 (3,120 )

SOCIAL WORK Integrate Theory and Practice in Social work Task 1 The treaty of Waitaki presents the agreement between Maori and the Crown. The treaty was signed on 6th February 1840 at Waitaki in the Bay of Islands. The Crown signed the treaty with 540 Maori chiefs, and 60 Maori chiefs did not agree about the treaty. The Crown has the right to govern and to ...

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Benefits of a Healthy Body Weight in the Elderly

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

4 (1,216 )

A Review Of The Benefits Of Nutritional Intervention In Improving Body Weight, BMI, Activities Of Daily Living (ADL), Decrease Functional Limitation and Healthcare Cost Among Elderly. Introduction Malnutrition is a condition in which consumption of insufficient of nutrients that are required by the body to maintain optimal function of the organs and tissues. Secondary to chronic or progressive disease, older people are vulnerable to malnutrition (Klipstein-Grobusch, ...

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Are Nursing Homes Beneficial?

09 Aug 2017 21 Sep 2017

4 (1,409 )

Cameron Bond  Specific goal: To persuade families why nursing homes are beneficial Introduction: Question: Why do you think nursing homes beneficial?[PC2] Today what I will be talking about is: What are nursing homes? What are the benefits of nursing homes? How can families pay for their loved ones nursing home stay?[PC3] Thesis Statement: [PC4]Nursing homes put more emphasis on rehabilitating residents and getting ...

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Health and Diets Today: Changes in Food Habits

16 Aug 2017 21 Sep 2017

3 (1,061 )

Nhat Nguyen Eating today Are you eating an affordable, balanced diet? In today's fast-paced living, people consume various selections of foods; especially on-the-go. How healthy are their meals? Will they ensure the overall health and safety of the consumer? According to the book, Acting Out Culture, unhealthy nutrition habits are more noticeable now than ever before. "Some 47 million Americans receive food stamps, some who ...

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Health Belief Model and Hypertension Treatment Compliance

15 Aug 2017 21 Sep 2017

15 (5,798 )

The health belief model and compliance with hypertension treatment Running title: Health Belief Model and Compliance in Hypertension Pauline E. Osamor and Olanike A. Ojelabi Pauline E. Osamor, Institute of Child Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, Olanike A. Ojelabi, Worcester State University, Urban Studies Department, Worcester, MA 01605, USA Author contributions: Osamor PE, contributed to the conception and design of the study; all authors ...

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Sexuality and Sexual Health of Canadian Adolescents

14 Aug 2017 21 Sep 2017

4 (1,271 )

Argi Dankhara Is sexual health of Canadian adolescents better than yesterday, or is it safe for tomorrow? Sexual health is a situation of physical, mental and social wellbeing about sexuality. An active and respectful approach to sexual relationship is necessary, as well as the possibility of safe and nonviolent sexual experience over the violent sexual experience. In past few years, sexual harassment has increased with ...

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Effects of Isolation in the Older Person

01 Aug 2017 21 Sep 2017

5 (1,773 )

John Burke  Introduction: My assignment will focus on the isolation of the older person in Ireland today. I will be researching and investigating all aspects of these involving reasons, causes, affects and how we as a Society can assist or even alleviate this issue in Ireland. This topic is of particular interest to me due to my own personal circumstances growing up in rural Ireland ...

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Ethical Issues for Community Treatment Orders

25 Jul 2017 21 Sep 2017

4 (1,273 )

Ekta Patel "Community Treatment Orders" refer to a legal order in which patients must accept medical care such as therapy, rehabilitations, management or coping classes, counselling or other health services while living in the public. The Community Treatment Order (CTO) accounts to serve patients with psychiatric treatment plans that are essentially established by the patient's psychiatric health provider. The CTO requires patients to comply with ...

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Personal Reflection: Experience that Changed Responsibility

11 Aug 2017 21 Sep 2017

3 (828 )

Personal experience that impacted a change in my personal responsibility Growing up, I have found my adolescent age very interesting and easy all the while. This is because of the care and love I received from my parents. The story changed when I was 12, I was enrolled into a boarding school where I was a bit separated from my parents and siblings. Even though ...

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Development of the Understanding of Dyslexia

19 Sep 2017

25 (9,919 )

Introduction The following three chapters offer not only an introduction, but an in depth analysis of the current state of the study of Dyslexia today. Much of the information evaluated for this study was based on the preeminent minds in the study of learning disabilities today. It is the responsibility of a curious society to determine the causal and symptomological relationships for a particular disorder prior ...

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Concepts and Definitions of Mental Illness

18 Sep 2017

14 (5,210 )

INTRODUCTION The conceptualisation and definition of what is meant by the term ‘mental illness’ is not a straight forward task. This is because of two key reasons. Firstly, a given definition of mental illness will be significantly affected by the specific characteristics of the source of the definition. For example, a member of the general public would be likely to provide a definition which ...

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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Post Surgery Care

18 Sep 2017

9 (3,525 )

Introduction Nursing care of the patient following major surgery is a complex task, involving holistic management of patient wellbeing in the light of several challenges to health and homeostatic stability. This essay sets out to discuss the care of one such patient, following surgery to repair an abdominal aortic aneurysm. In order to address the issue and provide the highest possible standards of individualised care, nurses ...

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Interventions for Drug Addiction: Case Study

18 Sep 2017

7 (2,721 )

18893 Many attempts have been made to arrive at a universally acceptable definition of addiction and what causes addictive behaviour but the matter still remains unresolved. People often define addiction as drug abuse and misuse. To Krivak (1982,p.83), ‘Addiction will be defined as a behaviour pattern characterised by an ongoing and overwhelming preoccupation with the used of a drug and the securing of its supply.’ This ...

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Partnership in Health and Social Care: Rochdale Case Study

14 Aug 2017 05 Sep 2017

8 (3,079 )

Introduction Partnership relationships in health and social care exist between service users and agencies like the social services, educational institutions, their families, occupational therapists, social workers, GPs and Nurses, teachers etc. Agencies in the health and social care system are also expected to work together for better outcomes for the service users they care for. If these relationships are organized effectively the outcomes for the ...

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Impact of Policies on Health and Social Care Setting

14 Aug 2017 05 Sep 2017

6 (2,234 )

2:1 Explain the implementation of national polices, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to your work in the health and social care setting In my  place of work it imperative  that we follow the guide line,  I will be looking at national polices ,legislation ,regulations and codes of practice that was implement to help staff and health care provider to care and ...

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Conflicts in Healthcare Organisations

10 Aug 2017 05 Sep 2017

6 (2,280 )

CONFLICT AND TEAM EFFECTIVENESS INTRODUCTION (SCENARIO) LOCATION :- MIDDLEMORE HOSPITAL Middlemore is a tertiary public care hospital which is managed by Counties Manukau Health Board. It provides several kinds of health and social care services. It is 800 bedded hospital with 24 operation theatres. In the hospital different kinds of departments are present. Around 4700 staff members providing their services in all departments. All the ...

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Responsibilities of Health and Social Care Workplace

10 Aug 2017 05 Sep 2017

6 (2,239 )

1.2. Assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for the management of health and safety in relation to organisational structure. The business dictionary defines organisational structure as: The typically hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority, communications, rights and duties of an organization. Organizational structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows ...

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Crisis of Low Morale in Nursing Staff

09 Aug 2017 05 Sep 2017

4 (1,284 )

Introduction of Firm This case study describes Los Rayos a medical center that is in a nurse crisis not only for their high turn over rate but for their low morale among its nursing staff. Although the hospital works diligently to provide quality care to its patients it is failing in many areas due to understaffed and overworked nursing staff. Mandated to keep up government ...

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Models of Infectious Diseases

08 Aug 2017 05 Sep 2017

13 (5,187 )

1.1 Introduction As an aspiring doctor, I am always on the lookout for medical news and keeping up to date with the current affairs is something that has always interested me. Another thing which has sparked my attention over the recent years is the ability of mathematicians and scientists to model infectious disease, in order for the medical professionals to make decisions on how best ...

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Meanings of Health - An Overview

01 Aug 2017 05 Sep 2017

5 (1,700 )

Definitions of health The concept of health means different things to different people. Early meanings of 'health' Prior to World War II, health was viewed as the opposite to illness. If there was no evidence of disease or physical illness, we were considered health Any breakdown in the body system meant it was not healthy - this view suggested if you were ill - ...

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Signs of Elder Financial Abuse

01 Aug 2017 05 Sep 2017

13 (4,861 )

CHAPTER 1: METHODS AND TACTICS OF AN ELDER FINANCIAL ABUSER Our families, communities and state legal system have worked in recent years to protect our loved ones from elder financial abuse. That said, families with elder adults still share a deep fear about the physical, mental and financial safety of their loved ones. Elder abusers, however reprehensible, often find ways to circumvent the protections that ...

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US Attitudes to Mental Illness

28 Jul 2017 05 Sep 2017

2 (643 )

Mental health is one of the primary issues that substantive open deliberation has not been connected to have a decisive concession to what really should be finished. Belittling alludes to the incomplete treatment of individuals because of their conditions. It essentially alludes to the segregation of people on account of different reasons or angles; which might possibly be supported. Mental criticism is one territory which ...

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Neurobiological Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on At-Risk

27 Jul 2017 05 Sep 2017

5 (1,672 )

Neurobiological Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on At-Risk Populations Throughout adolescence, the brain is not fully formed. The growth occurs in Executive Functioning. Executive functioning is your ability to plan, organize, and to defer instant gratification. It's like the "air traffic control center of the brain" (Executive Function & Self-Regulation, 2015, p. 1. It helps to regulate certain brain tasks to guard against impulsive decisions. ...

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Humanistic Care Model for Higher Education Development

27 Jul 2017 05 Sep 2017

7 (2,420 )

Analysis and Contemporary Humanistic Care Model for Higher Education Development under the Perspective of interaction Keywords: Humane care, interaction, education, educational patterns, trends, analysis. Abstract. Global economic integration to promote the development of higher engineering education to the international, diversified, collaborative and other direction. Based on the analysis of the development trend of higher engineering education on the basis of international education around environmental factors ...

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Healthcare and Public Health Critical Infrastructure Sector

25 Jul 2017 05 Sep 2017

5 (1,804 )

In order to optimize the security and resilience of the countries critical infrastructure, it is essential for a concerted approach that integrates all relevant partners and stakeholders. The healthcare and public health sector are crucial partners towards this end. The continuity of healthcare operations in times of emergency is quintessential. They role is disaster response and response makes them an asset and elevates their importance ...

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Partnership in Health and Social Care

14 Aug 2017

3 (809 )

LO3 3.1 Evaluate possible outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organisations. In all partnerships working for users of services, professionals and organisations, outcomes are positive and negative. Positive outcomes: Partnership can result to situation where in committed employees will deliver improved services to the services users which will consequently improve their wellbeing. Positive outcomes are to improve services, empowerment, autonomy ...

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Challenges to Healthcare Industry Post Brexit

25 Jul 2017

5 (1,792 )

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The report will address three challenges in which the health care industry within the UK might have to deal with after the referendum to leave. It will also include the impact of those three challenges within the global staff in the health care industry. These will be done by linking the impact of these challenges to the relevant examples in the global staffing. ...

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Impact of HIV on Society

23 Mar 2015 24 Jul 2017

8 (2,864 )

Keywords: impact of hiv aids, economic impact hiv aids The human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) pandemic is one of the most serious contemporary sexual health related issue affecting the human race today. By the end of 2009, it was approximated that 34 million people were living with the HIV virus and deaths related to AIDS were about 1.8 million people. HIV/AIDS has been the worst pandemic ...

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Teenage Pregnancy Study in the Philippines

24 Jul 2017

8 (2,927 )

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Philippines teenage pregnancy rate has increased by 60% in the year 2000- 2010, according to the Philippine National Statistics Office. This is very alarming. Teenage pregnancy often occurs between the ages of 15-19 years old, often in this age the girls are still studying. With early pregnancy the girls usually have to abandon their education to give birth or raise their child. ...

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Eating Disorder Case Study

24 Jul 2017

4 (1,280 )

‘When normal eating becomes abnormal’ Eating is a crucial activity for humans, as the food we consume acts to provide us with the fuel we need to keep our bodies running, and to live our daily lives. Normal levels of eating can be characterised as consuming just enough calories (of energy) to allow us to function as we require, and not to have so much left ...

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Impact of Public Smoking Ban

23 Mar 2015 17 Jul 2017

5 (1,923 )

Keywords: types of smokers, public smoking ban malaysia For decades, Malaysia has severe problems with cigarette-smoking issues (Mackay 1996). Currently, smoking has been recognized as the major drug killer in Malaysia, bringing with its huge human and economic costs. As a result, afflictions caused by cigarette smoking have taken the lives of around 3,500 Malaysian citizens in each year (Facts About Tobacco & Smoking 2008). There are ...

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Healthcare Policy in the US

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

7 (2,521 )

Keywords: health policy essay, health policy development A healthcare policy is a set of rules and regulations that are put into effect to assist in the operation and the shape of health delivery. A healthcare policy covers a range of issue including public health, chronic illness and disability, long-term care, the financing of health care, preventive health care and mental health. There are two models of a ...

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Therapeutic Recreation Models

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

11 (4,163 )

Keywords: tr models, leisure ability model, health promotion model Therapeutic Recreation seeks to promote the capacity and ability of groups and individuals to make self determined and responsible choices, in light of their needs to grow, to explore new perspectives and possibilities, and to realise their full potential. Within this assignment I am going to critically compare and evaluate the use of the following models in the ...

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Health Problems in Pakistan

23 Mar 2015 13 Jul 2017

21 (8,125 )

Keywords: healthcare system in pakistan, health care problems pakistan At the time of the independence, Pakistan inherited a health care delivery system that was a heritage of grand British period. This system was in the shape of public health services and some curative services In Pakistan the planning and formulation of health policies is dealt by federal government and the provincial government has the responsibility to ensure ...

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Inequalities in Health Care Essay

23 Mar 2015 10 Jul 2017

3 (1,160 )

Keywords: health and social care inequality, health inequality uk The conditions in which people live have a profound influence on their health. Difference in health between individuals and population groups exist in all societies. For example younger age population generally have good health compared to elder population. This kind of health difference cannot be concluded as health inequality because it is natural. So the question is that ...

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Components of Kangaroo Mother Care

23 Mar 2015 06 Jul 2017

10 (3,642 )

Keywords: components of kmc, kmc analysis The literature search has been divided in different categories to present the effects of kangaroo mother care (KMC). After stating the organization of the paper the first section will provide the definition, history, and components of KMC. The second section will describe the Universe of Developmental Care Model and its components. The next section will reflect on the effects of KMC ...

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Oxford Strengthening Technique Analysis

23 Mar 2015 03 Jul 2017

7 (2,413 )

Keywords: oxford technique, oxford technique of strength progression Strengthening exercise was used comprehensively in sport training and rehabilitation setting which recognize as an important exercise mode for sport performance as well as health purposes. The term strengthening exercise and resistive training was used interchangeably which targets to improve the maximum amount of force that can be generated by a particular muscle group. It can be define as ...

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Pre-activity Health Screening Case Study

23 Mar 2015 29 Jun 2017

5 (1,996 )

Keywords: pre activity screening, pre activity readiness When an inactive person decides to participate in physical activity for the first time, there is a risk of possible major coronary problems. Sharkey and Gaskill (2007) state that inactive people who decide to start an activity are five times more at risk during vigorous exercise. The risk of engaging in exercise varies by the type of exercise and intensity, ...

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Partnerships in Healthcare

23 Mar 2015 27 Jun 2017

7 (2,786 )

Keywords: nhs partnerships, healthcare partnership types The partnership is a formal official arrangement of entities and or individuals to work together. The partnership importantly helps to find the problem and to solve the problems in local communities. So, the partnership can be defined as an arrangement where entities and individuals agree to work together to achieve a common goal. So it is also define as relationship which ...

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Increasing Cervical Screening for BME Women in the UK

23 Mar 2015 14 Jun 2017

16 (6,312 )

Keywords: cervical screening bme, cervical screening limitations, cervical screening ethnic minorities It was not until 1988 that the NHS cervical screening programme began; since then it has proved to be a successful scheme in the detection and prevention of cervical cancer saving 4500 lives per year (NHS Cervical Screening Programme 2008, Care Commission 2008). Despite the effectiveness of smear tests, evidence shows that only 80% of women ...

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Reflective Essay on Smoking Cessation

23 Mar 2015 14 Jun 2017

6 (2,119 )

Keywords: nursing smoking cessation interventions, smoking cessation essay, health promotion smoking This essay provides a reflective account of the delivery of an opportunistic smoking cessation intervention. In constructing this account, Gibbs (1988) model of reflection has been utilised, which incorporates the following components: description; feelings; evaluation; analysis; conclusion; and action plan. Description Whilst shadowing a practice nurse, I was provided with the opportunity to implement a brief ...

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CMOP-E Case Study Example

23 Mar 2015 13 Jun 2017

4 (1,562 )

Keywords: cmope institutional environment Mrs. B is a 54 year old woman diagnosed with schizophrenia. After being stabilized with medication and receiving treatment, she struggled with finding and maintaining employment but eventually found a job as a sales associate. Recently, she was referred to see the OT because she was beginning to feel dissatisfied with her job and wanted to explore other options. In the past, she ...

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Agency Roles in Health and Disease

23 Mar 2015 13 Jun 2017

8 (2,952 )

Introduction Health is a one of the main are in any country. Public health and social care is the area which has more government concern. Due to different factors there are many health hazards reported all over the world. These factors need to consider very seriously and within the country health management policies and procedures need to be updated to control some of the issues. The health ...

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Tissue Types in the Human Body

23 Mar 2015 12 Jun 2017

4 (1,253 )

A tissue is a large collection of cells that carry out a specific function together. Organisms are made up of groups of different tissues. There are four main types of tissues, these are: Epithelial tissue, Muscle tissue, Connective tissue and Nervous tissue. These four tissue types each have their own specific function vital the human body. Because of this, each type of tissue contain cells with specific ...

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Mental Health Service User Case Study

23 Mar 2015 06 Jun 2017

13 (4,821 )

1.1 "Decision making by nurses is now firmly established in practice, policy and educational agendas. New constantly evolving, roles, and a policy context that is challenging traditional professional boundaries mean that, more than ever, nurses are being given autonomy and power to be able to exercise their decision choices (Thompson, 2001)". 1.2 Clinical decision making may be defined as having a variety of options and choices and ...

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Socioeconomic Determinants Of Health

23 Mar 2015 01 Jun 2017

9 (3,244 )

1.1 Explain the effects of socioeconomic influences on healthRecent evidence suggests that the health of the population in the United Kingdom continues to improve. However, despite this many people will experience an inequality in terms of their health and the chance of living in good health is unequally distributed within society (House of Common Health Committee 2009). Socio-economic status is one of the most important determinants of ...

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Prevention and Control of Locally Endemic Diseases

23 Mar 2015 31 May 2017

6 (2,153 )

Keywords: control of endemic diseases, locally endemic diseases Worldwide, countries are facing various public health problems but at unequal intensity. Low and middle-income countries are more suffering from high burden of disease than developed countries (Lopez et al., 2006). Public health issues in the world have existed for hundreds of years and to cope with them different interventions from different people have been put in place and ...

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Nosocomial Infections: Literature Review

23 Mar 2015 31 May 2017

9 (3,270 )

Nosocomial infections are infections that are a result of treatment in a hospital or a healthcare unit. These infections are identified at least forty-eight to seventy-two hours following admission, so infections incubating, but not clinically apparent, at admission are excluded. It may also be within 30 days after discharge. With recent changes in health care delivery, the concept of nosocomial infections has sometimes been expanded to include ...

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Public Health And Health Promotion

23 Mar 2015 30 May 2017

15 (5,676 )

Keywords: community health messages, promoting health In this research paper I discussed the role of Public Relations in communicating health and delivering healthy messages to the public or community. It is more or less the same working with other ministries but Ministry of Health (MOH) are more focused on educating and promoting healthy lifestyle. There are five strategic SMART objectives that as a PR need to be ...

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Effects of Dementia | Considering Gender and Age

23 Mar 2015 26 May 2017

5 (1,920 )

Keywords: dementia effects, dementia and age, dementia and gender Dementia has been associated with impaired memory, poor orientation, low thinking capacity, low comprehension, language problems, poor calculation, poor judgment and learning capacity. With such effects there is need to establish the magnitude on the patients so as to paint a clear picture of the pandemic. This proposal seeks to identify the effects of dementia with patients in ...

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American Vs Australian Healthcare Systems

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

5 (1,773 )

The following essay discusses personal observations of the United States of America's health care system and breaks it down in terms of equity efficiency and access. These observations are then compared with knowledge of the Australian health system and produce detailed evidence of the positive and negative aspects of both. Through this comparison the Australian use of the mixed market of operating healthcare is seen to be ...

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Zancolli Classification Hand Function Scale

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

17 (6,651 )

Zancolli classification hand function scale was formed by Eduardo Zancolli in 2003. He first used this scale in assessing the children with cerebral palsy who underwent reconstructive surgery. In this scale he explained about the grasping and release patterns between the wrist and fingers and hand appearance of the spastic children. He explained the hand appearance in degrees and that, degrees of extension can be measured using ...

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Injuries Associated With Tenpin Bowling

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

5 (1,807 )

Tenpin bowling is an indoor sport in which a player scores points by striking down as many pins as possible with a bowling ball rolled along a wooden or polyurethane lane. According to an estimate, more individuals play bowling than any other sports; with the notable exception of football. Also, bowling is considered to have more registered players than any other competitive sport. The governing body for ...

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Study Of Falls In The Elderly

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

10 (3,804 )

Aging is a normal phenomenon in all over the world so that the necessity of old age care is very important. WHO states that world countries have accepted the chronological age of 65 years as a definition of elderly. Nowadays, world is developing too fast I all the sectors especially in medical science and technology. It makes great differences in the life span and the quality of ...

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A Professional Development Plan

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

6 (2,144 )

In reflecting on my professional development, I consider that my skills and competencies have developed significantly and that my level of responsibility has developed to reflect this. Leading the production of the Neighbourhood Plan is a challenging task that has drawn on my skills across a very broad range of areas. It has also however been a very rewarding area of work and one that I feel ...

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Type 2 Diabetes Health Inequalities

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

15 (5,820 )

This paper will discuss diabetes mellitus, which is a chronic medical condition that worsens over time. The levels of glucose in the blood become too high because the body cannot use it properly. The pancreas fails to produce enough of the hormone insulin which controls the levels of glucose (WHO, 2002a). If diabetes is not treated, it can lead to heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, lower ...

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Radiation Protection Personal Protective Equipment

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

7 (2,525 )

Introduction: The assignment, consist of three parts including this introduction, which mentions how the assignment will take shape. Ideas and concepts taken from elsewhere for the preparation of this document will be cited appropriately within the work. The document which will be given to staff will address the issues pertaining to the appropriate use of personal protective equipment(PPE), legislations associated with their use, the principles of physics ...

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UK Health Policies on Obesity

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

9 (3,559 )

Social, economic and industrial changes have changed the patterns of life globally. Changes in diet and physical activity patterns have been central to the rise of obesity among many of the world's population. Obesity was traditionally seen as a disease of high-income countries only, but it is now replacing malnutrition and infectious diseases as a problem transcending social divides. Obesity carries a higher incidence of chronic illness ...

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Role Of Nurse Promoting Health

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

8 (3,136 )

This essay will look at the role of the nurse in promoting health of female adults (25-45) in terms of sexual health and behaviour. It will give definitions of Sexual health and promotion, which will also cover areas such as health models in relation to sexual health and behaviour. It will give an overview of what the role of the sexual health nurse is and throughout the ...

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Alcohol Consumption Interventions

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

16 (6,296 )

To investigate how interventions may work we will look at the effects of alcohol consumption on individuals and populations, and draw attention to the search for policies that protect health, prevent health problems such as liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease and disability, and address the social problems associated with the misuse of alcohol consumption. What alcohol policy is why it is needed, which interventions are effective, how policy ...

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Health Risk Of Cell Phones

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

5 (1,785 )

The cellular phone is a pervasive technology that has evolved from a luxury item justified only by the rich businessman to a necessity to some and an addiction to others. According to Portio Research Limited approximately 4.344 billion cell phones are in use globally. Since the latter part of 2008 one fifth of households in the United States have chosen this technology as their sole method of ...

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Electronic Health Record Benefits

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

14 (5,521 )

The electronic health record is a mean of organizing patient's data making use in the field of information technology. Its purpose is to fulfill the various needs for information not only of patients and healthcare providers but also of other beneficiaries. The implementation of electronic health record system in health care organization is very complex and involves many parameters. Introduction Electronic health record is currently used by ...

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Australia's Health Care System | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

6 (2,078 )

The key principle underlying Australian healthcare system is equity to universal access to most health care regardless of the situation or ability to pay. This is achieved since revenue for this healthcare comes from taxation. Health services are funded through Medicare and pharmaceuticals schemes which are highly subsidized by the government while public hospitals and public healthcare are partly funded by commonwealth and state funding agreements. The ...

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Decrease Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

7 (2,748 )

Patients on ventilator support are very prone to respiratory infections. These patients have no means or control over what enters their lungs or what does not. One prevalent infectious process that can occur in these patients is ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP), and affects many patients every year who require ventilator support. Ventilator associated pneumonia is a form of pneumonia, a lung infection, which occurs in mechanically ventilated ...

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Major Functions Of The Skin

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

5 (1,650 )

The skin is the largest organ of the body. Measuring between 1.5 and 2.0 square metres in an adult, it forms an extensive contact area with the environment. This contact presents a variety of important challenges, which the skin must meet in order to protect the body. It also provides important opportunities, which the skin uses to maintain homeostasis. Consider the challenges and opportunities posed by contact ...

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