Impact of Potato Production

10 Nov 2017

5 (1,999 )

Qingxin Fu The Columbian Exchange: Potato The discovery of the Americas brought a large exchange of people, diseases and crops. Corn, peppers, tomatoes, cassava, cocoa, rubber and tobacco were some of the crops introduced to the Old World. Coffee, oranges, bananas and sugar cane were introduced to the Americas. One of the most important crops brought to the Old World was the potato. Potatoes, ...

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Geohydrology and Structure: Groundwater Resource Estimation

10 Nov 2017

6 (2,047 )

  Project Title : Correlation of Geohydrology and Structure for Groundwater Resource Estimation in and Around Nandurbar Area, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, India. Name of the Candidate : Bobby P. Mathew Name and Designation Of Guide : Dr. Hrishikesh P. Samant, Associate Professor ...

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Effects of Enhanced CO2 on Tropical Forest Growth

10 Nov 2017

9 (3,492 )

James P. Smith Effects of enhanced atmospheric CO2 concentrations on tropical forest growth: experimental studies and interactions with nutrients, light, water and temperature Abstract (150 words) Introduction (300 words) Approximately 90% of earth’s 652Gt terrestrial biomass carbon is locked up in forests. Tropical and subtropical forests store 340Gt carbon; or ~52%; but only make up 13% of total forested ...

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Research Design in Geography

10 Nov 2017

8 (3,058 )

With the ever-growing expansion of global knowledge geographers like many other scientists both human and physical have begin to face an “information explosion” (Ebdon, 1985). The readily available written information and numerical data today is increasing at an accelerating rate. This has lead to the necessity for summaries of these large data sets showing the concise measurements of their attributes. Human and physical geography can be ...

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Impact of Human Expansion on Wetland Areas

10 Nov 2017

8 (3,160 )

Human exploitation damaged a lot of wetland areas. Expansion of settlements and agricultural lands affets wetland directly and spoils the natural form of particular wetlands. Bhindawas and Tal Chhapar also faces some challenges and altered by man with some natural degardational factors. The impacts of various factors are described here. Loss of Habitat: Dense forest is scarce in Tal Chhapar and Bhindawas wetland areas. Most of ...

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Effect of Ocean Conveyor Belt on Global Climate

19 Oct 2017

5 (1,711 )

Marie Claire Attard Bason Discuss the ocean conveyor belt system and its implications on global climate Without the ocean, life on earth will be impossible. When viewed from outer-space, our planet is covered with water; water which is always in constant motion. The ocean covers 71 % of the earth, where 6% of it is covered by sea ice (Siedler, Church, Gould &Griffies, 2001). ...

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Determinants of Transport Problems

19 Oct 2017

8 (3,015 )

DETERMINANTS OF TRANSPORT PROBLEMS IN AUCHI AND ENVIRONS, NIGERIA ATUBI, AUGUSTUS .O. (PH.D)   INTRODUCTION Road transportation is a form of land transport which involves the movement of people and goods by motor cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles and bicycles. it is the most popular means of transport (Areola, 1999; Atubi and Onokala, 2003; Atubi, 20005a). As a popular form of land transport, road transportation ...

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Effect of Globalisation on Australia

19 Oct 2017

4 (1,521 )

Contents (Jump to) Introduction Political Impacts Social Impacts Economic Impacts Environmental Impacts Conclusion Background/Introduction Generations of Australian citizens have witnessed and experienced the many changes of Australian society. Globalisation is one form of this revolution that is continuing to change Australia. As can be seen in Figure 1, Australia has evolved over many years and globalisation is continuing to do this. The issue being examined ...

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Justice in Environmental Geography

19 Oct 2017

5 (1,799 )

Outline what you understand by the term justice, and critically assess how it has been integrated into the field of environmental geography. In relation to the essay title, environmental justice as a concept emerged in the 1980s, and since then, the concept of environmental justice has been closely linked to and integrated into the field of environmental geography, in describing and explaining the spatial aspects of ...

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Two Cross-National Lessons for Pontevedro

19 Oct 2017

7 (2,674 )

Daniel Brownlee 1. Introduction This report implements cross-national lesson drawing in order to suggest two lessons for the improvement of Pontevedro’s planning system. For these two lessons to be successfully transferred they must be ideas that fulfil Pontevedro’s needs, and how a policy works in the ‘exporter jurisdiction’ must be understood (Rose 1991). A lesson is ...

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Importance of Site Investigation for Development

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,064 )

Lolita Misjune   Contents (Jump to) Case study Introduction Objectives of the site investigation Procedure Benefits of a Desk Study and ground investigation In-situ test Cone penetration test Laboratory testing Calculations Soil profile Introduction The land on which development takes place has the fundamental influence on the behaviour of the structure which it supports and risks to which the future owners, users and occupiers ...

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Effect of Climate Change on Agricultural Activities

19 Oct 2017

7 (2,733 )

Chapter 1: Introduction Global Climate Change Climate is changing with the slow and steady pattern. The term Global Warming is referred to the annual average temperature increment of the earth. The average annual temperature of the earth has increased to 0.8 °C since the early 20th century and more than 66 percent of this increment happened after 1980. In this sense, especially in the context of ...

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Acid Rain Causes, History, and Effects

19 Oct 2017

4 (1,267 )

Crystal Mullen   Acid rain is a form of rain that consists of droplets of that are abnormally acidic due to the pollution in the air - particularly the extreme amounts of nitrogen and sulfur released by cars and industrial factories (Briney, 2014). While it is usually in the form of water droplets, acid rain can also occur in form of fog, snow, or ...

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Public Attitudes of Proposed Wind Farm

19 Oct 2017

7 (2,541 )

Rachel McCarthy With Irelands excellent wind resources, wind power has become one of the most rapidly growing sources of renewable energy in Ireland (Comhar, Nov 11). Many people in Ireland claim to be in favour of wind farming, and maintain that wind power is good source of renewable energy, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, ...

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Effects of Air Pollution and Proposed Solutions

19 Oct 2017

4 (1,543 )

  Lam Wing Ling The effects caused by air pollution and the discussion on the suggested solutions in terms of sustainable development With the rapid development and urbanization in Hong Kong, the air quality deteriorated due to a great amount of air pollutants released into the atmosphere, and ...

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Formation Hypotheses of White Mountain Magma Series

19 Oct 2017

7 (2,532 )

Julie Sophis Introduction A grouping of igneous rocks, similar in chemical, texture, and mineralogical features which come from a common source magma and are within a similar time and space when intruded are considered a magma series (Lachance, 1978). The White Mountain Magma Series, WMMS, is located primarily in New Hampshire with a few related plutons mapped in Maine and Vermont. This series received ...

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Impact of Hydrological Cycle on Earth's Surface Processes

19 Oct 2017

5 (1,662 )

The impact of a changing hydrological cycle on Earth’s surface processes Introduction The hydrological cycle is the cycle of processes by which water circulates between the earth’s oceans, atmosphere, and land, involving precipitation as rain and snow, drainage in streams and rivers, and return to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration.(Website 1) Throughout this essay I will emphasise the importance of this cycle together with the factors ...

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Lundie Conservation Area Analysis

19 Oct 2017

5 (1,734 )

Introduction The purpose of this document is to identify the character and appearance of the Lundie conservation area and also to define special qualities of architectural and historic interest. This document is seeking to find out if the area merits being considered as a Conservation Area and the protection it merits. This information will be used to manage change in the Conservation area to ...

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Theories of Feminist Geography

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,361 )

Does a feminist geography need be primarily concerned with the lives of women? In relation to the essay title, according to Dias et al (2008), Hesse- Biber (2012) and McDowell (1992), there are significant diversity and heterogeneity among feminist geography and its research, with no single methodology or epistemology. Therefore, instead of viewing feminist geography as a static sub-discipline, feminist geography should be examined by looking ...

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Effect of Increased Levels of Car Ownership

19 Oct 2017

8 (3,128 )

Thomas Wust Increased levels of car ownership – is it driving places to the point of no return? In the past century, the car has become an everyday essential item for increasing numbers of people globally. There are 5 people in my house and we own one car. It has a diesel engine, and it is used for the school run every Monday ...

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Information Gathering for Geography Data Collection

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,302 )

Introduction: During the last decade, there has been an increase of the integration of visual methodologies, with geographical research. This aspect has managed to gain an increased attention from geographic researchers. Currently, it is easy for Geographers to access the tools of visual reproduction and production. The society is heavily influenced by visual representations and images. It is easier to pass on information through visual ...

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2014 Somerset Levels Floods: Causes and Future Strategies

19 Oct 2017

5 (1,807 )

Following the 2014 Somerset Levels floods, Communities Secretary Eric Pickles publicly apologised for the lack of dredging of the Levels and criticised the Environment Agencies management strategy. Examine the causes of the Somerset Levels floods, and evaluate the flood management solutions. During the autumn and winter of 2013 - 2014, an unusually high frequency of depressions moved across the Somerset Levels, causing both fluvial and pluvial ...

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Causes and Impacts of Acid Rain

19 Oct 2017

3 (1,173 )

Acid rain is an extensive dilemma faced by the world. The destructive outcomes of acid rain are one of the major contributors to this type of pollution. Acid rain is any rainfall; precipitation, snow, or fog that includes acids for instance nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide. Our society is engulfed with huge amounts of pollution from factories, cars, and garbage. The incredible quantities of sulfur dioxide ...

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Impact of Shale Gas on Seismic Activity

19 Oct 2017

7 (2,509 )

Is shale gas development responsible for increased seismic activity? 1. Introduction In recent years, shale gas has become the notorious poster child of the fossil fuel industry (Sovacool, 2014). Proponents tout it as being the answer to current energy needs given that it is available in abundance and has a lower carbon footprint than other fossil fuels e.g. coal and oil (Sovacool, 2014). Contrary to this, ...

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Impact of Population Dynamics in Canada

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,307 )

Impact of the current population dynamics in Canada and the best strategy/ strategies to adapt to the current situation The population of Canada is aging, and fronting population decay in spite of near record high migration levels. This demographic tendency has substantial consequences from a public policy perspective, in relations of economic evolution, public expenses and social organization. ...

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Private Sector Participation in Water Supply

19 Oct 2017

9 (3,408 )

ASSESSMENT OF PRIVATE SECTOR PARTICIPATION (PSP) IN WATER SUPPLY IN ABRAKA AND ITS ENVIRONS, DELTA STATE, NIGERIA S. I. Efe Department of Geography and Regional Planning Delta State University, Abraka. Delta State, Nigeria ABSTRACT This study assessed the level of private participation in water supply in Abraka and the likely problem militating against their effective operation. This study involved personal field observation and questionnaire survey to ...

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Measuring Regional Economic Performance

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,236 )

Introduction: Indicators on the economic performance of regional and territories inside districts are vital for compelling provincial policymaking. The drivers of the Economic performance of a region are measured over various other factor like industrial restructuring, global competitiveness etc. which has now become the global concerns as well. In this article, we are going to discuss the different measures of the regional economic performance and review ...

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Why Do Cities Develop at Different Rates?

19 Oct 2017

8 (2,958 )

Why do cities and regions develop at different rates and with different trajectories, and how can planning and development policy address issues of uneven development? “Development trajectories are not straight forward for local governments to solve” (Hall and Hesse, 2013), there are many reasons why cities and regions develop at different rates and trajectories. This essay aims to explore some of the theories behind uneven development trajectories ...

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Geographic Major and Minor Faults of Pakistan

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,304 )

Shahrukh Khan Introduction: Pakistan is geographically situated in such a way that it consist of parts of two major and one minor plate namely Indian plate Eurasian plate Arabian plate Here Indian and Eurasian plates are major plates while Arabian plate is a minor plate which lies in the southern most side of Pakistan, ...

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Environmental Capability Evaluation for Tourism Development

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,389 )

Environmental capability evaluation for tourism Development in Ilam Township using RS& GIS Shamsollah Asgari*1, Mehdi, Nikseresht2, Mohammad Faraji Darabkhani3, Mehdi Ahmadi4 Abstract: Industrial Tourism is today the attention of many Governments. And now one of the most profitable sectors of the global economy is. Tourism industry on the national employment rate, income, consumption, and investment has positive effects. Relate to target tourists, tourism have been classified ...

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History and Significance of Oceanography

19 Oct 2017

7 (2,746 )

Dr. Sajjad Hussain Sajjad Introduction “Oceanography is a branch of earth science which deals with the study of world oceans” Oceanography is a boarder term in which many sciences focused on the common goal of understanding then oceans. Geology, Physics, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, and Meteorology all play important role in the expanding over knowledge of the oceans. Geological Oceanography is the study ...

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Global Industrial Issues: Special Economic Zones in India

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,226 )

India was one of the first in Asia to recognize the effectiveness of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ). The chief drawbacks of EPZ were multiplicity of controls and clearance, absence of world class infrastructure and instable fiscal regime. The Special Economic Zone Policy (SEZs) was announced in 2000 and it tried to look into the drawbacks of the EPZ policy. SEZs are engine for economic growth ...

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Humanism and Marxist Theory in Geography

19 Oct 2017

5 (1,661 )

Humanism and Marxist Theory in Geography; how it differs from Positivism. Philosophical ways of knowing cannot be avoided when research is being conducted in geography. Philosophy is used as a way communication between what we know and how we know it. It helps put into context and justify answers regarding research questions; therefore it is used widely throughout geography (Aitken and Valentine, 2006). Up until the ...

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Waste Isolation Power Plant Issues

19 Oct 2017

5 (1,992 )

Introduction: The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, commonly abbreviated as WIPP is the third deepest geological repository in the world. This is after the closure of the repository German plants such as the Schacht Asse II, and the Morsleben radioactive waste plants. This geological repository site has been licensed to dispose radioactive waste, for a minimum period of 10,000 years. Furthermore, the WIPP is also responsible for ...

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Improving Access to Nature in Urban Environments

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,336 )

In an urbanizing world, discuss the value of green and blue spaces in towns and cities and describe some of the approaches being used to improve access to nature. Introduction 50 years after Henri Lefebvre identified seeds of planet ‘Trantor’, Isaac Asimov’s (1995) completely urbanized science fiction planet, amidst the Earth’s urbanization (Merrifield, 2013), 54% of global population today are urban dwellers, and it is projected ...

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Locations for Whale Watching

19 Oct 2017

10 (3,629 )

Suitable locations for a whale watching lookout Contents (Jump to) Executive summary Introduction Methods: Results Discussions: Recommendation References Executive summary The report gives an in-depth and vivid description of the very interesting and knowledgeable geographical report regarding the suitable location of a whale watching look out. The report clearly mentions the beauty of the whale in the Australia and the beaches where the enjoyment of the ...

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Comparing Mozambique and South Africa's Demographics

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,208 )

  Period Live births per year Deaths per year Natural Increase per year Crude Birth Rate (per 1,000 per year) Crude Death Rate (per 1,000 per year) Natural Increase (per 1,000 per year) Total Fertility Rate (over av'ge woman's life) Infant Mortality Rate (per 100,000 live ...

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Characteristics of a Metropolitan

19 Oct 2017

7 (2,576 )

ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to understand what Groningen appropriates as a mini-metropolis city. The first step is to find the meaning of the metropolis from a variety of sources, the second step of searching for data about Groningen and the third step is to compare between the two data. In the end is at a conclusion that the metropolis are not only associated ...

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Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development: OECD

19 Oct 2017

11 (4,396 )

GROUP MEMBERS ARIEL MAHABIRSINGH RACHEL CADOGAN BACKGROUND AND HISTORY OF THE OECD (OECD 2010) Background The OECD is the replacement organization to the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) whose specific purposes was to help the reconstruction of Europe after World War Two. The OECD development was not always smooth one as it has been perceived as “rich man’s club” its members account ...

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Geography of the Middle East

19 Oct 2017

5 (1,973 )

Part 1: The top three issues that contributed significantly to learning in this course Following are the major issues that contributed to my learning because they provide distinctive advantage to the Arab world and help them promote their culture and civilization throughout the world: The first issue is related to the geographical or geo-strategic importance of Middle East studied in the course. This factor is of ...

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Impact of Population Growth on Environment

19 Oct 2017

4 (1,439 )

Thesis Statement: The negative impact of increasing population pressure upon environment may be at least partially improved by relocating people. Introduction The intimate relationship of geography and environment helps us to comprehend many salient features of history and the changes that occurred from generation to generation. A greater appreciation for environment may stem from deeper understanding of humanity in their complex aspects constituting life, work and ...

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Impact of Interstate Highway System

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,199 )

As the largest public works project in American history, the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways not only changed transportation methods in the United States, but systematically affected certain cultural landscapes across different regions of the country. When the act was signed into federal law in 1956, both the public and officials were unaware of the potential negative and positive influence of ...

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Engineers Without Borders: Water Supply Work in Thailand

19 Oct 2017

8 (3,127 )

Jeremy Frisone Background Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is a nonprofit humanitarian organization established to support community-driven development programs worldwide through partnerships that design and implement sustainable engineering projects. EWB-USA was founded in April 2000 when a representative of the Belize Ministry of Agriculture invited Dr. Bernard Amadei, Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Colorado - Boulder, to visit a community in ...

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Grey Country, Ontario: Impact of Geography on Humans

19 Oct 2017

8 (2,924 )

Located in southern Ontario on the south-most shores of Georgian Bay, Grey County has often been identified as a popular tourist destination because of its endless geological landmarks, ideal climate and ample bodies of water. The area encompassed by Grey County (as seen in Figure 1.1) has been found to have a population of 92,568 and covered 4513.21 km2 of land in 2011 (#### statscan). The county ...

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International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000

19 Oct 2017

4 (1,425 )

Transformation coordinates from International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 to World Geodetic System 1984 Geodetic network is an essential frame of spatial data. Also it is an information system for geodetic and engineering surveys, land management, geodetic support of construction, monitoring of buildings and structures deformations, topographical mapping, development of geographical information systems, transport navigation. There are several coordinate systems to solve tasks as described above. Using ...

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Commuter Preferences on Road Transportation Modes

19 Oct 2017

9 (3,283 )

COMMUTERS’ PREFERENCES/CHOICES ON ROAD TRANSPORTATION MODE IN THE NIGER-DELTA: A CASE STUDY OF WARRI METROPOLIS, NIGERIA ATUBI, A. O. ABSTRACT Road transportation is essential/n the life of any modern society; this is because it entails the movement of people, goods and services from one place to another. It is the main medium used to revitalize the social, economic and political structures. The data used for this ...

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Geographical and Cultural Overview of the US

19 Oct 2017

9 (3,553 )

Stephanie Cheah Introduction: The USA plays a very big role in our daily lives. Everything that we do is somehow connected to the United States, from our smartphones, to the value of money in our wallets, and even the laptop this project is being typed on. In this paper, all aspects of the United States will be explored. Its physical geography, population, industry, role as a ...

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Child Labour: Causes and Impacts

19 Oct 2017

8 (2,875 )

Child labour is a global issue that is becoming increasingly common in modern society due to implicating factors such as labour law/ employment protection, poverty, and the economy (i.e. supply and demand for goods and services). Child labour refers to the employment of young people in jobs that are considered to be illegal and/or exploitive. Including (however not limited to): agriculture, manufacturing, mining and quarrying, ...

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Renewable Energy in Bangladesh

19 Oct 2017

8 (3,078 )

Inleiding Being aware of the finite stock of fossil fuels and their negative impact on the environment, most countries over the world want to make use of renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind energy, bio-energy, hydropower, geothermal and ocean energy because they want to ensure energy security. The use of renewable energy has risen considerably in recent times, both in developed and in developing countries ...

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Problems of Water Supply in the Rural Communities of Nigeria

19 Oct 2017

8 (2,899 )

Problems of Water Supply in the Rural Communities of Delta State, Nigeria Abstract This study assess the problem of rural water supply in Delta slate with the main aim of examining the factors responsible for the incidence of ineffective water supply to the rural communities of Delta state, Nigeria. Questionnaire survey was the instrument of data generation and a total of 500 questionnaires were administered to ...

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Population Changes in Japan

19 Oct 2017

6 (2,034 )

Mustafa Ameen Introduction Population in a country is a source of vitality, and it is involved in a variety of costs to maintain a reasonable standard of living. Particularly for resource-poor Island nation like Japan, which has a population of very large or excessively small is a serious problem. Size is not the only issue; structure of the population is also an important factor. ...

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Mid Day Meal Scheme in Maharashtra

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,445 )

Priti M. Kharade S. K. Mane. Research Scholar Research Scholar Dept. of Geography Dept. of Geography Shivaji University Kolhapur. Shivaji University Kolhapur. ABSTRACT: This paper represents the overview of National Program of Nutritional support to primary education known ...

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Water Resource Issue in Isokoland

18 Oct 2017

6 (2,103 )

WATER RESOURCE PROBLEMS IN ISOKOLAND S.I. Efe INTRODUCTION Water is one of the basic necessities of life next to air, food and shelter. But its provision varies from place to place in accordance with its yield in the hydrological setting and climatic characteristics in that area. The coastal location and the equatorial climate of Isokoland precipitated in heavy and long duration rainfall of over ...

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Impact of Oil Spills on the Environment

18 Oct 2017

8 (3,047 )

Oil Spills and Our Environment[MB1] Oil spills have been a major environmental concern when it comes to humans, land and water, aquatic and wild life. Oil can be detrimental to both humans and animals. An oil spill is liquid petroleum that is released into the environment. This happens because of human activity and it is pollution. The word describes aquatic oil spills, where oil is released ...

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Congo Rainforest Ecosystem

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,886 )

Kaili Zhang   There is a plethora of research on rainforests ecosystem, but the Congo forest has received little apprehension. By comparing to other tropical forests, this ecosystem remains astoundingly healthy. However, its size has significantly reduced due to the impending degradation. It extends over 13 countries that lie within the equator (CARPE, 2013). This region is a home of developing countries where ...

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Trans-boundary Natural Resource Management (TBNRM) Essay

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,611 )

Trans-boundary natural resource management (TBNRM) can be defined as process of cooperation across boundaries that facilitates or improves the management of natural resources to the benefit all parts in the area concerned (Griffin et al, 1999). TBNRM it attempts to address the challenges of managing natural resources that are collaborated or shared across international or political boundaries and not ecologically, For instance the Albert national park ...

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Industrial Disturbances in Cities: Case Study of Nigeria

18 Oct 2017

13 (4,888 )

THE PERCEPTION OF INDUSTRIAL DISTURBANCES IN NIGERIAN CITIES: A GEOGRAPHICAL APPRAISAL OF BENIN- CITY A. 0. Atubi Abstract The major aim of this research work is to determine the perception of industrial disturbances by Benin City residents. This refers to the disturbances created by the availability of heavy manufacturing industries around residential areas of the city. For this purpose, a total of 158 residents were sampled, to ...

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Influence of Globalisation on Culture

18 Oct 2017

10 (3,950 )

David Stephens To what extent is globalisation an enhancer of culture? Culture is a way of life unique to a certain set of people; cultures are usually national but can also be present in local communities and on an international scale. Often the term ‘culture’ is misunderstood. To some it may mean traditions that have been passed down through generations but to others it ...

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Building a Country: Malaysia's Development

18 Oct 2017

8 (2,953 )

Abstract In this paper, the major discussion is about the process of building Malaysia country. Besides, it also includes how the Malaysian people accept the revolution from Sultanate perspective until the country becomes a democratic country. Malaysia had achieved their independence day in the year of 1957. In these democratic countries, there are a few political parties which are formed before Malaysia gets their independence day ...

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Effect of Globalisation on Spatial Patterns of Economy

18 Oct 2017

8 (3,090 )

Globalisation and the spatial structure of the economy: Critically discuss how changes related with globalisation can affect cities and the spatial patterns of economic activities? Globalisation has become one of the key concepts in the social sciences at the turn of the twentieth century. A term that has come to be used globally which relates to the processes of social relations acquiring relatively distance-less and borderless ...

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Web-based Geovisualization of Renewable Energy

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,575 )

Table of Contents (Jump to) 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction to renewable energy 2.2 Web based Spatial Data Visualization Method 2.3 Geovisualization Tools Bibliography Table of Figures Figure 1: Map of share renewable energy for gross final energy consumption and electricity generation in European Countries (European Comission) Figure 2: BMU-Brochure “Renewable energy sources in figures – national and international development”, provisional figures. Provided by ...

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Rural Transport Modes in Auchi and Environs

18 Oct 2017

8 (2,918 )

ELEMENTS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF RURAL TRANSPORT MODES IN AUCHI AND ENVIRONS BY ATUBI, AUGUSTUS .O. (Ph.D)   INTRODUCTION In as much as it is easier to define the concept ‘transport’, the word ‘rural’ is a bit more difficult. Like its urban concept, there have been problems with definitions of ‘rural’ since no single criterion could be used because some countries use low population figures while other ...

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Identification of Foraminiferal Species

18 Oct 2017

8 (2,973 )

Kutch is well-known for its rich and diverse megafossils, particularly upper Jurassic Ammonites, bivalves and other benthic invertebrates (Kitchen, 1900; Spath, 1933; Cox, 1940, 1952) which provide good intra- and intercontinental correlation. Several workers from time to time tried to explain the geological history, including stratigraphy of the Kutch region, well known for its potential of mineral oil. Vulnerability to natural disasters like the recent Bhuj ...

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Sources of Population Data

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,580 )

Presented by: Shahroz Ullah Badrana 14-10426 Population is described as the entire collection of the people living in our town, state, region or in a country and the respective characteristics such as age, sex, marital status and gender. Population is an entire group regarding whom we are interested in drawing the conclusions. Basically the population data tell us about the number of people that are ...

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Central Asia's Water Resources: Country Comparison

18 Oct 2017

9 (3,296 )

Chapter - 3 Population of Central Asia: - Central Asia is the land of many languages, ethnic groups, religions, and tribes. In 2000, an estimated 55.9 million people lived in Central Asia. Today there are about 65.7 million (ICG, 2014). The below table show the population of Central Asia from 1992 to 2013 Total population of Central Asia (1000 inhab) Country ...

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Sensor Technology for Mineral Exploration

18 Oct 2017

3 (1,109 )

1. Introduction Significant contribution is done by satellite remote sensing in the field of mineral exploration viz. Geological faults, fractures and mapping, which are associated with the ore deposits based on spectral signature, (Farooq and Govil 2013; Magendra and Sanjeevi 2014; Murphy and Monteiro 2011, Le Yo et al., 2011) the spectral signature helps in the recognizes hydrothermal altered rocks (Sabins, 1999). The multispectral remote sensing ...

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Issue of Urban Sprawl in Regina

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,581 )

Ryan Boychuk Urban Issue of Urban Sprawl in Regina Introduction Urban Sprawl continues to be the trend of city growth in Canada. In the city of Regina, urban sprawl is a problem that needs to be addressed among the city planners. Negative effects of urban sprawl include, but are not limited to, increase in public expenditure, auto reliance, health, environment and social living. The ...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Fracking

18 Oct 2017

6 (2,179 )

Research Review Due to the nature of the question its structure appears to be formulaic; one side looking at the potential benefits and the other presenting counter arguments centring on environmental and social impacts. This structure led naturally to researching the potential benefits of fracking first. A good starting point was the official government report Shale gas and fracking[1], this gives a wide overview of the ...

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Causes and Effects of the Amazon's Deforestation

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,936 )

Dr. G. Leckebusch Deforestation in the Amazonas Basin and the Climate Policy of Brazil – A Critical Review The contemporary issue of deforestation is seen as a rising global concern involving the complete clearance of forests either by cutting or burning. Forest clearance is seen to fluctuate however rates of decrease across the Amazon basin where as large as 30% between 2001 and 2002 (Santilli et ...

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Formation and Drainage of Supraglacial Lakes

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,582 )

Glacial Processes and Geomorphology Degree Assignment B028303 What controls the formation and drainage of supraglacial lakes on the Greenland ice sheet and to what extent are these processes an important control on ice sheet dynamics? Introduction The Greenland Ice Sheet is a large ice mass in the Northern Hemisphere, made up of both land terminating and tidewater terminating outlet glaciers. Seasonal surface melting produces melt water ...

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Recommendations for Tuen Mun Landfill Expansion

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,708 )

Man Sum Yi, Annie Urban Planning: Principles and Practices To: Principal Town Planner From: Assistant Town Planner (MAN Sum Yi Annie) Subject: Recommendation to Tuen Mun landfill expansion Landfill is being regarded as one of the locally unwanted land uses (“LULUs”) (Popper, 1981), and sitting of LULUs often causes heated debate among the society (Lai et al., 2007). According to the prediction made by ...

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Globalisation: Homogenisation or Diversification?

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,809 )

Yannick Buitenhuis Introduction Globalisation has brought changes and has increased global interaction. This growing interconnectedness has led to the movement of ideas, values, ways of living and attitudes across the world. Despite that the interaction between culture and globalisation is not a new one, this process of cultural globalisation has brought forth a relatively recent debate about its outcomes for the world ...

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Effectiveness of Para-Transit Transport Services

18 Oct 2017

9 (3,477 )

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PARA-TRANSIT TRANSPORT SERVICES IN NIGERIAN TOWNS: THE CASE OF MOTORCYCLE TRANSPORT IN ABRAKA ATUBI, AUGUSTUS 0. ABSTRACT The thrust of this article is on the desirability of motorcycles in Abraka region as a means of para-transit transportation. The paper examines the existing mode of para-transportation in Abraka region, and discovers that commuters in Abraka region are increasingly patronizing motorcycles as a ...

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Effects of Weather on Aircraft Accidents

18 Oct 2017

8 (3,152 )

EFFECTS OF VISIBILITY ON AIRCRAFT MISHAPS IN NIGERIA Efe, S. I. Geography and Regional Planning Department Delta State University, Abraka. ABSTRACT This paper is an assessment of the effects of weather on aircraft mishaps in Nigeria. This was investigated with the aid of data collected from the Meteorological Service Office, Oshodi and the use of questionnaire. The data were analyzed with the aid of mean and ...

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Population Geography Essay

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,666 )

Understanding Population Geography Crystal Mullen   What did you learn this week that you did not know before or that you found interesting? What outside resources did you use this week? I remember growing up in the 70s and 80s the term “Zero Population”. At the time, I didn’t really know what it meant except a term to encourage teenagers to use birth control ...

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Water Sources Assessment for Edo State, Nigeria

18 Oct 2017

9 (3,415 )

AN ASSESSMENT OF WATER SOURCES FOR DOMESTIC USES IN EDO STATE, NIGERIA BY *OKADIGWE L.O. And **DR. EFE, S.I. Abstract The study was carried out to assess the water sources for domestic uses in Edo State, by carrying out a survey of households in Ugo, Ebele, Igueben and Urhonigbe. Data were collected using various methods which included observations, oral interviews and questionnaires. On the whole, one hundred and sixty ...

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Strategies to Estimate Rainfall

18 Oct 2017

4 (1,323 )

Accurate rainfall estimation is an important and challenging task and the spatial distribution of the rain gauge is a most important factor in providing reliable areal rainfall. Modern rainfall network established to monitor hydrological features should provide the necessary and real-time information for purposes such as management of water resources, reservoir operation and flood forecast and control (Chen et al., 2008). Direct measurement of rainfall can ...

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Western Lowland Gorilla Essay

18 Oct 2017

14 (5,501 )

Trishila Malhotra Geography 2 Species Report: Western Lowland Gorilla 1. Classification The Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)[1] is a subspecies of the western gorilla. It inhabits dense rainforests and swamplands in many parts of Central Africa.[2] Taxonomic Classification for Western Lowland Gorillas[3] Domain Eukaryote Kingdom Animalia Phylum ...

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Impact of NGOs on Food Poverty

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,542 )

Hans Goder The Geopolitical of food is the human science that studies all the influences, the interactions, and flux that Food brings on earth on a global or local level. It is a really broad and imperative subject in a world constituted by 7 million mouths to feed. But in this broad subject, a challenge is ...

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Proposal for Light Rail Transit System in Hamilton

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,989 )

LRT SYSTEM PROPOSAL LRT System Background Integrative public transportation is critical for any metropolitan city, and Hamilton is by no means an exception. Transportation is a key issue in Hamilton and a sustainable transportation system such as the LRT system is the answer to the congestion problems. The LRT system is more than just moving people from place to place. It is about providing ...

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The Monkey's Voyage by Alan de Queiroz | Review

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,826 )

Introduction: There are a number of basic definitions that have to be considered before an individual before providing a scientific analysis and review of the book by Alan Quieroz (2013) that is the Monkey’s voyage. One such definition is the concept of biogeography. Biogeography refers to the study of the manner in which living organism, are able to move around the planet earth. For instance, biogeography ...

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Effect of Neo-Geography on Professional GIS

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,911 )

Will Neo-geography cause the end of professional GIS Almost everything that happens, happens somewhere (Longley et al. 2005) meaning that everything happens in geographic space. It can be of critical importance to know not only what happened and when but where something happened as well. A GIS is a computer-based system that provides for the storage and representation of geographic data. GIS data are most commonly ...

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Global Terrorism Index (GTI) Summary and Analysis

18 Oct 2017

6 (2,136 )

Global Terrorism The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) defines terrorism as “the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation.” Countries are ranked on a scale out 10 based on their risk and impact of terrorism. The top five countries for the highest impact of terrorism is Iraq ...

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Social Construction in Human Geography

18 Oct 2017

4 (1,515 )

Social construction in its purest form is not defined easily, the by the book definition from is “a social mechanism, phenomenon, or category created and developed by society; apperception of an individual, group, or idea that is constructed' through cultural or social practice.” Social construction in layman’s terms is the foundation for everything everywhere you encounter in life. When a person is born and slowly ...

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Environmental Issues for the Amazon and Murray River

18 Oct 2017

6 (2,324 )

Environmental Change & Management Rivers Rachel Cunningham All life on earth depends on water. Trees and plants need water to grow, and water helps shape the earth and its islands, continents and countries. About 71% of the earth is covered in water by oceans, rivers and lakes. Almost all river water comes from rain or melted snow. Rivers are large streams of water flowing downwards ...

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Geographically Weighted Regression to Model Housing Prices

18 Oct 2017

13 (5,117 )

Introduction In chapter 2, HPM has been used to model the relationships between characteristics of property and neighbourhood. However, HPM treats the whole housing market as a single homogenous market and assumes a stationary process, i.e the parameter estimates are assumed to apply equally over space. This presumes the influences of various factors on house prices in one location are the same as those in another ...

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Geological Significance of Dolyhir and Nash Scar Limestone

18 Oct 2017

6 (2,215 )

The geological significance of the Dolyhir and Nash Scar limestone (Silurian) of the Welsh Borderland Introduction and History Ther regions of Old Radnor and Presteigne (Fig. 1), found on the outskirts of Hertfordshire and Powys, are home to two small inliers containing a mammoth unit of limestones of the early Silurian age, thick and distinctive in their form. In the Nash Inlier in the north-east, an ...

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Geostatistics and Advance Reservoir Modelling Essay

18 Oct 2017

4 (1,543 )

Figure 1. All models are based on equations (next page) and plotted manually in excel to show their respective behavior. Spherical model fails to proceeds as lag exceed the practical range. Modelling and Interpreting Variogram Jahanzeb Ahsan (8529193) B.Eng Petroleum Engineering Introduction There are a dozen different variogram models. Four most frequent used are: Spherical: Smooth behavior at origin and more linear. ...

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Effect of Urban Living on Sustainability

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,677 )

Continued Urbanisation – Does it hold the key to sustainable living? March 25th 2010 – was a key turning point in humanity (Graph 1); it was on that day, for the first time ever, that over half of the world’s population (50.5%) were classified as living in urban areas (compared to rural), as a result of urbanisation. Graph 1, showing Urban and Rural World Population ...

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Effect of Technology on Urban Spaces

18 Oct 2017

11 (4,054 )

Emerging Enclaves of Innovation in Multimedia Services Akanksha Nayyar   In understanding the complex interactions between infrastructure networks and urban spaces, Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin explore the emerging enclaves of innovation in multimedia services. The formation of these gentrifying ‘cyber’ districts is fueled by the production of internet services, digitization of design, architecture, gaming, CD-ROMs and music[1]. To be more specific, the regions ...

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Characteristics of Population Composition

18 Oct 2017

9 (3,263 )

Shahroz Ullah Badrana Population Composition The term “Population Composition” actually refers to the characteristics of the particular group of people. The composition or characteristics of the population can be represented in many different ways. These characteristics include the distribution of the population across the number of men relative to the number of women and also across age structure of society. Indeed, Age and Sex ...

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Volcanic Eruptions in Iceland

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,949 )

Environmental Monitoring- Survey techniques for life and Earth sciences Take-home Test Describe the three different types of volcanic eruptions that have given rise to Iceland’s volcanic landforms. Effusive: An effusive eruption is a volcanic eruption characterized by the flow of lava onto the ground. Lava flows generated by effusive eruptions vary in shape, thickness, ...

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Impacts of the Anthropocene Geological Era

18 Oct 2017

4 (1,369 )

Alexandra Pearson Geography – The Anthropocene Throughout history, geological time periods have been given names to depict certain events. These time periods are named as eras, and the current geological era is known as the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is defined as the “era of man”. This era is linked to drastic environmental changes that have taken place over hundreds of years due to human ...

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Developing Green Infrastructure in New York CIty

18 Oct 2017

6 (2,353 )

Urban heat island and green infrastructure Introduction Chapter 1 New York City, U.S.A. New York City background City of New York is the most heavily populated city in the United States and one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world. From the geographical point of view, it is located in a coastal area at ...

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Impacts on Environmental Policies for Air Pollution

18 Oct 2017

5 (1,622 )

Implications for the Future In Charlotte, NC a problem of environmental, is air pollution. Air pollution is the preface of a combination of solid particles and gases into the atmosphere of Earth’s. Such solid particles and gases comprise biological particulates, materials, chemicals, and additional destructive materials. Air pollution has turn out to be a foremost apprehension for residents in the Charlotte Metropolitan area, since it is ...

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Glacial History of Mount Hood in Oregon

18 Oct 2017

4 (1,597 )

Mount Hood, composed primarily of andesite and dacite, is considered one of the Stratovolcanic Mountain in the Cascade Volcanic Arc in northwest Oregon, in the United States of America; having existed for more than 500,000 years (Wikipedia). It is located about fifty miles east of Portland and thirty-five miles south of the Colombia River,(Oregon encyclopedia) and the fourth highest peak in the Cascade Ranges that extends ...

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Divergent and Convergent Plate Margins Comparison

18 Oct 2017

6 (2,364 )

  “Compare and Contrast the Topographical Features at Divergent and Convergent Plate Margins.” Jenice Culzac   According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) “a tectonic plate (also called lithospheric plate) is a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere.”[1] There are two types of plates; Oceanic plates are younger crustal plates with a ...

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Cultural Differences Between Trinidad and Tobago

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,496 )

You are a Tobagonian recently returned from your first trip to Trinidad where you spent two weeks. Record in your journal, the differences you have observed in the culture of the two islands. Based on your knowledge of the history of both islands, give explanations for those differences. In one entry you may also note any cultural similarities you observed. Today marks one week since I ...

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Dehli's History, Infrastructure and Political Structure

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,478 )

DELHI Delhi,also known as the National Capital Territory of India is a metropolitan region in India. Due to urban expansion in India its growth has expanded beyond the NCT to incorporate towns in neighbouring states and it can count a population of nearly 27 million residents as of 2014. The NCT and its urban region have been given the special status of National Capital Region (NCR) under the Constitution of India's 69th ...

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Controversy Over Water Rights

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

5 (1,889 )

Water Rights: Over 200 Years of History and Still Controversial Water is essential to life, not only human life, but also the life of plants and agriculture. Water is also the essence of life, which means laws have to be made to “be fair” to everyone that needs water for their land and their agriculture. That is why the Colorado, along with most of the United ...

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