Glacial History of Mount Hood in Oregon

18 Oct 2017

4 (1,597 )

Mount Hood, composed primarily of andesite and dacite, is considered one of the Stratovolcanic Mountain in the Cascade Volcanic Arc in northwest Oregon, in the United States of America; having existed for more than 500,000 years (Wikipedia). It is located about fifty miles east of Portland and thirty-five miles south of the Colombia River,(Oregon encyclopedia) and the fourth highest peak in the Cascade Ranges that extends ...

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Divergent and Convergent Plate Margins Comparison

18 Oct 2017

6 (2,364 )

  “Compare and Contrast the Topographical Features at Divergent and Convergent Plate Margins.” Jenice Culzac   According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) “a tectonic plate (also called lithospheric plate) is a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere.”[1] There are two types of plates; Oceanic plates are younger crustal plates with a ...

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Cultural Differences Between Trinidad and Tobago

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,496 )

You are a Tobagonian recently returned from your first trip to Trinidad where you spent two weeks. Record in your journal, the differences you have observed in the culture of the two islands. Based on your knowledge of the history of both islands, give explanations for those differences. In one entry you may also note any cultural similarities you observed. Today marks one week since I ...

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Dehli's History, Infrastructure and Political Structure

18 Oct 2017

7 (2,478 )

DELHI Delhi,also known as the National Capital Territory of India is a metropolitan region in India. Due to urban expansion in India its growth has expanded beyond the NCT to incorporate towns in neighbouring states and it can count a population of nearly 27 million residents as of 2014. The NCT and its urban region have been given the special status of National Capital Region (NCR) under the Constitution of India's 69th ...

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Controversy Over Water Rights

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

5 (1,889 )

Water Rights: Over 200 Years of History and Still Controversial Water is essential to life, not only human life, but also the life of plants and agriculture. Water is also the essence of life, which means laws have to be made to “be fair” to everyone that needs water for their land and their agriculture. That is why the Colorado, along with most of the United ...

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Sustainable Land Development

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

5 (1,711 )

The increasing demand of the land for housing due to different push and pull factors like: rural-urban migration, population growth and natural disaster, expectation of job and urban facilities, most of the cities and the governments are facing many challenges to relocate the urban poor and low income groups in planned and environmentally safe areas (Paudyal, 2006). On the other hand, the people who are living ...

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Rapid Response to Natural Disasters

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

6 (2,058 )

Rapid Response[c1] One of the most important features of logistic support management is a quick response following a natural disaster. With the recent improvement of information technology, the logistical operation has been able to be conducted on time and the delivery of the required materials to the victims has been more efficient than ever. A rapid response towards the natural disaster is crucial in order to ...

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Benefits of Population Control

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

3 (1,166 )

Population environment is the investigation of how populations -of plants, creatures, and different life forms -change about whether and space and connect with nature's turf. Populations are assemblies of creatures of the same species living in the same region in the meantime. They are depicted by aspects that incorporate: population measure is the amount of people in the population, population thickness is what number of people ...

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History of the River Nile

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

4 (1,349 )

The Nile River At over 4,100 miles long, the Nile River is the largest river in the world. It is located in the northwestern part of Africa. The Nile River flows through many African countries. These countries include Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Burundi. The White and Blue Nile are two extensive channels that feed into the Nile River. The Nile River runs north into the ...

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Importance of Population Control

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

5 (1,652 )

Population control is a way in which the rate of population growth is changed, which has been made possible by limiting birth rates. Initially, population development has genuine impacts on the environment. As we all know we expend materials and vitality from earth and after that return high temperature and squanders to earth. It is just coherent to say that there is a breaking point at ...

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Is Australia Multicultural?

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

4 (1,319 )

Australia is often seen as a successful multicultural nation. Since 1945, around 7 million immigrants from over 150 countries have settled in Australia. Also, different religions and cultures are accepted, for example, Judaism and Islam. The governments that have ruled this country since the first white settlement in 1788, has passed legislations and policies that support multiculturalism. However, Australia hasn’t always been successful in multiculturalism. Not ...

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Malaysia Administration System

03 Oct 2016 29 Sep 2017

6 (2,229 )

Introduction Malaysia, Malaysia (Malaysia) for short, is one of the Southeast Asia by thirteen states and three federal systems composed of district federal countries. Kuala Lumpur, the federal government is located in the city. August 31, 1957 (Ding You years) independence. Western half is located in the Malay Peninsula, often referred to as the "west", the north Thailand, and south across the Johor strait, as ...

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Factors of Transportation Barriers

16 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

6 (2,073 )

Don't you hate the feeling of not being able to travel to where you want, when you want? You may not want to ask people for rides because you may not have the amount of money to pay someone to take you, certainly when you need to go to a medical facility. Situations like this need special attention when it comes to your health. No ...

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Strategies for a Country's Development

15 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

4 (1,510 )

Aspects that make a country develop. Abstract. The objective of this research paper is to explain how a developing country can achieving development, explaining of the three most important aspects that contribute to development such as Economy, Technology and Education. The Economy can be improving with methods like manage resources properly, focusing on production to avoid buying from other countries or how to put people ...

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Introduction to Malaysia

14 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

13 (5,058 )

Submitted by - Harkomal Singh Khaira Submitted to - Alen mataia Student Id No - 21601024 MALAYSIAN CUISINE Road nourishment - a cook get ready murtabak at a mamak slow down Malaysian nourishment contains cooking traditions and practices found in Malaysia, and mirrors the multiethnic makeup of its population.[1]The overwhelming some portion of Malaysia's masses can by and large be apportioned ...

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Self Evaluation of Geography Education

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

2 (755 )

In Geography I learned a lot about other parts of the world and how they are different from the place that we live in now. One of the best things I learned in Geography was about Mexico, not only because my family is from there but also because I like to learned about where I came from. Some of the things I learned was that ...

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Event Report: Tshechu in Bhutan

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (1,049 )

Information report (750 words) Plan, research and write a report on any major event in your country- include at least three appropriate references Topic: Thimphu Tshechu / Festival (10th day of the Bhutanese calendar) Introduction: In my homeland of Bhutan, we celebrate an event known as "Tshechu". It is an annual religious Bhutanese festival which is held on the 10th day of a ...

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Religion and the State in the US

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

5 (1,933 )

The separation of church and state in the United States Religion in the United States Religious belief among Americans today is as vigorous, dynamic and widespread as it ever has been. Immigration constantly brings new and different religious traditions and practices to the United States, even as the Christian traditions to which most Americans adhere continue to adapt to the needs of an ever-changing population. ...

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Microbial Mats: A Bioreactor of Lithification

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

9 (3,402 )

Microbial mats: a bioreactor of lithification and an indicator of Earth's evolution Introduction Microbial mat is a general term that is used to describe a variety of microbial communities that are found at interfaces between different types of material, mostly on submerged or moist surfaces such as estuarine environment and salt marshes (Krumbein et al., 1977; Nicholson et al., 1987). Bacteria and ...

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Impact of Composition on Pore Throat Size in Mature Shales

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

15 (5,947 )

The impact of composition on pore throat size and permeability in mature shales: an example in Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group shale, northeastern British Columbia, Canada Tian Donga, Nicholas B. Harrisa, Korhan Ayrancia, Cory E. Twemlowb, Brent R. Nassichukb a Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3, Canada, b Trican Geological Solutions Ltd., Calgary, AB T2E 2M1, ...

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Research on Altered Granites

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

15 (5,751 )

Visible yellow radial U- minerals (up to 1 % U )was recorded coating the fractures in the sheared granites, border on the two sides by milky quartz veins, which play as septa for U- minerals migration. From the mineralogical point of view, the sheared granite rich in; a) uranium (meta-autunite, kasolite and phurcalite) , b) thorium (uranothorite) and c) base metals (wolframite, columbite, fergusonite and ...

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Qualitative Research on How We Know the City

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

4 (1,361 )

How do we come to know the city?   A city can be defined in a number of ways (Parr, 2007): firstly, in a physical sense of the territory it occupies (Smart, 1974); secondly, by its population size (Newling, 1996; Eeckhout, 2004); or alternatively, by the area dedicated to urban activities (Hall & Hay, 1980). All of these interpretations of the meaning of a city ...

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Features of Karakoram Glacier Surges

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (940 )

What are the typical features of Karakoram glacier surges? The Karakoram is part of a complex of mountain ranges at the centre of Asia, where the borders of five countries all converge (Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica, 2016). Glacial surges are glacial advances at velocities up to one hundred times faster than usual (Sinha and Ravindra, 2012, p. 38). When examining Karakoram glacier surges it appears ...

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Theories of Development in Class

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

9 (3,514 )

1). We have discussed numerous theories of development in class: modernization, dependency, World Systems, neoliberalism, and post-development. Select three of these theories and compare them with reference to: a) the key features; b) explanations of under- and uneven development; c) types of development practices (i.e. how do you do development?); d) identify major criticisms of these approaches. Use plenty of examples to support your points. ...

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Compaction for Sustainability: Advantages and Disadvantages

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

6 (2,203 )

In developed countries, sustainable development has become increasingly important due to increased public awareness and pressure to meet demand from population growth. Urban Form is defined by (RTPI, 2015) as "Physical characteristics that make up built-up areas, such as shape, size and density." It can be classified into four categories: Centralisation, Decentralisation, Concentration and Sprawl(Holden, 2004). Compaction (Centralisation and concentration) has been an EU policy ...

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Turning Paralympian's into Super-humans - Article Analysis

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

6 (2,227 )

Critical Analysis of Pepper, P. Turning Paralympian's into 'super-humans' is no help to disabled people, The Guardian, 6 September, 2016 In Penny Pepper's article "Turning Paralympian's into 'superhuman' is no help to disabled people", which was originally published on the guardian website on the 6th of September, Penny Pepper contends that while characterising Paralympian's as superhuman detracts away from the real issues that disable people ...

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Effects of Access to Parks

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

5 (1,759 )

The Greater Wilshire/Hancock Park/Koreatown area is densely populated, so there are few parks within proximity to children's homes- most of who live in apartment buildings. The largest green area in this neighborhood is for upper class adults only and photos of the nearest parks depict adults utilizing all the amenities. Accessibility to parks as well as the ramifications for the lack of availability has been ...

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Research on New Zealand Tasman Glacier

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

5 (1,862 )

New Zealand has a large number of glaciers, majority of these being located in the central Southern Alps of the South Island. In the South Island alone, there are over 3,100 glaciers (McSaveney, 2007). New Zealand's largest glacier 'The Tasman Glacier', is located in the Southern Alps and it known to be the largest glacier in New Zealand. Since 1973, the glacier has been retreating ...

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Theories of Knowing

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (1,177 )

GEOG 701 Research in Practice, 2017 'Ways of Knowing' Comparison Name: Allan Rarai Which 'way of knowing' from Week 2 do you select? Positivism Structuralism Which 'way of knowing' from Week 3 do you select? Social constructionism Humanism ...

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Volcanic Ash Cloud Modelling Using Visual Basic Application

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

14 (5,263 )

RESEARCH ARTICLE ABSTRACT Recently, the study of volcanic eruption and ash cloud dispersion has become important due to the severe risks and hazards associated with it. The negative impact it has on human livelihood, infrastructure, transportation, water supply, farming, and the environment and the environment as a whole needs serious attention. This has prompted many researchers to investigate the dynamics of volcanic ash clouds ...

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Geography Overview of the Maldives

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

5 (1,776 )

Abstract This paper reviews the Maldives and the political, economic, topographical, and historical geography of the nation and its people. After a brief overview of basic facts, the paper will shift focus to more specific areas. First, a look at the topographical geography of the nation, reviewing formation and size of atolls, as well as climate, flora, and fauna. Historical geography, political geography, and economic ...

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Creation of Neocolonialism

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (990 )

By studying craft breweries across the state of Iowa, this study will investigate how Iowa craft breweries are fostering neolocalism and providing third places for their patrons by appealing to their desire to seek out local ties.  It will also investigate how the industry has grown spatially.  Here, I will examine Iowa's strong ties to agriculture, the demographics of the first settlers, population and demographics ...

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Constructions of Nationalism and Race

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

5 (1,677 )

Making Others/Making Us: Constructions of Nationalism and Race The essay presents a critique of various articles based on concepts of space and identity. The different articles analyzed discuss how individuals from different races interact in a given space as well as geographical location. The article 'Latino immigrants and the regeneration of place and belonging in small town America' by Lise Nelson and Nancy Hiemstra offer ...

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Overview of the Grace-Fo Satellite Mission

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

8 (3,056 )

The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On: An Overview An artist depiction of the GRACE satellite configuration (Sharing, 2017) The field of remote sensing is continuously expanding and adapting to yield new information about the earth and its complex systems. Modern satellite technology has expanded to be able to "monitor spatial and temporal variations in Earth's global gravity field" (Schutze, 2016). The ability to ...

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Inequality in Brazil: An Overview

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

4 (1,536 )

Introduction In this report my task is to determine the level of wellbeing in Brazil. To make this decision, the following components have been investigated/evaluated with high amounts of research:  gender equality and empowering women; eliminate extreme hunger & poverty; and universal primary education. General Information Brazil is the world's 5th substantial nation and has an area of 3,287,613 which smaller than the US ...

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National Flood Insurance Plan: Efforts in Reducing Flood Los

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

6 (2,053 )

In this report, the City of St. Petersburg has several contingency plans set to reduce the risk of flooding. First and foremost, they advise through a statement of warning. According to the St. Petersburg Florida Code of Ordinance Municode Library (section, 2017) states that although the Florida Building Code is considered the minimum. The city informs that larger floods are bound to happen and ...

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Geography of Environmental Injustice and Health Inequalities

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

9 (3,447 )

Geography of Environmental Injustice and Health Inequalities in the Nigeria Abstract The unfair distribution of toxic wastes and other acute and chronic health hazards on vulnerable populations, which have contributed to negative health inequalities in less developing nations, such as been observed in Nigeria is term as global health inequalities. The link between environmental injustices, risks, and health inequalities has not been well established in ...

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Treatment of Labourers of Banana Workers

10 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (895 )

Bananas are one of the most common food in our today's world, they have a lot of nutritional values like vitamin C and A, also calcium. Banana is one very essential food because of its nutritional value, that causes workers and organizations to put in a lot of work into harvesting and transporting it. Most of the time, we give little concerns to the farmers ...

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Yosemite: Rights to its Legacy and Name

27 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017

8 (2,996 )

The planet Earth is an endless landscape of natural beauty, populated by people of many different cultures, races, and ethnic groups, each speaking various languages and practicing numerous religions. No matter one's religion, language, race, culture or ancestry, we are all one human race living on one planet. We have inherited the planet Earth from our ancestors; therefore it is an important part of our ...

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Vietnam Country and Culture

25 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (1,172 )

Vietnam Essay Vietnam has a huge population and it measures to be around 95,414,640. That is way more than california's population only being 37,253,956 as of now. The capital of vietnam is called Hanoi, Hanoi is known for its architecture and a rich culture with Southeast Asian, Chinese and French impact. Vietnam's four largest cities are Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, and Haiphong. ...

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An Introduction to Sweden

25 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (1,087 )

Sweden When people hear about Sweden, they think about IKEA. However, there is much history and depth behind the country besides a large home goods store chain. The relationship between the US and Sweden is close and mutual, as Sweden had settlers in the some the 13 colonies and was one of the very first countries to recognize that the US was becoming independent from ...

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Food in the United Kingdom

25 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017

14 (5,515 )

Food of United Kingdom (UK) Introduction United Kingdom is a composition of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each part of UK has different culture, symbolism and the popular food items. they have some different categories of food (Scottish, Welsh and English cuisine, Northern Ireland cuisine, Anglo Indian cuisine ). This country is influenced by British culture and representive democracy comes from western culture. ...

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Miami Dade Country Disaster

11 Aug 2017

3 (900 )

The entire nation is facing an era where being technologically skilled is in high demand. However, some people are inevitably being left behind not just because of the high cost of computers or even the fact that there is lack of internet access where they live but, the fact they have no interest in the content causing a digital divide amongst each other. Natural and ...

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Impact of Climate Change on the Arctic Circle

11 Aug 2017

4 (1,423 )

Introduction Oil, as a globally valuable natural resource, remains the focus of major international disputes and economic challenges spanning over recent decades. As climate change begins to open up untapped areas rich for drilling, these economic conflicts are only exacerbated by the tenacity of geopolitical rights in certain areas. A prime example of this phenomenon is in the Arctic Circle, bordered by powerful Western nations. ...

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Have Discount Retailers gone upmarket in the UK?

10 Aug 2017

6 (2,126 )

Preliminary Information Working Title of Dissertation: Have Discount Retailers gone upmarket in the UK? If so, how and why? Research Question and aim: To investigate location of Aldi and Lidl stores in relation to income/social class of catchment area(compare 1991, 2001 and 2011 census data) to understand store strategy. Why would more affluent household shop at hard discounters? Understand hard discounters non-locational strategy. ...

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The Impact of Globalization on Poor Countries

23 Mar 2015 05 Jun 2017

7 (2,646 )

Keywords: report on globalization, poor country globalization, globalization impact business Globalization refers to integration of regional societies, cultures and economies through reduction of state enforced limitations on exchanges between different countries thereby enhancing a global network of trade and communication. While globalization is driven by interaction of different, economies, technology, political factors and social cultures, the term is in most cases used to refer to economic globalization ...

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What is the Difference Between Biosphere and Ecosphere?

23 Mar 2015 02 Jun 2017

2 (538 )

Keywords: ecosphere vs biosphere Explain the difference between Biosphere, Ecosphere and Gaia and argue a case for adopting one of these descriptors for discussions of the earth Biosphere, Ecosphere and Gaia are used names of the global ecosystem. But each global ecosystem has its own or more meaning individually. The global ecosystem is natural cycles of interdependent organisms which share's and functions together in the same habitat. ...

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The Effects of Earthquakes

23 Mar 2015 01 Jun 2017

5 (1,812 )

Keywords: effects of earthquake essay, earthquake economic effects, earthquake haiti effect Abstract The occurrence of earthquakes is unpredictable and they are characterized by widespread loss of life and damage. They also cause a lot of panic to the affected people with some experiencing a permanently changed life there after. This report extensively looks into the effects of earthquakes on people and businesses. Regarding the former, the report ...

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Multiculturalism in Melbourne

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

3 (1,132 )

INTRODUCTION: It is indeed true that the world is getting smaller nowadays. More and more people are moving into different places for a myriad of reason, mostly for seeking greener pastures and finding their luck with hopes that they will earn higher income in places other than where they were raised. With this, more adjustments are necessary as someone who has been new in the place is ...

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Role of port pricing

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

7 (2,560 )

Introduction Port pricing plays important role in the growth and prosperity of the ports. It influences port competition, investment decisions, development strategy etc. This paper presents the current pricing system of Kandla Port Trust and its impact on the traffic, intense competition, financial gains etc. Kandla Port Trust (KPT) is one of the 12 major ports of India under the Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India (Location ...

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Poor communities' relocation to Braamfischerville

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

8 (2,969 )

Chapter 1: Introducing the study area Introduction “There is a crisis in housing in the third world. Large increases in the urban population of third world countries have dramatically increased the demand for housing. ‘...traditional values, and increases in urban population have resulted in the deterioration of housing conditions in larger cities'” (Aldrich and Sandhu, 1995). As quoted above, housing has really been a problem in third ...

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The Lynmouth Floods

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

3 (801 )

Case Study: Lynmouth Lynmouth is a village in Devon, England, on the north edge of Exmoor. The village is on the converging point of the West Lyn and East Lyn rivers, in a gorge 700 feet (210 m) below Lynton, to which it is connected by the Lynton and Lynmouth Cliff Railway. The two villages are governed at local level by Lynton and Lynmouth Town Council. Lynmouth ...

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Canada: A contemporary biligual country

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

4 (1,592 )

Canada is one of the few countries in the world that is bilingual and is trying to stay that way. The government and its people have tried to give both languages equal status, but hardships ensue. The country's bilingualism has historical roots, but creates several problems in the society today. The first official government action to help support bilingualism was in 1867 with the British North America ...

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Africa’s Physical Geography

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

3 (994 )

Africa's Physical Geography Africa is a continent rich in beauty, culture, and wealth. It has several diverse and singularly captivating landscapes including vast savannah and desert, lush rainforest, and sun-kissed beaches. There is potential for great wealth and prosperity, due to the resources in this luminous continent. North and South Africa are split into almost two equal parts by the equator, and the climate and physical features ...

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Mount Etna: History and overview

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

4 (1,269 )

Mount Etna is also known as Mongibello in Italian. To ancient Greeks Mount Etna is known as the god of fire. They also believe that Cyclops, who is a one eyed monster, lives there. People can go skiing on Mount Etna in winter and you can go hill walking in the summer, but you have to be careful in case it erupts when you're there. Mount Etna ...

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Agriculture industry: Development of country

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

4 (1,451 )

Agriculture is a very important industry to every country; most countries start with agriculture before further economic development. Agriculture as it provides the resources for; the basis basic of human being'shomo sapient livelihoods, environmental protection, economic activities and further developments. In most countries, agriculture has been at the fore front of economic development. "Agriculture seems to have begun around 10,000 BC in China..." As (Ali, 2009) Shamsavari ...

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Marco Polo - The Travels

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

4 (1,242 )

Marco Polo is inarguably the most famous medieval European traveler, despite the heated controversy among modern scholars surrounding his adventurous travels. In The Travels of Marco Polo, Polo has clearly portrayed the character of the 13th century Asian society, which forms the basis of this paper. Various issues have been considered in the paper, such as the government organization and administration by Kublai Khan, the prosperity of ...

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Urbanization: An analysis

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

12 (4,741 )

2.1 Urbanization 2.1.1 Current discourse in urbanization concept Urbanization is growing in most part of the world in line with technological discovery and human civilization. The rapid urbanization began at England’s industrial capitalism (Clark, 1998) at the end of 18th century and it spread rapidly after the use of coal for the industry primary raw material and a better transportation system (Hall, 1994). In developing world, urbanization ...

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Egypt country, the continent of africa

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

2 (618 )

Egypt, is a country located in the far north-east of the continent of Africa, bordered on the north south-east coast of the Mediterranean Sea on the east coast of north-west of the Red Sea and an area of 1,002,450 square kilometers. Egypt is a state for the majority of its territory in Africa, however, part of its territory, the Sinai Peninsula, is located in the continent of ...

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The Marxist Critique Of Capitalism

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

7 (2,473 )

Marx critique of capitalism has been, and in certain respects, remains important in the development of global economies. Marx's theory stems from his view that capitalism is a wonderful innovation, but immorally exploitative. Therefore the Marxist critique of capitalism aims to justify this point and provide an alternate form of economic and political system. Yet does Marx succeed in providing an effective critique of capitalism? Or has ...

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Urban design and Cites

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

5 (1,900 )

How cities be improved by urban design? Comment on the difficult of new project. ABSTRACT In this essay I will look at the ways in which urban design might be useful by pre-existing cities in an effort to improve functionality, sustainability and the general living experience for city residents. I will focus on the need for quality in urban planning and design, looking at ways in ...

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Tajikistan labour migration and its implications

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

8 (3,109 )

Introduction Background Labour migration and remittances are one of the most evident globalisation phenomena in Tajikistan. According to UNDP Human Development Report (2005) and World Bank (2008) from 600,000 to 1,500,000 Tajik citizens migrated overseas for work in 2005 and remittances being sent by them constitute staggering 36% of national GDP of Tajikistan. Remittances are proven to be large source of external finance stimulating consumption which in ...

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Urban poverty: Causes and solutions

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

3 (887 )

Urban Poverty I. Introduction Historically, poverty belonged to rural areas, but nowadays it is the same in mega cities and it is estimated that a quarter of the world's urban population is currently living in a poverty situation (Perlman, 1998). In last several years, by the population growth explosion and more and more people choose to living from countryside to city, this phenomenon was becoming ...

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The Regional Economic Integration

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

8 (2,972 )

Introduction: Regional economic integration has existed in most geographical regions since the early days of the multilateral trade system. For example, the European Union was first established as the European Economic Community through the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Latin America and Central America followed soon after with the formation of the Latin American Free Trade Association and the Central American Common Market in 1960. By 1965, ...

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A nature and sources of data

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,378 )

Methodology Nature and sources of data The specific data required for this study were from primary and secondary sources. Secondary data were obtained from the Ibadan North Local Government Authority and Ibadan Waste Management Board. Analogue map of the study area was obtained from the Local Government headquarters. Land use map (1995), road map, elevation data, rail line data were made available from Ibadan Waste Management Board. ...

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Water Pollution In The Brunei River

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

4 (1,220 )

The questionnaire is aimed at retrieving information on the residents' perception of water pollution in the Brunei River particularly in the water village. Since the purpose of the research is to understand how the residents of the different areas in the water village (Kampong Ayer) perceive water pollution in the Brunei River, the target population is the residents of the water village as they are the ones ...

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Flood Coping Mechanisms

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

8 (3,009 )

Adaptive Strategies of household in terms of flood coping mechanism. Introduction Background of the problem International and national literature related to the problem to be studied Floods are defined as extremely high flows of river, whereby water inundates flood plains or terrains outside the water-confined major river channels. Flood hazard is measured by probability occurrence of their damaging values, conceived generally as flood risk, or ...

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Planning System in Germany

23 Mar 2015 14 Apr 2017

2 (503 )

A Brief Overview of the Planning System in Germany The federalist principle of the German state is divided between the Federation and the federal states. The federal states have their own state authority's laws. This fact characterizes Germany as a decentralized state. The federalist structure contains three central levels which are the Federation, the federal states and the municipalities. They each have their own regulations but they ...

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Peripheral and Semi-Peripheral Regions

23 Feb 2017

5 (1,671 )

Keywords: world systems theory, wallerstein, core, peripheral INTRODUCTION The terms 'Core', 'Peripheral' and the 'Semi peripheral' are born from the World systems theory. World systems theory has been closely associated with Immanuel Wallerstein. According to him, it is "multicultural territorial division of labour in which the production and exchange of basic goods and raw materials is necessary for the everyday life of its inhabitants." Our world is ...

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The United Arab Emirates

03 Oct 2016 22 Feb 2017

4 (1,480 )

Contents Introduction Brief history Rank on human development index Type of government and economic system Economy Health care Statistics Education Family life Social issues Equality Conclusion Works Cited UNITED ARAB EMARITES Introduction This paper deals with the overview of economic, social, governmental and political arrangements in United Arab Emirates. UAE is a steady, exceedingly developed authoritarian system by means of a contemporary financial system. Tourist facilities ...

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Classic glacial and post glacial landforms of snowdonia

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,575 )

Cwm Idwal (CI) is a Cirque: which is a glacially eroded semi circular steep walled basin, cirques commonly contain a lake this is what Llyn Idwal is. The Younger Dryas period was when CI was formed as a cirque, around 12,000 years ago, in the UK the event was called the Loch Lomond Stidial (The BBC, 2002). Various landforms that are associated with glacial and post-glacial are ...

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Fear Of Violent Crime Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

35 (13,933 )

As a concept ‘fear of crime' has caused much academic discussion since it was first developed as a school of thought in the 1960s. Even though interest in fear of crime has gone though peaks and troughs since its arrival in the social sciences, it has undoubtedly found its way into governmental thinking and subsequent policies (Lee & Farrall 2008). There are those who claim that ...

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The Geopolitics Of The Global Illegal Drug Trade Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,809 )

One of the biggest problems facing the world today is the production, trade and consumption of illegal drugs. Millions of people around the world are involved in either this trade either as producers, vendors or consumers, despite it being a highly illegal activity with strict and often harsh penalties for even the possession of a small amount of these illegal substances. In this paper we will be ...

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Landuse/landcover dynamics of Abuja FCT, Nigeria

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,327 )

ABSTRACT This study is about the Landuse/Landcover Dynamics of Abuja FCT, Nigeria. Abuja, the Federal Capital of Nigeria is a new, fast developing settlement area. As the City becomes more urban, the farmlands are reducing along with some landcover changes. Am using Landsat ETM images from 1987 and 2006 to show the different changes that has taken place within these periods due to population growth, increase in ...

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Possible solutions water crisis in china

23 Mar 2015

3 (989 )

It is not easy to link a vast country having two over 5000-km-long rivers with a massive water shortage. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization data (FAO 2007), China has only one quarter of the world's average per capita share of fresh water per annum. Based on the huge population, uneven water distribution on time and space as well as widespread pollution, the limitation of ...

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Use of gis and remote sensing data

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,460 )

INTRODUCTION Studies have shown that only few landscape on earth surface remain unaltered or in their natural state and is due to immerse demographic pressure and anthropogenic activities (Zubair, 2006). Competition between species and human beings has been the leading cause of land cover change in the world. This factor is substantially verified by the conversion of forest land to other uses like farmlands for agriculture, industry ...

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The introduction of geography today

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,557 )

1. Introduction “Today Geography is an extremely diverse discipline covering several areas of study and involving researches with different backgrounds from all over the world (Algona & Marsh, 2003)”. Thus Geography is a discipline that has evolved through time. Since the beginning of this discipline, it was regarded as a study for mapping features, however the definition later expanded. Geography is again, a multidisciplinary subject that is ...

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Economic And Social Impacts Of The Water Crisis Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,513 )

884 million of people worldwide do not have sufficient access to drinking-water and more than 2.6 million do not have access to simple sanitations. Each year about 2 million people die from the effects of unclean water, most of them are children. The 28th July was the day when the United Nations declared the access to clean water as a human right. This anchoring in the 'Universal ...

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The tourism system model

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,216 )

The Tourism System In early tourism research, it was argued that by analysing disaggregated components of tourism, it is possible that an understanding of tourism as a whole could be achieved (Pearce, 1989). However, these reductionist claims often result in a failure to explain the different complex relationships, interactions, interdependencies and impacts within the tourism system (Carlsen, 1999). For example, traditional tourism models such as Leiper (1979) ...

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Fanshawe Gate Farm Individual Report Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,573 )

INTRODUCTION It is important in this report to highlight the relevance of GIS ( Geographic Information System) and Remote sensing, that is exlaining the role of remote sensing in species health of an ecological area by the use of electromagnetic spectrum, thus to determine whether remote sensing and GIS technologies could be used to model a habitat distribution or show the prevalence or disrtibution of a plant ...

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Problems In Rural Distribution

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,827 )

Rural consumers spend around 13% of their income on fast moving consumer goods.The FMCG industry in India was worth around US$ 16.03 billion in August 2008 and the rural market accounted for 57% share of the total FMCG market in India. Rural marketing facilitate transfer of goods and service from rural producers to urban consumers at possible time with reasonable prices, and agriculture inputs/ consumer goods from ...

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Geography Essays - Tourism and Globalisation in Prague

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,215 )

The economic impact of tourism and globalisation in Prague. ‘Tourism’ is the all-encompassing term for the movement of people to destinations away from their place of residence for any reason other than following an occupation. The World Tourism Organisation, a United Nations body, defines a tourist as “someone who travels at least eighty kilometres (fifty miles) from home for the purpose of recreation” (Frangialli, 2001) Individuals and ...

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A Brief History of Alaska

23 Mar 2015

2 (659 )

A Brief History of Alaska Alaska, the 49th State, has a rich history behind it. From the Paleolithic period to the present, Alaska's natural beauty, and its rich resources have been the land's bane and boon to its natives. The Russians, Spanish, British, and Americans have at one time or another exploited Alaska's otters for their fur, and the land for its oil. Paleolithic Inhabitants Alaska's original ...

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Political Ecology Has Come Of Age Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,026 )

Political ecology is by no means a new concept. As a theory it produces a complex framework of understanding into the relationships between political, economic and social environments and the effect these relations have on environmental development and protection, developing common ground where disciplines can intersection (Greenburg and Park (1994).  The nature of political ecology can be so broadly defined that as a field of research has ...

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Geography Essays - Housing and Health

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,394 )

Explore the relationships between housingand health Introduction Historically, there has been recognised a directrelationship between substandard accommodation and poor health. The IndustrialRevolution in Britain resulted in low standard working-class housing beingbuilt quickly to meet this increase in demand for workers. Over-crowdeddwellings, inadequate sanitation and a proclivity to dispose of all forms ofwaste in cesspools, rivers and the street resulted in severe epidemics of manyillnesses, predominantly those which ...

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Latar belakang kawasan kajian

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,908 )

3.1 PENGENALAN Dalam bab ini, perkara yang dibincangkan adalah tentang latar belakang kawasan kajian dan aspek yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan lokasi kajian, penduduk, sosio-ekonomi, guna tanah, perindustrian dan lain-lain. Dalam bab ini, isu kesan perindustrian seperti pencemaran dibincangkan. Bab ini, pembaca akan memahami secara lebih mendalam tentang kawasan kajian. dengan mengetahui secara lebih mendalam latar belakang kawasan kajian, penkaji akan dapat memahami dan menerangkan secara menyeluruh tentang ...

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Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,628 )

From 911 to Hurricane Katrina the United States government has used many of its different resources to help with the aftermath. After every event that causes panic and destruction in the United States there is always someone there to help clean it up, from large companies to the people just wanting to help. When natural disasters and hurricanes strike its takes us to long to get everything ...

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23 Mar 2015

1 (283 )

Geography Location The community lies in the Weschnitz valley in the Odenwaldsome 25km north of Heidelbergand about 20km northeast of Mannheim. It is on Bundesstraße38, and the river Weschnitz flows through it. The land is hilly, green and dotted with horse farms and forests. Neighbouring communities Birkenau borders in the north on the community of Mörlenbach, in the east on the community ofAbtsteinach, in the south on ...

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Singapore tourism vulnerable to climate change

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,095 )

Conclusion The overall aim of this research is to understand the ways in which tourism in Singapore is vulnerable to climate change. Predicting climate change is complex but even more complex is predicting how people will respond to that change (Perry, 2005, 94). Therefore, tourists, who are major players in this tourism business, are exceptionally crucial. This study employs tourists' perceptions and opinions as well as statistical ...

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Singapore Differ From Other Countries In Asia Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,525 )

As one of the Four Tigers of Asia, Singapore has been widely acclaimed for its rare economic phenomenon that caused its rapid growth and promotion to the status of a developed country. However, what truly sets Singapore apart from the rest is that amid the fast paced industrial development and rapid urbanization, Singapore was able to at achieve a high level of environmental standards that allowed it ...

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The samoa-tonga tsunami

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,224 )

Abstract      On the 29th September 2009 a magnitude 8.0 earthquake occurring on the outer rise of the Tonga Trench generated a large tsunami. The tsunami struck Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga with devastating consequences. Waves which reached up to 7.4m struck the coastlines of the islands just one minute after the initial underestimated tsunami alert. The tsunami killed at least 182 people. It had a large impact ...

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Oil and gas of kazakhstan

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,150 )

The size of oil and gas reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan alone make national oil company of the country called KazMunaiGaz (KMG), an outstanding addition to any study of national oil companies. The country's proven oil reserves are estimated between 9 billion and 17.6 billion barrels, including both land and offshore fields, as a potential producer of considerable influence. (“An Energy Overview of the Republic of ...

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North Norfolk Coast Protection

23 Mar 2015

2 (758 )

Aim: My aim of this project is to answer the following question: Should the North Norfolk Coast be protected at any cost? Or should nature be allowed to take its course? Norfolk is a low lying county which is very prone to erosion. The coastline is around 100 miles stretching from Hopton on Sea to Wash. The North Norfolk coastline stretches over 40 miles, covering 450 ...

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Urban Regeneration And Social Exclusion In Sheffield Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,658 )

GEO 151: Assessment I In this essay we will be discussing urban regeneration and social exclusion in Sheffield. The research for this essay was conducted as a series of 2 walks and information comes from observation of these areas. The walk chosen was walk 3 which included Netherthorpe, Kelham Island and the Inner City - but the focus of this essay is on one section of the ...

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The genesis of durand line, pakistan factor and pashthunistan

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,018 )

Introduction 1. The Durand Line is a 2,450 km (1,519 mile) border between Afghanistan and Pakistan ranging from the spur of the Sarikol range in the north, to the Iranian border to the south-west [1]. It is named after Sir Mortimer Durand, who in 1893, as a representative of the British-Indian government, had negotiated and concluded an agreement in Kabul with the ruler of Afghanistan [2].When Pakistan ...

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Geopolitics and International Affairs

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,770 )

Geopolitics and International Affairs “What are the key factors in contemporary redistributions of Geopolitical Power?” The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes Geopolitics as “analysis of the geographic influences on power relationships in international relations” (2010); therefore Geopolitical Power is the power certain nations have over other nations, based upon Geographic influences and advantages. Across the world the geographies of power shift from nation to nation over time (such as ...

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Characteristics That Defines The Tropical Rainforest Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,530 )

Tropical rainforests are located some distance around the equator and it is one of the earth's spectacular wonders. It runs from the tropic of cancer in the northern side of the equator to tropic of Capricorn in the southern part of the equator. Examples of largest known tropical rainforests are found in Brazil (South America), South East Asia, Indonesia (islands near the Indian Ocean), and Democratic Republic ...

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infant mortality rate

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,621 )

Chapter 4 Methodology 4.1 Infant Mortality Rate: Definition and Estimation Approaches Infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths occurring in the first year of life per 1,000 live births. It measures the probability of a child born in a specific year will die before reaching the age of one (World Bank, 2008). The IMR are estimated using two approaches including a direct and indirect method. ...

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