Regulator Of Non Bank Financial Sector

02 Nov 2017

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3.1 Introduction Banks are the most important institutions which are responsible in managing and securing the wealth of the common man. The banking industry, whether public banks or private banks, are the most trusted business entities, where people deposit their hard earned money for safety. However, there are other institutions which are gradually making its ...

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Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Background Today's world economy has been more competitive & complicated due to the competition & globalization. The most important fact of international business operation is continuous change in economic, political & social dimension. These chances are beyond the control of international business concern. Nowadays international investors are attracted ...

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Individual Financial Report On British Petroleum

02 Nov 2017

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The purpose of this individual report is to analyze in details the financial performance of BP Limited during the financial year of 2008 to 2010. The analysis also aims at making conclusion and recommendation for the company for future directions. This report is classified into four main parts, introduction, stating why the company has been ...

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Evolution Of Offshore Banking In Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

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The offshore banking is the deposit of funds by either a company or an individual in a bank which is situated outside their national residence. The geneses of the offshore banking industry are found in a group of island off the northwest coast of France, the Channel Island. Many years back, a group ...

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The Location Of Kuala Lumpur

02 Nov 2017

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.CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, researcher explained about preparation of processing methodology procedure in this research. This research, researcher decides to use quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative methods commonly use survey research because it is the most widely adopted in research method. The survey of the factors of valuer’s challenging to ...

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The Management Of Liabilities

02 Nov 2017

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List the conditions under which a provincial department is exempted from the requirement in terms of the PFMA that all money received by it must be deposited into the relevant provincial revenue fund. ...

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The Organizational Systems And Efficiency

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter presents the basic knowledge with the introduction of the existing problems with references to detailing an explanation of the background of the research, problem statement, objectives, research questions, justification, significance and conclusion of the study. The background of the problems discussed is based on a regional scope. There are strong justifications for selecting ...

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Frequency Of Independent Directors On Board

02 Nov 2017

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In this chapter, data obtained from the survey are analysed using appropriate statistical techniques generated by SPSS and Excel. The observation made by the questionnaire survey is threefold:- Whether independent directors play a crucial role and contribute in the promotion of effective and best corporate governance practices. To get the views of bank executives ...

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Reflection On The Group Acceptance Of Your Suggestions

02 Nov 2017

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Student Name : Xu yuan yuan Student ID : 1008007238 Matriculation No. : 20037834 Date : 16/4/2013 Word Count ...

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Debt And Equity Position

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Capital structure decision is the most essential element of every business organization and requires proper evaluation and selection processes. This is because the survival of every business entity depends on the selection of appropriate debt and equity position that maximizes shareholders wealth. There are a few empirical evidences from a ...

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The Importance Of Foreign Exchange Rates

02 Nov 2017

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The importance of foreign exchange rates for the Japanese automotive industry Background and academic context Research topic 1. Introduction The Japanese yen has kept appreciating against other major currencies and it hasn’t been this strong against the US dollar since nearly 15 years as it was in September 2012. There were strong concerns that the ...

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Field Known As Behavioral Finance

02 Nov 2017

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The main attack against behavioral finance was that it is not scientific because it doesn’t have a dominant paradigm; it draws from other disciplines in an ad hoc fashion; and it is focused on short-lived and emergent phenomena. Only with the rise of the "Anomalies Literature" in the last 15 years has behaviorally oriented financial ...

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High Banking Spread In The Banking Industry

02 Nov 2017

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BEACONHOUSE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY LAHORE. SESSION 2010-2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It was by the grace of Almighty Allah that I was able to complete the thesis. I would like to express my special gratitude to our Dean and Supervisor Dr. Hafiz Pasha, under whose inspiring guidance this department of social sciences is maintaining its traditions and high ...

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Recording Under A Perpetual Inventory System

02 Nov 2017

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Kimberly Riblet Instructor Brooks Fundamentals of Accounting FND154 W3A1 Memo INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM to: National Accounting Academy (NAM) employees from: Kimberly Riblet subject: training manual date: April 24, 2013 Service and Merchandising Companies Merchandising companies have inventories of products and service companies do not. Service organizations provide services, rather than physical products, to consumers. Products provided ...

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Motive For Mergers

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The introduction will discuss about the history and development of Merger and Acquisition (M&A) in Malaysian banking industry and the motive for mergers and acquisitions in Malaysian banking. This chapter will also ...

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Theoretical Transitional Mechanism Of The Financial Crisis

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: The financial crisis of 2007 - present is a crisis triggered by a liquidity deficit in the United States banking system. It has resulted in the collapse of large financial institutions, the "bail out" of banks by national governments and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market has also suffered, resulting in several ...

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Todays Presentation Is Fundamental Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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Notes Script The topic of our today’s presentation is Fundamental Analysis. Script In this presentation we will start by looking at what is Fundamental Analysis and study various aspects of fundamental analysis. We will see how the Top down approach works and what is the level of analysis needed at each level. We will also ...

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The Subprime Catastrophe Of America

02 Nov 2017

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The subprime catastrophe of America had an effect on the Kazakhstani Mortgage market which led to bring under pressure whole banking sector in 2008. The entire Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) faced main problems due to its immense lending flings in international financial markets and its exposure in mortgage sector. In 2008, Kazakhstan faced first ...

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Formation And Foundation Of The Imf

02 Nov 2017

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During the great depression of the 1930s many countries attempted defeating their failing economies by ; Raising barriers to foreign trade Devaluating their currencies in order to compete against other countries in export market Curtailing their citizens freedom to hold foreign currencies Consequently, world trade declined sharply as well as employment and living standards in ...

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The Basel Capital Requirements On Bank Behaviour

02 Nov 2017

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In every country there is banking regulation. It is pertinent for both the financial system and the economy. A bank regulatory tool such as capital requirements has been observed to be efficient to stabilise the financial system. In fact, capital plays an essential role in a bank’s long-term financing, acts as a protector against insolvency ...

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Cement Is One Of The Core Industries

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 Introduction Cement is one of the core industries which plays a vital role in the growth and expansion of a nation. The industry occupies an important place in the Indian economy because of its strong linkages to other sectors such as construction, transportation, coal and power. India is the second largest producer of ...

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Estimation Of Capm Fot Miscrosoft And Mobile Exxon

02 Nov 2017

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Customer Inserts His/Her Name Customer Inserts Grade Course Customer Inserts Tutor’s Name Writer Inserts Date Here (Day, Month, Year) INTRODUCTION After the statistical casting the data the data can be applied for the understanding of the underlying financial model which is the capital asset pricing model. This model has some assumptions, which are not ...

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The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

02 Nov 2017

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According to the Inside Job, in 1990s, they started using derivatives, which are advance in technology that led to an explosion of complex financial products. They appealed that they made the markets safer but instead, they made them more unstable because they did not take seriously in the threat of innovation on the stability of ...

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Difference Between Solvency Risk And Liquidity Risk

02 Nov 2017

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While financial institutions have faced difficulties over the years for a multitude of reasons, the major cause of serious banking problems continues to be directly related to lax credit standards for borrowers and counterparties, poor portfolio risk management, or a lack of attention to changes in economic or other circumstances that can lead to a deterioration ...

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How They Generate Economic Wealth

02 Nov 2017

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[Author Name] [Titles] [Institutional Affiliation] Introduction When a company is established and incorporated, as a public company, the shares are offered to the applications for some money. This amount of money accumulated through the sale of shares forms the capital of the company. For the general understanding of the business in any economy, Capital is ...

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Analysis Of The Argentine And Mexican Banking

02 Nov 2017

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By Mine Aysen Doyran, Ph.D. Emre Erdogan, Ph.D. Abstract Purpose- Emerging markets provide a prism through which to view the transformation of countries’ financial and economic systems undergoing globalization. Building on previous research in this area, this paper examines the performance and characteristics of Argentina and Mexico’s banks over the past 20 years. Design/methodology/approach- Using ...

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An Overview Of Previous Studies

02 Nov 2017

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Most of the venture capital investments in Russia have been conducted by domestic private and state-owned venture capital funds. The dominance of domestic venture capital funds is mainly due to Russia’s poor economic and political institute (court systems, corruption, and terrorism). In the 1990s, venture capitalists were generally interested in low-tech industries with military background. ...

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The Interrelationships Between Return On Equity

02 Nov 2017

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Equity is the total amount of cash that has been invested in the business by the owner. Return on Equity (ROE) is sometimes called "return on net worth." ROE is a financial ratio that shows how effective an investment the business is for its owners. It also reveals how much return a company earned in ...

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The Look At Effectiveness Of Freelook Period

02 Nov 2017

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Submitted to Amity University for the registration of the topic for MBA (Insurance & Banking) in ASIBAS Session 2011-2013 Submitted by ...

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The Detailed Management Analysis Of Bank Of Punjab

02 Nov 2017

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The Bank of Punjab is working as a programmed commercial bank with a setup of almost 284 branches at all over main locations in the Punjab.BOP offers all types of banking services such as deposits in Local currency and client foreign currency,remittances,and advances to business, trade, industry and agriculture. The Bank of Punjab has infact ...

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Ghana Stock Exchange Exchange Rates

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract This paper investigates the Granger (1969) causality between foreign exchange rates and stock price of Ghana using daily data spanning from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2011. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test is employed to test for unit root in the series and the results show that both variables are integrated at order one, ...

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Analysis For Halifax Power Argentina And Chile

02 Nov 2017

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PESTEL Analysis examines detailed study how it is feasible for Halifax Power to do business in Argentina or Chile on the basis of Existing country reports, rules and regulations for setting up a company in Argentina or Chile, Standard and Certification requirements, Subsidies, Taxation and Legal Constraints for a new company to enter into the ...

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Choosing The Right Financing Instruments

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter deals with the decision regarding the capital structure, that is, the mix of debt, equity, and hybrids. The main objective is to determine the optimal capital structure such that the firm value is maximized. The starting point of this study is a frictionless financial environment, in which there are no taxes and transaction ...

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Major Financial Legislations In The U S

02 Nov 2017

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YuanHong Wong Macroeconomic Analysis Prof Buckley The financial Crisis of 2007 and the Trend in American Financial Regulation Introduction In the past two decades, recessions in the U.S. have become increasingly milder and shorter, leading to a general consensus amongst economists that financial crises of the magnitude experienced during the Great Depression were a thing ...

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Impact Of Currency Fluctuation On Various Sectors

02 Nov 2017

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I would like to thank all those who have helped me during my research project. It is a matter of great pleasure for me to express my sincere gratitude towards my faculty guide Mrs Kiran Desai and my former faculty guide Mrs Manisha Bapna who has helped a lot in the first part of the ...

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The Exchange Rates And Stock Prices

02 Nov 2017

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1.0 Introduction The Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 raises attention towards the dynamic linkage between stock prices and exchange rates. During the financial crisis period, economy of many Asian countries was plummeted as the continuous currency depreciation as well as stock markets was hit badly. The relationship between stock prices and exchange rates again become hot ...

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Implementing Inflation Linked Bonds Model

02 Nov 2017

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Student Name – Chitra Naraindas Relwani Student ID – A4042738 MSc Finance Intake 10 Abstract The purpose of this paper was to look at the feasibility of introducing inflation linked corporate bonds by Indian utility companies into the Indian debt market. This implementation was based on the fact that countries like the UK have a ...

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Implications For Theory And Mixed Method

02 Nov 2017

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Under this section, I attempt to show how the study implicates theory. I try to position the study in a larger theoretical debate around the human capital, neo-liberal and quasi public good. I end the section by looking at the implication of this study on mixed methods. Financing universities or simply higher education with tax ...

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How Does Enterprise Risk Management

02 Nov 2017

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I.D. STUDENT: 120024631 PROGRAMME: MSc. International Oil and Gas Management COURSE: CP 52070 Risk and Crisis Management TITLE OF THE RESEARCH PAPER: HOW DOES ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE INTERELATE? ABSTRACT: In recent times risk has become a very critical component to both individuals and businesses all over the world. Risk ...

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The Usefulness And Applicability Of Statistical

02 Nov 2017

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Course Title: Business statistics II (BMKT 22122) Course Coordinator: Mr. D. Wasantha Kumara 2st year 2nd Semester Department of Marketing Management University of Kelaniya T Distribution A type of probability distribution that is theoretical and resembles a normal distribution. A T distribution differs from the normal distribution by its degrees of freedom. The higher the ...

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The First Generation And Second Generation Financial Crisis Theory

02 Nov 2017

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Currency crisis is one kind of financial crisis, according to Eichengreen et al(1997), currency crisis is that one country have to give up its original exchange rate system under pressure, its currency devalue considerably, or accept assistance from other institutions. Many economists have a intensive study about currency crisis, the most important contribution are Krugman ...

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Changing Non Banking Financial Companies Into Banks

02 Nov 2017

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It is generally accepted that greater financial system depth, stability and soundness contribute to economic growth. But beyond that, for growth to be truly inclusive requires broadening and deepening the reach of banking that helps both consumers and producers raise their welfare and productivity and build savings, make investments, avail credit, and more important, insure themselves ...

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Traditionally Focus Of Corporate Finance

02 Nov 2017

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Fms Of Merger And Acquisitions

02 Nov 2017

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A project submitted in the partial fulfillment of requirement for award of the degree in Master of Business Administration Under the guidance of: Dr. MONICA SINGHANIA Submitted by: Sakshi Joshi MBA (FT) | F – 46 Area Code: FIN FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF DELHI MARCH 2013 Certificate This is to certify that the ...

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Mutual Fund Operation Flow Chart

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: Before 1947 there was no strong financial system existing in the country. During the period of 1947 to 1948 it was anarchy in the operating financial mechanism in the country, due to lake of participation of financial intermediaries and institutions in the financial operating system in the country. The industrial and business sector was ...

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Indirect Taxes On The Global Supply Chain

02 Nov 2017

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Indirect Taxes on the Global Supply Chain Submitted to: Professor Ankush Guha, Sr. Lecturer Supply Chain Management Submitted by: Rezwan Quamar (134) Binoy Ezhuthasan (244) Indirect Taxes on the Global Supply Chain Executive Summary Changing global supply chains challenge indirect taxes Changes in world trade and in supply chain models present challenges for indirect taxes ...

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The Role Of State Bank In Economic Development

02 Nov 2017

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We are also thankful to the respected faculty member of SZABIST Larkana and our course instructor of Money & Banking subject in 4th semester of BBA program Sir Tanveer Ahmed Laghari, whose proper guidance and apprehensive nature helped us to complete this project. This project work improve our skills and during this project we ...

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The Size Of Corporations And Capital Structre

02 Nov 2017

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CAPITAL STRUCTURE Introduction As we know that capital structure are important for firms to start and build their investment in financial markets or any markets as mortgage market, so it's need for a structure organized well and these structure influence by many factors. Definition of 'Capital Structure’: A mix of a company's long-term debt, specific ...

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The Effect Of Financial Literacy

02 Nov 2017

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1. Introduction In the wake of the credit crisis many have pointed their arrows towards the institutions and legal bodies in denouncing their discontent with the current state of affairs with regards to the financial system. Given the current developments in the market system like liberalization and several structural reforms regarding Social security and pensions, ...

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The Type Of Foreign Direct Investment

02 Nov 2017

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Synopsis submitted to college of management and economic studies for the partial fulfillment of the degree of INTEGRATED BBA+MBA (oil and gas) UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: Dr. ASHISH MANOHAR URKUDE College of management and economic studies University of petroleum and energy studies Dehradun- 248007 Submitted by: Shantanu Singh R430209023 Int. BBA+MBA (oil and gas) PROBLEM ...

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Pressure From Substitute Products

02 Nov 2017

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Rivalries naturally develop between companies competing in the same market. Competitive revelry is high in banking sector. There are too many banks in the market so ABPL should improve its quality, price & compatibility. There are following competitors of the ABPL; e,g Faysal Bank, Meezan Bank, Alfalah Islamic Bank, Askary Bank etc. these all banks ...

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Lastovica Construction Is A Large Construction Company

02 Nov 2017

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Clearly, Lastovica construction benefited from its risk management program. Other organizations have also recognized the merits of risk management. Today, risk management is widely used by corporations, small employers, nonprofit organizations, and state and local governments. Even students can benefit from a personal risk management program. MEANING OF RISK MANAGEMENT ‘Risk’ is defined as the ...

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Options To Expand Or Options To Contract

02 Nov 2017

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Real Options and Hedge Policy at Avon Products Inc.AVON1.jpg Real Options at Avon Products Inc. Option is a contract which creates for its owner right to buy or sell an item (that is the base of the option) at a fixed price (strike price) on or before the expiry of the option. Options are rights ...

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Importance Of Cash Budget

02 Nov 2017

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Cash budget is the projection of a company’s cash inflow and outflow over a period of future time which uses to plan for and control the use of cash. (Jain & Khan, 2008) Usually, a company will prepare a cash budget on an annual basis and subdivided into month. However, some companies will prepare the ...

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The Derivatives Are An Imperative Class

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 1 Derivatives are an imperative class of financial instruments nowadays. The use and variety of derivatives have grown tremendously in the last few decades. They are said to be the main catalyst to the financial and trade markets nowadays as mentioned in (Mai, 2008), since the numerous types of risk protection are offered in ...

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Globilisation Refers To The Shift

02 Nov 2017

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"The process through which an increasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods, services and capital leads to the integration of economies and societies"- (funds, 2009) WHAT IS GLOBALISATION? Globalisation refers to a variety of events that are rapidly changing the world. The machine that powers globalisation, however, is the global economy. At the heart of ...

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Economies Of Scope And Synergies

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT This report underlines the different types of motives, which leads to merger and Acquisition such as competitive considerations, a response to a changing environment and inefficient capital markets. This report also focuses on the outcome of the different methodologies used to analyze merger and acquisition activities by using Event method, Accounting based Method. This ...

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Foreign Direct Investments In Hotel Properties To Tunisia

02 Nov 2017

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Tunisia is a country situated in Africa, on the Northern coast boarding the Mediterranean Sea. The country is located between Libya and Algeria. “Tunisia has a mixed economic system in which there is a variety of private freedom, combined with centralized economic planning and government regulation. “ (Global Edge, 2011). Since the Independence Day, the ...

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History Of Central Banking In The United States

02 Nov 2017

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History of Central Banking in the United States of America Student Name University Name Abstract This paper discusses the history of central banking system in the United States of America. It analyses the establishment, operations and functions of the central banks that existed in the history of the United States of America. The closing of ...

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Applications Of Options As Risk Management Tools

02 Nov 2017

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Research Paper Rajal Joshi ABSTRACT The report presents a way of risk management in a company as an example of X that operates in the textile industry. The company is exposed to such the risks arising from fluctuations in exchange rates (mainly EUR / ABC and USD / ABC). The contents show how using one ...

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Smes Are Based On Size

02 Nov 2017

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2.1 Introduction This chapter follows from chapter 1 as a review of the literature on financial accounting practices. Chapter 1 provided an overview of the research problem under study. Chapter 2 reviews financial accounting practices, accounting information and financial performance measurement in SMEs around the world, especially in economies such as the United States of ...

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Discounted Cash Flow Techniques In Investment Decision

02 Nov 2017

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To evaluate the importance of discounted cash flow techniques in investment decision, we need to understand the term Cash Flow and Discounted Cash Flow. Cash Flow: Cash flow is the transaction of money of a business, project, or financial product. It is calculated during a specific financial period.. Measurement of cash flow usually calculating ...

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The Modeling Of Business Processes

02 Nov 2017

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"Experience is an expensive school". Benjamin Franklin. The Modeling of business processes. A large part of modern business economics consider businesses such as complex dynamic systems in which flows of materials, people, financial resources and information intersect and different decision makers interact and influence each other. These systems receive spurs from the environment in which ...

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Public Universities In Zambia

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Public universities in Zambia have been experiencing a multitude and plethora of challenges such as: financial austerity, accessibility, faculty recruitment and retention, massification, lack of true institutional autonomy and the lack of improvement of physical facilities. Cognizant of these quagmires, and the challenge of financial stringency which has remained at the peril of public ...

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Overview About Harry Markowitz Model

02 Nov 2017

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Harry Markowitz (born in Chicago on August 24, 1927) is a talented American economist and an elite educator of finance. He was widely recognized as a pioneer in the financial field in the 1950s. After finishing his college career in the University of Chicago, Markowitz entered the RAND Corporation in 1952. Markowitz has worked as ...

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The Validity Of Capital Asset Pricing Model

02 Nov 2017

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Faisal – Bin - Umar Introduction Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is one of the most widely used Asset pricing model. It is used by many professional investors and portfolio managers, because every investors needs to calculate risk and return before purchasing or investing in a stock. The CAP model states that every investor needs ...

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Financial System Mediates Between Those

02 Nov 2017

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Literature The financial system mediates between those in need of finance (borrowers) and those who have excess funds (lenders); either through direct lending or indirectly via stock markets or banks. A number of theories have been developed both at theoretical and empirical levels, with a view to explain the alliance between financial development and economic ...

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Stock Prices Movements Have Always Been An Interest

02 Nov 2017

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1.0 Introduction Stock prices movements have always been an interest of study to researchers as well as investors. Researchers explore the movements of stock prices to determine its behaviour and pattern as well as the underlying forces while investors observe stock price movements to evaluate capital gains and profits. Generally, stock prices tend to follow ...

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Operational Definition Of Terms

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 ) Union National Bank Industry Analysis Proposal Done By: Mariam Al Nuaimi / H00131266 Mona Al Zaabi / H00157915 Presented to Dr. Emerson G. Cabudol Due Date: 1st of May. 2013 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction/ Background of the Study Brief background of the study United National Bank was established in 1982 as a ...

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Transactions Motive For Holding Cash

02 Nov 2017

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Working capital management refers to management of current assets and current liabilities. It is regarded as the main part of a firm’s short-term financial planning because it involves the management of cash, inventory and accounts receivable (Van Horne, J. 1995). The ways that these three components are managed determine some of a company’s most important ...

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Three Forms Of Business And Their Financing

02 Nov 2017

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Sole Proprietorship:- Form of business which is established, financed, managed and controlled by an individual entrepreneur who has complete freedom of operation, who bears all the task and entitled to all the profits. This is the most common form of business. One person provides the permanent finance and in return has full control of the business ...

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International Financial Management Of A American Exporting Company

02 Nov 2017

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: this is a Report to the CEO of a U.S. exporting company. The report evaluates all the options which were considered by the CEO of the firm and suggestions regarding the best one have been made. The purpose of hedging has also been explained and a brief evaluation of all the hedging techniques has ...

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Impact Of Macroeconomic Variables

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract This study investigates the impact of macroeconomic variables on stock returns of KSE 100 index to see what sort of relation exists between them. The macroeconomic variables used in this research are interest rate, Exchange rate and Inflation rate. In order to find out, 6 years data from July 2005 to Dec 2012 on ...

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Danones Risk Management Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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The Danone Company is a global player of the food industry. It is present in several countries around the world. All those factors add new risks threatening the Company. The nature of its products, the regulations in the different countries, the production of the trademarks, different other activities that are generated y Danone are more ...

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Summary And Research Inspirations

02 Nov 2017

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In this chapter, we thoroughly review the literature on in Chinese capital market, equity financing capacity and market performance, actual equity financing and stock-price performance of equity issuing and competitor (non-issuing) firms and theories on equity financing and stock-price performance in this chapter, respectively. In the last two decades, these research strands have made great ...

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Effect Before And After Announcement Of Ceo

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction This study is designed to observe the effect before and after announcement of CEO turnover event happened in the Malaysia listed companies. This chapter is to present the introduction of this study. It consists of background of the study, motivation for the study, research objective, problem statement, scope of study and contribution to the ...

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Hedging Techniques Of Bilateral Exchange Rate

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT This paper presents the analysis of hedging techniques of Bilateral Exchange Rate between India and Saudi Arabia. The analysis has been done for the oil and petroleum product trade flow between India and Saudi Arabia. India imports crude oil from Saudi Arabia and exports petroleum products to it. The payment between both the countries ...

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The History About The Regression Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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The main aim of the final paper is to find the main characteristics that make a business successful during the recession. It mainly focuses on the top firms which are profitable based on balance sheet during recession. In order to achieve that goal it is necessary to use previous literature from surveys. Many researches ...

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Regulation Changes In The United Kingdom

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 5: This chapter is designed to explain the role of the United Kingdom national regulator the Financial Service Authority has played in the development of the Islamic banking sector. Every bank in the UK is required to meet a minimum requirements set by the Bank of England and the Financial Service Authority (FSA). ...

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Jet Airways Pvt Ltd

02 Nov 2017

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RB12120 Tanushree Gupta RB12082 Mithun Das Executive Summary & Introduction Jet Airways Pvt. Ltd. was founded in 1992 as an airline company. At the time of incorporation, there were two shareholders of the company, P.V.V Chalam and Anita Goyal. In 1992, these shares were transferred to Naresh Goyal as he is the owner of ...

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Efficiency Theories Differential Efficiency Operating Synergy

02 Nov 2017

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Merger is corporate combination of two or more independent business corporations into a single enterprise, usually the absorption of one or more firms by a dominant one. A merger may be accomplished by one firm purchasing the other’s assets with cash or its securities or by purchasing the other’s shares or stock or by issuing ...

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The Role Of Accounting Ratio In Companies

02 Nov 2017

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First, before I begin in this I take this prospect to thank Almighty Allah, for providing me the strength and health to do this project work until it is completed. At this point, I would like to express my sincere thanks to those who have contributed help to me while collecting of necessary information to ...

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Creating Value From Mergers And Acquisitions

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Sudi Sadarsanam (2003) wrote in his book Creating Value from Mergers and Acquisitions, that « Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), by witch two companies are combined to achieve certain strategic and business objective, are transactions of great significance, not only to the companies themselves but also to many other constituencies, such as workers, managers, competitors, ...

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Worrying Features Of The Profit And Loss Statement

02 Nov 2017

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Done by: Section: Index: S. No Contents Page No 1 Meaning of terms in profit and loss account 3 2 Review of Alaradi horse shop from profit and loss statement 3 3 Worrying features of profit and loss account 4 4 Meaning of terms in balance sheet 4 5 Review of Alaradi horse shop from ...

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Product And Services For The New Venture

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

School Affiliate Course Title Name Professor Date Executive Summary Financial Forecast The anticipated annual sales for year one, two and three are $608,000, $628,064, and $643,766 respectively based on evaluations from operation of an existing restaurant. The net income for year one, two and three is projected to be $18,622, $20,173, and $21,367 respectively. Capital ...

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A Permanent Life Insurance

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

"In a Permanent Life Insurance contract, a segment of the money paid as premiums is invested in that type of fund which earns interest on a tax-deferred basis. Thus, over a period of time, these investments are supposed to accumulate increased cash values which the policyholder will be able to get back either during the ...

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Banking Industry Of Pakistan

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

"Bank is a financial institution or organization registered by the state government whose main function is to receive deposits (time or demand deposits) and pay interest on them or makes loans or invests the money in market. There are mainly two types of banks: investment banks and commercial/retail banks". (Source: Dictionary, Oxford. "Bank.") The ...

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The Concept Of Market Efficiency

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

DEM Development and Enterprise Market EMH Efficient Market Hypothesis FHM First Half of the Month GARCH Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity IOSCO International Organisation of Securities Commissions OLS Ordinary Least Squares ROM Rest-of the-Month SEM Stock Exchange of Mauritius SHM Second Half of the Month SLR Simple Linear Regression TOM Turn-of the-Month Chapter 1: Introduction The concept of market efficiency is of paramount importance in finance. ...

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Overview On The Stock Exchange Of Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

There have been widespread and extensive studies on the profitability of momentum strategies on the stock market. Many of these studies had documented that future stock returns can be predicted based on past price returns information and various research on momentum profitability had been made in its various form. The momentum strategy is believed to ...

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The Relevance Of Corporate Government Systems

02 Nov 2017

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Individual assignment Corporate Governance Systems N.D. Krijnse Locker 2142333 Tutorial group 13 Table of Contents Introduction When analyzing or comparing countries for foreign direct investment (FDI) consideration, corporate governance is an important area to consider. Countries differ greatly in the corporate governance area, this is due to a lot of different variables and forces. However, ...

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Impact Of The Financial Choice

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 ) Abstract This paper examines the relation between firm’s investment activity and it’s financing (by means of bank lending and operating liquidity). Specifically, this study seeks to understand investment activity under the constructs of external (by means of bank lending) and internal finance (by means of cash flow from operations). This is done by operationalizing ...

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Venture Capital And Private Equity

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter deals with the decision regarding the capital structure, that is, the mix of debt, equity, and hybrids. The main objective is to determine the optimal capital structure such that the firm value is maximized. The starting point of this study is a frictionless financial environment, in which there are no taxes and transaction ...

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The Rules For Savings And Loans

02 Nov 2017

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‘The collapse of Lincoln Savings and Loan was the largest contributor to the Savings Industry Crisis in the USA’. (Berg, E.N, 1989) American Continental Corporation, parent company of Lincoln Savings and Loan, went bankrupt in 1989. Federal regulators seized Lincoln Savings and Loan Association after American Continental bankrupt. From the collapse it has been found ...

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Non Debt Tax Shields

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Capital structure: This paper surveys capital structure theories based on agency costs, asymmetric information, product/input market interactions, and corporate control considerations (but excluding tax-based theories). For each type of model, a brief overview of the papers surveyed and their relation to each other is provided. The central papers are described in some detail, ...

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The Use Of Capital Budgeting Methods

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

IBS_logo_pozitiv Capital Budgeting techniques Introduction Capital budgeting is playing a key role in financial management strategy of all organizations. Gitman (2007) determines the capital budgeting as the "process of evaluating and selecting long term investments that are consistent with the business’s goal of maximizing owner wealth". Usually every organization which decides to start this process ...

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The Studies Conducted Abroad

02 Nov 2017

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2.1. INTRODUCTION Review of related literature is very important for undergoing a dissertation as it gives valuable and in depth detailed inputs on the problem issues relative to the project. It basically refers to the research conducted by the scholars and industry experts in which their opinions and suggestions are highlighted in particular. These outputs ...

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Liquidity Has So Many Facets

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project titled "Illiquidity and Stock Return: Evidence from Indian Stock Market" submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration is a record of original research work carried out by myself. Any material borrowed or referred to is duly acknowledged. Chandan Kumar ...

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Height Of Ceo Remuneration

02 Nov 2017

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Tom Stofmeel Schoolstraat 31C 9712 JR Groningen [email protected] Student number: s1859099 Phone number: 06-12133917 Supervisor: dr. E.P. Jansen March 2013 University of Groningen Faculty of Economics and Business MSc Accountancy Content: Introduction: The remuneration of CEO’s has been a topic of concern for many over the last few years, the society views CEO remuneration often ...

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The Federal Reserve System

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

[Author] [Institution] The U.S financial system includes the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) which is an International organization responsible for fund regulation in the global economy and holds a major role in the economic activity regulation.. This research paper aims to discuss the complex behavior of U.S finance regulation bodies, its effects on domestic and global ...

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Islamic Sukuk Bonds Vs Conventional Bonds

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

By [Author’s Name] [Faculty Name] [Department or School Name] [Month Year] CHAPTER 02: LITERATURE REVIEW The Arabic term sukuk is the plural of sakk, meaning 'legal instrument', 'deed' or 'cheque'. It is the Arabic name for what is known in conventional banking as 'financial certificates', but more commonly refers to the Islamiccounterpart of 'bonds'. In ...

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