What Languages Are Chosen In Malaysian Family Domain

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION Language choice is a sociolinguistic phenomenon which refers to selecting languages for different purposes in different contexts in bi-/multilingual societies. Several questions may arise regarding choice of language, such as: Is the choice natural or forced? What makes this language choice an obvious issue and concern? What are the intentions of an individual when ...

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History Of The Holistic Development Of Individual

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Integrated approach is the one of the element in the principles. It means an approach where knowledge, skills, and values are combined to integrate the physical, emotional, spiritual, social and intellectual aspects. There are four ways that bound to it which are skills cohesion, element-across-the-curriculum, infusion and integration. English is the medium of language ...

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The Origins Of Problem Based Learning

02 Nov 2017

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In the other hand, PBL could be learned in a distance mode. Its characteristics go very well with those of an elearning mode. This paper focuses on the anatomy of tutorial groups and participants’ roles. It presents the key steps in the PBL discussion process and the seven jump method. In addition it gives the ...

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He Number Of Courses And Teaching Material Available

02 Nov 2017

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Professor Lipman’s contribution and influence to PFC continued through his publications. With Ann Margaret Sharp, Lipman produced a series of novels, each with their accompanying manual (Martin, 2011). These philosophical novels are about a group of children who encounter philosophical problems and discuss them with intellectual curiosity and philosophical reflection. In 1974 Lipman published his ...

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The Necessary Shift From Behaviourism To Transactional Constructivism

02 Nov 2017

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IMPLICATIONS FOR DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE SCHOOLS TO ACT PEDAGOGICALLY After spending a few days in each school, talking to the pupils, teachers, and architects, after reflecting on that experience and analysing the data gathered, a myriad of relationships emerged linking the sustainable school design and its impact on the learning. Besides, I believe there a few ...

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History Of Education In Malaysia

02 Nov 2017

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Personal Particular NAME : Fat’hul Jannah binti Abd Hamid GROUP : A3 – Kazuo Ishiguro MATRIC NO : PLPPIP2011/015/KIC I/C NO : 930301-08-6022 COURSE CODE : 4 FHE 1050 LECTURER’S NAME : Mr. Danapalan A/L Govindan Contents Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to thank to my lecturer of this project, Mr Dhanapalan for the valuable guidance and advice. ...

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The Technology Of Multimedia

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter reviews on past research on related issues is appropriate before developing the interactive multimedia encyclopedia for primary school children. The researchers on related are important to ensure the development of the application is benefiting the children and provides effective learning. Among the topics covered in this chapter are ...

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Current Pedagogical Approaches To Education For Children

02 Nov 2017

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There is a rich body of research on dyslexia as a product of over one hundred years of research. The focus of the investigation covers a very wide scope including the nature, causes, diagnosis, and various forms of treatment based on different underpinning theories and philosophies. The most recent research acknowledges that both genetic ...

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A Home Based Bilingual Education

02 Nov 2017

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Broadly define, "bilingual education" is the usage of two language in teaching academic content to students. The terms "Bilingual teaching" and "Bilingual education" are often used interchangeably, but in actual they are of different practices. Bilingual education refers to the usage of two language where one is the mother tongue and the other the secondary ...

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Should Special Education Students Be Retained

02 Nov 2017

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Karen Mauldin Touro University Intro to Special Education SPED 603 Introduction Special education students are students with special needs and challenges and therefore require individual attention. Special education students require interventions, equipment and materials to help them learn and thrive in the educational setting. It is important for special education students to learn in the ...

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Emotional Intelligence And Academic Achievement Motivation Among Adolescents

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT The present paper is an attempt to examine relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement motivation. It also studies the emotional intelligence of students with high, average and low academic achievement motivation. Sample for the study includes 105 students (48 boys and 57 girls) of class XII of Patna. The data were analyzed with ...

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What Is Cooperative Learning

02 Nov 2017

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In this assignment I will review literature and research on the impact of group work in developing learning in the mathematics classroom. Theoretical approaches to group work When discussing the theoretical approaches that underpin the use of group work in the classroom, I will attribute the majority of my focus to the history and development ...

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Video And Screen Capture Technology

02 Nov 2017

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The use of technology within education is increasing, with teachers take advantage of the benefits to students. The use of e-Assessment is being used in many areas to evaluate skills and knowledge. This can range from students completing a simple quiz to an on-screen test that automatically mark students’ tests. My own experience completing ...

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To Improve My Teaching Skills

02 Nov 2017

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I would like to teach in a way that will inspire my students. Teachers can inspire students while still teaching to the assessment. Creativity came to great interest, as I wanted to know how teachers come up with creative ideas, how did they implement this into their planning and what activities and techniques do their ...

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Context Of Parental Involvement

02 Nov 2017

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2.1 Introduction This chapter presents the review of literature on job satisfaction and employee expectation in general and also focuses on Pakistani scenario. Parent involvement is a valuable component of any student’s education. It is a well-established fact that parental involvement is linked to children’s success at school. When parents are involved in their children’s education ...

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The Procedure Of Focus Group

02 Nov 2017

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In this chapter, the method adopted to respond to the research question is discussed. In the first section, a motivation for this study is provided, followed by methodological overview of this study. Next, the sampling method, rationale for the method selected and the criteria for selecting the research respondents are explained. Subsequently, a description ...

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A Followership Leadership Approach To Managing Student Leaders

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Managing men [people] is very different from managing machines, materials and money. Men in the work scene bring with them positive and negative emotions and attitudes which determine their personal efficiency and often spell their organization’s survival. (Lorenzana, 1998:7) The core business of managing people in an educational organization is to promote students’ learning. ...

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The Education Reform Movement

02 Nov 2017

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Professor Name Course Number Day Month Year Charter Schools and Education Reform In the film, Waiting for Superman, Davis Guggenheim accuses teachers unions of preventing education reform that would reward good teachers and remove poorly performing teachers. Guggenheim believes the majority of public schools teachers are incompetent, and retain their position with the public ...

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The Three Most Common Types Of Classroom Organization

02 Nov 2017

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There are three different categories of school learning environments which are competitive, individualistic, or cooperative (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec 1994). Competitive classrooms are based on the concept of ranking. Summative assessment is used to differentiate among individual students. Only one student can be #1, the ‘every man for themselves’ approach. In ...

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The Process Of Preparation Before Teaching

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Planning is the process of preparation before teaching begins. Then it considers the activities that occur in the classroom, where the excitement, the interaction with students, and the reward of watching children make progress take place. Outstanding teacher have well-developed planning and organizational skills. Effective teachers first define what is to be taught and ...

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Teaching Children With English

02 Nov 2017

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Name: Instructor: Institution: The use of English as an additional language (EAL) and Special Education Need (SEN) in early year’s classroom in Britain has posed numerous advantages and disadvantages. This has forced the Government to come up with different learning strategies to counter the limitations that both learning skills present. It is better to not ...

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Critical Analysis Of Tylers Rationale And Schwabs Practical

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION As mentioned by Schwab (1969), theory is used to illumine and enhance practice. A single theory is incomplete and partial. Thus, using only one particular theory in developing a curriculum may not be desirable. In this essay, I will first present Tyler’s Rationale and Schwab’s ‘Practical’ approach. By ...

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Young Childrens Ability To Identify Ambient

02 Nov 2017

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The current generation of young children in Britain has more access to media than any preceding generation (von Feilitzen, Carlsson, & Bucht, 2010). It has been estimated that children aged 5 to 15 spend as long as 2.5 hours per day watching television; two-thirds access the Internet on most days, and 30% of those ...

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The Effects On Academic Performance

02 Nov 2017

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Grace Rocha WRI 10-29D Argumentative Paper Final Draft May 7, 2013 College: Effects on Academic performance College life can be nerve-racking, although it is without doubt one of the most unforgettable experiences in one's life. It corresponds an important develop moral stage for both late teenagers and young adults. College Students deal with so much ...

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The History Of The Professional Development Plan

02 Nov 2017

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Linda Fairchild LIST 5317 Cohort 14 Iberia Parish / Delcambre High School English III Professional Development Plan – Part 2 Goal: The goal of this professional development project is for teachers to implement technology in their lessons while using high-yield strategies such as summarizing and comparing/contrasting. Objectives: Teachers will utilize the Promethean ActivBoard to implement ...

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In The Enhancement Of Self Representation

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION Education in the prime sagacity is any proceed or familiarity that has a significant consequence on the mentality, temperament or physical capability of an individual. In its logical sagacity, education is the progression by which culture deliberately transmits its accumulated acquaintance, skills and morals from one generation to another. As defined by Dewey ...

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Process Of Gathering And Interpreting Information

02 Nov 2017

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Assessment is a process of gathering and interpreting information about learners to determine the learning goals of an academic program. Assessment allows learners to demonstrate what they have learned or what they already know and how they can use the knowledge. It is an integral part of teaching and learning. There are many ...

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Metaphor For And Curriculum As Metaphor

02 Nov 2017

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A metaphor (from the Greek metapherein, meaning "transference") is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used to describe something it does not literally denote, example the journal is a gem (McGlone, 2007). In my opinion, metaphor is used by someone to make something easier to understand by analogizing it. Metaphor ...

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A Case Of Elgeiyo Marakwet County

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become an important part of most organizations and businesses these days. Computers began to be placed in schools in the early 1980s, and several research has revealed that ICT will be an important part of education for the next generation too (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000). Further Dawes ...

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The Cabinet Committee On Implementation Of Education Policy

02 Nov 2017

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Integrated approach is an approach where knowledge, skills and values are combined to integrate the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual aspects. Actually, the integrated concept occurs through four ways which are skills cohesion, infusion, integration of two elements and element-across-the-curriculum. Skills cohesion is carried out either in one subject or between subjects. In one subject, ...

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Progress In Gender Equality In Groupe Scolaire

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction This essay discusses the changes towards gender equality in Groupe Scolaire de Shyogwe in the last five to ten years in the context where gender laws have prioritized gender equality. The essay critically examines how the School and classroom changed and pays attention to the attitudes of educators and schools managers in terms of ...

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Education Or Training Philosophy And Vision

02 Nov 2017

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Analyse an integrated approach to teaching and learning including the use of appropriate stimuli and resources with reference to learning beyond the classroom. An analysis that demonstrates an integrated approach to at least 3 subjects selected from the foundation subjects and RE and KS2 and that incorporates teaching and learning using resources available outside the ...

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The Curriculum Design And Development

02 Nov 2017

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Curriculum models and their application to Special Education Needs in the Further Education Sector The Wolf Report said: "Many of our 16 and 17 year olds move in and out of education and short-term employment. They are churning between the two in an attempt to find either a course which offers a real chance for ...

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The Piaget Constructivist Classroom

02 Nov 2017

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The outline of my essay includes : Introduction Similarities’ and differences between Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky educational philosophiees. 3-6 Summary 7 References 8 Introduction Education is the process of acquiring knowledge by an individual after studying particular subject matters that provides an understanding of something. It has always been viewed as a vital element ...

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The Introduction To Dyslexia

02 Nov 2017

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According to the PIRLS 2011 study on International Results in Reading, whilst New Zealand has an acceptable degree of student achievement in literacy, unfortunately there are also students who experience on-going difficulties in literacy, (Mullis, Martin, Foy and Drucker, 2012). Similar data collected through related PIRLS studies in 2001 and 2006, questions current education pedagogies ...

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The Holistic Development Of The Individuals

02 Nov 2017

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New Primary School Curriculum (KBSR) was tried in 305 schools in 1982 and was officially implemented in all schools in 1983(Choong Lean Keow, 2008). Since Malaysia is a country with different ethnics, traditional and culture; national philosophy of education was formed in 1988 based on national ideology, cultures of Malaysian, national principles and education reports ...

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Statement Of Teaching Interests Teaching Philosophy

02 Nov 2017

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Innovative teaching is an essential part of my scholarly aims. I consider teaching to be an extremely important component of my academic career. From my own education and teaching experience, I believe that undergraduate studies lay the foundation for science and engineering practices. Basic tools and methods should be taught at junior and sophomore levels. ...

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The Understanding And Application Of Knowledge

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: The concept of knowledge is something that forms the basis of human minds, our thoughts and behaviour. The way that we approach knowledge and use knowledge is often influenced and guided by paradigms that are integrated through the educational curriculum. A paradigm is like a belief system or world view of how ...

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Education Systems In Malaysia

02 Nov 2017

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As stated in online Oxford dictionary, learner can be interpreted as a person who  who is learning a subject or skill through schooling, experience and studying. As indicated by Dr Sarah Elaine Eaton (2012), students today are referred as 21st century learners because of their exposure towards technology and have higher level of digital literacy ...

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The Education Of A Child

02 Nov 2017

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A teacher affects an eternity: they can never tell where their influence stops (Henry Adams). The education of a child is the root of their future; a good education increases the chances of future success. Teachers are there to inspire a future generation to be the best they can be. I believe a child’s chance ...

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The History Of The Liberal Theorists

02 Nov 2017

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Education Amy Jones Lisa Evans Education Assignment Task 2 This essay will assess the role of education from the Functionalist perspectives of Durkheim and Parsons, with further comparisons made against the views of Marxists, Bowles & Gintis and Willis, additionally the Liberalist perspective of Illich will be assessed. Durkheim believed education fulfilled a number of ...

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Overview Of Ict In Education

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter introduces the study and provides relevant backgrounds. The first part of the chapter will introduce the topic and provide an overview of information, communication and telecommunication technology (ICT) in education. The middle part of the chapter will deal mostly with the problem statement, research questions and the aims and objectives of ...

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The Advantages Of Problem Based Learning

02 Nov 2017

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Objectives: in the modern health care environment, professional nurses are required to respond to dynamic, complicated situations that require skills in problem solving, professional knowledge, decision -making ability, and group collaboration. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a constructive teaching method that has positive learning outcomes. Yet, no study so far has examined in depth ...

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The History Of Phoneme Replacement

02 Nov 2017

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This essay aims to explore an aspect of the communication and language of one focus child. It will draw on evidence from observations of the child to explore the communication aspect of phoneme replacement. The observations took place in a local authority nursery setting, which the focus child (R) attends for 5 afternoon sessions per ...

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Zone Of Proximal Development

02 Nov 2017

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In my opinion, extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation is agree for me to the authors. Both of the motivations are useful for certain time, intrinsic motivation can let students to do the things that can fulfill their enjoyment without regarding any tangible reward but extrinsic motivation can let students to do something they did not ...

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To Respect And Appreciate Cultural Diversity

02 Nov 2017

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Typically, when people talk about research, images come to mind of experts outside the classroom, usually university professors, who have conducted such research through experiments. Their intent was to uncover the best teaching strategies and then offer prescriptions to classroom teachers - a research process that Cochran-Smith and Lytle (1993) refer to as "outside-in," because ...

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History Of Piagets Theory Of Cognitive Development

02 Nov 2017

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Developmental and learning process introduce us with a lot of theories which is important for a deeper explanation on how developmental work. Sometimes a better explanation will lead to a better solution. One of the theories that is the focus of this paper is Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Jean Jacques Piaget ...

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Training For Diverse Learners And Contexts

02 Nov 2017

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The aim of this assignment is to specifically identify practices and theories in Vocational Education and training (VET) pedagogy that primarily and strongly impact on workplace training practices. There is an extensive collection of research on accommodating learner’s needs in diverse contexts. However, VET practitioners with apprehension involving student learner needs and the obligation for ...

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The Failure Of English Only Pedagogy

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Increase in immigration to the United States has led to unprecedented high enrollments of "heritage speakers". In particular, several Asian languages have been documented to post significant increase in speakers over the past two decades: Chinese (2,465,761), Tagalog (1,488,385), Vietnamese (1,332,633), and Korean (1,051,641) (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). This has created a constant flow ...

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The Role Of A School Counselor

02 Nov 2017

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The role of a School Counselor is a tricky one in the life of a student. With a proper dose of guidance and motivation, the student can do wonders. On the other hand, if the counselor does not realize the potential of the student and dictates him to a path that is contrary to the ...

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What Needs To Be Considered When Teaching Fractions

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction One aim of this paper was to assess two primary school students’ understanding of fraction concepts, that is, their "fraction sense" in relation to Australian Curriculum mathematical learning outcomes (2012c). Background knowledge concerning mathematics, in particular fractions, was sought through interviews with the parents and students, school reports, New South Wales (NSW) Mathematics ...

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The History Of The National Philosophy Of Education

02 Nov 2017

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During the implementation of KBSR, there are four principles were contained inside which are integrated approach, holistic development, life-long learning and one education for all. The first principle which is contained in KBSR is integrated approach. It means where the knowledge, skills and good values are accumulated together to develop and create a learner who ...

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The History About Vark Test

02 Nov 2017

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The VARK is developed by Neil D. Fleming in 1987. The VARK test is found out the personal learning preference by a questionnaire with 16 questions. The VARK classified 4 different types of learning preferences, Visual (V), Aural (A), Read/Write (R) and Kinesthetic (K). Each of the preference represents that the corresponding methods that the ...

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An Philosophy Of Education In Technology

02 Nov 2017

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Melissa Campbell Colorado Christian University Professor Dennis Klein Philosophy of Education in Technology I believe each child is unique, needing a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere to grow. In preparation for the future, a teacher helps student’s develop through the year in a social context, mentally, academically and psychologically. My desire as an educator is ...

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School Course In Geometry Magdalena Metodieva Petkova

02 Nov 2017

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University of Ruse Angel Kanchev Abstract: This article provides an incremental approach to integration of mathematical software in teaching future math teachers. For this purpose is selected the subject School course in Geometry. Emphasis is on developing and presenting some specific tasks in GeoGebra environment through static and dynamic text, animation, LaTeX formulas, the tools ...

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Association Between Thinking Styles Math Achievement

02 Nov 2017

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Have you ever wondered how you think? Researchers defined thinking as a mental process that a person develops through mental interaction processes between the individual and the experiences that he/she acquired in developing structures of knowledge and in accessing new assumptions and expectations. It also includes the one’s ability to make mental and knowledge processes, ...

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What Values Or Virtues Should Be Taught

02 Nov 2017

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deal with the reality that answers to such questions that cannot be tested against scientific evidence. The assumptions underlying the answers are of importance. EPISTEMOLOGICAL VIEWS…… deal with the nature of the knowledge and seeks for answer to two main questions: What constitutes knowledge? Is knowledge fixed or changing? AXIOLOGICAL VIEWS…… deal with two ...

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Teacher Roles And Teaching Materials

02 Nov 2017

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This chapter sets out the results of the questionnaire, initially assessing the descriptive statistics to establish the findings. The findings will be discussed under the headings of (1) Teacher’ Training (2), Teaching Practices (3) Teacher Roles and Teaching Materials, in the same order as of the questionnaire. Each section will be directly followed by a ...

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The Connection To Educational Leadership

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter One Introduction Nigeria’s people and government see education as an instrument for national development (NPE 1977, 1981, 1998 & 2005). Education has been identified as one of the effective tools for cultural, social, economic and political development of a nation (Osa-Edoh & Agbonghale, 2005). According to Edobor & Ohanmu (2005), its functions ...

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Why Care About Child Poverty In The Uk

02 Nov 2017

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Child Poverty has been described by Peter Townsend, sociologist and Child Poverty Action Group founder, as when people 'lack the resources to obtain the type of diet, participate in the activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary, or at least encouraged and approved, in the societies in which they belong (Peter ...

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Policies At Private Schools In Dubai

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Various forms of education Goal of the policy Policy for multicultural education The importance of the policy Increasing in diversities Need for schools to reform their systems Educational equity Awareness of other cultures Policies at private schools in Dubai Samples Factors interfering in setting the policy institutional theory draws attention to the broader cultural ...

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The Social Networking To Facilitating Learning

02 Nov 2017

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Laura Bradshaw Abstract This report was written to determine whether the use of using social media within the higher educational setting has an impact upon teaching and learning. The research was conducted using a variety of methods; student questionnaires (before and after research) focus groups and student interviews. Data has been collected, analysed ...

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The Impact Of Any Educational Programme

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION The impact of any educational programme or innovation depends primarily upon the teacher. It is therefore quite accurate to say that a school’s effectiveness depends directly upon the effectiveness of the teacher. Maximizing Teacher Effectiveness is the major goal of education. Teacher Effectiveness comprises of creative art of teaching and harmonious adjustment. ...

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The Teacher Creates An Atmosphere Of Co Operation

02 Nov 2017

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Providing a culture of acceptance of difference in the classroom environment is of the utmost importance. Students need to know that it is acceptable to fail in their efforts and that failure is part and parcel of the learning process. Communicating with the students and engaging them in setting personal learning outcomes will facilitate the ...

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Issues In Interactive Advertising

02 Nov 2017

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This research paper is focused on the Speak Good English Campaign, one of the many social campaigns that are on-going in the country, Singapore which is also known as the "Campaign City". The paper first tries to understand what the Speak Good English Campaign is and why the government feels that it is of ...

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Brief History Of English Teaching In Vietnam

02 Nov 2017

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This history of English language teaching in Viet Nam can be roughly divided into two periods : English in Viet Nam before 1986 and English in Viet Nam from 1986 up to the present. The reason for this way of division is that 1986 was the year when the Vietnamese Communist Party initiated its overall ...

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Learning And Environmental Factors

02 Nov 2017

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American Public University Leslie Button Abstract Having the proper environment is essential in a students’ ability to learn. Various factors come into to play to create the correct environment, and even these can vary from one student to another. Starting with the home environment to the classroom and even to include the body and mind, ...

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The History About The Governance

02 Nov 2017

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The second section of the paper deals with why SMCs are needed. The specific concern of this section is concerned with research or theoretical framework on the relations within and between schools, communities and local governance institutions and their combined influence on access of ‘good education’. The main reason for SMCs is because of its ...

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The Classroom To Foster Effective Teaching

02 Nov 2017

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The level of teachers’ educational attainment or qualification and experience is a combination of their pre-service training and additional qualifications they may have acquired in-service over a period of time. The quantity and quality of teachers’ initial education is clearly important in shaping their work once they begin teaching in schools and should influence their ...

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Multi Dimensional Perspectives Of Holistic Education

02 Nov 2017

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1.0 INTRODUCTION 'The failure of education in the twentieth century is not the failure to teach humankind science, language or mathematics, but the failure to teach humankind to live together in peace and to harness the potentials in individuals and societies for full and equitable development'. ...

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The Practice Of Teaching In Diverse Contexts

02 Nov 2017

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Collaborative consultation (CC) is a term widely used throughout the education system. In the education system collaborative consultation is a powerful tool, it enables all stakeholders involved to communicate and make decisions that are the most beneficial for the student. CC involves focusing, identifying and analysing the student’s needs. Methods for determining student’s needs; e.g. ...

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Using Computer Games In Learning Education

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Children and game are always together. Educational games "are games designed with specific curriculum objectives in mind" (Royle, 2008)often games that have been used in education have been developed to support the practice of factual information. Educational game might be the most suitable game for the primary school children which bring knowledge ...

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Benefit Of Using Elearning Student Perception

02 Nov 2017

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This section of this survey, the researcher will analyse response derived from questionnaires passed out to student at Middlesex University. 4.1 Student Perception on e-learning To view student perception on eLearning the questionnaire contained two question asking student to suggest three benefits and disadvantages of using eLearning. 4.1.1 Benefit of using eLearning Student Perception Fig. ...

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The Knowledge Inspires Action

02 Nov 2017

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The previous chapter introduced the background to the client organisation and their product, and went on to explain the rationale for this project. This chapter presents what was found as a result of the literature review which was conducted to develop a broad understanding of the relevance and importance of storytelling in today's economy, as ...

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Reflection Plays An Indispensable Role

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract Reflection plays an indispensable role in the learning process. The report analyses the role of reflection in the learning process and how they relate to one another. This relationship needs to be investigated to determine if the learning experience for students can be improved. The report will focus its analysis on different categories of ...

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What Specific Policies And Strategies Are In Place

02 Nov 2017

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Schools are responsible for meeting the educational needs of an increasingly diverse student population, and ESEA programs must provide a wide range of resources and support to ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed in college and in a career. ESEA includes programs that help schools meet the special educational needs of children ...

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Vygotskys Assumptions And Interactions

02 Nov 2017

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In this essay I will be discussing Lev S. Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory of learning. This will include Vygotsky’s assumptions about learning and the relationship between learning and culture. Furthermore, this essay will present the implications of this theory in relation to the South African multi-cultural context in education. Early theories of teaching and learning focused ...

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What Is The Firm Product Or Service

02 Nov 2017

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Cathy MBA 690 Professor Sanders Table of Content History of Organization page 3 Philosophy 3 Company Product/service ...

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Perception And Understanding Of Sustainable Development

02 Nov 2017

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4.0 Introduction This chapter presents findings from the data collected from Home Economics teachers and analyses using SPSS 15.0. The results obtained are explained in relation to other related studies which have been carried out by researchers and academics. The findings are presented in descriptive statistics in four sections with respect to the research objectives ...

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Teaching Ethical Issues In Information Technology

02 Nov 2017

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London South Bank University, UK 1. Introduction Information technology is of course a very much a taken-for-granted part of everyday life today. There are, however, many ethical issues that need to be considered and developed in I.T. This article will firstly consider some of the philosophical issues surrounding ethics and then examine some of the ...

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An Overview Of The Caribbean

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

U D C _________ 编号_____________ 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 ç›®: 加勒æ¯"和中国学ç"Ÿçš„自我效能感和成就目标在中国的æ¯"较ç "究。 A comparison study of Caribbean and Chinese students` self-efficacy and achievement goals in China. 院(系) ...

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The Theory And Practice Of Teaching Reading Comprehension

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Research has implied that a child who has yet to develop the ability of both dimensions may find it difficult to comprehend the text that they are exposed to. An imbalance of listening comprehension and word recognition has the potential to slow down the individuals reading development, and in turn, will impact on the later ...

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Motivation Enhances Teaching And Learning

02 Nov 2017

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G. S. Baidoo Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Abstract The study which was qualitative in nature, investigated what teachers and some selected parents had to say about motivation in relation to teaching and learning. Questionnaire and observation were used to study the association of motivation and teaching and learning. Children and Parents’ ...

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The Use Of The Ilp

02 Nov 2017

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Riaz Khan P9611184X TEFL 5004 Tutor: Phil Rule Introduction Leicester College was formerly using the Cambridge ESOL examination board. They have now changed over to the City & Guilds ESOL examining board due to costs. With the Cambridge ESOL examination board the learners were assessed using an old traditional method where they had to sit ...

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Classroom Rules And Procedures

02 Nov 2017

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The classroom is a place where individuals grow, develop, and explore their future interests establishing a positive classroom environment is necessary in order to have a successful class where students are respectful of themselves and others, having fun while learning and are safe and comfortable. These factors will help reduce the risk of conflicts and ...

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Advantages Of Tiger Mothers Styles

02 Nov 2017

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English for Academic and Professional Purpose Part 1 Opinion of "Tiger Mother" Prepared by Business Systems Chan Ming Hung(66247114) Yiu Po Yi(92448868) Mang Wai Chi(69930724) Chan Hiu Shan(66750363) Wu Wing Ki(68006817) Table of Contents Introduction ...

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Assessing Factors Leading To School Dropout Around Bunda

02 Nov 2017

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Education is regarded as one of the keys to success and development of individuals as well as nations. This implies that children need to be educated for them to live a better life in future. However, there are many current existing problems experienced in the world of education for example, school ...

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The Research Methods In English Language

02 Nov 2017

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for EAP learners in the Hong Kong higher education context Introduction The trend of English as the leading language for instruction in higher education has been witnessed expanding from native English speaking countries, such as Britain, United States and Australia, to other parts of the world, where English is used as a second language (ESL) ...

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The Continuing Professional Development

02 Nov 2017

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In the majority of professional fields it is obligatory to engage in CPD, which is commonly defined as learning or study that aims to ensure that the professional is fit to practice and encompasses learning or maintaining new knowledge, skills or abilities which are continuously assessed. CPD can be delivered in a range of formats ...

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Using Computer Games In Learning

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Children and game are always together. Educational games "are games designed with specific curriculum objectives in mind" (Royle, 2008)often games that have been used in education have been developed to support the practice of factual information. Educational game might be the most suitable game for the primary school children which bring knowledge ...

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The History Of Infant Development

02 Nov 2017

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CDFS 212: Early Childhood Development: Physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children from conception to seven years with implications for guidance and care in practical settings. (3 Hrs) Narrative 2 I am what is known as a non-traditional student. Nontraditional is a good definition of who I am and how I live. What that ...

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The History Of Interactionist Theory

02 Nov 2017

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As a matter of fact, the nature/nurture debate has dominated the thoughts of researchers for a long time as people have been trying to find out the origin of intelligence. Bee (2004) believed that this question could possibly be among the oldest theories debated in psychology. The nurture view holds that human mind was born ...

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The History Of Modern Teaching Aids

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION Modern age brings developments which are very useful for people helping them with their jobs and everyday activities. The use of modern teaching aids in schools is one of those changes that came with the modern age. Technology plays an important role in today’s educational system. In comparison to old times, when technology was ...

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What Is Meant By Educational Inequality

02 Nov 2017

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Educational inequality is the difference that students experience in their education compared to other students. Educational success is measured based on grades, test scores, drop-out rates, college entrance numbers and college completion rates [1] . In Britain there is increasing concern regarding the fairness of schools and the levels of inequality. A number of studies show ...

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Cultural Basis Traditional Chinese Philosophy

02 Nov 2017

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Towards Inclusive Education in China: Past, Present and Limitations 1. Background 2. Cultural Basis of Inclusive Education: Traditional Chinese philosophy 3. From Special Education to Inclusive Education:Legislation and policy 3.1 During the Period 1982-1987 3.1.1 Constitution of the People’s Republic of China in1982 3.1.2 The Law on Nine-Year Compulsory Education in 1986 3.2 During the ...

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Introduction To Developing Fraction Sense

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction "The development of fraction concepts allows students to extend their understanding of numbers beyond whole numbers, and enables them to comprehend and work with quantities that are less than one" (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2006). In order to build up a sound knowledge of fractions, or "fraction sense", primary students need to have ...

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Good Teachers And Good Teacher Educators

02 Nov 2017

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A Glance at the Current Teacher Education in Finland Satu Uusiautti1 and Kaarina Määttä2 1 University of Lapland PO Box 122 (Rovaniemi, Finland) 2 University of Lapland PO Box 122 (Rovaniemi, Finland) _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT— In this article, our purpose is to discuss two perspectives of the current teacher education: teacher selection and teacher education in ...

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The Natures And Impacts Of Elearning

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction This dissertation considers the role of e-learning in a typical university and its contribution to teaching and learning. The research will also identify what e-learning technologies are currently used as well as the extent that these technologies have been applied in a Higher Education (HE) institution. In addition, the appropriateness of these technologies for ...

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The Use Of Icts In Teacher Education

02 Nov 2017

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New Reforms in education in contemporary world are to find out effective approaches for trainee teachers and it must be linked with integration of ICTs in teaching instead use of only technology (Morrison, Lowther, & DeMeulle, 1999). The training program for trainee teachers are designed for enhancement of knowledge, skills required and responsiveness ...

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The Essential Characteristics Of Effective Teaching

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction: Teachers enter the teaching profession to impart their knowledge and make a difference in a young persons’ life. Teachers want students to succeed. The way this knowledge is imparted to a student will be dramatically different from one teacher to another. Being an effective teacher is not achieved instantly or "overnight", ...

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