Commercial Contracts in International Oil and Gas Industry

23 Mar 2015 13 Dec 2017

4 (1,320 )

ABSTRACT: This paper aims to address the issues associated with long term petroleum contracts concluded between the state and international oil companies in terms of the political risks investors tend to face in such contracts as well as the risk of change of circumstances brought about not by the act of the parties but rather by the time. In doing so, the efficiency of both stabilization and ...

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Comparison of Mr and Mrs Andrews Paintings

23 Mar 2015 04 Dec 2017

5 (1,671 )

I chose to make the comparison between Gainsborough's "Mr & Mrs Andrews" and Shonebare's "Mr & Mrs Andrews Without Their Heads" because although the titles are similar and the concept is similar, there are distinct differences. The fundamental differences stem from the fact that Shonebare used mannequins, whereas Gainsborough painted in oil on canvas. Shonebare has excluded the landscape whereas Gainsborough has included his beloved landscape which ...

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Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper - History

23 Mar 2015 04 Dec 2017

4 (1,450 )

Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci's large mural of The Last Supper is one of the most familiar images in Western art, even though it has deteriorated to the point where its original brilliance can only be guessed at. The mural has largely been known through its repainted versions, or through touched-up copies that attempt to give some idea of what the original might ...

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Aeschylus's Oresteia Summary and Analysis

23 Mar 2015 04 Dec 2017

12 (4,656 )

Aeschylus's Oresteia touched a chord within Francis Bacon both in its themes of parental violence and pursuit by the Eumenides and in the way Aeschylus's poetry communicated in a subconscious emotional level.Analyzing three triptychs, a closer examination is made between the works. Francis Bacon paints images communicating his feelings and emotions but which transcend his own personal experience and convey the tensions and violent emotions of the ...

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Forrest Gump: Marxist and Feminist Analysis

23 Mar 2015 04 Dec 2017

7 (2,542 )

In the 1990s, Paramount Studio produced some box-office hits and one of which, Forrest Gump, is a huge triumph that won the Oscar for Best Picture for 1994 and gained over $677 million dollars of box office throughout the world. The film is based upon the novel by Winston groom and directed by Robert Zemeckis; it portrays the leading role Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks), who ...

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Arte Povera Movement in Modern Art

23 Mar 2015 04 Dec 2017

8 (2,984 )

The movement Arte Povera began in late 1960's the key artists were; Giovanni Anselmo, Jannis Kounellis, Alighiero Boetti, Luciano Fabro, Mario Merz, Marisa Merz, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Giulio Paolini, Giuseppe Penone, Pino Pascali and Michelangelo Pistoletto. Arte Povera translated, means poor art but this does not refer to the quality or types of materials used alone. The artists involved produced sculpture, photography installation and performance. There were ...

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Distinctions Between Art and Pornography

03 Oct 2017

10 (3,608 )

Critically examine whether it is possible to distinguish convincingly between art and pornography Introduction The distinctions between art and pornography is one that the law has struggled with. There have been many attempts of defining the two by many art critics and authors. While there are indeed standard distinctions between art and pornography, there are still limitations behind these arguments. There is still an inevitable overlap ...

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Displaying the Human Experience Through Art

03 Oct 2016 21 Sep 2017

7 (2,566 )

The Human Experience The Vladimir Madonna The Vladimir Madonna is a Russian icon painted during the 12th century. It is recognized by the arm of a child around the neck of the mother. It is designed in that the face the mother is facing the audience. The face out-shows human warmth and comprehension, as well as deep concern and sadness (Cooper, Dana, and Claire, 150). The ...

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Images of 1980s: An Analysis

03 Oct 2016 21 Sep 2017

8 (3,138 )

Images of 1980s Speaking of 1980s often people think about Reagan, “Greed is good”, and funny hair styles. Of course the 80s were more than that, but if you asked me what I am thinking about the 1980s it would be a longest “Mhm” followed by “I was not even born yet.” However, images can be a tool for us to study the detail of history. ...

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Motivating Students in Painting

03 Oct 2016 21 Sep 2017

8 (3,120 )

SYNOPSIS FOR DISSERTATION Exploration of selected water colour techniques to motivate students in painting. An action Research at Form IV level. INTRODUCTION Learning is an ongoing process that occurs every minute in the field of education. Learning means to gain knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. As teacher, our goal is to encourage learning in the classroom. The purpose of this ...

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An analysis of Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'

03 Oct 2016 21 Sep 2017

4 (1,499 )

Introduction “Starry Night” is one of the most popular canvasesin modern-day philosophy along with being one of the most simulated and pursued after images. This painting was done by Vincent van Gogh when he was at an asylum in Saint-Remy in 1889.It is said that this painting is a view out of Van Gogh’s asylum window. The painting shows swirling clouds in a starry ...

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Art in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries: The Decline

20 Sep 2017

11 (4,150 )

Does the notion of ‘decline’ have any relevance for our understanding of the art and literature of the fourth and fifth centuries? Since the Renaissance it has been common for critics to judge the fourth and fifth centuries as a period of cultural and artistic decline. It has been argued that the Late Roman Empire produced an era of “artistic and cultural stagnation”[1] and it is ...

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Mapplethorpe: Art or Pornography?

18 Sep 2017

7 (2,738 )

art: the expression of creative skill through a visual medium such as painting or sculpture. pornography: printed or visual material intended to stimulate sexual excitement. (1) The question of art versus pornography is one that has long dogged the visual Arts of all mediums. Nudes on stage, actors fornicating on screen, and artists painting, drawing, sculpting, or photographing naked subjects or explicit acts, have all been ...

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History of Portraiture: Changes in Styles and Techniques

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

3 (989 )

The immemorial fascination of man's own image and of those of his fellow human beings arose a desire in men to attempt and embellish his likeliness into a physical medium. However at the time portrait was exclusive to those who wished to celebrate man's relationship with God and the divine rulers of the times, which makes the Renaissance a revolutionary era for portraiture and the ...

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Art in the Victorian Era

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

3 (1,175 )

The Victorian era was an age of peace and prosperity in Great Britain. The Victorian style is developed mainly in Great Britain during the reign of Queen Victoria, who became queen at the age of 18 years old. This movement takes place during the peak of the Industrial Revolution, in this moment, the science, as well as every other aspect of the society, were suffering ...

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From Classical to Minimalism - History of Art

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

4 (1,495 )

18th Century Neo - Classical Neo classical art was the name given to the art, architecture sculpture that began emerging in the mid eighteenth century in Europe, it was the new age interpretation of classical art, taking its inspiration from stories and great works of art of the Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. Johann Joachim Winkelmann's work 'The History of Ancient Art' was one of ...

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Hung Liu - Biography of an Artist

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

2 (750 )

"Biography" Hung Liu is one of the popular artists born in Changchun China in 1948. She studied Mural painting as a graduate student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing soon. After her birth, her dad an officer in Chiang Kai Sheik's Nationalist Army was capture. In addition, her mom was compelled to divorce him to ensure herself and a newborn child. Hung ...

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History of Art from Middle Ages to Modern Times

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

4 (1,233 )

  Style: Early Renaissance Title: Madonna with Child Artist: Giovanni Bellini Date: 1450 - 1455 Material: oil on wood Location: Civico Museo Malaspina, Pavia Reference: (Madonna with Child 1450-55, n.d.) The Madonna and Child images introduces one of the most amazing characteristic subjects in Bellini's art. However, this kind of work was not only used by Bellini. (Stokstad & Cothren, 2013) Minor ...

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How did the Dada Artists Challenge the Contemporary Art?

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

3 (1,165 )

This essay will dive into the world of dada by firstly exploring the movement with an in-depth look into the brief history of dada and the foundations of which it was built around, how it changed art Dada was not just an art movement but as much of an cultural movement, this revolutionary movement originated in Zurich, Switzerland in the early months of 1916 ...

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Barbara Kruger: An Art Analysis

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

3 (839 )

Barbara Kruger, an American graphic designer who brings to light modern day problems of society using her art as a message conveyer of society problems. Her artwork consists of various pictures spliced together and newspaper like letters as captions for what she is conveying. Her artwork unlike others doesn't immediately go into a museum or on a world tour instead it's towards advertisement. This brings ...

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FAlice in Wonderland Artwork by Sigmar Polke: Analysis

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

3 (1,077 )

Sigmar Polke was creating a wide range of surfaces with various materials, as shown in his 1971 artwork of Alice in Wonderland (Figure 1), which is paint printed on a store bought printed fabric, not a canvas. The artwork is divided into three images. The background shows a soccer game. In the middle and part of the bottom, you notice polka dots covering up some ...

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Formal Analysis: Jenny Holzer's Untitled

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

3 (1,018 )

Fig. 1. Jenny Holzer, Untitled. 1989,"16 x 162' x 6" Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Untitled is a piece of art by Jenny Holzer that was located in the main lobby of the Solomon R. Guggenheim museum in 1989. Selections of phrases are presented in LED lights that follow the spiral ramp, drawing the eye gradually upwards. Constantly moving and changing, the sentences ...

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Funding for Arts Council in Ireland

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

12 (4,611 )

" The hackers guide to Arts council funding" Abstract This research paper will provide a thorough account of the different financial components comprising of the arts council of Ireland. An investigation will be held into how the arts council of Ireland is specifically funded and by what means it financially allocates to the arts itself. In addition, a detailed analysis of how the arts council ...

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Outline of Movements in Art

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

4 (1,466 )

Introduction  Art has given generation's complex lessons in exquisiteness, horror, and respect. Art has inspired some to delve further into their minds than they ever have. Art evokes many emotions; it terrifies and pleasures, calms and arouses, and can serve to bring light on the inner mechanisms of politics and inspirations. Art is, was, and will always be an outlet that provides insight into the mind ...

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How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare: A Spiritual Analysis

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

5 (1,638 )

When Joseph Beuys performed his piece, How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare (November 26, 1965 at Galerie Schmela in Düsseldorf, Germany), he presented a new way of thinking about the structure and meaning of art. Unlike traditional artists who practiced in painting, drawing, or sculpture, Beuys practiced a then new media of art called Performance Art. Like the name suggests, performance artists did ...

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Traditional Chinese Dance

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

4 (1,420 )

Dance is one of the oldest art of humankind, and expresses the feelings and thought of art through rhythmic, refined and organized human movements. China has one of the oldest and continuous cultures in the world, with over 5,000 years of recorded history. Dance is an inseparable part of the Chinese history. With traditional dancing in China dating back to the Zhou Dynasty, numerous transformations ...

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Enlightenment and Modernism in Art

28 Jul 2017 17 Aug 2017

9 (3,588 )

Some people would describe the period of Modernism the latest and absolutely new movement in art, which appeared in 1850s and lasted until the 1970s. However, if looking at this period of time more careful, it becomes obvious that it is not just an art movement, it is the whole world's evolution within different contexts. I would say an epoch of Modernism is the start ...

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History and Origins of Spray Paint Art

15 Aug 2017

4 (1,591 )

Would you consider yourself artistic? You may think that you cannot draw anything, but being artistic does not mean that you have to be able to pick up a pencil and draw a masterpiece. According to, the term 'artist' means "a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill." Being said, professional athletes have 'exceptional skill', highly paid actors and actresses have 'exceptional skill', surgeon doctors ...

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Using a Pencil for Drawing

14 Aug 2017

3 (986 )

  DESCRIPTION: A pencil is an instrument that you can use it for writing or drawing. People use pencils in the schools, offices, houses to write anything they want on a white sheet of paper. By moving the pencil on this sheet of paper using your hand you can make marks with different shapes and different sizes. Since you are able to draw this marks, ...

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Do Arts Enhance Creativity?

14 Aug 2017

3 (1,116 )

  ABSTRACT It is often said that artists have got a considerable use of imagination and hence they are more creative than other people. However, several scientists around the world state that art have nothing to do with creativity. They actually claim that scientists are as creative as artists. As a matter of fact, creativity have presented a prominently increase overtime. Time ago, human beings ...

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Roland Barthes' Concept of the Death of the Author

28 Jul 2017

14 (5,477 )

  In this essay I am going to write about Roland Barthes concept of the death of the author and how it applies to class and taste in the work of Tracey Emin. The reason why I am investigating this is that I want to show how different classes views work differently. my theory is that if your brought up in a similar class ...

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Richard Hamilton Artist Analysis

28 Jul 2017

3 (880 )

  Clipping images from American magazines, Richard Hamilton creates an image of a home that challenges viewers to acknowledge the materialistic thoughts that consumed their minds. As a photomontage, Just What Is It That Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?, contains several images cut from different sources and appears to be inspired however much by the style and medium of the Dada Movement. The ...

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Artist Analysis: Gershom

28 Jul 2017

3 (885 )

  As a student of Crafton Hills College, I got the opportunity to view a collection of still life paintings and drawings by the Los Angeles-based artist Gershom, which is on display at the Crafton Hills College Art Gallery from February 21 to March 10. An opening reception was held on February 21 at 1 p.m., followed by a lecture from Gershom, "Precision and Soul: ...

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Life and Work of Brian Duffy

28 Jul 2017

6 (2,036 )

Brian Duffy was born in 1933 to Irish immigrant parents in London, England.  His household was highly politicized because his father was a republican and had done time as an IRA man.  His mother was from Dublin, Ireland which inevitably caused further friction in the household. Both of his parents were strict Catholics and Duffy was brought up in a typical working class family.  ...

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Sherman & Diop: Photographer Analysis and Comparison

28 Jul 2017

9 (3,456 )

Introduction The following study will analyse and compare the contemporary photographers- widely known for their conceptual portraits- American Cindy Sherman (b. 1954) and Senegalese Omar Victor Diop (b. 1980). The works selected are Albert Badin by Diop and Untitled (Self-Portrait with Sundress), both of which feature a persona explored through self-portraiture and conceptual portraiture. Thus, the works go in hand with my theme of identity. ...

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Formal Analysis: To the Unknown Painter

28 Jul 2017

3 (1,023 )

To the Unknown Painter, a painting made of oil, acrylic, latex, emulsion, and shellac, was created by Anselm Kiefer in 1983 (Figure 1). A palette adorned upon a pedestal sits in a vacated space surrounded by tattered columns while casket-like shapes seem to lay on the ground around the pedestal. Dark colors envelope the horizon while reds, browns, and whites color the columns. The palette ...

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Formal Analysis: The Dinner Party

28 Jul 2017

4 (1,288 )

The Dinner Party is a mixed media feminist piece crafted by Judy Chicago and over four-hundred women consisting of ceramic plates, embroidered and woven table runners, woven entry banners, and painted china. This piece sits on a floor made of porcelain tiles which contains the names of 919 women in history. The construction of this piece started in 1974 and took five years to finish. ...

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Hopper & Eitel Artist Comparison

28 Jul 2017

8 (3,141 )

Introduction The following pages will analyse and compare American realist Edward Hopper (1882-1967) and German contemporary realist Tim Eitel (b. 1971). The works selected are Office in a Small City, painted by Hopper in 1953 with oils on canvas, and Ohne Titel (Ausblick)/ Without Title (View) by Tim Eitel in 2002 with acrylic paints on canvas. Both artists portray loneliness, and share a common theme ...

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Reflections of Society in Periods of Art

28 Jul 2017

5 (1,879 )

Conventions in Art Throughout time, conventions of representation in portraiture dynamically transformed throughout history, considerably changing each artist's genre of work supporting personal conventions portrayed in the time periods heavily varied. To an extent understanding, the change of convention in portraiture is crucial, allowing the society to move forward from all limitation from the past and extend its news innovation. 'Conventions of representation' define as ...

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Humanism and the Baroque Periods of Art

28 Jul 2017

4 (1,400 )

Humanism, specifically during the Renaissance, was a huge movement towards the human mind as a whole and how individuality in expression of thoughts and ideas was celebrated. Tradition was not something to be blindly followed anymore. One might argue that humanism played the biggest role in creating the Renaissance. This was because of the huge focus on studying Roman and Greek texts, which gave a new ...

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Michelangelo Antonioni and Women in Film

28 Jul 2017

10 (3,888 )

Michelangelo Antonioni was an Italian film director, he was born In Ferrara, northern Italy, 1929. With Fellini he belongs to a so called provincial wave of Italian neorealist filmmakers,not so distant from the metropolitan colleagues De Sica, Rossellini and Visconti.(Chatman 1985, Tinazzi 1994) While not initially fully appreciated by the tradition audience for his excessive intellectualism and pessimism.( Crowther 1960, Hawkins 1960, Barthes 1994) Today, ...

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Found Art (Scrap Metal Art)

26 Jul 2017

6 (2,226 )

Found Art (or best know as scrap metal art) is a beautiful and creative way to express yourself and the things that you like. I would like to share with you what types of things that you will need, why, different things, types of things, that you could use and why you should do scrap metal art. Here are some of the categories that I ...

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Originality in Postmodern Art

23 Mar 2015 13 Jul 2017

7 (2,408 )

Keywords: originality in art, postmodern art and originality A number of postmodern theorists and artists have questioned whether there is such thing as originality in art. Discuss this issue with reference to examples of the work of one or more recent artists who have questioned the notion of originality in their work. Postmodernism rejects the modern idea of originality as the new, and substitutes it with a ...

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Les Demoiselles d’Avignon and Cubism

23 Mar 2015 07 Jul 2017

7 (2,408 )

Keywords: cubism essay, les demoiselles davignon analysis The Art of Cubism and its Role In this research paper, I have explained the art of cubism and its role. I have chosen the cubit painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” painted by Pablo Picasso. He was the famous cubist painter. Picasso and Braque were the innovators of the cubist painting. In this research paper, I have tried to explain the ...

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Feminist Art Movement

23 Mar 2015 23 Jun 2017

5 (1,935 )

Keywords: feminist art essay, art and feminism, feminist art - The feminist art movement that officially began in the 1960's- refers to the efforts and accomplishments of feminists who made art reflecting women's lives and experiences. In doing so, it brought more visibility to female artists, and was a very influential political statement in itself. It was a movement that consisted of various artists and general public ...

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The Psychology of Color

23 Mar 2015 05 Jun 2017

12 (4,470 )

Keywords: color psychology, color and emotion, effects of color Consider it or not, bearing certain colors can help us elevate, make head way argument or encourage friends to share the latest gossip. Colors in our surroundings have the ability to keep us cool, motivate or de-motivate the conversation. The hues on packaging give some unperceivable messages that the enclosed product is salubrious, pricy or unsafe. Why? Because ...

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Expressionism In Art | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 31 May 2017

4 (1,375 )

Keywords: art expressionism, expressionism art movement How is expressionism defined? By the concept behind the paintings of this movement or can you really define a movement that was based on freedom and self expression. Expressionism was a cultural movement grown within a number of different art forms including poetry, literature and painting. The word expressionism is the main piece of information best describing the theme of the ...

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Wayne Thiebaud, Artist

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

5 (1,832 )

Wayne Thiebaud is an artist that has been associated with the Pop Art culture and also was part of the realism that came out of the United States west coast. Thiebaud's real life representation of his subject has been seen as one of many beginnings photorealism. Before becoming a painter, Thiebaud worked in New York City as a sign painter and also as a cartoonist. He only ...

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The Concept Of Time In Art

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

10 (3,788 )

Time is a determinant concept in forms of art where motion is a key factor in order for a narrative to be explored as it occurs, such as in video art, performance, and theatre. The concept of time is also an important parameter for a two-dimensional artwork, which can comprise time through movement or as a snapshot. On the basis of the above syllogism, this essay will ...

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Globalization and the nation-state

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

9 (3,578 )

Introduction The discussions of globalization have become topics which are in the great demand. Especially with the development of information and technology and the form of global economy, the global affairs have become more and more complicated. It is hard to distinguish the internal affairs and external affairs. People found that the distances between different countries are shorter than before. After the Cold War, a great amount ...

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Bacchus and Ariadne

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

6 (2,379 )

Bacchus and Ariadne Tiziano Vecello, know in the English speaking world as Titian, was born in Cadore which is in the Southern Alps between the years of 1487 -1490. He was born into a family of lawyers and administrators and so enjoyed a relatively privileged upbringing. The early Sixteenth Century saw a flourishing in Italian art. Indeed, set against the span of Art History it was one ...

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Bauhaus; architecture and functionalism

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

14 (5,582 )

Introduction From the expression "Bauhaus" we still feel something fresh. In every day speech it is associated with the beginning of the modernism and it is invoking in us association with basic forms (square, triangle and circle), basic colours (red, yellow and blue), furniture from the metal, white architecture and functionalism. History of the small school that Bauhaus was, is a mixture of facts and interpretation from ...

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Contextual analysis of San Vitale Church

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

3 (1,190 )

Byzantine Empire started when the Roman Emperor Constantine moved the capital of Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium. Byzantine Architectures was very similar to Roman architecture, but got certain influences from Near East and used Greek cross plan in church architecture. When the Church of San Vitale was built, Ravenna was under the control of Byzantine Empire, which is why San Vitale would be similar to the ...

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The History And Growth Of Comic Books

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

5 (1,808 )

Comic books hold an undeniable significance in modern history. Three aspects of significance include the history of comic books, the use of comics for social commentary, and the cultural impact comics have had on our daily lives. Comic books had humble beginnings, soon they grew into a major threat during Cold War era American society and then became an outlet to hippie counter-culture in the 1960's. The ...

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An overview of Land Art

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

5 (1,905 )

Land Art was mainly developed during the late 1960s. It is also known as 'Earthworks'. Land art was the revolutionary side of the artists, which were trying to escape from the traditional painting and sculpture, as well as their ecological concerns. According to Robert Smithson, this revolutionary approach, was also an attempt to escape from galleries and museums; this led to environmental consciousness and objection. …The ...

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Effect Of Popular Culture On Dance

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

4 (1,346 )

Popular culture introduced certain dance forms as art is very subjective, a particular person's approach to dance is different in many ways especially in how one sees and explains a piece of dance. A particular dancer puts it in a way that each dance step has a sensation and each of these sensations becomes the object of a separate perception of the mind. One's approach to dance ...

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Comparing The Statues Of David

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

3 (1,162 )

The Biblical character of David has been the inspiration for many works of art throughout history. The young David, as Goliath's adversary, has been sculpted by such artists as Verrocchio, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Bernini. Although all of these sculptures are comparable in some aspects, the ones by Donatello and Bernini present significant differences. Donatello was an Italian sculptor of the Early Renaissance whose work is seen as ...

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Analysis Of Merce Cunningham's Choreography

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

4 (1,294 )

Merce Cunningham is one of the pioneers in the field of dance and choreography. He had been a mentor to most of the choreographers who have now become major names in modern times. In addition, there are certain body movements and symbolism in his dancing techniques that make him a distinctive pioneer in choreography; also, there are numerous choreographic pieces by Merce Cunningham that are still being ...

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Salvador Dali, Dadaism And Surrealism

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

3 (1,136 )

"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings" The human mind is a very controlling device and organ. However it is not perfect in the way it processes things. Illusions for instance are visual stimuli that swindle the brain because the brain cannot process all visual imagery accurately. Why do we see puddles form up on the road whilst driving on a hot day? Why do certain ...

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Metropolitan Museum of Art

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

3 (1,064 )

Visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art at New York City Last week I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art at New York City. This museum, also known as The Met is a huge building with nineteen departments and around two billion art pieces stored and displayed in its art galleries. The main art gallery of the museum, i.e. The Met is one of the largest galleries ...

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Examining The Pop Art Movement

23 Mar 2015 09 May 2017

4 (1,509 )

In attempt to bring art back into American daily life, the Pop-art movement depicted elements of popular culture by using common everyday objects, chiefly advertising and product packaging, television and comic strips. The images are portrayed with a blend of humour, criticism and irony. Through this, the movement ascertained the position of art into everyday and contemporary life. It assisted in decreasing the gap between "high art" ...

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Analysing The Art Nouveau Movement

23 Mar 2015 08 May 2017

6 (2,110 )

Art Nouveau is generally seen as using an approach to design involving a particular flowing style which artists should use when working on everything from architecture to furniture and from jewellery to posters and thus making Art Nouveau part of everyday life. Art Nouveau was the most popular artistic style in graphic art at the turn of the century and was at its most popular at the ...

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Examining Swiss Style Typography

23 Mar 2015 08 May 2017

17 (6,409 )

What is it a good graphic design? Good graphic design or typography is like a taste. Hallmark of the taste rests in sensitivity, from feelings. Every one has a different taste, but it is indispensable for everyone. Graphic design works on an equal basis. We are not born with the right taste as well as there are no born masters of graphic design. All of them have ...

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How did furniture develop through the centuries?

23 Mar 2015 08 May 2017

8 (3,137 )

How did furniture develop through the centuries? Furniture (probably from the French 'fournir' — to provide) is the mass noun for the movable objects ('mobile' in Latin languages) intended to support various human activities such as seating and sleeping in beds, to hold objects at a convenient height for work using horizontal surfaces above the ground, or to store things. The question above is not an easy ...

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Reformation and Art

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

9 (3,233 )

The corruption and immorality of the Church spurred the Christian Reform movement in Europe, eventually leading to the "hundred years of civil war between Protestants and Catholics" or the Protestant Reformation. The Counter- Reformation began with the Pope Paul III's calling of the Council of Trent in response to Protestant uprising; this movement was initiated by the Church's attempt to re-establish its power as the only true ...

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Modern American Theatre

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

7 (2,453 )

Modern American Theatre Modern American theatre has changed a lot since the time of traditional Greek Tragedies and Roman Theatrics. Technology changes have changed many of the different methods that we use to convey artistic styles and themes. Today's theatre has many contrasting and diverse styles; it contains both higher levels of musical and acting talent. The Broadway sensation "Wicked" for instance, is a great example of ...

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The Deposition from the Cross

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

4 (1,313 )

The Deposition from the Cross The Deposition from the Cross is a Jacopo Pontormo's oil on wood painting which placed at the Capponi Chapel altar in the Santa Felicitac church in Florence. The Deposition is one of the classical prospects that portray the life of Jesus in the medieval art. And as a result of the convolutions of the composition, it is one in which Renaissance artists ...

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Impressionist Art And The Impressionism

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

5 (1,982 )

The Impressionism movement in art was followed by the Realism and Romantic periods. In complete contrast to Realism and Romanticism, with its detailed, accurate and photo-like paintings of contemporary life, Impressionism brought about more of a blurred reality to the canvas. Specific techniques Impressionist artists used were unblended colors and quick, short brush strokes with a unique play on light. An Impressionist artists' goal was to "objectively ...

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Historical Relationship Between Art And Popular Music

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

8 (3,187 )

Referring to key examples, identify and discuss the historical relationship between art and popular music, using key examples to support your argument. Some people would think that art and popular music have no combined points of reference, and that each is a completely separate unit, with each subject trying to achieve several different goals. However my intentions are to prove that this is not true. I believe ...

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Textile and clothing manufacturing

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

11 (4,032 )

Background of clothing industry : Textile and clothing manufacturing businesses are one of the most traditional and oldest industries in United Kingdom. The clothing industry dates back to 4000 BC when these textiles were used for decorative beauty as well as to preserve and the balance body heat and the outside environment including protection from injuries.(Niwa,2002). Although this was the original function and purpose, they would also ...

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Consumerism ideology

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

3 (1,157 )

Consumerism 1. Introduction All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume. Consumerism is a way of life and an ideology which is developed further by mass phenomenon. In Singapore, consumerism has become very much a way of ...

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Contemporary Artwork Comparison And Analysis

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

4 (1,464 )

The two pieces which I have selected for comparison use similar technique to encourage an entirely different outcome and audience response. It is the way in which these artists go about their creative process, and how this, in turn provokes such contrasting concepts, with such similar mediums that engages me. The first piece for comparison is the "haunting photographic installation" (Fakray, 2009) "Les Suisses Morts" By Christian ...

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The female form in Art Deco

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

7 (2,585 )

Design for Passion: The female form in Art Deco The Art Deco style was the genre during the 1920s and 1930s affecting the decorative arts, fine arts and fashion (Lucie-Smith, 1996). Throughout this period it was moment for women's clothing fashions. The portraits of Polish-born Tamara de Lempicka elaborated on the trend as a painter of people mainly in the smart social circles in which she moved. ...

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Marxism as a Method of Art History

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

8 (2,933 )

The nineteenth century was significant in Europe because it spawned or brought to the forefront revolutionary new forms of culture and theology. Among these movements were feminism, Marxism, the romantic period of music, and the impressionist period of art. Marxism has been critically acclaimed for its adherence to the popular utopian traditions of past ages and its determination to exterminate the inequities of the feudal class system. ...

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Comparison Of Synthetic Cubism And Dada

23 Mar 2015 28 Apr 2017

7 (2,643 )

Questions of art are always of a great interest and ambiguity of interpretation. Art is a thing, which demands not only the knowledge of the tendencies and styles, but the correct interpretation and perception of them in mind. In the given paper we would touch upon concepts of two famous trends in modern art: cubism and dada. We would as well examine the common technique of these ...

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Examining The Work Of Henri Matisse

23 Mar 2015 28 Apr 2017

4 (1,407 )

The world is a mural on which we all paint. A revolutionary paints this world with wide strokes and paying no attention to those who try to restrict him. Using different colours, different styles, but still respecting the past behind them, a revolutionary makes an impact on the overall picture. Henri Matisse not only literally painted, but splashed water colour all over the art world. Matisse was ...

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Introduction To World Art Watson And The Shark

23 Mar 2015 28 Apr 2017

5 (1,728 )

John Singleton Copley (1738 - 1815), was an American painter born in Boston, Massachusetts. From the time Copley began to paint at the age of fifteen, many people throughout Massachusetts admired his paintings; also, people from other colonial cities recognized his portrait paintings. A big inspiration and benefit to him was his stepfather, Peter Pelham, a successful English engraver, painter, and teacher[1]. At the age of twenty-one ...

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The Place Of Art In Society

23 Mar 2015 28 Apr 2017

7 (2,430 )

In this paper we will discuss the concept of art by presenting out perception, defining our preferred art forms and drawing a conclusion by applying the theory of aesthetics, semiology (semiotics) and hermeneutics. The main goal is to look at different art forms in order to evaluate the meaning and place of arts in our society. Animation as an art form Animation, as an art form can ...

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Death and the Maiden

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

4 (1,213 )

The usage of allegorical references and symbolism is essential when delivering the playwrights intended messages to the audience. The author of Death and the Maiden, Ariel Dorfman, and the author of The Visit, Friedrich DÏ‹rrenmatt, both convey messages which regard human society through the use of symbols. By creating characters that represent social issues such as anti-religion, patriarchal values, and loss of ethics, both writers utilize ...

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The Virgin Of The Rocks

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

7 (2,433 )

Featured in this gallery are the two versions of The Virgin of the Rocks (also known as The Madonna of the Rocks). These two altarpieces are being showcased in particular in this exhibition because they share a location in the same Milanese church, the San Francesco Grande, and most importantly the same artist (although this has been debated), Leonardo Da Vinci, painted both versions of the altarpiece. ...

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Dystopia In Film Metropolis Vs Utopian Art Deco

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

13 (5,074 )

The 1920's in Germany were a transition time, World War I had recently ended, and it was precisely the war that showed the destructive potential of modern technology. Invented and first used by the Germans in 1915, machine guns and poison gas showed the deep split between technology and humanity, it was the first modern war in which machines decided the outcome. In this time in history, ...

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Exploring The Life Of Pablo Picasso

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,389 )

"Unlike in music, there are no child prodigies in painting. What people regard as premature genius is the genius of childhood. It gradually disappears as they get older. It is possible for such a child to become a real painter one day, perhaps even a great painter. But he would have to start right from the beginning. So far as I am concerned, I did not have ...

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Arts Essays - The Tate Modern

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

8 (3,067 )

Institutions in the Arts and Media: Galleries and the rise of the art market - Focusing on the Tate Modern. (UK)The dazzling success of the Tate Modern has threatened to overwhelm Tate Britain(formerly the Tate Gallery.) But, says Tate Director Nicholas Serota, Brit art was thriving long before Hirst et al renewedLondon's international status. (Taken from The Timeout Guide to Tate Britain, Nov 2001.)In his Foreword to ...

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Work and life of Frida Kahlo

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

12 (4,553 )

Introduction of the essay This essay will focus on the work of Frida Kahlo, a Mexican female artist. This analysis aims to reveal the personal characteristics of the artist, by examining Kahlo's choice of subject matter and investigating what drives her to create art that is so bold and defiant. To further the analysis it will look into to the issues her art attempts to raise and ...

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The Ritz-Carlton Hotel: Organisation culture

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

7 (2,444 )

Introduction The ability to establish a culture that invokes high value for the people working in an organization invokes intrinsic sense of identity, innovativeness, creativity and commitment that forms the main recipe for ultimate sustainability of services and profitability. Organizations leaders and scholars concur that people are the most important elements in an organization because they not only articulate the established policies but innovatively contribute to ...

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Museum of Fine Arts in Houston

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

5 (1,789 )

Cultural Response          This cultural response essay will discuss my trip to the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. I will be describing my favorite works of art, compare two pieces of art by Do Ho Suh, and then describe my experience at the museum.          The first part of the museum that I visited was the Audrey Jones Beck building on level 1. The exhibit was the Antiquities ...

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The Different Historical Use Of Colour

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

17 (6,732 )

The use of colour in history has gone through a long story. It has been used because of its ability in altering mood and atmosphere, and also because of its symbolic meanings. The earliest known usage of colour in interior spaces started when man drew on walls of caves and tombs, which continues with the application on cathedrals, palaces, and ordinary homes. However, despite the usage in ...

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Appropriation And Important Postmodern Strategy

23 Mar 2015 12 Apr 2017

7 (2,422 )

Important shifts in visual strategies in the arts mark the historic cross-over from the Modern to the postmodern paradigm. While this holds equally true in music and literature, it is the evolution of such strategies in the visual arts that this essay concentrates on. While such demarcation cannot be pinned down to a specific year or date, it is possible to convincingly chart this shift via an ...

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A Psychological Novel

24 Feb 2017

8 (2,855 )

Keywords: realism, psychological, victorian, novel "A psychological novel, also called psychological realism, is a work of prose fiction which places more than the usual amount of emphasis on interior characterization, and on the motives, circumstances, and internal action which springs from, and develops, external action. The psychological novel is not content to state what happens but goes on to explain the motivation of this action. In this ...

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Wonder Woman Costume

18 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

9 (3,220 )

Wonder Woman Costume For over 60 years, Wonder Woman has filled the pages of her magazine with adventures ranging from battling Nazis, to declawing human-like Cheetahs. Her exploits thrilled and inspired many young girls, including Gloria Steinem. Through all of this, she has had to pilot her invisible jet through territories that her male counterparts have never had to. She is constantly pulled in two directions; her ...

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Therapy Emotions Artistic

14 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

9 (3,466 )

Therapy Emotions Artistic Becoming An Art Therapist “Art therapy is a type of psychotherapy that encourages the expression of emotions through artistic activities such as painting, drawing or sculpture; psychotherapy based on the belief that the creative process involved in the making of art is healing and life-enhancing” (Webster’s Dictionary). Art therapy opens a creative world for those who cannot express the way they feel by use ...

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The 1951 Refugee Convention

14 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

3 (836 )

The 1951 Refugee Convention It is important to know that the UK is one of the signatories to the 1951 refugee convention therefore; when a person asks for asylum in the UK there are in fact asking the authorities to recognise them as a refugee under the 1951 UN refugee convention and they will qualify for protection under the refugee convention if they have a well founded ...

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Explore Modernism's Preoccupation with Progress

14 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

3 (865 )

Explore Modernism and Preoccupation with Progress The term ‘Modernism' relies upon notions of progress in that it is defined by an ‘artistic and literary superiority of moderns over ancients'. The ‘modern' era enjoyed scientific, technological and social progress, whilst the uncivilized and primitive past was very much left behind. That is not to say that modern artists neglected to recognise their debt to the past and although ...

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Analysis of Image as Icon

14 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

3 (1,046 )

Analysis of ‘Image as Icon: Recognising the Enigma’ In Tracey Warr’s essay, ‘Image as Icon: Recognising the Enigma’, she identifies and discusses four discourses of performance photography–the document, the icon, the simulacrum and the live act–and what is at stake in these discourses is the ‘truth’. What she describes as ‘contradictory’ and contentious between the discourses, I believe what she has shown is the different ways in ...

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Construction of Gender as Represented In Hollywood Film

14 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

1 (367 )

Construction of Gender as Represented In Hollywood Film Hollywood’s ability to symbolise or reflect society and history is yet another factor in the study of popular culture through their movies. It is argued that Hollywood films legitimate conservative ideologies of not only sexism, but also classism, patriarchy and racism (Ryan & Kelner 1990). One can perhaps understand the influence of popular mainstream cultural forms and the difficulties ...

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Graffiti: The Urban Canvas

12 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

4 (1,424 )

Graffiti: the urban canvasThe Development of Graffiti as ArtGraffiti: The Urban Canvas There are many ways in which the Graffiti we see today has developed over time to become known and recognised as an art form. However, it is a controversial subject often covered by journalists in the media as to whether Graffiti today is an up to date urban artistic development or simply mindless vandalism as ...

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Feminism In Film

12 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

2 (438 )

Feminism In Film Feminism called for positive female characters but seems to have contributed to its own decline as a political movement by refusing to recognise the body as a site of transformation and experimentation, capable of being imagined outside the notions of "lack","passive", and "other". A person can be masculine and feminine, active and passive, and increasingly the body is transformed through exercise, fashion, make-up, ...

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John Berger on Drawing

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2015

17 (6,618 )

This essay will address the subject of drawing. The main starting point will be the ideas of John Berger on Drawing. These ideas can be summed up into three main concepts: Drawing as observation, drawing as memory and drawing as expressing ideas. Although drawing from observation was of fundamental importance in the past today we see more and more an engagement of drawing with memory and as ...

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Breath of the compassionate

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2015

3 (995 )

What is sacred art? Who determines what art is sacred? And what reasons do they decide upon? Many questions surface when it comes to distinguishing the difference between sacred art, religious art, and traditional art. The three are different from one another in some way. Sacred art includes depictions encouraging humans into spirituality. It is the result of divine inspiration. It is basically something specifically made for ...

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Land Art Minimalsim And Process Art Art Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,493 )

Early in 1960, Minimalism was as an abstract movement in the subject art. It also dismissed the very idea of both subjective as well as relational painting, the intricacy of Abstract expressionist facade, as well as the other elements of action painting such as the poignant polemics and zeitgeist. Minimalism debated upon the point that excessive simplicity captures the entire sublime representation which is a prerequisite in ...

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