Argument against Evolution by Natural Selection

02 Aug 2017 13 Dec 2017

4 (1,247 )

Abstract Natural selection is one of the numerous theories that attempt to explain the evolution of living things from their primitive origins to the more advanced organisms existing today. At its core, this theory supports the notion that only the strongest organisms survive in a changing environment while their weak counterparts die off. Nevertheless, various circles regard the evolutionary theory by natural selection as practically ...

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Anthropological Perspectives on Family

23 Mar 2015 04 Dec 2017

7 (2,610 )

A classic definition of family, according to anthropologist George Murdock, is a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation, and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually cohabiting adults." The U.S. Bureau of the Census has defined a family as "two or more persons related ...

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Does the EU Suffer From a Democratic Deficit?

23 Mar 2015 04 Dec 2017

5 (1,985 )

Does the EU suffer from a democratic deficit? Discuss. The overall goal of EU integration has been to 'create an ever closer union... in which decision are taken as closely as possible to the citizen' (Cini, Michele, Borragan ,2010, However, still the most enthusiastic backers of the EU must accept that it has been more a progression commencing and sustained by elites, than by a popular front ...

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Anthropological Essay on Human Rights

23 Mar 2015 04 Dec 2017

5 (1,659 )

Human Rights Human rights, as explained by the great English philosopher and thinker John Locke, are natural and unalienable rights (life, liberty, and property) inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, sex, color, religion or language. "All men are created equal", everyone is entitled to the human rights without any discrimination. Most human rights are guaranteed by the Constitution, state laws, and international treaties. International human ...

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Cultural Influences on Myths

03 Oct 2016 20 Sep 2017

4 (1,442 )

Introduction Myths, being narratives about early history (Barker, 2014, p.4) explains social occurrences which involves supernatural events. When it comes to myths, people can be very opinionated when deciding if the myth is true or not. Some people believe it because it is a tale they have been told while growing up or simply because it sounds fantastical, other people choose not to believe it until ...

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Modern Behaviour Patterns: Middle Stone Age Record of Africa

03 Oct 2016 20 Sep 2017

4 (1,407 )

Is there evidence for the establishment of modern behaviour patterns in the Middle Stone Age record of Africa? Behavioural modernity refers to developed behavioural traits we associated with ‘modern’ humans (Jacobs & Richard, 2009). These behavioural traits are what distinguish modern humans & their recent ancestors from other extinct hominids as well as both current & past primates. What we now classify as modern human behaviours ...

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Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Goods

03 Oct 2016 20 Sep 2017

10 (3,996 )

Title: Illicit trafficking in cultural goods with special emphasis on Mauritius. INTRODUCTION The international market place for cultural goods is a billion rupees market. Every day in the world thief or looters are smuggling out cultural goods from their countries of origins and sold them to foreign countries. My aim in this project is to improve our understanding of trafficking in cultural objects in order to ...

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Explaining Poverty in Canada

03 Oct 2016 20 Sep 2017

4 (1,286 )

Poverty in a section of Canadian society remains a major concern, with the nation scoring one of the highest poverty rates among the highly industrialized and wealthiest nations (CBC, 2013). The government of Canada, in a bid to help reduce the poverty level, has been making efforts to set up wide range of social welfare programs, including universal public education systems, universal medical systems, minimum wage ...

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Anthropology: Research Methods and Communication

03 Oct 2016 20 Sep 2017

9 (3,259 )

A correlation is also known as a relationship between two or more variables. There are three types of correlation, positive, negative, and no correlation. Positive correlation is when the data of the two variables increase. Negative correlation occurs when one of the variables increases, but the other decreases. And last but not least, no correlation, which shows that neither of the variables has an effect on ...

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Anthropological Insight into Death

03 Oct 2016 20 Sep 2017

10 (3,604 )

Vado Tergum In Vicis “Vado Tergum In Vicis” I hear him mumble as I cradled him and watched him close his eyes, inhale a deep breath one last time before dozing off in a deep unending slumber. Those were his last words. It has been weeks since my grandfather passed away but his words still echo in my head, as if those were only said yesterday. ...

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The Rite Reading Critique

02 Aug 2017

5 (1,674 )

Reading The Rite was an intriguing experience for me since as young as I can recall I have gone to church, so the concept of Lucifer and demons is far from new to me. While reading this book by Matt Baglio the resounding question that crept into my head was what was his purpose for writing this book? There are enough movies out there satiate ...

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Ethnographic Methods in Qualitative Research

02 Aug 2017

7 (2,670 )

Firstly, this essay outlines a definition of both qualitative and ethnography methods. It will then explain how four articles of qualitative research have used the ethnographic method. It will discuss each article then compare and contrast them. Finally, the essay will look at a critical analysis of ethnography by linking the articles to the data written. They are as follows: Impact of financial incentives on ...

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Anthropological Concepts of the Home

02 Aug 2017

8 (2,821 )

Annotated Bibliography: Home Introduction In this paper, I will be reviewing 4 readings which are closely related to homes and dwelling. I will also analyse and assess the strengths and weakness on each reading based on the explanations and theories presented on each reading, based on the ideal home, the perception of home and the concept of home within the anthropological perspective. A home or ...

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Sexual Orientation Equality and HRM

02 Aug 2017

7 (2,650 )

The term 'Sexual Orientation Equality' portrays the equal esteeming of the unique parts expected by men and women. The subject endeavors to vanquish hypothesis pieces and partialities, so both people and females are set up to do likewise getting rewards and contributing towards social, political, social and cash related changes inside society. At whatever go-to individuals and women recognize esteem, the provoke result is a ...

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Student Political Education: System Harmony and Culture

02 Aug 2017

13 (4,801 )

A study on College Students' Ideological and political education from the perspective of system harmony and traditional culture Summary- In this paper, we analyze the unique paradigm of ideological and political education, ideological and political education of traditional paradigms no longer meet the growth of university students, by ideological and political education paradigm from "Monologue" to "dialogue" conversion, combined with the actual college ...

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Difference of Indigenous Art in History

02 Aug 2017

5 (1,876 )

  Abstract Art has been a historical connection for many cultures, such as Indigenous culture, as they protect the history of communities and allows for the new generation of the community to learn of their past through artwork and documentaries. However, due to misrepresentations from artwork such as paintings, sculptures, films, Indigenous identity can be represented by stereotypes created by non-Indigenous artists who interpreted indigenous ...

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Biological Anthropology Analysis of the Gorilla

02 Aug 2017

5 (1,641 )

Gorilla Biological anthropology is also known as physical is an interesting mixture of social studies and biology of people. This study concerned with the biological and behavioural aspects of human beings, and their related non-human primates and their extinct ancestors. To grasp how human evolution, occur from earlier life forms(primates). Primates include (Homo sapiens), the apes, the monkeys and gorillas. we can know ...

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Accordia Global Health Foundation and Impact on Poverty

02 Aug 2017

3 (1,189 )

Accordia Global Health Foundation is an NGO that is providing at all phase of the fieldwork cycle, promoting the importance and productiveness of the fieldwork, prime concern and understanding expressed in activity. They have crucial role in governance by encouraging and supporting applicable global health fact-finding, capital deploy for research administration of comprehension. Further, the participation of   Accordia Global Health Foundation in research is proximate ...

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Sickle Cell Disease Perspective: Genetic Anthology

02 Aug 2017

5 (1,923 )

  Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is inherited which means that the disease is passed by genes from parents to their children. People who have SCD inherit two abnormal hemoglobin genes, one from each parent. SCD has many forms; however, the most common and severe form, sickle cell anemia, overwhelming affects African-Americans and Hispanics in the United States. This paper will analyze SCD; explore the social ...

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Film Review and Summary | Theeb

02 Aug 2017

3 (982 )

  Theeb is a drama thriller film directed by Jordanian film director, Naji Abu Nowar. The film is about a young Bedouin boy named Theeb, played by Jacir Eid, who must adventure across the large desert of Wadi Rum. It takes place in the middle east surrounding World War I and is set during a period known as the Arab Revolt. This was a time ...

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Ownership of Property in Islamic Law

23 Mar 2015 20 Jul 2017

6 (2,329 )

Keywords: muslim women property ownership, muslim women rules Abstract Property ownership has been highly debated in recent years especially when it comes to women. The case of Muslim women has been alarming in certain Islamic countries because though women are allowed to own property some traditions when put together with some Islamic Laws are highly restricting women's ownership property. Property in this light includes land, house and ...

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Evolution of Primate Locomotion and Body Configuration

23 Mar 2015 17 Jul 2017

7 (2,409 )

Keywords: evolutionary modification, primate evolution The Evolution Of Primate Locomotion and Body Configuration Humans, who have long since abandoned the trees as their principal lodging place, have only partially lost the physical adaptations for tree climbing; their hands, in particular, remain in the arboreal mold. Only the feet have lost their primitive prehensility in adapting to bipedal walking (Primate, 2009). There are many changes that occurred in ...

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The Relationship of Resistance to Power

23 Mar 2015 01 Jun 2017

8 (2,868 )

Keywords: where there is power there is resistance meaning, Power and Resistance 'Where there is power, there is resistance, and yet, or rather consequently, this resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power' (Foucault, 1978: 95-96). In human sciences one of the main issues has always been the relationship of resistance to power. Where there is power, there is resistance; power affirms ...

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The Culture of Italy - Architecture, People and History

23 Mar 2015 25 May 2017

10 (3,748 )

Keywords: italian culture, italian cities, social stratification italy The main focus of this culture project will be the nation of Italy. Italy is a peninsula, with two main islands which include Sardinia and Sicily, located in south central Europe and extending into the Mediterranean Sea. Italy has a land mass, including the islands, of about 116,300 square feet. To get a better proportion in mind, Italy is ...

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Exchange in social life

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

7 (2,581 )

Why, and how, have anthropologists argued that exchange is the basis of social life? "Exchange is an act of giving something to somebody or doing something for somebody and receiving something in return."[1] According to the Encyclopaedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 'exchange' is the transfer of things between social and actors.[2] Things can be human or animal, material or immaterial, words or things. The actors can ...

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The links between language and culture

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

8 (2,872 )

The objective of my research My research is based on understanding about how culture is linked to language and verse-visa. This topic wonders me sometimes; I was unable to get a better understanding. I know it is very confusing, hard to understand as people always argue about it and limited of resources to actually find out about the truth. There are too many researchers giving different interpretation ...

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The Penan Culture | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

7 (2,569 )

Introduction: The Penan is one of the groups in South East Asia and they are live in Sarawak, Malaysia. There are about ten thousands Penan live in Sarawak and only about two hundred of them are nomadic Penan people left. The nomadic Penan is the people who are move from one place to other new place in every month to get new places to stay and food. ...

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Who Are Whistle blowers?

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

6 (2,105 )

Introduction Generally, all professional jobs in the civilized societies are carried out within the framework of a given Code of Conduct that is well known and understood by all employees as well as the employer(s). In simple terms, a Code of Conduct refers to a set of ethics which regulates the behavior of each an every employee with a view to safeguarding the good reputation of ...

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Barth's Theory of Transactionalism

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

3 (873 )

Political Swat Barth Assess Barth's Theory of Transactionalism In this book, such a paradigm of political experience not only tells us something important about the traditional political situation in Swat, it is also the basis of a trenchant criticism of views prevailing at the time when Barth wrote...It reveals that a quest for personal advantage could flourish in a traditional setting.” (Meeker 1980 : 684) It is ...

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Functionalism and culture

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

7 (2,608 )

Watched movie in week 2, authors discussed in this (i.e. literature we should connect to): - Malinowksi - Maus - Levi-Strauss - Sahlin Malinowski: His approach to anthropology was based on functionalism and culture. Functionalism ascribes meaning, function, and purpose to the elements within a whole. Culture defines that whole, and it constitutes the entity in which the various functional elements act and are interdependent. Malinowskis understanding ...

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Ethnographic project on The Ifugao

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

10 (3,772 )

Name of culture What is the name of your chosen culture? What is the meaning of the name in English? Do the people in your culture call themselves this name - if not, what do they call themselves and what does it mean in English? Do neighboring groups call them something else? If so, what is that, and what does it say about relations between the ...

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The resource curse of natural resources

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

24 (9,203 )

Chapter 1:Introduction The resource curse is the theory that countries with an abundance of natural resources, such as oil and minerals, achieve less economic growth than countries that are not endowed with natural resources. There are authors that argue this point (Auty 1990, Gelb 1988, Sachs and Warner 1995, 1997, 1999) and there are those that believe the resource curse is less to do with resources and ...

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The League of Nations

23 Mar 2015 10 May 2017

7 (2,786 )

In what ways was the League of Nations a predecessor to the UN? Was the League successful in it's goal of protecting minorities throughout Europe in the wake of WWI? While the League of Nations was created after the end of World War One to prevent war from ever breaking out again, a few years later World War Two broke out shocking the world with its lack ...

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Casual Dress At Work

23 Mar 2015 09 May 2017

11 (4,400 )

TITLE: GETTING CASUAL AT WORK 1. ABSTRACT This paper seeks to establish the effects and implications of getting casual within the work environment of Bank of America. The Bank of America being the largest bank (by assets), it is known for its high levels of professionalism and its workers' formal dress code. This paper will therefore discuss the bank's service delivery to its clients while at the ...

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The foraging society

23 Mar 2015 09 May 2017

3 (1,154 )

Foraging society forms the oldest and the more basic political system of people- the band societies. For more than 1 million years, these people from hunter-gathering societies sustain their living doing this. The contemporary hunter/ gatherers form a small group or population of people with little density and nomadic type of living. Foragers remain egalitarian because they live in close kinship relations with others. They were ...

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The Notre Dame Cathedral

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

9 (3,346 )

To start with, it is very known that Notre Dame Cathedral that is found in Paris is one of the world's first ever to be made, Gothic Cathedral. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is found near the Ile de la Cite on its eastern half, having to the west its main entrance. Many thought that the Cathedral of Notre Dame was one of the best when it ...

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Does kinship ultimately refer to biology?

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

6 (2,069 )

Does kinship ultimately refer to biology? In this essay, I will explore the ways in which kinship ultimately refers to biology. I will first define what kinship is and how it is viewed from the western perspective. From there I will provide accounts of biology and genealogies and provide a basic definition. I will approach the argument how modern ideas and technology are changing kinship if defined ...

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Chiefdoms and Tribes

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

7 (2,797 )

Introduction The Swazi of Southern Africa and the Mayogo of Northern Democratic Republic of Congo represent two different chiefdoms that live in Africa. The two chiefdoms share more with states than with tribes, a reason which explains its existence within the boundary of many states in Africa. The Swazi chiefdom is situated in the southern Africa in a landlocked country that was rule according to the chiefdom ...

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Confessions and interrogations

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

6 (2,251 )

Interrogation refers to a method of questioning that is usually used by investigating officers such as police, detectives, or military to obtain information from a suspect (Michael, 2007). Interrogation is a process that is allowed in law as defined by the constitution, but not all forms of interrogation are legal or even ethical from a moral point of view. In United States for instance the form in ...

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Technology In Saudi Arabia in Modernity

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

3 (868 )

Technology In Saudi Arabia in Modernity In the modern age, where a country must keep up to date on science and technology if it is to have a hope of keeping up with the western world, Saudi Arabia is unlike many other Islamic countries. In the past 20 years alone, its leaders have undertaken an immense project of updating, or establishing programs that would enable Saudi Arabia ...

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Womens role in construction

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

6 (2,231 )

Women Managing in Construction The subject presented in this article is about the neglect of women in carrying out corporate role despite their education in the areas of expertise. Even though there has been affirmative action and equal opportunity embedded in the strategy of corporate recruitment, the needs of the woman civil engineer has not been fully met. It has been very difficult for the women to ...

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Symbolic interpretation of traditional marriage rites

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

8 (2,911 )

ABSTRACT This paper will take a look at kom traditional marriage rites and the four stages the constitute the actual marriage in Kom. It will begin by citing where Kom is situated, the various 8 satellite villages that made up the Kom tribe, which are Achain, Akei, Baiso, Baicham, Bueni, Mbesinaku, Mbenkas and Mejang. How they perceived marriage, how marriage is practiced in this society. This ...

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The Emergence Of Bipedal Hominids

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

3 (1,188 )

There are over ten hypotheses as to how and why bipedalism evolved in humans and when. Bipedalism evolved well before the large human brain or the development of stone tools. Bipedal specializations are found in australopithecus fossils from 4.2-3.9 million years ago. The different hypotheses are not necessarily mutually exclusive and a number of selective forces may have acted together to lead to human bipedalism. Possible reasons ...

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In and Beyond Anthropology

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

14 (5,398 )

Introduction During the 25 years since the publication of Writing Culture: the poetics and politics of ethnography, a great deal of discussion has accompanied it. In this essay I place this book in the context of the literary turn in anthropology, and concern with the postcolonial encounter as well. Throughout the analysis of the main themes in the book, attention is paid to the construction of ethnographic ...

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Primary and secondary salinity: Impacts on water resources

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

8 (2,936 )

Introduction. Salinity, one of the major water crises occurring around the globe, is the high concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS), such as sodium and chlorine, in soils and water (Rose, 2004). Salinity is a critical and prevalent problem affecting Australia, threatening the Australian natural environment and the sustainability of productive agricultural areas (Bridgman, Dragovish, & Dodson, 2008; McDowell, 2008). This can be attributed to naturally high ...

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Anthropology of Food: Medicinal Cannibalism

03 Oct 2016 22 Feb 2017

7 (2,589 )

Anthropology of Food  AbstractCannibalism has been a topic of morbid fascination, condemnation, and strong subject of academic and moral argument. Medicinal cannibalism and corpse medicine became a pervasive occurrence in early modern Europe and America. Egyptian mummies pulverized into powder, human flesh of those recently executed and tragically died, fat, blood, skull and moss of the dead man's skull were in high demand by physicians ...

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Eating Christmas in the Kalahari

03 Oct 2016 21 Feb 2017

3 (1,073 )

Eating Christmas in the Kalahari Abstract Richard Borshay Lee was a social anthropologist that had lived with and studied the southern Tswana tribe. In “Eating Christmas in the Kalahari” Richard Borshay Lee introduces us to some very useful techniques in social science. What he decided to do was take part in an ox Christmas festivity. Mr. Lee felt he had to give a gift because the ...

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What Impacts Have Systems of Communication Had Upon the Development of Human Societies

03 Oct 2016 19 Dec 2016

8 (3,188 )

The aim of this paper is to critically analyse communication and its development of human societies. It will scrutinise whether any form of symbolic behaviour was a form of communication. This essay will question some of the findings of the past through the examination of communicative works such as cave-art. Discussion of urbanism and religion as a means of communication with divine or supernatural powers will ...

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Anthropology Essays - Gujarati Immigrants Transnational

23 Mar 2015 08 Mar 2016

4 (1,566 )

Gujarati Immigrants Transnational RESEARCH QUESTION: How does the integration of Gujarati immigrants in Britain affect their participation in transnational activities? Introduction This proposed research aims to understand links between social and economic integration and participation in transnational activities. I will focus on Gujarati immigrants as they are widely regarded as being amongst the most affluent, successful and religious of Britain’s South Asian settlers (Dwyer, 1994). The proposed ...

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The origin of the ifugao

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2015

7 (2,747 )

The name of the chosen culture is Ifugao. The origin of the Ifugao comes from the term Ipugo, which means "from the hill". According to their mythology, their name is derived from Ipugo which refers to the rice grain given to them by their God, Matungulan. Also, others say that the name comes from the word "I-pugaw" which loosely translates to "inhabitants of the earth." Neighboring people ...

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The bangwa people in southern cameroon

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2015

3 (1,014 )

Introduction What is legal pluralism?.Virtually every society is legally plural whether or not is has a colonial past including Cameroon. Legal pluralism has been existing in Cameroon for long with it numerous ethnic groups and diverse cultures. It is estimated that Cameroon has approximately 250 ethnic group and cultures with the Bangwa been one of the them, during colonization era, legal pluralism was intensified with ...

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What a forensic anthropologist would examine when attempting to identify human remains

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,854 )

Introduction Anthropology is the study of humankind, culturally and physically, in all times and places. Forensic Anthropology is the application of anthropological knowledge and techniques in a legal context (Hunter, 1996b). This involves detailed knowledge of osteology, anatomy, and to a lesser degree pathology, to aid in the identification and cause of death of skeletal and severely decomposed human remains. The application of forensic anthropology is specifically ...

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The importance of a tribe as a political system and its reluctance to subdue to the state efforts to erase it

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,785 )

INTRODUCTION The tribe is an important political system that existed in the world mainly in the area of the Middle East. The Rwala and the Pathans are two examples of existing tribes that play a major role in the area in which they are located, proved by the fact that their tribal system coexist within the states boundary. The two tribes not only do they exit in ...

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Living and Working in Bahrain

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,365 )

Case 8: Career Discrimination “Ellen Moore (A): Living and Working in Bahrain” Ellen Moore (A) - Living and working in Bahrain Case summary The case describes the working life and career decision of Ellen Moore, an American expatriate in Bahrain in the 1980s. Ellen is an outstanding and capable person both in terms of academic and professional background. Right after graduation with an MBA degree, she followed ...

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Anthropology Essays - The Spartans

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,305 )

The Spartans In the summer of 480 B.C a battle took place that would forever change the history of the Greeks and that would eventually influence the way in which the Western world looked at war. The Spartans took their stand against the massive army of Persians in a three day battle which resulted in the Persians taking the win but may have very well led to ...

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The Concepts Acculturation And Ethnicity Anthropology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,018 )

The concepts Acculturation and ethnicity are often used by the researcher to describe consumption experiences of ethnic minority consumers. This paper presents a review of the relationship between cultural process, specifically what has been termed Acculturation, and how it helps to understand consumer behavior of ethnic minority consumers. Consumer Acculturation is a socialization process in which an immigrant, or marginalizes consumer learns the behavior, attitude and values ...

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La notion de pouvoir

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,260 )

Anthropologie politique :La notion de pouvoir Janvier 2010 L'anthropologie politique est une discipline récente qui s'est développée réellement à partir des années 1920, mais qui tire son essence des préoccupations de la philosophie politique du XVIIIème siècle. En effet, cette discipline dont le projet est de fonder une science du politique, analyse la répartition et l'organisation du pouvoir et des phénomènes politiques qui permettent de dégager ...

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Gun Control

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,048 )

Gun ControlIntroduction Gun control remains the biggest challenge to security agencies in America. It has claimed several innocent lives thus leading to great moaning in the United States. Similarly, several people have been left crippled as a result of gun crime and violence. The challenge lies in the issuance and ownership of unlicensed guns in the United States. In order for the gun crime rate to decrease ...

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Major world civilization

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,757 )

Overview China is the oldest continuous major world civilization, with records dating back about 3,500 years. Successive dynasties developed a system of bureaucratic control that gave the agrarian-based Chinese an advantage over neighboring nomadic and hill cultures. Chinese civilization was further strengthened by the development of a Confucian state ideology and a common written language that bridged the gaps among the country's many local languages and dialects. ...

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Study And About Globalization Anthropology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,728 )

The globalization phenomenon is seen as the world-wide movement to bring different countries and societies together, allowing for greater integration and contact. Products, ideas, transactions and information are now able to circulate more freely. Consequently, this results in a global society of similar standards, where faster communication between societies would mean rapid improvements in the global economy and living standards as a whole. 1.1 The Advantages of ...

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Anthropology of Power and Conflict

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,831 )

Anthropology of Power and Conflict In what sense are aggressive behaviors, i.e. conflict, competition, and dominance, universal characteristics of humans? What is the evidence that in some cultures aggressive behaviors are rarely observed and strongly sanctioned? How is such an outcome achieved? Humans are innately social animals, whose existence depends on a continued complex relationship with other human beings. Expressed aggression will inevitably lead to an individual ...

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Penan tribe

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,708 )

The review that I would like to made among the 5 tribes that acted by the Bruce Parry is the Penan tribe. First of all, I would like to introduce briefly about the character of Bruce Parry. Bruce Parry is an activist that venture into the most remote area of Sarawak state in Malaysian Borneo. He believes that the only ways to knows more about the culture ...

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Children with down syndrome

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,455 )

A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE PERCEPTION OF PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROME: THE CASE OF A FAMILY IN BAMENDA, CAMEROON AND A FAMILY IN LEUVEN, BELGIUM ABSTRACT Down syndrome is a form of disability which retards the growth of children. This form of disability is perceived differently in different cultures and these different perceptions affect the relationship between the rest of the family and the Down ...

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History of Hamas

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,659 )

Hamas Hamasis a Palestinian terrorist organization which mainly consists of Islamic paramilitary forces. The name Hamas, means Islamic Resistance Movement. This Palestinian Islamic group was formed way back in 1987 as a result of the Israeli taking up most of the West Bank or Gaza strip. The militant group was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. He was of Egypt origin and was strongly supported by many charitable ...

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Comparative Study

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,658 )

Pre-1914 Poetry: Comparative Study Compare the ways in which the city is presented in William Blake's ‘London' (1794) and William Wordsworth's ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802'. In your response you should consider: • The techniques that the poets use to convey their impressions of the city. • The way(s) in which the poets include references to social, political and personal concerns and the extent to ...

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Material culture

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,649 )

Material culture refers to the corporal, physical object constructed by humans. Ferguson (1977) describes material culture as 'all of the things people leave behind .... All of the things people make from the physical world - farm tools, ceramics, houses, furniture, toys, buttons, roads and cities' (Ferguson, 1977). Material culture refers to objects that are used, lived in, displayed and experienced. Human beings interact with material culture ...

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The origin and history of tuberculosis

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,941 )

Tuberculosis has been with human kind since ancient times. There is much evidence of this bacterium throughout history. Many bodies have been found with traces of the disease from all over the world, from Greece to South America. The strand has evolved and grown with humans to continue to threaten us, and will continue to do so. However lately with recent findings and aid from technology we ...

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Japanese animation reveal

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,304 )

Women Roles in Anime and its Reflection of Japanese Society What do the portrayals of women in Japanese animation reveal about the role of women in Japanese society today? The role of women in Japanese culture is an important topic amongst when discussing contemporary Japan. While it is important to consider traditional methods of analysis that come from statistics and surveys, you also need to look at ...

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Violence against women

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,675 )

Introduction The research methodology that I will be using for the Data Collection and Analysis assignment is critical ethnography. This methodology fits with my research goal to bring awareness to the unequal power structures and oppression existing within the collaborative child welfare and violence against women (VAW) advocates relationship. Madison (2005) states that critical ethnographers have an "ethical responsibility to address unfairness and injustice within a particular ...

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About The Islamic Architecture Anthropology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,251 )

The eternal principle behind modern Islamic architecture is about the story that evolves from ancient times of Islam architecture and move towards modernism. Modernism began to slowly grow since Industrial revolution started. Since the period, it has turn Islamic architecture to explore in depth with the use of mass production. At the same time, continuing the richness of Islamic architecture elements and forms with influences from Euro ...

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The Relationship Between Nature And Culture

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,052 )

Nature is not what it used to be. Or at least that is what we may think, when we look at the way humans and their technologies have treated nature. When we speak of "nature", however, we are essentially talking about our relationship with nature, never nature itself. What we refer to as "nature" or "natural" has always been as much about what we see, as it ...

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Draft sexual selection

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,838 )

Miller, G.F. A review of sexual selection and human evolution: How mate choice shaped human nature "Natural selection shapes species to adapt to their environments and arises from individual differences in survival ability- cannot favour ornamental traits that decrease survivorship". However, it is not sufficient to account for male traits such as peacock's tail that do not enhance survivorship but rather jeopardize it. Darwin argued that in ...

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Limited liability corporation

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,652 )

TITLE: LIMITED LIABILTY CORPORATION INTRODUCTION Definition of a limited liability corporation (LLC) This paper will first commence by giving the exact meaning of a limited liability corporation. A limited liability corporation (LLC) is the usual incorrect name used instead of a limited liability company. Therefore the limited liability company and the limited liability company both refer to the same thing. Following the clarification made above it ...

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How the cold war promoted the civil rights movement in america, and how it promoted change

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,223 )

Introduction. Cold war refers to the conflict between the nations that supported communism and they were headed by the Soviet Union and those that supported democracy and they were headed by the United States. The cold war was fought propaganda, fiscal warfare, political arguments and through martial conflicts at times. The cold war is said to have began around 1947 when President Truman of the United States ...

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Warden's five rings theory

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,370 )

Col. John Warden's 5 Ring Model Warden's Five Rings theory is a model developed by Col. John Warden. It was first applied in a real war setting in the 1991 Gulf war incorporated in the "Operational Thunder" offensive strategy. It was the key theory that defined Operational Thunder strategy as it was known for American Air Power in defeating Iraq air force. The concept of the five ...

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An eating disorder

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,236 )

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder most commonly affecting adolescent women (Russell 1970, 132). The diagnostic criteria for anorexia is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of the American Psychiatric Association 4th ed (DSM-IV) as excessive dieting or exercise leading to extreme weight loss, a refusal to gain weight, disturbance in body shape perception and amenorrhea (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). It has been suggested that ...

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Discrimination against women

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,717 )

The world is facing many problems that are demolishing its unity, forcing the process of making a better world harder to achieve. One of the most devastating problems yet to be solved is the women's rights against discrimination. Discrimination, according to Cambridge University's dictionary is the act of treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which ...

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Super girl

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,924 )

Individualism Transition in Chinese Cultural Value Through A Case Study of TV Show Super Girl Introduction “Individual“, the term by itself means something or someone unique. Thus, “Individualism” is a revolution which tends to power the rights of an individual. In countries like America, such a practice is followed. The people there wish that there should be enough personal space for every individual without being disturbed by ...

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Body memory and architecture

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,361 )

'Discuss the relationship between building, dwelling and the notion of 'home,' drawing on ethnographic examples,' 'Discuss the relationship between building, dwelling and the notion of 'home,' drawing on ethnographic examples,' Understanding building as a process enables architecture to be considered as a form of material culture. Processes of building and dwelling are interconnected according to Ingold (2000), who also calls for a more sensory appreciation of dwelling, ...

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The giant panda

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,261 )

Introduction People have been attracted by specific species (Goedeke, 2004). Regarding these specific species, Kellert (1996) analyzes that humans tend to be attracted to the species which has a large body and is able to walk, run, or fly. The giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca is one of the most famous among those attractive species (Lorimer 2007). The giant panda is a member of the Ursidae family and ...

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23 Mar 2015

14 (5,267 )

EXPLORING THE SOCIO-CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ECOTOURISM ON THE LOCAL POPULATION OF CAMEROON. ABSTRACT The ecotouristic sector in Cameroon is a growing but relatively minor industry. Cameroon's wildlife draws both safari-goers and big-game hunters, as Cameroon is home to many of Africa's iconic animals: cheetahs, chimpanzees, elephants, giraffes, gorillas, hippopotami, and rhinoceroses. Impediments to further growth of the eco-touristic sector include poor transport infrastructure and corrupt ...

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The evolutionary anatomy

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,013 )

A, Differences between the hip skeleton and musculature of bipedal hominid and quadrupedal apes. Ilium Humans: Reduced height, relative wideness (it is important in bipedal posture, because the weight of the body does not concentrate onto the spinal cord only). Orientation of blade (the curvature and the mediolateral orientation of the iliac blades help the Glutei medius and minimi to act as abductors and they can ...

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Gentrification of urban communities

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,819 )

Urban renewal is often lauded as a blessing by politicians and land developers; it is seen as a method of bringing economic and cultural growth to an otherwise stagnant community. It is a set of changes made in the hopes that new residents come in, more businesses open, and more capital flows into the area. However, redevelopment often results in the deconstruction and replacement of a pre-existing ...

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Islamic or State schools

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,897 )

How Muslim parents make their decision of sending their children to Islamic schools or to State schools. The study of how Muslim parents decide to send their children to either Islamic Schools or public has now been studied for some time and it has provided different answers for different questions. This study has mainly been carried out because of the now increasing evidence if the cultural and ...

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Enlightenment in Western and Islamic traditions

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,291 )

Enlightenment in Western and Islamic traditions: Which tradition provides greater Enlightenment? In the world we live, we are always faced with conflicting ideologies that influence our thinking. This is certainly true about Islam and secularism. In my case and in the case of most Muslim individuals who live in a modern society, society sometimes demands us to reject secular Western values and follow Islamic values and vice ...

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Persona, salud, entorno y enfermeria

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,305 )

Estamos ante un articulo de titulo "Persona, salud, entorno y enfermeria", que pertenece al volumen "Enfermeria Comunitaria. Metodos y Tecnicas". S.21.Edit.DAE.2° ed.2008 de autores Dora Espinar Gonzalez e Hipolito Delgado Rodriguez. Lo que viene a clarificarnos este articulo, en toda regla, es que el modelo biomedico se orienta exclusivamente a la practica asistencial, que se orienta a la enfermedad y deja a un lado el modelo holistico, ...

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The relationship of feminism and anthropology

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,459 )

The relationship of feminism and anthropology can bring a new development to the way ethnographies are written and done. Lila Abu-Lughod's statement feminist ethnography is an 'ethnography with women at the centre written for women by women' can be seen as an effort to find a distinct way of doing and writing ethnography. In this essay I will look at the roots of feminism and feminist anthropology. ...

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Importance of Youth Sports

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,700 )

Importance of Youth Sports Sports as an activity can be traced back to the earliest existence of human beings, for as long as they have been active and sportive. It is a great way for people to master the benefits of nature and their surrounding or environment for that matter. By studying the history of sports, we can learn about the social changes that man has gone ...

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The Relationship Of Feminism And Anthropology Anthropology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,097 )

The relationship of feminism and anthropology can bring a new development to the way ethnographies are written and done. Lila Abu-Lughod's statement feminist ethnography is an 'ethnography with women at the centre written for women by women' can be seen as an effort to find a distinct way of doing and writing ethnography. In this essay I will look at the roots of feminism and feminist anthropology. ...

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Impact Of Globalization And Gaming Anthropology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,154 )

Video game franchise has taken the world by storm. It is design to trigger human emotion by satisfying one need to kill, venting of frustration and anger. Video gaming is used to de-stress, educate and kill time. People would spend hundreds of dollars in the gaming sector and this has make gaming the primary platform of entertainment and lifestyle. 1.2 Impact of globalization and gaming The media ...

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Study On Enhancing Architecture Appreciation Anthropology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,780 )

Frank Lloyd Wright believed space was the essence of architecture. The reality of architecture is actually not in the solid elements that seem to make it, but rather - "the reality of a room was to be found in the space enclosed by the roof and walls, not in the roof and walls themselves." Spaces have intrinsic meanings that result from their spatial and visible forms and ...

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Various channels of distribution used for various financial services by the bank of baroda

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,211 )

The distribution channel (definition) Chains of intermediaries, each passing the product down the chain to the next organization, before it finally reaches the consumer or end-user of the product or services. Now let us study the various channels of distribution which had been used by BOB for its financial services. 1. Distribution through its branches in India (direct channel of distribution) Firstly, the bank provides and ...

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Childhood Obesity

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,171 )

Childhood Obesity Back few decades, the question of childhood obesity was not an issue to be argued. Our grandparents and parents never inquired the weight of their children at school age, their children, school fellows or any other child they came into contact with. Their children ate healthy foods from the table and played the whole day outside. The matter of childhood weight has altered enough since ...

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Analysis Of Todays Consumerism Anthropology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,601 )

Everlasting consumerism has shaped the way 21st century landscape looks like. It creates unlimited demand of products and stores in any possible space. Retail design is responsible to convert this possible space into a 'consumerism space'. It is where people encounter strong force to see and buy products. A perfect example to show evidence exists in fashion world. There is strong indication of tense competition happens between ...

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Fierce warriors with unmatchable qualities

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,232 )

INTRODUCTION Linguistically speaking, the term Goum comes from the Arabic word (??) pronounced with a Maghrebi accent which means stand up. This term is going to define a military unit that was formed by the French army to be used first internally for pacification purposes and then externally for fighting the Axis powers. The Goums were predominantly Berbers from the region of the Middle as well as ...

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Archaeology Essays - Homo Floresiensis

23 Mar 2015

18 (7,132 )

The discovery of Homo Floresiensis has profound implications for what it means to be human; it raises questions about the uniqueness of human lineage which is the foundation of our society and our religions. The three great problems for nineteenth century ethnology and prehistory were identified by Latham in Man and his Migrations (1851) as: the unity or non-unity of the human species; its antiquity; and its ...

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Qualities of Social Anthropology

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,266 )

Introduction Social anthropology is the field of anthropology that studies how living human beings behave in social groups. This essay seeks to explore the history, meaning and essential qualities of social anthropology which distinguish it from other branches of anthropology. In the UK, anthropology is usually primarily concerned with the study of culture. This area is termed 'social anthropology' and it is this designation which is used ...

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The sage dictionary of qualitative management research

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,306 )

Provide a justification for qualitative research in organisations "Qualitative research is a field of inquiry in its own right. It crosscuts disciplines, fields and subject matters. A complex, interconnected family of terms, concepts, and assumptions surround the term qualitative research. These include the traditions associated with foundationalism, positivism, postfoundationalism, postpositivism, poststructuralism, and the many qualitative research perspectives, and/or methods connected to cultural and interpretive studies." (Denzin and ...

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The New Brutalist Architecture Anthropology Essay

23 Mar 2015

23 (9,068 )

New Brutalist architecture is the outcome of a British architectural ethic named 'New Brutalism'. According to Peter and Alice Smithson, the term was coined from a newspaper paragraph heading which, by poor translation of French, called the Marseilles Unité by Le Corbusier 'Brutalism in architecture'[1]. The Smithsons anointed their own British brand of Modernism by adding 'New' both because they came after Le Corbusier and also in ...

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Reality tv: the reality that is globalized

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,169 )

Reality TV: the Reality that is Globalized Media Research Methods Arab satellite television stations have recognized themselves now as one of the major sources for information for the Arab world for they are demanding the domination of the American media. Television broadcasting in the Arab world goes back to the mid-1950s when on-governmental air operations were launched in Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. In almost ...

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