International-business Assignments-samples

Micro And Macro Factor In Increasing The Attractiveness Of A Country

Introduction   In today’s business world, organizations are expanding their operations internationally. This trend is rapidly increased in past few decades and it is also expected that businesses will expand their operations more rapidly all across the world in future (Collins, 2010). Businesses are becoming international from the last half of the 20th century because there is a liberalization in trade and investment legislations lik ...

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Cultural Diversity In The Hospitality Industry – Premier Inn Chester City Centre Hotel

Introduction In this globalized world, cultural diversity is not a negative element while it is something which can facilitate the organizational glory. Though, it is not easy to manage the employees who are from different cultural backgrounds, but there are certain diversity strategies which can help in managing the cultural diversity. The cultural diversity can be managed through communication, facilitation of differences and capitalizat ...

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: Three Factors That Have Played An Important Role In The Shift Towards A Global Or International Economy And The Development Of New Geographies Of Economic Activity.

Introduction The current essay is aimed at discussing the drivers of global shift in economy and development of new geographies of economic activities. The current era of globalisation is the result of massive shift is economic activities and identification of drivers that have fostered economic shift is highly significant to consider in this study. In order to achieve this aim, the present study has alienated into different sections. The ...

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:Assess The Effectiveness Of An International Environmental Regime Of Your Choosing, In Relation To Its Objectives, And Explain Its Level Of Success Or Failure Using One Or More Variants Of Regime Theory.

Introduction Environmental regimes are dedicated arrangements that are entrenched into the deep structure of international culture. The essential features of the current structure must be compatible with the arrangements in order to be effective (Underdal, 2008; Conca, 2006). As a result of human environment interactions, international environment regimes are formed which govern two or more members of an international cultur ...

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Country Level Analysis For Expansion In Poland

Introduction This report is related with assessment of opportunities and potential in Poland with respect to foreign direct investment. According to Wang et al., (2012), foreign direct investment is considered to be an investment that is made by the corporation or person of one country into other country for business interest. In addition, this can be done by acquiring a company or launching a new business in another country. This is basi ...

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1.Introduction In this era of globalization, organizations are continuously striving for expansion at the global level. Indeed, with the removal of trade barriers it has become easier for organizations to expand in any country of the world. However, before moving to any country, it is important to evaluate the environment of the selected destination. Businesses work in an open environment where there are various environmental factors that ...

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Global Business Opportunities In The Country Of Latvia

Introduction Nowadays, the companies are emphasizing on the importance of international business opportunities for their growth. The companies are developing their strategies to enter the foreign trade. The companies are having better understanding that international business opportunities enable them to earn more profit by offering products/services on international platform. There are a number of opportunities that companies can avail by ...

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Does Porter Convincingly Explain The Competitive Advantage Of Nations, Or Are There Major Flaws Or Gaps In His Arguments?

  1.Brief Overview of the Nation’s Competitive Advantage The book Competitive Advantage of Nations is among the most influential contribution towards the management and business, was written by Michael Porter. The research of Michael Porter had identified the key determinants of a nation’s competitive edge through an industry to know that how they can work combine in order  &nbs ...

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The Internationalization Process Of Firms From Emerging Markets: The Case Of Tata Motors And Cherry Automobile.

Background The concept of internationalization has received tremendous focus both from scholars and practitioners alike. The focus on the concept has been driven majorly by the allure that comes with internationalization including profitability, market growth among other advantages (Dev, 2007). However, literature on the topic has been limited to a number of conceptual frameworks that have been developed in order to help und ...

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Brexit And Its Association With Atkins’ Crossrail Success

Introduction With the vote of almost 52% in favour of UK leaving the EU has raised hype of high uncertainty among different sectors of the economy. Brexit has become the short hand form for the separation of UK from EU combining the Britain and Exit. The importance of Brexit has prompted to carry out following study on negative aspects of Brexit that are expected to intervene with regular operations of businesses. The study ...

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To Identify The Challenges Laid By Global Economic Vulnerability On Organizations’ Existence In UK

: Globalization has bought the world together and thus it forms a more integrated societies and businesses.  On one hand these business get a boost from industrialization similarly on the other hand they face problems all together. After the great depression of 1930’s business were effected in 2007-2008 financial crises much immensely. However, the financial and economic crises are likely to increase significantly as predicted b ...

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The multinational companies operate in various market by establishing foreign subsidiaries. Zara is the foreign subsidiary of Inditex which is Spanish based company and providing clothing to customers of different age group. Zara has gained competitive edge over its main rival brand named ‘H&M’ due to its rare, valuable as well as difficult to imitate resources and competencies. Both of the subsidiaries are successful but Zara has outperformed. ...

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