Escort Services - An International Perspective

24 Feb 2017 27 Feb 2018

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Keywords: study on escort services, escort service study INTRODUCTION  This paper will consider some of the key issues and challenges surrounding escort services provision. Where possible the arguments and discussions presented seek to generate a broader, more international view in order to encourage open debate around this socially, culturally and legally sensitive topic (Laskowski, 2002).   In examining this area, the initial difficulty is in capturing a single, ...

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Tourism PESTEL Analysis | Canary Islands

24 Nov 2017

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PESTEL PESTEL as acronym stands for political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors, which influence the processes within a n organization. It is an analysis, which concentrate on the environmental factors that influence the operational firm. Therefore, it is a mandatory and helping tool for managers to have better insights about the threats and opportunities and understand its majority that exist in a running business, ...

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The Tourism Sector In Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 Introduction Mauritius is of volcanic origin in the Indian Ocean situated in the African continent. The area of Mauritius is about 2,040 and its population is around 1.3 million. It is surrounded by natural attractions, which makes the island a suitable tourism destination. Mauritius is a member of the African Union (AU), ...

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Overview Of Air Transport Industry

02 Nov 2017

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By ATAG, "the air transport industry is the global network of commercial aircraft operators, airports, air navigation Service providers and the manufacturers of aircraft and their components. It is responsible for connecting the global economy, providing millions of jobs and making modern quality of life possible". The Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), based in Geneva, ...

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The Report Is How Tauranga Shopping Centre

02 Nov 2017

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To : [email protected] Subject : overdue fees From : (automatic generated) Date : 19th September 2012 Dear Betty, I am a member of your library and I have borrowed a book named The White Tiger By Aravind Adiga I am really very sorry that I did not return the ...

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Globalization Is A Phenomenon

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Globalization is a phenomenon that has resulted from years of technological process, societal advancement, economic development and innovation. Essentially, this process entails the interaction of economies through the channels paved by trade and capital movements across international borders. Where the globalization phenomenon primarily reflects strong trade relationships, it also brings concepts of technology transfers, ...

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Ecotourism An Idea For Sustainable Development

02 Nov 2017

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* Ph.D, M.Phill, M.A, Associate Professor and Vice-Principal, HOD of Department of Economics, K.P.B.Hinduja College of Commerce, Mumbai-04. Contact No.-09820818406. Email- ** NET, M.Com, Assistant professor, Department of Accountancy, K.P.B.Hinduja College of Commerce, Mumbai-04. Contact No. – 0967761569. Email- [email protected] Abstract: As tourism has gained importance in recent year due to hectic life in every ...

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Hospitality And Tourism Marketing Strategies

02 Nov 2017

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Candidate's full name: RasalingamUshanth CTH candidate number: 71407 Assessment Task 1 Unit title: HTMS Words : 4384 Contents Page Page 1.0 Sri Lanka- a Profile 03 2.0 Global tourism trend 03 3.0 Introduction to the Srilanka Tourism Promotion Bureau 03 3.1The MahindaChintana and Srilanka Tourism 04 3.2 Markets and Markets size 05 3.3 Tourists/profile ...

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Hospitality Is A Developing Business

02 Nov 2017

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Hospitality is a developing business that has changed and renovated for long time development and sustainability. Making profit is the main purpose of any business and it leads hospitality industry to a new type of doing business which can be seen as the most creative strategy for this industry. It’s Integrated Resort. Instead of following ...

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Importance Of The Hospitality Employment Is Paramount

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Introduction The importance of the hospitality employment is paramount in both the developing and developed countries alike and this has been confirmed by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). As per the statistics generated by the WTTC, tourism and hospitality industry employs over 230 million employees worldwide which accounts for almost 8.7% of the ...

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The Best Manager And The Worst Manager

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction The objective for this assignment is to understand the significance of the management practice and the issues and problems in hospitality organisation. Hotels between Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort and Spa and Impiana Hotel are compared and contrast to recognize the best manager and the worst manager and suggestion to become a successful manager. Next, ...

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Image And Operations Of The Shopping Centre

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

On Sunday, 1 July 2012 the General Manager requested a research report on the image and operations of the shopping centre and to make recommendations of how it could be made more attractive and better meeting the needs of the customers. This report is due on Friday, 9 November 2012. 2. Executive Summary The purpose ...

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The Hospitality Industry In Asia

02 Nov 2017

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The hospitality industry in Asia has experienced great growth in these recent years, and it is expected to grow gradually for the next few years. According to Enright and Newton (2005), the Asia Pacific's hospitality industry will overtake the America's to become the the world's second largest tourism region. This prediction is also supported by ...

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The Fixed Based Operation

02 Nov 2017

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This assignment is made to tell the benefit and impact of having Fixed Based Operation (FBO) on the aviation industry in order give the service to passenger feel comfortable and safe when using the aircraft to fly from one point to another point. FBO not only making the money from selling the ticket flight but ...

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Transport And Travel Behavior Mauritius

02 Nov 2017

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3.1 Introduction Transportation is an essential component of the economy influencing the development and welfare of the population (Rodrigue et al). Efficient transportation system provides economic and social prospects and benefits which cause positive multiplier effects such as better accessibility to investment, markets, and employment (Rodrigue et al). Mauritius has experienced the most remarkable ...

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Taai In The Tourism Industry

02 Nov 2017

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It could be encouraged through the development and popularization of action sports including rock climbing, hiking, trekking, water sports ( as boating, angling, kayaking, wind-surfing, yachting, rafting, etc.), hand gliding, paragliding, etc., for the fun and adventure loving youth. Eco Tourism The forested tracks of the vidharba region as in Navegoan, Pench, Kinwat and Tadoba ...

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Encourage Sustainable Transportation Singapore

02 Nov 2017

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header-logo.gif School of Property, Construction and Project Management BUIL 1222 Research Project Group 30J KYAW WAIYAN HTET : S3321584 LIOW SIA ING : S3320107 TAN WAN CHIN : S3320202 TEO LI YI ALISON : S3320224 WONG CHEE WEI JARVIE : S3320242 Supervisor Mr John Garimort Course Co ordinator Dr Usha Iyer-Raniga BUIL 1222 Research Project: Authorship Statement We confirm that ...

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Crisis Management In Tourism And Hospitality

02 Nov 2017

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TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction. In the last years tourism has become a proven economic tool and one of the leading drivers of international trade. The tourism industry contributes substantially to: strong economic growth creation of skilled jobs greater export returns foreign investments and currencies. Tourism is a sensitive industry and could be influenced by ...

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Tourist Arrivals In Kashmir

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Jammu and Kashmir has won the Conde Nast Traveller award for "Excellence in Regenerating Tourism", this was the second award after CNBC Awaaz Travel Awards adjudged the Ladakh region in the state as the best "Adventure Tourism Destination" for 2012. Tourism plays an important role in the economies of a number of countries and can ...

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The Sweet Dreams Motel

02 Nov 2017

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Contents Page 1 – Cover Page 2 – Table of Contents Page 3 – Executive Summary Page 4&5 – Situational analysis Page 6 – Marketing objectives Page 7 – Target markets Page 8 – Marketing mix Page 9 – Monitor Page 10 – References Executive Summary This report was made for the Sweet Dreams motel ...

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The Tourism Spread In India

02 Nov 2017

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I, Ankit Deshmukh, hereby declare that the project was entitled. "Tourism spread in India" In the academic year 2011-2013, the information provided in the above mentioned project is true and it is original work done by me under the guidance of Prof. Rahul Borse, and it has not been submitted to any of University before ...

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Introduction History Of Olympics

02 Nov 2017

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According to Greek mythology, the site of ancient Olympic Games is in western part of Peloponnese. It is the island of ‘Pelops’ and it is also the founder of Olympic Games. Olympia is a place for worship and other religious and political practices in the early of 10th century B.C. The central part of Olympia ...

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Tourism Affect A Countrys Economy

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Why did I choose this topic? Spending holidays abroad with family, is trendy these days. People around the world GENERAL IMPACTS: General Positive effects of tourism : 1) Ceates employment opportunities for local people 2) Promotes cultural awareness and can help preserve local culture and traditions. 3) Income from tourists can be used to ...

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The Rfu Stadium At Twickenham

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONTENTS Chapter One – Introduction Introduction According to Humphreys and Bamber (2003) sport tourism is a growing industry, especially for rugby fans with the stadium at Twickenham as the fan’s number one pilgrimage site. The main aim of this dissertation is to examine how the Rugby Football Union (RFU) Stadium at Twickenham, has ...

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Overview Of Mauritian Tourism Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Mauritius is an idyllic island located in the Indian Ocean which is about 2,000 kilometres off the south east coast of the Africa. Since independence in 1968, the country has developed from a low-income, agriculture-based economy to a middle-income diversified economy. The economy is based on tourism, textiles, sugar, and financial services. In ...

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Importance Of Tourism And Hospitality Employment

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION The importance of tourism and hospitality employment in both developed and developing countries is attested to by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), who suggest that travel- and tourism-related activities account for over 230 million jobs, or 8.7 per cent of jobs worldwide (WTTC, 2006). However, whilst the quantity of jobs is unquestionable, ...

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Effective Management Of Service Processes

02 Nov 2017

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Foyzul Islam M00307338 MGT 3160- Service Management Module Leader- Dr Louise Boulter Assignment 2 Due date: 26th February 2013 Word count: 2588 Introduction In this assignment I will be critically evaluating how the effective management of service processes, service people and resource capacity/resource utilisation can potentially contribute to the success of a business. I will ...

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Globalizing World Inbound Tourism Flows

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION In a rapidly globalizing world, inbound tourism flows play a key role in facilitating international trade and economic development. The tourism industry ranks among the largest industries in the world. The economic development of the globe is also increasingly linked to tourism development and particularly to the volumes of tourist arrivals (Song and Witt, ...

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Current Challenges Facing Hospitality Today

02 Nov 2017

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Hospitality is the relationship between the guest and the host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. Current Challenges Facing Hospitality Today | By Kirsten Rhode When looking at current challenges in the hospitality industry, there are several we need to keep an ...

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The Concept Of Sustainable Tourism

02 Nov 2017

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Why do we try to understand the concept of sustainable tourism? This is so because it is a real important concept regarding the wellbeing of the country and its resources. However why we try to understand the concept of sustainability relates to several reasons. Its fundamental importance to competitiveness of a tourism destination, to better ...

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Effect On Customer Relationships

02 Nov 2017

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The world has scarce resources and the conversion of resources into need is economic activity. Economic activity is performed to earn something in exchange, which is most probably money (Pine, 2002). Economic activity not only makes people economically better also make the country financially and economically wealthy. People do economic activities by starting a business ...

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The Impact Of Eco Tourism

02 Nov 2017

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This essay begins with an introduction of the main aim of eco-tourism in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP) and its history. It is followed by an explanation and evaluation of tourism revenue sharing; community-based conservation; outsiders (staff and investors); the loss of land and gorilla warfare. A conclusion draws on some of the main ...

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Encourage Sustainable Transportation In Singapore

02 Nov 2017

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header-logo.gif School of Property, Construction and Project Management BUIL 1222 Research Project Group 30J KYAW WAIYAN HTET : S3321584 LIOW SIA ING : S3320107 TAN WAN CHIN : S3320202 TEO LI YI ALISON : S3320224 WONG CHEE WEI JARVIE : S3320242 Supervisor Mr John Garimort Course Co ordinator Dr Usha Iyer-Raniga BUIL 1222 Research Project: Authorship Statement We confirm that ...

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Environmental Legal Framework In Indian Tourism Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Ashwani Aman & Daya Shankar Tiwari* Abstract Tourism and the environment are two independent terms, but could be easily associated with each other. Tourism industry has attained very important place in economy specially due to its rapid and spectacular growth over the last few decades but ironically, with the rapid development of tourism all over ...

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Strategy And Strategic Management Purpose

02 Nov 2017

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Assignment Topic: Discuss the term" strategy" and explain the purpose of Strategic Management. Using an example of your choice, outline the industry context and then for one selected organization, complete a SWOT and PEST analysis to reveal the potential for leveraging business strength to capture future opportunities. Also analyse the firms using Michael Porter’s Five ...

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Tourism Is A Very Competitive Industry

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

In April 2005, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the decision to repeal the 40-year gambling ban as a foregone conclusion, to proceed with the development of two Integrated Resorts in Singapore after many rounds of intensive discussion. He decided to develop the Marina South resort and Sentosa resort, which are the two integrated resorts ...

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Two Integrate Resorts Marina Bay Sands

02 Nov 2017

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' The government's alternative has been to reverse a 4 decade ban on casino's to help the Singapore economy. ' (Helsig 2005) Moreover the Prime Minister in his ministerial statement on April 18 2005 said: "First, we are losing ground in tourism.   Tourism in Asia is growing phenomenally, especially the traffic from China and ...

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Aid To Civil Authorities

02 Nov 2017

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INTRODUCTION "Crisis shouldn’t turn them beggars..." Mahatma Gandhi during the Bihar Earthquake in 1934. 1. Although the man has made extensive progress in his relatively short existence on earth, he is still virtually helpless in front of vagaries of nature. Natural disasters such as cyclones, flood and earthquakes ravage man’s domain at will and cause much ...

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Business Strategy For Aitken Spence Travel

02 Nov 2017

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To: Director – Business Development From: Business Development Manger Table of Contents TERMS OF REFERENCE ...........................................................................................3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................4 INTODUCTION ..............................................................................................................5 BUSSINESS STRATEGY ..............................................................................................7 Advantages of business strategy process................................................................7 SWOT Analysis......................................................................................................8 PESTEL Analysis..................................................................................................9 Different Strategic Options available for the Organization...................................11 Risk Associated for Aitken Spence Travels ........................................................16 Best Strategic Model for Aitken Spence Travels ...

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Singapore Has Increasingly Developed

02 Nov 2017

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Mr Lee Hsien Loong also remarked: "Now that the decision has been made, we have to move on, close ranks to make the IR succeed for Singapore" (2005). Therefore, the people in Singapore have been working hard to make the statement come into reality. After two years of launching, these two resorts have brought to ...

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Overview Of Traffic At Uk Airports

02 Nov 2017

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Being the second most attractive region for foreign investment in France, Lyon is also ranked 19th among European dynamic cities and the third most popular destination for business travel. In addition to its business activity, the region is also a major tourist destination, offering a variety of historical and cultural attractions and being the gateway ...

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Location Factors Appropriate To The Development

02 Nov 2017

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As stated in chapter 1, Evolucion Properties have an impressive portfolio of completed projects in the London area and are now looking to branch out into other UK cities. Locations such as Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester have been seriously considered, however Evolucion Properties have decided to undertake their next venture in Glasgow. Why choose Glasgow? ...

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Sport Tourism Is A Growing Industry

02 Nov 2017

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ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter One – Introduction Introduction According to Humphreys and Bamber (2003) sport tourism is a growing industry, especially for rugby fans with the stadium at Twickenham as the fan’s number one pilgrimage site. The main aim of this dissertation is to examine how the Rugby Football Union (RFU) Stadium at Twickenham, has a ...

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Attitude Towards Sustainable Tourism Development

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 1 General Introduction 1.1 Introduction The intention of this chapter is to provide some information about the concept sustainable tourism and some views of international organizations that perceive and stimulate sustainable tourism. Furthermore, it depicts the importance of tourism to the national economy of Curaçao, by explaining tourism contribution to the Gross Domestic Product ...

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Nursing In The Future Fortune Hotel

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

From : Automated Response (borrower [email protected]) Subject : Re : library reference MC 1457839/C Dear Betty, Thanks for your email and reminding me of the book "The White Tigar by Aravind Adiga" which was due on Friday 4th June. I am sorry the mail was in the ...

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Touristic Italian Demand Directed To Albania

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Shetitore"Rilindasit" Universiteti "Fan S. Noli" Korca ALBANIA Lecturer at the university of Korca, Economic Faculty, Department of Marketing-Tourism. [email protected] PROFFESOR. Arjan Abazi Lecturer at the university of Tirana, Economic Faculty, Department of Marketing-Tourism. [email protected] Abstract According Gravity Model (Matias, 2004; Dubarry, 2000), LINNEMANN (1966), the tourist flow between two countries depends on three categories ...

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Sustainable Tourism Development In Mountains

02 Nov 2017

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Punit Gautam Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management Bundelkhand University, Jhansi [email protected] Pallavi Thakur Research Scholar- CMT&HS HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand [email protected] Abstract - Himachal Pradesh with its spectacular mountains cape is a paradise for tourists. Himachal Pradesh lies in the lap of Himalayas with a topography which varies from foothills of the ...

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The Overview Of Tourism

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 Literature Review There are many researchers who have examined on how tourism affects the local people in a destination. They have worked on how to assess the negative and positive impacts of tourism on society. This literature review will be based on the research of the socio-cultural impact of tourism on the local ...

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Genting Highlands Malaysia Is A City

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Introduction Genting Highlands Malaysia is a city known as the ‘Fun City Above the Cloud’, as it is quite similar to Las Vegas which isn’t actually all that close. The primary draw is that, Genting is one of the hotspot in Malaysia where you can gamble legally. Whereas, there is also a theme park to ...

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Frederick Law Olmstead Concluded

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Quality of a park is influenced by the length, frequency and character of visits. (Burgess et. al., 1992 cited in Abdul Malek et. al., 2011) concluded that quality is about people and attitudes. Hence, safety is one of the vital aspects in designing a park in order to improve the management of a park. ...

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The Story Of Genting

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Company background/history (vision , mission, organization structure) Business (types of brands/services) Company's Internal Strategies ( SWOT Analysis) 6 Marketing strategies ( 7 P's) 7-8 Service issues faced by the company 9 Company's latest venture/ business plan 10 Conclusion 11 Recommendation 12 Appendix 13 Table Of Content 1 Introduction Genting Highlands Malaysia is a city ...

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Nowadays Tourists Are More Educated

02 Nov 2017

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1.0 INTRODUCTION Introduction According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), tourism is considered to be the world’s biggest industry. It is also widely considered to be one of the most quickly growing industries in the world. Tourism is an important factor of the Mauritian economy. The Tourism Sector in Mauritius represents the third pillar ...

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E Business Applications In The Hospitality Industry

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

NO. 1 Describe some recent development of e-business applications in the hospitality industry. E – BUSINESS The application of the Internet in the business world has become a major trend in practice and generated a hot stream of research in the recent literature. The Internet, as a collection of interconnected computer networks, provides free exchanging ...

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Tauranga Shopping Mall Was Built

02 Nov 2017

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On July 1 , 2012 the General Manager advised the administration department to look into the figure and functioning of the shopping centre and urged how to make it better and inspiring so it could fulfill the needs of the customers. This report is to be completed and is going to be presented ...

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Lotteries And Turf Club Horse Racing

02 Nov 2017

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It had been illegal until 18 April 2005 when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong realized the urgency for Singapore to introduce new tourist attractions to reinvent itself. He then assertively announced the decision to build 2 Singapore IRs, which are Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) and Marina Bay Sands (MBS) by 2009. The purpose was to ...

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Tourism A Very Competitive Industry

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

In April 2005, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the decision to repeal the 40-year gambling ban as a foregone conclusion, to proceed with the development of two Integrated Resorts in Singapore after many rounds of intensive discussion. He decided to develop the Marina South resort and Sentosa resort, which are the two integrated resorts ...

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Legal Framework In Making Of New India

02 Nov 2017

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Author: DANISH AKRAM [1]  Co-Author 1: MANISH THAKUR [2]  Email: [email protected] Contact Number: +91 8859429194 Introduction: The world is changing; the power has shifted and perhaps nowhere is this as apparent as in India. Tourism in and from India is not only at an all time high but is growing faster than in any other region. Home to almost ...

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The Reception And Entertainment Of Guests

02 Nov 2017

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Content Pages Explain the unique characteristics that separate service businesses from other business the deal with tangible product. Discuss what should a person prepares if he/she wants to become an hotelier. Introduction Question 1 The hotel industry is also known as the service sector.The reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers with liberality and ...

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Trou Aux Biches Tourism Development

02 Nov 2017

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The aim of the study is to examine the importance of tourism development in the region of Trou-aux-Biches whilst investigating the benefits and drawbacks of such a development. Objectives of study The objectives of the study are to Assess the perceptions of inhabitants towards tourism development in the region. Investigate the benefits and drawbacks of ...

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The Island Of Singapore

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Located in South-East Asia, Singapore includes the island of Singapore and 58 or so smaller islands. The city blends Malay, Chinese, Arab, Indian and English cultures and religions. This country is one of the most attractive destinations in the area – known as the modenrnest city over a century here (Singaporeexpats 2013). Singapore is ...

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Volvo Bus Operating In Mumbai Area

02 Nov 2017

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NAME OF THE STUDENT: - PREM KUMAR SAGAR SPECIALIZATION: - RETAIL MANAGEMENT & MARKETING Research done on BEST sustainability in the city bus segment through performance monitoring of newly launched CNG Volvo bus. Understanding the Consumer behavior & Market Scenario of CNG Volvo Bus Operating in Mumbai Area. DURATION: -FROM – 23.04.2012 to 30.12.2012 OBJECTIVE OF ...

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Uavs And Ucavs In Indian Context

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 5 50. Indian Army has been engaged in conventional and non-conventional conflicts ever since its formal inception in 1947. Over the past few decades, warfare has undergone a critical change from trench warfare to the modern day 4GW. The military effectiveness of UAVs has been proved in all the recent conflicts and their employability in ...

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Domestic Tourism In Rajasthan Swot Analysis

02 Nov 2017

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Coordinator B.N. International Studies & Hotel Management, B.N. Institution, Udaipur – 313001 (Rajasthan) Mail ID – [email protected] Mobile No. 09829337055 Abstract: Rajasthan is one of the most important tourist destinations in India and South-East Asia. Domestic tourism is believed to represent a vehicle for retaining hard currency that might otherwise leave the country in the ...

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The Development Of Singapore

02 Nov 2017

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In the recent years, the development of Singapore has earth-shaking changes. Singapore as a financial and service industry country got the foothold in Southeast Asia. Suntec city is a famous marked building in Singapore; it is one of Southeast Asia's largest venue centres. With the changing time, the growing demand of the people on the ...

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A Casino Resort In Singapore

02 Nov 2017

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Matriculation Number: 12010661 Word Count: 2867 Words The integrated resort (IR) is a casino resort in Singapore-based. The "integrated resort" is a euphemism for opposing the casino. To date, licenses have been issued to the Marina Bay Sands and Resorts World Sentosa. This is the first casino in the country since the beginning of 2010 ...

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Hospitality Industry Has Many Characteristics

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Content Pages Explain the unique characteristics that separate service businesses from other business the deal with tangible product. Discuss what should a person prepares if he/she wants to become an hotelier. Introduction Question 1 The hotel industry is also known as the service sector. The reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers with liberality ...

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Singapore Is A Regional Travel Destination

02 Nov 2017

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The point which significantly attract tourists in nearby countries is that they opened such integrated resorts.Resort World Genting,Saigon Casino,Disneyland park,Venetian Macau.People travel to those destinations and stay long time at integrated resorts especially they spend money in casino��that is popular to Singapore tourists.Every year unaccountable tourists from China,southeast Asia go those integrated resorts to gamble,stay ...

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Tourism Has Been Enthusiastically Promoted In India

02 Nov 2017

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Tourism has been enthusiastically promoted in India through the "Incredible India" campaign. Kashmir has been part of this campaign. The study aims to study the diversity in the purpose of visit or similarities in the tourist’s decision making process in selecting Kashmir as a vacation destination. The study would also be of help to researchers ...

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Business Communication Auckland Goldstar Institute

02 Nov 2017

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Kulwinder Singh Student Id - 09030817 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: APLOGIES FOR THE LATE RETURN THE BOOK 11/06/2013 Betty Page Library assistant Whangarei Beach Dear Betty I am writing regarding your email about the book The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga which was due on Friday 4th of June. Sorry for my late reply, ...

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Development Strategies Of Budget Hotels In China

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Introduction In this paper, the marketing strategy of budget hotel in China is the object of this study. I will evaluate the current situation of the budget hotel industry in china, and analyze the problems in the budget hotel development. I will describe the marketing strategy of the Home Inns case study, using their successful ...

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Pre And Post Liberalization Phases

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

Arindam Mallik [1]  Surbhi Arora [2]  Abstract India had made a promising start this current fiscal year 2011-12, with maintaining the GDP growth rate at 8% and bringing down the fiscal deficit 4.8% of GDP. The share of the service industry in the national GDP was 9.4%, with the aviation sector contributing 0.5%. Barring the two market ...

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Timeline Of Developments Of Tourism In India

02 Nov 2017

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[email protected] Phone No +91- 7669072589 CO- AUTHOR- RITUPARNA DE STUDENT, BBA, LL.B (Hons.), 2nd yr. THE ICFAI UNIVERSITY, DEHRADUN Phone No +91-9639518803 [email protected] INTRODUCTION Travelling for recreational, leisure or business purposes can be termed as tourism. According to the definition given by World Tourism Organization, tourists are people who "travel to and stay in places ...

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Economic Benefits From The Gaming Sector

02 Nov 2017

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In April 2005, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the developments of two casinos with associated hotels and malls at Sentosa and Marina South. The aim of these projects is to boost the tourism industry and to strengthen the economic position of Singapore in South East Asia (Caris 2010). Based on the information from Ministry ...

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The Mumbai In Asia

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

It’s hard to believe, but rush hour traffic at Haji Ali, one of Mumbai’s busiest intersections, could have been worse. The rapid growth of the city where more than 300-350 vehicles get added to the roads everyday has brought with it problems of traffic management. Desperate for solutions, the city has now put its faith ...

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Contemporary Views On Motivation

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Human resource management is the management of an organization workforce. It is responsible for the attraction, training, selection, assessment and rewaeding for enployees, while also overseeing organizational culture and leadership and ensuring compliance with employment and labour laws. In circumstance where employees desire and legally authorized to hold a collective bargaining ...

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The Genting Highlands Malaysia

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Introduction Genting Highlands Malaysia is a city known as the ‘Fun City Above the Cloud’, as it is quite similar to Las Vegas which isn’t actually all that close. The primary draw is that, Genting is one of the hotspot in Malaysia where you can gamble legally. Whereas, there is also a theme park to ...

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Develop The Local Tourism And Economy

02 Nov 2017

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In order to develop the local tourism and economy, Macau decided to set up their own integrated resort. The Wynn resort Macau offers almost everything that a traveler might expect. Located across the street from the Grand Lisboa, the Wynn Macau is just as sleek and sophisticated at its Las Vegas counterpart. The decorations are ...

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Time Spent Checking For Late Charges

02 Nov 2017

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Systems And Operation Management At Kimpton Hotels

02 Nov 2017

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Neophyta Michael M1007483 Systems and Operation Management at Kimpton Hotels and Restaurant Table of Contents 1.0Executive Summary 2 2.0Introduction 2 3.0Kimpton Hotel and Restaurant strategy 3 3.1Product and Service Design 3 3.2 Operations Structure 4 3.2.1 Front Desk 4 3.2.2 Housekeeping 5 3.2.3 Food and Beverages 5 3.2.4 Facilities Management 5 3.2.5 Marketing 5 3.2.6 Human Resource 5 3.2.7 Accounting 6 4.0Resource Planning 6 5.0Capacity Planning 7 6.0Yield Management 7 ...

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Build The Nhs Trust Hospital

02 Nov 2017

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1: site A (Old Colliery ) it’s a disused site due to the wards acute and depravation, it requires considerable sterilisation of the premises and clean up the site before making any moves which will cost extra found to be invest out of the initial budget and also the site was used as a dump ...

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Importance Of Location In A Hotel Industry

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

In every business location plays a very important role in its success and hotels are no exception. The proposed place for starting a business or a place where the business is situated is termed as location. The selection of a business site is one of the most important decision that should be prepared by an ...

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The Hospitality Industry Rapidly Growing Industries

02 Nov 2017

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Ans Human Resource Management (HRM) is a relatively new approach to managing people in any organisation. People are considered the key resource in this approach. it is concerned with the people dimension in management of an organisation. Since an organisation is a body of people, their acquisition, development of skills, motivation for higher ...

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Analyzing Thailand S Tourism Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract In the present context of an increasingly globalized world, and the nature of the tourism industry, it is worthwhile to note if Porter’s Diamond framework still provides answers to the changing competitiveness of Thailand’s tourism and identifies success factors and factors detrimental to its competitiveness. A revised version of the Diamond framework has ...

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Why You Should Choose Glasgow

02 Nov 2017

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As stated in chapter 1, Evolucion Properties have an impressive portfolio of completed projects in the London area and are now looking to branch out into other UK cities. Locations such as Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester have been seriously considered, however Evolucion Properties have decided to undertake their next venture in Glasgow. Why choose Glasgow? ...

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Potential For Cultural And Heritage Tourism

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction An investment in cultural and heritage tourism helps build a sense of pride of place, making any city a better place to live, a better place to locate a business, and a better place to visit but, before an investment in cultural and heritage tourism is made, the first step being taken is to ...

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The Integrated Resorts Management Nowadays

02 Nov 2017

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Lecturer: Reinaldo Wong Student Name: Haoli Zhou Student Number: 11013262 Integrated Resort study Nowadays, Integrated Resorts are getting welcomed by travellers all around the world. Governments in developed and developing countries are paying more and more attention to Integrated Resorts, because it can bring lots of benefit in local, especially for the economy. An Integrated ...

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Enumerate Best Hr Practices

02 Nov 2017

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An important part of all the organizations is Human Resource Management. Human resources can be counted in one of the most valuable assets for a company. It is very necessary that human resource management runs smoothly for the benefit of the organization. Employing the right person for the right job with right personality is what human resource ...

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The Hotel Sea Glow In Bulgaria

02 Nov 2017

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About the hotel The main objective of the creation of the company is building a hotel complex " Sea Glow " and its subsequent operation. The owners of the company have extensive experience in the tourism business. After several successful years of managing tourist decided to create a luxury hotel in one of the most ...

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Nursing In The Future

02 Nov 2017

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To : [email protected] From : Automated Response (borrower [email protected]) Subject : Re : library reference MC 1457839/C Dear Betty, Thanks for your email and reminding me of the book "The White Tigar by Aravind Adiga" which was due on Friday 4th ...

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Pakistan Demand For Tourist Activities

02 Nov 2017

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Globally tourism has been evolved into one of the largest economic sector contributing 35% of global exports of services (UNWTO, 2008). The two billion USD per day earnings from the tourism industry in 2006 and the 6.5% growth in international tourist arrivals per year throughout 1950 to 2006 proved the sustainability of this sector (ibid). ...

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Kassapa Lion Rock Hotel

02 Nov 2017

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To: Director – Business Development From: Business Development Manager 1. Terms of Reference Now a day’s tourism is significantly growing all around the world, thus Sri Lanka has been nominated as one of the best tourism paradise among other destinations. Furthermore, government of Sri Lanka has been identified, tourism is the best and the fruitful ...

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Integrated Resort In Las Vegas

02 Nov 2017

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New York New York Las Vegas Hotel & Casino There is a huge scale of Integrated Resort in Las Vegas named New York New York Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. The characteristic of this IR is that it outfits the whole city of New York, which includes the signature buildings and attractions. The whole idea ...

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Tourist Attractions In Goa

02 Nov 2017

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TOPIC: TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN GOA GROUP MEMBERS: RAEESA ISSANI (1119) MARVEL LAWRENCE (1128) OMKAR GHATWAL (1114) PRANAV SALGAONKER (1152) INTRODUCTION: ABOUT GOA Goa is popularly known as the Pearl of the orient and tourist paradise. It is located in India’s coastal belt on the western called the Konkan coast. It has an alarming scenic beauty. ...

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The Indian Hospitality Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract of the article: The first section of this article will deal with brief of globalization and Tourism or and hospitality industry and the remaining part of this will contain a discussion on the impact of globalization in hotel and hospitality industry with advantages and disadvantages as well in India. Finally, in the concluding part, ...

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The Corporate Cars Australia Specializes

02 Nov 2017

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Limousines Corporate Cars Australia specializes in providing high quality transportation services for corporate leaders and celebrities. Corporate Cars Australia also provides Limousine hire services for individuals, groups, and organizations across Australia and New Zealand. We have extensive experience and can arrange transportation to small and large number of passengers to and from any location. Whether ...

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Integrated Resort Appears More And More

02 Nov 2017

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In 2010, Singapore also approaches to operate this important project with the appearance of 2 Integrated Resort Marina Bay Sands and Sentosa resort. The decision has made under challenging impact from their neighbor country like Malaysia, Macau and especially to hit the economic and solve some problem in society. Integrated Resort is to solve the ...

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History And Objectives Of Olympics

02 Nov 2017

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Olympic game is one of the biggest sporting events in the world. This event takes part in a hosting country and the athletes from the entire world. The hosting country may need to come out a huge amount of money to develop this event such as upgrading the facilities in the country. This event will ...

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Characteristics Of Hospitality Industries

02 Nov 2017

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Hospitality means providing service to other as well as demonstrating consistent excellence and quality. It should also mean profitably providing value at any price level, while demonstrating your own unique points of distinction. Hospitality should be place where people can still be exceptional individual and they can extend their own personality and style. The hospitality ...

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Behaviour Of Shrinking Cities

02 Nov 2017

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"Behaviour of Shrinking Cities" Research Questions - 1. Does the term shrinking cities cover the transformation that is actually happening in real life? 2. What kind of negative urban developments are experienced in Shrinking cities? 3. Analysing the above negative urban developments and discussing what could be the possible ways to achieve sustainability? 4. What ...

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Importance Of The Industry

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract :- Opportunities galore for the hospitality industry. While it tries to capture and captivate the opportunity, it embraces the latest technology and implements it, to cater to the expectations of customers. This advancement not only helps it arrest the cost of operation, but also helps it improve the profitability and sustain in a highly ...

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