The Fellowship Of The Ring Theology Religion Essay


02 Nov 2017

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The fellowship of the Ring is movie directed by Peter Jackson in (2001) .which was based on the novel was written by JRR in (1954, 1955). The location of the was in New Zealand .The story line , The Lord Sauron who was a wizard and he was after one ring that would make him most powerful again.

Leadership Style

The two leaders in the movie were Gandalf and Frodo.

Gandalf the Grey is a transformational leader: is a leader who motivates their followers and have very high expectations form the followers .He was very intelligent and courageous leader. He is also very charismatic, because he has the ability to motivate and inspire. In the movie he has made his own decisions. As a leader he has guided Frodo to the right path and instructs him what is needed or what has to be done.

Frodo baggins has transformational leader: a leadership which is characterized by the ability to bring about significant change in followers. His followers were Samwise, Pippin and Merry. He was also Task oriental leader: A leader which focuses on the tasks that need to be performed in order to meet certain goals.  He was chosen to carry the one Ring that has massive power. The same power which is also desirable by Sauron, a force of supernatural evil. The Ring can only be destroyed by casting it into Mount Doom in Sauron's own kingdom, Mordor. . In this way he was effective as a leader.

Effectiveness of A Leader

Gandalf and Frodo have a very effective leadership quality. Gandalf was respects form his followers because he was Honest, helpful, brave, and reliable. fellowers are willing to follow him and respect him. He possesses great knowledge and experience. Frodo also shows a very effective leadership quality.He was very much consent about the task he was given and and has a strong willpower. The both leaders has the same goal to destroy the Ring which has massive powers.

Type of Power

Gandalf holds legitimate power, a leader who has hold high position and manage the team or followers. He holds charisma power,where he has the ability to influence and motivate his followers .he also has magical powers that he used at Bilbo’s party to entertain the hobbits by doing fireworks.

Frodo Baggins holds referent power:A leader who has power by association is offen referred to as a assistant or deputy ,is where the followers like him. Which one was given by his uncle Bilbo Baggins. He also has illustrates legitimate power, where he was given the responsibility to destroy the ring by Gandalf too.

A situation from the movie that would illustrate the leadership analysis for Gandalf and Frodo would be, the scene where Gandalf tells Frodo that he needs to leave the Shire immediately with the ring, he tells him that he is suppose to take it to Mordor and destroy it, Frodo though unaware of the power of the ring and Sauron, he still took the responsibility and promises that he was asked.

Type of organisation, level of seniority and effects

The Dark Lord Sauron forged a ring with all his evil powers he filled it with cruelty and the one that posses it will become evil as well and can gain immortality. Thus it is called as the precious by the creature Gollum, who found it hundreds of years back and from him it came to Bilbo Baggins which was then given to Frodo to destroy it, thus Sauron now wants to get it back so that he can rule the earth.

Gandalf The Grey, held a very high level of power, he also held informative power and expert power, he attained the position due to his experience and knowledge and abilities, He is able to guide Frodo, and is very influential.

Frodo is a young leader yet determined to do what he is tasked to.

Individual culture and its effects

Culture is very strongly followed by all the characters; it plays a huge role in their lives. Hence it is their culture that makes them what they are. For example Frodo who is a hobbit, is a very charismatic person, unaware of many things but yet determined. As a hobbit he was very smart and courageous.

Leadership theories

Fiedler’s Contingency Theory shows the connection between the leader’s instructions or style and group act under differing situational place. The theory is based on determining the orientation of the leader. The elements of the circumstances (leader-member relations, task structure, and leader situation authority), and the leader course that was found to be most successful as the circumstances changed from low to fair to high control. Contingency Theory means Leader-member relations that regards with which the leader and the assembly members hold one another determines, in part, the capability of the leader to power the group and the situation under which he or she can do so. A leader who is accepted by the group members is in a more approving situation than one who is not. An example from the movie was when Gandalf showed the same behavioural style as of peoples oriented leaders have. He carried out this task because he believed with great power comes great responsibility therefore, he was sharing his power of knowledge with others and helping others in their quest as a guide with his magical powers.

In Good Company

In Good Company is a comedy, drama, romance movie that was released in 2004. This movie commences with Waterman Publishing and its flagship magazine Sports America being acquired by Globecom International in a corporate takeover. Dan Foreman who is middle aged and experienced has spent 20 years in his profession and was head of advertising sales for Sports America. He is happily married, has two teenage daughters and is expecting a new child. During the acquisition, Dan was demoted to second in command of advertising and was replaced by Carter Duryea. Carter is a newlywed of 7months and was dumped by his wife just as he gets his promotion. Carter is half Dan’s age 26 to be exact. He talks a good game about sales but he has no practical experience in the field.

Leadership Style

Dan Foreman is a 51 year old executive in his company who learns that his company is being restructured. He is a charismatic leader who injects high level of motivation and influence into followers. Nick Tasler displaying charismatic leadership is one of the most effective ways to boost everything from motivation and creativity to productivity and plain old satisfaction according to him. Dan is very knowledgeable and experienced person. He is effective when he speaks and everyone listens to him and respects him.

Carter on the other hand is the new head of the advertisement department and because of him Dan is being demoted. Carter displays Transactional leadership emphasizes the exchange that occurs between the leader and the follower. His main motive is to increase company sales and achieve company common goal. Hence transformational leadership is characterized by the ability to bring about significant change in employees and the organization and the company believed that Carter would be the best to bring about changes in the company.

Effectiveness of a Leader

Dan and Carter both are very effective. Dan is motivates his employee and very loyal to them and very determined and is very effective as a leader, is able to influence people. He is outspoken person and takes stand for his employees. Every employee respects him and trusts him. He was the kind of leader that people wanted. Carter was also a very effective leader. When he speaks to employees and he is very good in his job. He possesses great knowledge in his field, he had different kind of ideas as to how to promote and advertise. He also had the ability to influence people.

Type of Power

A situation from the movie that would illustrate the leadership analysis for Dan and Carter would be, when Carter asks Dan to redundant some of the employees in order to save his own. Dan is very upset about the entire situation but because he knows he has to so he does as asked. He apologizes to his employees and tells them that that’s not what he wanted.

Dan displays charisma power and the leader that is very influential. That is what Dan displays, he is able to help his people and hence he was liked by the people, and respected. He also had respect for them, and he knew all his employees by their name.

Carter displays legitimate power and information power. He held the position of authority though he was not very autocratic but he had the right to do what he wanted. Carter also demonstrates referent power thus he gained the power from the above management. He had ideas as to how to promote and advertise.

Type of organisation, level of seniority and its effects

The film In Good Company is written and directed by Paul Weitz. The leadership situation in good company is part of Sports America magazine owned by Globecom. Sport America is national sports magazine and Dan spent 20 year of his life as head of advertising department. After that multimedia company buy it and assign Carter as new boss. It is a film based on about good versus evil set on the battlefield of contemporary corporate culture and a site of the leading blood sport. The type of leadership situation in the movie In Good Company is based on two leaders struggling to maintain their position and struggling to get along with each other. Carter a young leader who is yet to learn a lot about his work he thinks he could be the best hence that is why he was chosen to replace Dan the 51 year old executive in the company who has been working there for quite a long. Dan finds it very uncomfortable to be working for a man half his age.

Carter has the slender erect and anxious bones of a young man still immature and growing into his adult body, so much so that even when standing at rest, he seems anxious to dive forward. He is responsible for company sales and managing staff. He is assigned leader and power to reward and punish anyone in organisation. He is very effective while he speaks, everyone likes and follows him. He is working according to company policies and procedure.

Individual Culture and Its Effect

The film In Good Company is based on about good versus evil set on the battlefield of contemporary corporate culture and a site of the leading blood sport. Both the characters don’t show much of their culture concern but are well aware of it. Dan is 51 year old man having sweet family. He has two daughters Alex 18 year old and Jana 16 year old. He has very happy person from his family and doing very well in his professional life. Carter is 26 year old young man and very successful in his professional life. His wife left him in the beginning of the film. He is executive officer in the organisation. He fell in love with Alex Dan’s daughter which crates uncomfortable situation between them. But they both are good sales man and very effective in their work. Culture and tradition plays very important role in Dan and Carter lives.

The Whale Raider

Leadership styles:

The two main leaders in the movie The Whale rider was Paikea (Pai) and Koro. Leadership style is the behaviour and approach of given direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. Autocratic leaders provide clear expectations for what needs to be done, when it should be done, and how it should be done. There is also a clear division between the leader and the followers. Such leaders make decisions autonomously with little or no input from others.

Koro held an absolute authoritarian control over his group of followers and individual control over all decisions made about their little community and invited very little to no input from others. He always made choices based on his own judgment and did not encourage advice from others, not even his wife.

In the case of Pai, she was never recognized as a leader. She was just a girl but she led simply by virtue of meeting the needs of her people, as she does towards the end of the movie by riding that lead whale to safety and also a leader who personifies trait theory of leadership. Trait leadership as integrated patterns of personal characteristics that reflect a range of individual differences and foster consistent leader effectiveness across a variety of group and organizational situations. Pai as a person with leadership abilities and traits can be moulded into a leader.

Effectiveness of a leader:

Koro controlled over all decisions and no input in the decision from others. He made choose based on his own ideas and judgements. He is followed and listened to and he knows his people and he has a very extensive knowledge of his people, their culture which is very important to the Maori culture and setting of this movie. Autocratic leadership can be favourable in some instances, such as when decisions need to be made quickly without consulting with a large group of people difficult decisions. Therefore at times he makes decisions that are ruled by this rigidity and refusal to change rather than what is good for everyone.

Pai is someone who holds referent power. That derives from her peoples’ respect for her and their desire to follow her ways. Paikea was a strong willed girl who was born to be a leader even though Koro didn’t see that straight. She mainly needed to pay concentration to what remains undeclared in her society. This means relying on her inner voice in order to find out what the spirit is communicating. She knows how to lead herself and others. She possesses a natural leadership ability and adventurous spirit that draws her to the re-strengthening of her faltering tribe. She is also quite effective as people listen to her when she speaks. Being the whale-rider also gives her an authenticity of her place in between everyone.

Types of Power:

The type of power that was held by Koro was legitimate power and also being the chief of the town-like settlement. Due to the position he held in the village, he gives authorities to people. He was distinguished from the villagers and the greater rights and responsibilities he had because he was born and was a son of a leader. Koro uses this power with a finesse that is becoming of a chief. He holds and uses his power with a flair that not many would know.

Pia was holding referent power as a leader which is the character power over the followers, based on high level identificatication and respect for her. When she was giving the speech in the school, everyone respected her and listened to her speech. Pai’s use of her leadership power is different from her grandfather’s. She only wants to be accepted by her grandfather and lead her people to a successful future. Pai is able to motivate people and make them believe in a better future at such a tender age. She has charismatic power.

How the Power was used or abused:

The power held by Koro was abused when he came to know that one of the boys had broken the rule by teaching Pia how to become a warrior and Koro saw and he was angry about that. So he punished the boy by leaving him behind ashore when going for the final test to become the new chief for the village. He takes other boys for the final test Instead of him.

Pia used her power to become a great leader and much better and as her grandfather. Whenever she speaks in front of other and the villages. Everyone in the village respects her and listens to her. When Pia gave her speech in front of the villager, everyone paid attention on what she was saying and listened.

Situation from the Movie:

Koro believes that the previous traditions and views on leadership should be appreciated and upheld. He thinks that an autocratic society is best and that all leaders should be masculine and has male qualities "Hold onto your dicks" points to that idea. "Anger’s part of the battle you’ve got to learn to control it" tells us that Koro believes a leader should be able to turn their anger and violence into strength and power. Tradition is a major part of Koro's beliefs on leadership "Don’t mess with the sacred things" show us that Koro respects and admires the ‘old ways.’ He believes that Strength and power are essential "If you have to tooth of the whale you must have toe jaw of the whale to wield it" shows us this. Koro thinks that to be a good leader you must have all of these qualities.

Pai believes that if the whole tribe is given the knowledge of ‘the old ways’ then the whole tribe will be stronger, "But if the knowledge is given to everyone we can have lots of leaders" tells us that she thinks everyone has to stand up and take responsibility for their life, health and tribe. During her speech she tells us "soon everyone will be strong not just the ones that have been chosen." That means that she thinks that to be a leader you have to be able to make the whole tribe work together and be stronger as a group, not just have the one person or ‘chief’ be strong. Pai has really up lifted her tribe and helped them get back up on their feet. She has leaded them each step of the way, her leadership has shown her people that anyone can lead they just need to believe in themselves and the people that they are leading.

Leadership Theories:

The theory that is shown in the movie is the great man theory. The great man theory states the great leaders are born not made. An example from the movie is shown when Koro shows Pia a rope, observing that each strand is one of her ancestors; together they form an unbroken tie to Paikea and the whale on which he rode. After this, he twists the rope around the engine and pulls, snapping it. He curses the rope and leaves to get another. Paikea, however, ties a knot, repairing the rope, and then proceeds to start the engine, which angers him when he returns. The symbolism is obvious: he rejects that she, as a girl, could re-link her people with their ancestors and thereby revives them.

Another leadership theory showed in The Whale Raider was the Trait theory. Koro doesn’t believe this though he thinks that the tribe only started falling apart because of Pai’s birth "when she was born, that’s when things went wrong for us" tells us this. During her speech Pai really opens up the eyes of her tribe as to what’s really important and how to move forward as a whole group. The last scene in the movie really shows how the tribe has changed it went from having all the men leaving, children planning on leaving, having no heir to working together to finish the waka, then pushing it out to sea and women and men alike, chanting and paddling the waka.

Type of organisation, level of seniority and its effect:

This leadership situation in The Whale Rider is a part of the Ngati Konohi, residents of the small New Zealand fishing village of Whangara where the film was actually shot. A ‘ngati’ is a Maori tribe and Ngāti Porou is a Māori iwi traditionally located in the East Cape and Gisborne regions of the North Island of New Zealand. Paikea, the whale rider, is said to be an ancestor of these people.

Transactional leadership can still be found in Maori leadership in this film because it was in Koro’s interest to solidify his leadership position in his tribal society by maintaining their chiefly/tohunga power intertwined with leadership, knowledge and trust Zand, 1997. He needed to be autocratic and transactional because he had a dying tradition and village to think of.

Pai is, at the beginning if the movie, nowhere in the hierarchy of the tribe. She is seen as the harbinger of bad fortune by her grandfather who believed that his grandson should have survived. But Pai doesn’t let this lack of seniority or real power hinder her. She is outspoken and what she believes in, she goes after it a 100%.

The mark of leadership success for Pai as a Māori was to provide leadership to her people and base it on traditional principles whale-riding, learning the taiaha, language, etc. while managing the new Mead, 2006, p. 14.

Individual culture and its effect

The western culture was influencing the people to leave their tradition culture behind and go with the time for a better life. Culture and tradition played a fundamental role in the leadership styles and lives of both our characters. Koro and Pai’s lives are full of their culture Maori and tradition whale-riding, taiaha, chanting, language. Their culture is what molds each of them to be the person and the leader that they are as discussed above.


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