Influence of The Beggar's Opera on Musical Theatre

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

9 (3,259 )

Explore the ways in which The Beggar's Opera influenced the development of musical theatre in the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. What were the reasons for its continued popularity? Intro The Beggar's opera' is an outstanding piece of writing, which has for centuries been an inspiration of talent to musical theatre everywhere. John gay's piece has led to the creation of many different production's, that shall be talked ...

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A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

7 (2,596 )

Playwrights of Color A Raisin in the Sun "To be young, gifted and black" (Lorraine Hansberry) is a phrase which is commonly associated with Lorraine Hansberry, which comes from the collection of autobiographical pieces which were put together by her ex-husband in her honor when she died. Throughout the years, individuals from all walks of life have come to America with dreams of a better life, in ...

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Frank Wedekind's Lulu: An Analysis

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

9 (3,285 )

Discuss Frank Wedekind's Lulu in relation to its cultural and social context. Pay particular attention to the ways in which the play challenges and/or perpetuates certain assumptions concerning gender and sexuality; include a discussion of the play's relevance to our contemporary context. This essay will be exploring and discussing the character of Lulu in Frank Wedekind's play of the same name. It will delve into the relationship ...

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History of Sensory Theatre

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

19 (7,509 )

What does sensory theatre mean to the modern audience? Asone of the oldest art forms and as one of the primeval kinds of humanexpression, the nature of theatre is as varied across the continents aspainting, pottery, sculpture or any of the classic art-forms. Each civilization, each society, each gathering of humankind has had its personalform of theatrical performance from street artists to court jesters to nomadicplayers. Many ...

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Developments of West End Musical Scene

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

7 (2,525 )

Discuss the recent developments in the west end musical scene; this should include an analysis of the 'mega-musical' mania, the trend to create new musicals based on existing songs (song migration) and stage transfers of successful films. From Sophocles through William Shakespeare to Eminem, writers have sought to use the rhythms of language to accentuate the story they are seeking to share. The pre-Caxton society relied on ...

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Haimon in Antigone

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

2 (423 )

Sophocles' Antigone tells a beautiful story of a woman who fights for her brother, Polynices, to be buried after her uncle and King, Creon, has declared that Polynices' body will remain unburied for his 'blasphemy' towards the state. For the culture this is dishonorable. Disobeying her uncle, Antigone goes ahead and buries her brother with miserable consequences. As characters are introduced to the plot, their purposes are ...

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Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

3 (1,179 )

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, written in the years following World War II (WWII), is widely considered to be among America's most celebrated theatrical works. Willy Loman, the play's protagonist, is a salesman whose dwindling commission can no longer afford to maintain the lifestyle his family leads. As the plot unravels, what is revealed is a contrarian depiction of ...

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Adolphe Appia and Edward Gordon Craig

01 Aug 2017 07 Sep 2017

4 (1,401 )

Adolphe Appia and Edward Gordon Craig never collaborated with each other in work or spent any significant time in each other's company, but their names are linked together before they had met or corresponded and have remained so to this day. Appia and Craig worked independently of each other to lay the foundation of modern three dimensional theatre practices. Adolphe Appia Adolphe Appia (1862-1928), was ...

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Plastic Theatre in A Streetcar Named Desire

23 Mar 2015 03 Jul 2017

8 (3,139 )

Keywords: plastic theatre streetcar, streetcar named desire plastic 1. Introduction “I don’t want realism. [...] I want [...] magic!” (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 130) It is Blanche DuBois who states this quotation in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire. In this drama from 1947, two worlds, embodied by the two characters of Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski, clash. That conflict between realism and a romantic view of ...

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The Impacts Of Globalisation on Theatre

23 Mar 2015 26 May 2017

6 (2,236 )

Keywords: theatre and globalization, globalization and theatre Globalisation refers to the increasing interaction and integration of people socially, economically, and culturally through increasing interconnectedness, in which, theatres are also affected by. Performances originally in English are now performed in multiple languages, allowing other cultures around the world to experience watching similar theatrical performances. Singapore, a globalised community, consists of much cultural variety. Due to the immersed cultural ...

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How Musical Theatre Has Developed

23 Mar 2015 10 May 2017

3 (973 )

To discuss the historical development of musical theatre, this report will present an analysis of Leonard Bernstein's musical "West Side Story". It will demonstrate how the 1961 screen version has been adapted for the stage in the 2009 Broadway revival to suit modern day audiences and show its reflection through time with the use of ideas and different styles as well as social and economic influences affecting ...

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Jerome Robbins and Agnes de Mille

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

19 (7,380 )

An analysis of the life and works of the choreographers Jerome Robbins and Agnes de Mille and therole of dance in musical theatre Agnes de Mille and Jerome Robbins worked in musical theatre in what is widely regarded to be the industry's Golden Era. Many would say that it was their innovative approach to choreography in musical theatre that brought an energy and a dynamism to the ...

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Martha Graham's choreography

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

6 (2,118 )

Discuss how the choreography of Martha Graham or Merce Cunningham reflected the changing contexts in which her/his work was produced. Martha Graham (1894-1991) was a truly inspirational and revolutionary performer and choreographer throughout the 20th century. Her work was a great influence to people from all aspects of the arts, from famous stage actors to painters, composers, sculptors and of course choreographers. Over Graham's seventy year long ...

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Jasmin Vardimon Company

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,238 )

"Jasmin Vardimon Company (JVC) is one of Britain's most pioneering physical dance theatre companies, creating work that excites both the eye and the mind by pushing the boundaries of human physicality whilst engaging in universal, contemporary themes that strike an emotional chord."[1] In this piece of work I will be discussing one of Britain's leading Contemporary Choreographers, Jasmin Vardimon. I will discuss her history, how she ...

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Gender Performativity And Works Of Hannah Wilke Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,377 )

In this study I intend to think through the relationship [between] and theoretical nuances of, sexual difference, performance, performativity and document, in connection to the performative art works of the artist Hannah Wilke. These issues will be examined specifically against Wilke's (Fig.1) Intra-Venus No.4 and (Fig.2) Portrait of Artist with her Mother, Selma Butter. This discussion seeks to question the performative acts apparent in Wilke's works and ...

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Importance Of Set Design Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,326 )

Adolph Appia (pictured left) 1862 - 1928, was a Swiss theorist, pioneer in modern stage design and is most famous for his scenic designs for Wagner's operas (Design for act I of Parsifal Pictured left). What set Appia aside from other stage designers was his rejection of painted two dimensional sets. He created three dimensional 'living' sets, which he believed created different shades of light which were ...

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Naturalistic Movement Within Theatre Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,026 )

After reading and researching into Raymond William's quotation, this essay will produce the main outlines of the naturalistic movement within Theatre and how important it is in modern day society. The main outlines discussed in this essay are the social and technological change after the Restoration period, what is the content of naturalistic plays, the audience's response to naturalism and its future development and dominance within society ...

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The Career Of Katherine Dunham Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,711 )

Katherine Dunham modern dancer and choreographer, born in Glen Ellyn, Illinois United States of America, she were completed her study at the Chicago University and went on to earn a higher degree in anthropology. According to Darlene, (2006) turn to the side of dance she began her first school in Chicago in 1931, when she becoming dance director for the works progress administration's project of Chicago theatre. ...

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Devising As A Journey Of Exploration And Discovery Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,044 )

Devising is a very fluid form of theatre. Taking inspirations from anywhere and everywhere, a devised performance can be in any form and on any topic. This style is in direct contrast to scripted theatre, where a text is laying out the plot, direction, characters and details of the final performance. Although there is freedom for a personal interpretation of the overall view and form of the ...

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Theatre Essays - Samuel Beckett

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,843 )

Discuss Samuel Beckett's handling of identity in his plays Waiting for Godot and Happy Days. The work of Samuel Beckett can be seen to span both the Modernist and Postmodernist paradigms (Bradbury and McFarlane, 1991; Green and LeBihan, 1996), on the one hand being influenced by such canonical Modernist writers as James Joyce and Luigi Pirandello (Knowlson, 1996) and on the other relying heavily on Postmodern notions ...

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Theatre Essay: Site Specific Performance

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,480 )

Site Specific Performance: How has the nature of site-specific performance as a hybrid art-form influenced approaches tosite-specific work in Britain over the last decade? SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION Site-specific performance emerged out of the radicalartistic milieu of the late 1960's and early 1970's that also gave birth tosite-specific work generally. It represents perhaps the most ambitious andrevolutionary re-interpretation of theatre and performance devised in thetwenty-first century. Site-specific performance ...

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Contemporary Indian Theatre And Habib Tanvirs

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,017 )

Habib Tanvir and Naya Theatre are two inseparable names which will always be remembered in the modern theatrical scenario in India. It's been a year since the death of Habib Tanvir, one of the most popular Indian Hindi, Urdu playwrights, a poet, a theatre director, and an actor, but still the majority of theatergoers in India remember his famous artworks like Agra Bazar and Charandas Chor. The ...

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Transcendence and Immanence

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,631 )

Transcendence and Immanence Simone de Beauvoir, in her groundbreaking mid-20th century work The Second Sex, presented the concepts of "transcendence" and "immanence" as integral features of her theoretical analysis of the structures of patriarchal oppression in Western society. This essay will explore these concepts in terms of Beauvoir's feminist analysis. In this context, it will be argued that these concepts cannot be considered to be "gender biased" ...

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The Cradle Will Rock Review Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,294 )

The show "The Cradle Will Rock" written my Marc Blitzstein is a piece of work that reflects the struggles and politics of its time. In researching this show and it original production, one has to also know about the events in history surrounding and affecting the lives of every-day Americans. Then one must realize how these experiences influenced and inspired the creativity and brilliance behind Blitzstein's vision ...

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The Evolution Of Dance In Theater Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,093 )

Dance is defined as the art of movement. It can be used to express feelings, to exercise, to perform, and some can even interact and have nonverbal conversation though the art of dance. Dance is usually performed through the rhythm and beat of music, but it doesn't necessarily have to involve music. Sports even sometimes incorporate a certain dance, or type of dance. For example, a martial ...

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Musical Cabaret Overview And Analysis Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,251 )

I choose the musical Cabaret as it is a very powerful story, set in 1931 Berlin as the Nazis were rising to power; it focuses on different controversial issues of its time period. A number of issues are explored throughout the unfolding story of the cabaret such as sexual freedom, politics and anti-semitism I feel audiences will be attracted to this Musical because of its powerful lyrics ...

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The Role Of The Modern Spectator Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,421 )

Society considers art as a reflection of what is happening in the world, as well as the different types of personalities that people portray. Consequently, society expects that the modern spectator go beyond merely sharing the artist's experiences to interpret for him or herself the meaning of these. The cathartic role of the modern spectator has thus been reduced, as he or she is no longer the ...

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Theater Performance Theory Overview Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,072 )

Antonin Artaud and Jerzy Grotowski are two famous artists who presented two different views of humanity within theater. Even though they conceived productions that were religious experiences for the audience and the actors, the nature of the experiences for each artist was different (Albert 73). This is because one of the artists sees man as moral while the other sees man as immoral. Artaud saw performance in ...

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Jonathan Larsons Influence On Musical Theatre Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,359 )

To demonstrate how a practitioner influenced the development of Musical Theatre, there will be an in depth analysis of Jonathan Larson's works Rent and Tick, Tick...Boom, which will show how his style influenced other modern practitioners that got some of their ideas based on his works and how his works were influenced by other practitioners in the beginning. Jonathan Larson was indeed a remarkable writer and composer ...

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I Love You Bro Play Analysis Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,226 )

The La Boite Theatre Company's production of Adam J. A. Cass's I Love You, Bro , directed by David Bethold, is a play which masterfully engages and captivates the audience. It effectively tells an enthralling tale of love, deceit and manipulation. The play's protagonist, Johnny, is a troubled teen who is desperate for love. Devoid of any power in reality, online chatrooms are his only escape. It ...

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Stanislavski's method of acting

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,098 )

Konstantin Stanislavski, (born Konstantin Alekseyev, and sometimes spelt Constantin Stanislavsky), was 14 years old when he first set foot on the stage that his parents owned in 1877. His love of the theatre blossomed throughout his life, leading him to become one of the world's most influential theatre practitioners to date. His work in the field of theatrical rehearsal techniques made him a household name for drama ...

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Blackbird Play Review And Analysis Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,151 )

After being separated for 15 years, Una comes looking for Ray at his workplace after discovering his picture in a magazine. They once had an illicit relationship, and have been suffering the consequences ever since. What transpires next is a series of chilling twists and turns as details of their sordid past begin to unravel. Blackbird is essentially a 75-minute duologue between two tormented souls, in an ...

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Stereotyping Of Minorities On Broadway Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,804 )

The crowd gaped as the scarlet curtains ascended and unveiled greeting, not from the beautiful Ziegfeld girls common to the day, but from a chorus of sweating, toiling blacks chanting, "Negros all work on the Mississippi, Negros all work while the white folks play" (Kern and Hammerstein II). In the 1900s, a wave of artistic responsibility ushered in a shift of Broadway musical themes. Instead of writing ...

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Theoretical And Practical Approach To Theatre Making Theatre Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,276 )

This piece uncovers both the physiological and scientific actions behind the presentation of the voice. As an actor, theatre practitioner or theorist, we become aware that the presentation of communication is not a mere ability to speak, but an action from a complex organ which is bound up with our emotions and understanding which directs our physiological reflexes. For Linklater, the conveying of emotion must mean the ...

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