Annotated Bibliography: Automated Brain Tumor Detection

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,798 )

V. Zeljkovic et al.(2014)[1]] proposed computer aided way of automated brain tumor detection with MRI images. This technique enables the particular segmentation of tumor tissues by with the correctness and also reproducibility just like physical segmentation. The outcomes display 93. 33% precision with irregular images and also total accuracy with healthy brain MR images. This technique for tumor detection with MR images also gives information relating ...

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Psychosocial Effects of Technology

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,705 )

Olivia Di Giulio Introduction As individuals of a modern society, we are use to technology being present in almost every area of our everyday lives. Being that technology is so present in our everyday lives, it is almost impossible to live a normal life without it. Technology such as laptop computers and cell phones have become fixtures of modern culture, affecting how we communicate, ...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Today

25 Jan 2018

4 (1,390 )

Chirag Patel The world has come very far with respect to technology. In reality, technology, social media, and smart phones have breached the mainstay in our everyday lives in a short period of time. Gone are the days of cassette and VHS tapes. Gone are the days of typewriters and cursive handwriting. Those outdated technologies have been replaced with tablets, smartphones, and social media ...

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Digital Convergence - Processing and Transferring Data

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

11 (4,155 )

Introduction Digital convergence (DC) is the proliferation of information in digitized form (bits) and the efficient flow of information in the digital network. Digital convergence is the various ways in which digitized data are processed and transferred [1]. The Knowledge economy is driven by DC where digital systems are embedded ubiquitously in the business processes that help the users to exchange information, store and access data, collaborate, ...

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Risks and Benefits of Modern Technology

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

9 (3,382 )

The Internet and other emerging technologies have been a source of help to organisations in the modern time. It could be argued that having a form of modern technology is inevitable in the bid to remain competitive. Information Technology industry and media commentators claim that businesses stand to gain many benefits from use of the Internet. There is no doubt that the internet has transformed the way ...

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LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) Technology

15 Aug 2017 15 Jan 2018

2 (796 )

LIDAR (Light detection and ranging) is a method of determining the topography of the surface using a laser. These pulses generated are recorded which provide precise three-dimensional information about the surface. Today various platform LIDAR is available in the market and those are chosen based on the project requirement. E.g. terrestrial LIDAR, which is fixed in ground, airborne LIDAR, which is placed on a flying ...

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Optical Fiber Sensors and Conventional Sensors

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

24 (9,494 )

ABSTRACT This study deals with the comparison of the two types of sensors which are widely used in civil engineering, namely, conventional sensors and optical fiber sensors. Temperature and displacement are the two principal parameters which are measured with the aid of Fiber optic sensors. Bragg Grating, Interferometric, Intensity Sensors, and optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) are some of the techniques which are used for sensing. In ...

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Tree Topology: Advantages and Disadvantages

23 Mar 2015 15 Jan 2018

3 (917 )

INTRODUCTION Network Topology is a systematic layout of nodes over a network. This layout also determines the manner in which information is exchanged within the network. Tree topology is the combination of the bus and the star topology. Tree topology allows users to have many servers on the network. Tree topology follows a hierarchical pattern whereby each level is connected to the next ...

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Developing Sensor Technology

01 Dec 2017

10 (3,611 )

Abstract The need for sensor devices has been growing to develop new applications in several technological fields. The current state-of-the-art of this sensor technology used in modern electronic nose designs to operate in a different manner. The chamber of the E-Nose sensor is to be upgraded mainly for reducing the nuisance alarms and to improve reliability to detect smoke which is caused by fire and non-fire ...

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Snoopy Tool Evaluation

29 Nov 2017

8 (3,181 )

Snoopy is a tool which is used for designing and animating hierarchical graphs along with others Petri nets. Snoopy also provides the facility to construct Petri nets and allows animation and simulation of the resulting token flow. This tool is used to verify technical systems specifically software-based systems and natural systems e.g. signal transduction, biochemical networks as metabolic and gene regulatory networks. Snoopy is in use ...

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Modelling of β-turns using Hidden Markov Model

23 Nov 2017

8 (2,958 )

Modelling of β-turns using Hidden Markov Model Nivedita Rao Ms. Sunila Godara   Abstract— One of the major tasks in predicting the secondary structure of a protein is to find the β-turns. Functional and structural traits of a globular protein can be better understood by the turns as they play an important role in it. β-turns play an important part in protein folding. β-turns ...

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Technology of MRI Scanners

20 Nov 2017

6 (2,233 )

INTRODUCTION Magnetic Instrumentations are the hardware in the system component of MRI that very significant in the production of Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. It act together with the software program such as pulse sequence and image formation program to complete the process including nuclear alignment, Radio Frequency (RF) excitation, spatial encoding and image formation. The example of hardware in MR imaging are magnet, RF source, magnetic ...

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Study on Phone Usage for Financial Services

06 Oct 2017

4 (1,595 )

A STUDY ON USAGE OF MOBILE PHONE IN THE ACCESS OF FINANCIAL SERVICES AMONG RESIDENTS OF KANGUNDO CONSTITUENCY Background to the study The use of mobile has been taunted as the next big thing in the empowering of communities. ICT plays a big role in literally all spheres of life, and this explains why the government has supported laying of ICT infrastructure across the country. It ...

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Implications of Internet Piracy

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

5 (1,612 )

Internet Piracy “Internet piracy in the digital age has put great pressure on both the individual and the organization within the modern business world. Ethically and morally Internet piracy is regarded as a negative force on business and the way in which companies do business. Moreover, there is increasing pressure on governments and world leaders to set up, administer and enforce laws that minimize the use ...

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Effects of Technology on Behavior

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

5 (1,980 )

Technology: Changing Our Behavior and Relationships for the Better or Worse? Most of us are familiar with this scenario: A group of friends out on a lunch outing, each with their cell phones or laptops out, busily texting, catching up on the latest news, and surfing the internet instead of conversing with the people in front of them. Today, we are living in the era of ...

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Technology and Innovation in the Hospitality industry

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

7 (2,613 )

INTRODUCTION There are innovations that do not advance from the different sources. The addition consistent from analysis, arrangement and harder plan is all that can be discussed and presented as the practice of innovation. But this is all that charge be presented back it absolutely covers at least 90% of all able innovations. And the amazing performer in innovation, as in every added area, will be ...

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Negative Effects of Technology on Society

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

4 (1,222 )

Negative Effects of Technology There is no doubt that technology is playing a critical role in developing societies as countries depend on it in all disciplines of life. Countries all over the globe are competing to invent and develop the highest technological devices that can maintain the highest efficiency and accuracy of the work. Starting from 1980s, people started to use technology every day. The use ...

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Voice User Interface (VUI)

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

7 (2,561 )

  ABSTRACT: Voice User Interface (VUI) is the interface which works on the user’s demand in the form of speech. The speech engine recognizes the keyword from many ambiguous words in the surroundings and works on the user demand. The basic VUI is constructed by the XML Language. The keyword has to be recorded in the speech engine at the time of construction. The basic security ...

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Virtual 3D Thermal Human Modelling

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

5 (1,708 )

In recent years, with the revolutionary changes and remarkable innovations on functional and intelligent materials, a growing trend on functional and smart wearable products have been introduced and accepted by the market. Clothing is one of the most common branches. For some fit or tight fit functional clothing, more design elements on human anatomy, physiology, pathophysiologic and biomechanics have been undertaken by them to enhance the ...

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Are Computers Really Intelligent?

28 Jul 2017 26 Sep 2017

5 (1,763 )

Are computers really intelligent? Computer Intelligence has been in hot debate since the 1950’s when Alan Turing invented the Turing Test. The argument over the years has taken two forms: strong AI versus weak AI:. That is, strong AI hypothesises that some forms of artificial intelligence can truly reason and solve problems, with computers having an element of self-awareness, but not necessarily exhibiting human-like thought processes. ( ...

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Online Self Testing for Real Time Systems

20 Sep 2017

7 (2,596 )

A Survey on Different Architectures Used in Online Self Testing for Real Time Systems I.ABSTRACT On-line self-testing is the solution for detecting permanent and intermittent faults for non safety critical and real-time embedded multiprocessors. This paper basically describes the three scheduling and allocation policies for on-line self-testing. Keywords-components: MPSoC, On-line self-testing, DSM technology II.INTRODUCTION Real-time systems are very important parts of our life now a day ...

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Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems

14 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

4 (1,595 )

Ardeliza Lansang Technologies for Intrusion Detection    Prompt: Both firewalls and intrusion detection systems are used to monitor network traffic and implement network security policies. Research these technologies and determine how they are similar and how they differ. Are both needed? Explain your answer in a short paper. (SNHU. n.d.) BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Technology has enhanced our functional lives by providing us with innovations (e.g., stationary ...

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Computerised Approach to Monitoring Production Line

14 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

7 (2,472 )

AN INTELLIGENT COMPUTER VISION BASED APPROACH TO MONITOR PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION LINE Urooj Arif 1, Faizan Naseem 2    Abstract ------ The idea of An Intelligent Computer Vision Based Approach to Monitor Pharmaceutical Production Line  is introduced by our Group after the events observed by us in different pharmaceutical companies cases studies. Like in Japan there they use laser scanners to scan the objects ...

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Properties and Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles

14 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

6 (2,123 )

AVINASH YALAMANCHILI  History One of the meaning of nanotechnology shows research and invention technology at the macromolecular levels with a length size of roughly 1-100 nm in any measurement. The creation and utilization of structures, gadgets, and frameworks which have hardcover properties because of their tiny size. The unexpected development of nanoparticles along these lines do not come under what we meant. It is assessed ...

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Network Installation in Corporate Company

14 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

6 (2,146 )

[Mohammed' Abdulmalik] Network Installation in Corporate Company Our project is to have an idea about the network structure of Noviasat Company and we are going to meet the head of IT department. We are going to ask him about the company's network structure, network components, tools, number of employees ,number of servers ,routers, switches ,cables and the cost of the network, class of the ...

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Converting Files into Different Formats

01 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

4 (1,340 )

Jay Kybert     Converting files to different formats is useful for several applications. One of the most common reasons for converting a file is to compress it, whether an image, audio track, etc. Compression is a useful computer tool that reduces the space these files takes up, the easiest way to convert a file for the average user is to simply enter the new ...

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Analysis Of Multidimensional Data Using Various Methods

01 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

4 (1,541 )

Nikhil Deshmukh Abstract- Data is exponentially increasing every year, business wants to analyze data more accurately and efficiently. Analyzing huge amounts of data is tedious tasks that involve considerable challenges, commitments and organizational expense. This paper provides an overview of different methods and tools to analyze data in the data warehouse. We will analyze the six dimensional data using both relational database and multidimensional method ...

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Apple vs Microsoft Compare and Comparison

01 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

2 (764 )

Corey Rill Microsoft and Apple are the two biggest companies when it comes to computer manufacturing and the consumer electronics industry. The two companies have an ample of similarities and differences. Both Microsoft and Apple launched their corporations within a short period of each other. They are the highest earning rival companies, As well as the best innovators in the market as their products are ...

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GPS Locator Application Development

16 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

3 (957 )

It is an application can locate the person by using GPS take from Google map a map to locate people, and there a option for the user when download the app for WIFI and locking the phone for example a parent they download this app in his phone and in child phone, the parent they watch his son in map and they can turn off  ...

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Improving GPS Position with AGPS

14 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

4 (1,469 )

5.1.2 A-GPS A technique which smartphones use to improve GPS precision and speed is called AGPS, or assisted GPS. When a GPS system is first used/turned on, it needs to find clock and orbit data for the satellites it is going to link to. This then results in what is known as TTFF or Time to First Fix which signifies how long it takes ...

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Impact of Mobile Phone Technology

14 Aug 2017 08 Sep 2017

7 (2,526 )

Modern Technology In the past two decades, technology has advanced and changed the manner in which people relate within family ties and social groups. Research suggests that in the 1990s, mails and letters were the most used channels for long distance communication and the postal services were very essential in fulfilling this duty. At the moment, communication has evolved from the use of land lines ...

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Arlo Smart Home Security Camera Review

14 Aug 2017 18 Aug 2017

3 (1,125 )

It is now even easier to install home surveillance systems especially with the proliferation of Wi-Fi cameras. The main issue with these cameras is that they require Ac power source meaning they can only be used indoors. This problem has been overcome by the introduction of Arlo security system from Netgear. It is designed to overcome the limitation by using battery-powered cameras that are linked ...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Technology

14 Aug 2017

5 (1,688 )

Introduction:  Nowadays, computer technology is used in a variety of different ways for everyday life. This has become every body's necessity whether they realise it or not. Everybody is using technology to some degree, let it be by setting an alarm clock or using a computerised self driving car. In everyday life, technology is used in education, industry, medical procedures, medical research, banking and business ...

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Implementation of Wireless Receiver Algorithms

14 Aug 2017

18 (6,879 )

  Figure 1 System Specifications (Tsimenidis, 2016) Figure 2 Message format (Tsimenidis, 2016) Figure 3 Non-coherent receiver (Tsimenidis, 2016) Figure 4 Coherent receiver (Tsimenidis, 2016) Figure 5 Receiver Front-End (Tsimenidis, 2016) Figure 6 Frequency response of a passband filter (Tsimenidis, 2016) Figure 7 Band-pass filter response Figure 8 Band-pass filter input/output Figure 9 Implemented DPSK demodulator (Tsimenidis, 2016) Figure 10 Low-pass filter input/output Figure 11 ...

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Theories of Innovation | Netflix Case Study

01 Aug 2017

5 (1,827 )

The following discussion will provide insights on what is innovation by taking into account its characteristics through the example of Netflix and phone manufacturing companies. Theories will also be applied to illustrate why innovations are needed. It then leads to the four roles that science can either play by analysing Paul L. Gardner (1994)'s ideas. Finally, this essay will suggest the transforming roles of science ...

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Sixth Sense Technology Introduction

24 Jul 2017

7 (2,486 )

  Abstract: ‘Sixth Sense' is a wearable gesture interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. This technology will definitely give the user a new way of seeing the world with information at their fingertips it has been classified under the category ‘wearable computing’. The true power of Sixth Sense lies ...

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Why Star Topology is Best

23 Mar 2015 21 Jul 2017

7 (2,769 )

Keywords: star topology advantages, star topology benefits 1.0 SYNOPSIS This study focused on a star network topology. A star network is a local area network in which all devices are directly linked to a central point called a hub. Star topology looks like a star but not exactly a star. The findings from the study revealed that in star topology every computer is connected to a central ...

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How has Technology Contributed to Globalisation?

23 Mar 2015 06 Jul 2017

5 (1,728 )

Keywords: technology impact globalisation, globalization of markets Explain How Changes In Technology Have Contributed Towards Globalization Of Markets And Of Production? Technology has dramatically changed people's way of life all over the world and the world today has become a true manifestation of a global village. Not only the frequency of international travelling increased manifold but the possibilities of cross-border trading of goods and services have also ...

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Operating systems in Nokia phones

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

4 (1,400 )

Introduction: Operating system basically acts as interface between user and hardware. A mobile operating system also known as mobile OS or a handheld operating system controls the mobile device. It works on the same principle as the operating systems in windows which control the desktop computers. However the mobile operating systems are simpler than that of windows operating systems. Various operating systems used in smart phones include: ...

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Rapid developments in technology

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

14 (5,272 )

Global trends and technological development and their effect on strategy and technology on organisations, with a focus on the Sony Corporation. Abstract In recent years there have been rapid developments in technology which have lead to the opening up of a global market. This has brought both opportunities and challenges to enterprises. Enterprises that want to operate globally have to plan appropriate business strategies. When formulating these ...

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Impact of Technology on Society

03 Oct 2016 02 May 2017

7 (2,587 )

Impact of Technology on Society Abstract The communication industry and the invention of communication devices marked a new phase in the interaction and social patterns of people. Taking into account the social needs of people, communication is an essential element that was made possible by telephones. Therefore, the technology of using telephones bridged the gap between the social needs and the geographical location (VanFossen, & Berson, ...

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How is human nature changed from technology?

03 Oct 2016 27 Apr 2017

4 (1,486 )

How is human nature changed form technology? In the late 20th century, internet combined with World Wide Web start to hit a big in every society because it makes a possible of sharing the worldwide information. There is no doubt that computer network has a strong impact to people with its capacity of gathering and delivering information. However, as the information’s property is that it above ...

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Wireless networks: Security

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

25 (9,736 )

WIRELESS networks ,due to ease of installation ,cost benefits and the capability of connectivity , hence communication anywhere ,has made it the most popular way of network setup in this 21st century. With increase in the need of mobile systems, the current electronic market has also been flooding with laptops, pdas, RFID devices, healthcare devices and wireless VOIP (Voice over IP) which are WIFI (Wireless Fidelity) enabled. ...

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Technology impact on social interactions

03 Oct 2016 25 Apr 2017

7 (2,792 )

Technology can have positive and negative impact on social interactions This is an excerpt from Dimensions of Leisure for Life by Human Kinetics. With the proliferation of technologies that are able to overcome the obstacles of time and space (e.g., airplanes, cars, the Internet), one would think that ...

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Technical Education Excellence Through Innovation

03 Oct 2016 24 Apr 2017

6 (2,028 )

TECHNICAL EDUCATION EXCELLENCE THROUGH INNOVATION. INTRODUCTION: Maidanavaruna general authority and power in the world of technology is an effective analytical tool due to global engineering education internationalization of education is a concept that shifts has turned out. Education excellence in manufacturing initiative primarily of an organization to obtain good fit and intelligent functionality in the context of the paucity of technical institutions in the country, ...

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Internet addiction among adolescents

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

9 (3,563 )

Internet addiction among adolescents Abstract Today’s world is a technology driven world, where all the people are linked to the use of internet in one way or the other. Mainly it is the adolescents who use the internet services the most, be it for the gaming purposes, studies or any other. But with the advent of internet technology, life has obviously become easier on the part ...

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The negative effects of technology

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

6 (2,058 )

Technology is everywhere. It is a tool that certainly changes the world and how it operates. Many people today are familiar with the technology and its use; it might become extremely important in aspects of our life also evolved in over the past decades and even now made our life simpler, easier, convenient and more comfortable. This notion of the technological development and ...

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MIS Related Issues

24 Feb 2017

11 (4,145 )

Keywords: information systems, management, ASOS & MIS RELATED ISSUES ‘‘Despite the spectacular dot-com bust a few years ago, the Internet has markedly changed the way we do business.'' (Reynolds, 2004, 78) Conducting business in the digital economy refers to the use of Web-based systems, on the Internet and other electronic networks, to accomplish some form of e-commerce. Networked computing is helping some companies excel ...

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The mesh generation

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,510 )

Describe general methods (structured, unstructured, hybrid, adaptive, etc.) and discuss their key features and applications A key step of the finite element method for numerical computation is mesh generation. One is given a domain (such as a polygon or polyhedron; more realistic versions of the problem allow curved domain boundaries) and must partition it into simple “elements” meeting in well-defined ways. There should be few elements, but ...

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Digital image processing

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,064 )

Vision is the most dynamic of all our senses since it provides us with a huge amount of information about what surrounds us. It is not surprising that an ancient Chinese proverb that quotes: “A picture is worth a thousand words” is still widely used. All this information is valuable for simple procedures (for example planning our everyday activities), but also for more complex processes as the ...

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Critical success factors of cable tv (pay-tv) against other competitors in hong kong.

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,217 )

Abstract In this proposal, we hope to learn the real business strategies though the finding from research. And try to give some suggestion for these companies to increase their sales and profit. There are the flows of the research proposal. First, to introduce the background of Pay-TV Limited and its industry. Let you have a basically knowledge of this industry in the pass and now. ...

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Cell Phone Industry

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,889 )

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to explain the innovation and evaluate the innovations' benefits in a particular industry. The subject of my assignment is the company of Research In Motion (RIM) and RIM's product which is called Blackberry in cell phones industry. All industries need to creative new products or improve their products to satisfy the costumers. By this reason innovation is very important issue ...

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Touch screen applications

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,311 )

Touch Screen and the meaning of Multi-Touch Nowadays, we all can frequently see the Touch Screen applications around our environment. Starting from our pocket games to ATMs, Service counter applications to Information displays, touch screen technology have been widely used and applied. So why did we call the name of Touch Screen? It was clear that we can refer to touch or contact to the display of ...

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The bluetooth technology

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,276 )

Abstract: Bluetooth Technology has been widely spreading every single day due to its availability in most of the electronic devices that are dominant nowadays. As any other technology, when widespread, will have a huge impact on the users and societies. In our study, we will search the impact of Bluetooth technology on the society. To get a realistic knowledge, a survey contains 10 questions on our topic ...

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Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Iris Recognition And Afis Technology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,976 )

Introduction The biometric scanning technology is a great revolution for contemporary society. There are many application made from biometric scanning technologies, which may use in many different way. Some of these applications based on biometrics are complex. This report is going to evaluate the effectiveness of Iris recognition and AFIS for to control accessing to a secure workplace. Background The human beings use the biometric information, which ...

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Example of micro operations microinstruction

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,137 )

Q1. Give an Example of micro operations, microinstruction, micro program, micro code. Sol :- Following are the examples of micro operations:- Bus and Memory Transfers Arithmetic Microoperations Logic Microoperations Example of Microinstruction:- For Fetching Data:- IF inter. ELSE next Example of micro program :- sp := sp + (-1); mar := sp; mbr := ac; wr; wr; This pushes the AC value onto the ...

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London-based seatwave

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,108 )

Part I 1. Introduction London-based was founded in January 2006 by Joe Cohen. He is currently President and CEO whilst Mr. GED Waring is currently VP of Technology and James Hamlin is Director Online Marketing. The site has undergone continuous growth since launch, and currently serves tens of thousands of monthly visitors. is a specialized online marketplace where fans can buy and sell tickets for ...

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