Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Evaluation

11 Apr 2018

8 (3,011 )

Application of community based participatory research (CBPR) approaches when working on collaborative projects Course name: Social and behavioral sciences INTRODUCTION TO CBPR: CBPR (community-based participatory research) is basically a collective approach to examine that equitably includes all members in the examination process and identifies the un-common powers that each one brings. Community-based participatory research starts with an examination topic of significance to the group, has the ...

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Public Awareness Campaign Review: Homelessnesss

28 Mar 2018

8 (2,896 )

Obispo, Stacey L.   In 2011, there were 46.2 million individuals in the United States that were living in poverty (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2014). The majority of these individuals are renters. Many of these low income individuals do not have enough money to scrape by for household items because 71% of low income renters devote more than half of their income for ...

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Efficiency of Safety Belt Campaigns Analysis

28 Mar 2018

6 (2,169 )

The numbers of deaths have increased immensely in previous years; therefore road safety is a major concern. The RSA constantly try to amplify awareness of road safety as many drivers ignore new rules of the road. Persuasive communication is used throughout for all types of advertising and lately is becoming a main method in highlighting the dangers of the road. Persuasive communication is considered to be ...

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Food Scarcity in Djibouti

27 Mar 2018

6 (2,013 )

Djibouti is a small arid country in Eastern Africa. It has extremely important and convenient transshipment facilities at the mouth of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Its terrestrial neighbors are Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. Maritime neighbor is Yemen. Djibouti has a convenient geographical position in means of trade. Its capital and main port Addis Ababa transports about 60 percent of Ethiopian export goods. ...

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Causes and Effects of Abortion

23 Mar 2015 11 Jan 2018

12 (4,460 )

INTRODUCTION: Abortion means termination of pregnancy – it can either be spontaneous or induced. Spontaneous is known as miscarriage, while induced simply means termination of a pregnancy which is planned. Recently, the statistics have shown an increase in abortion rate year after year. Abortion can cause by social, economic or pregnant women health condition as well. However, it will lead to a number of negative effect toward ...

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Communication Diversity and the Human Services Worker

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

6 (2,100 )

Communication Diversity and the Human Services Worker   Introduction Effective communication is more than just passing information from one person to another, we communicate both verbally and non-verbally (Howard 1991) in addition, we all hunger for contact that is meaningful. A communicator enters into relationships with other people (Gamble & Gamble 2008). Healthy communication is essential, we all like to be valued and heard, and it is ...

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Labelling Theory for Understanding Youth Crime

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

6 (2,092 )

Outline labelling theory and consider its usefulness in understanding youth crime and anti-social behaviour in Britain today. Labelling theory claims that deviance and conformity results not so much from what people do but from how others respond to those actions, it highlights social responses to crime and deviance Macionis and Plummer, (2005).Deviant behaviour is therefore socially constructed. This essay will describe in full the labelling theory and ...

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Factors Influencing Conflicts in Schools

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

6 (2,220 )

FACTORS INFLUENCING CONFLICTS IN SCHOOLS.AN EXPLORATORY CASE STUDY OF PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN TANZANIA. BY: BONIPHACE, M. FASILI.   INTRODUCTION: Organizational psychologists start with the view that there is ,or can be, a genuine conflict between a human being and his or her job of work, between the satisfaction of the needs of the individual worker, and the needs of the employing organization. However, some common ground ...

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Trade-centred Approaches to Poverty Reduction

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

7 (2,514 )

Question: In the context of the current race to meet the MDG goal of eradicating extreme poverty by 2015, what advantages and disadvantages does the global community face in advancing trade-centred approaches to poverty reduction, as opposed to an agenda focused on aid. In the 2009 Millennium Development Goals Report released earlier this year, the Secretary-General noted that important progress has been made in the attempt to ...

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What Is Social Policy?

03 Oct 2016 10 Jan 2018

6 (2,328 )

Essay Topic: What is social policy and why is it controversial? Write an essay in which you explore the topic of social policy giving consideration to differing theoretical debates, positions and arguments for and against the provision of social policy as well as the nature of wellbeing in society. Use New Zealand examples to support your discussion. Marks will be allocated based on: The breadth ...

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Causes and Effects of Child Poverty in Britain

03 Oct 2016 10 Jan 2018

4 (1,415 )


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Awareness And Understanding Work Life Balance

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

4 (1,554 )

Chapter 1 Introduction Public awareness and understanding of the term ‘work-life balance' has grown dramatically in recent years. The high level of interest among employers, consultants, and the media has generated a healthy business in conferences, websites and guides. It is a growth area in academia too, encompassing diverse disciplines including economics, social policy, feminism, sociology, industrial relations, human resource management, health and psychology. The term Work ...

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History of the Public Smoking Ban

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

7 (2,527 )

The emergence of public smoking ban can be backdated to 1590 when Pope Urban VII threatened to excommunicate anyone who took any form of tobacco inside a church. Afterwards other European cities enacted smoking bans. Modern, countrywide tobacco ban was imposed in Germany during the rein of Adolf Hitler. In the sunset years of the 20th century, second-hand health related risks of tobacco smoking became more publicized. ...

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The Community Facilities Provision

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

8 (3,168 )

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preface Community facilities is the important element in one neighbourhood area because this kind of facilities is the place where the resident used to reach their living needs so this makes the community facilities provision is important in give good living environment to the neighbourhood especially is term of location and accessibility. Other than that, community facilities also are the building or place ...

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Every Child Matters Policy: Analysis

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

6 (2,279 )

Describe and discuss a specific area of policy, with particular regards to the social problems within which it was concerned, its ideological origin, its aims, its nature and its effects. For most parents, their children are loved and cherished. But sadly enough, some children are not so fortunate. Some children's lives are dreadfully different. Instead of warmth and security of normal family life, these children's lives are ...

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Should Jobs Be Reserved For Women?

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

5 (1,652 )

Most of the high level jobs are done by man, should government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women ? Most of the high level jobs are done by men, I am not totally agree with this idea, because many high level jobs are done by women. There  is no discrimination between man and woman before  the eye of law. I deeply ...

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Welfare State Development in the UK

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

6 (2,370 )

Modern welfare state development is generally considered to lead to social security or benefits payments, social housing provision, health provision, social work and educational services. Together these services are known as the 'big five' but these services tend to develop over time and have differed in quantity, availability and quality. Provision and development can change due to social, economic and political factors (Spicker, 1995, p. 3). State ...

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Politics and Social Policy in Australia

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

6 (2,310 )

Social policy are the guidelines used for the changing, maintenance or the creation of living conditions that are perceived to be conducive to the welfare of human beings or people. This is what makes it part of the public policy that deals with social issues (Alcock, Erskine, May, 2003). Social policy applies to the policies used by governments for welfare and social protection. The main concern under ...

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Policy of Sport Development

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

6 (2,093 )

In this essay the writer is going to attempt to explore the policy of sport development and physical activities. The writer is going to discuss the policy in depth, why the policy was made, what was its aim and which social problems did it address. The writer is also going to discuss how the government implemented this policy and if the policy was successful or not. In ...

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Social Influences on Conformity

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

2 (484 )

I would like to write an essay on social influence conformity and how it is exhibited in society. I want to use one real-life example in my essay, which will help to understand discussed question with more details. First of all it is necessary to define two terms "conformity" and "social influence" and then to connect them with each other. According to Wood (2000) "social influence is ...

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Lone Parenting Social

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

3 (1,139 )

Definition The issue of lone parenting is quite clearly one that is of significant importance and impact in the modern social context. It is also one that has different viewpoints, which are important to recognise in the context of this report. While the actual term of ‘lone parenting' is a given, it is important to understand the various views which are taken in order to address this ...

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Cyclone Nargis in Burma: Aid Analysis

23 Mar 2015 10 Jan 2018

9 (3,568 )

Introduction On May 2nd 2008 a category 3 cyclone hit the Irrawaddy delta in Southern Myanmar. Nargis, as it was named, was the worst natural disaster in Myanmar's recorded history (TCG 2008). It ended up claiming the lives of almost 140,000 people in addition to displacing a further 800,000. The United Nations reported that overall the cyclone had disrupted the lives of nearly 2.4 million people (Crisis ...

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Pro-Natal Policies Analysis

01 Dec 2017

6 (2,049 )

Pro-Natal Policies in Norway Background Norway’s average fertility rate over the past 10 years is about 1.9, compared to Singapore’s average of 1.25 over the same period (The World Bank, 2014). Furthermore, 5 out of 6 women between the ages of 30-39 still remain employed (BBC News, 2006). Norway is Scadinavia’s richest country, enjoying an oil boom which started 40 years ago (Mohsin, 2014). Most of ...

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Strategies for Policy Formation

29 Nov 2017

6 (2,357 )

Loui Rhey C. Irang   Problem Identification In order to truly understand the development of the policy, problem should be identified. In the setting of policy analysis, the idea of problem definition has long been introduced as the most critical and demanding task fronting the experts. The ÂŽ first concern of problem definition is acknowledgement that problems do not exist in the ...

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Impact of Social Security Privatization on the Elderly

27 Nov 2017

4 (1,421 )

Up until the Industrial Revolution, economic security for most people was maintained by working until old age and then being taken care of by ones’ children and family members. This type of economic uncertainty drastically changed when President Roosevelt pushed for and signed into law the Social Security Act of 1935. During the ceremony for Social Security Act’s signing, President Roosevelt stated that it is “a ...

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Drug Screening in Government Assistance Programs

27 Nov 2017

4 (1,441 )

The United States Federal Government Should Initiate Drug Screening For Citizens Who Seek Government Assistance.   Negative Strategy # 1 As Pollack, Danziger, Jayakody & Seefeldt (2002) affirm, initiating involuntary dug screening for all citizens seeking government assistance is definitely costly. The purchase of modern drug screening equipment in numbers that will be able to screen all people who apply for welfare programs, especially with the ...

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Processes of Policy Making

22 Nov 2017

4 (1,567 )

Cherry Amor B. Dawal   Policy making process: In running a healthcare organization it is very important to have a well comprehensive written policies, by way of making a policy it has to undergo stages and these stages formulated is very important in its own way to contribute for the success and profitable organization. Stages: Problem identification and agenda setting-It is the first step ...

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Ageing and Disability Policies | Country Comparison

22 Nov 2017

6 (2,206 )

Gian Nestle Sorronda Aging and Disability - Task 4 4.1 Disability United States of America – In United States of America, they made an act that would help lessen or eliminate discrimination in the country for those people who have disability. This act was created back on 1990 and was called the Americans with Disability Act or ADA which prohibits discrimination towards the disabled ...

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Developing Road Protection Program Policy

22 Nov 2017

6 (2,150 )

Theory of microeconomics   Introduction Consumers of the American region, in particular, road are the ones who have the right to be safe and protected as it is outlined in the mechanisms of environmental protection. The inclusion of this statement will be valid for any possible products and services that are being provided in the market place to promote safety devices providing consumers with the believes ...

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Healthcare Policy Making Stages

22 Nov 2017

4 (1,571 )

Rebecah M. Deguit Covering assessment criteria: Analyse and discuss the key policy making stages in healthcare policy formation. Discuss areas of policy and politics advocacy healthcare professionals may become involved with. Analyse and discuss decision-making models and processes used to influence decision-making within healthcare.   TASK 1: It is important to understand the policy ...

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Public Housing Policy in the USA

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

11 (4,125 )

Public Housing Public housing, introduced at federal level in 1937, provides for low-cost housing through public financing by means of publicly owned and managed multi-family developments. Several cities began providing public housing prior to the 1937 Housing Act, through local programs of their own. Furthermore, it was these kinds of local programs that helped mold the model for the federal program. Public Housing was environed to ...

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Illegal Immigration in the US

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

4 (1,381 )

Illegal immigration has always been a controversial topic in the United States. Recently, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States exceeded 12 million. More than that, illegal immigrants are part of our society that includes colleagues, students, friends or even relatives. In most cases, illegal immigrants are portrayed as violent criminals, when in reality; Most of them are very poor and mainly from South ...

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Impact of Crystal Meth Addiction

03 Oct 2016 04 Oct 2017

5 (1,633 )

By the time you are in elementary you already have some knowledge on drugs. They affect us in various ways, sometimes even personally. For Luke it became a personal issue. At first he began living in the house of a crystal meth addict to research the drug and experience first-hand how it affected others. Originally he had no intention of taking the drug, but after some ...

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Domestic Violence in the Black Community: Policy Analysis

19 Sep 2017

6 (2,339 )

‘Behind Closed Doors’: An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Law and Policy in Cases of Severe Domestic Violence in the Black Community Introduction Over the last decade there have been an increasing number of cases of severe domestic violence that have resulted in injury and even the death of one or more parties. The researcher has highlighted a gap in current research into the effectiveness of ...

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Policy Changes for Working and Single Parents

18 Sep 2017

7 (2,770 )

Compare the way that successive governments have responded to the needs of working parents. Introduction This paper aims to compare the way that successive governments have responded to the needs of working parents. There will be a particular focus on women as working parents, particularly as there has been a focus over the last twenty years on women as single parents and their over-reliance on state ...

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Homelessness Act 2002 Analysis

18 Sep 2017

23 (9,138 )

Assessing the new homelessness strategies introduced by the Homelessness Act 2002: are the housing needs of the young homeless in the UK closer to being adequately addressed? Chapters Introduction…………………………………………… Page 3 Homelessness Act 2002 & Young People………………Page 5 Distinctive Qualities of ‘Youth Homelessness’…………Page 10 Local Authorities and Discretion Post-2002:…………..Page 12 Lack of Monitoring Procedures / Inadequacy of ...

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Impact of Censorship

15 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

3 (996 )

 Sydney Lau  What would put our freedoms in danger? The First Amendment states "Congress Shall make no Law Respecting an Establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the Free Exercise Thereof, or Assemble, and to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances." Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc, that are considered obscene, poetically unacceptable or a threat to ...

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Requirement for Marijuana Legalisation

14 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

3 (910 )

Christopher Cunningham The need of Marijuana I. Boost of Revenue and different types of marijuana a. The need of Marijuana in our country making the drug legal to use recreationally by all 50 states. The benefits are huge when it comes to all states benefiting from money that they have earned in one year is one billion dollars, which was Colorado who made ...

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Program for Bullying Awareness

10 Aug 2017 15 Sep 2017

14 (5,329 )

Dominique Bibbs Proposal Introduction Young Scholars with Voices (YSWV) is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 to prevent and raise the awareness of bullying amongst adolescent youth. YSWV provides services to victims, survivors and individuals affected incidents of bullying. YSWV is a community based organization offering support and meeting the needs of its addressed target population. YSWV offers one-on-one peer mentoring, prevention/awareness workshops and clubs ...

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Does Africa Need Foreign Aid for Poverty Alleviation?

28 Jul 2017 15 Sep 2017

3 (891 )

By Carolyne Simiyu Foreign aid, is the transfer and loaning of funds, international goods or services from one country to another. It is often transferred from one developed economy to another developing country.[1] The main aims of aid, particularly in poor nations, are to alleviate poverty, give support to the needy such as internally displaced persons and refugees, reconstruct infrastructure, and revamp economy. However, the ...

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Effects of Welfare Reform

28 Jul 2017 15 Sep 2017

3 (1,138 )

Kelsey Campbell Imagine being a single parent having six kids and being able to only afford a two bedroom apartment. While working two jobs just to pay bills, put food on the table, and keep the kids off the streets. Any of the kids school events are missed to pick up extra shifts for that extra dollar. Then one day someone suggests applying for Welfare ...

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Teenage Violent Crime Rates in the US

28 Jul 2017 15 Sep 2017

8 (2,836 )

Erica Goncalves What do teenagers do after school? Research states that "1 in 5 children in the United States are unsupervised after school". This leads to teen violence. Teen violence are when children get out of school and join a group of gang and start committing crimes, go in the internet and bully other students. Lastly, teen violence are still going on because of the ...

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Parental Influence on Consumption and Abuse of Alcohol

28 Jul 2017 15 Sep 2017

4 (1,237 )

Douglas Scott Burton Adolescence is the years from which puberty begins in childhood to when puberty ceases in adulthood. Generally, it is divided into three stages: early adolescence which overall lasts between ages 11 to 14, middle adolescence that generally spans ages 15 to 17, and late adolescence which stretches the ages to 18 to 21 years of age. Puberty creates growth to see things ...

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Policy Issues in US Healthcare

28 Jul 2017 15 Sep 2017

3 (910 )

Jessie E Salters  POLICY/ADVOCACY PROJECT The Georgia Public Policy Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit, nonpartisan research institute. The Foundation's mission is to improve the lives of Georgians through public policies that enhance economic opportunity and freedom. The Foundation is state orientated, independent, and without particular interest towards any political group. Georgia's Public Policy Foundation conducts scholarly research and analysis of state public policy issues ...

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Social Policy: Descriptive and Analytical

23 Mar 2015 15 Sep 2017

4 (1,300 )

Social policy as an academic subject is both descriptive and analytical. Discuss drawing on at least three academic references. In this essay the author will define social policy as an academic subject and show that despite the fact that social policy draws on other academic social science subjects it is different because it is "based upon a distinct empirical focus - support for the well-being of citizens ...

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How has US Immigration Policy been Criticized over Time?

15 Aug 2017 07 Sep 2017

8 (2,969 )

Directions: How has US immigration policy been criticized over time? Students need to consider public challenges to immigration policy. Write a paragraph using evidence from the sources that compares and contrasts the arguments made in opposition to three historical approaches to immigration policy. Use the Venn diagram to help organize your information Students will examine the actual legislation behind the three actions taken around immigration. ...

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Minimum Wage Debate in the US

14 Aug 2017 07 Sep 2017

4 (1,525 )

Minimum wage has been a subject of sustained and polarizing debate in the realm of U.S. labor economics right from the time the Department of Labor came into existence in 1913 (Neumark, Salas & Wascher, 2014). The debate is older than the official federal minimum wage legislation, which came into force in 1938. Nonetheless, despite the massive attention this subject has elicited over this lengthy ...

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Medicaid Funding Relationship with Nonprofit Organizations

28 Jul 2017 07 Sep 2017

3 (1,116 )

Introduction/Background Allard and Smith (2014) define legally incorporated, tax-exempt entities that provide specific services to be nonprofit social service organizations. They can help low-income families that might not qualify for federal assistance. Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) can range vastly in their size, scope, and form, but they are all reliant on donations and public funds to support their operations. This public funding is supported by ...

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Theory of Change for Women's Community Support Group

28 Jul 2017 07 Sep 2017

2 (782 )

Describe the program logic Explain logic of change ( theory of change) that underpins it Who are we aiming to support and why-the target group This program is aimed at supporting a group of young women, aged between twelve and sixteen to overcome personal challenges. As it stands, these women have exhibited signs of social disengagement. This disengagement impacted not only on these women's emotional ...

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Neo-Liberals versus Social Democrats in Security and Tax

28 Jul 2017 07 Sep 2017

6 (2,099 )

What are the different views of neo-liberals versus social democrats with regards to social security and taxation? One of the most important features of democracy, that allows it to be such a successful form of government is the diversity of political stances. Social democracy is a political ideology that supports both economic and social interventions. Neo-liberalism however offers juxtaposing economic liberalization policies such as privatization and ...

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Sustainable Rural Smart Development: The Balancing Act

28 Jul 2017 07 Sep 2017

4 (1,245 )

Regional perspectives are changing the way we approach regional topics, including water planning, open space & habitat preservation, economic development, and housing. Emerging issues, such as climate change, renewable energy, and public health, are stepping into the regional planning field[1]. Although land-use and zoning regulations remain at the local level, today regional plans have evolved to address development patterns and land use. Regional development approaches ...

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Policy Response to the Mobility Economy

28 Jul 2017 07 Sep 2017

6 (2,282 )

The model of transportation as we know it today is poised to make a transformation. This transformation is projected to happen in the next seven to ten years. This transformation will be a complete overhaul of our current understanding of how people and goods transported from one locale to another. The existing model of transportation has become outdated and is extremely inefficient. What we currently ...

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Collaborative Working Policies Analysis

26 Jul 2017 07 Sep 2017

6 (2,394 )

Introduction Q1. In this assignment, I will investigate and research policy and legislation surrounding collaborative working and the positives and negatives. Collaborative working is the term used when two or more organizations, agencies or government bodies come together and share knowledge and information to obtain positive outcomes. The focus is to address specific areas or achieve certain goals for positive results. It's how we ...

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Changing Ethos of the Department of Social Protection

14 Aug 2017

3 (1,117 )

REPORT ON THE CHANGING ETHOS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL PROTECTION I am writing about the way the Department of Social Protection has evolved since the recession in 2009.  How their Services were delivered and the changes that have been implemented over the past few years.  The Department of Social Protection plays a part in everyone's life at some stage. The aim of the Department ...

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China's Cultural Revolution: Reforms in the Education System

28 Jul 2017

9 (3,235 )

The period of the Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1969) witnessed a massive effort by the Maoist leadership to engineer the socialist transformation of Chinese society, one of the area most radically affected by the Cultural Revolution was the Chinese educational system. The Great Leap Forward has brought about much economic instability and lack of agricultural production, leading to the great famine. The goals and policies ...

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Dynamics of Apartheid in South Africa

28 Jul 2017

7 (2,488 )

It is easy to forget that Apartheid only finished twenty six years ago in 1991 when the Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act was passed this subsequently led to the repealing of the laws enforcing racial segregation which included the Group Areas Act. Apartheid is the word given to racial segregation in South Africa; this was specifically a former policy of segregation and political ...

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Youth Violence Essay

23 Mar 2015 13 Jul 2017

2 (681 )

Keywords: youth violence causes, violence among youth Youth violence is increasing and quickly becoming one of the major concerns in American today. Frequent youth violence can be found at schoolyard, at home, outside, and everywhere in the community. Why don't people ask themselves what is making the youth today so violent, and is there anything they can do to stop this trend? Youth violence is a serious ...

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Poverty and Social Exclusion

23 Mar 2015 13 Jul 2017

7 (2,412 )

Keywords: social exclusion and poverty Poverty Social Exclusion Is social exclusion just a new term for poverty? Discuss. This essay will begin by defining the key terminologies used within the main text, beginning with the two definitions of poverty; moving onto the definition of social exclusion, and the reasons the term was introduced, debating the different types of exclusion. The central part of this essay will conclude ...

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Factors Influencing Public Policy

23 Mar 2015 30 Jun 2017

8 (2,901 )

Keywords: political decision making influence, evidence based decision As for a good government, the valuable public policy, which refers to the government action or inaction to deal with particular issues, can be regarded as one of the evaluation criterions. Thus, it seems that the process of policy making, turning the government political vision into the actual programs and actions in the real world (Cabinet Office, 1999), becomes ...

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Social Problems in the UK | Analysing the British Welfare State

23 Mar 2015 12 Jun 2017

6 (2,040 )

Keywords: welfare state critique, uk welfare state analysis, social problems uk IS THE BRITISH WELFARE STATE RESPONSIBLE FOR MANY CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL PROBLEMS? Introduction The idea of a welfare state can be taken to have different meaning depending on the way it is applied. The welfare state in all countries is however supposed to meet some basic objectives or needs of a state and therefore takes care of ...

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The Labour Party and New Labour

23 Mar 2015 08 Jun 2017

6 (2,378 )

Keywords: new labour party, labour party history, new labour uk The Labour Party is a political party in the United Kingdom. Founded at the start of the 20th century, it has been since the 1920s the principal party of the left in Britain. Its formation was the result of many years of hard effort by working people, trade unionists and socialists, united by the goal of changing ...

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What Age Should Marriage be Allowed?

23 Mar 2015 31 May 2017

2 (579 )

People should be allowed to get married only after age of 30 Marriage is one of the most important systems which keep the continuation of the social unity through marriage between a man and a women, who agree together to build a family. Getting married is a very important decision in every individual's life because they are planning to spend their entire life with their spouses. Sometimes ...

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Autonomy And Independence In Social Care

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

6 (2,366 )

This report will critically explore how far social care legislation and policies have contributed to the autonomy and independence of people with learning disability problems. The report is divided in four main questions that will lead to an advanced understanding of the topic. It begins by defining the word learning disability in social care, followed by an explanation of what the care needs of people with disability ...

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Welfare To Work Programmes

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

10 (3,718 )

Welfare to work programmes have been used by governments since the 1980's to articulate a desire to replace passive support for unemployment and active measures to help encourage people to get into paid work. The Labour government reiterated this principle, but took a number of new approaches building up to an ambitious programme for welfare reform for people of working age. This essay will study the origins ...

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Youth Justice Policy in the UK

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

6 (2,309 )

Youth Justice Policy In order to evaluate why developments in youth justice policy and practice since 1997 are a cause for celebration and concern, the ideological motivations and the wider social and political context will be identified. The Crime and Disorder Act 1998; the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act, 1999 and the Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003 will be discussed in terms of the motivating ideology ...

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Impact of organizational culture

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

7 (2,703 )

Impact of Organizational Culture on employee's job satisfaction and performance Does the organizational culture have any influence on employees at workplace? There are so many factors which builds an organization's image in front of the customers. Among those factors, culture plays a vital role in shaping the structure of workplace design and the delivery of successful customer service. Lund (2003) states that in the past decades, ...

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Conventional Wisdom Society

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

6 (2,096 )

Introduction The term conventional wisdom is one that has raised a flurry of social indecisions in the past and the present. John Kenneth Galbraith coined it the year 1958. It refers to the belief that is now being propagated amongst the society until it is now believed to be true by the society or around certain domains. This term refers to beliefs, rumors that have for a ...

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Sustainable Development And Its Definitions

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

8 (3,000 )

Sustainable development was defined by (Brundtland, 1987) as a development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need. Economists generally accepted and supported Brundtland definition of sustainable development. Pearce & barbier (blueprint for Sustainable Economy, 2000) also defines sustainable development as development that last. They also said that future generations should be entitled to at least ...

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Integrated assesment

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

7 (2,412 )

HNC Social Care Integrated Assessment 2 Catherine McAvoy Values are standards and principals by which we live our lives. These standards are many and often depend on people`s background e.g. Culture, class, religion, gender, age. Values are extremely individual attitudes that direct people`s responses to the world around them. Amongst some of the values I live my life by and respect are privacy allowing me to have ...

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Discrimination laws: An analysis

23 Mar 2015 08 May 2017

5 (1,663 )

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the law relating to either race discrimination, sex discrimination or disability discrimination? Relating to disability discrimination: Disability discrimination is legally prohibited and controlled in the UK via two main statutory instruments, the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA) (previously the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) and the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) Act 1999. Further legislation extends the scope of coverage; for example, ...

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Whistle Blowing Theory And Whistleblowers Protection

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

9 (3,454 )

The aim of this paper is to present the theory of whistleblowers protection, analyze the mechanisms for protection that surrounds it and draw out recommended whistle-blowing protection for Republic of Macedonia. It will start with presenting background theory for whistleblowers protection and define the main concepts of this theory such as who are the whistleblowers, what it means and when does it occur, and what are the ...

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Asylum Seekers and Benefits

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

5 (1,867 )

A Report on Asylum Seekers and Benefits. I. Introduction In the run up to the general election, asylum is once again in the headlines. The refugee council report (RC: 2004: 2) that asylum is the third most important issue in voters’ minds. Despite its importance as an issue, reliable information about asylum is difficult to come by. Media reports are sensationalist, often using a vocabulary that is ...

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A Study On Zero Tolerance Policy

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

6 (2,104 )

There are hundreds if not thousands of students in any given school. The sheer size and magnitude of the student population encompassed in these schools leads to complications of school safety. Zero tolerance is a policy which was brought about enforcing school safety more firmly, and aimed to better protect students. However, the way in which these students are protected is highly debatable, making the zero tolerance ...

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Health Promotion Care: An analysis

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

2 (674 )

Health Promotion Care Module 2 Discussion Question Health promotion refers to the process of providing health care services to the public for increasing their awareness towards health education. Health promotion policy focuses on the prevention of health care problems in non-health care sectors and renders different ways to remove them. The health promotion techniques are based on different principles. The principles are: fundamental requirements of health, quality ...

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Sustainable Development Housing

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

12 (4,574 )

Course title- Sustainable urban development and transport Essay title- Sustainable Housing “within the context of present day housing provision, Finance and economic factors in the UK” Housing is not just seen as somewhere to live. New housing can be a driver of urban regeneration. Decent housing stimulates both physical and economic improvement, and the resulting enhancements in turn fuel new investment and fresh opportunities as the ...

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Service brokerage: Learning disability services

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

6 (2,009 )

Service Brokerage "Explore the role of models of commissioning such as service brokerage and direct payments in the provision of services for people with a learning difficulty/disability" This essay will discuss how service brokerage helps in the provision of services for people with a learning disability, by starting with commissioning in relation to services. Followed by an explain on how personalisation is about giving people the power ...

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Youth Mental Health Issues Facing Australians - Essay

23 Mar 2015 12 Apr 2017

12 (4,458 )

Introduction: the problem Mental and substance use disorders are among the most important health issues facing Australians. They are a key health issue for young people in their teenage years and early 20s and, if these disorders persist, the constraints, distress and disability they cause can last for decades (McGorry et al., 2007). Associated with mental disorders among youth are high rates of enduring disability, including ...

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The poverty trap

03 Oct 2016 28 Feb 2017

7 (2,602 )

SHORT ESSAY Topic: Getting households out of the poverty trap requires a greater focus on the “demand” side rather than the “supply” side. Introduction Despite the substantial amount of research undertaken to study the economic growth and development and analyse how it facilitates the poverty reduction, there has not been still one remedy discovered to make poor countries rich. Poverty continues to be the cause of ...

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T.H. Marshall's Theory of Citizenship

03 Oct 2016 28 Feb 2017

6 (2,300 )

Critically discuss T. H. Marshall’s theory of citizenship as outlined in Citizenship and Social Class (1949/1992). At the centre of the development of citizenship in modern Britain is the pioneering work of T.H. Marshall (Faulks, 1998). T.H. Marshall proposed an extremely influential theory in regards to citizenship (Dwyer, 2010). Through his analysis of citizenship, Marshall has to be acknowledged as identifying an original theoretical stand point ...

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Residual welfare model in Hong Kong

03 Oct 2016 28 Feb 2017

9 (3,210 )

Residual view of social welfare Social welfare is a significant issue in a society. The social issues let us know which welfare should provide and to what extent the welfare can be provided. In fact, the ways to provide social welfare may vary between different societies. The social welfare system in Hong Kong is adopting the residual welfare model. Hong Kong has followed the "big market, ...

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Does Bureaucracy Remains The Essential Core of Public Administration in The Practice of New Public Management?

24 Feb 2017

8 (2,862 )

Keywords: bureaucracy, politics, America, president Introduction The changing role on how the government should act in order to improve and guarantee an adequate public service delivery has come to an era where the concept of New Public Management (NPM) is introduced to replace the practice of so called ‘red tape' bureaucracy. The concept suggests new management techniques and practices that involving market type mechanisms related to ...

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Why is Ethical Considerations Important in a Social Research? Illustrate your answer with examples from real research.

23 Feb 2017

5 (1,609 )

Keywords: ethics, research, experiments, nazi In this assignment I will attempt to define ethics and explore its significance when conducting social research. Firstly I will present many different views of ethics in social research by analyzing some common considerations that a researcher must take into account if he/she is to conduct a piece of research properly without breaching ethical principles.  Examples from real research will also be ...

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The Ageing Population in Mauritius

03 Oct 2016 20 Feb 2017

7 (2,712 )

Discussions Impact of aging population in Mauritius The first objective of this study aims to provide a thorough understanding of the actual impacts of aging population in Mauritius. Since old people retire from their jobs, the incomes they generate are reduced and thus they have to rely on pensions or insurances. Consequently, the aging population is very often faced with ...

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A Study On Scottish Smoking Ban Social Policy Essay

23 Mar 2015 29 Mar 2016

8 (3,113 )

When it comes to health and social policy, governments have the difficult task of balancing the desires and rights of individuals with the desires and rights of society as a whole. This is particularly evident in the recent smoking legislation in the Scotland. Current literature and opinion has much focused on the effect of smoking bans on the hospitality industry, and the cost to society of tobacco-related ...

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Social mobility

23 Mar 2015 26 Jun 2015

9 (3,321 )

What is social mobility? Drawing on different perspectives, assess the impact of the education system on opportunities and life chances on the basis of social class. What implications does this have for the work of helping agencies? Social mobility simply describes how people move along the social ladder. For this to happen there must necessarily be some form of social class in place. Social class occurs ...

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File management

23 Mar 2015 26 Jun 2015

5 (1,750 )

Developing a File Management System A filing system is developed by a good plan. Planning establishes direction and control it also ensures that everyone involved has a common understanding of purpose, goals and provides guidelines. Plan files in logical order- Assign responsibility Obtain support Collect information Analyze records Develop a filing system Implement system Train users Monitor implementation, follow up and revise system ...

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Social Policy Essays - New Deal Policy

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,759 )

Labour's New Deal policy is a strategy to assist many people to obtain vocational skills and find employment. Following an overview of British Welfare Ideology history, the specific attributes of the New Deal policy will be critically reviewed with illustration of how the policy typifies New Labour Welfare Ideology. A. Welfare Ideologies of the Past - A brief overview. (a) The Elizabethan Poor Law The legal relief ...

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Science Empiricism Rationalism

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,061 )

The term 'social science' is a misnomer which masks the necessarily different epistemic methods and ontological realities consistent with natural and social realms respectively". Critically appraise this claim In this essay I intend to dispute the notion that the term social science is a misnomer. Firstly, I will define social science, and then focus on the differences between rationalism and empiricism without whose existence there would be ...

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Carnival Major Aspect Of Trinidadian Culture Social Policy Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,335 )

What is culture? According to La Belle and Ward (1996), a current definition of culture encompasses the shared attributes which delineate one group as separate from another ( p. 28). A slightly more specific definition for this very broad term comes from Frantz Fanon who says that a "culture is first and foremost the expression of a nation, its preferences, its taboos, and its models" (2004, p.177). ...

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The Changing Face Of Youth Transitions Social Policy Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,384 )

Whether a young person is from a richer or poorer family may determine the age and the level of difficulty of going from a young person to an adult. The definition of youth transition seems vague. It generally means the time period when 'young people take increasing responsibility for themselves, their relationships and the decisions about their lives that shape their future prospects' (HM Treasury, 2007). It ...

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A Study On Immigration Case Study Social Policy Essay

23 Mar 2015

2 (659 )

Using the very large variation in the inflow of immigration across the states of US and other countries states we examine the force of immigration employment, average working hours, money growth and one most important, the total factors efficiency. At the same time we find striking proof that the total factors of increased productivity. These are some of the very robust reasons of controlling for many other ...

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A Study On The Informal Economy Social Policy Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,016 )

The informal economy defined to 'include all economic units that are not regulated by the state and all economically active persons who do not receive social protection through their work' (ILO 2002), is as perennial and ubiquitous as human society. Discourse on it however, came to light in the early seventies with various studies in third world countries. Notwithstanding its inescapable nature, conceptualization and definition has been ...

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Public Office And Private Lives Social Policy Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,970 )

The development of the media and high speed information exchange brings private lives of public officials to public discussion. Transgress moral "boundaries" may damage public officials' career, especially elected ones, severely. The growing attention to private lives among the population makes the topic more important for the social sciences. On one hand politicians use certain aspects of their "ideal" private lives in their election campaigns in order ...

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Social Policy Essays - Social Policy For Sex Offenders

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,602 )

Social Policy For Sex Offenders Children’s protection and safety has become a prominent legislative issue of the 90s and for the millennium. It appears that more and more legislation will continue to be introduced and passed for the best interest of children. The goal is to stop crime against our children in this generation, but for some children it is too late: Anthony Martinez, Polly Klaas, Megan ...

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Instrumnetal Methods For The Quantification Of Capsaicinoids Social Policy Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,984 )

INSTRUMNETAL METHODS FOR THE QUANTIFICATION OF CAPSAICINOIDS. INTRODUCTION Capsiacinoids are natural alkaloid compounds found in pepper fruits (Capsium spp.) which are responsible for the burning sensation experienced when chewed. They are typical of hot pepper fruits. They also cause the nose and eyes to run and induce perspiration. Biosynthesis of capsiacinoids occurs in the placenta and accumulate in vacoules by epidermal cells and are then excreted on ...

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Social Policy Essays - Cyber Security Information

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,587 )

Cyber Security Information The Effectiveness of US Cyber Security The inevitable and continuous advancement in technology brings the terror of cyber dilemma. There are many risks that involved the cyber world. Among these are the viruses that are erasing the system, hackers breaking into your system and altering files, people using your computer to attack others, someone stealing you credit card information to make his own purchase. ...

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Social Policy Essay: What is Social Policy?

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,281 )

What is social policy? Social Policy Social Policy refers to the development of welfare, social administration and policies of the government used for social protection. Social policy is related to the governmental approach of development of social services towards formation of a welfare state (Alcock, 2003). British welfare state is associated with 'poor laws' established to cater to the needs of the poor. Social policy is not ...

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The Primary Socialization Phase Social Policy Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,078 )

Primary socialization could be more important than secondary socialization as the primary socialization phase is the basic step that an individual takes to enter into society. Socialization has been described as to render social or make someone able to live in society and learn the social norms and customs. Socialization is central to the functioning of any society and is also central to the emergence of modernity. ...

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Discrimination Disabled People

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,585 )

Approximately 9 million of the world's 650 million disabled people live in the UK. According to a recent report of the Department of Works and Pensions, even though 3.6 million of the disabled, (i.e. approximately 40% of the total disabled population) are between 19 and 59, only about a million (i.e. less than 30 % of them) are employed. (Berthoud, 2006) Compared to the existing employment rate ...

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Changes In Policies Directed Toward Poverty Social Policy Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,225 )

This assignment will examine the transformation of social welfare policy that was established and implemented during the course of the 19th and early 20th centuries to address the problem of poverty and to assist 'the poor' at a time when rapid industrialisation hit Britain. These policies had been developed throughout this period using a combination of both state and charitable sector intervention that expanded and contracted at ...

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