Impact of Photography and Film on Art

23 Mar 2015 09 Jan 2018

8 (2,865 )

Photography and film have changed our notion of art. Discuss. To explore how photography and film have changed our notion of art, we must elude to Walter Benjamin's essay, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction[1]. Here, Walter Benjamin, discusses how art changed in the face of technology, and how state economies, the way art is perceived, the impact of reproduction, and how the ...

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Critical Appraisal of Ansel Adams

23 Mar 2015 09 Jan 2018

3 (1,053 )

There is an open question that defines photography theory as much as it plagues it: does a photographer take or make a photograph? Ansel Adams's 1935 book, Making a photograph: an introduction to photography could well be considered the definitive response. A photograph remains an abstraction, even in its most primitive state as a sort of document or record and Adams's skill lies in his ability to ...

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The Role of Standards in Photography

10 Aug 2017 18 Sep 2017

5 (1,827 )

 Tian Xing (Bill) He Steve McCurry is a world-famous photographer who rose to prominence after his "Afghan Girl" photograph appeared on the cover of National Geographic back in 1985. The photo has been called "one of the iconic images of the 20th century" (Cole, 971) and "arguably the most famous ever taken by a news photographer" (Letzter). His previous photojournalistic efforts won him a Robert ...

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Development of the Digital Camera

14 Aug 2017 11 Sep 2017

3 (1,058 )

Introduction. Throughout the ages humanity has always been fascinated by the possibility of "capturing moments" or in other words perpetuating moments of high significance and outstanding beauty. This provided the opportunity to share something that nobody else has seen or perceived. This idea has made a long way from canvas-paintings to using cameras. Cameras, in their turn have also experienced a rather fast evolution and ...

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Canon Company Introduction - History and Culture

26 Jul 2017 11 Sep 2017

10 (3,841 )

Index History of the company History of Logo Company Officers Corporate Organization Chart Company Business personal Business Office Professional Industry Achievements Why Canon is a Groundbreaking brand? Picture Gallery References History of Company. The company was started in 1930's. Now this company is one of the global leaders and the best market leaders in cameras, camcorders, ...

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Photography Representation of Reality

23 Mar 2015 17 Jul 2017

6 (2,189 )

Keywords: representation vs reality Introduction:- When we look into a photograph; we often tend to forget that this is not an image taken by a camera rather it's a moment of a living being captured rather trapped forever. In china it's a belief that photographs trap soul of a person; maybe it's a myth or maybe it's true also. Isn't it true that it's stealing the very ...

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Cindy Sherman Artist Biography

23 Mar 2015 11 Jul 2017

8 (2,814 )

Keywords: cindy sherman art, cindy sherman biography No other artist has ever made as extended or complex career of presenting herself to the camera as has Cindy Sherman. Yet, while all of her photographs are taken of Cindy Sherman, it is impossible to class call her works self-portraits. She has transformed and staged herself into as unnamed actresses in undefined B movies, make-believe television characters, pretend porn ...

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DSLR or a Digital Camera?

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

3 (847 )

The first mass use camera became available at the turn of the 20th century and can be traced back to the year 1900 and during the 20th century the pace of technology development in cameras and photography continued at an accelerated pace much like many other key technology developments, just like how a digital camera evolved into a DSLR. My question now is if you are ...

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Photography: Then And Now

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

10 (3,816 )

Why is the photographic image so powerful & iconic, how do they produce connections of timelessness, and emotional context + what are the perspectives around image making in addition what is its relationship to painting? In its first decades of its existence photography was labeled as "sun painting" a term coined to be contemptuous, and one which epitomized the mechanical character to the painters artistic freedom. Therefore ...

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Access and consent in public photography

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

11 (4,061 )

Difficulties in obtaining literature I thought it would be appropriate to start this chapter with a foreword, explaining the difficulties I had in obtaining relevant literature for this review. Whilst conducting an initial search for literature, it became quickly apparent that very little other primary research had been conducted on this subject. To confound matters, the only literature that had been conducted was extremely dated. As a ...

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Publishing Controversial Photographs

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

10 (3,632 )

Ephron argued that since death is part of life, readers should not be sheltered from it. She asked why photos from fatal car accidents show the wrecked vehicles and not the victims. Mangled steel is worthless; a human life is priceless. Why not capture on film the loss of that which is truly precious? (Ephron, The so-named Boston Photographs were taken in 1975 by photojournalist Stanley ...

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Photography boundaries and uses

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

4 (1,583 )

Photography from its very beginning served in a beneficial manner to democratize portraiture, expanding its boundaries and traditional uses. It no longer remained as an exclusive privilege of the aristocracy, the only class to afford it. By expanding its periphery, photographic portraiture not only complicated its function, but raised several intriguing issues in the new domains it spread to. By far, it complicated issues of identity and ...

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Postmodernism in the media

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

9 (3,426 )

Introduction to postmodernism, the media and the 'real' The increasingly mediatised culture we live in today has lead us to be dominated by and dependent upon the production and consumption of images. Notions of objectivity and empiricism in the photographic have long since disappeared, but can we still locate our sense of 'the real' in images? This dissertation will use many theories and ideas that discuss the ...

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Fine Art, Photography And Influence In Dadaism

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

4 (1,507 )

'Photography has played a controversial but an important role in the arts for the last 150 years'. The question is still debated whether photography is an art or a form of documentation seen by the eye instead of the mind. Since its beginnings, photography, as an art form has been questioned the view is that photography is not an art, but a form of mechanical reproduction, it ...

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Nan Goldin's Representation Of Gender And Sexuality

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

4 (1,211 )

In this essay I will be looking at how Nan Goldin photographs people and represents their sexuality and gender through her work as it has always been a heavy factor in her work. What does it say about the subject matter she is trying to represent? I will look at other photographers that represent sexuality and gender a lot in their work and compare how different photographers ...

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Rankin And Richard Avedon Comparison

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

6 (2,010 )

Richard Avedon and John Rankin Waddell (more commonly known as Rankin) have many similarities in their work and have also done many of the same things during their careers; this is not to say that there are no differences though. During this essay I am going to try to compare and contrast both the photographic work and the careers of two photographers. To do this I have ...

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Evolution Of Photography Over The Centuries

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

6 (2,291 )

Presentation: To my view photography it s a way to describe things, a way to express yourself and to show to the people how you feel and also to show things that you can see with your eyes at a certain moment. It s so interesting to grasp an idea in an image. This work was initially meant to tackle on the photography of the 20th century, ...

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Photography is an art

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

3 (818 )

Photography is an art that took many years and efforts of many individuals to perfect. Many different people in many different fields contributed to this light writing. Chemists, artists, inventors, and engineers all lending a crafting hand to the art. Photography can be defined as the art of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces. It is both an art and a science. As an art it ...

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Observations Of A Landscape Photographer And Architecture

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

16 (6,293 )

The objective of this thesis is to see how the ob­servations of the landscape photographer can fur­ther inform the relationship of architecture and the landscape. Observing how landscape photogra­phers perceive their subject and define the issues that influence their personal perspectives becomes the tool for better understanding issues shared by architecture. For example, framing, the role of the horizon, natural and artificial light, texture, mood, scale, geography ...

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Has Television Taken Over Photography?

08 Sep 2016 25 Apr 2017

5 (1,791 )

In the age of television and internet streaming videos, photography is no longer as pervasive a tool of social control as it used to be. Its golden age is now over, since it flourished and died along with the great dictatorships of the 20th Century. In fact, the most eloquent examples of the use of photography as a means to seduce people and annihilate their ability ...

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How Joseph Nicéphore contributed to the early development of photography.

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

4 (1,480 )

How Joseph Nicéphore contributed to the early development of photography. Born Joseph Niépce March 7th 1765, Niépce developed Heliography, a process of printing, which then lead on to the creation of world oldest surviving product of a photography process. A military veteran and previous teacher, Niépce found a passion for inventing working alongside his older brother Claude, during their time working together they made many successful ...

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Photographer: Thomas Hoepker

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

8 (3,161 )

Photographer: Thomas Hoepker Title: September 11, 2001. New York, Brooklyn Year: 2001 This photo is said to have been taken by Thomas Hoepker on the 11th of September 2001. The photo shows a group of New Yorkers relaxing in the sun in a park with clear blue water behind them and in the background the dust and smoke coming from the area in which the world ...

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The interpretation of images

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

7 (2,519 )

Does the person (or people) who produce a work (image, film, artwork etc.) ultimately control its meaning and interpretation? The relationship between a person and/or people controlling a piece of work, and thus its meaning, are closely inter-related. Photographers, for example, hold multiple theories. One photographer may concur with the notion of inter-relation, whilst another may hold an idea contradictory – theories that support a negative ...

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Different types of camera

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

5 (1,990 )

Services Provider Video Camera Normal/HD: We bring forth our vast experience and expertise in this domain, involved in providing best quality photography services with Video Camera Normal/HD.Weddings defies imagination, as people try out everything different to enhance the event and make it memorable. Your wedding is a day in your life where you can live your dream and that wonderful day of you dream is closer ...

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The decisive moment

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

8 (2,969 )

Page | 1 This essay will look at the foundation, importance, and relevance of the decisive moment. It will evaluate how this notion is perceived in today’s society and evaluate how technology has affected it throughout the years and if it became less recognisable and less consciously considered. The idea of the decisive moment was established by Henri Cartier-Bresson (August 22, 1908– August 3, 2004) and ...

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History of documentary photography

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

3 (1,197 )

For this assignment we were required to work in groups to give a formal presentation on early documentary. Specifically the biography and works of the following three 19th century photographers; Francis Frith, Rodger Fenton and Mathew Brady discussing three images of each photographer. These photographers were a few of the first to record history in the making. To explore and share the places they captured and ...

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Urban photography

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

9 (3,421 )

Understanding the definition of Urban Photography and how other practitioners can influence my images through the art of composition For my personal investigation for the first project of A2, I have decided to choose a genre that excites me and one that can challenge my creative practices. Having chosen Architecture for my theme last year, I’m going to use the Photoshop skills and camera techniques I ...

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What photography can and should document

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,859 )

The social crisis of our time, however, calls for a redefinition of what photography can and should document. Obviously, not all documentary photography has to be didactic in pointing to a possibility of social change. But there is a need for discourse among documentary photographers about the content of work, and its relationship to the social movements of our time. The social movements of our day are ...

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Diane Arbus And Weegee Photography Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,302 )

As a "people watcher," documentary photography has always been intriguing to me. I remember thinking how wonderful it was for photographers to be in the right place at the right time and wondered how they knew where to be for that perfect shot. I began carrying my camera everywhere, and started looking at my surroundings and the people in them differently. As if that perfect shot was ...

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Photography Essays - Bernd and Hilla Becher

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,208 )

Identify what you consider to be the legacy of the artist Bernd and Hilla Becher for the importance of the photographic image. ‘The modern photographer is the architect’s greatest publicist’; that is, if one considers architectural photography a dumb copying device, and a pure record that informs the onlooker only of the building and its functionality.  However banal a series of photographs depicting only water towers may ...

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Skills as a photographer

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,072 )

Annie Leibovitz was born in Connecticut on the 2nd of October, 1949. She was one of six children born to Sam and Marilyn Leibovitz, a dance instructor. In 1967, Leibovitz registered at the San Francisco Art Institute. She developed a love for photography while on a trip to Japan with her mother in the summer of her sophomore year. That autumn she started classes in photography [1]"I ...

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Photography Themes and Issues

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,985 )

Photography Themes and Issues Essay Describe how a greater understanding of the social and historical context of a body of photographic work can be useful in interpreting its meaning. You should refer to the work of an individual photographer, or of an organisation using photography, to justify your argument. In this essay I am going to look at the photographic work of Craig J Barber and ...

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Cameras are an everyday commodity

23 Mar 2015

2 (447 )

Introduction / history Cameras are an everyday commodity and are commonly used today. It is a much simpler and advance device compared to the first ever camera made; the camera obscura. It was a sliding wooden box camera with a dark chamber which consists of an optical device. The first photograph taken with the camera obscura was by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in year 1814 but the image ...

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23 Mar 2015

3 (887 )

Using a broad range of critical, satirical, and photographic texts, assess the cultural reception of photography in the mid nineteenth century. To answer this question fully, there must be a clear knowledge of the culture/society which birthed photography. The mid nineteenth century was a time of great technological advancement (most prominently industrial technologies) that bought with it significant cultural and social change. It is well known ...

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Henri Cartier Bresson And Terence Donovan Photography Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,585 )

To discuss the contextual differences of two artists. To compare and contrast two images by two different photographers. The two artists I have chosen to look at for this investigation are Henri Cartier Bresson and Terence Donovan. To compare and contrast the two images I have chosen by these artists, not only must the images be deconstructed, but the artists background. The aim is to develop an ...

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Photography Essays - History of Photography

23 Mar 2015

3 (891 )

History of Photography When you look at a photograph from your favorite photographer what do you see? Does it remind you of your past or make you think of the future? What if there was a photographer that made you think of not only the past but also the future as well? Well that is exactly what Abelardo Morell did with his Camera Obscura photographs. Abelardo Morell ...

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Digital SLR

23 Mar 2015

2 (664 )

Digital SLR In the late 1970's, compact cameras that were capable of making images on their own were introduced. Kodak was the one who produced the first digital camera back in 1991 and it was even advanced enough to be used by professionals. Throughout history, photography has greatly changed, as technology has revolutionized. During the 20th century the pace of technology development in cameras and photography ...

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Contextual Positioning Of Photographic Media Photography Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,593 )

Using one image that you feel is representative of the work of a particular photographer, movement or genre, contextually deconstruct the image, in an objective and considered way. The image I have chosen to contextually deconstruct, is one photographed by Henri Cartier- Bresson. This image was taken in 1969 it is named Sidewalk Cafe, Boulevard Diderot, Paris. To discover the socio-cultural identity of Henri Cartier- Bresson, an ...

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London Street Photography Exhibition Photography Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,254 )

This exhibition shows images of London streets taken between 1960 and 2010, some of them come from the museum archives and was not exhibited before at such a scale. Exhibition takes place in a couple of rooms in the lower level. The main exhibition space takes two rooms to the side showing films about street photography. The images are displayed in chronological order around the room, as ...

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Reception of photography

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,325 )

Using a broad range of critical, satirical, and photographic texts, assess the cultural reception of photography in the mid nineteenth century. The mid nineteenth century was a time of great technological advancement, and a more modern way of living came to be that bought with it significant cultural and social change. The industrial age was in full swing (as a consequence of the recent development of ...

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The Work Of Julius Shulman Photography Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,026 )

"The photographer assumes a role of tremendous responsibility in reporting literally as a communicator. The mind dexterity and the ability of the person with the camera can become the vehicle by which the image of architecture can be transferred to publications and the people of the world." It is a general assumption that the architectural experience is bound to the architectural work and to the direct encounter ...

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Documentary photography

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,378 )

Intro Documentary photography is extended form — that is, a work composed of a sizeable number of images. Some relation to text is a given, even if it's only minimal, as in the identification of subject, date, and location; the text may in fact be extensive. There is no external time limit implicit in this form; some documentary projects have stretched over decades. For this reason, the ...

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The Disposable Camera

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,537 )

The Disposable Camera Brief This report aims to explain and understand the fundamental workings behind the popular and revolutionary disposable camera. The connection between the Lens and the Film will have most emphasis and explanation where appropriate. This will be achieved by a physical dismantling and any online information available. Introduction Photography is undoubtedly one of the most important inventions in history. It has enabled people to ...

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Photography Essays - Monstrous Imagery

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,797 )

Chasing the Dragon: Capturing the Significance of the Monstrous Chapter One: What is a monster? There are perhaps two kinds of monster: the monster that sprung from our own hands and changed into something uncontrollable, and the monster that is experienced as alien, preternatural, generally an unfathomable creature, and frightening because of its mystery. It is impossible to decide which is more frightening, since both suggest ...

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Documentary practice

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,474 )

Documentary practice is the method of creating documentary information to explain or help others observe historical or current events. In the middle of the 1950s industrial developments made film and then video more convenient and inexpensive therefore allowing more people to be involved in the practice of documenting. An example of this would be an ordinary citizen being able to capture the political world as changing events ...

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Impact Magnum Has Had On Photography Photography Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,488 )

Magnum Agency was created in the 1947 just after Second World War .Agency was formed by photographers themselves Henri Cartier Bresson, Robert Capa, George Rodger and David "Chim" Seymour. They created Magnum to show their independence as photographers but also as a people who highlighted not only what was seen but the way one sees it. After the destruction to the world as a consequence of the ...

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Nans Goldin

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,403 )

Nans Goldin Introduction If a still image can speak, it will tell you stories that will capture your imagination. It can describe how the photographer feels when taking the shot; it can also explain the emotions by the subjects to which the photograph has been taken, what the ambience of the location was and what the main feelings are during the poses. Even if the subject ...

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Life And Work Of Barbara Kruger Photography Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,728 )

Even though some may challenge the ideological messages behind Barbara Kruger's work in the 1980's, it brought about a change in society. She criticizes everything that is wrong with the stereotypical society using a conceptual approach to her artwork. Kruger challenges gender, sex, religion, consumerism, greed, power and her work becomes fueled by the mass media. Kruger was born in 1945 in Newark, New Jersey. In 1964, ...

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Photography Essays - Art and Media

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,568 )

Using examples, discuss the relationship between art and the mass media. Introduction: The relationship between art and media has always been heavily symbiotic, a fact acknowledged only relatively recently, with the ironic wink of “pop” art in the fifties, but nevertheless the connection has always been present and empowering to both “high” culture and society’s consumers. Consumer culture and art have invaded each other’s territories to the ...

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