Memory and Language Acquisition

23 Mar 2015 02 Jan 2018

6 (2,177 )

Memory and language acquisition Abstract The study of second language acquisition through the analysis of the language learners mental process and strategies seeing how researchers investigate on language learning and processing;how they collect the data;which factors,mechanisms and processes they examine for constracting and testing theories.The exploration of human mind following the cognitive psychology theories applying to the Multi-store memory model (Atkinsons and Shiffrin) and the Working memory ...

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Why Is English Considered a Global Language?

03 Oct 2016 02 Jan 2018

5 (1,973 )

Abstract This project aims to show us why the English known as a global language and why other languages do not have this ability. Also introduce some other languages such as Chinese that can be replaced with English and their capability of being a global one. Key words: english , global , language , capability. Introduction We all are able to communicate freely with one language ...

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Sociolinguistics as a Way of Adjustment in Conversation

23 Mar 2015 02 Jan 2018

5 (1,717 )

INTRODUCTION This study is aiming to examine how different strategies and processes are used in sociolinguistics as a way of adjustment of the writer's manner of address in relation to his or her perception of the addressee. This is a complex process of change within the dynamics of conversation and writing. (Giles/Powesland 1975). It is often said that convergence seems to be the rule in media language. ...

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Development of Early Child Narratology

30 Oct 2017

5 (1,839 )

Aims: I aim to evaluate how the structure and composition of early child narratology develops and evolves with age. To conduct this evaluation I will approach local primary schools for examples of short narrative texts written by Key stage 1 pupils (4-7), to serve as empirical data. I will assess these texts by employing the six part Labovian narrative model and analysing the presence and frequency ...

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Analysis of Obama's Speeches

03 Oct 2016 02 Oct 2017

8 (3,130 )

Style-Shifting in President Obama’s speeches Abstract President Obama is known to shift style during his speeches through his tenure. The style-shift of the President Obama speech can denoted to the audience. As presented in the research, President Obama does deliberately use the African America Vernacular English variant in the speech while speaking to the Black audience. However the ...

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Discourse of Language in Our Lives

03 Oct 2016 02 Oct 2017

6 (2,088 )

Discourse of Language in Our Lives Introduction When a human start living in this world, then he adopts set of rules and properties that become his identity and sometimes there are certain traits that will define live and become our identification. The way which we adopt in our lives and the method that we use become the part of our identity and we are then recognized ...

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History and Application of Translation

28 Jul 2017 19 Sep 2017

5 (1,994 )

 L. Saunders 1. History of translation Language is the most important process in people s lives either if it's written, spoken or non-verbal. People would not be able to socialize or interact without language. Across the centuries just as people built bridges to link cities,people used language interpreters and translators in order to built bridges between other cultures. What exactly translation is? Sonia Colina ...

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Analysis of Media Text

28 Jul 2017 19 Sep 2017

7 (2,445 )

TMA02 The first analysed text is an article published in 2016 in Guardian: "Maria Sharapova provisionally banned from tennis after revealing failed drug tests", written by Carpenter. (Appendix 1) This will be compared against "Maria Sherapova hits out at the media coverage of failed drug test scandal", by N.Evans, published in Mirror in the same year. Despite the fact that these texts have some similarities, ...

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Discourse Analysis of Opening Speeches at Shangri La

28 Jul 2017 07 Sep 2017

12 (4,660 )

INTRODUCTION Rationale Under the growing trend towards globalization, English is known as the most preferable language used in every field of man's life. No one can deny the usefulness of this language in enhancing international communication among individuals, organizations, as well as nations in this fast-changing world. Not surprisingly, English is a tool for countries all over the world to participate fully in the international ...

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The Process of Literary Translation

28 Jul 2017 07 Sep 2017

4 (1,545 )

2.1 Literary Translation Translation process is an artistic communication between the author, the translator and the reader and the words used by the translator constitutes the major part in the process of communicating ideas or feelings of the author. "Literature is both the condition and the place of artistic communication between senders and addressees or the public" (Basnett,2002) The translator is the first one who ...

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Leon's Theory of Language Development

28 Jul 2017

3 (977 )

The learning process of language in children is shaped by the social phenomena that the child is immersed in, where these social phenomena be non-verbal or verbal dyadic or polyadic interactions between the child and others. Lourdes De Leon's (1998) paper The Emergent Participant: Interactive Patterns in the Socialization of Tzotzil (Mayan) Infants demonstrates how different social activities that a child is immersed in reflect ...

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Prototype Theory

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

8 (3,093 )

Keywords: prototype theory linguistics, prototype theory in semantics PROTOTYPE THEORY and DEFINITIONS: THE ROLE OF BASIC FACTORS, LEARNT KNOWLEDGE and CULTURE - a small-scale empirical study - 1. Introduction The purpose of the present empirical research paper is to investigate how Prototype Theory works in defining categories in real life. The theory was introduced by Rosch (1975) in order to explain how semantic categories are represented ...

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Vocabulary Learning Strategies

23 Mar 2015 27 Jun 2017

10 (3,814 )

Keywords: china learning styles, chinese education style Related researches in China In China, researches on students' learning styles have attracted a lot of researchers to this area. The most impressive researches are conducted by Wang Churning (1988) and Hu Xiaoqiong (1997). Employing Reid's Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSP), Wang Churning (1988) conducted a large scale research in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. The participants were 490 ...

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The Future of British Sign Language

23 Mar 2015 24 May 2017

7 (2,601 )

Keywords: bsl structure, changes in sign language, modern day bsl The future of British sign language: Towards one variety or a variety of languages. When discussing the future of British Sign Language we must first define sign language and British Sign Language (BSL). Sign language is a visually based language that uses signs to represent specific words or phrases. There are numerous different types and varieties of ...

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Organization Development

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

9 (3,222 )

Executive Summary Organizational development process is considered to be an integral part of an organization, its strategic formulation and managing day-to-day activities. Considering these aspects, the purpose of this work and the attempt made inthat regard is to define the component of organizational development, its integration and tocreateand examine organizational development (OD) concepts and its application is real organization based in UAE. For that reason, a need ...

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Definitions of Styles and Learning Styles

23 Mar 2015 10 May 2017

4 (1,488 ) Definitions of Styles and Learning Styles Styles Before reviewing the literature of learning styles, it is necessary to know the definition of "styles". The concept of "styles" was first put forward by cognitive psychologists. Brown (2002: 104) defines style as "a term that refers to consistent and rather enduring tendencies or preferences within an individual." Therefore, styles are those general characteristics of intellectual functioning (and ...

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What is Linguistics?

03 Oct 2016 08 May 2017

9 (3,296 )

The mighty one creates an extraordinary perfect creature among the other creatures that is called human. Human being has a highly developed brain since Adam who is the first mankind came to the earth. When he was born, God gave him three potential gifts of life in order to live on; they were physical needs, instincts, and mind. Mind as one of three potential gifts that human ...

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Learning styles in language learning

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

20 (7,875 )

Chapter 2 Literature Review In this chapter, the author briefly reviewed the literature related to this study. notion of learning styles including definition of the key terms, categories of learning styles, and Oxford's theory on language learning styles were first reviewed. Then the author examined the gender and foreign language learning theories related to learning styles. Finally, the author reviewed previous studies that have been made on ...

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Spoken language vs written language

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

2 (550 )

Thes is statement: It is more difficult to understand the spoken language than the written language for some reasons. Annotated Bibliography Ridgway, T. (2000). Listening strategies- I beg your pardon? ELT Journal Volume 54/2 Oxford: Oxford University Press In the essay, Tony Ridgway writes about the basic differences between the spoken and the written language, furthermore, he clarifies the main disparities between spoken and written texts. In ...

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Learning strategies and styles

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

23 (8,864 )

Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Learning Strategies Learning strategies are steps taken by students to enhance their own learning. Strategies are especially important for language learning because they are tools for active, self-directed involvement, which is essential for developing communicative competence. Appropriate language learning strategies result in improved proficiency and greater self-confidence. Throughout history, the best language students have used strategies ranging from naturalistic language practice techniques ...

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The change kaleidoscope

03 Oct 2016 28 Feb 2017

10 (3,742 )

Table of content Introduction Describe the strategic change context in 2002, at the start of the change process at Faslane. You should apply Balogun and hope Hailey’s change Kaleidoscope and discuss your findings. You should also briefly describe the type of change (use Balogun and hope Hailey’s type of changes model). You may additionally use any other relevant academic reading to develop and support your ...

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Learning a second language

03 Oct 2016 28 Feb 2017

5 (1,945 )

1 Can learning an L2 cause L1 attrition? Attrition is the non-pathological, not age-related loss of a language. Speakers learning a second language often experience a change in the way they process their native language, a process called L1 attrition. L1 attrition often occurs in migrant individuals, since they immerse themselves fully into another language. It is expected that, as someone learns an L2 in an ...

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Thought and Language

23 Feb 2017

5 (1,996 )

Keywords: linguistic theory, mould theories, cloak theory, sapir-whorf In the field of linguistic theory, the relation between thought and language is still an emerging topic of discussion. Different linguists and psychologists stand on different views and continued their argument to define this relation whether they are interdependent or independent. Broad categories of views are present and converging theories are yet to be gained. The two extreme thought ...

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Linguistics Essays - William Labov

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,268 )

William Labov’s narrative analysis differs from some of the earlier approaches in that his method focuses on oral narrative instead of written text. William Labov’s narrative analysis differs from some of the earlier approaches in that his method focuses on oral narrative instead of written text. Earlier linguists, such as Ferdinand de Saussure, believed in a structural approach. This meant that language had to be approached as ...

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Spoken language versus written language

23 Mar 2015

2 (634 )

Spoken vs. written language Not so long time ago, the written language played much bigger role in second language learners' life than the spoken language. According to Brown (2000) "Today the importance of teaching the spoken language is universally acknowledged" (p. 1). For example, many scientists state that people should learn speaking and listening, as well as writting and reading; furthermore, learners should spend more energy on ...

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Literature review on learning styles

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,187 )

Chapter 2 Literature review on learning styles 2.1 Background of learning styles Learning styles have received considerable attention in recent years. There are more than 20 style dimensions that have been identified so far. It has come out of the more general research on cognitive styles, particularly from the field of psychology. The earliest and frequently discussed dimension of learning styles is the concept of field dependence ...

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The House of the Spirits

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,042 )

How is humour used to unravel the natures of the main characters and why is it used for the main theme of social injustice in Isabel Allende's The House of the Spirits and Ferdinand Oyono's Houseboy? Humour is defined as writings and other material created to make people laugh[1]. It has been used to grasp the attention of the readers, with its main purpose being to entertain. ...

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Contribution of right hemisphere to language

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,742 )

THE IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION OF THE RIGHT HEMISPHERE TO LANGUAGE 10 The Important Contribution of the Right Hemisphere to Language Cheimonidou Panagiota ELTE Abstract Does the right hemisphere of the brain have any contribution to linguistic function? The argument of this research paper is that it does. Language is not lateralized only to the left hemisphere of the brain. Although this thesis is challenged, it can be ...

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Different kinds of motivation

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,307 )

The importance of different kinds of motivation in SL learning The presence of different types of motivation can be really helpful for the language learner to achieve the best possible results in the learning process. Indeed, it is difficult to think of any kind of learning without motivation. Although too high levels of enthusiasm may backfire (and cause anxiety), it is inevitable to possess a healthy level ...

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Matching the Differences in Grammar

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,873 )

Matching the Differences in Grammar and Lexicon in Translation Process Introduction In Nida's view, "Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style" (Nida, Eugene A., 1975: 14). In other words, translation is the process of transformation from a speech product (or text) produced in one language to a speech ...

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CLT as a language teaching

23 Mar 2015

2 (557 )

Thesis Statement and Annotated Bibliography 05 March 2010 Thesis Statement Teachers usually use CLT as a language teaching method, however, in Bax's opinion CLT should be replaced by Context Approach. Annotated Bibliography Bax, S. (2003). The end of CLT: a context approach to language teaching. In ELT Journal Volume 57/3 (pp. 278-287). Oxford University Press. Bax's article argues that CLT plays a hugely dominant role in language ...

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Humanistic language teaching

23 Mar 2015

2 (668 )

Argumentative Essay A beneficial method: Humanistic Language Teaching Nowadays, a great variety of teaching methods and techniques are known and used in the fields of universal education and language teaching. Although all of them aspire to make students' and teachers' efforts successful, each of them does it in a slightly different way, namely, by concentrating on various components of the learning process. Humanistic language teaching is a ...

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Strategical approach of comprehension

23 Mar 2015

2 (630 )

Disadvantages of the Strategical Approach of Comprehension For students of English, it is listening comprehension that usually seems to be the hardest to master among the different skills of language learning. Therefore, there are numerous theories published in order to make listening tasks more effective and to devise more useful types of practice. One of these methods proposes the separate improvement of particular sub-skills, of which listening ...

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Plagiarism and student's cultural differences

23 Mar 2015

2 (595 )

Plagiarism And Student's Cultural Differences Are Not Directly Connected In Higher Education Plagiarism is a serious issue to consider in higher education. Cultural values definitely play an important role while students attend university, but I do not think that the mere fact of being educated in a country with different cultural values may lead to a higher occurrence of plagiarism amongst the papers of foreign students. This ...

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Irregular verbs

23 Mar 2015

3 (985 )

How do native English children acquire irregular verbs? The process of how children acquire their first language is a widely investigated phenomenon. Some researchers and experts agree that every child has a special language learning device, which enables them to learn a language very effectively. Numerous researches have been conducted on the different stages of first language acquisition. One of these stages is the process of verb ...

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Monolingual and bilingual childre

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,096 )

Developmental differences between monolingual and bilingual children The first language acquisition of infants is an astonishing and remarkable phenomenon on its own. It is unbelievable what knowledge these children can acquire in such a short period. There are certain cases, however, when these infants were born into bilingual families: that is, families where parents speak different languages. Bilingual children, thus, are the ones who need to acquire ...

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Comparative Analysis on Kikuyu

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,832 )

Comparative Analysis on Kikuyu within the SPE and Post-SPE Framework Term Paper for Foundations of Phonology Course Introduction This paper aims at observing the data set of Kikuyu language. Two frameworks are compared, i.e. the Sound Pattern of English (henceforth; SPE), and Post SPE (Autosegmental Phonology). Within the discussion, approaches form other theories will also be highlighted; however, the main point addressed in this paper is ...

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Four quartets

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,511 )

"Four Quartets" in the Light of Eliot's Critical Theory "Four Quartets" is one of the most serious and longest poems of T S Eliot. It is very much philosophical in its tone and theme. Eliot considered "Four Quartets" his masterpiece (Johnston: 2005), as it draws upon his knowledge of mysticism and philosophy of life. It consists of four long poems, Burnt Norton, East Coker, The Dry ...

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Literature Review of Language Learning Strategies

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,176 )

Chapter 1 Literature Review of Language Learning Strategies 1.1 Introduction Research into language learning strategies began in the 1960s, particularly , development in cognitive psychology influenced much of the research done on language learning strategies (Williams & Burden 2000 :149). Since then, there has been a prominent shift within the field of language learning and teaching with greater emphasis being put on learners and learning rather than ...

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Language teaching methods

23 Mar 2015

2 (635 )

Language teaching methods The debate concerning language teaching methods has a long tradition. Although there is language teaching in all countries, many countries developed their own language pedagogy.  For many years English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers used the same language pedagogy everywhere namely Communicative Language Teaching. CLT is now the ruling, central paradigm in language teaching, which has shaped the thinking of the teachers. Teachers ...

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Malay Speech Corpus

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,246 )

CHAPTER 3 MALAY SPEECH CORPUS 3.1 Introduction The knowledge related to the structure of the rules and grammar for any language must be understood in depth prior to the development of any Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems. This chapter is intended to discuss the related issues concerning the Malay language and its speech sounds.  The Malay corpus and the test collections used for this study are also ...

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The importance of vocabulary knowledge

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,244 )

Introduction CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and motivation The aim of the present thesis is to investigate the relationship between EFL learners' depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge[1] and the extent to which vocabulary knowledge contributes to listening comprehension in English as a foreign language[2]. Over the last 20 years vocabulary has assumed a more prominent role within the field of second language acquisition research, and vocabulary ...

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The Importance Of Translating Messages

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,070 )

One of the main concerns of translation studies is the problem of accuracy: how much freedom the translator is allowed when interpreting a text from one language into another; whether he/she has to concentrate on the content or on the "atmosphere" of the piece of literature. In this paper, by comparing and contrasting the theory of Noam Chomsky (as presented in Syntactic Structures, 1957) and the one ...

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Culture of multilingual students

23 Mar 2015

2 (527 )

Annotated Bibliography Sowden, C. (2005). Point and counterpoint. Plagiarism and the culture of multilingual students in higher education abroad. ELT Journal, Volume 59/3 July 2005. doi : 10. 1093/elt/ccio42. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sowden's research investigates multilingual students possessing different cultural values considering plagiarism in academic writing. In the introduction, the importance of avoiding stereotyping and respecting foreign traditions are mentioned as a main criteria. Instead of ...

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Syntactical Structure Of The Language Of Law

23 Mar 2015

47 (18,450 )

1. Introduction Legal language. Once an almost magical language of words of stipulation and oaths that should have impressed its subjects and submit them in awe to its absolute obedience. Now, it may be said that the awe has disappeared, but the magic of the language of the law somehow persists, mainly due to its so called vices - unintelligibility or wordiness. Everyday situations and relationships are ...

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