Home Automation Project Development

23 Mar 2015 02 Jan 2018

7 (2,557 )

Introduction Technology In saying "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" to conclude that man since the dawn of history has sought to facilitate his creativity to invite tools that helped him to live from Stone Age to Cooper, Bronze, and Iron Ages that each age developed the following age. He built growth of the ancient civilizations such as Egyptians that invented and used many simple machines and ...

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Key Worker Living Scheme Analysis

23 Mar 2015 02 Jan 2018

6 (2,053 )

Key Workers Conference Abstract Affordable housing in London is an issue which affects many individuals and the problem of affordable housing is particularly of concern to poorer sectors within London and those in low paid employment (Greater London Authority (2005) 1) (Pacione, M. (1997) 8) and (Greater London Authority (2006) 1). This is a situation which remains unchanged by the fact that there are schemes in ...

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Research Methodology for Housing Research

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

9 (3,288 )

Chapter 3 3.0 Methodology This chapter will discuss the research methodology available for the study and consider the methods applicable for use and will present how the research will be implemented and how to arrive at pertinent findings. 3.1 Introduction The intention of the author is to find the most feasible method to look at the links between previous research and theories on the housing industry and ...

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Impact of the Homelessness Act 2002

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

6 (2,263 )

Assessing the new homelessness strategies introduced by the Homelessness Act 2002; are the housing needs of the young homeless in the UK closer to being adequately addressed? Abstract: The proposed research will examine the impacts of the Homelessness Act 2002 on homelessness policy and practice throughout the United Kingdom, with specific focus towards the housing needs of those homeless persons aged 16-25. The research will examine the ...

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Effects of Renewable Energy in Nigeria

23 Mar 2015 19 Dec 2017

13 (4,901 )

AN INTRODUCTORY REVIEW: We are in the era, where we regularly envisage different sort of problems, some have a severe distress in it and some are like to be flash instantly. Poverty, financial instability, unemployment are some of the basic problems our society have faced from a number of years, but apart from that problems there are such problems which really makes the world like a hell. ...

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Social Benefits of Diversifying Residential Units

14 Aug 2017 20 Sep 2017

10 (3,617 )

POTENTIAL SOCIAL BENEFITS OF DIVERSIFYING RESIDENTIAL UNITS DESIGN AS SMART GROWTH CITY PRINCIPLE IN URBAN AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Tan Wan Joo1, Lam Tuck Lone2 and Meor Mohammad Fared3 Master in Architecture1,2, Assoc. Professor3 Faculty of Design and Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor. ABSTRACT In the recent years, urban affordable housing has been experiencing significant high rise residential growth. It is forecasted that the change that ...

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PR1MA Group Housing Affordability

26 Jul 2017 20 Sep 2017

22 (8,496 )

AFFORDABILITY RATE AMONG PR1MA RECIPIENTS IN PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA Nur Aini Syafawani Binti Umar1 ,Shirley Tan2 and Mohd Zairul bin Mohd Nor3 Master of Architecture (M. Arch) Faculty of Design and Architecture University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Abstract A house is one of the basic important needs for humans. According to Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Article 17, "Everyone has the right to own ...

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Determinants for Demand in Private Housing

19 Sep 2017

7 (2,779 )

Principle determinants of demand for private housing. The dominant factor is price. Providing all of the other factors remain equal, one would expect a fall in price to increase demand. This increase occurs for two reasons. Firstly, the product has become better value for money and therefore becomes a preferred area of expenditure for consumers. Secondly, it enables consumers to purchase the product in ...

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Fire Safety Principles Analysis

18 Sep 2017

22 (8,576 )

The aim of this report is to survey existing means of fire escape in a number of local houses of multiple occupations with a view to give recommendations for the preparations of a guide for fire escape in houses of multiple occupations. For that purpose, a comprehensive literature review of fire safety principles as well as fire escape issues is required. A set of survey criteria ...

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Benefits of Buying a House

26 Jul 2017 06 Sep 2017

3 (982 )

Buying a house is one of the smartest financial decisions a person can make. People have been reluctant to invest in a house for many reasons. Among the reasons are decreasing home values, high student debt, the volatile job market, and other reasons. This reluctance has caused a drop in homeownership, especially by the millennial generation. Many people rent because it is easier and seems ...

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Turnkey Rental Properties Investment

26 Jul 2017

5 (1,720 )

A type of rental property that many first-time or younger investors like to try their hand at is a turnkey rental. The term "turnkey" describes any product, property or otherwise, that is ready for the consumer immediately after the time of purchase. When the term is used to describe real estate investments, it's meant that the investor buys, fixes up, and sells or rents the property ...

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Preparing a Home for Resale

26 Jul 2017

5 (1,936 )

While staging a home or apartment is technically optional during the selling process, it really shouldn't be. The home you're trying to sell is the same as any other commodity: it needs to be marketed. It should be made appealing to the type of person you are trying to sell it to, and if you skimp on this step, you run the risk of ending ...

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Housing and Sustainable Development

23 Mar 2015 11 Jul 2017

8 (2,934 )

Keywords: sustainable housing, sustainable housing development 1. What is ‘Sustainable' development? Sustainable development is a very simple proposal of very high significance, which suggests achieving equilibrium between economic, social and environmental issues and concerns. “If we are to maintain and improve the quality of our own lives and pass that quality on to future generations, we must use finite natural resources in an efficient way without waste, ...

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Choice based letting system

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

4 (1,356 )

Committee report on the advantages and disadvantages of choice based letting. Summary This report sets out the advantages and disadvantages of moving to a choice based letting system. 1. Introduction. 1.1. The Communities and Local Government Department introduced the Choice-based Letting (CBL) scheme in 2001 as a pilot programme. The programme was intended to offer ‘choice' and make more ‘transparent' the letting procedure to the consumer. Based ...

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Leadership style of reflective hospitality managers

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

4 (1,354 )

1. Introduction The choice of a suitable leadership style of hospitality industry can be seen as the requirement of the features of the industry that is based on the experience of both sides, i.e., the experience of guests in consuming the service and the experience of the managers in running the hospitality businesses (Banks, L. 1997). Here, there are two relationships that are important in influencing the ...

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Housing need and demand

03 Oct 2016 27 Feb 2017

8 (2,957 )

1 Student Number: C1159011 Module: CP0324 Q.2 In assessing current and future housing requirements how would you distinguish between the concepts of housing need and housing demand? Housing need and demand are planning issues for many countries around the world, it’s important that “adequate shelter is available and accessible to meet the needs of an ever-increasing population in ...

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Poor health and poor housing

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,062 )

Introduction There is an abundance of evidence and a long established link to support that poor health and poor housing are inextricably linked. The World Health Organisations' definition of health (1946) is a: ‘state of complete physical, mental and social well-being', demonstrating that health is as much a social issue as a biological issue. Pevalin et al, 2008, explain that ‘establishing that poor housing conditions are a ...

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Implementing continuous improvement in hospitality sector

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,851 )

1. Title: The research title of this proposal is “Implementing Continuous Improvement In Hospitality Sector”. 2. Introduction Organizations today operate in an extremely competitive environment where service quality and customer satisfaction are paramount. If organizations are to continually improve and meet higher standards in future they must be prepared for continuous and sustainable change. Organizations will need to continually identify where they are and where they need ...

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House prices in uk

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,207 )

Introduction According to a new study from Halifax one of the largest mortgage lenders. House prices in UK have beaten inflation over the past 50 years. It says that have risen 273% between 1959 and 2009 an average of 2.7% annually. But if measured by current prices, it's uneven. The fastest growth was from 1999 to 2009 by 5% and in previous decade i.e. from 1989 and ...

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Industry Forces and the Generic Strategies

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,049 )

Chapter 2 2.0 Literature Review In this chapter, the author will review the literature concerning Michael Porter's Five Competitive Industry Forces and the Generic Strategies. This study centres on the housing industry and draws parallels to studies done by others. The author will critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the model. 2.1 Background Numerous studies have been done around the world to develop and market ...

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Creative about recruiting

23 Mar 2015

2 (598 )

Question 1: How can Helen and Jesse be creative about recruiting top-notch people for the housekeeping department? Helen and Jesse have to create an atmosphere in which people believe in strategy, believe in management decisions, and believe in their work in order to create recruiting top-notch people for the housekeeping department. Additionally, people believe in management decisions, there is an enthusiasm within an organization. According to Chowdhury, ...

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Student investment properties

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,743 )

2.0 Introduction Property assets such as land and buildings are key resources for all types of organizations. Since there are a lots of demand in the property market, it caused investors started investing in property assets. Residential property is one of the target sectors to invest from investor's speculation. However, investing in student property market (student investment properties) has become a new type of investing trend ...

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The uk housing sector

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,834 )

Introduction The UK housing sector has been under the shadow of ‘Credit Crunch' since June 2007, which initiated from United States and began to cover the globe. Not only the construction industry, but all the other industries including textiles etc. were affected due to this. The housing sector was flourishing day by day as more projects where introduced and the log books were filled till next couple ...

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