Ergonomic Tools Assessing Musculoskeletal Injury Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,712 )

Musculoskeletal injury (MSI) as define by Part 4, section 4.46 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation of as an injury or disorder of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves, blood vessels or related soft tissue including a strain, sprain and inflammation, that may be caused or aggravated by work. Musculoskeletal injury (MSI) has become, a common type of injury in the workplace resulting in lost in ...

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Health Care Policy And Legislature Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,825 )

This paper explores a nurses role in health care, policies implemented, and the legislative process in which they operate. Nurses are not only advocates for themselves; they are also an advocate for their patients. Therefore, it is important for nurses to be active in lobbying for much needed policies that concern their healthcare and wellbeing. It sheds some light on various organizations set into place in which ...

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Oral Health Problems In Children Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,586 )

Dental caries is the most common oral health problem in children. It is not a new phenomenon in children. Dental caries can arise in early childhood as an aggressive tooth decay that affects the primary teeth of infants and toddlers. Caries constitutes the single most common chronic disease of childhood, affecting as many as 40-50% of U.S. and British children (Pitts et al., 2007) and 60-90% of ...

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Disease Process Of Herpes Zoster Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,193 )

This paper will describe the disease process of Herpes Zoster. Herpes Zoster more commonly referred to as Shingles is an acute, unilateral, and segmental inflammation of sensory nerve roots. Herpes Zoster will be referred to as Shingles hereafter in this paper. The first section of this paper will explain the epidemiology of Shingles. This will include prevalence, mortality, and morbidity using the latest statistics available. The second ...

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Amputation Of Arms And Legs Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,117 )

Multiple health need is a theoretical account to have an comprehensive view on multiple interwebbing needs of a client which pairs health and social issues. There cannot be a common frame work for the complex needs for all, but it is individual specific and need separate response from care givers. (Rankin & Regan) Client Discussion A 37 year old client named Mr Shaiju came to the emergency ...

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Study Of The Therasuit Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,471 )

Therasuit is a breathable, supportive dynamic device that is composed of cap, vest, shorts, and kneepads, which are interconnected by a series of elastic bands 1. This unique approach helps accelerate progress in motor skills and enhance the functional skills in children who suffer from Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay, Traumatic Brain Injuries and other neurological and sensory disorders 2,3. This new treatment tool is inspired by the ...

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Review Pain Management For Neonates Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

18 (6,806 )

Review of literature is defined as a critical summary of review on a topic of interest, often prepared to put a research problem in contest (Polit & Beck,2006). The review of literature in the research report is a summary of current knowledge about a particular practice problem and includes what is known and not known about the problem. The literature is reviewed to summarize knowledge for use ...

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Violence Against Nurses In Psychiatric Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,599 )

Violence is currently prevalent in every sphere of social life. Nowadays, health care personnel are facing more harsh behaviours than ever before, here in Jordan. The rising rate of violence in health care settings has become a major problem for nurses. Nurses are at considerable risk of occupational (work-related) violence. Working primarily in psychiatric departments resulted in an increased risk for both physical assault and non-physical violence ...

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The Benefits Of Health Care Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,566 )

This year, President Barrack Obama has signed into law the health reform bill that lowers down health care costs for American people, families and small scale businesses. The legislation expands to cover millions of Americans, ends the bad practices of insurance companies and strengthens consumer health protection (Jennings 2). Discussions I am positive about the healthcare reform legislation. I believe in equality and fairness of the bill. ...

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Determinants Of Infant Mortality Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,492 )

The infant mortality rate of African American newborns within the first year of life is more than twice that of white newborns and higher per 1,000 deaths than any other racial or ethnic group in the United States. Using social ecological model as the theoretical framework, the goal is to understand the causes of racially disparate infant mortality rates. This paper will present health disparities and related ...

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The Epidemiology Of Tuberculosis Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,846 )

The purpose of this paper is to inform and educate the reader of the mechanisms that make up the respiratory disease called tuberculosis. This paper addresses the history, the study of the disease, and how it affects the health of the human population and its environmental welfare. This study's intent is to examine and consider the epidemiology triad, symptoms, diagnostic test, isolation, treatment, Koch's Postulates, investigation, surveillance, ...

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Dietary Diversity And Nutrition Status Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,857 )

Low birthweight (LBW) is defined as a body weight at birth less than 2500grams. Its main causes include prematurity (born before 37 weeks gestation) in developed countries and Intrauterine Growth Retardation - IUGR (restrained foetal growth) in developing countries (ACN/SCN, 2000). Relationship between health of mother and child has also been established, maternal nutritional and health status is an important determinant of child's health and nutritional outcome. ...

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The Delivery Of Health Care Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,951 )

I am looking into the delivery of health care in the NHS. I will be looking at the original remits of the NHS, the ideological and political context in which the NHS was formed and also looking into the governments new White Paper "Liberating the NHS". Other areas I will be looking into include; the political and ethical issues that are involved in the inequalities in provision ...

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Radiation Exposure In Intraoral Radiography Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,812 )

Dental radiography is one of the most frequent types of radiological procedures performed. One of the projections that have been done in the dental radiography is the intraoral radiography, which means the film is put inside the patient's mouth. The intraoral can be divided into four, which are bitewing view, periapical view, occlusal view and full mouth series. There are conventional intraoral radiography and another one, with ...

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Nutrition In Elderly Client Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,231 )

Factors that may contribute to altered nutrition in elderly. Introduction: Factors influencing nutritional status in elderly persons may be divided into three categories: psychological, social, and medical. For instance, psychological disorders such as depression and dementia are highly correlated with loss of body weight in nursing homes and are the major causes of weight loss in free-living elderly individuals. In addition, numerous studies have suggested that social ...

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Exchange Of Suprapubic Catheter Protocol Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,151 )

A suprapubic catheter is a urinary drainage system inserted into the bladder via an incision through the anterior abdominal wall, and may be is used when a urethral catheter is contraindicated. A suprapubic catheter is a popular choice for patients having to have long-term catheter placement and replaces the need for an indwelling catheter. Suprapubic catheters consist of 4% of hospitalized patients with urethral catheters in situ ...

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The Evolution Of Telemedicine Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,448 )

Who would have ever imagined that a doctor's visit could be conducted through a phone-line, video, or the use of a computer 1000 plus miles away? Medical records can be view by another medical professional for a second opinion three counties away before you arrive. A radiologist in Singapore has diagnosis your femur fracture here in the United States. Medical diagnosis, treatment and consultations are being performed ...

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Canadian Model Of Occupational Performance Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,674 )

Various literatures suggest different terminologies in occupational therapy depending on the school of thought. Hence, it is imperative to bring significance to underpinning words for the purpose of this assignment. National Health Service (NHS) define occupational therapy as the evaluation and treatment of physical and psychiatric conditions using definite and purposeful activities to prevent disability and encourage independent functions in all aspects of daily life (www.nhscareers.nhsuk, 2008). ...

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Canadian Healthcare System Wait Time Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,327 )

Health care in Canada is offered through a publicly financed health care system. It is without charge at the point of use, and private bodies offer the majority of its services. The Canadian healthcare system is governed by the requirements of the Canada Health Act. The Canadian government, through this act, guarantees the quality of healthcare through federal norms. However, the government does not play a part ...

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Health Locus Of Control Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,999 )

This study is about the affect of health value on health locus of control. There are two groups of participant: High health value and Low health value. We are testing different hypothesis like, is there any relationship between health locus of control and age of the participants? Are health value and health locus of control effect each other and is gender has any correlation with health value? ...

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Smoking In England Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,469 )

Smoking is one of the major causes of preventable and premature death in the England. Smoking is a main contributory factor to the gap in mortality and healthy life expectancy between the most and least advantaged. There has been action on this public health issue by the government to protect the children and old age people. Government effort to tackle the problem of smoking gives multiple results ...

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The Professional Radiographer Role Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (919 )

Starting from 1980s, probably due to the advancement of science and technology and growth of demand of radiographers, there has been a considerable alteration in the duty and responsibility of radiographers (Brown, 2004; Williams, 2006). It is, therefore, reasonable to discuss the role of radiographer in present time. The purpose of this article is to highlight role of radiographer in terms of their duty, responsibility and role ...

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An Allied Health Professional Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,129 )

A profession can be defined as a unified occupational group, with a standardized training, high social standing, acquisition of approved qualification, legal protection and political recognition. (Morrell, 2001) The professional standards mean that knowledge and skills acquired can be applied for the delivery of a quality service. Professionals, who work in the allied medical professions, play an important role in health care services. Most of allied medical ...

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The Self Esteem Problems Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

20 (7,702 )

INTRODUCTION Self esteem is all about how much we feel valued, loved, accepted and thought well of by others and how much we value, love and accept ourselves. People with healthy self-esteem are able to feel good about them, appreciate their own worth and take pride in their abilities, skills and accomplishments. People with low self- esteem may feel as if no one will like them or ...

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The Public Health Practitioner Role Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,086 )

The writer seeks to critically analyse the role of the public health practitioner in general, taking into consideration the current socio-political context, the knowledge and skills needed for the role, challenges that exists in fulfilling the public health role and the approaches. In the second part of this work, the writer has chosen an initiative and will critically appraise how well the identified initiative meets the criteria ...

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The Story Of Josie King Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,385 )

The story of Josie King is one that shook the hospital health care system in 2001. Josie King was an 18 month-old that died from complications of treatment at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. Josie was originally admitted to the hospital with second and third degree burns over 60 percent of her body. During care, Josie had received a lethal dose of methadone after which she died as ...

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Health Care Reform 2010 Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,536 )

US healthcare system was inefficient despite of spending 15% of GDP during 2006 which was more than three times than in 1960. Ten years back, the health care system of USA was announced to be broken and in future it didn't improve. Managed care did not make visible the fixes promises. The rates of premium are increasing. The irritation of patients as well physicians flourish. The study ...

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Treatment Of Clostridium Difficile Infection Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,084 )

As a nurse working in acute medical ward for elderly, I work closely with patients with C. difficile infection. I have noticed the effect of C. difficile infection in elderly can be fatal. C. difficile is a gram positive anaerobic bacillus. They colonise in the oxygen deficient areas of the body. That can cause life threatening conditions, including diarrhoea, colitis and septicaemia and resulting death. C. difficile ...

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The Orthodontic Tooth Movement Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,532 )

Orthodontics tooth movement is achieved by delivering a constant controlled force to the teeth. The duration of the force applied is the key factor for successful tooth movement rather than the force magnitude. The aim of the orthodontics treatment is to achieve good occlusion with minimal side effects. Several factors should be considered during the orthodontic treatment such as force type, force magnitude and the duration of ...

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Using Semi Structured Interviews Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,754 )

Before initiating the interviews, approximately eighteen semi-structured questions were formulated, some of which were changed or re-worded during the course of the interview. Interview subjects were selected based on their position. The name of the delegation leader for each African member state was obtained from the UNFCCC secretariat. For certain member states, where the leading delegate was unable to be interviewed due to security reasons or timing, ...

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Knowledge And Attitudes On Diabetes Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,021 )

The purpose of this study is to determine the knowledge and attitudes on diabetes mellitus among Type II diabetes mellitus patients in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Past studies showed below average understanding and mixed attitudes among diabetic patients regarding Type II diabetes mellitus. Knowledge of diabetes will be limited only to its causes. Specific objectives of the study will be: 1. describe respondents' profile in terms of age, ...

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Literature Review On Plantar Fasciitis Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,760 )

Well I would like to describe the prevalence and research about the topic in brief in this part as it is important to know why this topic has become an issue now and why do we need to make research on it. Plantar fasciitis is found to be the common foot complaint. It has been estimated that it affects approximately one in ten people at some time ...

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Oral Contraceptives In Modern Women Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,930 )

Since the 1960s American woman have had the choice to use oral contraceptives as a way to prevent pregnancy. The oral contraceptives of yesteryear contained high amounts of hormones that were not as safe for woman. Today, oral contraceptives have become safer for women to take for extended periods of time. Not to mention that oral contraceptives have become common place in our society. In todays busy ...

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Effectiveness Of Intradialytic Stretching Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,947 )

Methodology deals with the research approach, research design, setting of the study, population, criteria for selection of sample, sample size, sampling technique, description of tool, scoring procedure, pilot study, data collection procedure, data analysis and protection of human rights. According to Polit and Hungler, (2004) research methodology refers to the researcher ways of obtaining, organizing and analyzing data. Research Approach Polit and Hungler, (2004) defined the approach ...

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Structure And Function Of Neuron Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,615 )

With an estimate of approximately 100 billion the neurons form the most basic units of the nervous system and are also known as the nerve cell. The major characteristics which define a nerve cell are - Excitability and Conductivity. Excitability refers to the ability of responding to any external stimulus by the neuron. Conductivity however is the transmission of the external stimulus through the cell and onwards. ...

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Psychological Factors In Diabetes Mellitus Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,689 )

Health psychology is a topical development in the integration of biomedical and social sciences in health care. It addresses the role of psychological factors in the cause, progression, and outcome of health and illness (Ogden, 2007). Psychological theories can guide health education and promotion, and offer the health care practitioner a structured approach to understanding and meeting the health needs of health and social care service users ...

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The Difficulties Of Overcoming Diabetes Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

18 (6,852 )

By now you should be familiar with the most common reason for obesity: Overeating. When the consumption of food is much higher than the rate of calorie usage, anyone can easily turn obese. As you may have read in previous chapters, other causes for obesity include serious eating disorders, genetics and family history of the disease. In such cases, the mental game for an obesity victim gets ...

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Child Mortality Rate In India Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,009 )

Millennium Development Goals (MGDs) are the goals set at the United Nations by the governments in the year 2000.Here eight main goals are agreed by the UN which they try to achieve by 2015. The 8 MDGs are Eradicate Extreme poverty; Achieve Universal Primary education; Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women; Reduce Child Mortality; Improve Maternal Health; Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases; Ensure Environmental Sustainability; Develop ...

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Prescription Drug Abuse Amongst Teenagers Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,144 )

INTRODUCTION This project is designed to illustrate the effects of prescription and over the counter drug abuse. It will not only show a comparison between the effects of illicit drugs and prescription drugs but it will also serve to show the significance of the prevalence and effects of prescription drug abuse. "There is an erroneous belief that because these are medicines, whether prescribed by physicians or over-the-counter, ...

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Health Attitudes Towards Chewing Tobacco Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

18 (7,150 )

Chewing tobacco is a form of oral smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tobacco is used to describe the tobacco that is used in un burnt form. Tobacco used for this purpose is prepared by harvesting the tobacco leaves when they turn yellow and brown spots start appearing on the leaves they are left in the fields for uniform drying.The aging time for leaves for making chewing tobacco is one ...

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Pathophysiology Of Coronary Artery Disease Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,758 )

Heart attack has become a common household term in the United States, due to the fact that approximately 16 million American have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease. According to American Heart Association, an American dies every minute due to coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease also known coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease encompasses other pathologies, such as angina and myocardial infarction (heart attack). Coronary ...

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Aspects Of Adolescent Reproductive Health Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,078 )

Adolescent means "to grow to maturity" and is an important period in life span. Reproduction means "production of offspring ". Health means "state of complete physical, mental, and social well being. After birth the child grows towards maturity and makes them a contributing member of the society. ADOLESCENT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH: ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS: The principal organs are ovaries, uterus, uterine tubes, and vagina. ...

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Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,524 )

Health promotion programs should be created to initially attack the above risk factors at the primary prevention level. The risk factors that are most associated with primary prevention include obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. These are the most reversible risk factors and the majority of funding should be directed at this level. In addition, health promotion strategies should involve improving physical activity levels in conjunction with diet ...

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Government And Private Hospital Differences Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,629 )

In many countries, controversy surrounds the roles of government and the private hospitals. While bigger states such as The United Kingdom and Germany have many government hospitals that could really overcome the demands for the patients. On the other hands, some poorer countries, the government hospitals are really very poor. In these hospitals the patient must buy his medications from the nearby pharmacies. A private hospital is ...

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Sterilization Hospitals Disinfection Not Enough Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,837 )

Hospitalisation of sick people increases the risk of transmission of nosocomial infections from one person to another (Goering et al., 2008). These healthcare associated infections (HAI) are endemic worldwide, and in the United Kingdom, one in ten patients is affected. The costs of treating HAIs, although difficult to measure with certainty, may cost the NHS as much as £1,000 million each year. In a prevalence survey undertaken ...

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Anatomy Of The Temporomandibular Joint Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,653 )

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a synovial ,condylar, and hinge-type joint with fibrocartilaginous surfaces and an articular disc. It is directly located in front of the ear on either side of the head where the upper jaw(maxilla) and lower jaw(mandible) meet. The disc divides each joint into two cavities and provides congruent contours and lubrication for the joint. In the resting position, the mouth is slightly open, ...

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Communication Methods And Healthcare Systems Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,387 )

This thesis paper tries to figure out 'the importance of health communication and telemedicine technology for the integral growth of healthcare management in the rural and remote area of India'. In some of the rural areas of India the telemedicine technology is implemented successfully and the people in that area are receiving better healthcare services than before. This technology is quite new in the country like India ...

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Background Information On Undernutrition Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

30 (11,633 )

Malnutrition could be defined as an imbalance between nutrients and energy supply to the cells and the bodys requirement for growth, maintenance and specific functions (1). That is, malnutrition could be over nutrition, in which case the body's nutrients and energy supply exceeds what the body requires, or undernutrition, in which case the nutrients and energy supply does not meet the body's demand. An example of over ...

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Reimbursement Issues For Nurse Practitioner Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,409 )

The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was unquestionably a frontward step for advanced practice nurses (APNs).  Payment is remarkably allowed for all settings as long as no other provider fee or other facility fee was being paid in relationship to the assistance supplied by the APN.  The various constraints on settings for services provided by the advanced practice nurse were totally removed from the guidelines (Bardach, 2006). ...

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Case Study Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,536 )

A 72 year old male patient, smoker and family history of AAA, was referred by his GP to x-ray department. With clinical indication of fall at stairs 2 weeks ago and pain in lower back and right hip, to have an x-ray of lumbar spine and pelvis. After justifying the request card and check his details, they did AP and Lateral of his lumbar an AP examination ...

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Government Hospitals In Sri Lanka Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,263 )

Sri Lanka, as a developing country has achieved remarkable health outcomes among south Asian countries and some developing countries. This is especially true of infant mortality, maternal mortality rate and child mortality rate has been declining over last two decades by acquiring benchmark status of millennium development goals. Compare with social factors among regional country, life expectancy rate, as well as literacy rate has increased up to ...

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Definitions Of Medical Tourism Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,737 )

In this chapter, a number of definitions on Medical Tourism have been provided. The author has also included different aspects on this burgeoning industry namely its presence in the world as well as the degree of its penetration in Mauritius, the structure of Health Tourism passing through a SWOT Analysis related to the Mauritian context and then concluded with an overview on the existing legal frameworks. Definitions ...

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Animal Research In Psychology Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,568 )

Throughout its short history of recognition as a legitimate experimental field of study (in 1879 when Wundt founded the first laboratory dedicated to psych research) and subsequent diversification into specialised areas, psychology has utilised and in some cases depended upon the use of non-human animals in research. For just as long, this practice has been contested. Views on the subject of animals in research are polar opposites ...

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The Medical Elective Medical Training Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,523 )

The medical elective is an important part of medical training and career. It can also be an exciting opportunity to experience health care systems of different countries and explore areas of medicine that I have particular interests in. My initial plans are to have the elective placement abroad, ideally in two separate locations. Language is an important factor in choosing the countries as I would like to ...

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Roles Of The Biomedical Scientist Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,855 )

According to the Institute of Biomedical Science, who are the professional body for Biomedical Scientists "Biomedical science is the term for the investigations carried out by biomedical scientists on samples of tissue and body fluids to diagnose disease and monitor the treatment of patients." There are a number of different roles in being a Biomedical Scientists; they can be separated up into either the professional side or ...

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Epidemiological Data Of Stroke Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,282 )

This piece of assignment will discuss about a stroke patient that I have provided care for, it will describe the significance of epidemiological data of stroke, It will demonstrate knowledge and understanding on a nursing frame work that has been used to assess patient physical, psychological and social state it will also going to looking at the care that has been required to the patient based on ...

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Newborn Screening In Saudi Arabia

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,258 )

Ask the public what Newborn screening is, and most individuals a common man hears the words Newborn Screening, most immediately picture a baby's foot being stuck by lancet, with the blood being collected on a Dried Spot Card. Sometime later their baby's Doctor tells them that" everything was fine". Or they may have no clue at all. Newborn screening is a complex set of interlocking systems that ...

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Effect Of Maitland Mobilisation Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,820 )

Patient is a 35 years old golf coach. Patient had a history of going over his ankle on both sides. General health status of the patient is good. Patient's activity ranges from a round of18holes of golf and driving range for 60mins a day. Patient's activity includes more walking. The main problem of the patient is pain and stiffness in right ankle. Patient had a history of ...

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Study on care plan for oral hygiene

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,316 )

The initial inspiration for this proposal was a conversation with colleagues which then progressed into an observational survey over a period of eight hours. Ten staff nurses and one sister then took part in answering a questionnaire. (See appendix 1 for results) The hospital where I work does have a care plan for oral hygiene (see appendix 2) but it was designed for 'general use' rather than ...

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Unemployment And Ill Health Correlation Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,878 )

The study of unemployment and health are inter related, if people are unemployed then it would have an adverse effect on their health and similarly if a person unhealthy then he might loose on the best opportunities of life because he would not be able to work because of the ill-health. Thus, unemployment and health have been correlated from past studies. CONTEXTUALISATION There is a association between ...

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Public Health Past And Present Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,162 )

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 2006). The concept of health is the main theme and focus of public health. The concept of "Public health" was defined by the American public health leader, Charles-Edward A. Winslow, in 1920 as, "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting physical health ...

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Healthy Food Habits Among Children Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (945 )

The study was intended to evaluate the effectiveness of planned nursing intervention on healthy food habits among children in selected school, Salem. The study has pre experimental one group pre-test, post-test design. The study samples consisted of 40 samples primary school children. Objective-1: To prepare and validate Planned Nursing Intervention on Healthy food habits among samples. In this study, Planned Nursing Intervention on "Healthy food habits among ...

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Alternative Communication Intervention In Children Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,737 )

Children and youth who sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and/or spinal cord injury (SCI) may have temporary or permanent disabilities that affect their speech, language and communication abilities. Having a way to communicate can help reduce a child's confusion and anxiety, as well as enable them to participate more actively in the rehabilitation process and thus, recover from their injuries. In addition, effective communication with family, ...

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,589 )

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is an incapacitating multifarious disorder that renders the victim fatigued for longer periods. It has been realized that this kind of disorder is not solved by bed rest and is usually aggravated by mental and physical activities. People suffering from CFS have been seen to be unable to perform tasks that they were to do it comfortably before the illness. The most noticeable ...

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Healthy Lifestyle Into Old Age Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (909 )

Under the fast pace of social life and the worsening of living environment, people are suffering from semi-health and disease such as high blood pressure and cholesterol. The excessive use of medicine and medical treatment is a facile solution, which cannot cure the fundamental problem. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle into old age, however, is a fundamental solution. This essay is aimed to outline and evaluate reasons that ...

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The Glasgow Coma Scale Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,387 )

There are three types of cord syndromes related to spinal cord injury. These are the central cord syndrome, anterior cord syndrome, and brown-sequard syndrome or the lateral cord syndrome. The central cord syndrome is caused by injury or edema in the central cord usualy in the cervical area due to hyperextension injuries. This results to motor weakness of the upper extremities than the lower extremities. The anterior ...

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Health Three Levels Of Promotion Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,859 )

The three levels of health promotion include primary, secondary, and tertiary. All levels are equally important and key in preventing disease and providing starting points for health care providers to offer patients positive, effective change. All levels are important in nursing because nurses are able to take part in almost every step of the promotion. Within the three levels of promotion, there are five steps. These steps ...

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Social Cognitive Theory Peer Mentoring Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,760 )

The Ovahness Leadership Program works on the community building and community capacity components of the Community Organization and Community Building theory (Minkler, Wallerstein & Wilson, 2008). ReachLA staff train members of the ball community to operate as peer health educators they call peer leaders. This leadership training empowers the peer leaders, to act as a voice for their community, promote change within the community, and offer support ...

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The Social Model Of Disability Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,220 )

In this essay I will be looking at models of disability, focusing mainly on the social model of disability and drawing upon the academic writing of disabled people and others as well as looking at a case study of David; a fifty five year old male who was admitted to hospital six months ago from having being diagnosed with a mild stroke. I will then go on ...

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Social Inequalities Affect Health Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,200 )

Social inequalities in health have been widely accepted and documented (Fox, 1989; Davey-Smith et al., 1990; Macintyre, 1997; Marmot et al., 1997), and have been particularly apparent in The Black Report (Townsend and Davidson, 1982) which has revealed wide disparities (health gap) between people at opposite ends of the social strata, that are widely increasing in the UK (Marmot and McDowell, 1986; Macintyre, 1997) and the US ...

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Health Inequalities In Uk Smoking Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,973 )

This essay will be addressing health inequalities in the UK. I shall be discussing the rationale and significance of this topic, critically analysing the research evidence and relevant policy documents in the area, relate this equality to already laid out theories of health inequalities and a critical evaluation of interventions put in place to tackle this inequality. chronological sequence: Tobacco smoking is said to have started at ...

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Nigerian Out Of Wedlock Births Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,658 )

The concept of childbearing, fertility and marriage house constantly been linked together in Nigeria. In the 1990s, out of wedlock birth was rapidly increasing despite Nigerians cultural influence on its population. Nigerians marry to have children, and marriage has meaning only when a child is born or in fact survives (Uche C. Isiugo-Abanihe, 1994). According to Olusanya(1982), "marriage in Nigeria is so closely linked with childbearing that ...

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Pulmonary Hypertension And Physical Therapy Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,887 )

The aim of this study is to clarify physical therapys role in rehabilitating pulmonary hypertension (PH) patients, by explaining PH with regard to its history, etiology, prevalence, anatomy of pulmonary arteries, definition, subgroups, patophysiology, its causes, how it is diagnosed, and its signs and symptoms. History   Pulmonary Hypertension was first discovered in 1981 by Dr. Ernst Von (4), but it was already getting attention in 1970s in ...

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Human Obesity The Built Environment Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,060 )

Human obesity is a serious public health issue that presents detrimental physical, social, and mental health consequences. There are many cultural, economic and political factors that all have association to the relationship between the built environment and its influence on obesity. The prevalent rise in obesity has been linked to a variety of direct and indirect causes including area of residences, resources, television, walkability, land use and ...

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Factors Influencing The Occurrence Of Malnutrition Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,781 )

The childhood period is the most important stage for the overall development during the lifespan. Brain and biological development takes place at this stage Muller and Jahn, 2009. These developments are influenced by sufficient of stimulation and nutrition, and these development effects of physique, the immune system, cognition, as well as social and emotional growth (Handal et al. 2007). Such development supports to ensure that each child ...

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Health Assessment Across The Lifespan Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,103 )

In nursing, there are techniques used to perform a physical examination of the various body systems of clients across the lifespan. The ultimate goal is to examine the social, cultural, political and economic factors which have effects on the assessment of health across the lifespan. Assessment is the systematic or the unsystematic gathering of relevant information, making analysis and judgment based on the available information (World Health ...

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Childhood Obesity And Obesity Epidemic Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,059 )

Han et al. (2010) identified that the global prevalence of childhood obesity has significantly increased over the last ten years. Story et al. (2009) note that adolescent obesity as a significant global challenge for health in the 21st century, noting that the prevalence in the United States had 'quadrupled from 1966 to 2003-2006'. In the United States, the Centre for Disease Control postulates that the American society ...

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Process Of Unstructured Clinical Judgement Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,404 )

However, there continues to be an increasing interest and expectation on professionals from the public and the criminal justice system in regards to the potential danger posed by serious offenders being released back into the community and the need for the offenders to be better managed, in order to adequately protect the public from dangerous individuals (Doyle et el, 2002). As the assessment of risk is made at various stages in the management process of the violent offender, it is extremely crucial that ...

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Diabetes Within The Latino Community Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,470 )

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) (2010) define disparities in health as "differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups" (para. 1). The Latino population is one group with known health disparities, especially in the area of diabetes. Extensive research in diabetes care has been conducted; however, there is a significant gap in the ...

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Physiotherapists Adaptable Problem Solvers Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,420 )

Chronic life long conditions are disabling, reducing quality of life. Physiotherapists play a key role managing patients with chronic respiratory disease (Garrod and Lasserson, 2007) such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), aiming to reduce the severity of symptoms and the impact on a person's life (HealthInsite, 2009). COPD affects a range of clients; from stable COPD to those suffering exacerbations, as well as those with different ...

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The Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,414 )

Current findings of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) bring about the connection with diabetes mellitus, and how important angiotensin IV (Ang IV) in diabetic research and treatment. Ang IV physiologically antagonizes angiotenisn II (Ang II), and gives benefits to human system and prolonging action of peptides such as vasopressin, lys-bradykinin, and oxytocin. Therefore, Ang IV is believed to reduce aggravations in macrovascular and microvascular associated diabetes. However, Ang IV ...

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Evolution Of The Radiographer Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,743 )

While radiography got its start in the 19th century, the profession of radiography in more recent years has emerged into an ever expanding field of high technology. Radiography is a relatively new health profession that has developed expansively over recent years. Advances attributed to computers and the increased use of technology in health care has caused the profession to experience growth that outweighs the recruitment of such ...

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Placement Reflection With Memory Service Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,487 )

This essay will include an introduction providing an overview of the placement undertaken and the relevant client group who access the service, a critical evaluation of three assessments that have been used within the service, one being Occupational Therapy specific, a discussion and examples given of how risk is assessed and managed within this practice setting, a discussion of the models of practice used, one intervention plan ...

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Literature Review Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,038 )

Review of literature is an essential step in the development of a research project. The primary purpose is to gain abroad background or understanding of the information that is related to the research problem. Review of literature of the present study was arranged in the following heading: Review related to polycystic ovarian syndrome. Review related to prevalence Review related to Quality of life Review related to risk ...

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Health Care Using Visual Aids Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,914 )

Tonks in "Safer by design" report points out that there is a great need for good design for medicine, and more attention should be paid to health care design. "The NHS is seriously out of step with modern thinking and practice with regard to design" (Tonks, A., 2008). Moreover recent studies conducted by Spinillo and Padovani focused on information design aspects in effectiveness of medicine inserts, showed ...

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Birth Skin To Skin Contact Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,991 )

The first hour after birth is a time of particular sensitivity for the mother. Close contact with her baby during this time facilitates the attachment process. Mother-baby bonding is enhanced when the naked newborn is placed on the mother's bare chest. The mother begins her examination of her baby by exploring the extremities and head with her fingertips. Thereafter, she caresses her baby's body with her entire ...

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The Treatment Of Hypertension Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,294 )

Hypertension can be defined as sustained elevation of systemic blood pressure more than 140/90 mm Hg. Reduced capacitance of the venous system and increased arteriolar resistance due to increased peripheral vascular smooth muscle tone can leading causes for the hypertension. The risk associated with hypertension dependent upon the combination risk factors in the specific individual. They are Age, Gender (males>female), Ethnic group (black>white), diet, smoking, family history, ...

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Clinical Risk Management Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,567 )

The aim of this essay to provide the reader with insight to the term 'clinical risk management' and how this is implemented within NHS trusts focusing particularly on the role of Pharmacists in doing this. Objectives: Defining 'clinical risk management' and discussing its importance Discussing ways in which trusts implement clinical risk management Defining what is a medication error and identifying the role of the pharmacist to ...

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Physical Exercise Reduce Symptoms Depression Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,071 )

The aim of this essay will be to discuss and apply selected evidence related to nursing practice within a chosen field. Evidence based practice is an approach used by clinicians to deliver the highest quality care to meet the needs of patients and their families. By finding appraising and using the best evidence, health professionals are able to achieve optimum outcomes for all. (Melnyk & Finout-Overholt 2005). ...

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Mental Health Law And Care Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,006 )

This assignment is in two parts the first part, or essay, will critically discuss how mental health law might be applied in the care and management of Simon, the client in the scenario (appendix A). The essay will also look at how Simon's past care pathway, especially the previous use of forced admission treatment, may have adversely affected his future care pathway. It will include how the ...

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The Global Childhood Obesity Epidemic Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,716 )

In this paper, the author will examine the complex interaction of social, economic, biological and environmental determinants of health that may explain the recent explosion and shifts in demographic trends of this world wide problem and briefly explore lifestyle and behavioural factors that may create particular risks. This will be followed by discussion about causes, complications and treatment options of childhood obesity. The author will review and ...

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Thw Pathophysiology Of Diabetes Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,236 )

Millions of people around the world suffer from Diabetes Mellitus. It is a chronic disease in which the body cannot produce enough insulin or the body is resistant or abnormally responds to the insulin being produced. The result of these complications involve the individual becoming hyperglycemic, meaning the sugar in their blood is elevated, which can secondarily lead to more serious health problems. There are different types ...

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Increase In Natural Disasters Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,670 )

Extreme weather temperatures and increase in natural disasters in recent years have finally made the policy makers think earnestly about "Climate change and Natural disasters". The stern review and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's fourth (revised) assessment report in 2008 [A] had clearly stated that increase in natural disasters due to climate change will have adverse affects on social and economic sectors. The report which had declared that ...

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Preparedness And Response Cyclone Nargis Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,635 )

Background: The community awareness, preparedness and response to public health emergencies are essential for successful response to public health emergencies and the study is carried out to determine the community awareness and perception on health sector preparedness and response to Cyclone Nargis which is the worst natural disaster in history of Myanmar. Methods: Total of 6 focus group discussions are carried out in 3 villages which are ...

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Arguments Of Placebo Effect Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,016 )

The 'placebo effect' may be described as a phenomenon where the symptom of a patient may be modified by ineffective treatment. Essentially the patient has been seen to receive some form of treatment that he or she believes will work. This is a psychological response that can reduce stress and panic thereby leaving the body's true immune system with an improved chance of working. Placebos are not ...

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Preventing Blood Stream Infections Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,255 )

National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) were introduced in 2002 in order to help address some of the issues that were responsible for causing a majority of the situations that were responsible for creating patient safety issues. These goals were implemented in order to put focus on what were deemed to be the most preventable of these issues. One of these goals is the prevention of central line-associated ...

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Choosing And Using Guiding Catheters Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,745 )

Guiding catheters (otherwise known as guide catheters) are the conduit tubing by which percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) are performed. Choosing an appropriate guiding catheter is a deliberate action undertaken upon the target vessel at the onset of PCI and a miscalculation at this step may be setting the stage for an unsuccessful PCI attempt. In the worst-case but not uncommon scenario, inappropriately selecting an aggressively-curved guiding catheter ...

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International Healthcare Policy Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,026 )

This assignment deals with the impact that social and cultural issues have on attitudes towards healthcare using their chosen nation as an example; I should evaluate healthcare policy in one national context and explain the influences on policy formation, including impacts of funding issues. The comparison should be made to other national policies to show how different national policies arise. I should explain the structure of healthcare ...

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Physical Exertion Affect Bone Growth Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,765 )

Compact bone is hard due to mineral deposits of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate (calcium and phosphorus). This bone consists of tightly packed osteons or haversian systems and many layers with few gaps on this tissue therefore it is dense and hard. The hard minerals and flexible collagen makes bone strong. Each osteon consist of concentric layers of hard mineralized matrix (concentric lamellae). Bones consist mainly of ...

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Pathophysiology Of Multiple Sclerosis Health And Social Care Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,528 )

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS) and it's characterized mainly by demylination of the myelin sheath (CALABRESI, 2004). There are specific types of MS which are; relapsing-remitting type of MS (RRMS), secondary progressive MS (SPMS), primary progressive MS (PPMS), in addition to other types of MS but they are very rare such as progressive-relapsing MS (Norris, wells, 2007). There ...

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