Problems In Rural Distribution

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,827 )

Rural consumers spend around 13% of their income on fast moving consumer goods.The FMCG industry in India was worth around US$ 16.03 billion in August 2008 and the rural market accounted for 57% share of the total FMCG market in India. Rural marketing facilitate transfer of goods and service from rural producers to urban consumers at possible time with reasonable prices, and agriculture inputs/ consumer goods from ...

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Geography Essays - Tourism and Globalisation in Prague

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,215 )

The economic impact of tourism and globalisation in Prague. ‘Tourism’ is the all-encompassing term for the movement of people to destinations away from their place of residence for any reason other than following an occupation. The World Tourism Organisation, a United Nations body, defines a tourist as “someone who travels at least eighty kilometres (fifty miles) from home for the purpose of recreation” (Frangialli, 2001) Individuals and ...

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A Brief History of Alaska

23 Mar 2015

2 (659 )

A Brief History of Alaska Alaska, the 49th State, has a rich history behind it. From the Paleolithic period to the present, Alaska's natural beauty, and its rich resources have been the land's bane and boon to its natives. The Russians, Spanish, British, and Americans have at one time or another exploited Alaska's otters for their fur, and the land for its oil. Paleolithic Inhabitants Alaska's original ...

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Political Ecology Has Come Of Age Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,026 )

Political ecology is by no means a new concept. As a theory it produces a complex framework of understanding into the relationships between political, economic and social environments and the effect these relations have on environmental development and protection, developing common ground where disciplines can intersection (Greenburg and Park (1994).  The nature of political ecology can be so broadly defined that as a field of research has ...

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Geography Essays - Housing and Health

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,394 )

Explore the relationships between housingand health Introduction Historically, there has been recognised a directrelationship between substandard accommodation and poor health. The IndustrialRevolution in Britain resulted in low standard working-class housing beingbuilt quickly to meet this increase in demand for workers. Over-crowdeddwellings, inadequate sanitation and a proclivity to dispose of all forms ofwaste in cesspools, rivers and the street resulted in severe epidemics of manyillnesses, predominantly those which ...

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Latar belakang kawasan kajian

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,908 )

3.1 PENGENALAN Dalam bab ini, perkara yang dibincangkan adalah tentang latar belakang kawasan kajian dan aspek yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan lokasi kajian, penduduk, sosio-ekonomi, guna tanah, perindustrian dan lain-lain. Dalam bab ini, isu kesan perindustrian seperti pencemaran dibincangkan. Bab ini, pembaca akan memahami secara lebih mendalam tentang kawasan kajian. dengan mengetahui secara lebih mendalam latar belakang kawasan kajian, penkaji akan dapat memahami dan menerangkan secara menyeluruh tentang ...

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Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,628 )

From 911 to Hurricane Katrina the United States government has used many of its different resources to help with the aftermath. After every event that causes panic and destruction in the United States there is always someone there to help clean it up, from large companies to the people just wanting to help. When natural disasters and hurricanes strike its takes us to long to get everything ...

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23 Mar 2015

1 (283 )

Geography Location The community lies in the Weschnitz valley in the Odenwaldsome 25km north of Heidelbergand about 20km northeast of Mannheim. It is on Bundesstraße38, and the river Weschnitz flows through it. The land is hilly, green and dotted with horse farms and forests. Neighbouring communities Birkenau borders in the north on the community of Mörlenbach, in the east on the community ofAbtsteinach, in the south on ...

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Singapore tourism vulnerable to climate change

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,095 )

Conclusion The overall aim of this research is to understand the ways in which tourism in Singapore is vulnerable to climate change. Predicting climate change is complex but even more complex is predicting how people will respond to that change (Perry, 2005, 94). Therefore, tourists, who are major players in this tourism business, are exceptionally crucial. This study employs tourists' perceptions and opinions as well as statistical ...

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Singapore Differ From Other Countries In Asia Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,525 )

As one of the Four Tigers of Asia, Singapore has been widely acclaimed for its rare economic phenomenon that caused its rapid growth and promotion to the status of a developed country. However, what truly sets Singapore apart from the rest is that amid the fast paced industrial development and rapid urbanization, Singapore was able to at achieve a high level of environmental standards that allowed it ...

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The samoa-tonga tsunami

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,224 )

Abstract      On the 29th September 2009 a magnitude 8.0 earthquake occurring on the outer rise of the Tonga Trench generated a large tsunami. The tsunami struck Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga with devastating consequences. Waves which reached up to 7.4m struck the coastlines of the islands just one minute after the initial underestimated tsunami alert. The tsunami killed at least 182 people. It had a large impact ...

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Oil and gas of kazakhstan

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,150 )

The size of oil and gas reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan alone make national oil company of the country called KazMunaiGaz (KMG), an outstanding addition to any study of national oil companies. The country's proven oil reserves are estimated between 9 billion and 17.6 billion barrels, including both land and offshore fields, as a potential producer of considerable influence. (“An Energy Overview of the Republic of ...

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North Norfolk Coast Protection

23 Mar 2015

2 (758 )

Aim: My aim of this project is to answer the following question: Should the North Norfolk Coast be protected at any cost? Or should nature be allowed to take its course? Norfolk is a low lying county which is very prone to erosion. The coastline is around 100 miles stretching from Hopton on Sea to Wash. The North Norfolk coastline stretches over 40 miles, covering 450 ...

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Urban Regeneration And Social Exclusion In Sheffield Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,658 )

GEO 151: Assessment I In this essay we will be discussing urban regeneration and social exclusion in Sheffield. The research for this essay was conducted as a series of 2 walks and information comes from observation of these areas. The walk chosen was walk 3 which included Netherthorpe, Kelham Island and the Inner City - but the focus of this essay is on one section of the ...

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The genesis of durand line, pakistan factor and pashthunistan

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,018 )

Introduction 1. The Durand Line is a 2,450 km (1,519 mile) border between Afghanistan and Pakistan ranging from the spur of the Sarikol range in the north, to the Iranian border to the south-west [1]. It is named after Sir Mortimer Durand, who in 1893, as a representative of the British-Indian government, had negotiated and concluded an agreement in Kabul with the ruler of Afghanistan [2].When Pakistan ...

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Geopolitics and International Affairs

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,770 )

Geopolitics and International Affairs “What are the key factors in contemporary redistributions of Geopolitical Power?” The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes Geopolitics as “analysis of the geographic influences on power relationships in international relations” (2010); therefore Geopolitical Power is the power certain nations have over other nations, based upon Geographic influences and advantages. Across the world the geographies of power shift from nation to nation over time (such as ...

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Characteristics That Defines The Tropical Rainforest Geography Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,530 )

Tropical rainforests are located some distance around the equator and it is one of the earth's spectacular wonders. It runs from the tropic of cancer in the northern side of the equator to tropic of Capricorn in the southern part of the equator. Examples of largest known tropical rainforests are found in Brazil (South America), South East Asia, Indonesia (islands near the Indian Ocean), and Democratic Republic ...

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infant mortality rate

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,621 )

Chapter 4 Methodology 4.1 Infant Mortality Rate: Definition and Estimation Approaches Infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths occurring in the first year of life per 1,000 live births. It measures the probability of a child born in a specific year will die before reaching the age of one (World Bank, 2008). The IMR are estimated using two approaches including a direct and indirect method. ...

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