Remote Sensing Bathymetry of Coral Reefs

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

20 (7,806 )

Remote Sensing Bathymetry of Coral Reefs Based on the Spatial Relationship between Different Depths Rongyong Huang1, 2, 3, Kefu Yu1, 2, 3*, Yinghui Wang1, 2, 3, Jikun Wang1, 2, 3, Lin Mu4, Wenhuan Wang1, 2, 3 1 Coral Reef Research Centre of China, Guangxi University, Nanning, China 2 Guangxi Laboratory on the Study of Coral Reefs in the South China Sea, Guangxi University, Nanning, China ...

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DecorMyEyes Analysis

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (947 )

Presentation A. Stakeholders and Partner Intrigue 1. For the situation contemplate DecorMyEyes, the partners are the Clients, Workers, Police and Law and Control implementation offices, and in addition the Funders, the proprietors of the association, alongside people in general. Clients anticipate from business to give great items while passing on a fabulous client benefit. Ms. Rodriguez had discovered by Google's web crawler when ...

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Genetic Variability of Grasshopper Populations

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

14 (5,249 )

4.1. Introduction Genetic change in natural populations is one of the most subtle effects of anthropogenic toxicants in the environment, with potentially severe long-term consequences. During the last three decades, researchers have started to explore the relationship between genetics and ecotoxicology, and its role in risk assessment, due to the introduction of techniques that can reveal genetic variations on the DNA level (Berry et ...

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Environmental Protection Agency and Texas

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

5 (1,649 )

The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, is a federal agency charged with monitoring and maintaining a healthy environment in America. Many credit U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson with spurring interest in the environmental movement, he created Earth Day in the spring of 1970 which led to the creation of the EPA in December of that year. The EPA monitors a huge array of environmental issues in ...

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Business Ethics of Plastics Company

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

2 (715 )

The partners for the situation The main partners incorporate Ardnak Plastics, George, Charge and the inhabitants of Hondo. Additionally, speakers contain the government (EPA), Ardnak's rivals, the Mexican government, and the town 15 miles south of Hondo. Understudies ought to be urged to distinguish and talk about every partners' authenticity and power. The interests of the partners Ardnak Plastics has a stake in ...

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Inhibitory Effect of Heavy Metal Ion/s on Algae

02 Aug 2017 04 Sep 2017

5 (1,846 )

The inhibitory effect of heavy metal Ion/s on algae Aim: to establish the concentration of heavy metal/s that cause the EC50 effect on X/s (algae species), using a typical content of metals in wastewater (as seen in the table below for instance) as a reference to prepare different dilutions of aqueous solutions. Typical content of metals in municipal wastewater with minor contribution of industrial wastewater ...

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Factors Impacting UK Winter Wheat Crops

27 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017

14 (5,253 )

Summary Wheat is one of the main important cereal crops in the world. Also as one of the essential and important agricultural products. Wheat is considered as a strategic product due to its significant role in political and economic areas in the countries. Loss of wheat may harm the economy in several aspects, including reduced production rates, increased need for imports and waste the inputs ...

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Water Crisis: Causes, Impact and History

27 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017

3 (925 )

Fresh water crisis The damages people made to get the water supplies higher has harmed A lot of people and their population has lowered glaciers continue to shrink worldwide, and conflicts are likely to erupt. Others are with no access to water people refuse to sanitize correctly to better the freshwater crisis less than 1% of the population have access to water. The freshwater crisis ...

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British Standards of Sustainability

25 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017

12 (4,537 )

Abstract The following report is based on the use of British Standards to look at the impact it has on a product development process from the beginning of its lifecycle to the end when it decomposes. With the world today at the state it is, the pollution and the resources are being used up at an un-regenerate able rate. It is more important than ...

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HEC-HMS Evaluation

25 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017

6 (2,075 )

HEC-HMS is a hydrological model that can be used to check the effect of a storm based event on a watershed or a continuous simulation. HEC-HMS is distributed model but it deals with a watershed as a conceptual model which consist of sub-basin and reach. HEC-HMS is very powerful as it has many options for hydrological calculations and a user-defined is one of the options. ...

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Asian Carp Problem Literature Review

14 Aug 2017 30 Aug 2017

3 (935 )

Annotated Bibliography Michigan Radio Newsroom. "Obama administration releases strategies for keeping Asian Carp out of the Great Lakes." Http:// N.p., 26 July 2013. Web. 25 Jan. 2017. On June 3, 2016 the Michigan Public Radio, which is part of the NPR news station, did a story on the Asian Carp spreading into the Great Lakes. The article takes place in a meeting in Mackinac with ...

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Impact of Natural Disaster on Infrastructure

16 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

4 (1,575 )

We humans cannot envision when a regular calamity happens, and more often than not, when a natural disaster happens it brings a lot of wreckage and demise. Recent events show that a significant increase in number of natural calamities for natural and human made reasons which could have potentially very huge consequences on infrastructure. If those infrastructures fall the chain of accidents could lead to ...

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The Kalabagh Dam Consequences

16 Aug 2017

6 (2,259 )

The Kalabagh dam is controversial for many reasons. A key reason has to do with the decision making process, which is highly centralized, politically coercive, and technically flawed. Regrettably, when the need is for broad-based stakeholder consultations, the existing trend is towards even greater centralization. For instance, the rotating chairmanship of the Indus River System Authority has recently been converted into a permanent appointment, provincial ...

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Issues in Nuclear Power

15 Aug 2017

3 (926 )

Dear Sir, I have read your article, 'The Truth About Nuclear Power'. Your ideas and opinions hold much significance and are compelling. You describe Nuclear energy as dirty, dangerous, expensive, un-sustainable, prone-to-terrorism and impractical. However, I would like to present my personal concepts and sentiments on the topic which might negate your proposals. To start, life is motion; and everything that tends to move has ...

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Importance of the Nitrogen Cycle

02 Aug 2017

3 (1,036 )

Nitrogen cycle is the central to the biogeochemistry of the Earth, which occupies 79% within the air. Nitrogen is an essential element for plants and animals to grow and to survive. (Soetan, Olaiya & Oyewole, 2010). There are 7 atoms number of symbol of N. The life time of reactive nitrogen in atmosphere and in terrestrial are a few weeks and a few decades respectively. ...

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How did Pterosaurs Move on the Ground?

02 Aug 2017

8 (3,170 )

The locomotive manner of pterosaurs is a matter of intense dispute in the scientific community. The way that these prehistoric creatures traversed the ground is continually being contested. Did pterosaurs walk how we imagine them to have; on all fours in a semi erect posture, or did they only walk on their hind legs, or on all fours and completely prone? If, in fact, they ...

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Destroy Coal Plants Before They Destroy the Environment

02 Aug 2017

2 (711 )

Coal has been a huge part of our power industry, but things are changing. The Congressional Quarterly Researcher (CQR) from June 17, 2016 titled "Coal Industry's Future" discusses the likelihood of coal-fired power plants either maintaining their operation in the future or closing their doors for good. As of today, coal is a huge source of power for much of the world, but that could ...

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Behaviour Changes towards Conservation Projects

02 Aug 2017

2 (634 )

Conservation scientists should be interested in social-psychological approaches, such as human behaviour changes that could influence natural-resource management, according to St John et al (2010). In my perspective, some conservation projects must consider population behaviour changes in order to shift management techniques and even policy making, and before expecting behaviour and attitudes to change, education of society has to be considered has a priority. According ...

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Effects of Fungicide Iprodione and Nitrification Inhibitor

02 Aug 2017

14 (5,570 )

Effects of fungicide iprodione and nitrification inhibitor 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate on soil enzyme and bacterial properties Manyun Zhang a, b, , Weijin Wang a, c, Yaling Zhang a, Ying Teng b, , Zhihong Xu a,  a Environmental Futures Research Institute, School of Natural Sciences, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, Australia b Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese ...

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Ocean Acidification and Climate Change

02 Aug 2017

2 (719 )

Most of us have heard about global warming and what it is doing to our world, including our oceans. Global warming is simply a climate change. A slow and steady increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere, environment, and its oceans is believed to be permanently changing the earth's climate. Climate change involves rapidly changing temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns on huge scale. In ...

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Importance of Innovation for Human Waste Treatment

02 Aug 2017

2 (652 )

Yuyao Wu As Rio bay waters show, we badly need innovation in treating human wastes August 13, 2016 3.41am AEST By referring the issue of poor water quality in the 2016 Rio Olympic water, Daniele Lantagne, an assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Tufts University, demonstrates how series untreated water can pose threat to people's health through the article. Lantagne also ...

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Global Contributions to Climate Change

02 Aug 2017

3 (1,198 )

Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In biology, it is the ability of our biosphere and lithosphere to continue their interactions through their different cycles. In ecology, it is how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. For the human civilization, it is the ability to use the resources currently available for self-preservation while also allowing future generations to benefit from the same advantages. ...

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Impact of Environmental Changes

31 Jul 2017

5 (1,706 )

All through written history people have utilized their surroundings to enhance the path in which they experience their regular day to day existences. In a brief timeframe traverse, in respect to the age of the earth, innovation has progressed at mind boggling rate. With the mind boggling headway of innovation more assets are being utilized to make a domain that permits society to work and ...

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Water Pollution in Egypt

23 Mar 2015 17 Jul 2017

3 (1,113 )

Keywords: egypt water pollution, water pollution egypt The Cause And Effect Of Water Pollution In Egypt Water is the basis of life, which is without the life can not exist. It is a source of drinking water for humans and animals and the source of agriculture. Also, it is essential factor for the industry. Thus, our lives on the planet are linked to water and the great ...

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Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

23 Mar 2015 12 Jul 2017

4 (1,439 )

Keywords: utilization of natural resources, use sustainable resources Yaroslav Gromov In present time, the question about sustainable use of natural resources has become very important all over the world. People start to realize that nature cannot provide more resources that it has, and that the natural resources consumed a lot. Therefore, there should be found a way how to solve this particular problem - energy crisis. Consequently, ...

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Polluter Pays Principle Case Study

23 Mar 2015 12 Jul 2017

10 (3,978 )

Keywords: polluter pays principle advantages and disadvantages I. Introduction The Polluter pays principle (PPP) basically means that the producer of goods should be responsible for the cost of preventing any pollution caused as well as remedy any damage so caused. It will include full environmental costs i.e. cost of pollution or any other harm caused to the ecology and not just those which are immediately tangible costs.[1] ...

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Environmental Management Systems

23 Mar 2015 04 Jul 2017

8 (2,951 )

Will Environmental Management Systems and associates Environmental Reporting initiatives aid the concept of Sustainable Development in application? The International Organization forStandardization (ISO) is a federation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs)created to elaborate and improve international standards. The ISO initiallycreated general management standards (the ISO 9000 Series) for organizationsand industries that acknowledged the value of a systematic approach tomanagement. However, as economic growth and the environment have often been ...

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Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

23 Mar 2015 02 Jun 2017

3 (1,012 )

Keywords: silent spring essay, rachel carson essay Rachel Carson's Silent Spring and the Environmental Movement Thesis: In Silent Spring Rachel Carson starts an environmental movement by informing the public of the dangers of pesticides, which causes a shift in views towards pesticides and the harm they do to the environment.      DDT is WW II insecticide designed to rid the troops of disease carrying insects such as lice ...

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Problem of Environmental Pollution

23 Mar 2015 02 Jun 2017

5 (1,775 )

Keywords: causes of environmental problems essay, environmental pollution problem Environmental pollution “The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago... had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.” (Havelock Ellis) We have stepped into the twenty first century, in this century; one of biggest problem faced so far is environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is the contamination caused by man made ...

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Floral Diversity in Organic and Modern Farming

23 Mar 2015 22 May 2017

19 (7,573 )

Is Organic Farming better for floral diversity than "modern" farming? 1.0 Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction. Agriculture has had a profound impact upon biological diversity. Agricultural specialization, mechanisation and intensification leading to compaction and soil erosion, and poor farm management, have resulted in a global decline in plant, invertebrate and bird numbers in recent decades (Stoate et al., 2001). The Law of Specialization has encouraged the clearing of ...

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Open field agriculture in England

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

6 (2,168 )

The open field system was a prevalent agricultural system in much of Europe from the middle ages; in some places it was still present up until the 20th century. For example in Herefordshire the last open fields were removed in the 20th century. This form of settlement can also be known as champion land. Each villager was allocated strips usually at a village meeting each year. Their ...

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Eco Friendly Housing

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

5 (1,935 )

Eco-Friendly Housing Chapter 1 General Information 1.1 Introduction Environment is being abused by some. Trees are being cut down for their business. The consequence of their actions is affecting the safety of the people in earth. Because of the extreme usage and wasting of our environmental resources our ecosystem has become compromised. This paper involves reasons why there is an increase in eco-friendly housing. It involves the ...

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Marks and Spencer Clothing Ranges | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

8 (2,828 )

This report is pertaining to Marks & Spencer UK Ref : 1) Identify and explain the different customer needs. Who are the three M&S clothing ranges aimed to serve? Assume that the Perfect and Classic ranges serve essentially the same customer segment. 2) Identify and explain the order winners and qualifier for these three different clothing ranges at M&S. 3) Apply the polar diagram to analyse and compare ...

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Aviation and the environment: Virgin Atlantic

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

19 (7,583 )

Introduction As the years go by and as technology advances the environment is becoming fragile. This is because of the continual pressure on the natural resources available to man. The adverse effects of human activities on the environment have become evident as there has been an increase in earthquakes, floods, landslides, melting of polar ice caps and the rise in sea level towards the end of the ...

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Environmental attitude and environmental behaviour

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

9 (3,439 )

Hypothesis In existing literature, environmental attitude is commonly understood as a cognitive judgment towards the value of environmental protection. Contrasting results have been found between environmental attitude and behaviour. While some researchers have claimed a positive correlation between environmental attitude and environmental behaviour (Kotchen and Reiling, 2000), others have concluded that the relationship is either moderate or tenuous (Davis, 1995). The contradictory results in studies of the ...

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Depletion and consequences of mangrove forests

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

10 (3,815 )

Executive summary Globally, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is recognized to have one of the largest mangrove forest covers in the world, protecting the lands from the viciousness of the open sea, and maintaining its productivity. In an agricultural based economy, a buffer against the sea is all the more important. Given the last few decades, the country has witnessed a startling decrease in the mangrove cover. ...

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Domestic Waste Disposal Pollution

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

7 (2,442 )

Summary Domestic waste disposal is an action that should be taken with a lot of concern so that it can lead to the reduction of pollution and high income that has to be spending in dealing with the effects that are caused by this waste. It is therefore important for a country to come up with policies that will lead to reduction of waste disposal in the ...

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My ecological footprint

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

2 (510 )

My ecological footprint percentage is 70.82%. We would need 4.51 earths if everyone had the lifestyle that I lead. The results made me feel concerned because my footprint is below average by almost 20 percent, which seems like a lot to me. I was surprised that my results were so poor because I think of myself as someone who is environmentally conscious. I do not litter by ...

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Tesco's strategy to attract customers

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

7 (2,612 )

Introduction:- There are many rivals of Tesco early 1990s Tesco rivals gave very tough time to Tesco, so on that time Tesco needed a good and newly trading strategy. Tesco old trading strategy was very good. But on that time Tesco was not attracting the customers due to bad customer services. In 1997 Terry Leahy Joined Tesco as a Chief Executive. Terry Leahy thought that why Tesco ...

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Environmental Degradation Pollution

23 Mar 2015 10 May 2017

12 (4,513 )

The global South has unquestionably been one of the regions that have experienced greater impact of environmental degradation. The former economic success in this area has resulted to environmental problem industrial waste pollution. As these countries get more involved in multilateral environmental agreement and voluntary agreement, the protection of the environment in the region has effectively become globalize in nature and has affected business and international trade. ...

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Macroenvironmantal forces: Banking industry

23 Mar 2015 09 May 2017

6 (2,330 )

Social forces include the demographic characteristics of the population and its value. Demographic Age structure One important trend is the shifting age structure of the world's population, as aging is now a phenomenon realized by people around the world. Households and Family The number of households has been growing, as the household size has correspondingly been declining. Also, there appears to be an increase in the number ...

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An overview of global warming

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

6 (2,316 )

Cautions: Global Warming! The air quality of our atmosphere has been in drastic changes in the past century. Industrial revolution has cause major harm to our environment. Pollution, dumping toxic wastes into our ocean, and releasing harmful gases and sprays into the atmosphere. These are some of the cause of global warming so dangerous in the world's environment. We should take more action towards global warming before ...

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Water Air Pollution | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 05 May 2017

4 (1,409 )

Pollution Introduction Many people around the world can recall having walked on the street and seen smoke in the air or having walked on the beach and seen countless pop cans popping in the sand. This common event is known worldwide as pollution which is described as the occasion in which the land, air, and water become filthy with several pollutants affecting the plant life and other ...

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The major constituent of living matter

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

20 (7,707 )

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Water is one of the major constituent of living matter. Around 50 to 90 percent of the weight of living organisms is water. The basic material of living cells, known as protoplasm, consists of a solution in water of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, salts and similar chemicals. Hence, water acts as a solvent which transports, combines, and chemically breaks down these substances. Water ...

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The very important process of recycling

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

4 (1,261 )

Introduction: Recycling is one of the most important methods used to reduce or preventing environmental crisis. It is the process of reprocessing used objects and turning them into new material. Waste is mostly used in recycling and it has a massive shocking effect on our nature like global warming and recycling the waste is an effective way to reduce the global warming problem. It also helps reduce ...

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Rainforest Deforestation | Essay

23 Mar 2015 03 May 2017

4 (1,205 )

There are many reasons why the rainforests are disappearing right before our eyes. There are two main causes total deforestation, agriculture and fuel wood collection in dry areas. The main cause of the disappearing forests are logging, mining, industrial development and large dams. Tourism is also a large threat in deforestation. They all play a major part in the degradation of all forests. What is logging? Many ...

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Problems of global waste

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

3 (1,199 )

The caring for and management of global waste is a global concern for the Earth as the population of Earth grows, and places where waste is deposited becomes a problem. Waste of various kinds is a danger to human health, wildlife preservation, and the environment in a broad range of aspects including how waste affects water supplies, soil contamination, and hazardous environments that remain or become uninhabitable. ...

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Environmental Studies Essays | Biomass Energy

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

4 (1,325 )

Biomass Energy The use of biomass energy as a wide spread, renewable power source provided with proper knowledge, state control and technological how-to, can change both the earth's environment and our attitude towards alternative power resources. To understand how this can happen, the basics of what biomass energy is and how it works have to be presented. All organic matter, such as agricultural residue, wood and animal ...

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Destruction of our environment

23 Mar 2015 01 May 2017

7 (2,682 )

Deforestation Issues in Brazil In recent years one of the biggest threats the world as a whole faces is the destruction of our environment. The destruction of the Brazilian rainforest is probably the most important issue that should be taken into consideration because it is the cause of other major ecological problems we are facing such as: global warming, the depletion of our ozone layer, and noticeable ...

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Restatement problem definition technique

23 Mar 2015 28 Apr 2017

4 (1,354 )

Task 1 The purpose of the task is to choose one of the scenarios and to apply the Present state/Desired state, Duncker Diagram and Statement/Restatement problem definition technique. The scenario 1 is about the problem associated with the recycling of post-consumer waste. It has been observed that even in the most cooperative and environment conscious communities, bins of recyclable waste contains 10% of wrong recyclable or ...

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The life style of common man

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

8 (3,180 )

Introduction: We are living in the age of 21st century where scientific inventions have change the life style of a common man completely. We developed a lot of new technology without considering that these developments can harm us in many ways. Changing lifestyles, the increasing use of disposable materials and excessive packaging are all contributing to an increase in the amount of waste being created. Waste management ...

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Sea water desalination

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,526 )

Abstract Despite the lack of water in some areas of the world in one hand, and the increasing consumption of it in some others make it essential for scientists and engineers to search for practical solutions for this world crisis. This paper closely examined the sea water desalination to be one of the most widespread methods that provide the world with a considerable amount of drinkable water ...

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McDonald’s Environmental Issues

03 Oct 2016 24 Apr 2017

6 (2,361 )

Introduction There is evidence of corporate sustainability, which is a balance of economic, social, and environment as a necessity for business (Dyllick and Hockerts, 2002). Additionally, companies caring about their environmental issue will not only benefit the environment but also the company itself. Consumers show preferences for green products and are willing to pay a premium price thus improve revenues (Peattie, 2001). While dealing with ...

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The Glasgow Caledonian University

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

5 (1,997 )

INTRODUCTION Glasgow Caledonian University is one of the largest universities in Scotland with nearly 17,000 students. This institution was established in 1993, as a result of the merger of Queens College Glasgow with the Glasgow polytechnic (GCU website).The institution is situated right in the heart of Glasgow city centre. There exist increasingly, a lot of activities going on within this university making a growing case for the ...

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Report of cyclone efficiency method

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

6 (2,074 )

Abstract:      This report is concerned about cyclone efficiency. The method cyclone is used to remove particles from gaseous waste streams in the experiment. Based on the literature search, more knowledge has been known about particle collecting and particle sizing. Qualitative method is used to describe the particle size distribution using the ELPI device. The cyclone efficiency results are analyzed with graphs and discussion. Comments on the most ...

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Water fluoridation

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

14 (5,274 )

ABSTRACT The safety and efficacy of water fluoridation has been a topic of great controversy throughout America's communities. Scientific evidence has shown that ingesting low to moderate levels of fluoride can benefit the dental health of a community, especially those populations in a community that may be classified as having low socioeconomic status. Children in all areas, but especially those with low SES, are at ...

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Green marketing: Promoting environmentally friendly products

23 Mar 2015 13 Apr 2017

6 (2,195 )

Abstract Green marketing is marketing of products that are environmental safe. Companies market­ing their green achievements were once a small segment of forward-thinking organisations, but since grown into a group of unlikely advocates that includes an oil company and the world's largest retailer. Environmental friendly production is vital in running future economies. By nature, plants take carbon dioxide from the air and give oxygen in respiration process. ...

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The effect of human population growth on resources

03 Oct 2016 11 Apr 2017

7 (2,485 )

Human Population growth and the effect on natural resource consumption In the last 50 years the world population has grown faster than ever before, and in many countries and regions of the world this population growth and the consumption of natural resources resulting from this growth is becoming a matter of great concern for governments and international development agencies (World Bank. 2004). National populations are expected ...

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Misuse of Environmental Resources

23 Feb 2017

4 (1,533 )

Keywords: environment, misuse, resources A.What is the issue: Misuse of environment resources means wasting of our raw natural resources which leads to unbalance in the nature elements. This can be caused by two ways direct and indirect. For example, cutting forests to use their wood is considered as direct misuse; at the same time lacking of trees is reducing the amount of oxygen in the air and ...

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Human activity causing climate change

23 Mar 2015 11 Jun 2015

3 (1,181 )

Climate is changing in a horrid way. The change is influenced both by natural reason and human activities. El Nino, the Earth surface temperature increased, acid rains and many phenomenons are damaging the environment. Experts are worried about the rapid changing climate, because the change may fetch people many big disasters. Worldwide people are trying to find the solution and save humanity. This essay will discuss how ...

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The industrial ecology

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,342 )

ABSTRACT:         Industrial ecology is the main topics of industrial ecology Subject. Here also come Ecology, Ecosystem, Industrial ecology, Industrial system, Relation between industrial ecology and industrial system. Then describing and discussing the similarities and differences between an ecosystem and an industrial system. Then describing and discussing the actual definition of industrial ecology in the main body of this assignment. Here we can also see that the result ...

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National Waste Law

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,712 )

“It is unfortunate that the difficulties of interpreting the pronouncements from the EC are compounded by the failure of the national authorities to agree a common approach to the definition of waste.” Critically assess whether case law shows a “common approach” to the definition of waste. Introduction In OSS Group Ltd v Environment Agency, an appeal case concerning the question of when lubricating oil ceased to be ...

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Air quality in guangzhou

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,016 )

1. Introduction Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong Province , is going to hold the 16th Asian Games in November 2010. Athletes and couches coming from 45 countries and regions will participate in the Asian Games which last for more than two weeks. Strongly competent as a host city (Table 1), Guangzhou is famous for its natural scenario of Baiyun Mountain and Pearl River, for its food ...

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Water is an essential component in our life

23 Mar 2015

44 (17,393 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Water is an essential component in our life and it can be found in a very large quantity on the earth. Without water, there would be no living plant and animal. The water consumed by human originated in various forms and from various sources (Baba >et al., 2008). Lately, the popularity of bottled mineral water with consumers has increased due to ...

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Importance of environment

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,194 )

The difference between animals and humans is that animals change themselves for the environment, but humans change the environment for themselves. Without neighborhood we are incomplete. All things & Life have there surrounding locality (Environments) in the universe. Environment mean neighborhood & surrounding conditions, influences, or forces, by which living forms are influenced and modified in their growth and development. Here we discus the environment, commonly known ...

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Types of Waste

23 Mar 2015

3 (995 )

Waste is known as a matter which current users have no purpose of, or it is known as a matter which can be harmful to humans, animals or the environment. Waste can be divided into two categories, general and hazardous waste. General waste is waste that does not harm humans, animals or the environment. For example household waste, garden waste, building rubble, dry industrial and commercial waste. ...

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Atmospheric pollution

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,428 )

Executive Summary Harmful gases, liquids or solids may be present in the atmosphere causing air pollution. There are however different types of pollutants of air. This paper discusses atmospheric air pollution and the resultant ecological problem, factors that lead to or that are affected by air pollution, in this regard, living and non living factors, the subsequent human impacts, considering positive and negative impacts, the current approaches ...

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The resource curse in myanmar

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,167 )

Introduction Myanmar (Burma) has distinguished diversity in both its ethnicity and geography. Myanmar has been ruled by the formidable military junta that has contributed to raising many problems in the social, political and economic spheres. Myanmar is infamous for the world's longest civil war, dire poverty, poor public health and systematic human rights violations. Especially, the oppression of the military regime against some indigenous groups and pro-democracy ...

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The environmental management

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,446 )

Environmental Management is a very important component of sustainable living. The interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of Environmental Management enables it to solve the complex environmental problems (pollution, erosion, flooding, deforestation, desertification, just to name but a few) that essentially characterize our landscape at the local regional and global scale. To better understand these problems, the discipline draws on a wealth of expertise in both concepts and approaches ...

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Harmful Chemicals Environmental

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,254 )

Have the harmful effects of Environmental Chemicals upon Man and Ecosystems lessened since Rachel Carson published her book, Silent Spring in 1962? Almost fifty years after the publication of Silent Spring (1962), the legacy of this book in relation to environmental toxicology still lingers on. Described as one of the most important contributions to Western literature and as one of the ‘books that changed America' (Lutts ...

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Problems with air pollution in Manila

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,800 )

In Manila there are a lot of problems with air pollution, hygiene practices and the lack of good sanitation. These are the most important hygiene and health related risks in the Philippines. One-sixth of all deaths in the Philippines and approximately 6,000 premature deaths a year are because of hygiene, water-borne diseases and poor sanitation conditions. Diarrhea is the most common water-borne disease, then intestinal worms, typhoid, ...

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Goals and objectives of Power Supermarkets

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,731 )

Introduction Prior to 1997, Pennys often shared sites with Power Supermarkets, also at the time an ABF subsidiary; however this practice ceased after the sale of PSL to Tesco in 1997. ABF decided to maintain control of Primark rather than sell it on also, despite the fact that it is the only non-food part of the operation. In July 2005 Primark/Associated British Foods purchased the 120 branch ...

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The social responsibility

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,625 )

Introduction The social responsibility of any business to its society has been pondered over for a long time. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined in different viewpoints - from narrow perspective as quoted by Milton Friedman “ the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits” (Friedman, 1970) to ethical, legal and economic responsibilities (Carroll, 1979) to wider social perspectives of corporate citizenship (Hemphill, 2004). ...

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Wake up before its too late

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,515 )

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. ‘When the well is dry, we shall know the value of water'- these famous words by Benjamin Franklin vividly describe the world we live in today. It is only when we run out of things that we take for granted, that we realise how valuable and priceless it really was. Unfortunately, by that time it is usually too late to mend the ...

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Greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,044 )

Introduction Climate change is the consequence of any kind of adjustments in the climate system. Change in climate is caused by fluctuations in the factors that influence climatic patterns. This phenomenon has become one of the greatest environmental threats and risks that the world is facing. Persistent human activities such as driving cars, farming, deforestation, and industrialization result into production of greenhouse gases. These gases gather in ...

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Globalization Free Trade

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,319 )

Global Deregulation: Risks and Opportunities in the Area of Free Trade INTRODUCTION Globalization has been one of the major driving forces for achieving the concept of a ‘borderless world and society'. This period only shows that the world is innovating and becoming smaller not in terms of its size but in means of transportation, communication, and exchange of ideas. As this aspect of modernization happens, every country ...

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Praktische opdracht A.K: Nike

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,418 )

Inleiding: Ik heb dit merk gekozen omdat ik er graag meer over wil weten. Ik weet wel dat het eindproduct heel mooi is, maar wat voor soorten textiel ze gebruiken en hoe de import en export wordt geregeld weet ik allemaal nog niet. Ik hoop dat ik doormiddel van dit onderzoek er wel achter zal komen. Deelvraag 1: Hoe is Nike ontstaan? Het begon allemaal toen de ...

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Analysis of effluents in chemical industry

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,236 )

Abstract: This report deals with effluent samples obtained from a Ceramic Industry, and analysis for their physicochemical properties, metallic and non-metallic ions. These parameters were compared with established international standard issued by EHS Guidelines. The heavy Ceramic Industry is an important source of pollutants to the environment. Ceramic wastewaters not only contain high suspended and total solids but also significant amounts of dissolved organics resulting in high ...

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Advantages of using CNG

23 Mar 2015

2 (754 )

Appeared like a monster for the first time in 1999 and threatened all Egyptians, it was huge, dangerous and cruel. So the Egyptian government declared the war against it, and started to take serious actions. Now its 2009 but no change, it's still there darkening the skies of Cairo from October to December causing a lot of environmental and health casualties. Apart from the gray looking skies ...

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Widespread use of renewable energy

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,720 )

The first oil shock in 1973 raised worldwide concern about dwindling energy supplies. High oil price was a sign of depletion worldwide energy sources. Since 1960s no big oil resources have been discovered in the world. It suggested that world oil production will reach its peak within one or two decades (Lauber, 2005). The rise in oil prices also affected the developing countries' development plans, which demand ...

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Hr going green- switch to paperless office

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,820 )

Objectives Investigation into successful and failed implementations of the paperless office idea. To assess the cost savings for the HR department. How much can be saved? Will the costs outweigh the benefits? SWOT analysis of paperless office software's. Analyse current practice HR Going Green- Switch to Paperless Office The term ‘paperless office,' refers to an electronic documentation management environment which provides an alternative to ...

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Potential renewable energy sources for kuwait

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,097 )

RENEWABLE ENERGY Potential Renewable Energy Sources for Kuwait Kuwait's solution to providing enforcement to the current grid capacity and reliability is by exploring the various available options of renewable energy. Some of the major renewable forms of energy being utilized all over the world include solar, geothermal, wind and hydro energy. Based on the country's climatic conditions, the potential sources of energy available for Kuwait are as ...

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Sustainable development of Caribbean's tourism industry

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,550 )

The research topic of this paper is Sustainable Development of the Caribbean's tourism industry through proper environmental planning. The research question is the Caribbean's vulnerability and its ability to survive within a global landscape is an ongoing concern. Research was conducted via the internet and articles. Information was gathered covering the various related topics of this paper. This paper will discuss three main objectives. The first objective ...

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Water Quality Pollution

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,017 )

TOPIC: WATER QUALITY REPORT Question one: Potential sources of pollution and their potential impact on human health and environment. The Bevern River in Wales has for many years been clean and free from pollution. However in the recent years it have faced different threats of pollution that have posed risk to the water environment and the existence of the several fish species living in it. The major ...

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Reasons of degradation of mangrove forests

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,707 )

Reasons of degradation of Mangrove forests in Pakistan and its Management. Abstract: Over 600,000 hectares of Pakistan's coastline is under mangrove forestation. Coastal mangrove ecosystems in Pakistan have been seriously degraded over the last 50 years as a result of freshwater diversion for agriculture, industrial and urban water pollution, over-fishing in Indus delta andoverharvesting of mangroves by the local communities, sedimentation, and coastal erosion.The Indus delta of ...

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Environmental effects of large fires

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,531 )

Introduction Effects on Vegetation Advantages/Disadvantages of Fire Large fires can have number effects both positive and negative on the ground in which the fire has occurred. Fire causes damage to the soil by the burning of the litter layer and the organic material that is present in the soil. The purpose of this organic material is that it acts as a layer to protect the soil from ...

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Tourism theories and practices

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,553 )

"What Do Tourists Do And Why?" Critically Discuss Tourism industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing industry and largest employers in the modern world. This sheer vastness of the industry is understood from the fact that the numbers of tourists worldwide are anticipated to be doubled to one billion plus by the end of 2010. This essay will discuss in brief the different theories of ...

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Urban Regeneration Environment

23 Mar 2015

30 (11,900 )

TO WHAT EXTENT HAS CULTURE-LED REGENERATION AFFECTED THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Abstract To what extent has Culture-Led Regeneration affected the built environment within the UK? Use examples to put this into a wider context. Since the 1940's the phrase ‘Urban Regeneration' has been increasingly used in conjunction with the action of redeveloping land which had, in years prior, been areas of moderate to high density urban land use. ...

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Water transportation through a ship dock

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,564 )

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Background A port can be simply defined as a location where ship can dock and move personnel or cargo to or from land. in the last 50 years, ports have evolved from this definition, and have acquired a vital place in value-driven logistic-chain systems. They now are international logistic platforms forming a common boundary between production and consumption centres .Being ...

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Investigation and evaluation of environmental analysis

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,700 )

This assignment was given to me as well as to everyone else in the group by Ms. Karen Abberton. It is requested to be done as part of the course work experience in order to see how well students understood business management structure of the company they completed their work experience in. The brief for this assignment was given to us on the 16th of September 2009 ...

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Ultrasonic transducers

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,203 )

1.1 Introduction Transducer is a device which converts energy of one form to that of another. With reference to ultrasonic transducer the ultrasonic energy is to be converted to electrical, mechanical, or other energy form. A reversible transducer transforms energy in both directions with equal efficiencies. The transducers can be classified as follows: 1. Piezoelectric oscillators: Principle of piezoelectric effect is used and this is reversible. The ...

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Environmental Studies Essays - Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,722 )

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development A small manufacturing company is keen to promote its activitiesas being sustainable. As part of this process, the management has decided toimplement an EMS with a view to obtaining ISO 14001 certification. Withspecific reference to issues that are likely to be relevant to a smallmanufacturing company, discuss the role of the environmental management toolswe considered in workbook 2 and explain how these ...

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Rio Grande River

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,170 )

River Pollution in the Rio Grande River Environmental Pollution in the Rio Grande River The Rio Grande River is known as the river that provides a natural boundary between the United States and Mexico. This river is over 2,000 miles long reaching from the southern Rocky Mountains to the end of Texas. Many people depend on this river as a source of drinking water for them. In ...

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Literature Review On Green Logistics

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,599 )

The United States consumes 20.8 million barrels of oil everyday which leads the world; China is a distance second with 7.5 million barrels per day (Oil consumption, retrieved 8 Apr 2011). The number one transportation fuel used in the United States is gasoline and that fuel is used to keep our approximately 250 million vehicles running. Today there are about 250 million vehicles on the roads that ...

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Green Logistics Management

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,961 )

Green logistics can be defined as coordinating the general logistical activities comprising freight transport, storage, inventory management, materials handling and all the relevant activities required to move products through the supply chain in a way that meets customer requirements at minimum cost with an environmental concern. The main objective is examining different possible ways to reduce the external costs of logistics associated mainly with climate change, air ...

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Cause of the melamine

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,691 )

What is the cause of the melamine incident which triggered many countries? The melamine incident was initially centred on Sanlu, a Hebei-based dairy company, whose melamine-contaminated baby milk powder had sickened a growing number of infants. Nationwide inspections later found that milk powder from 21 dairy companies including Mengniu and Yili are also contaminated. Two giant processing companies — Mengniu Dairy Group Co. and Yili Industrial Group ...

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Environmental justice case study three gorges dam in china

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,717 )

I. Introduction The Three Gorges Dam was built on the third longest river in the world, Yangtze River. The river is around 6300 kilometres long. The dam is located in Xi Ling Gorge, near Yichang city (Bridle, 2000). The geographical site of the river and the dam are shown in Map1. This paper is an environmental justice case study about the Three Gorges Dam project in China. ...

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Total quality management - Literature review

23 Mar 2015

22 (8,483 )

Literature review The world experienced the quality revolution in the early 1990's. From that instance organisations were improving in overall quality of the organisation. The companies around the world competed with their quality of products and services, price and delivery. Organisations believed that by improving the quality, they can achieve lower cost, fewer failures and better marketability. In this period total quality management became popular. TQM is ...

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Indonesia the problem of trans boundary haze

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,631 )

Introduction Sustainability of environment becomes an embedded eco-political concern of development strategy in today's globalized world. In spite of encouraging economic growth, Transboundary haze pollution (THP) is incurring a serious menace to environment in South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Smoke haze resulted from land and forest fires frequently stemming from Indonesia, the largest country of this region, as a consequence of illegal logging, traditional agricultural actions ...

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Critically review the practice of post-development monitoring in eia

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,789 )

Introduction Since the 1960s, there has been a growing concern in the environment and the unfavorable impact that society has on the global environment (United Nations, 1990). Over the years, there has been a steady introduction of environmental legislation, in an attempt to regulate impacts on the environment. However, other environmental management means have also been developed. These include environmental auditing, environmental accounting, environmental reporting, life-cycle assessment, ...

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