Nuclear power plant

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,858 )

Nuclear Power Energy is a beneficial thing that used for human's activity. One of the energy is electricity. The energy can be obtained from coal. However as daily uses of coal, the amount of coal that available on the earth will be decreased and results in no existing coal. Therefore, it is needed to find alternative energy sources to create the energy with no limit of uses. ...

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Environmental impact

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,311 )

Environmental impact assessment is a tool used in identifying and evaluating the environmental effects that are likely to arise from a major proposed project (Morris & Therivel, 2009). The purpose of EIA is to supply or aid decision makers in making appropriate decision regarding the environmental impact of proposed projects. In order words, its aim is to provide decision makers such as the Local Authority a systematic ...

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Dependence of man on the environment

23 Mar 2015

2 (674 )

The environment mainly consists of the earth and its surroundings which include the atmosphere. The life of man here on earth completely depends on the natural environment for its existence. It is from the environment that man ultimately obtains food or cash. Actually seventy percent of the earth's surface is covered by water but due to man's activities; both domestic and industrial, most of this water ...

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Nuclear pollution

23 Mar 2015

2 (769 )

Any undesirable effect caused to the environment due to radioactive substances or radiations is called nuclear pollution.Major source is the Nuclear power plants. If traces of the radioactive substances are present in the water that is released from the plant, it will cause nuclear pollution. Emission of radiations can also cause this kind of pollution. It affects almost all life forms in the surrounding environment. From planktons ...

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Environment issues and energy saving methods

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,664 )

Environment issues and energy saving methods "Hotels and resorts use intense amounts of natural resources (e.g., water, electricity) in providing luxurious accommodations for guests. These practices pose risks to the natural environment, on which the tourism industry relies". "Energy management has been an important part in the environmental protection and welfare of human being. Due to the unprecedented rise in prices of some sources of energy use ...

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Climate Change

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,543 )

Historically, only natural factors were believed to have affected the earth's climate. However, during the 18th Century, scientists began to attribute human activities to changes in climatic patterns (U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 2010). Subsequently, much scientific evidence has linked the activities of human beings to the concentration of greenhouse gases being significantly increased in the atmosphere, thus contributing to climate change. Despite the evidence presented, many skeptics ...

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Environmental sustainability

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,892 )

ABSTRACT Universities, as centres for training responsible and knowledgeable humans, prepare students to respond to the intellectual, social, and personal challenges that they will face in community. To this end, universities will take use of various resources. In this regard, the question which rises is to what extent the world leading universities take their environmental responsibility into consideration and how committed they are to environmental sustainability. This ...

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Developing and improving environmental problems

23 Mar 2015

2 (687 )

Environmental problems are always on the agenda when it comes to developing new and improved ways to “fix” the concerns the general public holds towards the current environment. New technology and new sources of clean energy, fuel, and water are the challenges being embraced by new, young, and exciting companies. The thinking of these companies is that new technology is the focus that is needed to bring ...

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Lithium-ion battery

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,161 )

Introduction This course work is related to a new type of Lithium-lion battery developing by a company. This new product (battery) based on Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has great anticipate in production of laptop batteries. This kind of battery have many overcomes on traditional or commercial batteries. The new technology has great efficiency as well. It allows the battery to be recharged in 5 minutes for its 80% capacity, ...

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The effects of flood damage on everyday life

23 Mar 2015

2 (589 )

Flood is usually an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land and the inflow of tide onto land. Floods are the most frequent and costly natural hazards, causing almost 90 percent of all the damage related to natural disasters. Floods usually cause large-scale loss of human life and wide spread damage to properties. This damage is known as flood damage. Unimaginable damage will be caused ...

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23 Mar 2015

8 (2,904 )

The concept of "eco-city" is sometimes regarded as a utopian concept that is not possible to achieve in totality in the real world. Write an essay to present your understanding and evaluation of the concept, using appropriate examples for illustration. The next new wave in city planning is "Eco-City" in response to global climate changes crisis. It is a relatively new concept, combining together ideas from several ...

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Businesses going green with IT

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,285 )

In today's ever changing world, there is an increased amount of pressure to become more environmentally conscious in they we live go about our daily lives. Some examples of environmental impacts on individuals may include trash recycling, choosing eco-friendly consumer products, vehicle purchase, as well as basic house hold energy management. We could also apply this to an industry service. Businesses in the architectural / engineering ...

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Environmental sustainable development

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,048 )

Introduction Sustainability can be described as a state in which humankind is living within the carrying capacity of the earth. This means that the earth has the capacity to accommodate the needs of existing populations in a sustainable way and is therefore also able to provide for future generations. Humankind is nowadays facing the fact that, with its intensive industrial activities, pollution, and resource exploitation has exceeded ...

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