The City Of Galle


02 Nov 2017

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The city of galle in Sri lanka plays a major role in Sri lankan Tourism. The Dutch fort of Galle is arguably most interested among both Local and Foreign travelers. It was declared as a UNESCO world heritage site in Sri Lanka. Galle Dutch fort has a long history. This glorious fort was firstly built by Portuguese in 1588. Remarkably it had been marked in the Ptoloamy’s world map illustrated around 125-150 A.D. At that time this fort situated in Galle bay, was a quite busy port. The fort was retained by Dutch in 17th century. It was visited by Chinese, Greeks, Arabs and Indians for business and commercial trading purposes. Dutch fort of Galle is also called as ‘Ramparts of galle’. The name Galle is generated from the Dutch word ‘Gallus’ by means of chicken. Other version is that there was a big stable made for cattles. In Sinhalese it is ‘Gaala’ and the name ‘Galle’ derived from ‘Gaala’.

The fort is a profess to South asian customs and European architecture around 19th century. The Portuguese invader ‘Lorezo de almeida’ was able to build up a tight friendship, with the Sri Lankan King ’Dharmaparakramabahu’(King of Kotte kingdom). As a result of that he got the permission to build a camp to affirm the safety of the coastal areas of Sri lanka. But they were ordered to return the fort to King ‘Seetawakla rajasingha’. In 1940 King Rajasingha 2 captured the Galle fort from Portuguese with the help of Dutch. Dutch were not seconded to the protugese on behalf of the disaster brought to Ceylon. Gradually Dutch began to engage with Ceylon politics. However with the arrival of Britains, the fort was enslaved again.

There are 2 main entrances to the fort. The entrance through the Galle cricket ground is much crowded with travelers. You can find the motto under the logo of British monarch at the top of the main gate. Other than that the Dutch logo ‘VOC’ which represents Dutch East India Company is placed in the inner side of the gate. Other cluster of sites in the Galle city are Galle fort temple, Galle fort mosque, Galle fort light house, Maritime museum, fort library and the Anglican church. The inside walls of the fort are adorned with Dutch architecture. Thus Kleipenberg bastion, Emaloon bastion and Aurora bastion has uplifted the glory of the fort. The bread fruit tree planted in the fort is believed to be the oldest bread fruit tree of Sri lanka. Bread fruit is also brought to Sri lanka by Dutch.

Hikkaduwa, one of the largest & most influential tourism sites of Sri anka has gained a tremendous stride with the rise of the tourism sector. Hikkaduwa is more famous for it’s Coral sanctuary. This natural, multi colored coral reef has been well conserved; many species of fish and sea turtles attract many people from all over the world. After a short distance southwards from this impressive coral reef is palled. The beach provides best sea waves for surfing during its dry season. In addition travelers interested in surfing and diving prefers Hikkaduwa most. More interested tourists can take a PADI course to explore Hikkaduwa’s Coral reef sanctuary. The area is divided into 4 main breaks. From north to south is Locals break, Main peak, Hansa surf break and beach break. Crystal clear water, white sand beach attract many surfers from UK, Japan and USA. Pubs, restaurants, shops and night clubs can be easily found in Hikkaduwa area. Though you can enjoy and dance at Dance floors nearby the Beach. Accommodations can be reserved from guest houses and hotels. Obviously there is no other tourism place similarly to Hikkaduwa. While walking on the long stretched sandy shore, you can taste various sea foods. It’s a great opportunity for sun worshippers and sea worshippers.

J.W Bennet reported that ‘is most pleasantly situated, and great resort of picnic parties for galle’ in 1843. Such witnesses prove that Hikkaduwa was a famous tourism destination since from the past. Hence this funny coastal area is used for snorkeling and diving by many foreign tourists. You may see more than 3 ship wrecks remained for diving seekers, to be explored. The wrecks, corals and sundry species of fish are waiting to show their colors in the sea. Probably November to march is the most appropriate months to dive in underwater. So that, take diving equipments from dive shops at the beachfront.

It seems to be that the Germans involved in the Hikkaduwa beachfront since from the past. Sign boards and menus in German are still remained around the beach. Annual National championship of Japanese Pro surfer’s association was held at Hikkaduwa since last 5 years. If you want to do some shopping you can follow the Galle route located through the town. But be care full to bargain with salesmen because the prices may arise at high seasons. So visit Hikkaduwa and enjoy your holidays with an exclusive experience.

Galle light House

Don’t get tired of searching panoramic beaches listed at Sri lankan Tourism sites. Galle Light house located at the Galle fort is one of the 14 remaining light houses of Sri Lanka. In fact the Galle fort is a UNESCO world heritage site. The glorious Galle fort was firstly built by Portuguese in 1588. Remarkably it had been marked in the Ptolamy’s world map designed around 125-150 A.D. Subsequently the Galle fort is noticed in the records of Arab traveler ‘Iban bhathuta’. At that time this fort placed in Galle bay, was a quite busy port. The fort was fortified by Dutch in 17th century. Usually it was visited by Chinese, Greeks, Arabs and Indians for business and commercial trading purposes. The light house is erected 7 m above from the road. Presently it is maintained by Mr. Sarathchandra. It is known as the oldest light house in Sri lanka. The light house was firstly built in 1848, but it was burnt in 1936. The appearing tower was built in 1940.This landmark is almost crowded with local and foreign travelers. The lights are operated through a computerized system. Therefore Mr. Sarathchandra is not almost busy. The foremost light at the top of the light house switches off in every morning and switches on at night.

As indicated above this round shaped construction was built in 1939 and completed in 1940. It is 26.5 m in height and 47 m in range. This offshore at Galle fort is operated by Sri Lanka Ports Authority. Fantastic view of the Indian Ocean is appeared besides with the light house. Due to Sea breeze and sea waves, your cumbersome will be vanished. Subsequently it can be known as a relaxing spot. Local kids who are engaged with flying kites and playing cricket is a frequent view here. Locals prefer to have sea baths while playing an enjoying their weekend holidays. While walking on ancient erected ramparts you can enjoy the sunset at evenings. Remember that the Light house is not allowed to be climbed. So have fun at outside views.

Historical mansion museum

Though Galle is a UNESCO world heritage site the Historical mansion museum in Galle preserves the originality of the Tourism destination of Galle, Sri lanka. Since Portuguese were reached to Ceylon unexpectedly, they have influenced to develop, change and improve our culture. The historical mansion museum is a privately owned museum, initiated by Abdul gaffer. Abdul Gaffar, the creator was prompted to build this museum because of the ‘Salarjung museum’ in India. On behalf of that he collected and exhibits miscellaneous things. It must be pointed out that this mansion is a characteristically Dutch architectural feature. This supposed to be a stalwart attraction to draw attention of the tourists. On the other hand there are negative affections too. In 1640, Portuguese had to hand over the colonial country, Ceylon to the Dutch. Finally British conquered Ceylon and ruled till 1948. However all these invasions had been affected to the development of Galle.

The mansion is settled in a grandeur colonial Dutch house. Further this may be the largest private museum in Sri lanka. Perhaps you may get amazed seeing the equipments placed in the museum. Rather it is not just a museum but a shop that sell stationary, table clothes, handicrafts, antiques, jewellery etc. Sometimes it will be a rare experience to buy such exhibited things (All most all the things are for sale) in a museum. A gem shop is also positioned in the museum. Looming over the museum you will be asked to see a live embroidery presentation (‘beeralu lace’) or a sapphire cutting and polishing. The embroidery art, done with ‘beeralu lace’ was a significant industry introduced by Portuguese. A wide range of bric a brac is preserved in good condition. Perhaps the climax of the museum deemed to be the Dutch well in the central court yard. There is a stone slab sculptured in1763. Chinese Porcelain plates and mugs which have the printed VOC symbol are recently preserved. Not only that but also there are fashionable tea cups and kettles, with printed head of Queen Elizabeth 2 in the museum.

Significantly the museum doesn’t charge you a fee at the entrance. You can visit the national maritime museum situated near the fort too. Galle is famous for several industries like handicrafts made of turtle shells, and buffalo horns. While on stroll you may be capable to see them. For as much as turtles are faced to extinction these handicrafts are much rare.


Yet another place to be toured regarding Sri Lankan tourism sites is Rumassala. In colonial era it was known as ‘Buona Vista’ (pleasant view). The legendary chronicle ‘Ramayana’ proclaims that ‘Rumassala’ is a chunk of Himalayan Mountains in India. Rumassala hill gives you a beautiful view of the southern coast of galle. Colonials used Rumassala as a watering point to fill their crafts with fresh water. Even today we can see the Surplus of the jetty. By the way now it has become a service centre of ships and crafts. The Rumassala forest has a vast collection of bio diversity. It is a yet another home to mammals, birds, insects and reptiles. Some of the indigenous and endemic animals, plants had been survived in the jungle. The ocean is is quite rich with coral reefs and sea bio diversity. Tourists can snorkel, dive and explore the underwater bio diversity. However the Rumassala mountain range and the coral reefs have been ensured.

Rumassala is a best place to spend and enjoy your weekends leisurely. The epic ‘Ramayana’ reveals a beautiful folklore. Occasionally King Rawana and Rama were in the battlefields; lots of soldiers of Rama’s army get wounded and injured. Therefore Rama pleased to the Monky king ‘Hanuman’ to bring few medicinal herbs from Himalayan Mountains. The herbs were namely Mritasanjeevani, bidhalayakarani, suvarnakarani and sandhani. But Hanuman couldn’t recognize those listed herbs. So that he brought back a part from gigantic Himalayan Mountains. Henceforward finding the required herbs, Hanuman threw away the rest of the mountain part. Today this part of Himalayan Mountain, fallen to Sri Lanka is known as Rumassala. So that there is no doubt that there are medicinal herbs. The solemn shrine, Japanese peace pagoda was gifted by Japanese monk Nichidatsu Fuhi thero; founder of the Nipponzan – Myohoji Nikaya in Japan. It has added some colors to the Rumassala mounatain. Thus a giant statue of Hanuman is built at the Peace pagoda temple. Even today devotees visit this statue and worship ‘Hanuma’ (Hanuma is believed to be a God now). A panoramic view of the Galle bay and the Indian Ocean will entertain you at the top of this hill.

The reef also supports the fishermen in the area to catch fish. You will see the traditional fishermen engaged with their fishing duties. So far it is more legitimate for family trips and picnics. Please remind that not to disturb the bio diversity of Rumassala.

Koggala and Madol Duwa

Places like Koggala attract tourists to Sri Lanka from various countries. Koggala is located in the southern face of Sri lanka. Koggala museum is the home of former famous writer Martin Wickramasingha. Koggala town has a valuable culture, custom and folks. Koggala is an ideal place for travelers’ aptitude of Sinhala culture and tradition. Koggala museum consists of wood, furniture, traditional masks and costumes of folk dancers. Visitors can enjoy the boat trips in the laggon and Koggala lake to explore other tiny islands and the bio diversity around the koggala site. Koggala is a perfect place for bird watching. Hundreds of birds are coming roost at evening.

Madol duwa is a yet another island whereas became very famous through the ‘Madol Duwa’ book. This novel was written by Martin Wickramasingha. Martin Wickramasingha is identified as a most renowned writer in late 20th century. The story is developed around Upali, Jinna, Ranadewa, Dangadasa and Siripala. Their struggle to success their lives in the deserted island named madol Duwa, is elaborated through the story. Even the story was made in to a film in 1976.

Koggala Lake is a large unspoiled lake located within few kilo meters away from town. Bird watching at evening is a breathtaking. At the entire lagoon is teemed with prawns and birds. You are allowed to take boat trips and explore the islands around the Koggala lake. In fact it will be a relaxing experience. Pol oya, reckoned as Sri Lanka’s largest natural lake comprised with 8 small islands. You are indulged to see various species of mangrove swamps. It is witnessed that approximately 10 of them are endemic to Sri lanka. There are 7 islands around ‘Pol oya that can be reached. On your way to ‘Madol duwa’ these islands will be found. The first island is ‘kathduwa’. Obviously the place was used to land sea planes by Japanese during the World War 2. Even today sea planes from Nuwara eliya or marawila can be landed here. ‘Sekku gala’, the well magnified at Madol Dowa novel is still remaining at the Madol Duwa Island. Nowadays it is going to be polluted due to the misbehaviors of the peasantry around the area.

There is a Turtle hatchery at the border of Koggala city. Purposely it was built to conserve and promote Sri lankan Tourism. Since 1996 the hatchery is trying to conserve turtles. Turtles are interested to lay eggs around the Sri lankan coastal shore. They make aware the community and travelers the importance of turtle conservation.

Dooli Ella

‘Dooli Ella’ is another cascade in Sinharaja forest, Galle. Sinharaja forest covers an area about 11330 hectares. It is declared as a World heritage site due to the worth flora and fauna diversity. Dooli ella is located in the southern offsetof the Sinharaja forest. It is about 200 feet in height. This wide terrific cascade gets this name ‘ Dooli ella’, as it is comprised of a widely spreading water fall like a spray. It is quit difficult to get closer to the water fall. Though this water fall is not travelled by many travelers you can get away from the hustle-bustle at Galle city.

Unawatuna Beach

Unawatuna, worth spot of sri lankan Tourism is basking on the southern coast of Sri lanka. It can be toured within 5 km from Galle. Tourists visit the Unawatuna beach to spend their holidays and weekends leisurely. Unawatuna beach is protected by a natural reef in the Indian Ocean. Unawatuna is very mush rich of bio diversity. Sea worshippers and Sun worshippers are warmly welcomed yet the sun rays won’t burn your skin. Significantly the fleet water can be enjoyed by snorkeling and diving at underwater. Perhaps you can have a tour for watching whales in the Sea within 20 min away from the bay by a boat. Though the beach is constituted of sheltered water for swimming, ship wrecks, and sea baths and diving within the coral reefs, this edifice is a paradise for the travelers. This natural swimming pool is almost preferred by scuba divers. Either you can drink a coconut palm or bliss at Ayurvedha spa treatments to refresh your mind and body. The Ayurvedha treatments are served with local medicinal herbs and ointments. Thus you will be awaked with the offered spicy sea food meal. Nowadays Prawns, cuttlefish, lobster, crabs and tunas are very popular among the sea food menus. It should be highlighted that most of the restaurants, hotels, and rest houses at Unawatuna will kindly serve you to full fill your needs as you wish.

The Dagoba at Unawatuna is being worshiped by lots of visitors who arrive at Unawatuna beach. A panoramic view of the ocean can be seen from the Dagoba. The Indian chronicle ‘Ramanayana’ says a long legend about Sri Lanka and India. Once, the Sri Lankan king ‘Rawana’ visited India. On his way back he saw Princess ‘Sita’. The king was attracted to her and he kidnapped and brought her back to Sri Lanka. Sita was the loving wife of Prince ‘Rama’. Therefore ‘Rawana’ and Indian price ‘Rama’ struggled to rescue ‘Sita’. This root cause called to a battle. In the moment Rama’s brother ‘Lakshman was injured in the battlefield. Therefore Prince Rawana ordered the monkey King Hanuman to bring some medicinal herbs from Himalayan Mountains. Yet hanuman couldn’t identify the herbs he took a part from the Himalayan Mountains. Occasionally Hanuman was lifting a part of the mountain a chunk of the mountain fell down on the location of Unawatuna. Other chunk is at Rumassala. So that there is no doubt that there are many endemic medicinal plants nearby.

AndaHelena Watarfal

Many travelers come and travel around hot tourism spots in Sri lanka and miss awesome spots that cannot comparable to any other. One such destination is ‘Andahelena’ water fall. It is a sheer beauty is located in Pituwala, about 6 km away from Elpitiya city, Galle. From Colombo it is about 95 km in distance. The expanse area is full of greenery trees. This forest is called Beraliya jungle. It covers an area about 4774 hectares. It is about 12 m in height. The route to reach the fall is much difficult but quite worth. An elegant pool is formed at the top. Kaluwara, bakmee, telkekuna,wanasapu, venivel, Ehela, Teak, Ankenda and bata domba trees are stretching it’s branches to shade you similarly to a canopy. The Divankara lena (Divankara cave) is also positioned in the Beraliya Mukalana (Beraliya jungle). It is a cave temple on a rock plaque. Long time ago the plaque was built by one of the foreigners in a tea estate located close to Pituwawala. Later Alpitiya was famous for tea estates. By the way the estate got vanished due to the Cinnomon crops.

The final part of the journey to the Anda Helena fall must be completed on foot. So enjoy the facts of natural bio diversity of Sri lanka. Singing birds, murmuring bees grumbling trees will definitely will be a relaxation to negotiate the busy life style you had. Pure and cool atmosphere will energize your lungs. Therefore it will feel like an adventure through huge ‘Beraliya jungle’.

Water sports in Bentota

While stimulating among best places for water sports, you will find the most wanted subjects in the world’s famous tourist paradise Bentota. Number of great sports activities can be played at the Bentota Sea. Bentota is the exceptional beach for surfers and jet skiers. Water skis, surf boards, jet skis and speed boats are available at many sports centres around Bentota beach. Gradually youth are mostly involved with stunning sports. Whether you are not interested, you will be attracted soon as you can see the others. Beginners can be trained under the supervision of professional trainees of water sports. Sun worshippers can stroll along the beach under and endless canopy of palm trees. The beach is a stretch of well maintained Golden sand. Body board rides, canoeing, diving, tube rides, snorkeling and lagoon fishing are the most preferred sports among elders as well as youth. PADI (Professional association of Diving Instructors) instructors will accommodate you to be good at sports. Obviously Bentota beach is one of the safest beaches in Sri lanka. It is fed by Bentota firth. Thus there are water sports for kids too. While you are enjoying with above indicated diving, snorkeling, jet skis etc your kids will play with banana boats. Boat trips can be arranged In the Bentara river. It deemed to be a thrilling experience. Bentara River is opined as a legendary river flows in to the Indian Ocean at Bentota estuary on behalf of forming a large lagoon at the end. In fact you can see the mangrove swamps and kinds of animal like reptiles, birds nestled at the river. You can entertain a local fishing experience on this excursion on the canoeing boat.

Forsooth the beach is a famous destination among wedding couples. Not only locals but also foreigners come to spend their honeymoon days at beach side hotels. Eventually well oriented and well trained instructors and trainers are eagerly waiting to welcome tourists for water sports at Bentota. Furthermore you can visit the Turtle hatchery at Kosgoda within few minutes from the Bentota beach. An array of luxurious hotels, restaurants and rest houses are also in the beach perimeter. Mostly the Bantota bay beach gets crowded in the dawn of the Monsoon season. The southern border of the beach ends with the pristine plam fringed broad beach instant the northern border ends with the estuary named ‘paradise island’.

Gatabaru dewalaya

Kanneliya rain forest

Kannelya rain forest is just one of the Galle's many landmarks to discover. Tourists whom are seeking adventure based tourism locations in Sri lanka tour the Kanneliya rain forest. Probably it is more appropriate for a natural bath, Hiking, waterfalls and beautiful landscapes. It is a low land forest extends about 5306 ha. Galle is consisted of 3 major forest reservation complexes. Namely Kanneliya, Dediyagala and Nakiyadeniya (Some call it the KDN complex). Kanneliya rain forest located about 36 km to the northeast from Galle. And also it is tropical rain forest in galle district. The mean annual rainfall is around 3750 mm. Kanneliya forest is well enriched with bio diversity. It may be second listed just because of the Sinharaja Forest. ‘Gin ganga’ river is the main water supplement to the Kanneliya forest. Multitudes of endemic plants are preserved in the forest. As the forest is comprised with many attractions, you don’t have to investigate whole the area as they can be reached easily. The Anagimale fall is just 2km from the entrance.

By the way several forest conservation projects are carrying out to preserve this natural diversity. Hence ward the forest department is also supporting them. Due to a reforestation program carried out in early 1970’s has recovered a little. It is evident that once you harmed to the environment it takes more time to be recovered.

December to February is the most suitable months to travel as it gets the highest rain fall. Usually the streams are running with their full force of water through the jungle and create beautiful cascades and sceneries. It will make you sense. You can bath in cool natural streams. Eventually it will energize you. Somehow you will have to take care of leechs. Bring some lime with you and if you are beaten, put few drops on the leech and it will leave you at once. Some of the popular pools located at the forest are the natural pool behind the Kanneliya forest resort, the pool in front of the Kanneliya conservation centre (KCC) and the pool behind the KCC. Tourists looking for hiking are encouraged to visit the forest during the months of March or April as it may get reduced the rain fall. There are two traces used for hiking. You can select either route to Kabbale Mountain or the route through ‘Narangas’ ella. The gigantic ‘Navada’ tree is on the same way. A panoramic view of the entire area can be entertained at the top of the Kabbale hill. The light filtered through the forest canopy and tree leaves is unmemorable.

Kataluwapurwarama temple

Koggala Lake and surrounding

Koggala Lake is a yet another place to be visited in Sri Lankan tourism. Koggala Lake is a un- spoiled lake located about few kilo meters away from Galle. It will feel like a paradise for nature lovers who are eagerly seeking for sites to explore and study the natural bio diversity and eco system. The isle is comprised with lush mangrove swamps at all. The lake is embellished with rocky islands, animals and shrubs. You can explore whole the area and all the islands. It is quite tremendous for bird watching and sunset sceneries in the evenings. Even many species of birds have immigrated to Koggala islands. In fact Koggala lake is consisted with 8 small islands.. There are 7 islands around ‘Pol oya’ that can be reached by a catamaran or a motor boat. The first island is ‘kathduwa’. The famous island ‘Madol Duwa’ is also in the same cluster of the sites. Madol Duwa Island became more famous due to the ‘Madol Duwa’ novel written by the great novelist Martin Wickramasingha. Later Koggla was identified as the village of the great novelist. The surrounding is tranquil albeit you can hear the shivering tones and trembling sounds of the water. Sometimes you will find reptiles pacing on the shimmering water. You will meet thrilling and amusing moments on your journey to Koggala Lake. On behalf of that you can have a nature bath if you are interested. But don’t try to pollute the Koggala lake and the surrounding as it should be preserved for the next generation.

More over Koggala lake is an adorable place to while away your holidays and weekends purposely. There are number of people who don’t know anything about nature. For such Cool atmosphere and the vivacious breeze will cumin from the busy life you had.

Sea turtle Hatchery

Sea turtle hatchery situated in Habaraduwa, is mostly admired by nature lovers, and both local and foreign tourists. It is a non profitable organization located as well as a popular tourism attraction in Sri Lanka. Habaraduwa is 5 km from the Galle – Matara Road. In order to conserve turtles and other marine species the small hatchery was firstly started in 1986. Sri lankan beaches are reckoned as a favorable breeding spot of the sea turtles. In case Bentota, Induruwa, Kosgoda, Ahungalle, Unawatuna and Balapitiya are few of the most preferred nesting areas of the Sea turtles. Some wicked people have been motivated and attempted to kill turtles and grab and poach the turtle eggs for commercial purposes. This has lead to extinct rare varieties of sea turtles, from our mother earth. Thereby several hatcheries have been erected in Sri Lanka to act against these poaches. Actually this conservation project should be admired which is trying to develop a combat against those poaches.

It is said that these sea turtles need a specified location or beach to lay down their eggs. Therefore they come to places like Sri lanka ignoring many more beaches around the world. Eventually they lay down the eggs on the sandy beaches and return back to sea. All the tourists are demonstrated to ensure the life of turtles and conserve them. The Sea turtle hatchery is a day care for new born turtles. The babies must be released to the Ocean at heel of 4 days. Perhaps you will receive a rare chance to release the baby sea turtles to the sea. Most have got the opportunity to oversee and take them to their hand. Gradually five varieties of sea turtles are found in Sri lanka, such as Hawksbill turtle, Olive ridley turtle, Loggerhead turtle, leatherhead turtle and Green turtle. These new born turtles are protected in small water tanks. The injured turtles are conserved in another tank in the hatchery. A small clime of sand is nearby to the tanks where clans of eggs are conserved. Each of them is labeled with the date and number of eggs in the clan. However these people are making a wonderful work to save this animal kind. There are 4 officers involved with the project in the hatchery. Since it was started the organization has released over 500000 sea turtles to the ocean. They will cost you a Rs.400 for each. Purposely it is used to take care of the sea turtles.


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