Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI)

13 Sep 2016 16 Mar 2017

10 (3,871 )

Keywords: cooper, occupational stress indicator, osi, stress at work, coping with stress Discuss the weaknesses of the Occupational Stress Indicator. What are the alternatives? The Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI) is one of the most frequently used measures of occupational stress. Its intention is to provide practical help to individuals and their organizations (Cooper et al., 1988). It was designed to measure the key components of the ...

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Use of the path-goal theory

26 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

4 (1,464 )

Use of the path-goal theory The Reasoning for the Use of the Path-Goal Theory in the "Jeanne Lewis" Case Jeanne Lewis, by any measure of the imagination is any prospective employer's dream team member. She was committed, articulate, productive, smart, sensitive, motivated, and responsive to challenges. According to Peter Drucker (1998), “Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results, ...

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How employable individuals turn their focus to start-ups?

26 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

7 (2,614 )

How employable individuals turn their focus to start-ups? An Empirical Study on Factors Motivating Business Students to Move to the Entrepreneurial Sector Abstract. This exploratory study is attempts to examine how employable individuals turn their focus to start-ups. Today, majority of employees still practise a more or less self-protective strategy. In this paper the researcher has reported on the results of an empirical study of factors motivating ...

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The Challenge of motivating employees

26 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

9 (3,347 )

Challenge of motivating employees Organization has been deemed to be the strength of any viable business. The more organized and efficient the different components in the business are, the better it functions. The breaking down of tasks associated with each component in a particular organizational system has now led to the concept of job design or performance charters. Motivation is simply a process which encourages and guides ...

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Attributes of the employees

26 Jul 2016 26 Sep 2016

2 (784 )

Attributes of the employees Employees are the most critical part of an organization as they provide their skills for an organization's operations and they are the one who can drag the organizational performance because of these reasons the employers wants to hire the people having the best attributes. In the following I have selected out the attributes of the employees valued by the employer through from different ...

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Performance Management

23 Mar 2015 17 Aug 2015

8 (2,877 )

Other than the above, employers can ride on the performance appraisal event to provide feedback to the employees regarding his or her past performance and to help them to improve their job performance. This exercise also provides opportunity for employees to express their feelings about the job and to increase interpersonal communication. From this it can stimulate interest in self-development for the purpose of greater personal development. ...

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Voluntary turnover

23 Mar 2015 09 Jun 2015

21 (8,304 )

CHAPTER NO.1 Introduction Background 1.01 Employee turnover is a much-studied phenomenon. There is a vast literature on the causes of voluntary employee turnover dating back to the 1950s. 1.02 Voluntary turnover is a major problem for many organizations in many Asian countries (Barnett, 1995; Chang, 1996; Syrett, 1994). Employee turnover is giving sleepless nights to human resource managers in many countries in Asia (Naresh Khatri). Organizations ...

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Diversity in the Workplace

23 Mar 2015

2 (549 )

In today's multicultural workplace, it pays to be familiar with the culture of fellow employees, supervisors, clients or customers who may come from a different ethnic background from you.  Understanding their cultural traditions and customs will allow you to work with these individuals more effectively.  Being able to understand ethnically diversified individuals will help to unlock their potential.  How can you teach these individuals to work together?  ...

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Behavior and Individual Success

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,783 )

Title of Assignment: “How Behavior Impacts Individual Success” Everyone seeks to be successful, but not everyone accomplishes this goal. There are those of us who understand that success stems from our individual behavior and there are those that refuse to understand this concept. Behavior drastically affects one's individual success and there are several factors to point out when speaking of this. Successful individuals know that the ...

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Compensation and benefits

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,845 )

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Introduction The chapter begins with an introduction that explains the research framework. The intention of this study is to analyze the relationship between compensation and benefits and others independent variables towards the employee turnover. Then, it proceeds about the hypothesis development. The theoretical framework and hypothesis development examine the relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. Next, it goes to data collection methods ...

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Effect of Middle level managers on Employee Turnover

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,682 )

Abstract Management at any organization can be classified into three levels and they are Top level, middle level and low level management. Each level of management has it's roles and responsibilities to be executed for the better functioning of the organization. Middle level mangers play a key role in any organization. They are point of contact for many of the resources across the top level and ...

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Workforce Planning

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,894 )

Scenario: Thinking of brands with a prestige; Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy or LVMH is going to come in many peoples' thoughts straight away. LVMH is a business organisation involved in many areas and in many countries specialized in luxury goods. In this report, the researcher as a human resource consultant in LVMH, professional consultation on various aspects of HR planning and development is needed. Task ...

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Theory of employability

23 Mar 2015

21 (8,235 )

Chapter 1 1. Introduction The theory of employability can be difficult to identify; there can be many factors that contribute to the idea of being employable. Little (2001) suggests, that it is a multi-dimensional concept, and there is a need to distinguish between the factors relevant to the job and preparation for work. Morley (2001) however states that employability is not just about students making deposits in ...

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why workers with dangerous jobs are paid

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,398 )

(a) Explain why workers with dangerous jobs are paid more than workers with less dangerous jobs The competition in the job market had shown an upward turn when we talk about the opportunities for the job seekers. There are diversified fields for the job seekers who go for the job according to their qualification and experience. But another factor is also very vital when a person seeks ...

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23 Mar 2015

8 (2,828 )

1.0 Introduction Wikipedia (2009) defined subcontractor as “an individual or in many cases a business that signs a contract to perform part or all of the obligations of another’s contract”. Other authors, Gerald N. Hill & Kathleen T. Hill (2005) defined subcontractor as “a person or business which has a contract with a contractor to provide some portion of the work or services on a project which ...

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Hiring employees

23 Mar 2015

3 (883 )

factors when deciding the most effective way to assess the suitability of job applicant for vacancy. traditional unstructured interview most common but least effective, why still relied on by managers during selection process, and how to make selection process more effective? Explain best approach to making sound selection decisions and justify Hiring employees effectively is vital to the survival of any organisation. The hiring process consists of ...

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Alcohol consumption in UK

23 Mar 2015

2 (590 )

Case Study 5- The case of a young binge drinker Introduction Alcohol consumption in the UK has increased rapidly in recent years, not just among young people but across society. In this report we will focus on: Consumer behaviour theories explaining Melanie's binge drinking. Recollect reference groups who influence Melanie's attitudes. Discuss Government strategies and campaigns such as the Portman Group. The alcohol industry provides employment to ...

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Employee reward

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,817 )

Employee Reward Assignment The aim of this essay is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages relating to broad-banding and grading pay structures. The first part of this paper will define broad-banding and grading pay structures. It will continue including various examples of both broad-branding and grading pay structures and also discussing the benefits and drawbacks of applying both structures within an organisation. The summary of the key ...

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Workplace bullying

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,554 )

Background Workplace bullying refers to the continuous criticism, negative comments on one's work or personality etc which harm the mental state of an employee much more than the sexual harassment. As such, both the workplace bullying and the sexual harassment have an ability to create a negative aura but still, workplace bullying has much more adverse affects than the sexual harassment. According to a survey done, it ...

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Workers Motivation

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,503 )

Since this day many theories have been developed trying to identify what lies behind the motivation of workers. What is it that pushes workers to improve their performance, increase their effort and ultimately feel part of an organisation? "Motivation is a conscious decision to perform one or more activities with greater effort than other competing activities" (Roberts and Corbett, 2009, Understanding Organisational Behaviour IB1230 p.240). It could ...

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Work and employment

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,266 )

Work - is the most important thing in life. From all the trouble, for all the ills you can find only one escape - at work. Hemingway Life without work is not possible. People spend most of life time at work, position at work shows person's position in life, good career position shows person's achievements in life. Also work - is person's identity: it means that profession ...

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Evaluation Of The Employment Practices

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,255 )

Introduction Wal-Mart as a large private retailing player in both America and the world, has recently gained public concerns over its employment lawsuits. The employee lawsuits against Wal-Mart include illegal immigrants & child labor, low wage & poor benefits, sex discrimination, compulsory overtime work. This has greatly degraded Wal-Mart reputation. It is obvious that Wal-Mart has offended the the ethical principles stated in Global Business Standards ...

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