Importance of Profit in Business

16 Mar 2018

6 (2,162 )

Profit acts as a vital role in the functioning of the economic system. In any industry profit acts as a signal that buyers want more output from that industry. Profits provide incentive for firms to increase production and encourage new firms to enter into that industry. The profit cannot be seen as a selfish motive of any business but induces entrepreneurs to take long business risk. ...

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Economic Costs of Civil War

16 Mar 2018

3 (1,160 )

  Costalli, S., Moretti, L., & Pischedda, C. (2014). The Economic Costs of Civil War: Synthetic Counterfactual Evidence and the Effects of Ethnic Fractionalization. HiCN Working Papers, 184. This paper provides an analysis of the role of the civil war in the destruction of the economy of a particular region. This paper directly relates to the topic of big business because it is virtually impossible for ...

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Tax on Negative Externality

16 Mar 2018

7 (2,558 )

In the free market nowadays, allocating the scarce of resource and allow the market to forces supply and demand to set prices is the very view of the government. Therefore, protect property right, maintain the value of the currency had become the role of the government. Improvements in allocative, dynamic efficiency and productive are often deliver by the competitive markets. The erosions for policy intervention are ...

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Causes of Economic Growth and Crashes

13 Mar 2018

6 (2,027 )

Amy Zhi   “How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes,” “Too Big to Fail” and the 2008 Recession The film “Too Big to Fail” takes viewers down the 2008 financial meltdown, also known as the “Great Recession of 2008,” and emphasizes its impact on the economy. The crisis was avoidable and caused by “widespread failures in financial regulation (Fed’s failure to stem the ...

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Singapore's Banking and Financial Services Sector

13 Mar 2018

4 (1,456 )

Introduction Banking and financial services sector as the part of financial system, it includes banking services, securities services, insurances services and other services. With the corresponding the agency includes the bank, securities Company, insurance company and other finance related company. Thanks to location, policy and other factors help, Singapore banking and financial services sector development rapidly. Singapore not only famous with the banking services ...

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Analysis of Open and Closed Economies

13 Mar 2018

7 (2,614 )


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Samsung Galaxy Smartphones Decreased Demand

13 Mar 2018

4 (1,492 )

Samsung Electronics is one of the Korea's top electronics company which was founded in 1938. It has grown from small business to be one of top leading electronics and Technology in the world. It makes many kinds of consumer devices, including DVD players, digital TVs, and digital still cameras; computers, color monitors, LCD panels, and printers; semiconductors such as DRAMs, static RAMs, flash memory, and display ...

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Agriculture and Forestry Machinery Industry in Canada

13 Mar 2018

19 (7,538 )

General remarks: The sources should be added The way we do it is like this[1] Also, since there are now sources, I cannot check how valid are your points It is always better to talk about the movement rather than static: E.g. the point with loans. Less loans, more loans than in 2012 (2011, 2012)? What is the trend, and this ...

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Strategies to Solve Economic Issues

13 Mar 2018

5 (1,976 )

INTRODUCTION Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the behaviour of individual households and firms in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources and studies individual prices. It also analyses demand and supply of labour and analyses demand and supply of goods. Economics is a science that studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses. It also ...

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Effect of the Energy Crisis on Pakistan's Economy

13 Mar 2018

6 (2,257 )

JAWAD KHAN Introduction: Energy crisis is defined as price rise of the energy resources or a great shortfall in the supply of the resources of energy. Usually it is referred to shortage of electricity, oil, natural gas, and other natural resources. Where the globalization has changed the world entirely, it emerged many issues but energy received significant attention from researchers. The demand for energy ...

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Analysis of Finland's Government Budget

13 Mar 2018

8 (3,012 )

Abstract A Government Budget is an administration report introducing the government's proposed incomes and spending for a financial year that is regularly passed by the assembly, affirmed by the president and exhibited by the Finance Minister to the country. (4) The purpose of this project is to compare the Finnish government budget from the years 2013 and 2014, analyse them and evaluate if the latest budget ...

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Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) History and

13 Mar 2018

4 (1,495 )

PART 2 - EFFICIENCY MARKET HYPOTHESIS Introduction In order to better understand the origin and the idea behind the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), an overview of the EMH, The Random Walk Model, different degrees of information efficiency and the implications of efficient markets for investors are studied in the paper. Efficient Market Hypothesis The efficiency concept is one of the most essential concepts for investment management ...

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Impact of Janani Suraksha Yojana

13 Mar 2018

11 (4,156 )

IMPACT OF JANANI SURAKSHA YOJANA ON INSTITUTIONAL DELIVERY AND INFANT MORTALITY RATE IN KARANATAKA Mamatha K.G   Abstract The Government of India launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) mainly to strengthen health services in the rural areas. It seeks to provide effective health care to the rural population by improving access, enabling community ownership, strengthening public health systems, enhancing accountability and promoting decentralization ...

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Examining Benefits of Free International Trade

13 Mar 2018

10 (3,635 )

Naveen Prabhu Kamalasekaran 2 (a) Explain why free international trade can be good for countries’ economies and examine the attempts to reduce trade barriers in the past decade To start with, let us find what international trade is all about then we will figure out how this could be good for economies and what are the attempts that were made in the last decade ...

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Japan's Economic Development and Times of Instability

13 Mar 2018

5 (1,660 )

Japan Economic status Japan’s possibility of controlling the 2011’s Disaster The enormous tremor and tidal wave that struck Japan in March 2011, and the accompanying arrival of radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi atomic force station, speak to one of the best catastrophes to strike the country of Japan in late memory (Bacon, 2014). Canadian media differ on some degree that it was conceivable to ...

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Status of India’s Expatriate Worker in Iraq

13 Mar 2018

7 (2,586 )

International labour markets are an important part of the process of globalization and economic interdependence across countries and regions. This is essential to develop evidence-based policies. International migrations act as a basic device of economic building for both exporting country as well as importing country.They provide remittances for migrant sending countries which help its economy. On the other hand it’s also important for the development of ...

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Approaches to Economic Development

13 Mar 2018

8 (2,825 )

THE ECONOMICS OF DEVELOPMENT - CONCEPTS AND APPROACHES Meaning of the term ‘Economic Development’ Actually, there are broadly two main approaches to the concept of economic development : The Traditional Approach or ‘The Stages of Economic Growth’ Theories of the 1950s and the early 1960s. The New Welfare Oriented Approach or ‘The Structural-Internationalist’ Models of the late 1960s and the 1970s. 1. The Traditional Approach ...

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Economic Comparison: Australia and Malawi

13 Mar 2018

5 (1,915 )

Definition of output levels The amount of goods or services in a given period of time produced by an industry, country or film in the economy we can call it as output levels, whether used or consumed for the production. The national output’ concept in the field of macroeconomics is absolutely necessary. This is not a huge amount of money, but to make a country rich ...

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Education and Gross Domestic Product of the Philippines

13 Mar 2018

9 (3,211 )

Marione Tomas T. Padilla   ABSTRACT The research paper is about determining whether certain factors of Education have an effect on the overall Gross Domestic Product of the Philippines. Intuition would tell us that Education has an effect on GDP. In addition, budget allocations for education in the Philippines are high compared to the other sectors in the government. Table of Contents Introduction Background ...

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Russia's Relationship with the Rest of the World

13 Mar 2018

15 (5,678 )

Will Russia be able to live without European Union? Even before the invasion of Crimea started, Russia and European Union did not have a good relationship which had resulted in many heated disputes. However, after Russia annexed Crimea, conflicts have become more complex and serious. Many Russian citizens who are pro-kremlin, after the annexing of Crimea became even more euro-skeptical and demanded Russia to Cut the ...

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Determinants of the Value of Computers

13 Mar 2018

7 (2,478 )

Market is represented as a gathering place of consumers and sellers that a good/service is obtainable purchasable by producers and purchased by shopper (Blake, 1993). Business managed by the laws of offer and demand, not restrained by management interference, regulation or grant is best as referred to as free market. A free economic system may be a system during which the distribution for resources is set ...

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Spend Analysis: Application and Strategies

13 Mar 2018

4 (1,261 )

In spend analysis, skills to do with data analysis are extremely important. However, experts in related fields question the use of a software application to automatically generate the required data. In most cases, automated application does not necessarily give the accurate data as some processes require practical skills needed in the respective field. In everyday life, individuals come across a lot of information and data that ...

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Analysis of Debt in the US

13 Mar 2018

9 (3,352 )

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) COVER PAGE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….PG1 2) TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………………………………………….PG2 3) OECD…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….PG3 3.1) PREDICTIONS OF USA ECONOMY……………………………………………………………..…….PG 3.2) SOLUTIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………………….PG 4) IMPORTANCE OF DEFICIT REDUCTION…………………………………………………………………………PG3 4.1) OBJECTIVES OF DEFICIT REDUCTION………….……………………………………………… PG 4.2) DISADAVTANGES ………………..………………………………………………………………………PG4 5) SUBSTANTIVE KEYNESIAN STIMULUS PACKAGE…………………………………………………………..PG4 5.1) REFORM OF THE TAX SYSTEM……………………..……………………………………………….PG5 5.2) FISCAL POLICY……………………………………………...………………………………………………PG5 6) CREDIT CRUNCH………………………………………………………………………………………………………...PG6 6.1) MONETARY POLICY 7) BIBILOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………PG7 I) OECD is the Organization for Economic ...

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Laws of Concentration and Centralization: A Modern Review

13 Mar 2018

4 (1,517 )

Sourish Dutta Abstract Though the basic (late 1860s) Marxian model, under capitalist mode of production, assumes (more or less) perfectly competitive markets with a large number of small firms in each industry, Marx was cognizant of the growing size of firms, the consequent weakening of competition, and the growth of monopolistic power. Hence, capital has the inclination for concentration and centralization in the hands ...

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Collusive Behavior in Soft-drink Market Econometric Analysis

13 Mar 2018

4 (1,253 )

Brief Summary This paper proposes a methodology to study a firm’s strategic behavior by combining game theoretic concepts and recent economic developments. It analyses various forms of collusive behavior of firms on two strategic variables-price and advertising- in a differentiated market dominated by a duopoly. The econometric methodology adopted is fully structural. The methodology involves specification of demand and cost functions and hypotheses about the strategic ...

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Eualuation of National Solidarity Program

13 Mar 2018

5 (1,931 )

EUALUATION OF NATIONAL SOLIDARITY PROGRAM: PEOPLE PARTICIPATION, CHALLENGES AND SUSTAINBALITY The case of Sayed Abad District of Wardak Province Tariq Salari Table of Contents (Jump to) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Context of the study 1.2. Rationale of the study 1.3. Hypothesis: 1.4. Limitation of the Study: 1.5. Organization of the thesis: ABBREVIATIONS AF Afghani (Currency of Afghanistan) ANDS Afghanistan National Development Strategy ...

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Effect of Income Inequality on Economic Development

13 Mar 2018

4 (1,303 )

Income Inequality and Financial Crises: The 2007-2008 financial crises has been considered as amongst the worst the world has faced. This is since the great depression of the year 1930s ((Shiller, 7). This crisis was characterized by the collapse of large financial institutions, a downward fall in stock markets, bailout of banks by government, and the laying off of workers by business organizations. There are a ...

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Analysis of the Coffee Industry in Ethiopia

13 Mar 2018

5 (1,672 )

SUMMARY Ethiopia is the home and basis of inherent resources and coffee Arabica diversities. It relies greatly on export of key agricultural products in which coffee is the major and significant crop. The country has a reputation of high quality coffee due to its branded varieties of coffee. But, most of the coffee farmers in Ethiopia are not capable of getting the benefits connected with production ...

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Challenges for SMEs in Vietnam and Korea

13 Mar 2018

7 (2,610 )

Recommendations for the government/policy makers Properly aware and assess the roles of SMEs and start-up firms in the national economy system The Korean government soon realized the roles of SMEs, especially start-up firms in economic reform after the financial crisis is 1997. They published some Law and Regulations on SMEs support since the end of the Korean War, some of which ...

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Arguments for Short and Longer Term Capitalism

13 Mar 2018

6 (2,215 )

Introduction & Reason Dominic Barton’s article on the “Capitalism for the Long Term” and in particular his “Fight the Tyranny of Short-Termism” essentially asserts ‘there is a myopia plagues all Western institutions in every sector’ and in his article, he suggests solutions to potentially treat thus problem He believes that this short-sighted perspective leads to the crippling of corporations, and the economy and creates ...

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Policy Effects on Investment Planning and Strategy

13 Mar 2018

6 (2,199 )

Introduction One of the essentially significant long term decisions for any company relates to investment. Investment is the acquisition or formation of assets with the purpose of creating profits in the future. Classically investment engages using financial resources to acquire a building/ machine or additional asset, which will then yield returns to a business above an era of time. Investments planning entail thinking in relation to ...

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An Analysis of Mexico for Investment

13 Mar 2018

4 (1,527 )

Infrastructure and market capabilities and the risks and potential bottlenecks The growth and prosperity of Mexico depends upon various factors. The country is trying to grow through a combination of industrial growth, service sector growth and public welfare measures. All these depend highly on infrastructure and the competitiveness of the country. The country has to develop its infrastructure and complement the growth measures through interventions in ...

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Capital Structures of the Indian Industrial Sector

13 Mar 2018

12 (4,652 )

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Capital is the main factor of every industry, a company start with capital and end with demolition of that capital. So the capital and capital structure are one of the most important terms in every business, Companies have been struggling with capital structures for more than four decades. During credit expansions, companies have been unable to build enough liquidity to survive ...

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History of India's Economy

13 Mar 2018

8 (2,937 )

History of Indian Economy Journey of Indian economy from a devastated nation to a developing worldwide economy is a moving illustration for some creating countries. Keeping in mind the end goal to comprehend India's financial voyage, it is vital to shed some light on India's political and budgetary history. Following 200 years of British standard, India turned into a free sovereign country in 1947. This recently ...

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Economic Policy and The Global Environment

13 Mar 2018

9 (3,219 )

1 Introduction SMEs are seen as one of the critical handmaidens to huge relationship like change into one of their suppliers and sub-foremen to them. Hence, SMEs are key in the economy as giving a simple work business, structure gatherings of progress by presenting specific changes in the affiliations and close by SMEs utilizing high advancement based and give an adaptable and open to client. 1.1 ...

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Australia: Inflation, Balance of Payment and Monetary Policy

13 Mar 2018

7 (2,639 )

What is the main measure of inflation movements in Australia and what does it represent? CPI refers to the Consumer Price Index and is used as the primary measure of inflation movements within Australia over time. CPI can be defined as a measure of how the prices of goods and services change over time. It is a measure of overall cost a typical consumer ...

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Effect of Microcredit on Household Consumption

13 Mar 2018

7 (2,427 )

1. Introduction Despite the multitude of studies on microfinance, there still exits surprisingly little hard data on the effects of microcredit. This analysis focuses on the effect of microcredit specifically on household consumption, and reviews relevant literature which addresses the relation between household consumption and availability of microcredit. Traditionally Microcredit has been studied as a tool of poverty reduction through increase of consumption. A relatively recent ...

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Optimal Economic Uncertainty Index Test

13 Mar 2018

10 (3,706 )

CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY AND EMPERICAL RESULT OF OPTIMAL ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY INDEX 4.0 Introduction This chapter discussed about the methodology, data analysis and the results obtained from different tests for Optimal Economic Uncertainty Index. The generalized method of moments (GMM) parameter is using to estimate the benchmark parameters for the small structural model following by the grid search method. Lastly this chapter will closing by a conclusion. 4.1 ...

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The Manufacturing Sector in Malaysia

13 Mar 2018

7 (2,401 )

INTRODUCTION Manufacturing sector in Malaysia began to grow rapidly since the early 1980s when the country witnessed the transition from an agricultural economy to one based on industry. In addition, Malaysia began to implement a strategy to diversify its economy with the goal of becoming the country focused on economic activities with higher added value, and also reduce excessive focus on commodity upstream, namely ...

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Causes of Currency Crises and Banking Crises

13 Mar 2018

9 (3,349 )

Introduction Based on my readings, I have found that currency crises often accompanied by banking crises or banking crises preceded by currency crises or even has no significant relationship between the two. So, why are currency crises often accompanied by banking crises? In this paper, I will discuss on how such problem may occur based on historical perspective, in which the countries that have experienced Twin ...

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Business and Economic Environment in Lagos | Analysis

13 Mar 2018

8 (3,167 )

1.0 INTRODUCTION Business is seen to operate within an environment. This environment could either present a threat or an opportunity to the organizations that operate in it. This essay aims to describe the business environment in the city where the researcher lives. The first section will give an overview of what business environment is all about. Furthermore, Lagos state will be used as a case study to ...

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Microeconomics: Indifference Curve, Oligopoly & Game Theory

13 Mar 2018

9 (3,232 )

Introduction: Microeconomics aims to cover every aspects of our economic life. This report will discuss, evaluate and assess the usefulness and limitations of microeconomic theories in reaching that aim. Microeconomics is "The study of choices that individuals make and the way these choices will interact in given markets" (Parkin et al. 2012, p.2) or put more simply, microeconomics is the allocation of scarce resources. There are ...

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Effects of the Financial Crash on Australia's Economy

13 Mar 2018

4 (1,345 )

Executive Summary: This is a report of current Australian economic situation, and a forecast of Reserve Bank of Australia’s cash rate movements in 2015. This report will help the board and management to formulate budget and set goals for the upcoming years. The report will look into and analyse in details all economic indicators and other internal non-numeric based factors such as geographical advantages, politics, policies, ...

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Effect of the Financial Crisis on the British Economy

13 Mar 2018

6 (2,119 )

To what extent has Britain been affected by the financial crisis and what efforts contribute to recovery of the British economy? The worldwide financial crisis of 2007-2008 almost brought down the global financial system. The fundamental cause agreed broadly was the combination of credit and the housing bubble crunch (Acharya and Richardson, 2009). Most people are placed on the same side of credit ranking relaxing area; ...

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Impact of Financial Sector Development on Nigeria

12 Mar 2018

8 (3,086 )

IMPACT OF FINANCIAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT ON SECTORIAL GROWTH IN NIGERIA: IMPLICATION FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA SECTION ONE Introduction Basically, the banking sector and the non-bank institutions make up the financial system in Nigeria which is responsible for the development of economic growth in the Country. During the pre-liberalization era (from 1986 and below), government had sufficient financial resources to finance a reasonable proportion of economic ...

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Price Determination in Market Forces of Demand and Supply

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,432 )

Introduction It is inevitable that world prices of commodities are increasing substantially. The increase of commodity prices does not only affect producers and consumers, but also governments. Around the world, governments face renewed pressure to reform their budgeting processes, including Malaysia. Malaysia has a well-established infrastructure and is one of the most economically advanced countries in South Asia. This essay is opted to discuss ...

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Strategies for Loan Repayment Rates

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,506 )

INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION Lack of access to the formal credit facility through formal banking and financial institutions has been one of the major hurdles faced by the poor people of the developing countries. There are two main reasons widely discussed. Firstly, the commercial banks and institutions think that the loan demanded by the poor people are in very small amount and it is not ...

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Regulation and Economic Growth

12 Mar 2018

5 (1,718 )

China has experienced a rapidly growing economy for more than three decades since reform and opening. Now China becomes the second largest economy in the world and its growing speed is still very high. Though China achieves great successes, it faces a lot of problems. Regulation is one of the tough issues. Recent years, skewed distribution of income has become a sensitive issue in China. Because ...

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Environmental Changes and Economic Growth Relationship

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,747 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background of the Study Over the past two decades, the issue of climate change due to increased global warming has been a major environmental challenge. Rising levels of carbon dioxide emissions is considered one of the principal causes of global warming and climatic instability. In order to investigate the climate change concern, this research examines the cointegration and causal relationship between economic ...

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Behavioural Effects on Buyer Purchasing Behaviour

12 Mar 2018

10 (3,651 )

EVALUATING BEHAVIORAL FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER’S PURCHASE OF CLOTHING AND ORNAMENTS Presented by Soumita De Shivam Sitoke Piyushi Chaudhary Pratiksha Wadekar Abstract This study evaluates behavioral components affecting buyer purchasing conduct of garments and adornments (Jewelry) in Pune, India. It was particularly carried out to analyze customer purchasing decision making process and survey social, financial and in addition individual components affecting purchasing behavior. Information for ...

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Water Cost Problem in United States: Expansion and Solution

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,477 )

Introduction Over the past one decade, there has been an immense increase in water usage in United States of America. This is as a result of increasing population, as well as advanced development in industries and settlements, among many other reasons. The steady rise of water usage has conversely increased the cost of water in a number of states, which is now being considered as a ...

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Causes of the 2008 Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,554 )

“Discuss the causes of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe since 2008 and critically analyse the proposed responses. It is important that you inform your arguments using academic literature.” Introduction The European sovereign debt crisis came to prominence in late 2009, when newly elected Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou announced that previous governments had been distorting the country’s deficit data (Nelson et al., 2012). A revision ...

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Brazil's Banking Infrastructure and Business Structures

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,406 )

Business Environment: Brazil is ranked 116th in World Bank’s Ease of doing business ranking. The infrastructure changes that have been done over the past few years have helped Brazil move up in the listing. It can be seen that Brazil ranks the highest in Getting Electricity (14th) and the lowest in Paying Taxes. It can be seen that the Brazilian government has been bringing ...

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New Trends for Application Interoperability in Romania

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,560 )

HEALTH VERTICAL MARKET Silviu Cojocaru PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business and Administration, University of Bucharest, [email protected] Camelia Cojocaru PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business and Administration, University of Bucharest, [email protected]    1. Introduction The Internet’s development has fundamentally affected the architecture of informatics management systems, causing substantial changes in the way that this category of solutions is distributed and reached. This considering, one could say ...

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Impact of Bank Consolidation on Small Business Lending

12 Mar 2018

5 (1,875 )

Review of literature According to the big bank barrier hypothesis large banks provide the credit facilities for larger clients or larger corporate businesses. Large banks are more likely headquartered in metropolitan cities near to large corporate businesses. Large banks may not able to get adequate information because the distance between large banks and small businesses are at large. It is frequently determined the credit facilities to ...

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Starbucks Strategies for Profitability

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,289 )

1. Introduction Major objective of this study is to shed light on the strategies and efforts made by Starbuck to solve its problems related to profitability. In order to do a careful analysis of internal initiatives is undertaken to have an idea about the success of these initiatives to return to a stable pace of profitability growth by Starbucks. To have growth in profitability Starbucks needs ...

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Gendering the Development Agenda

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,338 )

Scholars of Women’s Studies are continuously critically engaging with culturally defined gender roles and raising questions about the way we have organized ourselves, our major political and social institutions and knowledge itself. To understand the meaning that these scholars imply when they speak of gendering development agenda and the agenda itself, it becomes imperative to understand the following five forms of the interaction between feminism and ...

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Monetary Policies in India

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,369 )

Rationale The exit of monetary policy improves the economic performance. According to Damji (2012), India implements monetary policy in order to ensure the price stability in the country and to maintains sufficient flow of credit to the productive sectors of the economy. Other than that, the monetary policy can promote economic growth and balance of payment equilibrium. In addition, India uses monetary policy because of the ...

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Need for Universal Social Security and Pension Schemes

12 Mar 2018

8 (2,886 )

Securing Old Age Abstract Pension system aims on poverty release, consumption smoothing, and insurance coverage in respect of ageing population. In India, most of the old age citizens are not covered under any social security program. A miniscule number of Government employees and few private sector workers retire with pensions. Majority of the total workforce is engaged in the unorganised sector with no access to old ...

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Cross–Cultural Management in Albania

12 Mar 2018

10 (3,615 )

Brunilda Mucollari Daniela Hallaci Jona Likskendaj Arli Barxhani Eraldo Bode Date: 01/20/2014 Course: Organizational Behavior & Leadership Instructor: Dr. Perparim Dervishi Part I “Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster.” ( Globalization, the land on which Cross – Cultural Management was sawed Intro Globalization is now becoming ...

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Ricardian Trade Theory: Overview and Analysis

12 Mar 2018

5 (1,716 )

The Classical trade theory: Ricardian Trade Theory (Comparative advantage trade theory) Introduction Ricardian Trade Theory David Ricardo points out the Ricardian Model in 1817. Different countries had differences in productivity and technology. Hence, those differences would cause comparative advantage trade. There are two mainly points of Ricardian Model; firstly, the different rates of labor productivity between different countries had important position in ...

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Effect of Government Debt on Incentives for Money Creation

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,468 )

Abdullahi Ahmad   Why might the level of government debt affect the government incentive regarding to money creation. Government debt (also known as public debt and national debt) is the debt owed by a central government. Government debt is one method of financing government operations, but it is not the only method. Governments can also create money to monetize their debts, thereby removing the ...

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Management Accounting Case Study

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,203 )

INTRODUCTION: This is a report of management accounting will focus more on cost and budget. According to reports, the issue of cost method, information analysis, computation, theory and applications of gold companies that can help readers may clear understanding of this topic. The problem in making the cost of the largest organizations will also be mentioned in the report. Moreover, there are many examples of information ...

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Significance of External Factors in Business Economics

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,360 )

  Contents Introduction Social factors and their significance when it comes to business-economics Legal and Political Legal and Political Factors in the SLEPT analysis Economic factors and their influence on business economics Technological factors and business economics Conclusion References Introduction Maintaining the current market share, or being capable of growing in terms of market share, in this continuously changing world means that businesses cannot ...

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Industry Analysis: Soft Drinks

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,682 )

Submitted by:- Prof. K G SahadevanRishi Singh Tuhin Kanti Mondal Sunita Seetharam Contents Disclaimer Contents Table of Figures Executive Summary Introduction Market Analysis Market characteristics and major players Market characteristics and major players Market analysis Consumer Behaviour Porter’s Five Forces Conclusion Reference Table of Figures Figure 1………………………………………………………………………………………..2 Figure 2………………………………………………………………………………………..2 Figure 3………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Figure 4………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Figure 5………………………………………………………………………………………..5 Figure 6………………………………………………………………………………………..5 Figure 7………………………………………………………………………………………..6 Figure 8………………………………………………………………………………………..6 Figure 9………………………………………………………………………………………..7 Figure ...

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Analysis of India's Young Population

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,543 )

Abstract- India has the largest youth population in the world. Any policies or decisions taken for the population at large and youth in particular, cannot ignore to understand various attributes related to youth. The current research paper is an attempt to know and understand the preferences of youth with regards to various attributes related to their day-to-day habits, beliefs, ethos, preferences and career aspirations. Various observations ...

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Are Wars Good for the Economy?

12 Mar 2018

11 (4,248 )

Mr. PRAKHAR MAHESHWARI Are Wars Good For Economy? INTRODUCTION “War, n: A time-tested political tactic guaranteed to raise a president’s popularity rating by at least 30 points. It is especially useful during election years and economic downturns.” - Chaz Bufe, American Anarchist Author Wars. Invasions. Fights. The reason for these and the final consequence of these is economy. Communities, kingdoms and countries have been ...

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Signaling and Screening Approaches in Car Manufacturing

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,654 )

Signaling and screening are key approaches to minimize judgmental errors in situations where there is asymmetric information. One such situation occurs when a firm wishes to assess individuals for consideration as a prospective employee. This report reviews and applies the different concepts studied to a car manufacturing company, Audi. The structure of the paper will be as follows: elaboration on various signaling approaches, an evaluation of ...

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Micro-finance in Rural India: Challenges for the Future

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,628 )

Submitted by: Aishik Chakraborty Aritra Datta Shubham Chowdhury Snehashish Saha   INTRODUCTION Rural India is home to about two-thirds of the India's 125 crore population. This population is mostly engaged in agriculture that contributes 17.2 percent to India's GDP. However, this dependence on agriculture is gradually diminishing with small-scale cottage industries and self-help groups gaining prominence in rural economy. This is clearly reflected by ...

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Tragedy of the Commons: Analysis of Fishing Industry

12 Mar 2018

5 (1,862 )

OBJECTIVES To understand the ‘tragedy of the commons’ as a form of market failure, with specific reference to the fishing industry To analyze the Indian fishing industry with respect to ‘tragedy of the commons’ To outline the pros and cons of methods by which the ‘tragedy of the commons’ can be solved to ensure sustainability of fisheries Introduction Our presentation is on a form ...

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Growth vs Development in Ethiopia

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,644 )

Part One - Growth V/s Development w.r.t Ethiopia and Madhya Pradesh Ethiopia, the second most populous country in Africa, has been exhibiting stupendous and inconceivable set of numbers. With growth rates of double digit, the country is among the fastest growing economies in Africa. Ironically, regardless of its agriculture, mineral and hydrological resources Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world. Irrespective of high ...

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Theories for Product Bundling

12 Mar 2018

8 (2,916 )

RASHIDA ABDULHAMID   WHY DO FIRM BUNDLE TWO PRODUCTS TOGETHER AND HOW IS IT LIKELY FOR THEM TO MAKE PROFIT? What is product bundling? Product bundling is simply means combining two or more goods together and selling them as on one combined product. It is mostly common in market with imperfect competitive product. It is a marketing strategy that joins products or services together ...

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Inflation and Fiscal Policy in the UAE

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,667 )

Table of Contents (jump to) 1. Inflation in that existing economy then suggested an applicable solutions to cope these statement Political and Social Stability Oil and Mineral Resources Agricultural Resources 2. Evaluate advantage and disadvantages of the current fiscal policy and monetary policy being implemented in the chosen country 3. Find out and explain the effectiveness of various economic growth reforms that were carried out ...

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Moldova's Accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO)

12 Mar 2018

8 (3,079 )

  The World Trade Organization (WTO), successor of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) founded in 1947, today represents a common institutional frame- work for the development of trade relations among its members, based on the principles harmonized at the international level through a number of multilateral agreements. At present the WTO includes 140 countries, with another 32 countries having an observer status. Moldova, ...

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Effect of Military Takeover on Thailand's Businesses

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,389 )

HOW MILITARY TAKE OVER IN THAILAND WILL AFFECT DOING BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRY RISHI RAJ [DM15141] ROHIT KUMAR GOEL [DM15142] GLIMPSE OF POLITICAL FORMATION Thailand, was known as Siam till 1939, for around 5,000 years it had been inhabited with the earliest civilization believed to be that of the Mons in central Siam, even though the first Siam state is the ...

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Economic Effects of Immigration

12 Mar 2018

8 (2,937 )

Moon Kyung Jung A trend that existed long time ago and still nowadays that people tend to move from one place to another in order to achieve better conditions of living and profits. Disregard the size, for many reasons immigrations occurred from several places. Of course the immigration occurs from less developed countries (LDCs) to more developed countries like the U.S. [1] As the ...

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Contribution of Banking and Financing to Singapore Economy

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,019 )

Kim DuckWon   1.0 Introduction Since globalization of the world, banking and financing sector is now become very important for the one's country's economic growth as it is directly relate to national GDP. Banking and Financing refer as an act of provide funds for business activities, making purchases or investing to help its businesses to get their goals. And for Singapore, banking and financing ...

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Property Prices in Sydney

12 Mar 2018

8 (2,870 )

Sydney Property Prices Executive Summary In early March 2014, the governor of Reserve Bank, Glenn Stevens, warned house owners that Sydney property prices including houses will keep rising. For this reason, he cautioned home buyers never to borrow so much debt because, like the house prices are anticipated to continue rising, they can equally fall. Foreign investors have been moving to Australia at a very high ...

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How MNEs Budget in a Global Context

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,381 )

Ashokkumar Murugesan Discuss how Multi National Enterprises carry out capital budgeting in a global context, and explain aspects which are unique to foreign project assessment. In this chapter, discussion on how Multinational Enterprises carry out budgeting globally is discussed. Various factors that are influenced by these MNCs are demonstrated. Capital budgeting and why it’s implemented is discussed. Companies that decide in doing business abroad ...

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Income Inequality Reduction in South Africa

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,489 )

“The disparate distribution of a nations gross domestic product amongst its population”. That is how (Sullivan & Sheffrin 2003) define income inequality. It is usually characterised by two underling issues; the inability of an economy to efficiently utilise its factors of production, and limited social mobility ranging from social classes to ethnicity and even nations. History demonstrates how inequality can act as a barrier to sustainable ...

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Informal Jobs in Nicaragua

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,038 )

Freddy Espinoza Nicaragua is a third world nation located in Central America. The capital of Nicaragua is Managua. It is the biggest country of the region with an extension of 129,442 km2. Nevertheless its population is small in comparison with its size, only 6,071,042 habitants, although some cities like the capital, Managua, and León are overpopulated. Nicaragua has had hard knocks in its economic ...

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Self-Reflection on Entrepreneurial Personality

12 Mar 2018

12 (4,800 )

SURNAME (A - Z) FORENAME Freericks Felix By submitting this piece of work I confirm I am aware of, and comply with University and Programme Requirements and regulations regarding Examination and Assessment Offences and that I am not party to any behaviour which could be construed as an assessment offence. ...

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Causes and Effects of Debt and Recessions

12 Mar 2018

8 (2,966 )

The great Depression in parts of World As we mentioned before, the Great Depression mainly started in the United States, but the U.S. was not the only state that was affected by it. Other states around the world were also affected by the economic recession of 1930s. Herbert Hoover, the president of the United States during the years of the Great Depression, attempted to recover the ...

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History of the Barcode and Its Applications

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,463 )

INTRODUCTION The innovation of barcodes has really emerged as one of the biggest innovation and it has been very influential for the inventory handlers. Especially if we look at the supermarkets it is a very tough business because it involves a lot of inventory handling. Maintaining inventory which is not too much and not too less is a very critical issue for the owners. But with ...

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India's Agricultural Sector: An Analysis

12 Mar 2018

8 (2,852 )

Agriculture Sector Submitted by Aravind Ramesh Arun N Bandla Kiran Kumar Ramesh V P K Sujith R Govindaraju  Introduction to Agriculture sector Agriculture sector from an Indian Economic perspective constitute majorly the following four such as: Food-crops and ...

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Security Threats in Businesses

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,173 )

Musa Hajara Muhammad Introduction The business environment is becoming a fast paced globalized economy that depends on information and data carried via open channels. As a business organization, it is critical to maintain and protect both physical and virtual property that is being owned against intruders, potential theft and other acts that could cause loss of any form. Dominos, for example, one of the ...

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Effect of Financial Development on the Mauritius

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,298 )

Chapter One Introduction The introduction chapter of this dissertation provides the justification and purpose of the study, explains the research problem itself, defines the research objectives and highlights the scope of the study. Background to the research Policymakers and financial experts usually acknowledge that financial development- that is, a well-functioning financial system contributes to economic growth. A well-organised financial system can encourage economic growth ...

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Adopting Single Currency in ASEAN Region: Analysis

12 Mar 2018

8 (3,007 )

Question 1 1.1 Introduction Euro (€) currency was created in 1957 and the single currency provides many benefits to the euro region. For an example, Euro currency eliminated exchange costs and fluctuation risks. It gives stability of economic to the euro region, so it allows government to have better long term planning for future. In addition, economic stability also helps to reduce uncertainty and increase investment, ...

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Internationalisation of SMEs: Challenges and Barriers

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,275 )

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are becoming more important in today’s international markets. (Oviatt and McDougall,1994, 1999). The internationalisation of SME’s can be expected to increase further due to the economy of the world becoming further harmonised with continued declines in government imposed barriers and advances in technology (Lu, Jane W, and Paul W Beamish, 2001). In 2013 there was an estimated 4.9 million private sector ...

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Healthcare in Developing Countries

12 Mar 2018

8 (3,117 )

Kyle Barber Healthcare in Developing Countries For any country to make the transition from developing to developed, there are many factors that must work in unison in order to achieve this transition. These development goals cover a wide spectrum of factors that are simultaneously unrelated and interlocked [LL2]with one another. Although there are many different factors that push a country towards development, the provision, ...

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Macroeconomic Policies during the Recession of 2008-2009

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,038 )

Renyuan Feng An Assessment of Macroeconomic Policies during the Great Recession of 2008-2009 Brief Introduction From 2008-2009, US economy suffered the severe recession from the impact of the global financial crisis. From 1990s, United States has experienced the huge amount of the saving inflows from the other emerging markets (Bernanke, 2009). However, the financial institutions invest these savings with the poor way to develop ...

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Links Between Investment in Infrastructure and Job Creation

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,186 )

Sourav Roy (13060242044) Sourav Das (13060242043) Saptarshi Maiti (13060242036) Devika Kannan (13060242013) Executive summary The effective tool to create jobs is counter-cyclical spending on infrastructure. As the demand for private sector is weak, the government helps the people with jobs and also aggregate demand. Investments of infrastructure are divided into two parts: Economic sectors include increasing efficiency in transportation, including roads, railways and ...

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Obstacles to Internationalization of Vietnamese SMEs

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,244 )

Major difficulties and obstacles to internationalization of Vietnamese SMEs Financing problems Lack of capital to expand production and business are considered as common phenomenon of SMEs. Despite of Vietnamese government’s effort to facilitate SMEs’ process of accessing capital and commercial banks have made great strides in the provision of credit to SMEs, surveyed about the difficulties, more than 60% of SMEs often ...

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Mergers and Acquisitions in the Aviation Industry

01 Feb 2018

5 (1,700 )

Background: Aviation industry is a symbol of comprehensive national power and an extremely important part of the national defense. It is also a significant guarantee for national security and an essential support for the development of economic and society. In the entire aviation industry, civil aviation is made up of all types of aviation activities using aircraft except military applications, which includes defense, police and customs, ...

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Impact of Changes to Baby Milk Prices

01 Feb 2018

4 (1,471 )

Introduction The article “Parents want milk for babies to be made a price controlled item” states the price of baby milk are getting higher and higher day by day and many parents can’t buy those expensive baby milk products so parents have to switch to the alternative products but as they are cheaper and because of that its cause diseases to the babies. So now those ...

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Impacts on Private Savings in Pakistan's Economy

01 Feb 2018

5 (1,629 )

1. Introduction The term savings describe the unconsumed disposable income which is kept with intention of stabilizing consumption in some future time. Private savings contribute in overall growth of any country and economists consider it as a gauge to economic health. When people start to rely on debts either than their saved cash much more pressure is found on the financial institutions which reduce the strength ...

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Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme Analysis

01 Feb 2018

5 (1,912 )

HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THEORY PAPER PHILOSOPHISING A LAW: VOLUNTARY TAX DISCLOSURE Joanna Thomas A. THE LAW The Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme was launched by on the 18th of June, 1997. It continues for six months until the 31st of December, 1997. It was launched by The Central Board of Direct Taxes. Its aim was to unearth disclosed income, to provide income tax and ...

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Innovation in E-commerce: Operation and Logistics

01 Feb 2018

5 (1,787 )

Innovation in E-commerce with New Trial Service Rohit Meena Introduction An e-commerce is the facility or service, which provide customers the service to buy products online on the Internet. Today In India and other countries e-commerce is being used for getting products online easier and faster. In the 21th century e-commerce comes with the new revolutionary concept-people can get their products online from many brands. Purchasing ...

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Analysis of Australia's Economic Engagement with Asia

01 Feb 2018

8 (2,920 )

Anton Mokbel Answering Question 2: “What was regarded as a region peripheral to the centre of world events or as a source of threats to Australia, has come to be seen as an area with which Australia's future is inevitably interdependent.' (Bill Hayden, Minister for Foreign Affairs, 24 October 1983) Critically examine the main political and ...

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Model and Ideology of the Price System

01 Feb 2018

3 (1,177 )

1. Introduction: Complexity has come from abundant subjects of thought, moreover, has reacted upon them, from mathematics to physics, from computer science to social sciences. Meanwhile, with the development of economics and the emergence of new way of trade, economics is no longer rife with linearity, continuity and a variety of phenomena that are easily predicted or understood. These phenomena have been labeled as complexity economics. ...

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