Effect of Foreign Direct Investment in the Retailing Sector

26 Jan 2018

22 (8,596 )

The effect of foreign direct investment in the retailing sector on the economy of Russia Abstract Following the dramatic, although sometime erratic growth of the retail sector in Russia, this paper provides an insight into the growth of this sector of the Russian economy, particularly concentrating upon the impact of foreign direct investment. As part of this process the research studies the potential benefits that are available ...

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Effects of Macroeconomic Policies upon a Single Organization

26 Jan 2018

3 (1,126 )

Understanding the Tree by Knowing the Forest The analogy of the forest and the trees is particularly apt in illustrating the difference between macro- and micro-economic areas of concern. Whereas microeconomics ‘operates’ at the level of the individual firm, manufacturer or even individual consumers, macroeconomics is principally concerned with the national or even global aggregate issues of these entities. In other words, if single firm is ...

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What Gives a Region a Large-Scale Competitive Advantage?

26 Jan 2018

7 (2,674 )

The paper titled ‘The Limits of Autarky’, written by AnnaLee Saxenian (1994)[1], considers the issues surrounding clusters of industries specifically those seen in Silicon Valley and on Route 128. By studying the two areas the author aims to discover why one region can be considerably more successful than another, despite having the same mix of technologies. It has long been recognised that there is competitive advantage ...

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Impact of Government Expenditures on Private Consumption

26 Jan 2018

3 (1,139 )

Discuss the implications of a rise in government expenditures on private consumption behaviour. Introduction The following paper will analyse the impact that government expenditure has on the household’s consumption behaviour. Prior to starting the discussion it is imperative to highlight that government expenditure is either in the form of building roads, railways etc. or by changing the level of taxes charged to the individuals in ...

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Impact of House Prices on the UK Economy

26 Jan 2018

5 (1,755 )

What happens to house prices is perceived as being very important for the wider UK economy (at the moment the concern is that they may fall sharply). Consider to what extent house prices are important for the UK economy and how the government (or Bank of England) should respond to a sharp fall in house prices. Introduction The health of the residential property market is seen ...

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The Maintainability of the Current Financial Market

26 Jan 2018

13 (4,870 )

Introduction To argue that we are not currently in the midst of a global financial crisis is simply on maintainable, given the saturation that the issue has had in the mainstream media. There is no secret that there is a global liquidity shortage in the financial sector, mortgage assets declining in value and subsequently limiting the ability of financial institutions service their lending and interest payment ...

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What are the Impacts of the UK Recession?

26 Jan 2018

3 (1,072 )

The UK economy is in recession. What does this mean for everyone? As the economic forecast for the UK grows increasingly gloomy, it seems the recession that was once described as “looming” or “forthcoming” is now being qualified as “current” and “present”. Commonly associated with increased unemployment, lower inflation and slumped housing markets, a recession does not only represent a thorn in the flesh of the ...

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Impact of Capitalism on Global Development

26 Jan 2018

8 (2,801 )

Is geographically uneven development an inevitable outcome of capitalism? Harris (2006, p. 2) claims that in ‘examining the general character of the process of capitalist development as it has appeared historically across many different countries over a long period of time, one of its most striking characteristics is the phenomenon of uneven development.’ However we choose to define the terms ‘development’ and ‘capitalism’, it is undeniable ...

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Impact of the Credit Crunch on the Workplace and Politics

26 Jan 2018

10 (3,779 )

Social World Economy and UK Government Employers, Employees and the Unions Conclusions Bibliography The credit crunch in 2008 is swiftly being followed by an imminent global recession, perhaps the worst recession for many decades. Irresponsible lending, mis-management by the banks, the pay freezes in industry and the general economic climate means that we can no longer take for granted our jobs, homes and financial security. In ...

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Impact of Privatisation without Effective Regulation

26 Jan 2018

14 (5,359 )

Discuss the view: Privatisation without effective regulation is unlikely to bring significant benefits to developing countries. Despite its abundance around the world, and the apparent high esteem that governments hold it in, regulation is no longer seen as the panacea it once was. Regulation must not be over used. Put simply, regulation provides benefits but also incurs costs. Regarding the benefits, Garg and Karba, quoted in ...

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Analysis of the Housing Market in the UK

26 Jan 2018

26 (10,056 )

Introduction For most people in the UK, as in other countries, the purchase of a house is the single largest expenditure they ever make. In contrast with other purchases, a house is not only something that provides highly desirable services – convenient and independent housing – but it is also the single largest element of household wealth. For homeowners, this asset motive for buying a house ...

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Questions and Answers on Economics and Market Strategies

26 Jan 2018

11 (4,243 )

What are the main features of an oligopolistic market? With the aid of examples, show collusion between firms in such markets may be determent to consumers and explain briefly what governments can do to control the worst abuses of such a situation. An oligopolistic market is characterised by a few organisations in competition with each other to supply goods to a market. Their strength ...

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Impact of Economic Competitiveness on Wages

26 Jan 2018

6 (2,335 )

'The growth of low wage jobs is inevitable as national governments seek to promote economic competitiveness.' Discuss. Introduction This essay discusses the hypothesis that governmental policies aimed at improving a nation’s relative performance in the global economy must lead to an increase in the low paid jobs. If considered in a global context the subject covers a wide spectrum. So the essay considers ...

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Issues of State Intervention in the Market Economy

26 Jan 2018

6 (2,144 )

Free Market Economy The free market economy is designed to operate with a minimum of state intervention. However, as this paper will show, there are certain issues that can only be addressed by state intervention. These include avoidance of unfair trading, employee and supplier exploitation. In many cases, such as the expansion of the power of supermarkets, economists are of the opinion that the state does ...

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Systematized Integration of Credit Reference Agencies

26 Jan 2018

16 (6,315 )

Table of Contents (Jump to) Abstract Introduction The Problem Case Studies/Examples Nigeria Tanzania Kenya Uganda Solutions/Synthesis Conclusion With unprecedented growth and an increasingly competitive global community on the horizon, Africa’s economic revolution is intimately linked to their fiscal capabilities. It is within this broad spectrum of economic expansion that businesses and individuals are directly linked to their capacity to borrow and reinvest capital into sustainable endeavors. ...

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Evolutionary Approaches to Economic Change

26 Jan 2018

6 (2,360 )

What is the evolutionary approach to economic change? How does it compare with conventional approach in mainstream economics? Introduction The changes in the economic process brought about by innovation, together with all their effects, and the response to them by the economic system, we shall designate by the term Economic Evolution”, - Schumpeter (1939).[1] The above description of economic evolution by Schumpeter aptly illustrates the picture ...

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Causes of and Challenges to China's Economic Expansion

26 Jan 2018

7 (2,403 )

As the world adjusts its vision from the Beijing Olympics to a growing Chinese population, the underlying whispers resound with imperialist fears and economic worry. Researchers continue to bolster China’s position as the next superpower, yet remain limited by supposition and faulty conclusions. Regardless of China’s current size or influence, there is a hierarchical foundation within this world which demands economic and military dominance before offering ...

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Benefits of Developing Integrated Global Strategies

26 Jan 2018

8 (3,187 )

“As multinationals mature, they become aware of the opportunities to be gained from integrating and creating a single strategy on a global scale.” Discuss, with reference to theories regarding economies of scale, scope and global competitiveness, drawing on real world organisation to illustrate your answer. “Clearly, a substantial challenge for multinational corporations (MNCs), in the current environment of intensified competition and rapid industry consolidation, is one ...

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Impact of Economics in Political and Social Change

26 Jan 2018

4 (1,474 )

Please use the following three reasons to explain why economics is the most important factor in the globalisation process that has been used in relation to a host of social, economic, cultural and political factors. The impact of economic globalisation in the form of the international division of labour (growth of industry in China, India, etc and the deindustrialization of sections of the so-called "developed" ...

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Impact of Economic Events on FTSE 100 Corporations

26 Jan 2018

14 (5,403 )

Current economic events and their impact on four FTSE 100 corporations  Over the course of the past eighteen months the global economic climate has suffered a severe blow resulting from the combination of the “credit crunch,” which resulted in the near collapse of the world’s financial markets followed by a global economic downturn that is pushing western economies such as the UK into a recessionary period. ...

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Government Strategies to Control Inflation

26 Jan 2018

5 (1,623 )

With reference to the UK, examine and discuss the methods open to a government to control the rate of inflation within an economy. Introduction Inflation refers to an increase in the price level of goods and services in a given economy. Since inflation is concerned with increases in the cost of living rather than increases in the cost of a particular good, it is measured using ...

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Impact of Demand and Supply Forces in the Market

26 Jan 2018

3 (1,080 )

In general, equilibrium market price is determined by where quantity demanded meets quantity supplied. This holds true for the property market in the UK, where prices are being driven by large demand for housing and an almost fixed supply of property. This larger demand of housing over existing supply has been the main factor driving UK property prices up in the last 10 years. However, these ...

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Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Jordan

26 Jan 2018

20 (7,610 )

Chapter 1: Introduction Problem background Foreign direct investment has become the major economic driver of globalisation, accounting for over half of all cross-border investments. for example, approximately $1 trillion in greenfield investment was announced by companies in 2007, creating about 3 million jobs in their overseas subsidiaries. Companies are rapidly globalising through FDI to serve new markets and customers, map out their value chains ...

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The Future of Japan's Economy

26 Jan 2018

11 (4,282 )

Where will Japan be in 20 years? SUMMARY Long-term economic forecasting is still as difficult as ever. Typical previous long-term forecasts have proved to be on average out by as much as 33%. In the present day unsettled political and economic climate forecasting economic future of a country has become even more difficult. Japan‘s economy declined during 1998-2003 period, making the economic pundits wonder if Japan ...

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How Monetary Policy Can Influence Stock Market

26 Jan 2018

24 (9,585 )

Rakesh Kumar Nair Table of Contents (Jump to) 1.0 Introduction - Understanding Monetary Policy and Stock Market. 1.1 Monetary Policy. 1.2 Stock Markets. 1.3 Objectives and Methodology. 2.0 Literature Review. 3.0 Financial Markets Explained. 3.1 Need for Government Regulations 3.1.1 Regulations in the UK. 3.1.2 Monetary Policy and Regulations in the US. 4.0 Analysis of Interest Rates, Inflation and Stock Market. 4.1 Post – ...

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Competition of Coffee Makers: Nespresso vs Keurig

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,312 )

Laura L. Gay Abstract My paper will address the supply chain of Nespresso and its competitor Keurig to other coffee machines. Coffee is not just a drink but an addiction to some. The summary you will review provides a description of the companies along with some historical facts of interest. Specific details are provided for each companies supply chain and sustainability from products offered, ...

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Methodology for the Estimation of Cost of Load Shedding

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,239 )

CHAPTER 3 Theoretical framework A firm’s behavior in case of outages While studying the firm’s behavior in the presence of regular and constant outages we assume the firm operates in a competitive atmosphere while pursuing its major objective of profit maximization considering the size of the firm. Following can be the possible consequences: In case if power outages are considered to be somehow everlasting in ...

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Impact of Economy on Low Income Communities

24 Jan 2018

5 (1,739 )

1. Introduction This assignment is about increasing inequality and its impact on low income communities. Measurement of the distribution of income that between individuals or households, making most of the income in a given country and those making very little. I will give out the real example and real cases refer to the Malaysia. Answer the entire assignment question. Question 1 1.1Opinion According to the scenario ...

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Impact of Globalization on International Conflicts

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,100 )

Introduction Globalization is a process that relies upon strategies internationally with the aim of expanding business operations on the face of the world. This is with the help of global communications, which have been made possible due to advancements in technology, developments in the political front, socioeconomic, and the environment. Another definition to globalization is cross-border interactions being intensified and countries depending on one another. This ...

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Impact of the Appreciation of the New Zealand Dollar on SMEs

24 Jan 2018

7 (2,626 )

APPRECIATION OF NZ$: ITS IMPACT ON SME’s New Zealand has been considered as a distinguished economy. It is primarily because the economy faced the challenges of international economic depression and was victorious in the same. According to a report by Forbes in the year 2014, the country holds a strong rank among the safe-haven economies in the world. New Zealand’s economy has been a dynamic one ...

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Global Trends in Economic Justice

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,003 )

Introduction Throughout this course, I continually questioned my understanding of economic justice. With all that is changing throughout our world, the spectrum of economic justice will continually evolve, as interests, laws, human interactions, and politics change. It was especially interesting to see that the majority of the country falls in the top one percent of global wages, making and annual personal income of thirty four ...

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Economics Questions and Answers on Resources and Profit

24 Jan 2018

10 (3,732 )

Assignment Questions: Question 1: The removal of imperfections in the market leads to an increase in efficiency in the allocation of resources. Discuss whether you agree with this view (25 marks) Question 2: Explain what is meant by normal and abnormal profit and when such profits might occur (12 marks) Discuss the three reasons as to why people demand money, according to the liquidity preference ...

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Impact of Carbon Fees on Mobility of Passengers

24 Jan 2018

4 (1,259 )

Changes in the mobility pattern of air passengers due to the introduction of a CARBON FEE Other titles Estimating air travel demand under the implementation of an emission trading scheme Passenger air travel demand and carbon emission fee impact assessment The effect of environmental policies on consumer’s preferences for air travel How could environmental policies change air travel pattern in US? GMM estimation of a ...

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Impact of Macroeconomic Policies

24 Jan 2018

5 (1,614 )

Table of Contents The expansionary monetary policy decisions of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) during the six months after the global financial crisis (GFC) escalated in September 2008. 1. Executive Summary 2. Monetary Policy of Australia after GFC 2.1 Arguments in Support of policy Decision 2.2 Arguments against the policy decision 3. Conclusion References The expansionary monetary policy decisions of the Reserve Bank of Australia ...

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Impact of the Recession on Innovation and Technology Growth

24 Jan 2018

7 (2,634 )

Entrepreneurs cause Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a function of the entrepreneur E + f(e). Entrepreneurship is the interaction of skills related to inner control, planning and goal setting, risk taking, innovation, reality perception, use of feedback, decision making, human relations and independence. Creating a new enterprise model involves considerable change in virtually everything to do with people's working lives starting with the future model of Entrepreneurship. A ...

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Impact of Gender Inequality on Social Development Outcomes

24 Jan 2018

4 (1,362 )

Reviewing the literature, it is clear that gender inequality has no positive effects on social development outcomes. On growth, the net impact of gender inequality is quite ambiguous; it can be a great hindrance to growth or only circumstantially support it. Wages and income are rapidly affected and can change aggregate demand. These differences in wages and income regulate the incentive systems which plan investment in ...

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Types of Deposits and Bank Accounts

24 Jan 2018

5 (1,652 )

Banks receive money from the public by way of deposits. The following types of deposits are usually received by banks: Current deposit Saving deposit Fixed deposit Recurring deposit Miscellaneous deposits Current Deposit Also called ‘demand deposit’, current deposit can be withdrawn by the depositor at any time by cheques. Businessmen generally open current accounts with banks. Current accounts do not carry any interest as ...

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Tax Evasion in the UK | Essay

24 Jan 2018

8 (3,038 )

An Investigation Into Tax Evasion In The British Large Companies Source: http://www.shutterstock.com   Abstract This project looks at the tax evasion in the British large companies and find out the reason of this problem. It aims to discover the methods to control it. As resources find, firstly, tax loopholes cause tax evasion. Secondly, tax is so high and effects large companies much. Companies hope to cut ...

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Strategies to Maximise Profits in the First Year

24 Jan 2018

9 (3,217 )

Q#1 (6 points) How will the company maximize its profits (or minimize losses) its first year, while it is a monopoly firm? Give concrete examples by referring to the cottages, restaurant and ferry. What advantages does it have in its first year and how can it maximize profits? What are the risks associated with this strategy? (400-600 words) In the first year the firm would be ...

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Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Environment

24 Jan 2018

5 (1,625 )

INTRODUCTION The economy of the world has gone through a lot of modifications over the last period. With the help of population and income growth the pure value of economic activity has enlarged enormously. At the same time the economy of the world has become more globalized and there is some motive power for it: improvements in communication, reduction of trade and foreign investment barriers. International ...

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Economic Impact of Pollution: Article Analysis

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,324 )

Luis Andre Talavera Nunez CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIC ANALYSIS An analysis of Peter Cai’s article: “Iron ore the victim in Beijing's smog crackdown in the Business” Published the 26th of February – 2015 in the website businessspectator.com.au EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Peter Cai’s article analyses the economic impact of the pollution produced by the steel factories in China and their repercussion in the steel market and the iron ore prices. ...

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Unilever and Coke: Impact on the Environment and Workers

24 Jan 2018

5 (1,769 )

A multinational corporation or MNC is a large joint stock company or a firm that has operations and assets in at least one foreign country other than its home country. They are characterized by having multi product portfolio, worldwide market, selling billions of worth goods & services, large consumer base, worldwide competitors, global perspective, large R&D base, employing thousands of workers globally, with only one motive ...

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Analysis of the Steel Industry in China

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,174 )

An analysis on steel industry in China Introduction Steel industry concerns to be a important basic industry influences a country’s national economic and the overall national strength. The development of steel industry has directly related to defense industry, construction industry, machinery industry, shipbuilding industry, car industry, household electrical appliance industry, and other industries. In recent years, China's steel industry structure has been optimized, the process on ...

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Private Enterprises and Economics in the Soviet Union

24 Jan 2018

5 (1,821 )

When we talk about the Soviet Union, many of us imagine a largely monolithic structure, in which most of the processes were controlled from the centre, with very little initiative from the side of common people. This stereotype is especially strong regarding the economy. After all, it was officially called “planned,” which suggested that all production was owned and regulated by the state. However, it may ...

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Successful Enterprises as Means for Economic Growth

24 Jan 2018

7 (2,725 )

Comparative Study of Polish Regions Podkarpacie and Dolnoslaskie Research Question How can unsuccessful entrepreneurship of a region affect the economic growth of two Polish regions, Podkarpackie and Dolnoslaskie? State of the Art The aim of this research project is to find out how unsuccessful entrepreneurship of a region affects the economic growth of Polish provinces. In Polish language the word province is used interchangeably with the ...

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Analysis and Overview of Market Structures

24 Jan 2018

3 (1,073 )

There are four main market structures in an industry, namely, perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition. A perfect competition is a market structure that occurs when there are many small business organizations that engage in a competition with one another. On this basis, the decision of one seller does not create any impact on the price of the products under consideration (Parkin, 2012). It is ...

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Determinants of Exchange Rate in Malaysia

24 Jan 2018

10 (3,605 )

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.0 Introduction As the world develops and getting more integrated, business trading or even international trading has became a very common activity. Currency or most commonly known as money is use or circulation to pay in exchange for goods and services, money are use as a medium of exchange. There are two kinds of money form, the banknotes and the coins. Banknotes are ...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of the UK Mixed Economy

24 Jan 2018

7 (2,735 )

Business Environment OBJECTIVES England is a country of 63.7 million people. Her economy is the largest economy of the four countries of the UK. UK has importance in textiles and chemical products, beside these the automobiles , locomotives and aircrafts are also the important industrial products. UNITED KINGDOM has the the 3rd in the Europe and 6th largest national economy in the world by the nominal ...

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Should Plastic Bags be Banned?

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,382 )

Plastic shopping bags are very cheap, useful and convenient: Should they be banned? Introduction Universally, individuals and groups continue to advocate for the banning of plastic shopping bags, proposing that they be replaced with reusable biodegradable bags. Due to their synthetic nature, plastics are considered pollutants by critics. However, they are also very cheap, useful and convenient and a complete ban will have a significant negative economic ...

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Quantitative Easing After the Financial Crisis

24 Jan 2018

5 (1,755 )

Jose Nunez Research Paper The global financial crisis started in August 2007 and lasted to 2009, which was the collapse of the subprime mortgage market (lenders with higher interest rates demand, and borrowers that can repay their loans) that led to a huge amount of losses to financial institutions in that time. The crisis led to one of the worst markets in the past ...

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Causes of the Increase in FDI Flows Across Countries

24 Jan 2018

3 (1,186 )

Growth literature The significant increase in FDI flows across countries is a clear indication of globalization of the world economies over the past 2 decades. Neoclassical model of growth as well as endogenous growth models provides the basis for most of the empirical work on the FDI-GROWH relationship. According to the neoclassical growth theory, economic growth generally comes from two sources: factors accumulation and ...

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Effect of Contract Based Labourers on India's Automobiles

24 Jan 2018

5 (1,753 )

Research Question: How are contract based labourers affecting the productivity of Indian automobile industry? Introduction Research Origin and Focus Area of Research The employment structure in the Indian scenario has been undergoing certain changes due to globalization. The firms in order to be competitive in a global market should have the flexibility relating to labour, capital and various bureaucratic procedures. Only then can it ...

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Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) Effect on Exchange Rate

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,135 )

Brent J. Sackett Referee Report 3: Copelovitch, M. S., Pevehouse, J. C. (2013). Ties that Bind? Preferential Trade Agreements and Exchange Rate Policy Choice. International Studies Quarterly, 57(2): 385-399 Summary This paper assesses the effect of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) on exchange rate policies. When a country joins a PTA, the government’s ability to employ trade protection is constrained. This increases incentives to maintain fiscal and ...

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Small and Medium Enterprises in Economic Growth of India

24 Jan 2018

7 (2,448 )

Small and Medium Enterprises in Economic Growth of India: Directions towards Sustainable Development Manvendra Pratap Singh, Arpita Chakraborty, Dr. Mousumi Roy   Abstract: The inclusive growth is prerequisite in any of fast growing developing economies. Micro small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) play vital role in the socio-economic development of the country. In 2011-12, 36.18 mn enterprises were operational and employed around 80.5 mn people of country, second ...

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Market Segmentation in Brazil

24 Jan 2018

4 (1,494 )

What is market segmentation? To identify target market we need to divide the market into small segments according to the consumer characteristics and their needs. This segmentation allows companies to gain higher market share or niche market. Why we need market segmentation? To enhance profits for business Some of the consumers have different types of nonrefundable income. So they are so much sensitive to the products ...

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Economic Analysis of the Wine Industry

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,361 )

Amar Basnet Human beings need different kinds of the materials in order to live day to day life some may have more importance and some may have the less importance. In current business world we can find different kinds of the product of same kind and same use which is called supplement product. Different product has got different nature which is based on the ...

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Causes of the Fragility of the Banking Sector

24 Jan 2018

9 (3,418 )

Discuss factors which have decisively contributed to the fragility of the contemporary banking sectors, as revealed in the form of the recent global financial crisis. Prepared by: Ivan Gnatiuk 37193 Artem Zaiets 36981 Mark Pohodin 37141   Introduction Firstly, crisis was originally started in US where it was a result of provided social policy. In particular, government allowed, even insisted, on distribution of house ...

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Questions and Answers on Risk and Joint Ventures

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,183 )

Table of Contents Question 1. There are four types of international risks. Namely (a) Cross-cultural risk; (b) Country risk; (c) Currency risk and (d) commercial risk. Briefly describe each these risks. Question 6. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a joint-venture or strategic partnership. Question 10. Why is air transportation and air express so widely used in exporting when ocean transportation is much cheaper? Question 4. ...

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Ethnographic Study of the Informal Sector

24 Jan 2018

7 (2,484 )

INTRODUCTION The informal sector will be understood through an exercise of selling of paper clips as street vendors for a period of seven days. Paper clips are a stationery item used for binding papers together and are used by students, offices, lawyers, and government officials amongst others. However today, the availability of substitutes like staplers (a creation of technology) has challenged the utility of the commodity. ...

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Analysis of Economies Based on Data Into Stage 1, 2 and 3

24 Jan 2018

7 (2,685 )

Macro Economy Assignment 1 Indranil Dhar Analysis of economies based on data into Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 Based on World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2014/2015[1]. And the data provided in the spread sheet, the countries can be divided into: Factor Driven Economies (Stage 1)[2] Efficiency Driven Economies (Stage 2)[3] Innovation Driven Economies (Stage 3)[4] This distinction is primarily based upon ...

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Anti-trust Law Case Study

24 Jan 2018

6 (2,069 )

Landmark Antitrust Case Study Assignment Question 1: Write a 100- word abstract of the case, including the date of the case The essay gives a brief analysis and review of a case in which the government of the United States led to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is the defense of the claim appeal 384 U.S. competition 270 presented by the U.S. government against VON Grocery ...

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Analysis of Living Standards in the UK

24 Jan 2018

10 (3,666 )

Assignment Title: Living Standards The UK in 2013 had a population of approximately 64 million; standards of living are used to monitor and identify which areas of the UK and the world are living in penury and which areas are more affluent and are thriving. The government is responsible for identifying the contributing factors towards a wealthy region or a poor region. Burtless, G (1987, p.232) ...

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British Phonographic Industry: Structure and Competition

24 Jan 2018

7 (2,521 )

Olivia Boachie Business Economics and Industrial Organisation The following analysis attempts to assess the structure and sources of competitive pressure in the British Phonographic Industry using Porters five forces framework model, and how the advent of the internet has affected the structure and performance of the industry. Michael Porter’s Five-Forces model of the music industry Michael Porter’s Five-Forces framework model recognises the economic forces that affect ...

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Analysis of Ferrero Company: Monopolistic Competition

24 Jan 2018

3 (1,189 )

Introduction Ferrero is a historical Italian company that has been operating for nearly a century in 36 countries worldwide. The story of Ferrero started in 1946. Ferrero began factory production in a little town of Alba, Italy and was approved as an official company by the Italian Department of Commerce. Between 1950 to 1970, Ferrero first created a variation of confectioneries such as Tic Tac mints, ...

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Analysis of Stock Options With Fixed Exercise Prices

24 Jan 2018

8 (3,110 )

Table of Contents (Jump to) 1 Introduction 2 Fixed Price Options versus Indexed Options 3 Case for Indexed Options 3.1 Compensation for Relative rather than Absolute Performance 3.2 Protection of Managers during Market Downswings 3.3 Reduced Expected Costs 4 Case against Indexed Options 4.1 Unpredictability 4.2 Difficulty in Controlling Compensations 4.3 Larger Deadweight Costs. 4.4 Tax Treatment 4.5 Reluctance of Managers 5 Reasons for Choosing Alternatives ...

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Impact of Conflict on Human Capital Development

23 Jan 2018

4 (1,369 )

Living Amid Conflict and its Implications to Human Capital Development By Alexander Ken P. Libranza Introduction The adverse effects of the outbreak and recurrence of conflict can be dangerous because of its long-term economic implications that may force a country into a vicious cycle of low human capital development and conflict (Kim et al, 2010). A common stand among recent literature suggests that conflict destroys the ...

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Article Analysis on the Global Economic Crisis

23 Jan 2018

5 (1,621 )

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION GLOBAL BANKS: A WORLD OF PAIN Citigroup: Citi never reaps Greece Economy: Running on Empty CONCLUSION Bibliography INTRODUCTION This paper is about the discussion on the recent the economist article based on global banks: a world of pain, Citi group: Citi never reaps and Greece economy: running on empty. GLOBAL BANKS: A WORLD OF PAIN[G1] Bail-out big banks: In my opinion, the ...

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Impact of Automation and Computerization on Jobs

23 Jan 2018

4 (1,343 )

Table of Contents Introduction Impact of Automation and Computerization on Jobs Impact of Automation on Worker Skills 1. Skill Depth: 2. Skill Breadth: Decrease in worker wages Strategies to bargain compensation packages Conclusion Works Cited During the early 1990’s the processes of automation and computerization were changing the work place of corporations in the newly developing countries. Discuss how these processes had affected employees with low ...

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David Jones Management Case Study

23 Jan 2018

5 (1,839 )

Report writing on the case of David Jones management Prepared by Nisarg Patel David Jones is one of largest departmental store in Australia. It was established in 1838. Since 176 years the Australian retail market has undergone drastic changes. According to my suggestion the best model of planned change that suits David Jones case study is the positive model of planned change. The positive model, as ...

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Analysis of UK Basic Chemicals Company

23 Jan 2018

5 (1,654 )

BASIC CHEMICALS IN UK - ANALYSIS HEADLINES The market size of basic chemicals in UK has declined to GBP12,422 million recording a decline of 2.6% in 2013 due to lower sales to manufacturers of plastic and synthetic rubber in primary form Reach regulation tightened in 2013 limiting competition of non-EU companies in UK Profit margin declines to a record low of 3% preventing production expansion ...

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Analysis of Approaches to Bargaining Models

23 Jan 2018

11 (4,011 )

Abstract This paper discusses the various types of approaches to bargaining models, namely indifference curves and iso-profit curves, monopoly union behaviour and efficient contracts. Then we go on to study the concept of efficiency wages in a unionised as well as a non-unionised environment and with the help of existing economic theories we develop a model and incorporate the alternative wage rate. On completion of this ...

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Goods and Services Tax (GST) Advantages and Disadvantages

23 Jan 2018

8 (3,082 )

Executive summary On whether the goods and services tax uncertainty (GST) will be implemented in Malaysia and was eventually suppressed in 2013 October 25, the consumption tax in the 2014 budget will be announced in Malaysia's first launched from 2015 April 1, 6%. It will replace the current sales and service tax. Consumption tax, also known as the value added tax (VAT), is a multi-phase of ...

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How Money is Created

23 Jan 2018

11 (4,095 )

Essay Where Money Comes from Student: Gulnaz Miniakhmetova Introduction “The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled” John Kenneth Galbraith, Economist. There are many social institutions in our world but one of them seems to be the most difficult to understand – monetary institution. Why do we have it and how it works? Being small children, we already understand ...

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Challenges to Pradhan Manti Jan Dhan Yojana

23 Jan 2018

7 (2,529 )

A Study of Challenges and Problems Faced While Implementing Pradhan Manti Jan Dhan Yojana Shilpi Pal & Dr. M.S.Khan Research Scholar & Head/Coordinator (MBA & M.Phil Programme), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University), Lucknow Abstract The biggest development by the NDA government in the year 2014 is introducing first social welfare scheme that is “Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana”. The purpose of introducing this scheme is ...

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Demographic Analysis for Associations with Poverty

23 Jan 2018

8 (3,161 )

3. Socio-economic Characteristics In this paper, demographic characteristics such as age, sex and education as well as socio-economic characteristics such as household assets and livelihood activities are assessed. These characteristics provide an overview on the background of the respondents, which in turn provides an overview about the suitability of the study population. Without necessarily being the source of poverty, it has been pointed out that having ...

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Analysis of the Tourism Sector and Employment Rates

18 Jan 2018

8 (3,005 )

CHAPTER 3 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS As in the previous chapter there was the theoretical and empirical literature review of impact of tourism on employment. This chapter will focus on the statistical analysis of tourism sector and employment. 3.1 Overview of Tourism sector in Mauritius Tourism sector is considered as the main pillar in the Mauritian economy. Mauritius has been experiencing rapid growth during the last few decades. ...

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Impact of the Alliance of Maersk and Msc on Freight Rates

18 Jan 2018

9 (3,472 )

Analysis of the impact of the alliance of Maersk and MSC on freight rates on the Asia-Europe route Yixiang Zhang Content Abstract (Jump to) 1. Introduction 2. Market share and structure of container shipping market 3. Alliance of Maersk and MSC 4. Impact of freight rate by 2M 5. Conclusions References Abstract The economic crisis took place in 2008 resulting in a great depression ...

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Business Responses to the Global Economic Crisis

18 Jan 2018

9 (3,242 )

Global Economic crisis began in 2008 and has drawn a great amount of blood from the financial sector of both developed and developing economy. Under usual circumstances the fall of one will result in rise of another economy. But with GFC the mighty economies has fallen and the developing economies has reached stagnation stage in their growth. UK is one of the economies that are affected ...

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Energy Policy of Russia

18 Jan 2018

7 (2,635 )

Introduction Russia is a naturally powerless nation, encompassed by other extraordinary powers and having no effectively faultless fringes. Furthermore, Russia is a huge, cold domain populated by assorted ethnic gatherings that generally have been at chances with Moscow's brought together power. This leaves Russia with a reasonable arrangement of objectives to hold together as a nation and secure itself as a provincial force. To start with, ...

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Counterbalancing China or Exploiting BRICS

18 Jan 2018

5 (1,662 )

COUNTERBALANCING CHINA OR EXPLOITING BRICS: OPTIONS FOR INDIA INTRODUCTION 1.BRICS, a unique group of countries with shared opportunities & common challenges, came into being in New York in Sep 2006. However, it was during the third Summit at Sanya, in China, in Apr 2011 that South Africa joined this group thereby completing the acronym. BRICS symbolises the amalgamation of the most powerful emerging economies of the ...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising

18 Jan 2018

3 (1,088 )

Franchising Franchising is arrangement where one party (the franchiser) grants another party (the franchisee) the right to use trade-name as well as certain business systems and processes, to produce and market good or service according to certain specification. The franchisee usually pays a one-time franchise-fee plus a percentage of sales revenueas royalty, and gains immediate name cognition, tried and tested products, standard building and decor,detailed technique ...

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Challenges and Opportunities of the Ethiopian Coffee Sector

18 Jan 2018

7 (2,455 )

Coffee farmers all over the world face different challenges related to the availability, cost and quality of labor, land, water, inputs, access to reasonable production credit, and proper technical advice in response to diseases and pests. Ethiopia has a reputation of high quality coffee due to its branded varieties of coffee. But, most of the coffee farmers in Ethiopia are not capable of getting the benefits ...

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Political Institutions and Economic Volatility

18 Jan 2018

3 (1,014 )

Most of the existing literature about political institutions and economic volatility focus on developed countries or countries including both developed countries (e.g., Denizer et al., 2002; Mobarak, 2005; Debrun et al., 2008; Klomp and Haan, 2009; Perira and Vladimir, 2011). These papers always examine the impact of political institutions on economic volatility from one or two aspects, seldom do they analyze this relationship in a more ...

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History of Tariffs in the U.S.

18 Jan 2018

4 (1,269 )

Free Trade, No Tariffs! The controversies regarding “protective” tariff rates date way back, long preceding the debate over globalization. Even in these early days of American history, tariffs brought about some of the most cutthroat debates within the United States political system. Following the war of 1812, the early United States government enacted a tariff to help protect domestic industries, which were primarily located in the ...

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Costs and Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

18 Jan 2018

8 (2,819 )

FDI 1) General Information About FDI Foreign direct investment (FDI) can be defined by saying: If an investor takes place in far from their home country with purchasing a firm in the landlord country’s border. According to “The Organization of Economic Corporation and Development (OECD)”, If a foreign investor has more the ten percent of the local company, this means that the foreign investor has control ...

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Twin Deficit Relationship in a Developing Open Economy

18 Jan 2018

4 (1,217 )

5.1 Summary. This study investigates the twin deficit relationship in a developing open economy like India. The study strives to demonstrate that Keynesian proposition of a long run equilibrium relationship exists between the twin deficits, but the reversed direction of causality was found. That is the causality flows from current account deficit to budget deficit as against from budget deficit to the current account deficit. This ...

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Comparison of China and Russia's Economic Systems

18 Jan 2018

4 (1,440 )

Introduction In today’s political and economic world, many governments have been in a state of paradox about the allocation of scare resources (Riley, 2012). In fact in economics the main issue every economist addresses is what resources should be provided, who to provide it for and how should it be provided (N/A, 2012). Every economy has a different economic system in which they decide on how ...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Adopting the Euro

18 Jan 2018

7 (2,672 )

A Study of the Benefits and Costs which Might Result for UK-based Firms Should the UK Adopt the Euro Name: Louise Tibagalika Introduction The euro is the single currency established in 1999, currently shared by 18 countries of the European Union’s Member States (Ec.europa.eu, 2014). Due to the number of advantages such as the stimulation of trade and disadvantages such as economic instability, the decision for ...

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Role of Consumer Expectations in Economic Policy

18 Jan 2018

6 (2,117 )

Zainab Mukhtar Maidabino BU/12C/BS/0403 Introduction A theme that dominates modern discussions of macro policy is the importance of expectations, and economists have devoted a great deal of thought to expectations and the economy. Change in expectations can shift the aggregate demand (AD) curve; expectations of inflation can cause inflation. For this reason expectations are central to ...

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Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Businesses

18 Jan 2018

8 (3,066 )

How and why the financial crisis was transmitted to business? To what extent can the new regulatory framework prevent the same errors from occurring twice? Financial crisis, the word most mentioned during the last seven years, people may asking about why it take so long time to recover and how many businesses were been affected. There is no exactly number about how many business went to ...

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Regulatory Responses to Short Selling

18 Jan 2018

8 (3,030 )

Abstract It is commonly believed that secondary market prices is not just a sideshow because they contain information that facilitates the efficient allocation of resources. The feedback loop to a real investment decisions allows a short seller to make a profit even in the absence of a fundamental information. This paper analyzes the regulation of manipulative short selling is to impose a cost on short sales. ...

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Bangladesh and Vietnam: Factors of Inflation

18 Jan 2018

4 (1,521 )

Question 2(a) Discuss and analysis the factors of inflation in your selected countries Bangladesh and Vietnam are our selected countries. Inflation is a continuous increase in the general price level of goods and services in the economy. Inflation has three types which are creeping inflation, mild inflation and hyperinflation Bangladesh Inflation in Bangladesh has a lot of factors. There are wages in the major ...

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Substitution and Income Effect

18 Jan 2018

4 (1,282 )

Tendekai Mudariki The price of any given product will always change the customer’s choice of purchasing this can be in terms of quantity, quality or choosing the opportunity cost. In my essay I will be looking at how an increase in prices affect the substitution effect and the income effect and how customers react if the good has many close substitutions when there is ...

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Impact of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in India

18 Jan 2018

5 (1,952 )

THE IMPACT OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS ON BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY IN INDIA Abstract NGO’s have grown in number over the past years in India and has been an important factor that has an impact on business, government and society. NGO’s work directly or indirectly with companies to ensure proper corporate behaviour especially when it has an impact on ...

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Analysis of Knowledge Based Economies

18 Jan 2018

8 (2,929 )

DEFINITION AND THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY “The weakness or even complete absence,of definition, is actually pervasive in the literature… this is one of the many imprecisions that make the notion of “knowledge economy” so rhetorical rather than analytically useful” [1] 1. What is Knowledge Economy or Knowledge Based Economy? As Keith Smith puts it rather succinctly, the question itself comes across as rhetorical. There is ...

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Analysis of the Theory of Unbalanced Growth

18 Jan 2018

8 (2,912 )

Do you think that a less developed /developing country should always follow the path of balanced growth? If yes, why and if not why not? Substantiate your arguments with the examples drawn from experiences of development in developing countries. Answer: When Rostow was making attempts to place economic development within a progressive framework, it lead to a debate in the 1950’s and the 1960’s which was ...

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Business E-solutions for Small Construction Companies

18 Jan 2018

8 (2,849 )

BUSINESS E-SOLUTIONS FOR SMALL CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES AND FREELANCERS Sergiu Catinas Florin Matei Abstract.There is a direct correlation among number of employees who work in construction industry and the average productivity of the construction workers. A first notice when these two factors are compared simply resides from the annual charts that follow these two factors. It is quite obviously that the average productivity of the workers depends primarily ...

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Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage

18 Jan 2018

9 (3,237 )

  1. Introduction The question involving how minimum wage impacts employment remains among the most broadly studied as well as the most controversial topic in the labor economics, by a corresponding difference in the political domain. Minimum wage regulations are a perfect example of price control; price controls distort the quality of services and goods. And limit transaction volume in the market spot. In the scenario ...

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Price Elasticity of Demand and Monopolistic Competition

18 Jan 2018

9 (3,308 )

The Price Elasticity of demand is inversely related to excess capacity in the monopolistic competitive market – Discuss Before we even dwell and discuss on the abovementioned topic, it would vital for us to understand and define what Price Elasticity of Demand, Excess Capacity and Monopolistic Competitive Market are all about from the economic perspective. By understanding the aforementioned than only we would be able to ...

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Slum and Squatters Resettlement in ASEAN Countries

18 Jan 2018

6 (2,321 )

Introduction The urban population in the world is expanding in generally with Asia being estimated to hold 60% of the increase in world’s urban population over the next three decades. Out of 23 cities with populations of more than 10 million people, nine cities are in Asia and the number is projected to increase in the future (Giok and Kai, 2007). Although urbanization is an indicator ...

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