Data Warehousing: Benefits and Implications

23 Mar 2015 11 Dec 2017

5 (1,993 )

WHAT IS DATA WAREHOUSING? The term data warehouse or data warehousing was first coined by Bill Innon in the year 1990 which was defined as a “warehouse which is subject-oriented, integrated, time variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process”. When referring to data warehousing as subject oriented, it simply means that the process is giving information about a particular subject rather ...

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Information Systems of TESCO

23 Mar 2015 11 Dec 2017

9 (3,273 )

The report includes an analysis of the company major types of information systems, including a more detailed assessment of its Transaction Processing system, Decision Support System Enterprise systema and supply chain management. The company Decision Support System (DSS) is based on the effective collection of information through its Transaction Processing Systems. Management Information System (MIS) We are living in a time of great change and working in ...

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Overview and Analysis of Research Methodologies

23 Mar 2015 11 Dec 2017

13 (4,966 )

INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the research methodologies adopted for the research. A combination of both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches was adopted by the researcher in order to attain a realistic result from the research. Specifically, the chapter discusses the range of methods used by the researcher for the research, research philosophy, research strategy and research methods used to gain data and data analysis. RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY Research ...

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Data Mining or Knowledge Discovery

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

9 (3,436 )

SYNOPSIS INTRODUCTION Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information. Data mining or knowledge discovery, is the computed assisted process of digging through and analyzing enormous sets of data and then extracting the meaning of data. Data sets of very high dimensionality, such as microarray data, pose great challenges on efficient processing to most existing ...

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Fundamentals of block coding

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

5 (1,915 )

ABSTRACT In this essay the basic fundamentals of block coding as a type of forward error correction code, as well as an example of such a code, are examined, in order to highlight the importance of error correction in digital communication systems. In the first part, the theory around error correction codes and types is presented with special emphasis on the block codes, their properties and ...

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Mathematical description of OFDM

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

10 (3,747 )

When we talk about the Mathematical description of OFDM then we cannot neglect the following mathematical treatments: The Fourier transformThe use of the Fast Fourier Transform in OFDMThe guard interval and its implementation As we have discussed above that a large number of narrowband carriers which are spaced close to each other in frequency domain are transmitted by OFDM. The modern digital technique that is used in ...

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Methodologies of data collection

23 Mar 2015 09 May 2017

6 (2,386 )

The standard and procedure of data collection and gathering can be done by formal and informal way and then, after collecting that data, you do analysis on this data and is called data collection or anthology. In this part of the research procedure, researcher uses different methods and procedures. These methods can include of interviews, surveys, Questionnaires and observation. The most difficult part after collecting the data ...

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Feasibility Study

03 Oct 2016 23 Feb 2017

8 (3,019 )

Discuss the Components of a feasibility report. Consider the following types of Feasibility: 1. Feasibility Study The Feasibility study is a study of possible alternate solutions to a problem and a recommendation on the best alternative. (Randall, B. et. al, 2010) It can decide whether a process be carried out by a new system more efficiently than the existing one. 1.1. Economic feasibility: Economic Feasibility study ...

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Pizza Hut Data analysis

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,617 )

Introduction Earlier chapters have set the stage for carrying out of this research. This chapter builds on the previous ones by reporting the results of the data analysis. The primary data collected through interviews and questionnaire is presented in graphs along with analysis and findings. From these analysis researchers will be able to proceed towards conclusion and recommendation. Qualitative Data analysis This part of chapter will analyse ...

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Quality of service of a network

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,302 )

CONGESTION MANAGMENT: Networks which are designed to support most different traffic types which share a single data path between routers. Congestion management techniques should be considered in such cases to ensure the quality and treatment for the various traffic types. "Traffic prioritization especially important for delay-sensitive, interactive transaction based application for instance, for example takes video conferencing that requires higher priority than the file transfer applications. However ...

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Highlighting mitchells and butlers strategic

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,063 )

Executive Summary This report is aimed at highlighting Mitchells and Butlers strategic choices through the analysis of its internal and external environment. A number of measurement tools were used in order to express this. The report firstly looks into the external environment in which the organisation is involved with. The external analysis was split into two different sections: The macro environment and the microenvironment. A PESTLE analysis ...

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Find largest digit in c program

23 Mar 2015

2 (543 )

mumbers (positive,nagative,integer,double numbers) from the keyboard and prints area,largest number,negcount,reverse,average.*/ //including header file #include <iostream> using namespace std; // main declaration void main() { //declaring variables int num; int sum1=0; float sum2=0; int negcount=0; int i=0; int largest; int smallest; float average=0.0; int temp1=0; int temp2=0; float area=0.0; int radius; ...

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Information Search and Analysis Skills

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,796 )

1.0 SYNOPSIS The research was carried on one of Microsoft Windows operating systems which is Windows 2000. The various factors such as security, reliability and easy to use interface were discussed. In Windows 2000 security is more improved as compared to previous versions, point-to-point Tunnel protocol (PPTP) and layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP as alternative security for Virtual Private Network (VPN)). Windows 2000 security has significant benefits ...

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CRISP methodology

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,486 )

Well we got 2 data sets to analysis using SPSS PASW 1) Wine Quality Data Set and 2) The Poker Hand Data Set. We can do this using CRISP methodology. Let us look what is CRISP by wikipedia "CRISP-DM stands for Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining It is a data mining process model that describes commonly used approaches that expert data miners use to tackle ...

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Methodology set of rituals

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,255 )

Unfortunately method is sometimes reduced to incantations or a set of rituals which are applied to data. Because the research object is complex due to its multi-dimensional characteristics it is not susceptible to exhaustive coverage. Therefore, method itself should investigate at a conceptual level and not simply applied in a mechanistic way. The methodology applied in this project is therefore not a recipe for research practice. The ...

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