Installing And Erecting Hvac


02 Nov 2017

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Narratives: 1-3

CE 1: HVAC & Hydraulic Design.

CE 2: Installation of HVAC Services & Equipment.

CE 3: EPCM (Engineering, Procurement, & Construction Management).


All the statements and facts mentioned in this report are true to the best of my knowledge and I have made claims of acquired competencies in good faith. This project report is written in my own words and is a true representation of my personal competence in the field of Mechanical Engineering and written English. I confirm that I understand that members of engineering team in Australia are required to display a commitment to exercise professional and ethical responsibility in all aspects of their work.




Table of Contents

Career episode 1 HVAC & Hydraulic Design 2

Career episode 2 Installing and Erecting HVAC Equipmet & Services 6

Career episode 3 EPCM (Engineering, Procurement, & Construction Management) 11

Index 17

Summary statement 18

HVAC & Hydraulic Design


Name of organization: Al Obaid Engineering Consultants Office

Geographical location: State of Kuwait

Duration: May 2006 – Jan 2008

Position occupied: Junior Design Engineer (Mechanical)

Al Obaid Engineering Consultants provides technical advice and engineering solutions to construction and infrastructure projects in Middle East and Africa regions. I was working with a team of other engineers in different disciplines. We were responsible for developing designs and supervising projects undertaken by the office.


Upon joining Al Obaid Engineering Consultants, I spent 3 months at the office as an intern practicing Junior Design Engineer’s main job duties under my senior’s supervision. I was given induction programs and intensive training in the field of HVAC and hydraulic design, I had also taken courses and read codes related as ASHRAE’s. In this episode, I describe general responsibilities that I handled as a design engineer. I also highlight a specific construction project, which my office had worked on during my employment period and to which I had contributed.

The office had claimed a contract for a full electromechanical design of a clinic complex in Salmiya region. I was handling the HVAC and hydraulic design along with other design engineers and was reporting directly to senior design engineer. I performed calculations related to heat gains, and friction losses. I had also participated in the selection process of chillers and had reviewed and evaluated shop drawings submitted during execution phase.

My main job responsibilities were as follows:

To perform calculations and develop design drawings of mechanical systems and services from first principles for construction projects.

To inspect and check designs completed by others, to identify errors and suggest improvements which can be achieved.

To prepare specifications and data sheets of equipment and materials to be used in construction.

To verify that engineering codes and standards will be met in the design and the selection of materials. 

To attend site meetings and coordinate with projects, and clients.

To prepare and submit project progress reports.

To work under the control and supervision- of the Senior Design Engineer.

To coordinate the work of his team with other engineering disciplines within the office.

To be responsible for checking the accuracy and quality of his work. 

To be efficient in recognizing and solving problems, and conflicts in the role of his position.

Figure 1 The figure shows organizational structure of Al Obaid Engineering Consultants.

Personal engineering activity

Before I start a design, I receive architectural drawings and plans of the project, in addition to bid documents, and client’s requirements. During design phase; I study the project documents carefully in order to develop a design that complies with the requirements. Lastly I submit the design drawings to client representative for feedback and approval before submission of drawings to contractors.

I attended several meetings with the client’s representatives in order to report progress of site activities and incorporate feedback on design changes. I studied client’s specific design requirements like type of equipment and appliances that will be used in the facility, which will help in determining the correct heat gains.

I perform calculations for determining cooling loads. I use engineering software and applications like HAP for load calculations and energy analysis. I also carry out calculations manually; referring to international codes and approved engineering practices like ASHRAE, and Trane manuals. I also refer to local authorities’ regulations to ensure that the design conforms to them.

I was always consulting with architects and the rest of the engineering staff in order to determine quantities, and type of electric fittings used, in addition to nature of construction materials which had helped me to calculate heat loads. I determined design conditions before estimating heat gains like dry bulb temperature and relative humidity. I calculate required air flow and heat gains in different zones taking into account occupants’ activities inside the facility, direction of building, area of windows and sky lights etc. I referred to ASHRAE code in this process to determine parameters needed for calculation. After performing heat gains estimation, I determine cooling capacity required for the chillers.

I adhere to local authorities’ regulations, which stipulate the allowable amount of electric power consumption per unit of area for any commercial or residential facility. I used the diversity factor defined by the ministry of electricity and water (MEW) in Kuwait and selected chillers that comply with the regulations and operate within the allowable ranges. I made sure that the chillers units selected use proper refrigerant, which conforms to environmental regulations as well.

I consulted with the senior design engineer at the office to get feedback on my calculations and selection criteria. He pointed out that I had to take into account high ambient temperatures that are applicable to Kuwait region which reach levels higher than 50°C in the summer. This should contribute to selecting chillers capacity, he also pointed out that chillers components should be considered if distilled water was the fluid to be used, and instructed me on types of compressors to be selected for the chillers. I considered the selection criteria that were suggested by my senior engineer and made the selection according to them.

I reviewed York, Carrier and Trane catalogues and online resources and selected different chillers. I prepared technical submittals of and included explanatory notes clarifying reason for the selection according to studies, environmental regulations and power consumption, which shall have an impact on operation cost. I held a meeting with the client representative to explain my recommendation according to these requirements, which had helped the client, approve the equipment presented.

I also took part in calculating friction losses of the chilled water piping system for the hospital. I determined equivalent lengths of fittings and valves and used Hazen-Williams equation and implemented calculations in an Excel sheet to facilitate data input and modification. I prepared the design drawings using AutoCAD and had supervised the draftsmen team during this process and coordinated HVAC services with the rest of building services.

During execution phase; I constantly reviewed shop drawings submitted by contractors and updated them according to site conditions. For this reason, I made site visits in order to check the drawings against site conditions and modify the design where I see necessary. I also followed up contractors overall progress and examined inspection lists submitted against installation specifications and approved shop drawings.

I constantly update and develop my knowledge in several disciplines related to my field. I attend seminars in the field of HVAC to learn of any new techniques and technologies especially in software used for the design. I update and develop my knowledge in computer software and information technology, I learned VBA and used it in conjunction with Microsoft Office package to enhance functionality of the software. I refer to ASHRAE code on a regular basis during the design process. I also arrange discussion groups with my colleagues to discuss topics in other engineering disciplines, which had helped me to improve my knowledge in the fields of construction and design. I also read and research many topics in engineering constantly reviewing Mark’s Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineering.


In this project, I tried to shed the light on many practices and skills I possess in HVAC and hydraulic design. I acquired engineering knowledge to understand customer’s technical requests, to design proper solutions, and verify them against requirements. I performed calculations, checked design, drawings and specification’s conformity with local authorities’ regulations. I used computer skills and engineering software in the design process. I pay close attention to environmental issues and power consumption and its impact on operation cost and environment. I constantly update and develop my skills and knowledge in information and engineering sciences.

Installing and Erecting HVAC Equipment & Services


Name of organization: Kharafi National KSC

Geographical location: State of Kuwait

Duration: Jan 2008 – Nov 2010

Position occupied: Site Engineer (Mechanical)

Kharafi National KSC is a leading infrastructure project developer and contractor in various fields and disciplines, operating in Middle East and Africa regions. The company vision is to establish a strong reputation and develop a strong relationship with stakeholders whether they are the client, or the sub-contractors. The company follows a quality management system (QMS) which all employees have to master and adhere to in order to deliver quality products and services that would ensure client’s satisfaction.

I was assigned to Al Hamra mixed complex construction project due to my background in construction, and building services. I acquired great deal of knowledge in many technical and engineering disciplines during this project especially in installation, and commissioning of equipment and related systems.


Upon joining Kharafi National and before starting my official duties, I was given several inductions and training programs in health, safety and environment. I was also given orientations on company procedures, quality standards, documentation and enterprise resources planning (ERP) system, which was the Oracle E-Business Suite.

Al Hamra [1] is the largest commercial building in the state of Kuwait. The 76 levels tower comprises 8 mechanical rooms on 8 different levels; basement: 1 - 2, levels: 27 - 28, 52 - 53 and 75 - 76. I was assigned to the project upon joining the company. Our main scope of work was installation and commissioning of HVAC equipment and services.

My main job duties as a site engineer were:

To plan and schedule the work and efficiently organise the site / facilities in order to meet an agreed programme of deadlines.

To attend regular meetings with clients, architects and consultants and keeping them informed of progress.

To supervise and monitor the site labour force through General Foreman and or Supervisors, monitoring the work of any subcontractors to complete the work as per customer's satisfaction.

To oversee quality control and safety matters on the site, and ensure that regulations are adhered to.

To resolve any unexpected technical difficulties and other problems that may arise at any time.

To oversee the selection and requisition of materials for use in the construction / maintenance, to check whether the materials are as specified.

To supervise and ensure proper maintenance of materials and to advise on technology and modifications required for a simpler and cost saving mechanism.

To prepare necessary paperwork for the completion of work and get it authorised by the client after their inspection.

To develop a relationship with the Project Engineer and prepare periodical reports on the progress of work.

Figure 2 The figure shows organizational structure of non-manual staff during the project - Kharafi National KSC.

Personal engineering activity

I was leading a team of 80 - 100 individuals comprising welders, skilled technicians, and supervisors, and I had to organize and schedule site activities to best utilize this workforce, and minimize any counterproductive measures that may occur due to improper site management. I handled the tasks assigned to me and prepared a schedule on Microsoft Project to easily follow up and reschedule site activities and report progress. I prepared progress reports of all activities and tasks and was reviewing them with the Project Engineer on a weekly basis.

I was assigned the task of preparing method statements of equipment installation in addition to welding procedures specifications (WPS). For this reason I reviewed procedures qualification records (PQR) of other construction projects in the company to obtain required data and specifications for welding. This had given me a substantial knowledge in welding specifications and standards such as welding rods baking periods, non-destructive examination (NDE) like radiography and magnetic particle tests and common welding defects that welders commit, this had helped me to monitor welding activities and avoid these common defects. I prepared and submitted inspection lists to QC engineer and carried out inspection activities and hydrostatic pressure tests for chilled water piping system.

I have gained great experience in reading construction drawings, and welding symbols. I have gained experience in using modern CAD software like Autodesk AutoCAD MEP. I prepared shop drawings of HVAC services and coordinated with engineers from other disciplines to prepare composite drawings. I submitted shop drawings to quality control (QC) engineers to get their approval and incorporate any modifications that might be suggested on the drawings due to conflict with other services, after QC’s approval I submit the shop drawings to consultants to get final approval.

Requisition of materials was part of my responsibilities. I performed quantity take-offs for HVAC and related piping systems and fittings and kept a record of inventory and future materials required. I prepared shop drawings on AutoCAD and defined blocks for different elements of the design. I used visual basic for applications (VBA) to import block attributes from AutoCAD and implement them inside a simple Excel sheet. This facilitated various calculations and quantity surveying process enabling me to make modification required in CAD drawings and reflect changes directly in the Excel sheets.

I follow specifications stipulated by the company during selection and requisition of materials and was handling all stages of materials procurement process as follows:

I select materials according to specifications and contract requirements.

I dispatch a request for quotation (RFQ) attached with specifications to Procurement Department.

I evaluate technical offers of equipment and materials I receive from different suppliers.

I prepare and submit client in-house approval (CIA) to consultants in order to approve materials selected.

I use the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and prepare a local purchase order (LPO) of the approved materials.

I follow up the delivery of materials to site and submit a material inspection request (MIR) to QC engineers in order to inspect materials delivered.

I handled all stages of ducts fabrication process. First I carried out an MTO (Materials Take- Off) of different duct fittings, then I prepared and submitted fabrication requests to duct fabrication shop, and purchased materials needed for fabrication. The sheet metal can be purchased through the project or through the workshop if materials are available. I prepare material inspection requests (MIR) and submit them to QC engineers for inspection. Once the material gets approved I proceed with the rest of the process until site delivery, this is simply illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3 A simplified illustration of duct fabrication process.

I provided additional chilled pipes connections to hook up future AHUs in some remote zones. The consultants had specified a cooling capacity of 20 tons for each designated zone. I calculated required flow rate and determined pipe diameters for future AHUs connections, I also calculated head losses for the new chilled water pipes that would run to these zones and checked characteristic curves and specifications of the pumps; to ensure they would deliver required flow at the newly calculated head.

I have attained a great deal of knowledge in the field of vibration isolators; I reviewed data sheets of vibration isolators for AHUs and was able to differentiate between different isolators selected for equipment consistent with structural span stiffness and its natural frequency, specially the units installed on top mechanical levels that could create a 2 degrees-of-freedom (2DOF) system. I studied several attributes of isolators, as number needed, static deflection and maximum load that would produce sufficient damping in amplification and isolation zones. I advised on suitable isolators to be used for many AHUs and suggested shifting the units away from the center of the structure and closer to the supporting beams and columns.

I planned and supervised the installation and erection of HVAC equipment and related components and systems as fan coil units (FCU), air handling units (AHU), recovery units, chilled and condensing water pumps and water cooled chillers of 1850 ton capacity in addition to related ducts, piping systems and components. I was always referring to catalogs, method statements and project specifications to learn of installation and commisioning procedures. I have gained great technical knowledge in the process as shafts alignment procedures and techniques and have prepared alignment certificates upon installation and commissioning of equipment in order to submit to QC engineers for inspection and approval of installation.


In this episode I was able to display my technical knowledge and competency during installation of HVAC equipment and related services, I demonstrated the knowledge I was able to attain in the field of welding and relevant tests. I was able to perform engineering calculations related to HVAC design and vibrations isolators’ selection. I acquired knowledge in company procedures and documentation. I acquired great managerial and planning skills and was handling and managing a large team of individuals and planning site activities.

EPCM (Engineering, Procurement & Construction Management)


Name of organization: Kharafi National KSC

Geographical location: State of Kuwait

Duration: Feb 2011 – present

Position occupied: Project Engineer

Kharafi National KSC is a major and leading infrastructure and project developer in the Middle East and Africa, which is ISO certified by Bureau VERITAS. The project I handled was of both managerial and engineering nature. I have employed my engineering knowledge and have used project management resources and information sciences to expedite and enhance work interfaces and flow.


In this project, I was delegated managerial tasks [2] and reported directly to manager of projects as shown in Figure 4. I finished the managers’ training program provided by the company which is a key requirement before being assigned the tasks of a project manager. The organization being strong matrix structured, enabled me to acquire authority of controlling resources and planning tasks. The location of the project was Bayan [3] palace. The client was ‘Amiri Diwan [4] â€™ who in turns is responsible for supervising construction works. The palace contained 18 residential buildings and 2 conference halls; it was being extended to include an additional conference hall, a catering plant, a health club and a new guest palace, all being served by 3 plant rooms.

The new facilities required proper design and renovation of the existing plant rooms. The total lengths of piping system were about 10 kilometers running through service tunnels below grade, and supplying facilities and residential buildings. The target of the project was total renovation of infrastructure mechanical services, and equipment in addition to increasing cooling load with an additional 3000 tons. With an amount of activities and works of such magnitude, the plumbing services comprising hot and cold water supply and fire protection were allocated a unique cost center or a single project by itself, to which I was assigned.

My main job duties are as follow:

To monitor and assign work to Site Engineers in accordance with Company’s policies and procedures and limits of authority.

To monitor and control expenses related to project work and ensure organisational forecasts and budgets are met for these expenses.

To handle procurement activities relating to contracts and sub contracts in accordance with Company Procedures and Procurement department activities.

To undertake team briefings and inception activities to ensure all aspects of work are understood by all concerned parties.

To ensure safety standards and procedures are implemented and followed in accordance with contract requirements and Company guidelines.

To undertake QC reporting interaction with other departments of Company and clients to assure production schedules and deliveries are met.

To be responsible and report on the scheduling of man/material movements for all aspects of construction and or maintenance activity.

To act as a liaison with contractors and clients managing any work interfaces and enhancements to project scope.

To review and evaluate technical submittals and shop drawings prior to submission to consultants and clients according to required project standards.

To assist the Project Manager / Senior Project Engineer in preparation of Sub Contract agreements and to recruit people for his area of discipline.

Figure 4 The figure shows Organizational structure of non-manual staff during the project - Kharafi National KSC.

Personal engineering activity

During my career in Kharafi National I prepared interactive presentations using computer tools and printed publications utilizing my skills in desktop publishing software and professional graphics suites that I am competent in as Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft PowerPoint , and Adobe Flash. The purpose of these presentations was always to enable the client visualize and perceive the magnitude and the importance of the project proposed.

I performed several duties and tasks during this project in the pre-award and post award phases; these included managerial, and engineering tasks as follows:

I prepare project documents, and define the scope of work.

I develop a conceptual design based on specifications.

I prepare a BOQ and tender a proposal.

I oversee the preparation of detailed design drawings and get them approved by QC engineers and client representative.

I create a work breakdown structure (WBS), assign a budget to each task, and prepare a project schedule.

I submit request for quotations (RFQs) with equipment specifications to suppliers and/or sub-contractors.

I evaluate technical offers and proposals I receive from suppliers and prepare comparison sheets with equipment data.

I prepare and submit client in-house approvals (CIAs) in order to obtain client’s approval of materials and equipment before the procurement process.

I coordinate with the procurement department and use the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, to purchase material.

I apply quality procedures stipulated by the company and the quality control (QC) department, and I prepare for internal and external quality audits during different phases of a project.

I attend safety induction programs and implement safety and environmental regulations.

The project life cycle starting with receiving bidding documents until beginning of execution activities is simply illustrated in Figure 5.

I started the project from the pre-award phase which comprised preparation of conceptual design drawings and tendering. Having been nominated by the client, I carried on through the post award phase, by preparing detailed design drawings and execution of activities. The services and equipment needed proper selection and design. I had two schemes for developing a design, an outsourced or an in-house. We didn’t have an outsourced design office that can finish the project within the required time and budget; so I followed company procedures in order to develop an in-house conceptual design to which I had personally contributed. I have identified the flowchart of the design management process for the pre-award phase, as shown in Figure 6.

The project staff was assigned the task of preparing conceptual design drawings. I handled the task of preparing design drawings of hot and cold water supply services in addition to selection and evaluation of different pumps for chillers, and fire protection use. I used AutoCAD MEP as the default CAD platform. I calculated water supply fixture units (WSFU) to determine flow requirements and calculated equivalent pipes lengths of fittings and valves, in order to determine total friction losses. I performed calculations in an Excel sheet using Hazen-Williams criterion. I reviewed characteristic curves of many pumps models and selected different sets according to calculations and system head curves. I also estimated new power requirements to select diesel generators and their fuel system (i.e. fuel pumps, daily tanks, and fuel tanks). I selected capacities of tanks according to fuel consumption rate which shall be sufficient for 7 days of operation, as per local authorities’ regulations of Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC). After finishing the conceptual design I performed materials take-off, and prepared the bill of quantity (BOQ) for all materials and equipment needed.

I arranged a brainstorming meeting with the project staff, I started developing a work breakdown structure (WBS) and created cost accounts for tasks, sub tasks and work packages. As there were no certain procedures for establishing durations of work packages in the PMBOK guide, I reviewed historical records of other successful projects undertaken by the company in order to determine durations. I identified level of effort (LOE) activities which will have an impact on project budget and schedule. I manually constructed a network diagram of all activities based on the WBS.

Figure 5 A simplified illustration of the project life cycle

I used Microsoft Project Professional to prepare a schedule, allocate resources and determine critical activities. I have gained a great deal of knowledge in using PMBOK guide and Microsoft Project, and was able to control and monitor the budget of different tasks and subtasks. As a practitioner in the field of project management, I also refer to PMBOK guide and adhere to PMI’s code of conduct when dealing with sub-contractors and preparing appraisals for employees.

I prepared an organization structure of the project stating responsibilities of each person and to whom they report as per company procedures and limits of authority. I arrange status and staff meetings and prepare minutes of meetings (MOM) which is distributed to all attendees, stating their roles and responsibilities. These are part of the company procedures that have to be followed and regarded as a communication plan that establishes channels between different levels resolving any conflicts due to poor reporting.

I identified the risks that may influence the project and reviewed administration work instructions (AWI) of the company to find documents related to risk assessment. I used the risk assessment matrix to identify and state potential risks, their ratings in terms of severity and probability and related mitigation actions. I maintain a risk register during all phases of the project and update it according to facts and new information acquired. I recognized being understaffed during the project; the mitigation measure was relocating resources, equipment and manpower from other cost centers or projects and rearranging my activities so that they don’t run concurrently with these projects’ activities, giving priorities to critical activities and managing available slack to accomplish this.

Figure 6 The diagram shows process flowchart for conceptual design management process in the pre-award phase.

I needed to find a solution that would enable us to collaborate with each other much as with the client as well, a method through which we can coordinate to prepare shop drawings and composite drawings comprising electromechanical services and architectural plans. I suggested using Autodesk project management solutions as Autodesk Buzzsaw service. I purchased the Buzzsaw service and created a site which had enabled the users - engineers and client - to share project drawings and documents, and update them where deemed necessary. The service proves to be an indispensable tool throughout all phases of the project. I prepare questionnaires and submit them to the client in order to get feedback and assess client’s satisfaction. I use client’s feedback to further enhance our performance and meet their requirements.


In this project I was able to demonstrate my managerial skills and knowledge that complement the requirements of modern business environment, depicted in using enterprise management solutions and information sciences. I also displayed my engineering knowledge and ability in using sophisticated software and performing calculations. I use many international codes and approved practices in my career and strictly adhere to professional codes of conduct such as PMI’s.



2DOF 9



AutoCAD MEP 13


bid documents 3


calculated 3, 9, 13

calculations 2, 3, 4, 13, 16

chillers 4


client 3, 4, 13

client’s satisfaction 6

construction 2, 3

cooling capacity 2


design 3, 4, 11, 13, 15

diesel generators 14

ducts fabrication 8


environmental regulations 4, 13

equipment 3, 4, 13

ERP 6, 8, 13

Excel 8, 14


Hazen-Williams 4, 14

head losses 2, 9

HVAC 2, 4


in-house 13


LOE activities 14


method statements 8

Microsoft 13, 14





outsourced 13


piping 4, 11

plumbing 2, 11


PMI code of conduct 14


power consumption 4

PowerPoint 13


pre-award phase 13

presentations 13

procurement 13


quality audits 13


renovation 11

Requisition of materials 8



safety 13

schedule 13, 14

shop drawings 4

software 4, 16

specifications 13

static deflection 9

sub-contractors 13, 14


technical offers 13

tendering 13



vibration isolators 9

Visio 13


water supply 11

WBS 13, 14




Summary Statement

These are the competency Units and Elements. These elements must be addressed in the Summary Statement (see Section C). If you are applying for assessment as a Professional Engineer, you will need to download this page, complete it and lodge it with your application.

Competency Element

A brief summary of how you have applied the element

Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed


PE 1.1 Knowledge of science and engineering fundamentals

I perform calculations of cooling loads, heat gains, and friction losses and I have knowledge in the design of HVAC and hydraulic systems.

I use information sciences and technology (e.g. Autodesk Buzzsaw service in managing project’s documents and VBA in exporting AutoCAD blocks attributes to excel).

I consider several criteria during design and selection of HVAC systems and equipment (e.g. type of construction materials, number of appliances and fittings, design conditions, occupants’ activities, liquid to be used in chillers, selection of vibration isolators etc.).

CE 1.6, CE 1.7, CE 1.11

CE 2.10, CE 2.11

CE 3.7

CE 1.13

CE 2.7

CE 3.12

CE 1.7, CE 1.9

CE 2.11

PE 1.2 In-depth technical competence in at least one engineering discipline

I have attained great knowledge in the field of welding and in reading schematics and construction drawings.

I have substantial knowledge in reading vibration isolators data sheets and in selecting them as well.

I have substantial knowledge in using PMBOK guide and project management resources and techniques and I use Microsoft Project Professional in planning activities.

I review and evaluate shop drawings and technical proposals to identify any potential errors or ill-founded data.

I have gained great knowledge in equipment installation and alignment procedures and techniques.

CE 2.5, CE 2.6

CE 2.11

CE 3.8, CE 3.9

CE 1.2, CE 1.3, CE 1.12

CE 2.6

CE 3.3

CE 2.12

PE 1.3 Techniques and resources

I am able to manually construct a WBS and a network diagram of project’s tasks and activities.

I user resources relevant to the broad field of engineering (e.g. ASHRAE code, Trane manuals, and PMBOK guide).

I am aware of current computer tools used in analysis and design (e.g. AutoCAD MEP, HAP, Buzzsaw, Excel, and Microsoft Project Professional).

I manually perform calculations related to HVAC and hydraulic design to eliminate any sources of potential errors and I manually construct network diagrams of a project.

CE 3.8

CE 1.7, CE 1.11

CE 3.7, CE 3.9

CE 1.11

CE 2.6, CE 2.7

CE 3.7, CE 3.12

CE 1.6

CE 3.7

PE 1.4 General knowledge

I consider local authorities regulations and allowable power consumption during design (e.g. proper selection of chillers units).

I identify risks and relevant mitigation actions to a project and I use relevant documents (e.g. risk assessment matrix).

I find solutions to enhance work interfaces between stake holders and the company (e.g. using Autodesk Buzzsaw service to share project documents and data).

I ensure client’s satisfaction through submitting questionnaire and as part of my official job duties.

CE 1.8

CE 3.11

CE 3.12

CE 2.3

CE 3.12, CE 3.13


PE 2.1 Ability to undertake problem identification, formulation, and solution

I consult with architects to determine construction materials in order to calculate heat loads.

I review procedures qualifications records PQRs in order to prepare welding procedures specifications.

I select vibration isolators that will suite specific installation conditions.

I review historical records of other projects in order to determine correct periods of work packages.

I calculated head losses and flow required to provide additional future AHUs, and checked that the circulating pumps could meet the newly calculated head and flow.

CE 1.7

CE 2.5

CE 2.11

CE 3.8

CE 2.10

PE 2.2 Understanding of social, cultural global, and environmental responsibilities and the need to employ principles of sustainable development

I consider local authorities regulations, power consumption and operating costs during selection of chillers and I advise the client in this regard.

Applying and following safety regulations and procedures is one of my main job duties which I strictly adhere to.

I consult with engineers of other disciplines and participate in discussion groups to broaden my knowledge.

I identify potential risks to a project and prepare a risk assessment matrix. I maintain a risk register to update information acquired and I determine mitigation actions in this regard.

CE 1.8, CE 1.10

CE 2.1, CE 2.3

CE 3.3

CE 1.7, CE 1.13

CE 3.11

PE 2.3 Ability to utilize a systems approach to complex problems and to design and operational performance

I prepared welding procedures specifications (WPS) based on the PQR.

I defined work packages based on historical records of successful projects.

I apply quality procedures and prepare for internal and external quality audits over the life cycle of a project.

I used Autodesk Buzzsaw service to manage work interfaces and share project documents.

I used VBA to export AutoCAD blocks’ attributes to Excel in order to survey quantities.

I used Hazen-Williams equation to calculate head losses of a system in an Excel sheet and to ensure integrity of calculations.

I identified common welding defects that welders commit in order to avoid them.

I prepare questionnaire to incorporate client’s feedback and further enhance performance.

CE 2.5

CE 3.8

CE 2.5

CE 3.3, CE 3.5

CE 3.12

CE 2.7

CE 1.11

CE 3.7

CE 2.5

CE 3.12

PE 2.4 Proficiency in engineering design

I design HVAC and hydraulic systems based on proper calculations and I use relevant tools and resources for preparing a design (e.g. ASHRAE code, Excel, AutoCAD MEP and HAP).

I calculated heat loads and selected air cooled chillers for an optimum power consumption and operation costs.

CE 1.3 - CE 1.6, CE 1.11

CE 2.10, CE 2.11

CE 3.7

CE 1.8, CE 1.10

PE 2.5 Ability to conduct an engineering project

I have personally handled a project through all stages from conceptual design until execution and have applied project management resources and techniques to achieve a substantial outcome.

I use PMBOK guide to apply project management techniques.

I use historical records of other projects in order to determine essential parameters or data.

I prepared explanatory notes for the client explaining chillers selection criteria and its impact on operation costs.

CE 3.5, CE 3.6

CE 3.9

CE 2.5

CE 3.8

CE 1.10

PE 2.6 Understanding of the business environment

I handled a large work force of technicians and supervisors, managed and scheduled site activities.

I arranged staff meetings and constructed an organization chart of the project stating responsibilities and reporting roles.

I defined the scope of work and managed to prepare a conceptual design and a proposal for the project in Bayan palace.

I prepared a WBS of the project, recognized sub-tasks and work packages to which I determined cost accounts for.

I use Microsoft Project Professional to schedule activities and allocate resources.

CE 2.4

CE 3.8, CE 3.10

CE 3.4, CE 3.5

CE 3.8

CE 2.4

CE 3.9


PE 3.1 Ability to communicate effectively with the engineering team and with the community at large

I created presentations to promote the concept of many projects and enable the client to understand their nature.

I consulted with my senior design engineer to get feedback on the criteria used for selection of air cooled chillers.

I suggested the installation locations of AHUs to minimize the possibility of creating a SDOF system.

CE 3.4

CE 1.9

CE 2.11

PE 3.2 Ability to manage information and documentation

I searched product catalogues and online resources to select suitable chillers, and I referred to data sheets of AHUs to select suitable vibrations isolators.

I review projects historical records to determine durations of work packages.

I searched administration work instructions (AWI) of the company to locate documents related to risk assessment and I maintained a register to record new information related during the project.

I use AutoCAD MEP to produce clear engineering designs and accurate drawings.

I am competent in using advanced graphics suites like Microsoft Visio, and Adobe Flash

I plan and schedule activities using Microsoft Project Professional, and I prepare progress reports of site activities.

I review PQRs to prepare welding procedure specifications; and I use documents and forms to manage risks presented by the company and according to procedures.

CE 1.10

CE 2.11

CE 3.8

CE 3.11

CE 1.11

CE 2.6, CE 2.7

CE 3.7

CE 3.4

CE 2.4

CE 2.5

CE 3.11

PE 3.3 Capacity for creativity and innovation

I follow different approach to select vibration isolators based on natural frequency and stiffness of structural spans.

I used creative project management solutions like Autodesk Buzzsaw service to share project documents and drawings among client and staff.

CE 2.11

CE 3.12

PE 3.4 Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities, and commitment to them

I strictly commit and adhere to PMI’s code of conduct when preparing appraisals or dealing with contractors.

I follow safety and environmental regulations as required by local authorities and the industry.

CE 3.9

CE 1.8

CE 2.3

CE 3.3, CE 3.5

PE 3.5 Ability to function effectively as an individual and in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, as a team leader or manager as well as an effective team member

I arranged a meeting with the project staff to create a WBS and assign cost accounts.

I arrange periodic meetings related to project status and progress.

I consulted with my senior engineer to get feedback on selection of chiller units and I accepted advice and mentoring from him.

CE 3.8

CE 3.10

CE 1.9

PE 3.6 Capacity for lifelong learning and professional development

I constantly update and develop my knowledge in my field through studying codes and attending seminars.

I develop my knowledge in VBA and IT sciences which had helped me to achieve better outcomes of the projects I handled.

I am competent in advanced graphics suites which I utilize for producing interactive presentations.

CE 1.11

CE 1.11

CE 2.7

CE 3.4

PE 3.7 Professional attitudes

I attend and arrange meetings with the client in order to incorporate feedback and report progress.

I prepare questionnaires and submit them to the client in order to improve our performance.

I follow organized procedures before and during the execution of a project.

CE 1.5, CE 1.10

CE 3.12

CE 3.5, CE 3.6


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