Database Migration and Architecture: Bee Colony Optimization

27 Mar 2018

7 (2,741 )

Abstract: It is compulsory for two servers to be compatible if you have to either import or export the data. All the servers have unique protocol service through which they communicate. It is not possible for a server to directly transmit or receive the data from any other server. A live example is the developed codes at different platforms like JAVA, Visual Studio and others. This ...

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Veracity Problem: A Review of Various PageRanking Algorithms

27 Mar 2018

8 (3,028 )

Abstract Enormous availability of web pages containing information leaves user in confusion of which webpage to trust and which link provides the right information. This paper provides a survey of the most relevant studies carried out in regard of ranking web pages. First, it introduces the problem of “Veracity” , conformity to truth. It then goes on to list the most common algorithms that have been ...

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User Behavior Mining in Software as a Service Environment

27 Mar 2018

9 (3,335 )

Abstract—Software as a Service (SaaS) provides software application vendors a Web based delivery model to serve large number of clients with multi-tenancy based infrastructure and application sharing architecture. With the growing of the SaaS business, data mining in the environment becomes achallenging area. In this paper, we suggest a new metric along with a few existing metrics for customer analysis in a Software as a Service ...

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Obfuscated Data Storage For Cloud Environment

27 Mar 2018

7 (2,549 )

Ravi Pandey, and Kamlesh Chandra Purohit   Abstract. Data storage service is one of the most attractive services provided by the cloud service provider. Despite the benefits of cloud computing threat to data confidentiality, integrity and availability may stop the data owner from switching to a cloud environment. Handing over the data to a third party to store and manage may generate data security ...

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Network Aware Adaptive Media Streaming in Mobile Cloud

27 Mar 2018

6 (2,047 )

Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author) line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2-name of organization, acronyms acceptable line 3-City, Country line 4-e-mail address if desired Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author) line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2-name of organization, acronyms acceptable line 3-City, Country line 4-e-mail address if desired Abstract—This electronic document is a “live” template and already defines ...

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Input and Output Devices in Computer

27 Mar 2018

5 (1,613 )

Name: THENG WEI JUN   Question 1 A computer receives incoming data, processes them and produces an output. Hence, in a typical computer, there is An input device i.e, a key board A Central Processing Unit (CPU) I.e, a box and An output device i.e, a monitor or a Visual Display Unit (VDU). Discuss in detail how these devices work together to ...

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Friend Recommendation System Software Design

27 Mar 2018

7 (2,787 )

CHAPTER 4 SOFTWARE DESIGN DESCRIPTION 4.1 INTRODUCTION The Software Design Document provides transcript which will be used to aid in the software development phase of this project by providing the details for how the software should be built. Within the Software Design Document are narrative and graphical documentation of the software design for the project including use case models, sequence diagrams, object behaviour models, and other supporting ...

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Android-based English Grammar Checker with Voice Recognition

27 Mar 2018

5 (1,871 )

ABSTRACT In this paper, the Researchers describe an Android-based Voice Recognition system that acts as a grammar checker specifically geared to the needs of non-native speakers who are willing to learn and be familiarized with English language. This paper also examines how wrong usage of grammar can affect the communication of people both orally and in writing. Most commercial grammar checkers on the market today are ...

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Result Analysis using Fast Clustering Algorithm

27 Mar 2018

8 (3,165 )

Result Analysis using Fast Clustering Algorithm and Query Processing using Localized Servers. P.Jessy Abstract—This paper identifying records that produces compatible results using Fast Clustering Selection Algorithm. A selection algorithm may be evaluated from both the efficiency and effectiveness points of view. While the efficiency concerns the time required to find a record, the effectiveness is related to the quality of the record. The selection algorithm fetches ...

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Current Computing Research on Long Term Data Storage

27 Mar 2018

7 (2,596 )

Samuel Kahura Wachira Evaluation of Current Computing Research on Long Term Data Storage   Abstract The increasing number of digitized documents and the content explosion that has been experienced in this digital age has necessitated the research into the Long Term Data Storage. There are various methods, modes and approached to this problem. Whichever the solution, it must adhere to these principles: the media ...

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Location Privacy in Wireless Networks

27 Mar 2018

4 (1,504 )

ARUN TEJA KANUKOLU   Introduction: In the past decade we have an enormous development of different wireless technologies a lot of wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth are being implemented. With the development of wireless technologies and the convenience they provide in the aspects of space and time they are being widely used and there comes numerous security issues. A lot of work has been ...

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Overview of Ethernet Technology

27 Mar 2018

3 (1,189 )

Ethernet Network2 Research Assignment Reem Alajmi   Introduction Ethernet technology has evolved to meet new bandwidth and market requirements. In addition to computers, Ethernet is now used to interconnect appliances and other personal devices. It is used in industrial applications and is quickly replacing legacy data transmission systems in the world's telecommunications networks. In this research, we shall discuss interface options for Ethernet and ...

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Website Quality Evaluation Based on Sitemap

27 Mar 2018

9 (3,453 )

M.Chandran A.V.Ramani   Abstract Website quality evaluation can be made based on creating site map for the WebPages for a single website which works properly. A website is taken for the analysis where we check every link under that website are checker and split it according to status code. By analyzing every status code from all those webpage links, we are ignoring every other ...

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Pixel and Edge Based Lluminant Color Estimation

26 Mar 2018

8 (3,176 )

Pixel and Edge Based Lluminant Color Estimation for Image Forgery Detection Shahana N youseph and Dr.Rajesh Cherian Roy   ABSTRACT Digital images are one of the powerful tools for communication. So Image security is a key issue when use digital images. With the development of powerful photo-editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop Light room 4, Apple Aperture 3, Corel PaintShop Pro X5, GIMP 2.8, photo manipulation is ...

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System Requirements for Electric System for Car Rental

26 Mar 2018

10 (3,796 )

  1. Introduction XYZ is a car rental company located in Saudi Arabia, and has branches in all major cities. XYZ main business line is to provide rental service of small civilian cars for individuals. XYZ is planning to expand its business and to approach larger customer base by allowing customers to book from online. Also XYZ needs to automate its current paperwork processes ...

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Ontology Development Through Concept Maps Using Text Indices

26 Mar 2018

8 (2,930 )

      Abstract- Ontology acts as a platform for knowledge sharing and description to represent a particular domain in the form of customized web information gathering. While developing those ontologies for a particular domain, it emphasizes the knowledge base across the global information than the local in information. In this project represent a customized ontology system for a particular domain. Data mining is chosen ...

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Design of Automated Biomass Gasifier

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,650 )

ABSTRACT: Biomass gasifiers have found a promising place in renewable energy resource field. Even then, these gasifiers are facing lots of practical difficulties on operational effectiveness due to shortage of man power. So small scale biomass gasifier is fabricate and further the fuel feeding system and switching functions (On/Off Operations) are also changed by means of automation. Bucket conveyors are used to feed the fuel from ...

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Evolution of Storage Media Technology Within the Data Centre

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,632 )

AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EVOLUTION OF STORAGE MEDIA TECHNOLOGY WITHIN THE DATA CENTRE TO SUPPORT THE I/O REQUIREMENTS OF MODERN APPLICATIONS. Chandan Chandapura Ramesh (x14111306) Abstract Technology has always played a tremendous role in evolution of data storage media from the very starting punch cards to the present flash drives and from kilobytes to terabytes. The evolution of storage included from the standardization of storage ...

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Developing a Brain Computer Interface

26 Mar 2018

8 (2,964 )

A Seminar Report On “Brain Computer Interface” Submitted by: Name: Sachin Kumar Roll No: 1214310301 ABSTRACT Brain Computer Interface allows users to communicate with each others by using only brain activities without using any peripheral nerves and muscles of human body. On BCI research the Electroencephalogram (EEG) is used for recording the electrical activity along the scalp. EEG is used to measure the voltage ...

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Securing MANET From Routing Attacks

26 Mar 2018

4 (1,344 )

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 RESEARCH PROBLEM The increasing demand and utilization of wireless technology is making the need for more secure wireless networks. From the security viewpoint MANET is one of the most interesting research fields. A MANET is generally exposed to vulnerabilities due to its open medium, rapidly varying network topology, lack of centralized control and lack of clear line protection and it suffers ...

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Zero-Day Vulnerability Attack

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,748 )

As Forensics Expert discuss the process involve in investigating Zero-Day Vulnerability attack Introduction The Internet became essential in this 21st generation and people can’t live without Internet. As the growth of the use of Internet, new technologies are also invented to support our life. However this new technologies may also exploit to the vulnerability attack. One of the vulnerability attack is zero-day attack (0day). A zero-day ...

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Analysis of Data Leakage Prevention Solution

26 Mar 2018

8 (3,127 )

Anuja Vasant Kale, Vishwajeet Bajpayee, Shyam P Dubey   ABSTRACT: In any organization or institution we have to deal with lots of data. Those data may contain confidential information about the customer, project related data, employee personal data etc. If such type of confidential data is leaked from the organization then it may affect on the organization health. Hence we have to enforce some policies in ...

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Efficient Prediction System Using Artificial Neural Networks

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,655 )

Jay Patel   Abstract- Predicting is making claims about something that will happen, often based on information from past and from current state. Neural networks can be used for prediction with various levels of success. The neural network is trained from the historical data with the hope that it will discover hidden dependencies and that it will be able to use them for predicting ...

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Trust Inference Model Proposal

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,771 )

(step1-13 in Alg. 4) in the continu-ous case. For advogato data set, we directly report the results on all the six snapshots (i.e., advogato-1, . . . , advogato-6). For PGP, we use its subsets to study the scalability. The result is shown in Fig. 6, which is consistent with the complex-ity analysis in Section 4.3. As we can see from the figure, MATRI scales linearly ...

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Cryptography: Types, Methods and Uses

26 Mar 2018

10 (3,892 )

CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to Cryptography Cryptography is art of writing and reading the secret information. It is used to send the information between the various participants. It can be used in such a manner so that it could not be seen by the others. Cryptography is used to prevent the information from the attacker. It provides various services as : Integrity checking Authentication ...

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Content Management Application on Cloud Platform

26 Mar 2018

11 (4,057 )

ABSTRACT The aim of the project is to develop a versatile Content Management application on cloud platform that serves common business purpose of ZTE Telecom Pvt. Ltd. With increasing numbers of orders and product enquiries, the company experiences a few problems such as difficulty in managing the content effectively and in a secure manner so that the user has a wonderful experience from purchase to payment. ...

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Static Code Analysis

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,363 )

Jim Kielt Table of Contents (Jump to) 1.0 Analysis 1.1 Cross-Site Scripting: 239 vulnerabilities detected. 1.2 File Manipulation: 9 vulnerabilities detected. 1.3 SQL Injection: 4 vulnerabilities detected. 2.0 Bibliography Table of Figures Figure 1 - RIPS results output for bWAPP Figure 2 - Line of code from xss_json.php vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting detected by RIPS Figure 3 - Returned message from xss_json.php Figure 4 - Returned ...

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Performance Analysis for AD-HEED and N-HEED

26 Mar 2018

12 (4,602 )

4.1 Results and Discussion In this section, we exhibit and discuss the results of the simulation. This section shows the performance analysis for AD-HEED and N-HEED compared to the original HEED protocol. Every result presented is the average of five experiments. The following sections give a detailed description of the experiments and the results. 4.4.1 Network Lifetime The number of alive nodes for each round is ...

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Multi Cloud Database Service Providers (MCDSP)

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,487 )

A Multi cloud service provider is expert in building the distributed database cloud and can manage those cloud storage servers also. And this multi cloud database service provider is capable of operating the cloud computing system in an interactive way. When a user wants to store the data in the multi cloud, he needs to log with his credentials. MCD service provider of the multi cloud ...

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Link Lifetime based Border Node (LLBN) Protocol

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,673 )

Link Lifetime based Border Node (LLBN) Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Sanjay Batish, Manisha Chahal, Sanjeev Sofat, Amardeep Singh   Abstract Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) attracts rising attentions of researchers for safety related and other communication applications. These networks have many challenging characteristics such as high mobility, fast changing topology and limitation of bandwidth. Under these problems, we proposed LLBN (link lifetime based ...

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Application White-listing With Bit9 Parity

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,755 )

K.PADMAVATHI   I. Introduction Antivirus is a requirement for a host of compliance standards and is championed to be a critical component for any security baseline (PCI-DSS 3.0-5.1). A recent google search for “Cyber Security Breaches” in Google News shows 16,700 results in Google News. Even NIST has stated that that AV is not an adequate control. The basis for this argument is that ...

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Steganography: Uses, Methods, Tools and Examples

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,446 )

Steganography by Mohammed Almintakh   ABSTRACT This paper talks about steganography, steganography is the art or hiding data within a medium without letting others to know about that data is exsisting. I will go through an introduction about it , then explaining the background of it and more information about the uses of this technique , and how organization use it in their own good. This ...

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Web2py Layout Features

26 Mar 2018

4 (1,501 )

CHAPTER 5. DEVELOPMENT In the Web2py framework there are two objects that contribute in designing both static and dynamic web pages. The SQLFORM.factory object is used for developing static web pages and SQLFORM object for developing dynamic pages. The framework consists of three files, namely which is created in the model, created in the controller and "default/index.html" file for designing the web page in ...

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Approaches to Data Cleaning

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,666 )

Data Cleaning approaches: generally, data cleaning contains several steps Data Analysis: A detailed analysis is required to check what type of inconsistencies and errors are to be resolved. An analysis program should be used along with manual analysis of data to identify data quality problems and to extract metadata. Characterization of mapping rules and transformation workflow: We might have to execute a great amount of data ...

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Case Study of DFA and NFA Implementation

26 Mar 2018

21 (8,150 )

Muhammad Danial Waseem Hania Farooq Table of Contents (Jump to) Digital Social Media Popular Social Media Tools and Platforms Blogs Face book WhatsApp Viber Twitter YouTube Flickr Instagram LinkedIn Groups Vimeo STATE 1 (login state) Regular expression for the state 1 (After login ) Regular expression for the state 2 Combined automata Table (3) Transition table for combined states of facebook Scenario 2 Language ...

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Raspberry Pi Foundation DDoS Attack

26 Mar 2018

12 (4,434 )

E Crime The perfect ‘E Crime’ – The Raspberry Pi Foundation   Assessment: The perfect ‘E Crime’ – The Raspberry Pi Foundation   Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Aim 1.2 Methodology 1.3 Justification 2 What is E-Crime? 2.1 Types of E-Crime? 3 The Raspberry Pi Foundation 4 The Attack 5 DoS attacks 5.1 DDoS attacks 5.2 Botnets 5.3 Protocol Attack 5.4 SYN Flood 6 Tools ...

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Issues with Cameras and Privacy in Modern Day Technology

26 Mar 2018

6 (2,244 )

Scam Cams Nick Doran   Introduction and Significance of Issue As a citizen, governmental laws have always played a major role in the way we conduct ourselves. Whether it’s when we vote or when we sit down in our car to travel, they always have a say or way to regulate us. When it comes to the motor vehicle, being a daily driver of suburban and ...

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History and Development of Programming Languages

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,245 )

Yash Ojha   Introduction Programming languages play the most important role in the creation of various Software’s. Application, and Webpages etc. Just because of the existence of programming languages today everything related to New Technology is possible. For example the various Social Networking sites that we use is a result of Programming Language, the Mobile phones that we use in our daily life is a brilliant outcome ...

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DDS Based Communication Middleware

26 Mar 2018

4 (1,213 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION “Data Distribution Service based communication middleware” to addresses the communication needs of distributed applications. Middleware placed between a software application and the operating system as shown in Figure 1.1[33]. Network middleware segregates the application from the subtle elements of the underlying computer architecture, operating system and network stack. Figure1.1 Middleware (Software layer between OS and application) Network middleware simplifies the development of ...

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Energy Efficient Firefly Scheduling in Green Networking

26 Mar 2018

8 (3,131 )

An energy Efficient Firefly Scheduling in Green Networking with Packet Processing Engines S.S.Saranya S.Srinivasan   Abstract-The investigation of force sparing system gadgets has been situated as of late on Theoretical With the point of controlling force consumption in center systems, we consider energy mindful gadgets ready to lessen their energy prerequisites by adjusting their execution. We propose new algorithm for scheduling the errand to ...

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Comparison of Database and File Storage

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,344 )

Author: Noronjon Qalandarov CONTENTS (Jump to) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 2. AIMS AND METHODOLOGIES 3. LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1 Technologies and definitions 3.1.1 RDBMS 3.1.2 Native XML DB 3.2 DATABASE PRODUCTS 3.2.1 MySQL database 3.2.2 eXist and Sedna databases 4. DATABASE BENCHMARKING 4.1. Storing XML in file systems 4.2. Document size 4.3. Updates 4.4. Description of soil sampling and sample preparation 4.5. Determination of pendimethalin in methanol ...

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Current Voltage Relation of Different Memristor Models

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,375 )

Abstract: Memristor a two terminal passive non volatile device is considered as the fourth circuit element and can be used in many applications which includes memory, logic and neuromorphic systems. The memristor provides many advantages like scalability, compatibility with CMOS and offers no leakage current. Various models of memristor have been discussed in this paper. The main focus is on the Current-Voltage (IV) relation of different ...

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AQM: A Mechanism of Congestion Control in Networks

26 Mar 2018

6 (2,320 )

Saira Saeed, Bilal Shams,   Abstract: Congestion in the network occurs when node or link carries so much data that its quality of service downgrade. Active queue management is the most well-known algorithm to control congestion in the network. This paper discussed some of the queue length based and load based algorithms in AQM, we also highlighted its pros and cons. Keyword: congestion, ...

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Developing Expected Forwarded Counter (EFW)

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,912 )

Abstract Wireless mesh networks have emerged as adaptable and low cost networks. Expected forwarded Counter (EFW) is a cross layer metric introduced to deal with the problem of selfish behaviour in order to provide reliable routing. This paper proposes an enhancement to the EFW, by considering congestion incurred due to selecting only high quality paths. The performance of proposed metric is evaluated through simulation. Simulation results ...

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Privacy Preserving Data Mining in Partitioned Databases

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,617 )

A survey : Privacy preserving data mining in horizontally partitioned databases Komal Kapadia, Ms.Raksha Chauhan   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract – Privacy preserving data mining techniques are introduced with the aim of extract the relevant knowledge from the large amount of data while protecting the sensible information at the same time. The success of data mining relies on the availability of high quality data. To ensure quality of ...

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Detecting Complex Image Data Using Data Mining Techniques

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,542 )

Detecting complex image data using data mining techniques IMRAN KHAN ABSTRACT The Internet, computer networks and information are vital resources of current information trend and their protection has increased in importance in current existence. The intrusion detection system (IDS) plays a vital role to monitors vulnerabilities in network and generates alerts when found attacks. Today the educational network services increasing day today so that IDS becomes ...

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Image processing Techniques to Forecast Plant Disease

26 Mar 2018

4 (1,445 )

A Synopsis on A Feasibility Study on The Prediction/Forecasting of Disease for Plant Leaf Using Image processing Techniques by Chaitali Pandya  INDEX PAGE (JUMP TO) Introduction Scope of the proposed study Review of work already done on the subject Objectives of the proposed study Research Methodology Hypotheses to be tested Tentative Chapterization Bibliography Introduction India is a country where the agricultural plays a very important role. ...

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Artificial Intelligence in Web Design

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,514 )

Richard Roško   Abstract—This paper deals with a new trend in web design and that is to introduce some degree of artificial intelligence into the task of designing a website. One of the first companies that came up with implementation of this idea id, which we will be mostly discussing in this paper. We will take a deeper look as to what does in fact ...

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Feature Extraction in Face Recognition: A Review

26 Mar 2018

10 (3,668 )

Feature Extraction in Face Recognition: A Review Gurpreet Kaur, Monica Goyal, Navdeep Kanwal   Abstract: Face recognition is a type of biometric software application by using which, we can analyzing, identifying or verifying digital image of the person by using the feature of the face of the person that are unique characteristics of each person. These characteristics may be physical or behavior. The physiological characteristics as ...

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Survey on Traffic Pattern Discovery in Mobile Ad hoc Network

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,489 )

Priyanka Sen Priti Saktel   Abstract— Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is one of the networks of mobile routers that is self-configuring and connected by wireless links. Anonymity communication is one of the major issues in MANET. Though there are many anonymity enhancing techniques that have been proposed based on packet encryption to protect the communication anonymity of mobile ad hoc networks. There are still ...

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ATM Deployment Strategy Using Rank Based Genetic Algorithm

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,841 )

ATM Deployment Strategy using Rank based genetic algorithm using convolution CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 4.1 System Design Data processing can be shown by data flow models. At the early stage of examination, these models are used to show data processing in existing system. This data flow model consists of various notations which denotes functional processing, passing of data between two functions and storing data ...

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Service Mechanism for Diagnosis of Respiratory Disorder

26 Mar 2018

11 (4,315 )

Service Mechanism for Diagnosis of respiratory disorder Severity Using Fuzzy Logic for Clinical Decision support system Faiyaz Ahamad Dr.Manuj Darbari Dr.Rishi Asthana   Abstract: Respiratory disorder is a chronic inflammatory lung disease. Globally Respiratory disorder is based on the functional consequences of airways inflammation, clamitous nature and not proper diagnosis. In this paper our aim to develop Service Discovery Mechanism for Diagnosis of respiratory disorder Severity ...

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Development of Geographic Information System

26 Mar 2018

5 (1,905 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM A geographic information system helps to create maps, integrate information, visualize scenarios, present powerful ideas and develop effective solutions. GIS can be used in wide areas for the purpose of decision making. This technique used in many areas such as traffic measurement, asset management and weather forecasting. A geographic information system helps to analyze large quantity of data ...

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Cluster Computing: History, Applications and Benefits

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,668 )

Abstract This report will provide a detailed review of the cluster computing. In this report we look at the birth of cluster computing till the present and the future direction the technology is headed. After the literature review, we move on to the explanation of theories involved from the author’s point of view. The final section of the report covers the current trends and future evolution ...

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Security System for Local Area Network

26 Mar 2018

9 (3,474 )

Raman Sidhu   Windows Server 2008 offers a very good Windows consistency and Performance monitor tool. Within minutes, you can have a comprehensive and graphical view of your server. In the past, you had to pull information from a variety of management tools, but no more. In Server Manager, under Diagnostics, select Windows System Resource Manager. You can connect to the local or a ...

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External Support for Programmers in Tool Building

26 Mar 2018

4 (1,252 )

2. LITRATURE SURVEY In a software development process a literature survey is the utmost imperative step. It is necessary to regulate the time factor before developing the tool economy and company strength. Once these things are satisfied ten next steps are to determine which operating system and language can be used for developing the tool. Once the programmers start building the tool the programmers need lot ...

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Web Personalization Using Feedforward Backpropagation

26 Mar 2018

10 (3,875 )

WEB PERSONALIZATION USING FEEDFORWARD BACKPROPAGATION NEURAL NETWORK Chapter 4: Methodology Chapter 4 shows the methodology of the present work. Section 4.1 present the methodology, section 4.2 includes flow chart of the present work. Section 4.3 present the proposed algorithm. 1.1 METHODOLOGY Start Configure search engine Training on data according to user’s context. Testing on data ANN optimization for search optimization. Stop 1.1 Training: ...

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Overview of Image-Based Shading Techniques

26 Mar 2018

7 (2,482 )

Rishabh chand sharma Brahmdutt bhora   Abstract— Image processing input, such as a photo or video frame is an image for which any form of signal processing functions by using images using mathematical is processing. Most image processing techniques, such as a two-dimensional or three-dimensional image signal is treated. Image processing methods used are two types of analog and digital image processing. Shading is ...

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Migration Plan from UNIX to Microsoft Server

26 Mar 2018

4 (1,324 )

Data Migration is the process of transferring data between different storage types, servers or formats. It’s not just about copying data, but also about validating the data according to constraints and since different databases uses different data types, this step also include modifying the data as per the target server. One essential requirement is that the data migrated should verify the Business logic to run applications ...

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Software Development Theory: A Survey

26 Mar 2018

8 (2,916 )

Pushpakumar R   Abstract— Nowadays, during the Software development process, software developers are involved and their efforts to generate correct approach are the major challenge. In this survey, the planned model is Coat Hanger, for theorizing about development practices. This model focuses on the projected justification for the actual recognition and resulting effects of using particular practices in changing contexts. In the recent practice concerned with ...

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Quality of Service (QoS) Requirements for ROIA

26 Mar 2018

3 (1,077 )

Real-Time Online Interactive Applications (ROIA), demand very high Quality of Service (QoS) on the underlying network. These demands can vary on run time depending on number of users. However, Traditional networks cannot fulfill dynamic QoS requirements. SDN based networks use Northbound API to provide communication between applications and SDN. For SDN community, creating and standardizing Northbound API is still in progress. In this paper specifications of ...

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Change Management in Semantic Web Services

26 Mar 2018

14 (5,334 )

Change Management in Semantic Web Services in Legal Domain using FSM & XXM Introduction With the new paradigm of Service Oriented Computing, many enterprises attempt to utilize services as fundamental elements for developing applications/solutions as an additive layer on top of existing components. The Web Service Controller Architecture (WSCA) for service-based, enterprise-scaled business solutions provides exactly this flexibility. The design, exposure and management of services can ...

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QOD Protocol for Wireless Network Service Quality

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,234 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Overview A generalized treatment of a topic - a summary oroutline The development of the wireless network must be prevented in various applications of wireless networks and they can be used in several areas of the hybrid networks respectively. Here the wireless network such as Wi-Fi in laptops and in mobiles can be used to increase the use of wireless networks. ...

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Improving WPA and WPA2

12 Mar 2018

5 (1,882 )

Introduction: WPA is an acronym for “Wi-Fi Protected Access”. It was designed and developed by Wi-Fi alliance as a reponse to the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the previous wireless security protocol i.e. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). It is a certification program developed by WiFi alliance to indicate compliance with the previous security protocol and secure wireless networks. WPA2: WPA2 is vulnerable to insider attack(If attacker is ...

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Development of Human Computer Interface

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,211 )

Development of Human Computer Interface Based on Cognitive Model Integrated With Data Mining Techniques M. Mayilvaganan, D. Kalpanadevi   Abstract First review concern about the relevant literature survey in order to evaluate the performance of learning ability and knowledge, behavior, attention, by the category of cognitive skills which is analyzed by various data mining techniques. In this paper focus the concepts of cognitive process and data ...

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Secure Data Aggregration in Wireless Sensor Networks

12 Mar 2018

5 (1,647 )

4. SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT Before programming can be built the "framework" in which it lives must be caught on. To fulfill this, general goal of the framework must be resolved; the part of fittings, programming, individuals, database, strategies and other framework components must be distinguished and operational prerequisites must be dissected, detailed, displayed, accepted and oversaw. These exercises are the establishment of framework designing. Framework examination is ...

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Posture Recognition Based Fall Detection System

12 Mar 2018

8 (2,818 )

A POSTURE RECOGNITION BASED FALL DETECTION SYSTEM FOR MONITORING AN ELDERLY PERSON IN A SMART HOME ENVIRONMENT ABSTRACT The mobile application is capable of detecting possible falls for elderly, through the use of special sensors. The alert messages contain useful information about the people in danger, such as his/her geo location and also corresponding directions on a map. In occasions of false alerts, the supervised person ...

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Measuring Processes of Pipelining

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,023 )

Sakshi Dua Abstract Discuss the method to measure the performance of pipelining. Give a space-time diagram for visualizing the pipeline behavior for a four-stage pipeline. Also discuss some way to control a pipeline for collision free operations. Introduction Pipelining: A pipelining is a series of stages ,where some work is done at each stage .The work is not finished until it has passed through ...

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Detection and Tracking of Arbitrary Objects in Video

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,603 )

Kleanthis Constantinou   Abstract— Detection and tracking of arbitrary objects in video is a technique which detect object and an object tracker follows that object even when the detectable part cannot be seen. The goal to detect an object in video or image is to determine whether there are any defined object in the video and return their locations, for example the object can ...

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Improving Performance of MANET under DSR Protocol

12 Mar 2018

11 (4,086 )

Improving Performance of MANET under DSR Protocol using Swarm Optimization to avoid redundancy CHAPTER 5 Implementation and Testing The implementation phase of any project development is the most important phase as it yields the final solution, which solves the problem at hand. The implementation phase involves actual materialization of the ideas, which are expressed in the analysis document and developed in design phase. Implementation of any ...

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Dual Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number and Its Applications

12 Mar 2018

10 (3,682 )

Jon Arockiaraj. J, Pathinathan.T, Revathy.S   Abstract: In this paper, we introduce Convergence of α-Cut. We define at which point the α-Cut converges to the fuzzy numbers it will be illustrated by example using dual trapezoidal fuzzy number and Some elementary applications on mensuration are numerically illustrated with approximated values. KeyWords: Fuzzy number, α-Cut, Dual trapezoidal fuzzy number, Defuzzification. Introduction: ...

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Analysis of Attribution Selection Techniques

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,560 )

ABSTRACT: From a large amount of data, the significant knowledge is discovered by means of applying the techniques and those techniques in the knowledge management process is known as Data mining techniques. For a specific domain, a form of knowledge discovery called data mining is necessary for solving the problems. The classes of unknown data are detected by the technique called classification. Neural networks, rule based, ...

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VOIP Technology to Make Voice Calls

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,620 )

Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Science Computer Networks Program Course Number CN8814 Course Title Network Mathematics and Simulations Semester/Year Summer 2015 Instructor Dr. Alagan Anpalagan Lab Assignment No Lab 2 ...

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Soft Computing Based Model for Trip Production

12 Mar 2018

8 (2,829 )

Synopsis On A Soft Computing based model for Trip Production and Attraction 1. Area of the Proposed Research work Computer Science & Applications 2. Research Topic A Soft Computing based model for Trip Production and Attraction 3. Aim and Objectives of research work The aim and objectives of this research is to develop a soft computing based model for trip production, trip attraction & mode-wise traffic pattern in ...

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A Survey on Mobile User's Data Privacy Threats

12 Mar 2018

5 (1,606 )

ABC EFG1 , ABC EFG2* and ABC EFG3   4. Security Challenges for Mobile Devices Mobile device applications offer a level of convenience that the world has never think before it. Everywhere (home. Office, hotel, playground, road, parking, picture palace, travelling in different countries or each place of world) any mobile user can use applications to fulfil their daily needs like communicate, ...

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Sustainable Development of the ICT Sector

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,225 )

Chapter 7:Conclusion In this last chapter of the dissertation motivation behind the research is discussed and the conclusion of the research is presented. The conclusion is presented by revisiting the research objectives set in first chapter of the dissertation and then, analysing the results obtained, in light of these objectives. As vulnerabilities, exploits and security in information and communication technology is a very vast topic and ...

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Report on Critical Review of Binary Search Tree Algorithm

12 Mar 2018

8 (3,106 )

What is Binary Search Tree? Binary search tree (BST) is a dynamic data structure, which means that its size is only limited by amount of free memory in the computer and number of elements may differ during the program executed. BST has aComparableKey (and an associated value) for each. All elements in its left sub-tree are less-or-equal to the node (<=), and all the elements in ...

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Modelling Tool for Photonic Crystal Device Issues

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,789 )

Chapter - 4 SIMULATION DETAILS OF THE PROJECT In the past 10 years, photonic crystals (PCs) have attracted much scientific and commercial interest. The research and design work for PCs starts from accurate modal analysis of the device. Once the modes are found, structure can be simulated for that particular mode and the results of power spectra can be observed at the detector. In this chapter ...

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On-chip Static RAM

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,099 )

For code and/or information stockpiling on-chip static RAM can be utilized. The SRAM might conceivably access as 8 bit, 16 bit and 32 bit. It gives the 8 KB of static RAM for the LPC2109 and 16 KB for the LPC2119 and LPC2129. 3.1.6 10-bit ADC The LPC 2109/2119/2129 every having a solitary 10 bit progressive rough guess ADC with four multiplexed channels. ADC Elements Introduce ...

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Proposal for an Automated System

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,489 )

III. PROPOSED SYSTEM All traditional frameworks do not discuss functional requirements or, explicitly automatable parts of ITSM processes. Automation is identified as one of the approach to tackle the challenges of current service management processes. The architecture of the system is shown below in Figure 1: Figure 1. Block Diagram for the Architecture As shown in the figure above, the architecture consists of three main ...

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Proactive and Reactive Cyber Forensics Investigation Process

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,277 )

PROACTIVE CYBER FORENSIC ANALYSIS Proactive And reactive cyber forensics investigation processes: A Systematic Literature Review(SLR) A multi-component framework of cyber forensics investigation   Abstract—Digital Forensics can be defined as the ensemble of methods, tools and techniques used to collect, preserve and analyze digital data originating from any type of digital media involved in an incident with the purpose of extracting valid evidence for a court of ...

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Speech Recognition using Epochwise Back Propagation

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,409 )

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume *– No.*, ___________ 2013 Speech Recognition using the Epochwise Back Propagation through time Algorithm Neelima Rajput S.K.Verma Department of C.S.E. Department of C.S.E. GBPEC, Pauri Gharwal, GBPEC, Pauri Gharwal, Uttrakhand, India. Uttrakhand, India ABSTRACT In this paper, artificial neural networks are used to accomplish the English alphabet speech recognition. The challenging issue in the area of speech ...

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SQL Injection and Buffer Overflow Attack Detection

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,295 )

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This chapter discussed about research requirement for this research. It discussed briefly the research background in section 1.1, problem statement in 1.2, research objectives in 1.3, research questions in 1.4, scope of research in 1.5, research elements in 1.6 and research significant in 1.7 1.1 Research Background The internet which is a free, supportive and self-sustaining facility reachable to hundreds of millions of ...

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Location Based Services and Crime Detection Alert

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,487 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Nowadays, many issues and trend of crimes such as robbery, drug addicts, rape, murder or snatch had arisen via the whole world. These arise of crimes was happening shows that the public especially victims seek for a proper assistance in the soonest time from emergency agencies such as police, fire fighter or hospital. To overcome those crimes a lot of effort and works ...

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K-degree-l-diversity Anonymity Model

12 Mar 2018

7 (2,526 )

Abstract Privacy is one of the major concerns when publishing or sharing social network data for social science research and business analysis. Recently, researchers have developed privacy models similar to k-anonymity to prevent node reidentification through structure information. However, even when these privacy models are enforced, an attacker may still be able to infer one’s private information if a group of nodes largely share the same ...

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Replica System in Distributed File Sharing Environments

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,561 )

AN EFFECTIVE FRAMEWORK FOR MANAGING REPLICA SYSTEM IN DISTRIBUTED FILE SHARING ENVIRONMENTS Tesmy K Jose,  Dr.V.Ulagamuthalvi   Abstract-An Enhanced file system called Probabilistic File Share System is used to resolve all the distributed file update issues. There are three mechanisms designed in the probabilistic file share system such as Lazy Adaptive Synchronization Approach, Standard Replica System Replay Approach and Probabilistic method. The adaptive replica synchronization and Standard ...

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Messaging System for Hand Held Devices using Wi-Fi/Bluetooth

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,390 )

Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume _, Issue _ () Pg. Messaging System for hand held devices using Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Network Ajita Arvind Mahapadi,Prof.Soumitra Das   Abstract : In day-to-day life use and performance of mobile phones has increased drastically from previous few years. Most of them take the benefit of extremely capable smartphones for file sharing. Exisiting peer-to-peer system suffers from frequent disconnections and ...

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Detection of Copy Move Forgery

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,276 )

J.Reethrose B.E., Dr. J. P. Ananth M.E., Ph.D.,   Abstract—Digital images are easy to manipulate and edit using some editing software. So it is difficult to identify the duplicate images. Copy-move manipulations are common form of local processing, where parts of an image are copied and reinserted into another part of the same image. The problem of detecting the copy-move forgery describes an efficient and ...

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Analysis of Mobile IP Networks

12 Mar 2018

5 (1,721 )

That allows users with mobile devices whose IP address is associated with one network to stay connected when moving to a network with a different IP address. When a user leaves the network with which his device is associated home network and enters the domain of a foreign network. The foreign network uses the MIP protocol to inform the home network of care of address to ...

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Sample Code of API’s Controls in Written Javascript

12 Mar 2018

5 (1,831 )

"use strict" //function to load Facebook JavaScript. var loadFacebookJS = function () { blockUI(); if (!$("#modalWindowDivControl #FacebookDivision").contents().find(".fb-share-button").attr("data-href")) { unBlockUI(); (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.type = 'text/javascript'; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; e.async = true; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); } ()); } else { setTimeout(loadFacebookJS, 200); } } // freez the screen until the whole page loads function blockUI(controllerId, message) { controllerId = controllerId || "ctl00_gridDiv"; message ...

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Comparison between SOAP and REST

12 Mar 2018

10 (3,662 )

Dickriven Chellemboyee Table of Contents (Jump to) Abstract Introduction to Software Architecture Service-Oriented Architecture Resource-Oriented Architecture Web service SOAP REST RESTful Features SOAP WS-* REST Description Language WSDL WADL Message Format XML JavaScript Object Notation Pros and Cons Pros of SOAP over REST Cons of SOAP over REST Statistics Real Life Scenario Conclusion References List of Figures Figure 1: Basic web service Figure 2: ...

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Issues in Distributed Computing

12 Mar 2018

3 (1,054 )

Introduction Distributed computing empowers profoundly versatile administrations to be effortlessly expended over the Internet on an as-required premise. A real peculiarity of the cloud administrations is that clients' information are generally prepared remotely in obscure machines that clients don't possess or work. While appreciating the comfort brought by this new rising innovation, clients' apprehensions of losing control of their own information can turn into a noteworthy ...

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Network Attacks in Real Time Scenario Over Campus Network

12 Mar 2018

10 (3,692 )

Amit Mahajan* Vibhakar Mansotra** ABSTRACT This paper presents study of attacks in real time scenario over the campus network. The attacks were monitored over a time and analyses were made. The paper discusses about the dependency over the IDS/IPS signatures and proposes for a solution which records the events with raw traffic and visualizes the traffic to give better understanding of the behavior of the traffic ...

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Bring Your Own Device System: Pros and Cons

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,161 )

Table of Contents (Jump to)   Introduction Advantage of using BYOD Risks of using a BYOD System How to build a Secure BYOD policy 1. Carry out a survey 2. How does employees use their device on the cooperate network Suggested BYOD Policy Access Control/ Acceptable Use Roles and responsibilities Devices and Support Security Termination of employment ISO standards to follow Benefits of using ISO 27002 ...

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Technologies to Analyze Big Data

12 Mar 2018

4 (1,441 )

Hassan, Ruman Ul Currently, most of the companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon are generating an extensive data and this data is termed as big data. In addition to the above mentioned sources, there are many other sources like banking, airlines, stock market, and digital media that generates big data. Nandimath, Patil, Banerjee, Kakade, and Vaidya (2013) state that the volume of data being ...

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Survey Engine to Assess Indirect Attainment Parameter in OBE

12 Mar 2018

11 (4,150 )

1 INTRODUCTION The proposed system consists to two modules: Admin Users Report The administrator can perform several operations such as add and delete Question in question bank and creating survey etc. The administrator cans also send email to user to give survey and generate report. The User can receive an email to give survey he can give survey by opening link in email received ...

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Data Locations and Security Issues in Cloud Computing

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,532 )

ANURAG JAIN  JITENDRA TAWARI  SANDEEP SONI   ABSTRACT-: Cloud computing is one of today's most important technology because in this technology cost low, exciting and flexible. It is the most important technology of growing industrial areas. It allows user to access applications, documents etc., that consist location of our own computer or other Internet-connected devices. Data is stored remotely from a can be ...

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An RSA-Type OTP Generator

12 Mar 2018

8 (2,962 )

An RSA-Type OTP Generator Aiswarya Vinayachandran, Sivasankar M   Abstract Simple and secure authentication protocols are in great demand due to the ever expanding use of internet for financial and message communications. Multifactor authentication, in particular 2Factor Authentication (2FA) is preferred to static passwords-only authentication. One Time Passwords (OTPs) play a vital role in the construction of 2FA protocols. In this paper, an efficient OTP ...

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Speaker Independent Speech Recognizer Development

12 Mar 2018

9 (3,456 )

Chapter 4 Methodology and Implementation This chapter describes the methodology and implementation of the speaker independent speech recognizer for the Sinhala language and the Android mobile application for voice dialing. Mainly there are two phases of the research. First one is to build the speaker independent Sinhala speech recognizer to recognize the digits spoken in Sinhala language. The second phase is to build an android application ...

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MPLS-Traffic Engineering

12 Mar 2018

6 (2,101 )

I. Webserver We will be using apache web server in our project. The Apache HTTP Server Project is a synergistic programming improvement exertion went for making a hearty, business grade, featureful, and unreservedly accessible source code execution of a HTTP (Web) server. The undertaking is together overseen by a gathering of volunteers placed as far and wide as possible, utilizing the Internet and the Web to ...

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