Phases of Child Development

30 Oct 2017

7 (2,791 )

Joanne Boyden Children are individual and unique; however most will follow a similar pattern of development with some variation in reaching of milestones. Child development can be divided into five different, but very much interlinking areas. Physical development looks at how children develop physically. This can be split into fine motor skills such as drawing, writing, gross motor skills such as kicking a ball ...

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Understanding And Promoting Children’s Development.

30 Oct 2017

6 (2,335 )

A child's development usually follows an expected patten, although children do develop at different rates but this usually follows a pattern. There are five key areas to keep in mind when working with children to help and identify if a child requires additional support. Keeping in mind development in a holistic way (the whole rather than parts of something). Physical Development This looks at a child’s ...

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Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties

30 Oct 2017

5 (1,780 )

Language is the vehicle for most learning, so when a child has speech, language and communication difficulties it can affect the development of the child’s cognitive, social and emotional wellbeing. The level of development problems will vary depending on the severity of the problems and the support that the child receives. All children can benefit from some support in speech, language and communications because of how ...

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Issues of Childcare in Contemporary Society

30 Oct 2017

9 (3,345 )

Kiran Buttar Unit 11 History of the child Task 1 : Using knowledge and understanding gained from study of this unit, together with independent research complete the following: Outline the history of the child including key events which mark significant changes in a child’s existence, together with description of example context of childhood Through independent research and demonstration of knowledge and understanding from ...

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Promoting a Healthy Environment for Children

30 Oct 2017

10 (3,833 )

Contents (Jump to) Introduction Task 1: The Principles Underpinning the Rights of Children to a Healthy Lifestyle and Environment 1.1 Legislation that Supports Children Rights to a Healthy Lifestyles 1.2 The Concept of Global Rights in Relation to Children’s Health and Well-being Task 2: The Factors that Affect the Health of Children 2.1 Influence of the Wider Environment on the Lifestyle of the Children 2.2 The ...

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Childcare Staff Research: Meeting Child Needs

30 Oct 2017

4 (1,579 )

Introduction: I have chosen one area in my environment and that is the home corner in my setting. I have chosen this as Siolta standard 2 and standard 6 links to this particular area. Siolta standard 2 is enriching environments and according to this the home corners should be safe and adaptable for the children and should be stimulating for each child’s development. The equipment should ...

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Impact of Child Protection Regulation on Practices

30 Oct 2017

9 (3,225 )

Introduction: Supporting children means working for the development of the care systems, development of the education of the of the children around the world. Saving children from the disability problems and making an environment of nondiscrimination of gender and other aspects. Through giving supports to the children for expressing their opinions and views freely we can support the children. There are several legislative policies and procedures ...

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Play and Learning in Children's Education

30 Oct 2017

9 (3,214 )

Introduction Learning to play is necessary for a child's academic and emotional progress. Play can assist a child work out conditions in their surroundings, such as social activities in a group. Additionally, board games help to teach reading, rules, counting and other learning related skills. Block Building, Clay and other creative "Hands on" activities assists a child see how "Things work". Several engineers started their "Careers" ...

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UK Government Guidelines on Food and Nutrition

30 Oct 2017

7 (2,583 )

“Nutrition is the term used for the science or study of food and how the body uses the constituent s of food” (Carolyn C., Food Nutrition and How the Body Works, P.23) Children require the right amount of vitamins and minerals to promote healthy development, therefore the UK government has set guidelines for babies and children’ food consumption to promote healthy development. The Food Standards Agency ...

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Policies to Support Care Needs of Children

30 Oct 2017

9 (3,278 )

Introduction: Children are the future social vigor of any nation of the rondure as they will footing the leadership of the country. On perspective of the fact, they must be well qualified for captivating the nation to a better one place around the globe. But at present their safety provided by the surroundings environments is a question in mark. Children is not provided with due care ...

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Functions of Child Learning Through Play

30 Oct 2017

5 (1,912 )

In New Zealand, play is considered as an important aspect of children’s learning especially in Early Childhood Education. Dockett and Fleer (2002) explain that Play is considered as a potentially powerful medium for learning and a strong experience for those involved in it. According to Oliver and Klugman (2002), “play is the way a child explores his world, builds skills and exercises his imagination and learns ...

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Contribution of Schools to Child Health and Wellbeing

30 Oct 2017

7 (2,720 )

Critically discuss the contribution that schools can make to children’s health and wellbeing. As a society we want the best for our children to enable them to grow and develop into healthy human beings. Looking at their wellbeing gives an overview of the person as a whole and their identity in society, and how we can ensure that they are given the best start in life ...

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Working with Children with Special Educational Needs

30 Oct 2017

6 (2,159 )

Alison Carr   Children with Disabilities or Specific Requirements Today, mainstream schools educate numerous children with specific educational needs or disabilities. For some time it has been enshrined in our domestic law that children with such needs should not be discriminated against and have the right to be treated fairly. Every child has the right to an inclusive education. The Legal and Regulatory Requirements ...

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Special Educational Needs (SEN) Child Rights

30 Oct 2017

7 (2,428 )

Assignment one Discrimination of others can occur for a number of reasons, and to a number of different people. Individuals may be discriminated against obviously and deliberately, known as direct discrimination. People can also be discriminated against indirectly. Indirect discrimination comes about when specific actions or practices meant for all are inadequate for an individual, which can then cause discouraging effects (Equality law, no date). Children ...

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Supporting Child Learning and Development

30 Oct 2017

6 (2,031 )

Supporting children`s learning and development Children's learning and development plays a very important role in their lives. This is the foundation of their lives. It is important to teach the child and promote his / her development. Development and learning consists positive relationships and enabling environment. Children's learning is divided into two parts. The first one is the prime learning areas, while the second is the ...

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Implementing Legal Requirements for Working with Children

30 Oct 2017

9 (3,225 )

Nichola Chapman Summarise the current legal requirements for those working with children. This should include reference to the 6 learning goals and how they could be implemented in a child care setting. Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences ...

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Use of ICT in Primary School Classrooms

20 Oct 2017

7 (2,518 )

Introduction: This chapter outlines the foundation for the researcher's topic area. This will be a summary of multiple pieces of literature the author has analysed to answer the question set out. The chosen area is the use of ICT-Information Communication Technology in infant classes in primary schools. This section will begin by looking at what is Information Communication Technology (ICT). The author will give a brief ...

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Barriers for Parent Engagement in Childcare Services

20 Oct 2017

7 (2,766 )

Critically discuss the barriers that parents may face in engaging with one area of the children’s services. What role can practitioners play in overcoming some of these barriers? Parents and practitioners trying to access help for children with disabilities face many barriers when engaging with children’s services. While changes have happened in society over the past number of years it can still be said that there ...

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Impact of Illness and Disability on Child Learning

20 Oct 2017

9 (3,239 )

Assignment 5 1. Describe a range of chronic illnesses and physical difficulties that children may experience, explaining how chronic illnesses and disabilities can impact on children’s learning and development. You should make reference to how the setting can adapt their practice to support children’s learning and development and identify the professionals that may be involved in supporting children with chronic and physical disabilities. All children will ...

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Importance of Parental Involvement in a Child's Education

20 Oct 2017

5 (1,894 )

Partnership with Families and the Community Individual Assignment. INTRODUCTION: Children are the foundation of sustainable development. The early years of life are crucial not only for individual health and physical development, but also for cognitive and social emotional development. Young children need the support from a caregiver and from the parents so that they can feel secure within the preschool environment. Parental or family involvement in ...

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Statutory Requirements for Childcare

20 Oct 2017

7 (2,535 )

MARY MCALLISTER The Early Years Statutory Framework is mandatory for all early years providers, who LEGAL force by an order made under section 39(1)(a) of the Childcare Act 2006. The safeguarding and welfare requirements are given LEGAL force by regulations make under the section 39(1)(b) of the Childcare Act 2006. Ofsted has regard to the Early Years foundation Stage (EYFS) in carrying out inspections ...

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Impact of Cushioned and Ball Chair on Classroom Behaviour

20 Oct 2017

8 (2,968 )

The Impact of Air Sit Cushioned and Ball Chair on Classroom Behavior of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Nader Matin Sadr1, Hojjat Allah Haghgoo2, Sayyed Ali Samadi3, Mehdi Rassafiani2, Enayat Allah Bakhshi 2 1. Ph.D Candidate of Occupational therapy 2. PhD 3. Ph.D University of Ulster Abstract Introduction: Educational achievements are disturbed in autistic students because of their repetitive restlessness and ...

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Working with Children with Special Educational Needs

20 Oct 2017

5 (1,867 )

The Legal and Regulatory requirements that are in place for children with disabilities. Legal and regulatory requirements are in place to help children with disabilities or special educational needs against discrimination. The specific laws and regulations in place are; The Equality Act (2010), Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (SEND)(2014), The United Nations Convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC) and The united ...

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Areas in the Early Years Foundation Stage

20 Oct 2017

5 (1,938 )

Building positive relationships To build a positive relationship with a little person is not always easy. Some people are really opened and easy to get along with but then some are uncommunicative so they would rather be alone and do their own thing than play and talk to others. Also, children’s behaviour is unpredictable, you just never know what is behind the corner. That is why ...

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Development of the ECCE Sector in Ireland

20 Oct 2017

7 (2,718 )

Morey, Luke Contents (Jump to) Introduction Historical development of the ECCE sector in Ireland Provisions for ECCE ECCE Scheme DAI Child benefit - welfare Public Health Nurses - Health Equal opportunity legislation and mention at least three items of legislation and relevant to children Show how you maintain a quality ECCE environment that complies with relevant ...

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Regulations and Policies for Children with Disabilities

20 Oct 2017

4 (1,271 )

All children with disabilities have the right to be treated fairly and equally to children without disabilities. As of December 2002 schools are required not to treat disabled pupils less favourably for a reason relating to their disability and to take reasonable steps to make sure they are not placed at a disadvantage to those whom are not disabled. It is against the law for schools ...

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Stages of Child Development for Home Childcare

20 Oct 2017

7 (2,443 )

Serving as a home- based child care provider is an important job, one that requires hard work, creativity, flexibility, and genuine concern for children and their families. In California, there are several types of home based child care settings, including family, friend, and neighbour care that does not require a license; Family child care homes licensed by the state; and licensed settings that are also accredited ...

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Importance of Effective Communication in Nursery Environment

20 Oct 2017

4 (1,527 )

Explain why it is important to maintain effective communication within the nursery environment mentioning the barriers that may be experienced by some staff members Maintaining effective communication? I believe that it is important to maintain effective communication as this is the channels in which the nursery will be run. Effective communication is a two way process which can be verbal or written. Managers must firstly know ...

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Pattern and Sequences of Child Development

20 Oct 2017

8 (3,023 )

Introduction Before birth, after and until adulthood children grow and develop continually. They follow an expected pattern of development to reach a stage to the next. However, we observe that each children develop at their own pace of time. With some children there may be delays in their pattern of development. In general, the pattern is seen in the growth of the body from head to ...

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Positive Working Environments for Children

20 Oct 2017

7 (2,608 )

Introduction “To be included is to experience belonging.” Lancashire County Council (2010) The aim of this assignment is to explain and examine how the staff within a setting ensures a positive working environment for the child. The practitioner will demonstrate an up to date and working knowledge of principles, policies and practices of inclusion. The practitioner will also discuss how parents and multi-agency team’s maybe involved ...

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Activities in a Childcare at Home Setting

20 Oct 2017

6 (2,297 )

IDENTIFY THE CORRECT DOCUMENT REQUIRED FOR CHILDCARE IN A HOME SETTING The correct document for setting up a Child Minding Business, which will receive approval from OFSTED, (an Independent Regulatory Body) for schools includes; 1) Child Record Form : This form must contain the Child’s Name, Date of Birth, the parent/carers’ Address and contact details, the Doctor’s name and address, details of two emergency contacts, Medical history, Immunisations (DTP, Whooping ...

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Communication in Early Years Settings

20 Oct 2017

7 (2,602 )

Introduction Communication is vital tool in all early years settings, it creates and developed positive relationships between all involved in looking after young children. Positive Relationships Respectful Relationships In order for a relationship to work there needs to be respect, this be fixated if everyone is treated equal and as an individual. Establishing a warm and welcoming environment is essential in developing respectful relationship. Albert Bandura ...

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Meeting Individual Needs in Lessons for Children

20 Oct 2017

6 (2,066 )

Assessment 1 When planning lessons and activities for children we must ensure that all individual needs are met. To be able to do this firstly we need to look at factors which may affect their development or needs. Affecting factors may include stress, disability, illness, birth defects or home environment. It will be the role of the child’s key worker to evaluate individual children and assess ...

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Strategies for Support in Child Learning and Development

20 Oct 2017

7 (2,665 )

Effective support for children’s learning and development requires early practitioners to have an understanding that children develop quickly during their early years- physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. Children have an entitlement to be provided with provision that will support them and extend their knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence that will help them overcome any disadvantage. A child in their early year’s experiences should build upon what ...

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Building Relationships when Working with Children

20 Oct 2017

7 (2,677 )

Neringa Bagdonaite CONTENT PAGE ASSESSMENT: BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS TASK Summarise the current legal requirements for those working with children. This should include references to the 6 learning goals and how they could be implemented in a child care setting. Page 2 Explain what is meant by respecting and valuing individuality, and devise a ...

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Data Protection Act Principles in Childcare

20 Oct 2017

6 (2,266 )

UNIT 5 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES 5.1 DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 Anyone who keeps records whether on computer or on paper must apply with this act. It should be clear to service user for what purpose the data are being kept. Information about a child should also be accessible to parents and shared with them. It is not compulsory just do on their demand. Information should not be ...

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Administrate Procedure within the Childcare Settings

20 Oct 2017

5 (1,882 )

There are 8 principals principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 these can range from accurate of personal data to personal data being processed in accordance with the rights of data protection act. This question will look at four of the main principals. personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.( This fourth principal of the data protection act is about ...

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Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

20 Oct 2017

6 (2,116 )

Describe the range of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties that children may experience ANSWER: The difficulty children may experience with these three developments are in various ways, a few of which are; being withdrawn or isolated, lack of concentration in studies, difficulty in forming relation, extra sensitive, bullying, scared, resentment, self injury lack of confidence, stage fright, feeling lonely, no eye contact and also comes by ...

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Observation of Challenging Behaviour by Child

17 Oct 2017

11 (4,044 )

ECE 214 Observations and Child Development Early Childhood PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT 40 % Sociogram Write an anecdote that describes the behaviours that concerns you. You may include more than one example from different instances. Child’s name: Alisha Observer: Meng Ting Yu (Angela) Age/D.O.B: Date: March 3, 2014 Time of Observation: 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Setting: Bayview fairway public school Purpose: The purpose ...

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The Childcare Act 2006 in Early Years Education

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,075 )

Unit 3: Building Positive Relationships Every child deserves a good start in life and support to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. High quality early and pre-school learning, together, provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. Childminders and childcare ...

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Theories of Child Rearing Styles

17 Oct 2017

8 (2,805 )

Child Development and Welfare Name: Theresa, C. Eric Table of Contents (Jump to) TAQ2: Child Rearing Styles TAQ3 TAQ4: “Social learning theory goes beyond conditioning: It goes into the world of learning because of the experiences we have along the way. Discuss” References TAQ2: Child Rearing Styles   Child rearing Style 1 Child rearing style 2 Child rearing ...

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Using ICT in Early Years Education

17 Oct 2017

9 (3,306 )

Unit 6 ICT Development and learning unit 6 Introduction In this unit we will talk about ICT and ways in which it helps to develop the child’s learning. We will also talk about ways which children can be safe guarded during internet uses and ways which families could become involved into ICT in child’s learning. Having ICT in the child’s settings brings good opportunities for the ...

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Article Critique – ‘You Have Someone To Trust" (2012)

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,498 )

Jessica Bowstead Context and Policy Qualitative Research Article Critique – ‘You Have Someone To Trust’ (2012). Jessica Bowstead M2067675 Word Count-1650 Mortimer, J North, K & Stead J. (2012). You Have Someone To Trust. Outstanding safeguarding practise in primary schools. Unknown (Unknown), pg1-74. The purpose of this academic piece is to critically evaluate the article ‘You Have Someone to Trust’, it will begin with examining the ...

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Family Engagement in Early Childhood Education

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,471 )

Linda Harrison   Imagine for a minute your most valuable possession. Think about a stranger coming up to you and saying, “I’ll take care of your valuable possession for you every day. I’ll take good care of it, but I might change it a little because I’d like to have my own relationship with it. You can pick it up from me at the end of ...

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Stages of Pregnancy

17 Oct 2017

5 (1,954 )

Zainab Fareed Conception- is the stage of when the sperm fertilises the egg. There are different stages before conception this includes ovulation, hormone rise, the egg travels to the fallopian tube, if the egg isn’t fertilised, fertilization, implantation: Moving to the uterus and finally pregnancy hormones. Growth- This is a term used when you are growing in weight and height and size. Development-Development is ...

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Benefits of Parent Involvement in Child Education

17 Oct 2017

8 (2,827 )

Family involvement makes a difference in a child development. Family is inside the microsystem and is close setting for a child, so child will get direct influence and experience from the family. For the sake of the healthy and holistic development of children, educator need to understand the importance, benefits, challenges and ways to get family involvement. According to Epstein (1995), there are six types of ...

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Safeguarding the Welfare of the Child Essay

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,200 )

Emma Cummings   ‘Young children are vulnerable. They develop resilience when their physical and psychological well-being is protected by adults’ (EYFS card 1.3) The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. The EYFS framework supports an integrated approach to early learning and care. It gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver ...

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Planning a Classroom for Preschool Children

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,129 )

Brandy McCauley   Plan and Grade levels addressed Preschool: The purpose of this early education program is to promote an environment and atmosphere appropriate for a child's development. Preschool/General Subject 18-22 Students I have a wide varied of students. English speaker, Spanish Speakers, new your children and southern children,, My approach to classroom management is to have a fun, safe, and healthy learning environment for my ...

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Meeting Criteria for Early Years Foundation Standards

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,476 )

Unit 3 Early years foundation standards are guidelines with in which a childcare facility work, members of staff must be checked by “Disclosure and barring service”, complete a Health declaration, least one member of staff needs a paediatric first aid certificate and should obtain a level 3 childcare qualification before they start caring for children, one member of staff must have suitable experience with under 2s, ...

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Child Learning Styles and Factors that Influence Them

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,403 )

In a nursery setting there are different types of learning styles: Now I will discuss the learning styles: Reference 1 Visual learning is a very good learning style and helps key workers understand every child’s learning method. This learning style is for children who get distracted by sound and talking easily, children often find it difficult to concentrate when there is a crowd around them. These ...

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Importance of Toys for Child Creativity and Development

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,046 )

Introduction Nowadays, there are a lot of newborn baby and children in world. Average one year of newborn baby in Malaysia was 20.41 out of 1,000 population. Kids need toys and plays to entertain them and learn things. So I do believe that when we were young, we used to spend a whole day long sitting in the middle of living room playing toys ...

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Providing an Enabling Environment for Children

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,463 )

Environment plays an important role in a child's development and learning. Child's experience at early age constitutes a major influence on his / her life in the future changes. Assurance, safety and a happy childhood is important. This provides a foundation for children reveal skills and talents as they get older. It is important to understand how each aspect of the environment influences the child's life. ...

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Practice Requirements for Children with Disabilities

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,551 )

Formal Assessment One OUTLINE the legal and regulatory requirements in place for children with disabilities or specific requirements. Following the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice (2001)all establishments including those delivering education have a statutory duty to promote practice that values the individual needs of children and promotes equality and inclusion. This means that where possible children with SEN should ...

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Obesity in Childhood with Regard to Nutrition

17 Oct 2017

4 (1,384 )

Obesity is a term used in medical in which body accumulates an extra amount of fats; gathered to the degree that it may have a negative impact on health. It leads to reduce the life expectancy or expanded health issues. Risks of diseases and health issues increase due to obesity in the form of heart problem, high blood pressure and diabetes. Stoutness or obesity builds the ...

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Early Years Foundation Stage Guidelines

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,500 )

Hasana khan Explain the observation, assessment and planning cycle. The EYFS requires practitioners to plan activities and play opportunities that will support children’s learning while supporting the areas of learning within the EYFS. Practitioners must plan carefully so that individual children’s needs are met and that the activities and play opportunities help children progress towards their early learning goals. Planning, observation and assessment contribute to supporting ...

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Benefits of Parent Education Programmes

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,738 )

Chen Yishu Why parent education program? Persuasive goal: Adoption: I want the audience to think about taking parent education program before they become parents. Specific proposition: Policy: Parents should take parental courses before they have children. Taking parental courses can benefit not only parents but also children. Audience’s current opinion: Neutral: Some people think parents should take parental courses while some don’t think so. ...

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Evaluation of a Learning Environment

17 Oct 2017

4 (1,436 )

Katie Gallagher Every child has the right to be treated equally and for that to be done in a diverse setting. We can see that through the home corner this is so. The children have access to the materials in this area during their play time. There are many utensils such as a wok, chopsticks and ...

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Government Guidelines for Nutrition

17 Oct 2017

9 (3,412 )

Sarah Slack Unit Four Health Promotion and Development The tables below show the main government guidelines in nutrition: Guideline Daily Amount Values: Typical Values Women Men Children (5-10) years Calories 2,000 kcal 2,500 kcal 1,800 kcal Protein ...

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Benefits of Healthy Eating in Early Childhood

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,160 )

Paul Dervey Introduction In this assignment I will be focusing on the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle, diseases and prevention of diseases. I will discuss the chronic diseases that can be prevented and the ways that help to reduce the risks of developing these, and look at major food groups and how these can impact a healthy active lifestyle. I will explore activities for a ...

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Children Within the Juvenile Criminal Justice System

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,762 )

The conceptualisation of children within the juvenile criminal justice system. Introduction In 2006 to 2007, statistics have shown that there were approximately 3,500 crimes per 100,000 individual’s conducted by juveniles in Australia, almost double the number carried out by adults (Australian Institute of Criminology, 2009). Before the 19th century, there was no category that separated juvenile offenders from adult offenders in Australia’s legal systems and children ...

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Maintaining a Child's Healthy Lifestyle

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,443 )

1) A healthy lifestyle is paramount for other children and adults to help prevent, or minimize chronic illness and diseases. A healthy lifestyle does not only include diet and exercise but also a healthy mental wellbeing, especially in children. It involves the connection of body and mind; self esteem, self-belief, confidence and building up a natural strength to help them cope during tough times. ‘Every child ...

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Activities and Documentation for Childcare Business

17 Oct 2017

8 (2,810 )

Nabeelah Lallmamode Explain the documentation that is required to be kept when running a child care business from a home setting. Businesses are governed by legislations and requirements that help support it’s continuity. In this assignment we will be looking closely at the documentation and it’s importance to guaranteeing a successful and child friendly business. CRB check, Child Record form, Accident and Emergency forms to more ...

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Gender Differences in Early Years Sector

17 Oct 2017

8 (3,135 )

Chapter 3 – Literature Review Introduction: The aim for this literature review is to examine the literature on the selected topic of men working in the early years sector and to the objectives of this research by acquire knowledge, through familiarising myself with the literature on the area. The objectives of this research are, to critically analyse the literature on Gender balanced workforce within in the ...

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Theories for Play and Learning in Childcare

17 Oct 2017

9 (3,356 )

Introduction: Education is the backbone for any nation and children are future of a country. Proper education for children is very important for any children. But this education process must need to be productive and effective and designed in structured ways for prosperity of nation. To make education process effective through play and learning planners need to plan according to theoretical approaches practiced long time in ...

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Health and Safety Requirements in Nursery Setting

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,252 )

Nomatter Nyawo 1. Analyse the working practices that need to be in place in the nursery setting to ensure that children are protected. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety. Under this act the employers, its workers and individuals being supported have responsibilities to ensure safety is maintained in the nursery. ...

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Movement, Environment and Community Memory Reflection

17 Oct 2017

5 (1,679 )

In this paper, I will be sharing two different memories which are significant to me where I remembered learning about movement, environment and community in an integrated way. Then, I will be analysing these two memories which stimulate and making connections in the areas of movement environment and community. The two memories which are significant to me where I remembered learning about movement, environment and communicate ...

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Legal Requirements for Working With Children

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,765 )

Identify the current legal requirements covering those working with children. Kindegartens, childminders, preschools, schools must be guided after Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is required by OFSTED. The EYFS requirements includes: the seven areas of learning and development; the early learning goals which must be achieved by the end of Reception school; the assessment requirements for assessing young children to ascertain their ...

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Meeting Child Nutritional Requirements

17 Oct 2017

8 (3,149 )

Unit 4 Health promotion and development. 1. Construct a table to indentify the main government guidelines on food and nutrition, and evaluate the ways in which they can be incorporated into child care settings. Food Group Foods included Recommended Serving Average Size serving a 1-5 year old Main Nutrients Evaluation ...

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Impact of The Children’s Act 2014 on Child Healthy Eating

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,406 )

The Children’s Act 2014 In 2003 a government initiative was launched in England and Wales. ECM (every child matters) was in response to the death of Victoria Climbie. Victoria Climbie was an eight years old girl who was tortured and murdered by her guardians. Victoria didn’t have a healthy lifestyle which led to her tragic death. A public enquiry was led and major changes had taken ...

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Meeting Needs of Children with Incarcerated Mothers

17 Oct 2017

5 (1,934 )

RESTRICTED CHAPTER FIVE FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS INTRODUCTION This study was aimed to determine whether the basic needs are met or not by the children of incarcerated mothers in Welikada prison. This chapter facilitates a discussion on the testing and finding relevance to the previous chapter corresponding to the defined hypothesis. Further, facts and figures and results will be discussed and it will also analyse the cross ...

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Regulations for Care of Child with Disability

17 Oct 2017

4 (1,229 )

Heidi Walding The legal and regulatory requirements in place for children with disabilities or specific requirements are that all children should be treated fairly and lawfully within school or any social setting. This includes; direct discrimination, which means refusing a child access to a setting or environment due to a condition and/or disability. Indirect discrimination occurs when only helping certain children, such as providing ...

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Protecting Children from Harm in the Internet Age

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,790 )

Yiliang, Yin Issues regarding children’s Internet safety remained an overarching concern for the society. But as a matter of fact, internet is already an irreplaceable part of daily life, especially for children (learning, gaming, and social networking). The Canadian government has introduced agreements to protect children. Nervertheless, some crimes are national basis. In addition, a lot of countries define ‘children’ differently, makes protecting children ...

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Government Strategies to Meet Individual Childcare Needs

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,215 )

  Jane Cleary Explain the benefits for children when their individual needs are met... A child develops very quickly in their early years, they continue to acquire new skills and gain knowledge all the time. Child development covers growth, development and learning from the very moment they are born to 60 months old (August after a child’s 5th ...

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Recruitment Process for Child Practitioner

17 Oct 2017

10 (3,611 )

  Summary This report talks about the recruitment process of a professional called G. It states what strengths and weaknesses she can give to her new role and how she can better herself in the setting as a practitioner. G is 20 years old and is currently studying a level 3 assessor award but also already has qualifications in level 2 health and social care and ...

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Development of Child Minding Business: Activity Planning

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,346 )

Unit Two Part One – Documentation for a child minding business Clear documentation is essential, as it is an area that receives inspection from Ofsted. Ofsted is the independent regulatory body for schools (including child care providers delivering the early years foundation stage curriculum) that reports directly to the government. The documentation you need for a child minding business are as follows: Criminal records bureau ...

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Factors that Affect Child Development

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,358 )

Unit 2: Understanding and Promoting Children’s Development. All children develop at different speeds, but will usually follow an expected pattern. Gaining an understanding of the expected pattern of development can help to identify where children have significant delays in their development. It is important for practitioners working with children to have a good knowledge of child development in order to identify any development delays early. When ...

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Planning Activities to Meet Individual Needs in a Child

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,428 )

Nisha Patel (1) Explain the benefits for children when their individual needs are met. In the setting as every child is different, it is important to think about, plan for, and interact with the individual, as well as the group as a whole. Consider the range of children’s styles, social interactions and personalities: Some are quiet; others are noisy Some like to spend ...

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Development of Play in a Museum

17 Oct 2017

4 (1,242 )

Introduction The concept of play has been regarded as a critical part of early cognitive development of a child, and there are countless studies showing the process by which play fosters learning both in formal and informal educational settings [1]. Museums are often seen as an informal learning environment, where visitors gain knowledge through engaging with the artefacts presented to them [2]. The museum has under-explored ...

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Skills for Communication and Language Acquisition

17 Oct 2017

5 (1,720 )

Miriana Hili P1 I’m going to explain briefly about the skills associated with communication those are eye contact, gestures, body language and active listening. In my weekly observations in the child care centers I use those skills. I use the eye contact while I’m talking with the children so they could know that I’m talking to them, eye contact is also needed to show ...

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Stages of Child Development and Strategies Involving Them

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,376 )

Charlene Lyons Introduction: In this assignment I will give a definition of social and emotional development while also explaining each individually. I will give a brief account of physical, cognitive, language and creative development and how they holistically combine for good overall development. I give an account of the social and emotional development of children form ...

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Reflection on Multi-Agency Working

17 Oct 2017

5 (1,836 )

Multi-agency working   Introduction In this report it will be discussing a case conference that has previously taken place and reflect using the Gibbs cycle, (Eggers, 2002) on how the group work was and how the conference went. It will reflect on what happened, how could it of been better, what could be changed for future conferences. Next will be the challenges of multi-agency working that ...

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Procedures for Safety in Childcare

17 Oct 2017

5 (1,804 )

Charlene Lawrence   1. Childcare records that all child care proved should have in place are Children record form forms that including the child name, date of birth, allergies, address of where the child lives, telephone number, parents name and address, emergency contacts at least two , child doctor name and address, any medical and religion. Another document is crb (Criminal records bureau ...

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Benefits of ICT in Early Childhood Education

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,777 )

ANGELINE T. TAGARIRA CHILDCARE AT HOME Question 1 Explain the seven types of skills that children may develop as a result of using ICT. One of the most important ways we can help children whilst playing with them in a child care setting is through h setting up simple activities to help them develop multiple skills and abilities. ICT is part of the children’s ...

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Principles and Practices of Classroom Management

17 Oct 2017

4 (1,441 )

Challenging behaviour children are children that disrupts, annoy or get into a disagreement with other people, be it the teachers or their peers. Some also do not interact with the others (McTiernan, 2011). Positive behaviour is being sociable with peers and being able to listen to instructions. In a class, there are bound to have a mixture of both positive and challenging behaviour. Management of ...

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State of Alabama Child Care Center Regulations

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,520 )

Patricia Berry Abstract The requirements for childcare centers, be it licensed Day Care or Home-based, varies by state. This assignment is to give the requirements as set by the State of Alabama for both types of facilities. Profound apologies offered to my professor for using easy-way-out by the shortcut of a copy/paste, which is the less attractive method in completing this assignment. The end-results are ...

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Nutritional Requirements for Children

17 Oct 2017

9 (3,523 )

It is undeniable the importance of an adequate nutrition to ensure growth and development, especially during childhood and its role in promoting and maintaining health and well-being of the individual. The Child Care Setting while feeding children should devote attention to encourage the consumption of various foods offered on the menu, guiding them to eat in moderation, how to do and not do, repressing ...

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Models and Practices to Support Children with Disabilities

17 Oct 2017

6 (2,170 )

Special Education Needs Course Level 3. Assignment number 1. Part 1 Outline the legal and regulatory requirements for children with disabilities or specific requirements. Regardless of the circumstances all children have rights to be treated fairly and lawfully. Unfavourable treatment could include, Direct discrimination- could include refusing a child access to the setting. Indirect discrimination- maybe only display information in one language. Discrimination due to ...

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Importance of Meeting Child Individual Needs

17 Oct 2017

7 (2,542 )

UNIT 1: A UNIQUE CHILD EXPLAIN THE BENEFITS FOR CHILDREN WHEN THIER INDIVIDUAL NEEDS ARE MET CHILD DEVELOPMENT Every child is a unique individual with their own characteristics and temperament. Development is a continuous complex interaction of environmental and genetic factors in which the body, brain and behavior become more complex Babies and children mature at different rates and at different times in their lives ...

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Effect of School and Family Violence on Children

03 Oct 2016 27 Sep 2017

6 (2,226 )

Introduction School savagery is the brutality that happens in the school premises. It incorporates distinctive issues, for example, posses, harassing, physical mischief to the school staff and educators, brutality between the school understudies, and so on. It is turning into a continually expanding issue these days, especially in schools wherein the understudies make utilization of firearms and blades. Schools were at first viewed as the most ...

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Internet Use and Child Development

03 Oct 2016 26 Sep 2017

5 (1,888 )

Internet Use and Child Development Rapid changes in technology nowadays is painting a message of cyber advantage for all ages of the human beings be it in the business, work, home and even in school. When the basics of communications has proliferated in 1970s with the initial introduction of television, the people did not opt to have this technology of entertainment, rather it was a huge ...

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Qualities of a Good Parent

03 Oct 2016 26 Sep 2017

7 (2,594 )

What does it take to be a good parent? Being a parent is one of the most fulfilling experiences a person can have. There is a natural instinct that seems to come to a new parent, but there are bits of advice that can help when you are challenged in the growing up years. The most important thing however, that any parent can give their child, ...

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The Overpowering Nature of Nurture

14 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

4 (1,340 )

"Our first impressions are generated by our experiences and our environment, which means that we can change our first impressions by changing the experiences that comprise those impressions." (Gladwell, 2005, p.97). We are, to a certain extent, the person we are, but the reality is that for reasons unknown to us, there are just certain people with which we do not "click." It may be ...

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Learning Theories and Cognitive Development

10 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

3 (1,164 )

Vygotsky, Bruner, and Dienes share the cognitive viewpoint of learning. Lev Vygotsky, a constructive theorist, viewed social and cognitive development as working jointly while building on each other. One of Vygotsky's major contributions to understanding child development, is the concept of the zone of proximal development (Mooney, 2013). Vygotsky believed this concept to be the difference between what a child can accomplish on his own, ...

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Observation Report of Child Example

01 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

7 (2,501 )

Ethical considerations checklist Has the whole team been informed about the portfolio requirements? Have you made clear that all members concerned in the observation will have access to the material? Have the nature of the observations (including aims, tools to be used) been explained to the children/ young people (where applicable)? Have you considered the importance of respecting the child/ young person's privacy, dignity and possible ...

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What are the Impact of Brain Injuries?

01 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

9 (3,416 )

What Brain Injuries do to People and how their brain is affected?   The body is a very unique thing. It has so many parts and so many different actions that it does. The body is made up of several systems. The circulatory system is the body's transport system. It is made up of different organs that specialize in transporting blood all over the body. ...

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Social Media and Young Adolescents

01 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

6 (2,091 )

As technological innovations continue to expand, access to devices that connect one to social media have become more readily available to the public. A study conducted by Radesky et al. (2016) about the use of mobile technology among children found that "mobile device usage by young children, even among those from disadvantaged backgrounds, continues to increase rapidly" (p.504). The increasing usage of social media networks ...

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Case Study of Child Rights: Matilda Film Case

01 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

3 (1,093 )

Introduction This assignment is going to be about human rights their origins and development regarding young people and children. One media source has to be chosen to allow me to explore a current issue related to the rights of children and I have chosen (Matilda 1996) and I will provide a debate or argument which assesses how the theme of my media source can be ...

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Recognition of Types of Abuse and Neglect

01 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

9 (3,343 )

Current guidelines and safeguarding concerns - Recognition of types of abuse and neglect. My setting is committed to promoting awareness of child abuse issues throughout its training and learning programmes for adults. They are committed to empowering young children, through its early childhood curriculum, promoting their right to be strong, resilient and listened to. The Staff have undertaken relevant and up to date safeguarding and ...

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Influence of Types of Play on Children

01 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

11 (4,148 )

It is important to understand the different types of play and how they help children's development in order to plan activities for children. This will help them to develop holistically. The Early Years Foundation Strategy says that "play underpins all development and learning for young children" (The Early Years Foundation Stage Practice Guidance p1.17 Crown 2008). Learning through play is a very important principle of ...

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Reflective Account of Child GSA

01 Aug 2017 17 Aug 2017

5 (1,957 )

Recently in our house in the month of May this year a young boy has joined as a day student. I will refer to him as Jake in this reflective account (this is not his real name and all relevant information/personal data regarding exact time of the movement has been changed in order to comply with the CSA Confidentiality Policy). When Jake first came to ...

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