Example Reflection of a Report on China


07 Sep 2017 14 Sep 2017

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Part B – Individual Reflective Report


Current global markets provide enterprises lots of opportunities to sell their products or services globally even the small companies. This can change the venture reduce for little and small enterprises, because they can be center on businesses that provider them better opportunities of achievement if their local market sluggishness. You can set the small enterprise for prosperity by accomodateing to this international market.

Individual Reflection:

For my opinion, It is very significant to recognise the relationship between your company and your partner companies during the international trade. Different country culture will lead to different business culture and business environment.

Over the period of our researching work , I recognise that there are no same business culture in the world and we should learn further about different cultures in order to have better impress in the future business.

Our group organized five Chinese people as a team, as a result of that we choose China as the host country of this assignment. And that is not only this reason, but also because China is a top business part of UK. As The Prime Minister, David Cameron, said: "The UK is the most popular destination in Europe for Chinese investment with more Chinese investment into the United Kingdom in the last eighteen months than the whole of the last thirty years combined. "(BBC NEWS. 2014)

Before the first time group meeting, we made a decision that everyone go to do some research about characteristics of Chinese and British culture and business culture. According to my research, i know some new things about these two countries. The United Kingdom is contained of four different countries: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. that is very important not only to be wise to these geographical differences but also the clear sense of concept and nationalism sensed through the citizens of these four different countries. The relationship between 'British' and 'English' is not exchangeable meaning. British stands for which one come from one of these four countries which are England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. English is representative of that citizens just only from England. If they are form Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, they will be called as Welsh, Scots or Northern Irish(Kwintessential. 2013). Due to UK is a diverse society and developing fastly. The old business people are different with the young business people. The older business men still want to cooperate with people and companies they have known and worked with before, this is a very classic mode of long term orientation. But the younger business men are totally opposite, they think that current business men do not need long-standing partner relationships before they make a decision to cooperate with other and do not ask any agencies to do the introduction of their business. All in all, stong relationship and modern internet are comprised of current British business for the long term success of a company.

According to my research, Chinese business culture is affect by Confucianism culture deeply. In order to know Chinese business culture better, we should learn some thing of Confucianism culture. This is the element of Chinese traditional cultures as same as a whole ideaistic institution made by Confucius, ground on these traditional cultures of Chinese primary dynasties. It has controlled a feudal society that in nature it has played a important role at last two thousand years and because that reason, Confucianism culture influence China over almost period of Chinese history, social pattern and Chinese people can not be ignored. The main point of Confucianism culture focus on basic sense of the harmonious relationship. As appropriate behaviour through liability, esteem and loyalty are shown in the relationships between a ruler-subject, husband-wife, father-son, brother-brother and friend-friend, society as a whole will work without a trouble(Kwintessential. 2013). Thus it can be seen that Chinese business culture is closed to the Confucianism culture. The primary factor of Chinese business culture is building relationship, it can be viewed as a kind of reputation. When we have business in China building a contact to play a role as an middle is significant. This can give to you with it multiple advantages. They will trade as a reference, to become your translator in the middle and help you through the local government, local legal institutions and local business networks. It related to one thing often display in Chinese etiquette which is face, it is not traditional meaning in English, it means a kind of impress in other mind or respect. It is demanding that you should know how to use giving face, saving face and showing face when we have business in China. Giving face is using compliments and respect to your business partner. Saving face is developed by your experience and age, when one shows a suitable emotional intelligence in behavior by escape some mistakes then the face is addable. Showing face is when your face is addable by getting the appreciate from other to you which is a third part, your agency is your third part.

When we have frist time meeting, all team members discussed about each one’s work, then we decide all works into five main part by organizing our research work. They think what the work i done is very suitable for researching British and Chinese business profile further. Then i also got some new ideas from their informations. And we would finish everyone’s initial PowerPoint Slides and record every references.

I continue to research British and Chinese business profile, this is significant part of our assignment, because to save the international business problems is necessary to know the difference between these two different business culture.

As my further research, i summarized five main points in this profile. Frist one is form of address, British people get used to using title at first, followed by their surname, such as the old coach of Manchester United, Sir Alex, the famous queen, Queen Victoria, and so on. Chinese people are opposite in this, they use surname at first followed by the title, like Zhang Manger. Second, meeting and greeting. In here, Chinese and British people are similar, Shanking hand and short eye contact with everyone at the beginning of the meeting. When we have meeting with Chinese people, we need more patience, due to they will mot directly talk about main topics, they will talk with you about some small things about you or your home country. The decisions of Chinese meeting will take a very long time either due to there is a lack of instancy, synchronous treaty are relevant with partners, or because the leader is not totally sure this decision. The Chinese negotiator is known for being tough with others. Comparing with Chinese meeting, British meeting are more direct and clear. When you do a presentation to the British partner , for escaping making enlarged requirement. Make confirm that any information offered show professional in your presentation and should be considered, you should be serious to support your requirements by real facts and data. The British people depend on facts, more than their personal emotions, to do decision-makings. And keep eye contact with them and give a few area of their personal space. To send a mail about the decision or difference of this meeting after the meeting, in order to prepare for next time. Thirdly, exchanging gift. This is a very important part of Chinese business culture, because it can relate to building the better relationship with partner companies. The popular gifts such as expensive wine, Tea, and some special traditional gifts from your home country. But exchanging business gift is not a part of British small and special gift to your partner. Then the fourth one is dining etiquette, it is easy to summarize Chinese dining etiquette, that is how much you drink, how much sincerities you are. British people are more simple, to invite the business partner out for a meal also can be viewed as a business gift. The final one is time keeping. British and Chinese people both think that the business meeting is very formal situation. Every one should be serious in this problem, because this is a basic respect to each other. If you can not do this basic thing, you will be regarded as a discredit person, it will result in no one want to have business with you.

At second meeting, after our researching about global relations between China and British, we determined to confirm that when we have international business, especially when we work with our Chinese international business partners. We should try best to avoid mistakes between us by using our researching informations.

All in all, the main factor which will lead to the difference between these two countries is their local cultures. Chinese people focus on building stronger relationship , rather than business itself. Because this is advocated by Confucius culture, relationship is more important than business. British people live in a diverse society, they think business is business, it need your strength and profession.


Through our researching and discussing about two individual business culture, i have learn that different national culture can leads to different business culture. The influence of global business is huge, it can make other countries become interested in your culture, and make two culture meet and change each other. Before we trade with new partners which from other country, we should prepare for learning more about their local culture. That is not only a respect to partners, but also a new opportunity for yourself.


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