An organisation's process

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

9 (3,404 )

Introduction Strategic planning is an organisation's process of defining its corporate strategy, making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue its strategy, including its capital and human resources. In this modern and competitive era growing business, means taking timely, quick and accurate decisions about the way we want to grow our business. As an organisation grows, it becomes more and more complex for management to control. In ...

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Tech Mahindra's takeover | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 09 May 2017

9 (3,315 )

1. Research Question Will The takeover of Satyam Computers by Tech Mahindra be profitable to Mahindra and Tech Mahindra? The primary objective of this essay is to answer the above research question through primary and secondary data along with the use of various analytical tools in order to come up with an effective answer to the above question. The first company in the research question, Satyam Computers ...

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PESTEL Analysis of Nokia

03 Oct 2016 09 May 2017

5 (1,858 )

Business is all about improving, adjusting and surviving and companies face with diverse environment which is beyond the control of the business such as Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal, which is changing rapidly, rather than being rigid. It is very important for business organizations to be sensitive and aware of its business environment in which it operates. Business environment refers to those factors and ...

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Small local grocery store: disadvatages in metropolitan area

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

3 (918 )

EST1 Task 1 Being a small, local grocery store chain in a major metropolitan area is daunting. National and regional chains are regularly putting out of business small stores owned by local companies. This reason, along with the at large social responsibility taking hold of consumers requires all companies to adjust their organizations from solely a profit-seeking motivation to being socially and ethically understanding in their business ...

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Innovation in strategy

23 Mar 2015 04 May 2017

7 (2,492 )

This essay evaluates the role of innovation in strategy, and explores the ways management can promote it in organisations. It first looks at the nature of innovation, and examines its importance in current economic and social conditions. It then sets strategy in context, defining it primarily in terms of competitive advantage - that is, as a search for capabilities which allow allows an organisation to meet consumers' ...

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Strategic implementation process

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

7 (2,451 )

Implementing Strategies - the step that differentiates between success and failure of strategic planning. Abstract To discuss in detail, the strategic implementation process and also to understand the management and operational nuances of a successful implementation. The topic spans across vital tools such as annual objectives, organizational structure, reengineering, performance culture and process improvements. The research paper also brings out the challenges of implementation, which are much ...

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International expansion for DS Fashion UK LTD

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

5 (1,741 )

" Strategy is the determination of the basic long term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources for carrying out these goals" (Chandler 1962) International Expansion This report is about a company which is a clothes manufacture based in the north east of England in Darlington. This company which is owned by my friends Father and ...

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Toyota motor corporation strategy

23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

8 (3,023 )

I. Introduction of Toyota: Overview of Toyota Company Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the leading automobile manufacturers in the world. It is founded in August 28, 1937 in Japan. Akio Toyoda is the current president of Toyota motor company. As of March 31, 2009, the capital of Toyota is estimated as 397.05 billion yen. The major business undertaken by Toyota is Motor Vehicle Production and Sales. ...

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Strategic Management and Business Planning

23 Mar 2015 28 Apr 2017

7 (2,590 )

In this essay, need to describe the strategy of the organization first, which is the main point of understanding about the organisation that the organisation is having what kind of planning regarding the political, economic, social and technological situations. "Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over long-term." Nowadays this is the competitive business environment in which we need to do planning in a large ...

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Small businesses in entrepreneurship

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

6 (2,294 )

TOPIC: PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES FACED BY SMALL BUSINESSES IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP INTRODUCTION: Evidence suggests that small business stands a significantly higher chance of failure than a large business yet many small businesses survive and some grow. The following points have been discovered that hinders the success of small firms in entrepreneurship, economies of scale, human capital implementation, limited resources, geographical location, and management skills, thus management service is ...

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E-Collaboration for E-Businesses

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

7 (2,753 )

1. Working Title How does the development of e-collaboration provide e-businesses with a competitive advantage? 2. Introduction E-Collaboration, a relatively new concept that is shaping the way we do business. The development of this model has seen recent advances in inter-enterprise software and communication technologies which are shaping the way for digitalisation, mass communication, and globalisation. This emerging business tool has the ability to change the traditional ...

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EasyJet strategy: SWOT and PESTEL analysis

08 Sep 2016 16 Mar 2017

14 (5,235 )

Keywords: easyjet, corporate appraisal, swot analysis, pestel, cash flow position This report will provide a detailed analysis of EasyJet’s current corporate appraisal or SWOT analysis. This will identify its strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This will help the companies decision makers understand where the organisation is now. A PESTEL analysis of the industry will examine the local, national and global influences of political, economic, social and ...

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Push and Pull Factors in Business

03 Oct 2016 23 Feb 2017

6 (2,116 )

Companies decide to go global and enter international markets for a variety of reasons, and these different objectives at the time of entry should produce different strategies, performance goals, and even forms of market participation. However, companies often follow a standard market entry and development strategy. The most common is sometimes referred to as the “increasing commitment” method of market development, in which market entry is ...

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Case Study" Templeton hardware

03 Oct 2016 21 Feb 2017

8 (2,907 )

Executive Summary This report provides an analysis on the case study of Templeton hardware and its acquisition of the two companies, namely lodestone landscapes and the great outdoors. Through this case study of Templeton hardware, it can be seen that the acquisition of this two companies have had its detrimental effects, therefore requiring the need to accurately identify the source problems. Three toolkits are used in ...

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Personal SWOT Analysis - Oneself / Myself

23 Mar 2015 29 Dec 2016

5 (1,640 )

Keywords: swot analysis of oneself, swot analysis of myself To be successful in today's competitive world it's absolutely essential for one to be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of oneself, as well as the opportunities and threats that are presented. By having awareness of these four aspects, it's possible to use them for one's advantage. If a person can identify and understand their strengths and ...

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Compare Coca-Cola and Pepsi's marketing strategies

23 Mar 2015 08 May 2015

9 (3,346 )

INTRODUCTION: Coca-cola is a soft drink. Manufactured by coca-cola company. It was introduced in 1986. Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants, and selling equipment worldwide. The Coca-Cola Company claims that the drink is sold in more than 200 countries. It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, Georgia, and is often referred to simply as Coke or as cola. The Coca-Cola Company ...

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23 Mar 2015

5 (1,947 )

Strategy Definition of: A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. The word strategy has military connotations, because it derives from the Greek word for general. Strategy is the mean or the tool by which objectives are consciously and systematically pursued and obtained over time. A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular ...

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Tata Motors losses

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,559 )

Can Tata Motors capture and increase its market share in India through the launch of Jaguar and Land Rover? Introduction: My commentary examines the recent acquisition of Tata Motors of two iconic brands- Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford Motors at a staggering amount of $2.3 billion. Despite being well known brands, they are suffering losses. After Tata Motors' take over, they were strategizing to launch these ...

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Business Strategy in a Global Environment

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,213 )

Globalization is the eminent icon of the 1990s, and in the twenty first century. Globalization is absolutely soaring and gearing up dynamically competing life's real scenes. Globalization refers to the growth and status of trade and investment, clustered by the growth in international business fields, and the integration of economies penetrating all corners of the world. Strategy Paradoxes and Debates The term strategy anchors its definition basically ...

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Red Bull strategy

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,194 )

Red Bull is one of the biggest soft drink successes over the past the years. The slim blue silver can has developed a following among those who claim that it helps them with virtually everything to work better and play better. Yet Red Bull has a 70 to 90 percent market share in over 100 countries worldwide. During the past 15 years, the drink has been copied ...

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Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,559 )

Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. is one of the largest metals service center companies in the United States. Through a network of more than 180 locations in 37 states, Belgium, Canada, China, South Korea and the United Kingdom, the Company provides value-added metals processing services and distributes a full line of more than 100,000 metal products. These products include galvanized, hot-rolled and cold-finished steel, stainless steel, aluminum, ...

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Scotch whisky research institute

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,336 )

INDUSTRIAL CASE STUDY REPORT SCOTCH WHISKY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SWRI) INTRODUCTION The Scotch Whisky Research Institute (SWRI) is a registered company in Scotland which serves the needs of distillery companies in Scotland and also worldwide. It is situated in the Robertson Trust building of Heriot Watt University's north research avenue campus at Riccorton, Edinburgh. It is a much focussed research organisation which helps various companies associated with it ...

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Dream Job of a real estate agent

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,403 )

Executive Summary This report describes about matters that I personally need to know to be a real estate sales agent in Singapore after I graduated from my study of pursuing my bachelor degree. The first part of this reason explains why I decided to be a real estate sales agent in Singapore, it's more or less based on the financial reasons. The next part is a sort ...

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Royal Dutch Shell

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,241 )

Royal Dutch Shell is a global, publically traded Public Limited Company, whose main focus is on the energy and petrochemicals business. Royal Dutch/Shell officially formed in 1907, with the merger of a London based Transportation Company called Samuel Shell transport and trading company ltd., and a recently formed oil company from the Netherlands, the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company. This merger facilitated the transportation of oil throughout the ...

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Determining factors of national advantage

23 Mar 2015

3 (833 )

Porter introduced a model that allows analyzing why some nations are more competitive than others are, and why some industries within nations are more competitive than others. Determining factors of national advantage has become known as Porters Diamond. Four determinants are distinguishes below:- 1. Factor Conditions Factors can be grouped into human resources like -skilled and qualified labor, labor cost, commitment etc., natural resources, knowledge resources, capital ...

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Organisational and business structures

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,075 )

INTRODUCTION MAIN BODY OF A REPORT TASK 1 I was spending one hour and I have seen different website and I was collect the in formation and written the assignment manufactures of sporting goods likes Nike, puma, Adidas and others. In there are many company provide different manufactures of sporting goods service in India The first company is Nike It is ...

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Strategic Management; shaping the long-run performance of the business

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,320 )

Introduction Strategic management Strategic management can be described as set of executive action and conclusions that helps in shaping the long-run performance of the business. It is inclusive of environmental scanning, both internal and external environment, and strategy formulation, implementation of strategies, assessment and control processes. Henceforth, strategic management highlights on the evaluation and monitoring of the external threats and prospects in the background of organization's inner ...

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Nokia competencies

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,626 )

Every firm comprises of competencies, not all possess core competencies, these are crucial for a competitiveness. This report examines the core competencies that contribute most significantly to Nokia's competitive advantage. These consist of organisational culture and research and development. Nokia's competitive advantage will be analysed based on corporate brand and products and services base, then personal analysis reported. 2.0 Theoretical idea of core competencies Firms possess competencies ...

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Strategy direction

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,037 )

“Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term: which achieves advantage for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a challenging business environment to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectation”. Executive Summary: In the business industry, it is very difficult to seem companies are reach to the success. One day they have to be faced, ...

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Strategy and practice

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,623 )

Strategy and practice Human resource management and industrial relations The role of line managers in human resource management Abstract Recent research indicates that there is an increasing trend that human resource specialists and line managers share more effective responsibility for their organization's human resource practice. However, HR specialists and line managers often have different opinions and implementation on human resource management. Line managers didn't work well as ...

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Danone Dumex competitive edge

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,317 )

How does a Danone Dumex (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd SHAMSUDIN, SITI AKMAZNI maintain the brand's competitive edge? 1.0 Introduction 1.1 COMPANY BACKGROUND Danone Dumex[1] is part of Groupe Danone, a Fortune 500 company which was operate since 1958, one of the most successful healthy food companies in the world. Its headquartered is in Paris, France. Besides, Danone Dumex manufactures infant and child nutritional products and these products are ...

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Motorola inc. six sigma approach

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,022 )

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The first part of the project contains information about Motorola.  The information includes the company's mission, vision statement, their values of Motorola and a brief view of their TQM beliefs. Motorola, Inc. is an American multinational telecommunications company, headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, United States. The main purpose of this report is to analyze Total Quality Management (TQM) tools and techniques practiced by Motorola, Inc. for ...

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Competitive advantage of Nations

23 Mar 2015

3 (842 )

INTRODUCTION “The Competitive Advantage of Nations” was written by Professor Michael Porter in 1990 and it includes a new theory about the prosperity of national and regional competitiveness according to their economic resources. The president of USA, Ronald Regan supports his ideas by giving him an appointment and the book was analyzed and followed by many different countries' government as an economic policy. National success is ...

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Ethics in the world of business

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,245 )

INTRODUCTION. ETHICS. Ethics are principles and standards that guide behaviour in the world of business. Ethics can also be defined as the right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable behaviour within an organisation. Ethics are more of a theory or system of morality in the world of business. Ethics are determined by key stakeholders of an organisation. Examples of ethical acts are as follows below: v Honesty and ...

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Reckitt Benckiser plc

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,051 )

History In 1814 Jeremiah Colman begins milling flour and mustard in Norwich, UK. Jeremiah then diversifies in the mid-century into starch, wheat flour and laundry blue. Johann A. Benckiser founded Benckiser in 1823 from industrial chemicals. Isaac Reckitt rented and then later bought a starch mill in hull in 1848. He diversified into other household products and became the owner of starch, washing blue and black lead ...

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Entrepreneur creates healthy ethnic frozen food

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,447 )

Tuck-In will bring healthy ethnic frozen food to the young, fast living city students' door steps. Terra Tuck-in is scheduled to begin operations on September 20th 2010. Tuck-in will be a partnership, owned and operated by a group of graduate city university students; Shariq Pervaiz, Nadia Mohamed, Omer Qureshi, Faduma Karshe, Tiwalade Odulawa and Pawel Prochot. The owners of this company specialize in different areas of ...

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Strategic Planning, Mintzberg

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,981 )

Roll of strategic planning and implementation Introduction According to Mintzberg et al (2003, p.10) ‘A strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an organisation's major goals, policies, and action sequences into a cohesive whole. A well formulated strategy helps to marshal and allocate an organisation's resources into a unique and viable posture based on its relative internal competencies and shortcomings, anticipated changes in the environment, and ...

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ABC supermarket

23 Mar 2015

21 (8,360 )

ABC Supermarket Executive Summary This report will look to analyse the ABC supermarket organisation and develop ways to improve their business performance and drive down costs. At current ABC has fallen from its spot as the number one supermarket and is looking in the near future to gain its position as market leader back. ABC supermarket has listed a number of issues that has attributed to its ...

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Entrepreneur identifies opportunities for business

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,671 )

Introduction “Entrepreneur identifies of opportunities, takes risks and garners resources with an explicit focus on the creation of new products, services, knowledge or ideas ( Shane 2003)”. This article will introduce one of greatest entrepreneurs in China—Ma Yun, the English name is Jack Ma who is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Alibaba Group at present, he was a "Forbes" magazine was founded more than ...

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Global strategy of computer manufacturers and the digital divide

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,878 )

Introduction The computer industry had not existed before the Second World War, but today it will be difficult to imagine an office without a personal computer (Dedrick, 1998, 4). Over the years, the continuing changes in computing and information technology (IT) have confounded expectations and challenged the traditional concept of competition. Improvements in performance and capabilities of computer-related technologies have been dramatic to say the least and ...

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Business ethics

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,048 )

Introduction Business ethics is a well-institutionalized academic field, which deals with the moral dimension of business activity. In the context of international business, it means the treating of moral questions of international cultures and countries. International business should be sensitive to the environment and not just selfish for its own profits. Ethically, safety comes first and the profit comes last. The various issues that ethics target ...

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Importance of strategic Planning

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,660 )

The following report is on the Importance of Planning and the main differences between Operational and Strategic Planning. The writer has discussed the relevance of Planning from the point of view of a business along with the two main types of planning, Operational planning and Strategic planning. He has also thrown some light on the difference between Operational and Strategic planning. The writer has referred and drawn ...

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Strategic business management and planning

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,276 )

1. Introduction: Easy jet is the leading cheapest flight service company in European Airline Companies. The mission of the company is “to offer Low cost airline service to the masses”. Easyjet was established by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou  in 1995 .Easy jet is the fourth leading European airline, the UK's leading budget airline and one that contests the ‘number two LCC in Europe. Easyjet board had ...

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Strategic business management & planning

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,290 )

Introduction In this assignment I will be aiming to access, in a critical manner, the classic and contemporary models, concepts and tools in business strategy and planning. I will also be evaluating the methods used by organisations to identify their goals and values. I will be doing the above two in reference to the British bakery chain Greggs plc. 1) Manning (1988:27) made a set of ...

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Boots ltd Current strategic position

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,462 )

Management Summary Introduction This report will examine findings and analyse Boot's current strategic position in the industry. It will analyse whether or not the new IT system has had any impact in the organisation efficiency and financial wise. Here I will discuss the formation of one of the most biggest pharmaceutical and cosmetic company in Europe. Boots is one of the largest cosmetic high street and online ...

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The Body Shop

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,046 )

The Body Shop (TBS) has developed 2500 stores in 60 countries with a range of over 1,200 products in approximately 30 years, and is the second largest cosmetic franchise in the world. After the first TBS's outlet founded in 1976, the company has experienced rapid growth and with expanding rate of 50% annually. When its stock first obtained a full listing on the London Stock Exchange, its ...

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Porter’s notes

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,599 )

Porter's notes that ‘firms, not individual nations, compete in international markets'.How does this statement help to explain some of the major challenges facing MNE's .How do the determinants of national competitive advantage help explain how companies can maintain their economic competitiveness? Porter's note that firms and not individual nations compete in the international market is a statement that is very valid and cannot be overemphasized. The involvement ...

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Strategic business management

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,005 )

Introduction: Strategic business management has its roots in the thinking of the workforce; strategic thinking can no longer become a textual presence of words in the notebooks. The training programs and the meeting conducted at the sense of urgency do not mean that a company is on the right path. In the competitive era the stability of the market is doubted. Even though experts and analysts say ...

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Kentucky fried chicken

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,613 )

Entrepreneurship: Colonel Sanders started the Kentucky Fried Chicken at the age of 65. Presently KFC is one of the leading firms in food industry around the world. Over a billion KFC chicken dinners are served featuring the Colonel's “finger likin' good” recipe, each year. At the age of 40 Sanders first started cooking in a service station in Corbin, KY. But soon hundreds of people started coming ...

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Strategic Management Industry Structures And Dynamics Business Strategy Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,206 )

Introduction: Dell Company was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell. It is the world's largest direct-sale computer vendor; Dell Inc. is now also the leading seller of computer systems in the world, capturing a global market share of more than 15 percent. Dell markets desktop personal computers, notebook computers, network servers, workstations, handheld computers, monitors, printers, high-end storage products, and a variety of computer peripherals and software. ...

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The automobile industry value chain analysis

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,500 )

Section 2: Following on from your analysis in Question 1, discuss the competitive postion of General Motors Europe (GME) at the time of the case. Threat of Entry The automobile industry is facing the mature stage, although the high barriers to entry considering the huge amount of capital required for companies to manufacture and design their cars and the very low switching costs consumers face when changing ...

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Strategic management report

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,632 )

1.0 Introduction I choose Genting Berhad as the organization for the Strategic Management report. I worked in Awana Genting Highlands almost one year before I worked in government sector. Awana Genting Highlands is one of the six hotels under the Genting Berhad. Genting Berhad is a management company and investment holding of Genting Group. It was founded by the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong in 1965 ...

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Apple lnc

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,558 )

Apple lnc, is an American multinational corporation that designs and manufactures consumer electronics and computer products. The company's well-known products include the Macintosh computers, the IPod and the iPhone. This company was established in Cupertino, California on April 1, 1976. On January, 1977, the company had been incorporated as the name called 'Apple Computer, lnc.' for over 30 years. The company have decided to change their company's ...

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About diamond

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,558 )

Introduction “A diamond is forever” (De Beers Group, 2008) is likely to be one of the best known slogans the mining industry has ever had. Sixty years after the foundation of the De Beers Consolidated Mines in South Africa (CMSA) in 1888 (Epstein, 1982) this slogan represents a campaign aimed at marketing the sale of De Beers diamonds. In the early twentieth century the British - ...

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Firm survival

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,820 )

1. INTRODUCTION During a recent period of time, the topic of firm survival has received increasing academic attention and many of the studies have focused on its determinants. It is well known that entrepreneurial small businesses contribute to the creation of the new jobs and innovations that helps to develop the economy and reduce the poverty. Some firms survive for considerably longer periods while others do not. ...

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Lehman brothers, credit crunch and the recession

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,944 )

Introduction This report will focus on the credit crunch and recession and how they have affected the business environment that firms that operate within it and how their resources were affected. A case study on Lehman Brothers Inc is also included and will analyse the strategies of the firm and how it coped. It is important to understand that the credit crunch and recession are to ...

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Largest global foodservice retailer

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,918 )

1.0 Executive Summary The report is to review on how the largest global foodservice retailer, McDonald's grew in Malaysia within the past 30 years. Since the year 1980, McDonald's USA (United State of America) has given the licensing to the Malaysia organisation. The franchising business started from Klang Valley and had expanded to the whole of Malaysia. Using the SWOT analysis, Michael Porter's Value Chain and the ...

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Strategic alignment

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,126 )

Chapter 1: Introduction 12 Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Overview This chapter introduces the research background and context for this investigation. An introduction to strategic alignment is presented with the aim of establishing the context of this research, followed by an explanation of the importance of business strategy and Information Technology (IT) and the uniqueness of organizational culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). In addition, the ...

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Carlos Ghosn’s approach to turning Nissan around

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,180 )

In order to give a thorough in-depth evaluation of Carlos Ghosn's approach to turning Nissan around I have chosen to apply John Kotter's 8-step model to strategic change implementation (Kotter J. P., 1996) displayed below. Kotter is regarded as an authority within the field of organization and change management and I find his model helps securing a comprehensive evaluation. The model is usually used as a forward-looking ...

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