Tourism Industry in the Mauritius

19 Feb 2018

36 (14,266 )

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.0 Introduction Tourism was the third pillar of the Mauritian economy after the E.P.Z.(export processing zone) manufacturing sector and Agriculture. It has contributed significantly to economic growth and has been a key factor in the overall development of Mauritius since the years 1995 onwards. In the past two decades tourist arrivals increased at an average annual rate of 9 % with a corresponding ...

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Impact of VAT (Value added Tax) Increase on Tourism industry

19 Feb 2018

8 (2,836 )

To evaluate the impact of VAT (Value added Tax) increase on Tourism industry of U.K in 2011. 2) Provisional Working Title: The tourism generates a major contribution to UK economy. It generated about £85 billion offering 3.5 percent to national GDP. About two million jobs are maintained by the tourism industry in which 1.4 million are directly employed in the sector with five percent of UK ...

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Tourist Motivations to Visit Bali

19 Feb 2018

16 (6,362 )

2.2 Results and Discussions This section presents the results and discussions of the study, which consists of the results of descriptive data from qualitative approach. It also presents the discussions based on the research findings and relates them with possible reasons based on the secondary data or literature review. The findings are based on data sources from qualitative data conducted by the researcher. The purpose of ...

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Analysis of Motivations for Rural Tourism

19 Feb 2018

32 (12,465 )

Chapter1. Introduction Travel motives and attempted to understand what motive affect tourist's travel decision making process and when. Both the leisure and tourism literature have recognised that when people are motivated, they are more likely to participate in leisure travel and encourage tourists to engage in pleasure trip. None of studies have shown meaningful way of findings on ‘what' type of motives occur and ‘how' tourists ...

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Analysis of Holiday Tour Operators

19 Feb 2018

17 (6,417 )

Chapter 1: Introduction Outline This research focuses on three UK holiday companies Kuoni, Thomas Cook and STA Travel and their marketing strategies. This research is comprised of following chapters: Rationale This study highlights many issues related to marketing of tourism companies; more specifically it will be looking at the three companies mentioned above and will be giving a broad analysis to marketing strategy as a marketing ...

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Tourism Market in Mozambique

19 Feb 2018

30 (11,739 )

Abstract Tourism is the movement of people to destinations away from their place of residence for any reason other than following an occupation, remunerated from within the country visited for a period of more than 24hours. It is one of the world's fastest growing industries and an important source of foreign exchange and employment for many developing countries. Since crossing many of the primary needs of ...

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Role of Tourism in Economic Development

19 Feb 2018

7 (2,439 )

All sectors of the economy play an important role in making a stable and long running development. Tourism is one of the sectors which plays an important role in development and also generates foreign revenues. This sector is peaceful and reflects the nature and beauty of the country. It helps people of far flung areas to promote their culture and norms, it also provide opportunity to ...

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Medical Tourism Industry In India

19 Feb 2018

7 (2,572 )

Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Medical tourism 2.1.1 Introduction to Medical tourism The word 'Medical' means treatment of illness, disorder or injuries. In general, 'Tourism' means traveling for pleasure. According to World Tourism Organization(WTO), the word 'Tourism' compromises of 'the activities of persons traveling to and staying in place outside their usual environment for leisure, business and other purposes.' Understanding of word medical and tourism individually ...

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Malaysia's Tourism Industry: An Analysis

19 Feb 2018

30 (11,782 )

1.0 Introduction The Malaysian tourism industry seems to represent an increasingly important sector and it palys a major role within the Malaysian economy and has been responsible for the growth of the economy over the years. This industry has become a very important source of revenue for the overall economic development of the country. For an industry that is very important, it is empirical that the ...

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Promoting Tourism in Tanzania

19 Feb 2018

21 (8,276 )

Tanzania is situated just south of the equator in East Africa. The mainland lies between the areas of the great lakes: Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi, with the Indian Ocean on its' coastline to the east (Africa Guide Online 1). Tanzania has frontiers with the following countries; to the North; Kenya and Uganda, to the West: Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo, to the South: Zambia, ...

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Britannia International Hotel Industry: Analysis

19 Feb 2018

9 (3,254 )

This is the strategic report on the Britannia International Hotel industry. It discusses the scheme of the strategic management in the business with the analysing of the tools of the strategy in the day to day operations of the business. Strategic report is focusing on the impact analysis of the business strategy of the hotel industry with the giving of the overall view on the strategic ...

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Analysis of Singapore Integrated Resorts

19 Feb 2018

12 (4,571 )

1 Introduction Singapore is a small island city with a total population of about 4.98 million. The local population consists of approximately 74.2% ethnic Chinese, 13.4% Malays and 9.2% Indians. The remainder 3.2% is made up of Eurasians and other foreign workers. It is a relatively young population with only 217,000 or 7% of the population currently over the age of 65. This is set to ...

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Developing Sustainable Tourism in Malta

19 Feb 2018

26 (10,370 )

Introduction To understand what an exactly tourism management specialization is and have awareness what I am studying at school I had to first understand what is nowadays tourism and how to manage it. It is important for me that I have good understanding of what I am writing about and what is the area that I should base my project. Let me specify what tourism is ...

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The Future of London's Museums

19 Feb 2018

16 (6,040 )

The following research paper investigates the present condition of London’s museums, focusing upon three aspects: their historical development, their present issues and debates, and their strategies for ensuring future survival and prosperity. To ascertain these facts five senior management figures from five leading London museums were interviewed and asked to complete questionnaires discussing the themes mentioned above. The research focuses at much length upon the decision ...

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Literature Review: Motives for Travelling

19 Feb 2018

13 (5,171 )

2.1 Introduction This chapter consists of three parts. First is introduction, next is literature reviews that review the critical points of previous researches including substantive finding as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to this similar topic. Lastly, a conclusion to this chapter. 2.2 Literature Review Research in the area of travel motives is important in understanding and predicting the factors that influence travel decision-making (Cha, ...

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Customer Satisfaction at The Plaza Crowne Hotel

19 Feb 2018

26 (10,234 )

Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Introduction Tourism is frequently and justifiably described as a major phenomenon of modern times. Since 1950 the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide has increased spectacularly, from just 25 million to over 924 million in 2008. Representing an average annual growth of 7 % a year (Sharpley, R., 2004; and WTO – World Tourism Organisation, 2009). International tourism generated US$ 856 billion ...

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UK Perspectives About Indian Tourism

19 Feb 2018

46 (18,384 )

INDIA'S IMAGE AS A TOURIST DESTINATION - UK PERSPECTIVE CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Indian tourism, viewed by UK and the influence on the Indian tourism researched and on sake of, the tourism development council - Feb. 2009 The Indian tourism council is a non-departmental general body found in March 2000 to suggest the state tourism secretary and the main administrator of the Indian tourism sustainable on ...

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Employee Motivation and Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry

19 Feb 2018

12 (4,592 )

The hotel industry has long struggled to establish what truly makes hotel employees motivated and satisfied with their jobs. High employee turnover in the hotel industry is believed to be due to the nature of the work, its low pay, and its long working hours. Thus, to effectively address this turnover problem, employee motivation could be an on-going and critical issue for managers in hotel operations. ...

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Marketing Advertising in the Hotel Industry

19 Feb 2018

26 (10,375 )

Until recently research on advertising appeals focused on either physical products or a comparison in relation to the way in which advertising appeals differed between products and services (predominantly professional services). With the continuing growth in the MICE and 5 star resort hotel market, the purpose of this paper is to look at the effectiveness of rational and emotional advertising appeals with respect to the MICE ...

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Evaluating Gujarat Tourism

19 Feb 2018

36 (14,353 )

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Gujarat has all the ingredients to become one of India's leading travel destinations - natural beauty, rich heritage, ancient archaeological sites and a colourful culture as well. Yet, Gujarat tourism has not met success in comparison to destination branding success stories such as Kerala, Rajasthan, Goa, etc. The primary aim of this study was to study destination Gujarat and probe for the reasons behind ...

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Factors That Influence the Loyalty of a Hotel Customer

19 Feb 2018

32 (12,425 )

Kandampully (2000) defines tourism as a unique product as it is composite in nature, an amalgam of the tangible and intangible which includes everything that tourist's experience. Tourism is a fast-growing industry, which now had become one of the industries that playing an important role in financial status of a country. The number of the tourist is growing from year to years. According to Inskeep(1996), Tourism ...

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Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Mauritius

19 Feb 2018

44 (17,518 )

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Tourism has become the main focus for countries mainly for Small Island developing states and has affected residents in terms of economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts. So, there is a need to understand how local resident's perceptions contribute towards tourism. The purpose of the study is mainly to provide a theoretical basis and framework for assessing host attitudes on the environmental impacts of ...

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Complaint Handling in the Hospitality Industry

19 Feb 2018

10 (3,604 )

The issue of grievance handling has not been new in organizations and it has been one of the most persistent problems of all times. In the course of running an organization, there are many complaints that are handled daily by the management which constitute the process of grievance handling. Grievances are common not only in organization but also in our social life. However it has been ...

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Effect of Tourism on Asia's Economic Growth

19 Feb 2018

5 (1,988 )

1.1 Introduction Tourism is one of key industry in the development of some countries in Asia. Malaysia, itself depend on tourism in its nation growth. In Asia, country like Malaysia has benefited a lot from the development of its tourism industry. The developments of tourism in Asia are differing amongst countries. Natural disaster such as air pollution, floods and earthquake will bring an effect on the ...

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Customer Satisfaction for Chinese Restaurants in the US

19 Feb 2018

17 (6,697 )

Introduction: Aim of Project: Perception of Chinese restaurant in the U.S: What affects customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions? Objectives: To analyse the customer's behavioural intentions for Chinese restaurant in U.S. To analyse the perception of Chinese restaurant in the U.S. To evaluate and analyse what affects customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions. The United States is a multicultural and multiethnic nation and this ...

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Communications Strategy for Bihar Tourism

19 Feb 2018

36 (14,037 )

Executive Summary Places must decide on not only how many tourists they want and how to balance tourism with other industries or strategies but also what kind of tourists they want. The choices will be constrained, of course, by the place's climate, natural topography and resources, history, culture and facilities. Like any other business, tourist marketers must know the actual and potential customers, their needs and ...

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Analysis of Hospitality Industry in Mauritius

19 Feb 2018

8 (2,948 )

2.1 Definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CSR has been defined as the duty of the organization to respect individuals' rights and promote human welfare in its operations (Manakkalathil and Rudolf, 1995; Oppewal et al., 2006). Businesses not only have the economic responsibility of being profitable and the legal responsibility to follow the laws or ground rules that guide their ability to achieve their economic requirements, ...

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