Tests of Significance: Uses and Limitations

19 Feb 2018

34 (13,333 )

Abstract Statistical tools are undoubtedly important in decision making. The use of these tools in everyday problems has led to a number of discoveries, conclusions and enhancement of knowledge. This ranges from direct calculations using general statistical formulas to formulas integrated in Statistical software to fasten the process of decision making. Statistical tools for testing hypothesis, significance tests are strong but only if used correctly and ...

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Data Pre-processing Tool

19 Feb 2018

37 (14,782 )

Chapter- 2 Real life data rarely comply with the necessities of various data mining tools. It is usually inconsistent and noisy. It may contain redundant attributes, unsuitable formats etc. Hence data has to be prepared vigilantly before the data mining actually starts. It is well known fact that success of a data mining algorithm is very much dependent on the quality of data processing. Data processing ...

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