Secularisation in Contemporary Ireland

20 Feb 2018

20 (7,766 )

This study will investigate whether, and in what ways secularisation is occurring in contemporary Ireland. Theories of secularisation, and arguments against the process, abound, and this is a hotly debated topic. How, and in what ways might secularisation be said to be taking place within a given society? This study will attempt to make a contribution to this debateby looking at the situation in Ireland. Attention ...

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Strength Training for Volleyball Players

20 Feb 2018

9 (3,348 )

The improvement of these abilities is quite important for a volleyball player, being the muscular strength many times the priority for the young athlete. Several studies have reported significant improvements in vertical jump following resistance training (Baker et al, 1994 ) and (Stone et al, 1981).The purpose of strength training for volleyball is not to build big muscles, but to develop the physical characteristics necessary to ...

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Physiotherapy Management of Lower Limb Tendonopathies

20 Feb 2018

31 (12,240 )

A Systematic Review of the physiotherapy management of lower limb tendonopathies Tendonitis is a condition which is comparatively commonly seen in various clinics. The largest cohort of patients tend to have developed their condition as a result of various sports-related activities but it is acknowledged that there is a substantial cohort of RSI sufferers and occupation-related forms of tendonitis. (Kader et al 2002) In this piece ...

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Urban Regeneration and Sports Stadiums

20 Feb 2018

25 (9,920 )

The use of sports stadia Urban regeneration of economically, socially, and culturally deprived areas has been a recognised priority in the UK for over twenty years. Current literature reveals that the most successful regeneration schemes incorporate both significant capital investment, usually anchored around some flagship development such as a sports facility, and social programmes to address the vocational, educational, and personal needs of individual residents of ...

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Perceived Effectiveness of Sports Massage Therapy

20 Feb 2018

28 (11,164 )

Massage therapy has been used ancient times. There is evidence that the Chinese used therapeutic massage more than 3,000 years ago. Massage has fallen in and out of favour over time. One of the newest forms of massage therapy is sports massage. Famous athletes have publicly expressed their great satisfaction with sports massage. They claim that it has increased their athletic performance and helped speed their ...

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Relative Age Effect in Football

20 Feb 2018

25 (9,668 )

Abstract The purpose of the study was to investigate the performance level at which birth date effects selection for performance pathways in English football, as well as examining whether coaches are currently implementing arrangements to limit the relative age effect. The study comprised of 2450 players from performance levels including community, grass root and academy. The birth dates of each player within every performance level were ...

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Effect of CR Supplementation on Athletic Performance

20 Feb 2018

22 (8,631 )

Introduction To succeed in a given sport at any level of competition, athletes must possess specific physiologic, psychologic, and biomechanic traits critical to success in that sport, but they must also receive optimal physical, mental, and biomechanical training to maximise this genetic potential (Williams, Kreider & Branch, 1999). However many athletes believe that the combination of genetic traits and optimal training alone are not sufficient to ...

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Biomechanical Differences: Male and Female Marathon Runner

19 Feb 2018

19 (7,264 )

More than by brain size or tool-making ability, the human species was set apart from its ancestors by the ability to jog mile after lung-stabbing mile with greater endurance than any other primate." The introductory quotation (Hotz, 2004) simply, yet vividly, expresses the results of a recent study completed by two American scientists, Dennis Bramble and Daniel Lieberman, and released in the journal Nature(2004). Bramble and ...

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Comparison of Adidas and Nike Footwear

19 Feb 2018

41 (16,151 )

COMPARITIVE STUDY OF Brand of Leading Footwear Giants With special reference to Adidas and Nike ABSTRACT BRANDING The 1980s marked a turning point in the competition of brands. Management came to ralise that the principlal asset of a company was in fact its brand names. The brand is not the product but it gives the product meaning and defines its identity in both time and space. ...

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Effect of Globalization and Commercialization on Sports

19 Feb 2018

8 (3,192 )

“ Critically evaluate how globalizing and commercial forces have influenced sports generally and football especially. You should also include in your analysis the influence of globilization and commercialization on the management and governance of organizations in light of Stewart and Smith’s (1999) unique features of sport. You should discuss the implications of these changes on the management of sporting organizations. You must be critical rather than ...

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