Psychological Effects of Imprisonment on Young Offenders

20 Feb 2018

19 (7,347 )

The aim of this dissertation is to examine the claim of authors such as Harrington and Bailey (2005) that a substantial proportion of young offenders in the UK suffer from severe mental illness. In accepting this claim, the secondary aim of this paper is to glean a greater understanding of why this is the case; do these offenders acquire mental illness as a result of the ...

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Support Networks For Young Homeless People

20 Feb 2018

33 (12,803 )

The support network of leaving care and statutory homeless young people 16 and 17 years old living in homeless hostels Contents 1. Introduction 2. “Legal” literature 2.1. Youth homelessness in England 2.2. Housing provision for 16/17 years old homeless young people 2.3. Leaving care 3. “Psychological” literature 3.1. Social networks 4. Methodology 4.1. Methodology 4.2. Construction of the interview 4.3. Procedure 4.4. The pilot study ...

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Gender Differences in the Workforce

20 Feb 2018

29 (11,331 )

The contention that women’s roles in having a career results in the creation of a problem with regard to them achieving a balance between their work and lives finds its roots in the rights and equality issues women have faced throughout the ages. The subject is not a contemporary one, although this tends to be the common perception due to scant references to resources dating back ...

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Gender Divisions and Differences in Work

20 Feb 2018

22 (8,718 )

Today, women have gained a new equality with men. This perspective is indisputable’ This review explores the contemporary literature on the theme of ‘women and work’ in the light of the suggestion that women have indisputably gained a new equality with men. Overwhelming evidence has been found for the persistence of gender inequalities which work to disadvantage women in the context of work, including domestic work, ...

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Looked After Children and Access to Tertiary Education

20 Feb 2018

11 (4,227 )

This dissertation has used a historical timeline of Governmental changes to policies and laws as a background to describe the evolving importance of looked after children and education. This framework was chosen because of the amount of changes to policy and law and to clarify in more detail how they connected to corresponding law and policy. Prior to the mid 1980's very little research was conducted ...

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Evolution of Community Kitchens

20 Feb 2018

28 (11,051 )

Abstract Community kitchen, as a concept is critical for ensuring the food security of the vulnerable population. It is a gathering point where groups of people come together to pool their resources to cook large quantities of food. The main focus of this research thesis is to understand the concept of community kitchens and their operation in different social settings. This research also aims to understand ...

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Reflection on Systems Theory Intervention

20 Feb 2018

16 (6,086 )

The aim of this assignment is to analyse my intervention with a service user and her family whilst on my 80-day placement. Whilst on placement I critically explored the social work value base, having demonstrated how I worked within the framework of the social work process. I used a variety of intervention methods, however, I am going to examine the effectiveness of one method in detail, ...

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Runaway Children: Causes and Strategies for Protection

20 Feb 2018

32 (12,445 )

Abstract Surprisingly there is less knowledge to our public of the significance of runaway children and their problems particularly in less developed Asian countries which include Pakistan. A general statistics collected by the police department which is not an exact estimate and this wrong data might lead to this problem being intense. Subsequently, with elapsing time this problem is becoming more serious due to deteriorating financial ...

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Effects of Parental Bereavement in Childhood

20 Feb 2018

17 (6,651 )

The aim of this study is to present a general overview of the evidence base in relation to the effects of parental bereavement in childhood.  The primary focus is upon research conducted during the past ten years, the available commentary and key theoretical ideas on the topic, notably from Bowlby (1969; 1980), Parkes (1986) and Worden (2003) together with an outline of the contemporary information and ...

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Human Trafficking Legal Provisions and Government Responses

20 Feb 2018

8 (2,906 )

1. The trafficking of women, drugs and diamonds involve huge numbers of individuals and groups, there is a higher degree of transnationalism and trade patterns are very complex. There are thousands of human traffickers operating independently within relatively hierarchical groups and exploit tens of thousands of women and girls often in cross border operations that violate countries sovereignty. Under international law governments are obligated to protect ...

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Effectiveness of Support for Children in Homeless Families

20 Feb 2018

16 (6,061 )

The whole issue of parents and children in need is a vast, complex and ethically challenging one. This review is specifically charged with an examination of those issues which impinge upon the stresses and strains that are experienced by parents of children in need. A superficial examination of these issues that are involved in this particular area would suggest that there are a number of “sub-texts ...

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Impact of Feminism on Social Work Practice

20 Feb 2018

15 (5,834 )

The emergence of feminism and its impact on social work practice This research considers the application of feminist thought in social work practise. Specific areas of consideration include the gap from social workers’ personal acceptance of feminist constructs and their use of such constructs in daily practise, the effects of perpetuation of hegemonic gender roles by social workers, and domestic violence victims perceptions of the effectiveness ...

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Enjo Kosai Girls: Identity Confusion

20 Feb 2018

6 (2,038 )

INTRODUCTION The term 'enjo kosai' has appeared prevalently at Hong Kong in around October 2007, after a local newspaper reported that girls dating for compensation and branded product. However, the seriousness of the problem was not addressed until a 16-year-old enjo kosai girl was killed and dismembered by a 24-year-old man who was a drug abuser in July 2009. This incident aroused huge social concern towards ...

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Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

20 Feb 2018

11 (4,263 )

The effects of domestic violence on children and how they could be protected 2. Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction This thesis highlights the instances of domestic violence at home and its effects on children. The social, psychological, physical and emotional impact of domestic violence could be studied from a broad perspective although domestic violence has a significant effect on children and especially in their psychological development and ...

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Child Abuse Interventions Within Black African Families

20 Feb 2018

37 (14,500 )

Introduction Child abuse within Black African families is an important topic which has been given extensive attention in British social work research and literature to date. However, only a limited research on child abuse in African families have really considered the impact of socio-economic factors on social work interventions since the inception of the Children Act 1989 (England and Wales). Now the question is why is ...

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