Top and Bottom Down Approaches in Research

20 Feb 2018

25 (9,640 )

1.1 Introduction: The theoretical challenge of managed environments General works in the field of development studies or environmental management typically imitate structural, institutional and political economy analyses. This dissertation however focuses on the theoretical and methodological foundations of an actor-oriented, process-based and social constructionist form of analysis. It also aims to show the usefulness of such an approach for providing new insights into critical areas of ...

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Social and Economic Impact of Tuberculosis

20 Feb 2018

29 (11,535 )

Introduction Overview Tuberculosis is a common and infectious communicable disease that is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is of two principle kinds: pulmonary TB, which usually attacks the lungs, and extra-pulmonary TB, which attacks any part of the body, such as: the lymphatic, pleural, bone and/or joint, genitourinary, miliary, peritoneal, meninges and/or central nervous system (CNS), and all other sites combined. Pulmonary TB sometimes combined with ...

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Effect of Supplier Management Procurement on Public Sectors

20 Feb 2018

26 (10,279 )

One: Introduction Best Value (BV) was introduced into the public sector in 1998, announced through the government’s white paper "Modern Local Government in Touch with the People". This paper introduced extensive reform to local government, including the new initiative of BV. Within this BV is the e-Government, Community Planning, Strategic Partnerships and new political management structures (White Paper 1998). BV replaced the system of Compulsory Competitive ...

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Relationship Between Childhood Well-being and Poverty

20 Feb 2018

26 (10,259 )

Introduction This paper explores the relationship between childhood well-being and poverty. Using structural equation modelling a multidimensional picture of child well-being is developed which is linked to previous work on multidimensional poverty indicators at household level (Tomlinson et al. forthcoming). Following a brief literature review of childhood poverty and well-being research, there follows an analysis of several waves of the British Household Panel Study – a ...

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Arguments For and Against Euthanasia

20 Feb 2018

31 (12,030 )

Euthanasia: Whose decision is it??? I. Introduction In a 1988 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, an article titled "It's Over Debbie" describes how an anonymous doctor administers a fatal dose of morphine to a woman dying of ovarian cancer (Anonymous, 1988). In a 1989 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, ten doctors associated with the nation's leading hospitals and medical ...

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Barriers to Dutch Infrastructural Project Planning

20 Feb 2018

17 (6,510 )

Interactive planning of Dutch infrastructural project A case-description of Mainport Schiphol and the A12 national expressway Interactive Planning of Sustainability 1. Introduction Since the beginning of the ‘90s, the implementation of new infrastructural projects in The Netherlands became increasingly problematic. Related environmental issues had a lot of societal attention. The Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, responsible for maintaining a high quality of ...

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Women's Democracatisation and Democracy in India

20 Feb 2018

37 (14,762 )

Problematising Democracatisation and Democracy in India Visions of political development demands/desires democracy and participation as innate to its discourse. Development in this sense thus needs democratic decisions making, informed and active civil society and inclusive political structure to reach its goal. In the Indian context the process of democratization with inclusive participation is desired through the 73rd- 74th amendment Act of Indian constitution, 1992. The Act ...

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Citizen Service Centres (KEP): Perceptions of Customers

20 Feb 2018

26 (10,015 )

1. Introduction 1.1 Importance of the Research According to the philosophical bases of marketing customer wants satisfaction. As the consumer is the key for a firm, the voter is the central element for a government or party (Lock and Harri,1996).In this context the citizen - voter wants satisfaction and searching his satisfaction from the services that are offered to him is ‘‘ a lens through which ...

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